Version 82.

His Dad [09-18-23 - 06:45]
Version 82.
Simplified World Boss and Skill Quest Code. A lot faster and a lot Simpler. 3.5 Sec Vs 30s to start.
Found some missing Quests.

Signed-off-by: His Dad <>
Screenshots/Skill Quests.jpg
Screenshots/World Bosses.jpg
diff --git a/Doc/Changelog.txt b/Doc/Changelog.txt
index 28a268e..40fe975 100644
--- a/Doc/Changelog.txt
+++ b/Doc/Changelog.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+Version 82
+Simplified World Boss and Skill Quest Code. A lot faster and a lot Simpler. 3.5 Sec Vs 30s to start.
+Found some missing Quests.
 Version 81
 Version 81-beta2
diff --git a/HistOffline.lua b/HistOffline.lua
index 542765f..a068f6c 100644
--- a/HistOffline.lua
+++ b/HistOffline.lua
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ end

 -- ========================
-version= "81"
+version= "82"
 require( "iuplua" )
 require( "iupluacontrols" )

@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ dofile "./Prog/utility.lua"		-- utility functions
 dofile "./Prog/Strings.lua"		-- String Handling

-dofile "./data/keys.lua"
 dofile "./data/DLC_Grp.lua"
 dofile "./data/DLC.lua"
 dofile "./data/Group1.lua"		-- Grp Mode 1 data, N, V, VH
@@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ log("Data Files loaded Ok")
 -- Uncomment when need to run.

 lingua= {}		-- Translated data
 load_lang = function (lang)
 	if lingua[lang] ~= nil
@@ -96,10 +95,46 @@ load_lang = function (lang)
 	lingua[lang].L = L
 	lingua[lang].Ach_Detail = Ach_Detail

+--Do this once at start up
+	log("Add WB to Area_names table.")
+	--Add all WB to Area_name so we can get them by Area in one pass.
+	--Wb_Dat  [197] = {Area=1},		--Shipwreck Strand
+	--Area_Names  [16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+	--Becomes [16]={ name="Coldharbor", WB[1]=ACH_ID},
+	for Ach,Data in pairs(WB_dat) do
+		if Area_names[Data.Area] == nil then
+			print("Error: with WB_Dat. Area ".. Data.Area .. " Not in Area_names. Ach = " .. Ach)
+            break
+		end
+		local Area = Area_names[Data.Area]
+		if Area.WB == nil then Area.WB={} end
+		table.insert(Area.WB,Ach)
+	end
+	log("Add SQ to Area_names table.")
+	--Add all SQ to Area_name so we can get them by Area in one pass.
+	--SQ_Dat [201] = {Area=1, ["link1"] ="" },
+	--Area_Names  [16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+	--Becomes [16]={ name="Coldharbor", SQ[1]=ACH_ID},
+	for Ach,Data in pairs(SQ_dat) do
+		if Area_names[Data.Area] == nil then
+			print("Error: with SQ_Dat. Area ".. Data.Area .. " Not in Area_names. Ach = " .. Ach)
+			break
+		end
+		local Area = Area_names[Data.Area]
+		if Area.SQ == nil then Area.SQ={} end
+		table.insert(Area.SQ,Ach)
+	end

 accounts_list = {}		-- String list for selection dialog
 playerNames = {}		-- Get name from ID.

@@ -140,6 +175,7 @@ for acc,_ in pairs(History_SV["Default"]) do

 -- Load Character Data
 	log("Starting player Load.")
 	for playerID, _ in pairs(History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"]) do
@@ -451,19 +487,14 @@ load_visibility()
 		Line= Line +1
 -- Create WorldBoss Achievements Box==========================
 		log("Starting WB Box")
-		me.WB_box= Location_Box()
-		log("Starting to popluate WB Box")
-		Populate_Dat(me.WB_box, WB_dat,me.ach)
-		log("Done WB Box")
+		me.WB_box= Location_Box("WB")

 -- Create SkillQuest Achievements Box==========================
-		me.SQ_box= Location_Box()
-		log("Starting to popluate SQ Box")
-		Populate_Dat(me.SQ_box, SQ_dat,me.ach)
+		log("Starting SQ Box")
+		me.SQ_box= Location_Box("SQ")
 		log("Done SQ Box")

 --========== DLC
@@ -655,20 +686,17 @@ load_visibility()
 		iup.Append(me.data_tabs, iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.WBosses,
-												iup.label{title=L.WB_Detail},
-												me.WB_box.Detail_zbox,

 		iup.Append(me.data_tabs, iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.SkillQuests,
-												iup.label{title=L.SQ_Detail},
-												me.SQ_box.Detail_zbox,

 		iup.Append(me.data_tabs, iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] ="DLC2",
diff --git a/Prog/utility.lua b/Prog/utility.lua
index 93ea90c..848843f 100644
--- a/Prog/utility.lua
+++ b/Prog/utility.lua
@@ -200,174 +200,85 @@ end

 --Run through Location data to get the info needed to dimension the WB and SQ boxes
+--Columns are AreaName, Name, Description
+-- parameter "name is Either WB or SQ
 Location_Box = function (name)

 	log("Location Box ")
 	local cols = {}
 	local lines = {}
-	local Areas = {}
-	--Summarise
-	for i,entry in ipairs(Locations2Key) do
-		if lines[entry.L] == nil then  lines[entry.L] = true end
-		if cols[entry.C] == nil then  cols[entry.C] = entry.Area end	-- Note the Area for the Col
-		if Areas[entry.Area] == nil then  Areas[entry.Area] = true end
-	end
-	--[[
-	print("Cols:  " .. tostring(#cols))
-	print("Lines: " .. #lines)
-	print("Areas: " .. #Areas)
-	--]]
 	local return_t = iup.matrix{}
+	if name == "WB" then
+		for Area,Data in pairs(Area_names) do
+			if Data.WB ~= nil then
+				for _,Ach in ipairs (Data.WB) do
+					table.insert(lines,{Area=Area, Ach=Ach})
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return_t.numcol=3
+    end
+	if name == "SQ" then   -- Extra Column
+		for Area,Data in pairs(Area_names) do
+			if Data.SQ ~= nil then
+				for _,Ach in ipairs (Data.SQ) do
+					table.insert(lines,{Area=Area, Ach=Ach, Link='"' .. SQ_dat[Ach].link1 .. '"'})
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		return_t.numcol=4
+    end
-	return_t.numcol=#cols
-	return_t.widthdef=100     -- Not detail..

 	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "READONLY", "YES")
 	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "ALIGNMENT0", "ACENTER")
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "WIDTH1", 80)	-- Location
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "WIDTH2", 110)	-- Name
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "WIDTH3", 350)   -- Description
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "WIDTH4", 250)   -- Link	SQ Only
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "ALIGNMENT3", "ALEFT")
+	iup.SetAttribute(return_t, "ALIGNMENT4", "ALEFT")
 	-- Set Headings
-	for col, Area in ipairs (cols) do
-	--	print("Col:  " .. col .. ",  Area:  "  .. Area )
-		return_t:setcell(0,col, Area_names[Area].long)
-	--	print("Set Heading: " .. Area_names[Area].long)
-	end
+	return_t:setcell(0,0, L.Ach_ID)
+	return_t:setcell(0,1, L.Location)
+	return_t:setcell(0,2, L.Achievement)

 	--Set Lines
-	return_t:setcell(0,0, L.Zone)
-	for line,_ in ipairs(lines) do
-		return_t:setcell(line,0, tostring(line))
-	--	iup.SetAttribute(return_t,  "FGCOLOR*:".. tostring(line), FG_Colour_Not_Complete)
-	--	iup.SetAttribute(return_t,  "BGCOLOR*:".. tostring(line), BG_Colour_Not_Complete)
-	end
-	--optionally set Contents
-	if (type(name) ~= "string") then	return return_t end
---	get
-	return return_t
--- take WB_Dat or SQ_Dat, which are indexed on id and return array
--- lines_t = table[key]  of  {done,of ids{id=false, id=false}}    then we can scan and set id to true if found
-Reverse_Dat = function (dat_t,ids_t)
-	if type(dat_t) ~= "table" then
-		print("Reverse_Dat dat_t is not a table.")
-		return
-	end

-	if type(ids_t) ~= "table" then
-		print("Reverse_Dat ids_t is not a table.")
-		return
-	end
-	local lines_t = {}	-- accumulate as LC Key
-	for id, location_t in pairs (dat_t) do		--location is index into Locations2key and Locations2
-		if (Locations2Key[location_t.Location] ==nil) then
-			print("Reverse_dat")
-			print("Location " .. Location .. " not found in Locations2Key")
-			return
+	for line,Data in ipairs(lines) do
+		return_t:setcell(line,0, tostring(Data.Ach))
+		return_t:setcell(line,1, tostring(Area_names[Data.Area].name))
+		return_t:setcell(line,2, tostring(Ach_Detail[Data.Ach].name))
+		return_t:setcell(line,3, tostring(Ach_Detail[Data.Ach].description))
+		if Data.Link ~=nil  then
+			return_t:setcell(line,4, tostring(Data.Link))
+		end
+		if thischar.ach[Data.Ach] ~= nil then
+				iup.SetAttribute(return_t,  "BGCOLOR" .. tostring(line) .. ":*", BG_Colour_Complete)
+		else
+				iup.SetAttribute(return_t,  "BGCOLOR" .. tostring(line) .. ":*", BG_Colour_Not_Complete)

-		local key = Locations2Key[location_t.Location].key
-		local link= location_t["link1"] ~= nil
-		local gotid = (type(ids_t[id]) == "table")		-- do we have this achievement? nil is no. table is yes
-		if lines_t[key] == nil then	--	add new line
-			lines_t[key] = {}
-			lines_t[key].L = Locations2Key[location_t.Location].L
-			lines_t[key].C = Locations2Key[location_t.Location].C
-			lines_t[key].ids={}
-			lines_t[key].ids[id] = gotid
-			lines_t[key].of =1
-			lines_t[key].link=link		-- true if this key has Link1 (SQ)
-			if gotid then lines_t[key].done = 1 else lines_t[key].done = 0 end
+	end
+	function return_t:click_cb (Line,C)
+		if C == 4 then
+			iup.Help(self:getcell(Line,C))		-- Launch Browser
-			lines_t[key].ids[id] = gotid	--	add id to existing line
-			lines_t[key].of = lines_t[key].of + 1
-			if gotid then lines_t[key].done = lines_t[key].done + 1  end
+			return IUP_IGNORE
-	return lines_t
+	return return_t

-Populate_Dat = function(matrix, dat_t,ids_t)
-		local detail_box={}
-		local Rev = Reverse_Dat(dat_t,ids_t)
-		matrix.Detail_zbox = iup.zbox{}		-- to which we append detail_box[key]
-		for i,key_t  in ipairs (Locations2Key) do		--	{ key="1:1",L=1,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="Stonefalls"}
-			local name = Locations2[i].name
-			if name == nil then
-				print("Populate_Dat: Locations2[i].name returns nil for i: " .. i)
-				return
-			end
-			local line =Rev[key_t.key]
-			if line == nil then 	-- this is ok. Location without a WB or SQ
-			else
-				matrix:setcell(line.L,line.C,name .. " (" .. line.done .. "/" .. line.of .. ")")
-				if line.done == line.of then
-					iup.SetAttribute(matrix, "FGCOLOR" .. key_t.key , FG_Colour_Complete)  -- Yup
-					iup.SetAttribute(matrix, "BGCOLOR" .. key_t.key , BG_Colour_Complete)
-				end
-				if then
-					detail_box[key_t.key]=iup.matrix{numcol=3, numcol_visible=3,numlin=line.of}		--Detail box for that key "1:1"
-					detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(0,3, L.Link)
-					iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "WIDTH3", "200")
-					iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "ALIGNMENT3", "ALEFT")
-				else
-					detail_box[key_t.key]=iup.matrix{numcol=2, numcol_visible=2,numlin=line.of}		--Detail box for that key "1:1"
-				end
-				detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(0,0, L.Ach_ID)
-				detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(0,1, L.Name)
-				detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(0,2, L.Detail)
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "READONLY", "YES")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "ALIGNMENT0", "ACENTER")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "ALIGNMENTLIN0", "ALEFT")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "ALIGNMENT1", "ALEFT")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "ALIGNMENT2", "ALEFT")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "WIDTH0", "30")
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "WIDTH1", "170")		-- name
-				iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key], "WIDTH2", "400")        --Detail
-				-- Fill in the details
-				local j=1		--count the lines
-				for id,isdone in pairs (line.ids) do
-					if Ach_Detail[id] == nil then
-						name = "UNKN"
-						Desc = ""
-					else
-						name = Ach_Detail[id].name
-						Desc = Ach_Detail[id].description
-					end
-					detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(j,0,id)
-					detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(j,1, name)
-					detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(j,2, Desc)
-					if then
-						detail_box[key_t.key]:setcell(j,3, dat_t[id]["link1"])
-					end
-					if isdone then
-						iup.SetAttribute(detail_box[key_t.key],"BGCOLOR" .. tostring(j) .. ":*", BG_Colour_Complete)		-- Yes
-					end
-					j=j+1
-				end

-				local thisDetail =detail_box[key_t.key]
-				function thisDetail:click_cb (L,C)
-					if C == 3 then
-						iup.Help(self:getcell(L,C))		-- Launch Browser
-					else
-						return IUP_IGNORE
-					end
-				end
-				iup.Append(matrix.Detail_zbox, detail_box[key_t.key])
-			end
-		end
-		function matrix:enteritem_cb(L,C)
-			matrix.Detail_zbox.value = detail_box[tostring(L) ..":" .. tostring(C)]
-		end

 append=function (destination_t,source_t)
 --takes 2 arrays. source_t is appended to destination_t
diff --git a/Screenshots/Skill Quests.jpg b/Screenshots/Skill Quests.jpg
index f53010a..ab0159b 100644
Binary files a/Screenshots/Skill Quests.jpg and b/Screenshots/Skill Quests.jpg differ
diff --git a/Screenshots/World Bosses.jpg b/Screenshots/World Bosses.jpg
index abcaa08..78c260d 100644
Binary files a/Screenshots/World Bosses.jpg and b/Screenshots/World Bosses.jpg differ
diff --git a/data/DLC_Grp.lua b/data/DLC_Grp.lua
index d12e123..45380d7 100644
--- a/data/DLC_Grp.lua
+++ b/data/DLC_Grp.lua
@@ -115,4 +115,5 @@ ={

 3529,	-- () Scrivener's Hall Vanquisher,  Defeat Riftmaster Naqri, Ozezan the Inferno, and Valinna in Scrivener's Hall.
 3530,	-- (Veteran) Scrivener's Hall Conqueror,  Defeat Riftmaster Naqri, Ozezan the Inferno, and Valinna in Veteran Scrivener's Hall.
diff --git a/data/Quest.lua b/data/Quest.lua
index e48549d..ace3f31 100644
--- a/data/Quest.lua
+++ b/data/Quest.lua
@@ -1,221 +1,188 @@
---[[  Taken from Locations2 (en)   for reference
-{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
-{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
-{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
-{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
-{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
-{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
-{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
-{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
-{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
-{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
-{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},	--16
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},	--17
-{ name="Thieves Guild"},	--18
-{ name="Imperial City"},	--19
-{ name="VVardenfell"},	--20
-{ name="Orsinium"},--21
-{ name="Clockwork City"},	--22
-{ name="Summerset"},	--23
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--26
-The Vampire Scholar

 --Quests that have skill points
 SQ_dat = {
---["11"] = StoneFalls
-[201] = {Location=1, ["link1"] ="" },
-[204] = {Location=1, ["link1"] = ""},
-[209] = {Location=1, ["link1"] = ""},
+-- StoneFalls
+[201] = {Area=1, ["link1"] ="" },
+[204] = {Area=1, ["link1"] = ""},
+[209] = {Area=1, ["link1"] = ""},

-[363] = {Location=2, ["link1"] = ""},
-[365] = {Location=2, ["link1"] = ""},
-[364] = {Location=2, ["link1"] = ""},
+[363] = {Area=2, ["link1"] = ""},
+[365] = {Area=2, ["link1"] = ""},
+[364] = {Area=2, ["link1"] = ""},

-[950] = {Location=3, ["link1"] = ""},
-[185] = {Location=3, ["link1"] = "" },
-[184] = {Location=3, ["link1"] =""},
+[950] = {Area=3, ["link1"] = ""},
+[185] = {Area=3, ["link1"] = "" },
+[184] = {Area=3, ["link1"] =""},

---["41"] = "Eastmarch",
-[599] = {Location=4, ["link1"] = ""},
-[597] = {Location=4, ["link1"] = ""},
-[598] = {Location=4, ["link1"] = ",_One_King" },
+[599] = {Area=4, ["link1"] = ""},
+[597] = {Area=4, ["link1"] = ""},
+[598] = {Area=4, ["link1"] = ",_One_King" },

---["51"] the Rift
-[336] = {Location=5, ["link1"] = ""},
-[337] = {Location=5, ["link1"] = "" },
-[335] = {Location=5, ["link1"] = ""},
+-- the Rift
+[336] = {Area=5, ["link1"] = ""},
+[337] = {Area=5, ["link1"] = "" },
+[335] = {Area=5, ["link1"] = ""},

-[31] = {Location=6, ["link1"] = ""},   --v
-[28] = {Location=6, ["link1"] = ""},
-[30] = {Location=6, ["link1"] = ""},
+[31] = {Area=6, ["link1"] = ""},   --v
+[28] = {Area=6, ["link1"] = ""},
+[30] = {Area=6, ["link1"] = ""},

---["22"] = "Stormhaven"

-[155] = {Location=7,["link1"] = ""};
-[154] = {Location=7,["link1"] = ""},
-[156] = {Location=7,["link1"] = ""},
+[155] = {Area=7,["link1"] = ""};
+[154] = {Area=7,["link1"] = ""},
+[156] = {Area=7,["link1"] = ""},

-[589] = {Location=8, ["link1"] = "" },
-[590] = {Location=8, ["link1"] = "" },
-[591] = {Location=8, ["link1"] = ""},
+[589] = {Area=8, ["link1"] = "" },
+[590] = {Area=8, ["link1"] = "" },
+[591] = {Area=8, ["link1"] = ""},

 --Alik'r Desert
-[517]	={Location=9, ["link1"] = "" },
-[518]	={Location=9, ["link1"] = ""},
-[516]	={Location=9, ["link1"] = ""},
+[517]	={Area=9, ["link1"] = "" },
+[518]	={Area=9, ["link1"] = ""},
+[516]	={Area=9, ["link1"] = ""},

---["52"] = "Bangkorai",
-[145]	={Location=10,	["link1"] = ""},
-[146]	={Location=10,	["link1"] = "" },
-[147]	={Location=10,	["link1"] = ""},
+[145]	={Area=10,	["link1"] = ""},
+[146]	={Area=10,	["link1"] = "" },
+[147]	={Area=10,	["link1"] = ""},

---["13"] = "Auridon",
-[360]	={Location=11, ["link1"] = ""},
-[362]	={Location=11, ["link1"] = ""},
-[361]	={Location=11, ["link1"] = ""},
+-- "Auridon",
+[360]	={Area=11, ["link1"] = ""},
+[362]	={Area=11, ["link1"] = ""},
+[361]	={Area=11, ["link1"] = ""},

---["23"] = "Grahtwood",
-[605] = {Location=12, ["link1"] = ""},
-[606] = {Location=12, ["link1"] = "" },
-[607] = {Location=12, ["link1"] = "" },
+[605] = {Area=12, ["link1"] = ""},
+[606] = {Area=12, ["link1"] = "" },
+[607] = {Area=12, ["link1"] = "" },

---["33"] = "Greenshade",
-[511] = {Location=13, ["link1"] = ""},
---[945] = {Location=13, ["link1"] = ""},   -- Striking is a composite of 3 quests
-[512] = {Location=13, ["link1"] = ""},      -- Achievement granting skill pt is Valenwood Protector
-[510] = {Location=13, ["link1"] = ""},
+[511] = {Area=13, ["link1"] = ""},
+--[945] = {Area=13, ["link1"] = ""},   -- Striking is a composite of 3 quests
+[512] = {Area=13, ["link1"] = ""},      -- Achievement granting skill pt is Valenwood Protector
+[510] = {Area=13, ["link1"] = ""},

 -- Malabal-Tor
-[284] = {Location=14, ["link1"] = ""},
-[283] = {Location=14, ["link1"] = ""},
+[284] = {Area=14, ["link1"] = ""},
+[283] = {Area=14, ["link1"] = ""},
 ---- Has no Achievement
-[99999999] = {Location=14, ["link1"] = ""},
+--[99999999] = {Area=14, ["link1"] = ""},

 --Reapers march
-[538] = {Location=15, ["link1"] = ""},
-[536] = {Location=15,["link1"] = ""},
-[537] = {Location=15,["link1"] = "" },
+[538] = {Area=15, ["link1"] = ""},
+[536] = {Area=15, ["link1"] = ""},
+[537] = {Area=15, ["link1"] = "" },

-[613] = {Location=16, ["link1"] = ""},
-[614] = {Location=16, ["link1"] = ""},
-[612] = {Location=16, ["link1"] = ""},
+[613] = {Area=16, ["link1"] = ""},
+[614] = {Area=16, ["link1"] = ""},
+[612] = {Area=16, ["link1"] = ""},

-[1436] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Signed in Blood  "Dark Initiate", "Complete the \"Signed in Blood\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1438] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Lesson in Silence	 "Sermonizer Subduer","Complete the \"A Lesson in Silence\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1439] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Questions of Faith	"Brethren Benefactor", "Complete the \"Questions of Faith\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1440] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Special Request"Assassin", "Complete the \"A Special Request\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1441] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	--	Dark Revelations  "Dark Discovery", "Complete the \"Dark Revelations\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1442] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Ghost from the Past  "Dark Investigator","Complete the \"A Ghost from the Past\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
---[1443] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},		-- The Wrath of Sithis "Wrath of Sithis", "Complete \"The Wrath of Sithis\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
-[1444] = {Location=17, ["link1"] = ""},	--	"Silencer", Filling the Void "Complete the \"Filling the Void\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+--Gold Coast Brotherhood
+[1436] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Signed in Blood  "Dark Initiate", "Complete the \"Signed in Blood\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1438] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Lesson in Silence	 "Sermonizer Subduer","Complete the \"A Lesson in Silence\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1439] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Questions of Faith	"Brethren Benefactor", "Complete the \"Questions of Faith\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1440] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Special Request"Assassin", "Complete the \"A Special Request\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1441] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	--	Dark Revelations  "Dark Discovery", "Complete the \"Dark Revelations\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1442] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- A Ghost from the Past  "Dark Investigator","Complete the \"A Ghost from the Past\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1443] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},		-- The Wrath of Sithis "Wrath of Sithis", "Complete \"The Wrath of Sithis\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",
+[1444] = {Area=20, ["link1"] = ""},	--	"Silencer", Filling the Void "Complete the \"Filling the Void\" Dark Brotherhood quest in the Gold Coast.",

--- TG
-[1360] = {Location=18, ["link1"] =	 ""}, 	--Cleaning House	 "Always Travel Separately",  "Complete quest \"Cleaning House\" in Hew's Bane.",
-[1370] = {Location=18, ["link1"] = ""},	--The Long Game	 "Iron Wheel Infiltration", "Complete quest \"The Long Game\" in Hew's Bane.",
-[1361] = {Location=18, ["link1"] = ",_Ever_Steal_From_the_Guild"},	--	"Never, Ever Steal From the Guild", "Complete quest \"A Flawless Plan\" in Hew's Bane.",
---[1362] = {Location=18, ["link1"] = ""},	--"Wedding Crashers", "Complete quest \"Forever Hold Your Peace\" in Hew's Bane.",
-[1363] = {Location=18, ["link1"] = ""},	-- "Broken Wheel",  "Complete quest \"Prison Break\" in Hew's Bane.",
+-- TG Hews Bane
+[1360] = {Area=19, ["link1"] = ""}, 	--Cleaning House	 "Always Travel Separately",  "Complete quest \"Cleaning House\" in Hew's Bane.",
+[1370] = {Area=19, ["link1"] = ""},	--The Long Game	 "Iron Wheel Infiltration", "Complete quest \"The Long Game\" in Hew's Bane.",
+[1361] = {Area=19, ["link1"] = ",_Ever_Steal_From_the_Guild"},	--	"Never, Ever Steal From the Guild", "Complete quest \"A Flawless Plan\" in Hew's Bane.",
+[1362] = {Area=19, ["link1"] = ""},	--"Wedding Crashers", "Complete quest \"Forever Hold Your Peace\" in Hew's Bane.",
+[1363] = {Area=19, ["link1"] = ""},	-- "Broken Wheel",  "Complete quest \"Prison Break\" in Hew's Bane.",

 -- IC
-[1175] = {Location=19, ["link1"] = ""},	--"The Sublime Protector",
+[1175] = {Area=21, ["link1"] = ""},	--"The Sublime Protector",

-[1870] = {Location=20, ["link1"] = ""},	--"Naryu's Confidant"  Family Reunion
-[1869] = {Location=20, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Heart of a Telvanni
-[1852] = {Location=20, ["link1"] = ""},	--Champion of Vivec
+[1870] = {Area=25, ["link1"] = ""},	--"Naryu's Confidant"  Family Reunion
+[1869] = {Area=25, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Heart of a Telvanni
+[1852] = {Area=25, ["link1"] = ""},	--Champion of Vivec

---next Column
--- Orsinium
-[1325] = {Location=21, ["link1"] = ""},	--	A King-Sized Problem  "Orc King's Councilor","Complete quest \"A King-Sized Problem\" in Wrothgar.",
-[1326] = {Location=21, ["link1"] = ""},	--	The Anger of a King "Orc King's Marshal","Complete quest \"The Anger of a King\" in Wrothgar.",
-[1327] = {Location=21, ["link1"] = ""},	--Blood on a King's Hands	 "Orc King's Conqueror",  "Complete quest \"Blood on a King's Hands\" in Wrothgar.",
+-- Wrothgar
+[1325] = {Area=18, ["link1"] = ""},	--	A King-Sized Problem  "Orc King's Councilor","Complete quest \"A King-Sized Problem\" in Wrothgar.",
+[1326] = {Area=18, ["link1"] = ""},	--	The Anger of a King "Orc King's Marshal","Complete quest \"The Anger of a King\" in Wrothgar.",
+[1327] = {Area=18, ["link1"] = ""},	--Blood on a King's Hands	 "Orc King's Conqueror",  "Complete quest \"Blood on a King's Hands\" in Wrothgar.",

-[2050] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	--To The Clockwork City	 "Land of Gears and Cogs","Complete the \"To the Clockwork City\" quest.",
-[2058] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	-- In Search of a Sponsor	"Clockwork Citizen","Complete the \"In Search of a Sponsor\" quest.",
-[2059] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Strangeness of Seht	"Smoke and Mirrors","Complete the \"The Strangeness of Seht\" quest.",
-[2060] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Deepening Shadows "Middle-Man", "Complete the \"Deepening Shadows\" quest.",
-[2061] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Lost in the Gloam "Birds of a Feather","Complete the \"Lost in the Gloam\" quest.",
-[2062] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Unto the Dark	"Shadow Boxing", "Complete the \"Unto the Dark\" quest.",
-[2063] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	--Where Shadows Lie		The Real Sotha Sil" "Complete the \"Where Shadows Lie\" quest.",
-[2064] = {Location=22, ["link1"] = ""},	--  The Light of Knowledge "The Burden of Knowledge", "Complete the \"The Light of Knowledge\" quest.",
+[2050] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	--To The Clockwork City	 "Land of Gears and Cogs","Complete the \"To the Clockwork City\" quest.",
+[2058] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	-- In Search of a Sponsor	"Clockwork Citizen","Complete the \"In Search of a Sponsor\" quest.",
+[2059] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Strangeness of Seht	"Smoke and Mirrors","Complete the \"The Strangeness of Seht\" quest.",
+[2060] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Deepening Shadows "Middle-Man", "Complete the \"Deepening Shadows\" quest.",
+[2061] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Lost in the Gloam "Birds of a Feather","Complete the \"Lost in the Gloam\" quest.",
+[2062] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Unto the Dark	"Shadow Boxing", "Complete the \"Unto the Dark\" quest.",
+[2063] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	--Where Shadows Lie		The Real Sotha Sil" "Complete the \"Where Shadows Lie\" quest.",
+[2064] = {Area=29, ["link1"] = ""},	--  The Light of Knowledge "The Burden of Knowledge", "Complete the \"The Light of Knowledge\" quest.",

-[2203] = {Location=23, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Buried Memories   "Mind Games", "Complete the \"Buried Memories\" quest.",
-[2206] = {Location=23, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Lost in Translation "Unreliable Narrator", "Complete the \"Lost in Translation\" quest.",
-[2208] = {Location=23, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Crystal Tower What Must Be Done", "Complete the \"The Crystal Tower\" quest.",
+[2203] = {Area=27, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Buried Memories   "Mind Games", "Complete the \"Buried Memories\" quest.",
+[2206] = {Area=27, ["link1"] = ""},	-- Lost in Translation "Unreliable Narrator", "Complete the \"Lost in Translation\" quest.",
+[2208] = {Area=27, ["link1"] = ""},	-- The Crystal Tower What Must Be Done", "Complete the \"The Crystal Tower\" quest.",

 --Murkmire None
-[2333] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Sunken Treasure\" quest.",
-[2334] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Missing in Murkmire\" quest.",
-[2335] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Whispers in the Wood\" quest.",
-[2336] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},		--
-[2337] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},
-[2338] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},
-[2338] = {Location=24, ["link1"] =	""},
-[2482] = {Location=25, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Tharn's Aide-de-Camp,  Complete the "Rage of Dragons" quest in Northern Elsweyr.
-[2485] = {Location=25, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Rimmen Revolution,  Complete the "Two Queens" quest in Northern Elsweyr.
-[2488] = {Location=25, ["link1"] = ""},        -- (Quests) Moonwalker,  Complete the "Jode's Core" quest in Northern Elsweyr.
-[2596] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Lair Locator,  Complete the "The Dragon's Lair" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2597] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Khenarthi's Guidance,  Complete the "Uneasy Alliances" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2598] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Infiltrating the New Moon,  Complete the "Order of the New Moon" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2599] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Halls of the Highmane,  Complete the "Pride of Alkosh" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2600] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""}, 	-- (Quests) Return of the Dragonguard,  Complete "The Dragonguard" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2602] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) The Dragon's Wrath,  Complete the "Dark Aeon" quest in Southern Elsweyr, which becomes available after completing the main questlines in Elsweyr and Dragonhold.
-[2603] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Fall of the Dark Aeon,  Complete the "New Moon Rising" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2604] = {Location=26, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Bright Moons Over Elsweyr,  Complete the "Pride of Elsweyr" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
-[2722] = {Location=27, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Friend to Fennorian,  Complete "The Vampire Scholar" quest in Western Skyrim.
-[2720] = {Location=27, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Assassin Assassinator,  Complete the "Dark Clouds Over Solitude" quest in Western Skyrim.
-[2725] = {Location=27, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Skyrim Diplomat,  Complete the "Daughter of the Wolf" quest in Western Skyrim.
-[2930] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""}, 	-- (Quests) Ravenwatch Ambassador,  Complete "The Despot of Markarth" quest in the Reach.
-[2931] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Reach Ritualist,  Complete the "Blood of the Reach" quest in the Reach.
-[2932] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Subterranean Scholar,  Complete "The Study of Souls" quest in the Reach.
-[2933] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Witness to Prophecy,  Complete "The Awakening Darkness" quest in the Reach.
-[2934] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""}, 	-- (Quests) Nighthollow Explorer,  Complete "The Dark Heart" quest in the Reach.
-[2935] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Protector of Markarth,  Complete the "A Feast of Souls" quest in the Reach.
-[2937] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Nowhere Beyond Your Reach,  Complete the "End of Eternity" quest in the Reach.
-[2936] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Peered into the Abyss,  Complete the "Kingdom of Ash" quest in the Reach.
-[2939] = {Location=28, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) A Bridge Between Kingdoms,  Complete the "Second Chances" quest in the Reach.
+[2333] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Sunken Treasure\" quest.",
+[2334] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Missing in Murkmire\" quest.",
+[2335] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},	--	"Complete the \"Whispers in the Wood\" quest.",
+[2336] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},		--
+[2337] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},
+[2338] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},
+[2338] = {Area=22, ["link1"] =	""},
+--Northern Elsweyr
+[2482] = {Area=30, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Tharn's Aide-de-Camp,  Complete the "Rage of Dragons" quest in Northern Elsweyr.
+[2485] = {Area=30, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Rimmen Revolution,  Complete the "Two Queens" quest in Northern Elsweyr.
+--Southern Elsywyr Dragonhold
+[2602] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	--Complete the \"Dark Aeon\" quest in Southern Elsweyr, which becomes available after completing the main questlines in Elsweyr and Dragonhold.",
+[2596] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Lair Locator,  Complete the "The Dragon's Lair" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2597] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Khenarthi's Guidance,  Complete the "Uneasy Alliances" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2598] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Infiltrating the New Moon,  Complete the "Order of the New Moon" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2599] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Halls of the Highmane,  Complete the "Pride of Alkosh" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2600] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""}, 	-- (Quests) Return of the Dragonguard,  Complete "The Dragonguard" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2602] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) The Dragon's Wrath,  Complete the "Dark Aeon" quest in Southern Elsweyr, which becomes available after completing the main questlines in Elsweyr and Dragonhold.
+[2603] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Fall of the Dark Aeon,  Complete the "New Moon Rising" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+[2604] = {Area=31, ["link1"] = ""},	-- (Quests) Bright Moons Over Elsweyr,  Complete the "Pride of Elsweyr" quest in Southern Elsweyr.
+--Greymoor Western Skyrim
+[2722] = {Area=23, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Friend to Fennorian,  Complete "The Vampire Scholar" quest in Western Skyrim.
+[2720] = {Area=23, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Assassin Assassinator,  Complete the "Dark Clouds Over Solitude" quest in Western Skyrim.
+[2725] = {Area=23, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Skyrim Diplomat,  Complete the "Daughter of the Wolf" quest in Western Skyrim.
+--Markath  The Reach
+[2930] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""}, 	-- (Quests) Ravenwatch Ambassador,  Complete "The Despot of Markarth" quest in the Reach.
+[2931] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Reach Ritualist,  Complete the "Blood of the Reach" quest in the Reach.
+[2932] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Subterranean Scholar,  Complete "The Study of Souls" quest in the Reach.
+[2933] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Witness to Prophecy,  Complete "The Awakening Darkness" quest in the Reach.
+[2934] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""}, 	-- (Quests) Nighthollow Explorer,  Complete "The Dark Heart" quest in the Reach.
+[2935] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Protector of Markarth,  Complete the "A Feast of Souls" quest in the Reach.
+[2937] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Nowhere Beyond Your Reach,  Complete the "End of Eternity" quest in the Reach.
+[2936] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) Peered into the Abyss,  Complete the "Kingdom of Ash" quest in the Reach.
+[2939] = {Area=24, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Quests) A Bridge Between Kingdoms,  Complete the "Second Chances" quest in the Reach.

 --High Isle
-[3281] = {Location=31, ["link1"] =  ""},	-- (Exploration) Ghost Haven Bay Group Event,  Defeat the Hadolid Broodmother in Ghost Haven Bay.
-[3283] = {Location=31, ["link1"] =	""}, -- (Exploration) Crimson Coin Group Event,  Defeat the Crimson Mother at the Spire of the Crimson Coin.
-[3657] = {Location=32, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Exploration) The Underweave Group Event,  Defeat All-Seeing Ky'zuu in the Underweave.
-[3658] = {Location=32, ["link1"] =	""},	-- (Exploration) Gorne Group Event,  Defeat Gatekeeper Gruzo on the island of Gorne.
+[3281] = {Area=42, ["link1"] =  ""},	-- (Exploration) Ghost Haven Bay Group Event,  Defeat the Hadolid Broodmother in Ghost Haven Bay.
+[3283] = {Area=42, ["link1"] =	""}, -- (Exploration) Crimson Coin Group Event,  Defeat the Crimson Mother at the Spire of the Crimson Coin.

diff --git a/data/WB.lua b/data/WB.lua
index 2f759b2..7ea5ca7 100644
--- a/data/WB.lua
+++ b/data/WB.lua
@@ -1,258 +1,252 @@
---[[  Taken from Locations2 (en)   for reference
-{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
-{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
-{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
-{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
-{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
-{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
-{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
-{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
-{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
-{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
-{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},	--16
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},	--17
-{ name="Thieves Guild"},	--18
-{ name="Imperial City"},	--19
-{ name="VVardenfell"},	--20
-{ name="Orsinium"},--21
-{ name="Clockwork City"},	--22
-{ name="Summerset"},	--23
-{ name="Murkmire"},	--24
-{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
-{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
-{ name="Markath"},	--28

 WB_dat = {		--World Boss Achievements
---]These index Locations2  (en)  and Locations2key
 -- StoneFalls
-[197] = {Location=1},		--Shipwreck Strand
-[199] = {Location=1},		--Shivering Shrine
-[196] = {Location=1},		--Cave of Memories
-[200] = {Location=1},		--Brahma's Grove
-[198] = {Location=1},		--Matron's Clutch
-[195] = {Location=1},		--Strifeswarm Hive
+[197] = {Area=1},		--Shipwreck Strand
+[199] = {Area=1},		--Shivering Shrine
+[196] = {Area=1},		--Cave of Memories
+[200] = {Area=1},		--Brahma's Grove
+[198] = {Area=1},		--Matron's Clutch
+[195] = {Area=1},		--Strifeswarm Hive
-[277] = {Location=2},		--Sharpfang
-[276] = {Location=2},		--Grove of the Abomination
-[275] = {Location=2},		--Short-Tusk
-[278] = {Location=2},		--Mabrigash Burial Circle
-[280] = {Location=2},		--Caravan Crest
-[279] = {Location=2},		--Druitularg's Ritual Altar
+[277] = {Area=2},		--Sharpfang
+[276] = {Area=2},		--Grove of the Abomination
+[275] = {Area=2},		--Short-Tusk
+[278] = {Area=2},		--Mabrigash Burial Circle
+[280] = {Area=2},		--Caravan Crest
+[279] = {Area=2},		--Druitularg's Ritual Altar

-[189] = {Location=3},		--Nen Ria
-[187] = {Location=3}, 	--Haynekhtnamet
-[192] = {Location=3},		--Slaver Camp
-[191] = {Location=3},		--Bitterroot Cave
-[188] = {Location=3},		--Xal Thak
-[190] = {Location=3},		--Captain Bones
+[189] = {Area=3},		--Nen Ria
+[187] = {Area=3}, 		--Haynekhtnamet
+[192] = {Area=3},		--Slaver Camp
+[191] = {Area=3},		--Bitterroot Cave
+[188] = {Area=3},		--Xal Thak
+[190] = {Area=3},		--Captain Bones
-[210] = {Location=4},		--RageClaw
-[211] = {Location=4},		--Dragon Mound
-[212] = {Location=4},		--Ratmaster
-[213] = {Location=4},		--Dragon's Hallow
-[257] = {Location=4},		--Swiftblade
-[214] = {Location=4},		--Ammabani's Pride
+[210] = {Area=4},		--RageClaw
+[211] = {Area=4},		--Dragon Mound
+[212] = {Area=4},		--Ratmaster
+[213] = {Area=4},		--Dragon's Hallow
+[257] = {Area=4},		--Swiftblade
+[214] = {Area=4},		--Ammabani's Pride
 --The Rift
-[345] = {Location=5},		--Hunter Camp
-[346] = {Location=5},		--Troll Cave
-[347] = {Location=5},		--Frozen Ruins
-[348] = {Location=5},		--Abandoned Camp
-[350] = {Location=5},		--Wisplight Glen
-[349] = {Location=5},		--Giant Camp
+[345] = {Area=5},		--Hunter Camp
+[346] = {Area=5},		--Troll Cave
+[347] = {Area=5},		--Frozen Ruins
+[348] = {Area=5},		--Abandoned Camp
+[350] = {Area=5},		--Wisplight Glen
+[349] = {Area=5},		--Giant Camp
-[387] = {Location=6},		--Balefire Island
-[382] = {Location=6},		--Seaview Point
-[385] = {Location=6},		--North Shore Point
-[384] = {Location=6},		--Wolf's Camp
-[383] = {Location=6},		--Western Overlook
-[386] = {Location=6},		--Trapjaw's Cove
+[387] = {Area=6},		--Balefire Island
+[382] = {Area=6},		--Seaview Point
+[385] = {Area=6},		--North Shore Point
+[384] = {Area=6},		--Wolf's Camp
+[383] = {Area=6},		--Western Overlook
+[386] = {Area=6},		--Trapjaw's Cove
-[400] = {Location=7},		--Spider Nest
-[399] = {Location=7},		--Mudcrab Beach
-[401] = {Location=7},		--Dreugh Waters
-[402] = {Location=7},		--Abandoned Farm
-[403] = {Location=7},		--Scrag's Larder
-[404] = {Location=7},		--Ancient Altar
+[400] = {Area=7},		--Spider Nest
+[399] = {Area=7},		--Mudcrab Beach
+[401] = {Area=7},		--Dreugh Waters
+[402] = {Area=7},		--Abandoned Farm
+[403] = {Area=7},		--Scrag's Larder
+[404] = {Area=7},		--Ancient Altar
-[158] = {Location=8},		--Aesar's Web
-[159] = {Location=8},		--Valeguard Tower
-[161] = {Location=8},		--Magdelena's Haunt
-[160] = {Location=8},		--Old Kalgon's Keep
-[162] = {Location=8},		--East-Rock Landing
-[163] = {Location=8},		--Siren's Cove
+[158] = {Area=8},		--Aesar's Web
+[159] = {Area=8},		--Valeguard Tower
+[161] = {Area=8},		--Magdelena's Haunt
+[160] = {Area=8},		--Old Kalgon's Keep
+[162] = {Area=8},		--East-Rock Landing
+[163] = {Area=8},		--Siren's Cove
 --Alik'r Desert
-[500] = {Location=9},		--Lesser Circle
-[495] = {Location=9},		--Lost Caravan
-[498] = {Location=9},		--Forsaken Hearts Cave
-[496] = {Location=9},		--Giant Camp
-[497] = {Location=9},		--Hag Camp
-[499] = {Location=9},		--King's Rest
+[500] = {Area=9},		--Lesser Circle
+[495] = {Area=9},		--Lost Caravan
+[498] = {Area=9},		--Forsaken Hearts Cave
+[496] = {Area=9},		--Giant Camp
+[497] = {Area=9},		--Hag Camp
+[499] = {Area=9},		--King's Rest
-[151] = {Location=10},		--Telesubi Ruins
-[150] = {Location=10},		--Nilata Falls
-[152] = {Location=10},		--Summoner's Camp
-[149] = {Location=10},		--Arlimahera's Sanctum
-[153] = {Location=10},		--Lakewatch Tower
-[148] = {Location=10},		--Blighted Isle
+[151] = {Area=10},		--Telesubi Ruins
+[150] = {Area=10},		--Nilata Falls
+[152] = {Area=10},		--Summoner's Camp
+[149] = {Area=10},		--Arlimahera's Sanctum
+[153] = {Area=10},		--Lakewatch Tower
+[148] = {Area=10},		--Blighted Isle
-[352] = {Location=11},		--Seaside Scarp
-[351] = {Location=11},		--Soulfire Plateau
-[353] = {Location=11},		--Wreck of the Raptor
-[354] = {Location=11},		--Heretic's Summons
-[355] = {Location=11},		--Nestmother's Den
-[356] = {Location=11},		--Heritance Proving Ground
+[352] = {Area=11},		--Seaside Scarp
+[351] = {Area=11},		--Soulfire Plateau
+[353] = {Area=11},		--Wreck of the Raptor
+[354] = {Area=11},		--Heretic's Summons
+[355] = {Area=11},		--Nestmother's Den
+[356] = {Area=11},		--Heritance Proving Ground
-[700] = {Location=12},		--Thugrub's Cave
-[699] = {Location=12},		--Poacher Camp
-[701] = {Location=12},		--Valanir's Rest
-[698] = {Location=12},		--Lady Solace's Fen
-[696] = {Location=12},		--Hircine's Henge
-[697] = {Location=12},		--Nindaeril's Perch
+[700] = {Area=12},		--Thugrub's Cave
+[699] = {Area=12},		--Poacher Camp
+[701] = {Area=12},		--Valanir's Rest
+[698] = {Area=12},		--Lady Solace's Fen
+[696] = {Area=12},		--Hircine's Henge
+[697] = {Area=12},		--Nindaeril's Perch
-[562] = {Location=13},		--Maormer Camp
-[561] = {Location=13},		--Thodundor's View
-[563] = {Location=13},		--Rootwater Spring
-[564] = {Location=13},		--Reconnaissance Camp
-[560] = {Location=13},		--Gathongor's Mire
-[565] = {Location=13},		--Pelda Tarn
+[562] = {Area=13},		--Maormer Camp
+[561] = {Area=13},		--Thodundor's View
+[563] = {Area=13},		--Rootwater Spring
+[564] = {Area=13},		--Reconnaissance Camp
+[560] = {Area=13},		--Gathongor's Mire
+[565] = {Area=13},		--Pelda Tarn
-[258] = {Location=14},		--Bitterpoint Strand
-[259] = {Location=14},		--Dugan
-[261] = {Location=14},		--Jagged Grotto
-[260] = {Location=14},		--Bone Grappler
-[263] = {Location=14},		--River Edge
-[262] = {Location=14},		--Windshriek Strand
+[258] = {Area=14},		--Bitterpoint Strand
+[259] = {Area=14},		--Dugan
+[260] = {Area=14},		--Bone Grappler
+[261] = {Area=14},		--Jagged Grotto
+[262] = {Area=14},		--Windshriek Strand
+[263] = {Area=14},		--River Edge
 --Reaper's March
-[427] = {Location=15},		--Waterdancer Falls
-[425] = {Location=15},		--Deathsong Cleft
-[428] = {Location=15},		--Reaper's Henge
-[429] = {Location=15},		--Old S'ren-ja Docks
-[426] = {Location=15},		--Big Ozur's Valley
-[430] = {Location=15},		--Ushmal's Rest
+[425] = {Area=15},		--Deathsong Cleft
+[426] = {Area=15},		--Big Ozur's Valley
+[427] = {Area=15},		--Waterdancer Falls
+[428] = {Area=15},		--Reaper's Henge
+[429] = {Area=15},		--Old S'ren-ja Docks
+[430] = {Area=15},		--Ushmal's Rest
-[440] = {Location=16},		--Duriatundur's Killing Field
-[439] = {Location=16},		--Aba-Darre
-[443] = {Location=16},		--Risen Court
-[444] = {Location=16},		--Cynhamoth's Grove
-[442] = {Location=16},		--Daedroth Larder
-[441] = {Location=16},		--Zemarek's Hollow
+[439] = {Area=16},		--Aba-Darre
+[440] = {Area=16},		--Duriatundur's Killing Field
+[441] = {Area=16},		--Zemarek's Hollow
+[442] = {Area=16},		--Daedroth Larder
+[443] = {Area=16},		--Risen Court
+[444] = {Area=16},		--Cynhamoth's Grove

 --Dark Brotherhood Gold Coast
-[1419] = {Location=17},	-- "Defeat Limenauruus" "Defeat Limenauruus the possessed minotaur and the shadow spirits at Tribune's Folly.",
-[1420] = {Location=17}, 	-- "Conquer the Kvatch Arena" "Enter the Kvatch Arena and defeat all challengers.",
+[1419] = {Area=20},	-- "Defeat Limenauruus" "Defeat Limenauruus the possessed minotaur and the shadow spirits at Tribune's Folly.",
+[1420] = {Area=20}, -- "Conquer the Kvatch Arena" "Enter the Kvatch Arena and defeat all challengers.",

 -- Thieves Guild. Hews Bane
-[1352] = {Location=18},	-- "Deepest Shallows" "Kill Syvarra of the Deep at Ko Estaran.",
-[1353] = {Location=18},	-- "Cutting the Keel" "Kill Captain Virindi Slave-Taker at Thrall Cove.",
---No Wb in Imperial City 19
+[1352] = {Area=19},	-- "Deepest Shallows" "Kill Syvarra of the Deep at Ko Estaran.",
+[1353] = {Area=19},	-- "Cutting the Keel" "Kill Captain Virindi Slave-Taker at Thrall Cove.",

-[1847] = {Location=20},	--Loop Eradicator  ,"Save Dubdil Alar from the consequences of his temporal experiments.",
-[1802] = {Location=20},	--Songbird Silencer
-[1803] = {Location=20},	--Salothan's Cursebreaker
-[1805] = {Location=20},	--Breaker of the Unbroken, Defeat the nix-ox Nilthog the Unbroken at Nilthog's Hollow.
-[1807] = {Location=20},	--Cheater Defeater, Defeat the Skaafin, Mehz the Cozener, at Dubdil Alar Tower and seal the rift to Oblivion.
-[1804] = {Location=20},	-- "Consort Killer""Defeat the Queen's Consort at Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine.",
+[1847] = {Area=25},	--Loop Eradicator  ,"Save Dubdil Alar from the consequences of his temporal experiments.",
+[1802] = {Area=25},	--Songbird Silencer
+[1803] = {Area=25},	--Salothan's Cursebreaker
+[1804] = {Area=25},	-- "Consort Killer""Defeat the Queen's Consort at Missir-Dadalit Egg Mine.",
+[1805] = {Area=25},	--Breaker of the Unbroken, Defeat the nix-ox Nilthog the Unbroken at Nilthog's Hollow.
+[1807] = {Area=25},	--Cheater Defeater, Defeat the Skaafin, Mehz the Cozener, at Dubdil Alar Tower and seal the rift to Oblivion.

-[1286] = {Location=21},	-- Kill Zandadunoz the Reborn,  Defeat Zandadunoz the Reborn at the Unfinished Dolmen.
-[1285] = {Location=21},	-- Kill Old Snagara,  Kill Old Snagara the echatere in the Poacher's Encampment.
-[1290] = {Location=21},	-- Kill Nyzchaleft,  Kill Nyzchaleft the Dwarven Centurion at Nyzchaleft Falls.
-[1289] = {Location=21},	-- Kill Mad Urkazbur the Ogre,  Kill Mad Urkazbur at the Mad-Ogre's Altar.
-[1287] = {Location=21},	-- Kill King-Chief Edu,  Kill the Riekr regent King-Chief Edu at the King-Chief's Throne.
-[1288] = {Location=21},	-- Kill Corintthac the Abomination,  Kill the Winterborn Briarheart Warrior, Corintthac the Abomination, at the Accursed Nursery.

+[1285] = {Area=18},	-- Kill Old Snagara,  Kill Old Snagara the echatere in the Poacher's Encampment.
+[1286] = {Area=18},	-- Kill Zandadunoz the Reborn,  Defeat Zandadunoz the Reborn at the Unfinished Dolmen.
+[1287] = {Area=18},	-- Kill King-Chief Edu,  Kill the Riekr regent King-Chief Edu at the King-Chief's Throne.
+[1288] = {Area=18},	-- Kill Corintthac the Abomination,  Kill the Winterborn Briarheart Warrior, Corintthac the Abomination, at the Accursed Nursery.
+[1289] = {Area=18},	-- Kill Mad Urkazbur the Ogre,  Kill Mad Urkazbur at the Mad-Ogre's Altar.
+[1290] = {Area=18},	-- Kill Nyzchaleft,  Kill Nyzchaleft the Dwarven Centurion at Nyzchaleft Falls.

-[2046] = {Location=22},	-- "Murderer of Crows" "Defeat Ithoxis, Abathoth, and Ssatinot in Exarchs' Egress.",
-[2028] = {Location=22},	-- "Imperfection" "Defeat The Imperfect in the Sanctuary of Verification.",
+--Clockwork City
+[2046] = {Area=29},	-- "Murderer of Crows" "Defeat Ithoxis, Abathoth, and Ssatinot in Exarchs' Egress.",
+[2028] = {Area=29},	-- "Imperfection" "Defeat The Imperfect in the Sanctuary of Verification.",

-[2036] = {Location=23},	-- "Reef Raider" "Defeat Queen of the Reef at The Queen's Hatchery.",
-[2037] = {Location=23},	-- "Bucking the Matriarchy" "Defeat Caanerin at Indrik Frolic.",
-[2038] = {Location=23},	-- "Sea Sload Slugger""Defeat the Sea Sload B'Korgen at Welenkin Cove.",
-[2039] = {Location=23},	-- "Talon Taker" "Defeat Haeliata and Nagravia at Gryphon Run.",
-[2040] = {Location=23},	-- "Amphibian Agitator""Defeat Graveld at Graveld's Hideaway.",
-[2041] = {Location=23},	-- "Keel Hauler" "Defeat Keelsplitter at Keelsplitter's Nest.",
+[2036] = {Area=23},	-- "Reef Raider" "Defeat Queen of the Reef at The Queen's Hatchery.",
+[2037] = {Area=23},	-- "Bucking the Matriarchy" "Defeat Caanerin at Indrik Frolic.",
+[2038] = {Area=23},	-- "Sea Sload Slugger""Defeat the Sea Sload B'Korgen at Welenkin Cove.",
+[2039] = {Area=23},	-- "Talon Taker" "Defeat Haeliata and Nagravia at Gryphon Run.",
+[2040] = {Area=23},	-- "Amphibian Agitator""Defeat Graveld at Graveld's Hideaway.",
+[2041] = {Area=23},	-- "Keel Hauler" "Defeat Keelsplitter at Keelsplitter's Nest.",

-[2293] = {Location=24},	-- Fiend of the Fens,  Defeat the necromancer Baxilt-Gah at Bok-Xul.
-[2294] = {Location=24},	-- Feller of Thunder,  Defeat the miregaunt Walks-Like-Thunder at the Echoing Hollow.
+[2293] = {Area=22},	-- Fiend of the Fens,  Defeat the necromancer Baxilt-Gah at Bok-Xul.
+[2294] = {Area=22},	-- Feller of Thunder,  Defeat the miregaunt Walks-Like-Thunder at the Echoing Hollow.

 --Nothern Elsweyr
-[2405] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Skullcracker,  Defeat the skullguard, Na'ruzz the Boneweaver, at the Bone Pit.
-[2406] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Dro-m'Athra Destroyer,  Defeat the dro-m'Athra, Zalsheem, on the Nightmare Plateau.
-[2407] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Terror Bird Terminator,  Defeat the terror bird, Wily Kee'va, at Talon Gulch.
-[2408] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Grave Guardian,  Defeat the necromancer, Thannar the Graveprowler, at Scar's Edge.
-[2409] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Sword Sunderer,  Defeat Sword Master Vhysradue on the Hill of Shattered Swords.
-[2410] = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Red-Handed Vigilante,  Defeat the criminal duo, Zav'i and Akumjhargo, at Red Hands Run.
---2411 = {Location=25},	-- (Exploration) Defender of Northern Elsweyr,  Defeat all six world bosses in Northern Elsweyr.
+[2405] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Skullcracker,  Defeat the skullguard, Na'ruzz the Boneweaver, at the Bone Pit.
+[2406] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Dro-m'Athra Destroyer,  Defeat the dro-m'Athra, Zalsheem, on the Nightmare Plateau.
+[2407] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Terror Bird Terminator,  Defeat the terror bird, Wily Kee'va, at Talon Gulch.
+[2408] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Grave Guardian,  Defeat the necromancer, Thannar the Graveprowler, at Scar's Edge.
+[2409] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Sword Sunderer,  Defeat Sword Master Vhysradue on the Hill of Shattered Swords.
+[2410] = {Area=30},	-- (Exploration) Red-Handed Vigilante,  Defeat the criminal duo, Zav'i and Akumjhargo, at Red Hands Run.
+--2411 = {Area=25},	-- (Exploration) Defender of Northern Elsweyr,  Defeat all six world bosses in Northern Elsweyr.

 --Southern Elswyer Dragonhold
-[2564]	= {Location=26},	-- (Exploration) Temple Guardian Terror,  Defeat the temple guardian Iratan the Lightbringer at the Shrine of the Reforged.
-[2565]	= {Location=26},	-- (Exploration) End of the Exile,  Defeat the exiled adept Ri'Atahrashi at his training ground.
-[2648]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) Beach Battler,  Defeat Ysmgar the Sea Giant at Ysmgar's Beach in Western Skyrim.
-[2649]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) Hunting the Hunters,  Defeat the Werewolves of Hordrek's Stalkers at Hordrek's Hunting Grounds in Western Skyrim.
-[2650]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) Champion's Champion,  Defeat the Orc called Skreg the Undefeatable at the Circle of Champions in Western Skyrim.
-[2651]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) Shades of Gray,  Defeat the Hagraven known as Shademother at Shademother's Haven in Western Skyrim.
-[2652]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) No Food For You,  Defeat Hjorrenn the Harvester, Doomclaw, and Exarch Savfyr of the Gray Host at the Vampire Feeding Grounds in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
-[2653]	= {Location=27},-- (Exploration) Dwarven Disassembler,  Defeat the Dwarven Colossus at the Dwarven Charging Station in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
---[2654],	= {Location=27}-- (Exploration) Defender of Western Skyrim,  Defeat all six world bosses in Western Skyrim and Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
+[2564]	= {Area=31},	-- (Exploration) Temple Guardian Terror,  Defeat the temple guardian Iratan the Lightbringer at the Shrine of the Reforged.
+[2565]	= {Area=31},	-- (Exploration) End of the Exile,  Defeat the exiled adept Ri'Atahrashi at his training ground.
+--Western Skyrim  Greymoor
+[2648]	= {Area=23},-- (Exploration) Beach Battler,  Defeat Ysmgar the Sea Giant at Ysmgar's Beach in Western Skyrim.
+[2649]	= {Area=23},-- (Exploration) Hunting the Hunters,  Defeat the Werewolves of Hordrek's Stalkers at Hordrek's Hunting Grounds in Western Skyrim.
+[2650]	= {Area=23},-- (Exploration) Champion's Champion,  Defeat the Orc called Skreg the Undefeatable at the Circle of Champions in Western Skyrim.
+[2651]	= {Area=23},-- (Exploration) Shades of Gray,  Defeat the Hagraven known as Shademother at Shademother's Haven in Western Skyrim.
+-- Blackreach:Greymoor
+[2652]	= {Area=35},-- (Exploration) No Food For You,  Defeat Hjorrenn the Harvester, Doomclaw, and Exarch Savfyr of the Gray Host at the Vampire Feeding Grounds in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
+[2653]	= {Area=35},-- (Exploration) Dwarven Disassembler,  Defeat the Dwarven Colossus at the Dwarven Charging Station in Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
+--[2654],	= {Area=27}-- (Exploration) Defender of Western Skyrim,  Defeat all six world bosses in Western Skyrim and Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns.
+--The Reach Markath
 --[2858,	-- (Exploration) Defender of the Reach,  Defeat both world bosses in the Reach.
-[2859]	= {Location=28},	-- (Exploration) Weaned From Darkness,  Defeat Voidmother Elgroalif at Four Skull Lookout.
-[2860]	= {Location=28},	-- (Exploration) Dynastor Deposed,  Defeat the Dwarven Dynastor Supreme at Sentinel Point.
+[2859]	= {Area=24},	-- (Exploration) Weaned From Darkness,  Defeat Voidmother Elgroalif at Four Skull Lookout.
+-- Blackreach:Arkthzand
+[2860]	= {Area=34},	-- (Exploration) Dynastor Deposed,  Defeat the Dwarven Dynastor Supreme at Sentinel Point.

 --Flames of Ambition
 --Waking Flame
+[2974] = {Area=32},	-- "Defeat the Minotaurs Bhrum and Koska near Fort Blueblood."
+[2975] = {Area=32},	-- "Kill the Goblin War Chief Zathmoz at the Toad-Tongue War Camp."
+[2976] = {Area=32},	-- "Defeat the Sul-Xan Ritualists at Sul-Xan Ritual Site."
+[2977] = {Area=32},	-- "Defeat the death hopper, Old Deathwart, at Old Deathwart\'s Pond."
+[2978] = {Area=32},	-- "Defeat Ghemvas the Harbinger at the Shattered Xanmeer."
+[2979] = {Area=32},	-- "Defeat the Argonian Behemoth Xeemhok the Trophy-Taker at Xeemhok\'s Lagoon."

-[3142] = {Location=29},	-- (Exploration) Unmaker Unmaker,  Defeat the Unmaker in the Den of the Unmaker.
-[3143] = {Location=29},	-- (Exploration) Scorpion Stomper,  Defeat the Mantikora Taupezu Azzida in the Abomination Cradle.
---Ascending Tide
---Lost Depths
---High Isle
+[3142] = {Area=41},	-- (Exploration) Unmaker Unmaker,  Defeat the Unmaker in the Den of the Unmaker.
+[3143] = {Area=41},	-- (Exploration) Scorpion Stomper,  Defeat the Mantikora Taupezu Azzida in the Abomination Cradle.

-[3495] = {Location=31},	-- (Exploration) The Endling Ender,  Defeat the Endling in the Grove of the Chimera.
-[3496] = {Location=31},	-- (Exploration) Timbershade Tumbler,  Defeat Timbershade in the Valley of the Watcher.

---Scribes of Fate
+--Firesong Galen
+[3495] = {Area=38},	-- (Exploration) The Endling Ender,  Defeat the Endling in the Grove of the Chimera.
+[3496] = {Area=38},	-- (Exploration) Timbershade Tumbler,  Defeat Timbershade in the Valley of the Watcher.

-[3630] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Nightmare Ender,  Defeat the Mind Terror known as the Walking Nightmare at Nightmare Den.
-[3629] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Chainsmasher,  Defeat the Dark Elf slaver Corlys the Chainmaker at Clamorclap Bowl south of Ald Isra.
-[3631] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Catalog Crusher,  Defeat the Seeker known as the Prime Cataloger at the Libram Cathedral.
-[3632] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Runebreaker,  Defeat the Dark Elf arcanist, Runemaster Xiomara, at the Runemaster's Acropolis.
-[3633] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Deepreaver Destroyer,  Defeat the Lurker known as Vro-Kuul-Sha the Deepreaver at Deepreave Quag.
-[3634] = {Location=32},	-- (Exploration) Dreamcarver Demolisher,  Defeat the Dremora Dek, Valkynaz of Clan Dreamcarver, at Chthon Plaza.
+--High Isle
+[3285] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat all six group bosses in High Isle."
+[3286] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat the Eldertide Theurges near Amenos Station."
+[3287] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat the Sable Knight near Steadfast Manor."
+[3288] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat the Hadolid Matron and her Consort near the Green Serpent Getaway."
+[3289] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat Glemyos Wildhorn near Garick\'s Rest."
+[3290] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat the Ascendant Executioner and the Ascendant Harrower near Stonelore Grove."
+[3291] = {Area=42},	-- "Defeat Serpent Caller Vinsha near Tor Draioch."
+--Necrom Telvanni Peninsular
+[3630] = {Area=43},	-- (Exploration) Nightmare Ender,  Defeat the Mind Terror known as the Walking Nightmare at Nightmare Den.
+[3629] = {Area=43},	-- (Exploration) Chainsmasher,  Defeat the Dark Elf slaver Corlys the Chainmaker at Clamorclap Bowl south of Ald Isra.
+--Necrom Apocrypha
+[3631] = {Area=39},	-- (Exploration) Catalog Crusher,  Defeat the Seeker known as the Prime Cataloger at the Libram Cathedral.
+[3632] = {Area=39},	-- (Exploration) Runebreaker,  Defeat the Dark Elf arcanist, Runemaster Xiomara, at the Runemaster's Acropolis.
+[3634] = {Area=39},	-- (Exploration) Dreamcarver Demolisher,  Defeat the Dremora Dek, Valkynaz of Clan Dreamcarver, at Chthon Plaza.
+[3633] = {Area=39},	-- (Exploration) Deepreaver Destroyer,  Defeat the Lurker known as Vro-Kuul-Sha the Deepreaver at Deepreave Quag.

diff --git a/data/de/de.lua b/data/de/de.lua
index 643f2fc..8333c9f 100644
--- a/data/de/de.lua
+++ b/data/de/de.lua
@@ -1,81 +1,55 @@
 -- Translation by Joklix and Snakefish, Thankyou!
 dateformat = "%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M"

-Area_names = {
-	[1] = { short= "EP",
-			medium = "Pakt",
-			long = "Ebenherz-Pakt"},
-	[2] = { short= "DB",
-			medium = "Bündnis",
-			long = "Dolchsturz-Bündnis"},
-	[3] = { short= "AD",
-			medium = "Dominion",
-			long = "Aldmeri-Dominion"},
-	[4] = { short= "KH",
-			medium = "Other",
-			long = "Other"},
-	[5] = { short= "KRAG",
-			medium = "Kargstein/VVardenfell",
-			long = "Kargstein"},
-	[6] = { short= "ORS",
-			medium = "Orsinium",
-			long = "Orsinium"},
-	[7] = { short= "TG",	     -- Not using, no dungeons..
-			medium = "Hews Fluch",
-			long = "Hews Fluch"},
-	[8] = { short= "IC",
-			medium = "Kaiserstadt",
-			long = "Kaiserstadt"},
-	[9] = { short= "Hist",
-			medium = "Hist",
-			long = "Schatten des Hist"},
-	[10] = { short= "Horns",
-			medium = "Horns of the Reach",
-			long = "Horns of the Reach"},
-	[11] = { short= "Bones",
-			medium = "Dragon Bones",
-			long = "Dragon Bones"},
-	[12] = { short= "Varden",
-			medium = "Vardenfell",
-			long = "Vardenfell"},
-	[13] = { short= "Summer",
-			medium = "Sommersend",
-			long = "Sommersend"},
-	[14] = { short= "Wolf",
-			medium = "Wolfhunter",
-			long = "Wolfhunter"},
-	[15] = { short= "Murk",
-			medium = "Trübmoor",
-			long = "Trübmoor"},
-	[16] = { short= "Elsweyr",
-			medium = "Elsweyr",
-			long = "Elsweyr"},
-	[17] = { short= "Dragonhold",
-			medium = "Dragonhold",
-			long = "Dragonhold"},
-	[18] = { short= "Scalebreaker",
-			medium = "Scalebreaker",
-			long = "Scalebreaker"},
-	[19] = { short= "Wrathstone",
-			medium = "Wrathstone",
-			long = "Wrathstone"},
-	[20] = { short= "Gramsturms",
-			medium = "Gramsturms",
-			long = "Gramsturms"},
-	[21] = { short= "Greymoor",
-			medium="Greymoor",
-			long="Greymoor"},
-	[22] = { short= "Stonethorn",
-			medium="Stonethorn",
-			long="Stonethorn"},
-	[23] = { short= "Markath",
-			medium="Markath",
-			long="Markath"},
-	[24] = { short= "Flames",
-			medium="Flames",
-			long="Flames of Ambition"},
+[1]={ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
+[2]={ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
+[3]={ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
+[4]={ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
+[5]={ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
+[6]={ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
+[7]={ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
+[8]={ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
+[9]={ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
+[10]={ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
+[11]={ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
+[12]={ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
+[13]={ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
+[14]={ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
+[15]={ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
+[16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+[17]={ name="Kargstein"},
+[18]={ name="Wrothgar"},
+[19]={ name="Hews Fluch"},
+[20]={ name="Gold Coast"},
+[21]={ name="Kaiserstadt"},
+[22]={ name="Trübmoor"},
+[23]={ name="Western Skyrim"},
+[24]={ name="The Reach"},
+[25]={ name="Vardenfell"},
+[26]={ name="Auridon"},
+[27]={ name="Sommersend"},
+[28]={ name="Arteum"},
+[29]={ name="Clockwork City"},
+[30]={ name="Northern Elsweyr"},
+[31]={ name="Southern Elsweyr"},
+[32]={ name="Blackwood"},
+[33]={ name="Blackreach"},
+[34]={ name="Blackreach:Arkthzand"},
+[35]={ name="Blackreach:Greymoor"},
+[36]={ name="Fargrave"},
+[37]={ name="Fargrave City District"},
+[38]={ name="Galen Y'ffelon"},
+[39]={ name="Apocrypha"},
+[40]={ name=""},
+[41]={ name="The Deadlands"},
+[42]={ name="High Isle"},
+[43]={ name="Telvanni Peninsular"},

 L = {
@@ -164,56 +138,6 @@["Group 2VH"] = "Group 2VH"["DLC Group"] = "DLC Group"

-Locations2 = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
-{ name="Steinfälle",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},
-{ name="Schattenfenn", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},
-{ name="Ostmarsch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},
-{ name="Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},
-{ name="Sturmhafen", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},
-{ name="Kluftspitze", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},
-{ name="Alik'r Wüste", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},
-{ name="Grahtwald", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},
-{ name="Grünschatten", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},
-{ name="Schnittermark", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},
-{ name="Kalthafen", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},
-{ name="Diebesgilde"},
-{ name="Imperial City"},
-{ name="VVardenfell"},
-{ name="Orsinium"},
-{ name="Stadt der Uhrwerke"},
-{ name="Sommersend"},
-{ name="Trübmoor"},	--24
-{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
-{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
-{ name="Markath"},	--28
--- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
--- { name="Blackwood"},	--29
--- { name="Waking Flame"},	--30
-{ name="Deadlands"},	--29
---{ name="Ascending"},	--32
-{ name="High Isle"},	--303
---{ name="Lost Depths"},	--33
-{ name="Firesong"},	--31
-{ name="Necrom"},	--32
 --With Dungeons  No thieves guild or dark brotherhood
 -- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category= {"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter",  "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")

diff --git a/data/en/en.lua b/data/en/en.lua
index 0ce7cfe..e2b47ad 100644
--- a/data/en/en.lua
+++ b/data/en/en.lua
@@ -1,264 +1,159 @@

-dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"
+dateformat="%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"

-Area_names = {
-	[1] = { short= "EP",
-			medium = "Pact",
-			long = "Ebonheart Pact"},
-	[2] = { short= "DC",
-			medium = "Covenant",
-			long = "Daggerfall Covenant"},
-	[3] = { short= "AD",
-			medium = "Dominion",
-			long = "Aldmeri Dominion"},
-	[4] = { short= "CH",
-			medium = "Other",
-			long = "Other"},
-	[5] = { short= "CRAG",
-			medium = "Craglorn",
-			long = "Craglorn"},
-	[6] = { short= "ORS",
-			medium = "Orsinium",
-			long = "Orsinium"},
-	[7] = { short= "TG",	     -- Not using, no dungeons..
-			medium = "Hew's Bane",
-			long = "Hew's Bane"},
-	[8] = { short= "IC",
-			medium = "Imperial City",
-			long = "Imperial City"},
-	[9] = { short= "Hist",
-			medium = "Hist",
-			long = "Shadows of the Hist"},
-	[10] = { short= "Horns",
-			medium = "Horns of the Reach",
-			long = "Horns of the Reach"},
-	[11] = { short= "Bones",
-			medium = "Dragon Bones",
-			long = "Dragon Bones"},
-	[12] = { short= "Varden",
-			medium = "Vardenfell",
-			long = "Vardenfell"},
-	[13] = { short= "Summer",
-			medium = "Summerset Isle",
-			long = "Summerset Isle"},
-	[14] = { short= "Wolf",
-			medium = "Wolfhunter",
-			long = "Wolfhunter"},
-	[15] = { short= "Murk",
-			medium = "Murkmire",
-			long = "Murkmire"},
-	[16] = { short= "Elsweyr",
-			medium = "Elsweyr",
-			long = "Elsweyr"},
-	[17] = { short= "Dragonhold",
-			medium = "Dragonhold",
-			long = "Dragonhold"},
-	[18] = { short= "Scalebreaker",
-			medium = "Scalebreaker",
-			long = "Scalebreaker"},
-	[19] = { short= "Wrathstone",
-			medium = "Wrathstone",
-			long = "Wrathstone"},
-	[20] = { short= "Harrowstorm",
-			medium = "Harrowstorm",
-			long = "Harrowstorm"},
-	[21] = { short= "Greymoor",
-			medium="Greymoor",
-			long="Greymoor"},
-	[22] = { short= "Stonethorn",
-			medium="Stonethorn",
-			long="Stonethorn"},
-	[23] = { short= "Markath",
-			medium="Markath",
-			long="Markath"},
-	[24] = { short= "Flames",
-			medium="Flames",
-			long="Flames of Ambition"},
-	[25] = { short= "Blackwood",
-			medium="Blackwood",
-			long="Blackwood"},
-	[26] = { short= "Waking Flame",
-			medium="Waking Flame",
-			long="Waking Flame"},
-	[27] = { short= "Deadlands",
-			medium="Deadlands",
-			long="Deadlands"},
-	[28] = { short= "Ascending",
-			medium="Ascending",
-			long="Ascending Tide"},
-	[29] = { short= "High Isle",
-			medium="High Isle",
-			long="High Isle"},
-	[30] = { short= "Lost Depths",
-			medium="Lost Depths",
-			long="Lost Depths"},
-	[31] = { short= "Firesong",
-			medium="Firesong",
-			long="Firesong"},
-	[32] = { short= "Scribes",
-			medium="Scribes",
-			long="Scribes of Fate"},
-	[33] = { short= "Necrom",
-			medium="Necrom",
-			long="Necrom"},
+[1]={ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
+[2]={ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
+[3]={ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
+[4]={ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
+[5]={ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
+[6]={ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
+[7]={ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
+[8]={ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
+[9]={ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
+[10]={ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
+[11]={ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
+[12]={ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
+[13]={ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
+[14]={ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
+[15]={ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
+[16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+[17]={ name="Craglorn"},
+[18]={ name="Wrothgar"},
+[19]={ name="Hew's Bane"},
+[20]={ name="Gold Coast"},
+[21]={ name="Imperial City"},
+[22]={ name="Murkmire"},
+[23]={ name="Western Skyrim"},
+[24]={ name="The Reach"},
+[25]={ name="Vardenfell"},
+[26]={ name="Auridon"},
+[27]={ name="Summerset"},
+[28]={ name="Arteum"},
+[29]={ name="Clockwork City"},
+[30]={ name="Northern Elsweyr"},
+[31]={ name="Southern Elsweyr"},
+[32]={ name="Blackwood"},
+[33]={ name="Blackreach"},
+[34]={ name="Blackreach:Arkthzand"},
+[35]={ name="Blackreach:Greymoor"},
+[36]={ name="Fargrave"},
+[37]={ name="Fargrave City District"},
+[38]={ name="Galen Y'ffelon"},
+[39]={ name="Apocrypha"},
+[40]={ name=""},
+[41]={ name="The Deadlands"},
+[42]={ name="High Isle"},
+[43]={ name="Telvanni Peninsular"},

-L = {
---	GrpDungeon = "Grp Dungeon",
---	PubDungeon = "Pub Dungeon",
-	VetDungeon = "Vet Dungeon",
-	Leveling  = "Leveling",
-	Male = "Male",
-	Female = "Female",
-	LLog = "Last Login: ",
-	TPlayed = "Time Played: ",
-	Hrs = "Hours.",
-	Level = "Level",
-	TimesLeveled = "Times Leveled",
-	FirstLevel = "First Level",
-	Visits = "Visits",
-	FirstVisited = "First Visited",
-	Created = "Created: ",
-	PTime = "Play Time (Hr)",
-	Start = "Start Date",
-	Deaths = "Deaths",
-	APts = "Ach Points",
-	GrpLab = "Levels are Minimum, scales to leader",
-	PubLab = "Conqueror Achievement",
-	VetLab = "All are V1-V12 except City of Ash which is V13-V14",
-	WBLab = "",
-	LogTab = "System Log",
-	TStamp = "Time Stamp" ,
-	title = "History For  ",
-	Welcome = "Welcome to HisDad\'s offline history viewer.",
-	FirstDeath = "First Death",
-	SelectA = "Select Account",
-	Locations = "Locations",
-	Location = "Location",
-	WBosses = "World Bosses",
-	Zone = "Zone",
-	SkillQuests = "SkillQuests",
-	SkillLab = "Quests Awarding a Skill Point. Click for Detail",
-	Ach_ID = "Ach ID",
-	Name = "Name",
-	Link = "Link (Click to launch)",
-	SQ_Detail = "SQ_Detail",
-	WB_Detail ="World Bosses",
-	Characters = "Characters",
-	Dungeons = "Dungeons",
-	Mode = "Showing",
+--	GrpDungeon="Grp Dungeon",
+--	PubDungeon="Pub Dungeon",
+	VetDungeon="Vet Dungeon",
+	Leveling ="Leveling",
+	Male="Male",
+	Female="Female",
+	LLog="Last Login: ",
+	TPlayed="Time Played: ",
+	Hrs="Hours.",
+	Level="Level",
+	TimesLeveled="Times Leveled",
+	FirstLevel="First Level",
+	Visits="Visits",
+	FirstVisited="First Visited",
+	Created="Created: ",
+	PTime="Play Time (Hr)",
+	Start="Start Date",
+	Deaths="Deaths",
+	APts="Ach Points",
+	GrpLab="Levels are Minimum, scales to leader",
+	PubLab="Conqueror Achievement",
+	VetLab="All are V1-V12 except City of Ash which is V13-V14",
+	WBLab="",
+	LogTab="System Log",
+	TStamp="Time Stamp" ,
+	title="History For  ",
+	Welcome="Welcome to HisDad\'s offline history viewer.",
+	FirstDeath="First Death",
+	SelectA="Select Account",
+	Locations="Locations",
+	Location="Location",
+	WBosses="World Bosses",
+	Zone="Zone",
+	SkillQuests="SkillQuests",
+	SkillLab="Quests Awarding a Skill Point. Click for Detail",
+	Ach_ID="Ach ID",
+	Name="Name",
+	Link="Link (Click to launch)",
+	SQ_Detail="SQ_Detail",
+	WB_Detail="World Bosses",
+	Characters="Characters",
+	Dungeons="Dungeons",
+	Mode="Showing",
---	Pub = "Public",
-	Vet = "Veteran",
+--	Pub="Public",
+	Vet="Veteran",

-	Achievements = "Achievements",
+	Achievements="Achievements",
 	DLCLab="Downloadable Content",
-	Manage ="Manage",
-	Account = "Account",
-	Char = "Char",
-	About = "About",
-	Delete = "Delete",
-	NoAccount ="Only 1 account, can't delete that.",
-	ChooseAccounttoDelete = "Choose Account to Delete",
-	ChooseChartoDelete = "Choose Character to Delete",
-	ChooseWorld ="Choose Server",
-	YesLabel = "Y",
-	NoLabel = "N",
-	Version = "Version",
-	View_Toggle = "Hide Complete",
-	Completed = "Completed on: ",		-- Mouseover achievement detail
-	Achievement = "Achievement",
+	Manage="Manage",
+	Account="Account",
+	Char="Char",
+	About="About",
+	Delete="Delete",
+	NoAccount="Only 1 account, can't delete that.",
+	ChooseAccounttoDelete="Choose Account to Delete",
+	ChooseChartoDelete="Choose Character to Delete",
+	ChooseWorld="Choose Server",
+	YesLabel="Y",
+	NoLabel="N",
+	Version="Version",
+	View_Toggle="Hide Complete",
+	Completed="Completed on: ",		-- Mouseover achievement detail
+	Achievement="Achievement",
 	Filter="Show Characters",
 } = {}["Public"] = "Public"["Trials Norm"] = "Trials Norm"["Trials Vet"] = "Trials Vet"["Trials Hard"] = "Trials Hard"
-["Group 1N"] = "Group 1N"["Group 1V"] = "Group 1V"["Group 1VH"] = "Group 1VH"["Group 2N"] = "Group 2N"["Group 2V"] = "Group 2V"["Group 2VH"] = "Group 2VH"["DLC Group"] = "DLC Group"{}["Public"]="Public"["Trials Norm"]="Trials Norm"["Trials Vet"]="Trials Vet"["Trials Hard"]="Trials Hard"

-Locations2 = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
-{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
-{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
-{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
-{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
-{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
-{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
-{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
-{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
-{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
-{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
-{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},	--16
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},	--17
-{ name="Thieves Guild"},	--18
-{ name="Imperial City"},	--19
-{ name="VVardenfell"},	--20
-{ name="Orsinium"},--21
-{ name="Clockwork City"},	--22
-{ name="Summerset"},	--23
-{ name="Murkmire"},	--24
-{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
-{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
-{ name="Markath"},	--28
--- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
--- { name="Blackwood"},	--29
--- { name="Waking Flame"},	--30
-{ name="Deadlands"},	--29
---{ name="Ascending"},	--32
-{ name="High Isle"},	--30
---{ name="Lost Depths"},	--33
-{ name="Firesong"},	--31
-{ name="Necrom"},	--32
-} --Update Keys Location2Key when updating this (Keys.lua)["Group 1N"]="Group 1N"["Group 1V"]="Group 1V"["Group 1VH"]="Group 1VH"["Group 2N"]="Group 2N"["Group 2V"]="Group 2V"["Group 2VH"]="Group 2VH"["DLC Group"]="DLC Group"

 --With Dungeons  No thieves guild or dark brotherhood
--- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category= {"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter",  "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")
+-- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category={"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter",  "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")

 --Our Naming

-DLC_Names= {"Thieves Guild", "Dark Brotherhood", "Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach",
+DLC_Names={"Thieves Guild", "Dark Brotherhood", "Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach",
 "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter", "Murkmire", "Elsweyr", "Dragonhold", "Scalebreaker",
 "Wrathstone", "Harrowstorm", "Greymoor", "Stonethorn", "Markath", "Flames", "Blackwood", "Waking Flame", "Deadlands",
 "Ascending", "High Isle", "Lost Depths", "Firesong", "Necrom"
diff --git a/data/en/en.luaxx b/data/en/en.luaxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc84cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/en/en.luaxx
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"
+Area_names = {
+	[1] = { short= "EP",
+			medium = "Pact",
+			long = "Ebonheart Pact"},
+	[2] = { short= "DC",
+			medium = "Covenant",
+			long = "Daggerfall Covenant"},
+	[3] = { short= "AD",
+			medium = "Dominion",
+			long = "Aldmeri Dominion"},
+	[4] = { short= "CH",
+			medium = "Other",
+			long = "Other"},
+	[5] = { short= "CRAG",
+			medium = "Craglorn",
+			long = "Craglorn"},
+	[6] = { short= "ORS",
+			medium = "Orsinium",
+			long = "Orsinium"},
+	[7] = { short= "TG",	     -- Not using, no dungeons..
+			medium = "Hew's Bane",
+			long = "Hew's Bane"},
+	[8] = { short= "IC",
+			medium = "Imperial City",
+			long = "Imperial City"},
+	[9] = { short= "Hist",
+			medium = "Hist",
+			long = "Shadows of the Hist"},
+	[10] = { short= "Horns",
+			medium = "Horns of the Reach",
+			long = "Horns of the Reach"},
+	[11] = { short= "Bones",
+			medium = "Dragon Bones",
+			long = "Dragon Bones"},
+	[12] = { short= "Varden",
+			medium = "Vardenfell",
+			long = "Vardenfell"},
+	[13] = { short= "Summer",
+			medium = "Summerset Isle",
+			long = "Summerset Isle"},
+	[14] = { short= "Wolf",
+			medium = "Wolfhunter",
+			long = "Wolfhunter"},
+	[15] = { short= "Murk",
+			medium = "Murkmire",
+			long = "Murkmire"},
+	[16] = { short= "Elsweyr",
+			medium = "Elsweyr",
+			long = "Elsweyr"},
+	[17] = { short= "Dragonhold",
+			medium = "Dragonhold",
+			long = "Dragonhold"},
+	[18] = { short= "Scalebreaker",
+			medium = "Scalebreaker",
+			long = "Scalebreaker"},
+	[19] = { short= "Wrathstone",
+			medium = "Wrathstone",
+			long = "Wrathstone"},
+	[20] = { short= "Harrowstorm",
+			medium = "Harrowstorm",
+			long = "Harrowstorm"},
+	[21] = { short= "Greymoor",
+			medium="Greymoor",
+			long="Greymoor"},
+	[22] = { short= "Stonethorn",
+			medium="Stonethorn",
+			long="Stonethorn"},
+	[23] = { short= "Markath",
+			medium="Markath",
+			long="Markath"},
+	[24] = { short= "Flames",
+			medium="Flames",
+			long="Flames of Ambition"},
+	[25] = { short= "Blackwood",
+			medium="Blackwood",
+			long="Blackwood"},
+	[26] = { short= "Waking Flame",
+			medium="Waking Flame",
+			long="Waking Flame"},
+	[27] = { short= "Deadlands",
+			medium="Deadlands",
+			long="Deadlands"},
+	[28] = { short= "Ascending",
+			medium="Ascending",
+			long="Ascending Tide"},
+	[29] = { short= "High Isle",
+			medium="High Isle",
+			long="High Isle"},
+	[30] = { short= "Lost Depths",
+			medium="Lost Depths",
+			long="Lost Depths"},
+	[31] = { short= "Firesong",
+			medium="Firesong",
+			long="Firesong"},
+	[32] = { short= "Scribes",
+			medium="Scribes",
+			long="Scribes of Fate"},
+	[33] = { short= "Necrom",
+			medium="Necrom",
+			long="Necrom"},
+L = {
+--	GrpDungeon = "Grp Dungeon",
+--	PubDungeon = "Pub Dungeon",
+	VetDungeon = "Vet Dungeon",
+	Leveling  = "Leveling",
+	Male = "Male",
+	Female = "Female",
+	LLog = "Last Login: ",
+	TPlayed = "Time Played: ",
+	Hrs = "Hours.",
+	Level = "Level",
+	TimesLeveled = "Times Leveled",
+	FirstLevel = "First Level",
+	Visits = "Visits",
+	FirstVisited = "First Visited",
+	Created = "Created: ",
+	PTime = "Play Time (Hr)",
+	Start = "Start Date",
+	Deaths = "Deaths",
+	APts = "Ach Points",
+	GrpLab = "Levels are Minimum, scales to leader",
+	PubLab = "Conqueror Achievement",
+	VetLab = "All are V1-V12 except City of Ash which is V13-V14",
+	WBLab = "",
+	LogTab = "System Log",
+	TStamp = "Time Stamp" ,
+	title = "History For  ",
+	Welcome = "Welcome to HisDad\'s offline history viewer.",
+	FirstDeath = "First Death",
+	SelectA = "Select Account",
+	Locations = "Locations",
+	Location = "Location",
+	WBosses = "World Bosses",
+	Zone = "Zone",
+	SkillQuests = "SkillQuests",
+	SkillLab = "Quests Awarding a Skill Point. Click for Detail",
+	Ach_ID = "Ach ID",
+	Name = "Name",
+	Link = "Link (Click to launch)",
+	SQ_Detail = "SQ_Detail",
+	WB_Detail ="World Bosses",
+	Characters = "Characters",
+	Dungeons = "Dungeons",
+	Mode = "Showing",
+	Grp_TabName={},
+	Trial_TabName={},
+--	Pub = "Public",
+	Vet = "Veteran",
+	Vanquisher="Vanquisher",
+	Conqueror="Conqueror",
+	Achievements = "Achievements",
+	DLC="DLC",
+	DLCLab="Downloadable Content",
+	Manage ="Manage",
+	Account = "Account",
+	Char = "Char",
+	About = "About",
+	Delete = "Delete",
+	NoAccount ="Only 1 account, can't delete that.",
+	ChooseAccounttoDelete = "Choose Account to Delete",
+	ChooseChartoDelete = "Choose Character to Delete",
+	ChooseWorld ="Choose Server",
+	YesLabel = "Y",
+	NoLabel = "N",
+	Version = "Version",
+	View_Toggle = "Hide Complete",
+	Completed = "Completed on: ",		-- Mouseover achievement detail
+	Achievement = "Achievement",
+	Filter="Show Characters",
+	Detail="Detail",
+ = {}["Public"] = "Public"["Trials Norm"] = "Trials Norm"["Trials Vet"] = "Trials Vet"["Trials Hard"] = "Trials Hard"
+["Group 1N"] = "Group 1N"["Group 1V"] = "Group 1V"["Group 1VH"] = "Group 1VH"["Group 2N"] = "Group 2N"["Group 2V"] = "Group 2V"["Group 2VH"] = "Group 2VH"["DLC Group"] = "DLC Group"
+Locations2 = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
+{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
+{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
+{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
+{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
+{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
+{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
+{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
+{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
+{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
+{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
+{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
+{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
+{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
+{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
+{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
+{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},	--16
+{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},	--17
+{ name="Thieves Guild"},	--18
+{ name="Imperial City"},	--19
+{ name="VVardenfell"},	--20
+{ name="Orsinium"},--21
+{ name="Clockwork City"},	--22
+{ name="Summerset"},	--23
+{ name="Murkmire"},	--24
+{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
+{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
+{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
+{ name="Markath"},	--28
+-- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
+-- { name="Blackwood"},	--29
+-- { name="Waking Flame"},	--30
+{ name="Deadlands"},	--29
+--{ name="Ascending"},	--32
+{ name="High Isle"},	--30
+--{ name="Lost Depths"},	--33
+{ name="Firesong"},	--31
+{ name="Necrom"},	--32
+} --Update Keys Location2Key when updating this (Keys.lua)
+--With Dungeons  No thieves guild or dark brotherhood
+-- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category= {"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter",  "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")
+--Our Naming
+DLC_Names= {"Thieves Guild", "Dark Brotherhood", "Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach",
+"Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter", "Murkmire", "Elsweyr", "Dragonhold", "Scalebreaker",
+"Wrathstone", "Harrowstorm", "Greymoor", "Stonethorn", "Markath", "Flames", "Blackwood", "Waking Flame", "Deadlands",
+"Ascending", "High Isle", "Lost Depths", "Firesong", "Necrom"
diff --git a/data/fr/fr.lua b/data/fr/fr.lua
index 37a6a87..1f2c6f3 100644
--- a/data/fr/fr.lua
+++ b/data/fr/fr.lua
@@ -1,79 +1,55 @@
 -- Translation by Joklix, Thankyou!
 dateformat = "%d-%m-%Y, %H:%M"

-Area_names = {
-	[1] = { short= "EP",
-			medium = "Pact",
-			long = "Ebonheart Pact"},
-	[2] = { short= "DC",
-			medium = "Covenant",
-			long = "Daggerfall Covenant"},
-	[3] = { short= "AD",
-			medium = "Dominion",
-			long = "Aldmeri Dominion"},
-	[4] = { short= "CH",
-			medium = "Other",
-			long = "Other"},
-	[5] = { short= "CRAG",
-			medium = "Craglorn",
-			long = "Craglorn"},
-	[6] = { short= "ORS",
-			medium = "Orsinium",
-			long = "Orsinium"},
-	[7] = { short= "TG",	     -- Not using, no dungeons..
-			medium = "Hew's Bane",
-			long = "Hew's Bane"},
-	[8] = { short= "IC",
-			medium = "La cité impériale",
-			long = "La cité impériale"},
-	[9] = { short= "Hist",
-			medium = "Hist",
-			long = "Ombres de l\'Hist"},
-	[10] = { short= "Horns",
-			medium = "Horns of the Reach",
-			long = "Horns of the Reach"},
-	[11] = { short= "Bones",
-			medium = "Dragon Bones",
-			long = "Dragon Bones"},
-	[12] = { short= "Clock",
-			medium = "Cité mécanique",
-			long = "Cité mécanique"},
-	[13] = { short= "Summer",
-			medium = "Summerset Isle",
-			long = "Summerset Isle"},
-	[14] = { short= "Wolf",
-			medium = "Wolfhunter",
-			long = "Wolfhunter"},
-	[15] = { short= "Murk",
-			medium = "Murkmire",
-			long = "Murkmire"},
-	[16] = { short= "Elsweyr",
-			medium = "Elsweyr",
-			long = "Elsweyr"},
-	[17] = { short= "Dragonhold",
-			medium = "Dragonhold",
-			long = "Dragonhold"},
-	[18] = { short= "Scalebreaker",
-			medium = "Scalebreaker",
-			long = "Scalebreaker"},
-	[19] = { short= "Wrathstone",
-			medium = "Wrathstone",
-			long = "Wrathstone"},
-	[20] = { short= "Harrowstorm",
-			medium = "Harrowstorm",
-			long = "Harrowstorm"},
-	[21] = { short= "Greymoor",
-			medium="Greymoor",
-			long="Greymoor"},
-	[22] = { short= "Stonethorn",
-			medium="Stonethorn",
-			long="Stonethorn"},
-	[23] = { short= "Markath",
-			medium="Markath",
-			long="Markath"},
-	[24] = { short= "Flames",
-			medium="Flames",
-			long="Flames of Ambition"},
+[1]={ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
+[2]={ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
+[3]={ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
+[4]={ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
+[5]={ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
+[6]={ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
+[7]={ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
+[8]={ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
+[9]={ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
+[10]={ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
+[11]={ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
+[12]={ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
+[13]={ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
+[14]={ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
+[15]={ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
+[16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+[17]={ name="Craglorn"},
+[18]={ name="Wrothgar"},
+[19]={ name="Hew's Bane"},
+[20]={ name="Gold Coast"},
+[21]={ name="Imperial City"},
+[22]={ name="Murkmire"},
+[23]={ name="Western Skyrim"},
+[24]={ name="The Reach"},
+[25]={ name="Vardenfell"},
+[26]={ name="Auridon"},
+[27]={ name="Summerset"},
+[28]={ name="Arteum"},
+[29]={ name="Clockwork City"},
+[30]={ name="Northern Elsweyr"},
+[31]={ name="Southern Elsweyr"},
+[32]={ name="Blackwood"},
+[33]={ name="Blackreach"},
+[34]={ name="Blackreach:Arkthzand"},
+[35]={ name="Blackreach:Greymoor"},
+[36]={ name="Fargrave"},
+[37]={ name="Fargrave City District"},
+[38]={ name="Galen Y'ffelon"},
+[39]={ name="Apocrypha"},
+[40]={ name=""},
+[41]={ name="The Deadlands"},
+[42]={ name="High Isle"},
+[43]={ name="Telvanni Peninsular"},

 L = {
@@ -160,51 +136,6 @@["Group 2V"] = "Group 2V"["Group 2VH"] = "Group 2VH"["DLC Group"] = "DLC Group"

-Locations2 = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
-{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},
-{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},
-{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},
-{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},
-{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},
-{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},
-{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},
-{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},
-{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},
-{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},
-{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},
-{ name="Thieves Guild"},
-{ name="Imperial City"},
-{ name="VVardenfell"},
-{ name="Orsinium"},
-{ name="Cité mécanique"},
-{ name="Summerset"},
-{ name="Murkmire"},	--24
-{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
-{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
-{ name="Markath"},	--28
--- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
--- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
--- { name="Blackwood"},	--29
--- { name="Waking Flame"},	--30
-{ name="Deadlands"},	--29
---{ name="Ascending"},	--32
-{ name="High Isle"},	--30
---{ name="Lost Depths"},	--33
-{ name="Firesong"},	--31
-{ name="Necrom"},	--32

 --With Dungeons  No thieves guild or dark brotherhood
 -- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category= {"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter", "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")
diff --git a/data/ids.lua b/data/ids.lua
index 1b747ec..3dbd552 100644
--- a/data/ids.lua
+++ b/data/ids.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 hist.IDs = {
 --  Group 1N
 [1073] = true,
@@ -128,129 +128,71 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [3003] = true,
 [3248] = true,
 [3564] = true,
--- DLC: Wolfhunter
-[2152] = true,
-[2153] = true,
-[2154] = true,
-[2155] = true,
-[2156] = true,
-[2158] = true,
-[2159] = true,
-[2162] = true,
-[2163] = true,
-[2164] = true,
-[2165] = true,
-[2166] = true,
-[2167] = true,
-[2168] = true,
-[2170] = true,
-[2297] = true,
-[2298] = true,
-[2299] = true,
-[2300] = true,
-[2301] = true,
-[2302] = true,
-[2303] = true,
-[2304] = true,
-[2305] = true,
-[2306] = true,
-[2307] = true,
-[2308] = true,
-[2309] = true,
-[2310] = true,
-[2311] = true,
-[2312] = true,
--- DLC: Dragon Bones
-[1959] = true,
-[1960] = true,
-[1963] = true,
-[1964] = true,
-[1965] = true,
-[1966] = true,
-[1967] = true,
-[1968] = true,
-[1969] = true,
-[1970] = true,
-[1971] = true,
-[1972] = true,
-[1973] = true,
-[1974] = true,
-[1975] = true,
-[1976] = true,
-[1979] = true,
-[1980] = true,
-[1981] = true,
-[1982] = true,
-[1983] = true,
-[1984] = true,
-[1985] = true,
-[1986] = true,
-[1987] = true,
-[1988] = true,
-[1989] = true,
-[1990] = true,
-[1991] = true,
-[2102] = true,
--- DLC: High Isle
-[3243] = true,
-[3245] = true,
-[3249] = true,
-[3250] = true,
-[3251] = true,
-[3252] = true,
-[3253] = true,
-[3254] = true,
-[3255] = true,
-[3256] = true,
-[3257] = true,
-[3271] = true,
-[3281] = true,
-[3282] = true,
-[3283] = true,
-[3284] = true,
-[3285] = true,
-[3286] = true,
-[3287] = true,
-[3288] = true,
-[3289] = true,
-[3290] = true,
-[3291] = true,
--- DLC: Necrom
-[3559] = true,
-[3561] = true,
-[3565] = true,
-[3566] = true,
-[3567] = true,
-[3568] = true,
-[3569] = true,
-[3570] = true,
-[3571] = true,
-[3572] = true,
-[3573] = true,
-[3629] = true,
-[3630] = true,
-[3631] = true,
-[3632] = true,
-[3633] = true,
-[3634] = true,
-[3635] = true,
-[3638] = true,
-[3639] = true,
-[3640] = true,
-[3641] = true,
-[3642] = true,
-[3643] = true,
-[3644] = true,
-[3645] = true,
-[3646] = true,
-[3657] = true,
-[3658] = true,
-[3659] = true,
-[3660] = true,
-[3670] = true,
-[3671] = true,
-[3674] = true,
-[3731] = true,
+-- DLC: Summerset
+[2235] = true,
+[2208] = true,
+[2221] = true,
+[2238] = true,
+[2206] = true,
+[2213] = true,
+[2243] = true,
+[2135] = true,
+[2139] = true,
+[2236] = true,
+[2194] = true,
+[2039] = true,
+[2205] = true,
+[2138] = true,
+[2182] = true,
+[2095] = true,
+[2093] = true,
+[2137] = true,
+[2244] = true,
+[2237] = true,
+[2038] = true,
+[2193] = true,
+[2204] = true,
+[2036] = true,
+[2242] = true,
+[2100] = true,
+[2255] = true,
+[2256] = true,
+[2210] = true,
+[2249] = true,
+[2252] = true,
+[2251] = true,
+[2250] = true,
+[2254] = true,
+[2253] = true,
+[2257] = true,
+[2202] = true,
+[2231] = true,
+[2232] = true,
+[2203] = true,
+[2211] = true,
+[2041] = true,
+[2181] = true,
+[2096] = true,
+[2094] = true,
+[2222] = true,
+[2201] = true,
+[2233] = true,
+[2207] = true,
+[2042] = true,
+[2184] = true,
+[2241] = true,
+[2234] = true,
+[2136] = true,
+[2140] = true,
+[2131] = true,
+[2185] = true,
+[2220] = true,
+[2037] = true,
+[2101] = true,
+[2212] = true,
+[2040] = true,
+[2134] = true,
+[2171] = true,
 -- DLC: Clockwork City
 [2074] = true,
 [2048] = true,
@@ -278,18 +220,48 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2079] = true,
 [2075] = true,
 [2078] = true,
--- DLC: Dragonhold
-[2596] = true,
-[2597] = true,
-[2598] = true,
-[2599] = true,
-[2600] = true,
-[2602] = true,
-[2603] = true,
-[2604] = true,
-[2633] = true,
-[2634] = true,
-[2635] = true,
+-- DLC: Deadlands
+[3141] = true,
+[3142] = true,
+[3143] = true,
+[3145] = true,
+[3207] = true,
+[3209] = true,
+[3210] = true,
+[3211] = true,
+[3212] = true,
+[3213] = true,
+[3214] = true,
+[3215] = true,
+[3216] = true,
+[3217] = true,
+[3218] = true,
+[3219] = true,
+-- DLC: Elsweyr
+[2434] = true,
+[2436] = true,
+[2466] = true,
+[2467] = true,
+[2468] = true,
+[2469] = true,
+[2470] = true,
+[2499] = true,
+[2500] = true,
+[2501] = true,
+-- DLC: Firesong
+[3494] = true,
+[3495] = true,
+[3496] = true,
+[3507] = true,
+[3508] = true,
+[3509] = true,
+[3510] = true,
+[3511] = true,
+[3512] = true,
+[3513] = true,
+[3514] = true,
+[3515] = true,
+[3548] = true,
 -- DLC: Horns of the Reach
 [1819] = true,
 [1949] = true,
@@ -320,241 +292,6 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [1941] = true,
 [1697] = true,
 [1823] = true,
--- DLC: Thieves Guild
-[1377] = true,
-[1371] = true,
-[1362] = true,
-[1367] = true,
-[1376] = true,
-[1361] = true,
-[1389] = true,
-[1369] = true,
-[1388] = true,
-[1386] = true,
-[1392] = true,
-[1391] = true,
-[1390] = true,
-[1378] = true,
-[1370] = true,
-[1365] = true,
-[1394] = true,
-[1354] = true,
-[1352] = true,
-[1404] = true,
-[1353] = true,
-[1363] = true,
-[1349] = true,
-[1402] = true,
-[1360] = true,
-[1375] = true,
--- DLC: Waking Flame
-[3016] = true,
-[3017] = true,
-[3018] = true,
-[3019] = true,
-[3020] = true,
-[3022] = true,
-[3023] = true,
-[3026] = true,
-[3027] = true,
-[3028] = true,
-[3029] = true,
-[3030] = true,
-[3031] = true,
-[3032] = true,
-[3033] = true,
-[3034] = true,
-[3035] = true,
-[3036] = true,
-[3037] = true,
-[3041] = true,
-[3042] = true,
-[3043] = true,
-[3045] = true,
-[3046] = true,
-[3086] = true,
-[3087] = true,
-[3088] = true,
-[3089] = true,
-[3090] = true,
-[3091] = true,
-[3092] = true,
-[3093] = true,
--- DLC: Morrowind
-[1806] = true,
-[1811] = true,
-[1849] = true,
-[1809] = true,
-[1827] = true,
-[1834] = true,
-[1826] = true,
-[1837] = true,
-[1802] = true,
-[1871] = true,
-[1868] = true,
-[1803] = true,
-[1869] = true,
-[1831] = true,
-[1832] = true,
-[1874] = true,
-[1853] = true,
-[1846] = true,
-[1854] = true,
-[1870] = true,
-[1875] = true,
-[1847] = true,
-[1838] = true,
-[1872] = true,
-[1839] = true,
-[1873] = true,
-[1851] = true,
-[1856] = true,
-[1855] = true,
-[1857] = true,
-[1833] = true,
-[1877] = true,
-[1836] = true,
-[1848] = true,
-[1804] = true,
-[1807] = true,
-[1852] = true,
-[1805] = true,
-[1850] = true,
-[1840] = true,
-[1876] = true,
-[1835] = true,
--- DLC: Harrowstorm
-[2539] = true,
-[2540] = true,
-[2541] = true,
-[2542] = true,
-[2543] = true,
-[2545] = true,
-[2546] = true,
-[2549] = true,
-[2550] = true,
-[2551] = true,
-[2552] = true,
-[2553] = true,
-[2554] = true,
-[2555] = true,
-[2556] = true,
-[2660] = true,
-[2670] = true,
-[2671] = true,
-[2672] = true,
-[2673] = true,
-[2674] = true,
-[2675] = true,
-[2676] = true,
-[2677] = true,
-[2678] = true,
-[2679] = true,
-[2680] = true,
-[2681] = true,
-[2682] = true,
-[2683] = true,
-[2684] = true,
-[2685] = true,
--- DLC: Blackwood
-[2974] = true,
-[2975] = true,
-[2976] = true,
-[2977] = true,
-[2978] = true,
-[2979] = true,
-[2980] = true,
-[2988] = true,
-[2994] = true,
-[2995] = true,
-[2996] = true,
-[2997] = true,
-[3004] = true,
-[3005] = true,
-[3006] = true,
-[3007] = true,
-[3008] = true,
-[3009] = true,
-[3010] = true,
-[3011] = true,
-[3012] = true,
-[3047] = true,
--- DLC: Imperial City
-[1261] = true,
-[1346] = true,
-[1120] = true,
-[1182] = true,
-[1276] = true,
-[1175] = true,
-[1109] = true,
-[1185] = true,
-[1306] = true,
-[1133] = true,
-[1128] = true,
-[1303] = true,
-[1129] = true,
-[1279] = true,
-[1273] = true,
-[1345] = true,
-[880] = true,
-[1132] = true,
-[1184] = true,
-[1174] = true,
-[1275] = true,
-[1280] = true,
-[1142] = true,
-[1122] = true,
--- DLC: Dark Brotherhood
-[1444] = true,
-[1438] = true,
-[1437] = true,
-[1454] = true,
-[1410] = true,
-[1449] = true,
-[1421] = true,
-[1458] = true,
-[1463] = true,
-[1445] = true,
-[1459] = true,
-[1451] = true,
-[1435] = true,
-[1425] = true,
-[1419] = true,
-[1442] = true,
-[1436] = true,
-[1441] = true,
-[1420] = true,
-[1439] = true,
-[1457] = true,
-[1450] = true,
-[1434] = true,
-[1440] = true,
--- DLC: Orsinium
-[1324] = true,
-[1257] = true,
-[1331] = true,
-[1237] = true,
-[1235] = true,
-[1236] = true,
-[1326] = true,
-[1325] = true,
-[1327] = true,
-[1247] = true,
-[1240] = true,
-[1238] = true,
-[1239] = true,
-[1330] = true,
-[1305] = true,
-[1304] = true,
-[1260] = true,
-[1286] = true,
-[1285] = true,
-[1290] = true,
-[1289] = true,
-[1287] = true,
-[1288] = true,
-[1248] = true,
-[1249] = true,
 -- DLC: Stonethorn
 [2694] = true,
 [2695] = true,
@@ -586,145 +323,6 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2827] = true,
 [2828] = true,
 [2862] = true,
--- DLC: Summerset
-[2235] = true,
-[2208] = true,
-[2221] = true,
-[2238] = true,
-[2206] = true,
-[2213] = true,
-[2243] = true,
-[2135] = true,
-[2139] = true,
-[2236] = true,
-[2194] = true,
-[2039] = true,
-[2205] = true,
-[2138] = true,
-[2182] = true,
-[2095] = true,
-[2093] = true,
-[2137] = true,
-[2244] = true,
-[2237] = true,
-[2038] = true,
-[2193] = true,
-[2204] = true,
-[2036] = true,
-[2242] = true,
-[2100] = true,
-[2255] = true,
-[2256] = true,
-[2210] = true,
-[2249] = true,
-[2252] = true,
-[2251] = true,
-[2250] = true,
-[2254] = true,
-[2253] = true,
-[2257] = true,
-[2202] = true,
-[2231] = true,
-[2232] = true,
-[2203] = true,
-[2211] = true,
-[2041] = true,
-[2181] = true,
-[2096] = true,
-[2094] = true,
-[2222] = true,
-[2201] = true,
-[2233] = true,
-[2207] = true,
-[2042] = true,
-[2184] = true,
-[2241] = true,
-[2234] = true,
-[2136] = true,
-[2140] = true,
-[2131] = true,
-[2185] = true,
-[2220] = true,
-[2037] = true,
-[2101] = true,
-[2212] = true,
-[2040] = true,
-[2134] = true,
-[2171] = true,
--- DLC: Flames
-[2831] = true,
-[2832] = true,
-[2833] = true,
-[2834] = true,
-[2835] = true,
-[2837] = true,
-[2838] = true,
-[2841] = true,
-[2842] = true,
-[2843] = true,
-[2844] = true,
-[2845] = true,
-[2846] = true,
-[2847] = true,
-[2848] = true,
-[2864] = true,
-[2879] = true,
-[2880] = true,
-[2881] = true,
-[2882] = true,
-[2883] = true,
-[2884] = true,
-[2885] = true,
-[2886] = true,
-[2887] = true,
-[2888] = true,
-[2890] = true,
--- DLC: Elsweyr
-[2434] = true,
-[2436] = true,
-[2466] = true,
-[2467] = true,
-[2468] = true,
-[2469] = true,
-[2470] = true,
-[2499] = true,
-[2500] = true,
-[2501] = true,
--- DLC: Markath
-[2909] = true,
-[2910] = true,
-[2911] = true,
-[2912] = true,
-[2913] = true,
-[2914] = true,
-[2916] = true,
-[2917] = true,
-[2918] = true,
-[2919] = true,
-[2920] = true,
-[2921] = true,
-[2922] = true,
-[2923] = true,
-[2924] = true,
-[2925] = true,
-[2960] = true,
--- DLC: Deadlands
-[3141] = true,
-[3142] = true,
-[3143] = true,
-[3145] = true,
-[3207] = true,
-[3209] = true,
-[3210] = true,
-[3211] = true,
-[3212] = true,
-[3213] = true,
-[3214] = true,
-[3215] = true,
-[3216] = true,
-[3217] = true,
-[3218] = true,
-[3219] = true,
 -- DLC: Greymoor
 [2688] = true,
 [2689] = true,
@@ -750,6 +348,188 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2817] = true,
 [2818] = true,
 [2712] = true,
+-- DLC: Shadows of the Hist
+[1533] = true,
+[1536] = true,
+[1524] = true,
+[1508] = true,
+[1506] = true,
+[1519] = true,
+[1538] = true,
+[1531] = true,
+[1513] = true,
+[1514] = true,
+[1504] = true,
+[1505] = true,
+[1511] = true,
+[1507] = true,
+[1516] = true,
+[1535] = true,
+[1512] = true,
+[1515] = true,
+[1530] = true,
+[1525] = true,
+[1534] = true,
+[1532] = true,
+[1522] = true,
+[1523] = true,
+[1529] = true,
+[1517] = true,
+[1518] = true,
+[1526] = true,
+-- DLC: Lost Depths
+[3375] = true,
+[3376] = true,
+[3377] = true,
+[3378] = true,
+[3379] = true,
+[3380] = true,
+[3381] = true,
+[3382] = true,
+[3383] = true,
+[3384] = true,
+[3386] = true,
+[3388] = true,
+[3389] = true,
+[3390] = true,
+[3391] = true,
+[3394] = true,
+[3395] = true,
+[3396] = true,
+[3397] = true,
+[3398] = true,
+[3399] = true,
+[3400] = true,
+[3401] = true,
+[3403] = true,
+[3404] = true,
+[3405] = true,
+[3407] = true,
+[3408] = true,
+[3409] = true,
+[3410] = true,
+[3412] = true,
+[3413] = true,
+[3414] = true,
+[3425] = true,
+[3525] = true,
+[3526] = true,
+-- DLC: Necrom
+[3559] = true,
+[3561] = true,
+[3565] = true,
+[3566] = true,
+[3567] = true,
+[3568] = true,
+[3569] = true,
+[3570] = true,
+[3571] = true,
+[3572] = true,
+[3573] = true,
+[3629] = true,
+[3630] = true,
+[3631] = true,
+[3632] = true,
+[3633] = true,
+[3634] = true,
+[3635] = true,
+[3638] = true,
+[3639] = true,
+[3640] = true,
+[3641] = true,
+[3642] = true,
+[3643] = true,
+[3644] = true,
+[3645] = true,
+[3646] = true,
+[3657] = true,
+[3658] = true,
+[3659] = true,
+[3660] = true,
+[3670] = true,
+[3671] = true,
+[3674] = true,
+[3731] = true,
+-- DLC: Dragonhold
+[2596] = true,
+[2597] = true,
+[2598] = true,
+[2599] = true,
+[2600] = true,
+[2602] = true,
+[2603] = true,
+[2604] = true,
+[2633] = true,
+[2634] = true,
+[2635] = true,
+-- DLC: Orsinium
+[1324] = true,
+[1257] = true,
+[1331] = true,
+[1237] = true,
+[1235] = true,
+[1236] = true,
+[1326] = true,
+[1325] = true,
+[1327] = true,
+[1247] = true,
+[1240] = true,
+[1238] = true,
+[1239] = true,
+[1330] = true,
+[1305] = true,
+[1304] = true,
+[1260] = true,
+[1286] = true,
+[1285] = true,
+[1290] = true,
+[1289] = true,
+[1287] = true,
+[1288] = true,
+[1248] = true,
+[1249] = true,
+-- DLC: Thieves Guild
+[1377] = true,
+[1371] = true,
+[1362] = true,
+[1367] = true,
+[1376] = true,
+[1361] = true,
+[1389] = true,
+[1369] = true,
+[1388] = true,
+[1386] = true,
+[1392] = true,
+[1391] = true,
+[1390] = true,
+[1378] = true,
+[1370] = true,
+[1365] = true,
+[1394] = true,
+[1354] = true,
+[1352] = true,
+[1404] = true,
+[1353] = true,
+[1363] = true,
+[1349] = true,
+[1402] = true,
+[1360] = true,
+[1375] = true,
+-- DLC: Murkmire
+[2363] = true,
+[2364] = true,
+[2365] = true,
+[2366] = true,
+[2367] = true,
+[2368] = true,
+[2369] = true,
+[2370] = true,
+[2371] = true,
+[2372] = true,
+[2373] = true,
+[2374] = true,
+[2375] = true,
+[2376] = true,
 -- DLC: Ascending Tide
 [3104] = true,
 [3105] = true,
@@ -782,6 +562,196 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [3225] = true,
 [3226] = true,
 [3231] = true,
+-- DLC: Waking Flame
+[3016] = true,
+[3017] = true,
+[3018] = true,
+[3019] = true,
+[3020] = true,
+[3022] = true,
+[3023] = true,
+[3026] = true,
+[3027] = true,
+[3028] = true,
+[3029] = true,
+[3030] = true,
+[3031] = true,
+[3032] = true,
+[3033] = true,
+[3034] = true,
+[3035] = true,
+[3036] = true,
+[3037] = true,
+[3041] = true,
+[3042] = true,
+[3043] = true,
+[3045] = true,
+[3046] = true,
+[3086] = true,
+[3087] = true,
+[3088] = true,
+[3089] = true,
+[3090] = true,
+[3091] = true,
+[3092] = true,
+[3093] = true,
+-- DLC: Dragon Bones
+[1959] = true,
+[1960] = true,
+[1963] = true,
+[1964] = true,
+[1965] = true,
+[1966] = true,
+[1967] = true,
+[1968] = true,
+[1969] = true,
+[1970] = true,
+[1971] = true,
+[1972] = true,
+[1973] = true,
+[1974] = true,
+[1975] = true,
+[1976] = true,
+[1979] = true,
+[1980] = true,
+[1981] = true,
+[1982] = true,
+[1983] = true,
+[1984] = true,
+[1985] = true,
+[1986] = true,
+[1987] = true,
+[1988] = true,
+[1989] = true,
+[1990] = true,
+[1991] = true,
+[2102] = true,
+-- DLC: Blackwood
+[2974] = true,
+[2975] = true,
+[2976] = true,
+[2977] = true,
+[2978] = true,
+[2979] = true,
+[2980] = true,
+[2988] = true,
+[2994] = true,
+[2995] = true,
+[2996] = true,
+[2997] = true,
+[3004] = true,
+[3005] = true,
+[3006] = true,
+[3007] = true,
+[3008] = true,
+[3009] = true,
+[3010] = true,
+[3011] = true,
+[3012] = true,
+[3047] = true,
+-- DLC: Flames
+[2831] = true,
+[2832] = true,
+[2833] = true,
+[2834] = true,
+[2835] = true,
+[2837] = true,
+[2838] = true,
+[2841] = true,
+[2842] = true,
+[2843] = true,
+[2844] = true,
+[2845] = true,
+[2846] = true,
+[2847] = true,
+[2848] = true,
+[2864] = true,
+[2879] = true,
+[2880] = true,
+[2881] = true,
+[2882] = true,
+[2883] = true,
+[2884] = true,
+[2885] = true,
+[2886] = true,
+[2887] = true,
+[2888] = true,
+[2890] = true,
+-- DLC: Harrowstorm
+[2539] = true,
+[2540] = true,
+[2541] = true,
+[2542] = true,
+[2543] = true,
+[2545] = true,
+[2546] = true,
+[2549] = true,
+[2550] = true,
+[2551] = true,
+[2552] = true,
+[2553] = true,
+[2554] = true,
+[2555] = true,
+[2556] = true,
+[2660] = true,
+[2670] = true,
+[2671] = true,
+[2672] = true,
+[2673] = true,
+[2674] = true,
+[2675] = true,
+[2676] = true,
+[2677] = true,
+[2678] = true,
+[2679] = true,
+[2680] = true,
+[2681] = true,
+[2682] = true,
+[2683] = true,
+[2684] = true,
+[2685] = true,
+-- DLC: High Isle
+[3243] = true,
+[3245] = true,
+[3249] = true,
+[3250] = true,
+[3251] = true,
+[3252] = true,
+[3253] = true,
+[3254] = true,
+[3255] = true,
+[3256] = true,
+[3257] = true,
+[3271] = true,
+[3281] = true,
+[3282] = true,
+[3283] = true,
+[3284] = true,
+[3285] = true,
+[3286] = true,
+[3287] = true,
+[3288] = true,
+[3289] = true,
+[3290] = true,
+[3291] = true,
+-- DLC: Markath
+[2909] = true,
+[2910] = true,
+[2911] = true,
+[2912] = true,
+[2913] = true,
+[2914] = true,
+[2916] = true,
+[2917] = true,
+[2918] = true,
+[2919] = true,
+[2920] = true,
+[2921] = true,
+[2922] = true,
+[2923] = true,
+[2924] = true,
+[2925] = true,
+[2960] = true,
 -- DLC: Scalebreaker
 [2415] = true,
 [2416] = true,
@@ -814,20 +784,99 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2582] = true,
 [2583] = true,
 [2584] = true,
--- DLC: Firesong
-[3494] = true,
-[3495] = true,
-[3496] = true,
-[3507] = true,
-[3508] = true,
-[3509] = true,
-[3510] = true,
-[3511] = true,
-[3512] = true,
-[3513] = true,
-[3514] = true,
-[3515] = true,
-[3548] = true,
+-- DLC: Dark Brotherhood
+[1444] = true,
+[1438] = true,
+[1437] = true,
+[1454] = true,
+[1410] = true,
+[1449] = true,
+[1421] = true,
+[1458] = true,
+[1463] = true,
+[1445] = true,
+[1459] = true,
+[1451] = true,
+[1435] = true,
+[1425] = true,
+[1419] = true,
+[1442] = true,
+[1436] = true,
+[1441] = true,
+[1420] = true,
+[1439] = true,
+[1457] = true,
+[1450] = true,
+[1434] = true,
+[1440] = true,
+-- DLC: Imperial City
+[1261] = true,
+[1346] = true,
+[1120] = true,
+[1182] = true,
+[1276] = true,
+[1175] = true,
+[1109] = true,
+[1185] = true,
+[1306] = true,
+[1133] = true,
+[1128] = true,
+[1303] = true,
+[1129] = true,
+[1279] = true,
+[1273] = true,
+[1345] = true,
+[880] = true,
+[1132] = true,
+[1184] = true,
+[1174] = true,
+[1275] = true,
+[1280] = true,
+[1142] = true,
+[1122] = true,
+-- DLC: Morrowind
+[1806] = true,
+[1811] = true,
+[1849] = true,
+[1809] = true,
+[1827] = true,
+[1834] = true,
+[1826] = true,
+[1837] = true,
+[1802] = true,
+[1871] = true,
+[1868] = true,
+[1803] = true,
+[1869] = true,
+[1831] = true,
+[1832] = true,
+[1874] = true,
+[1853] = true,
+[1846] = true,
+[1854] = true,
+[1870] = true,
+[1875] = true,
+[1847] = true,
+[1838] = true,
+[1872] = true,
+[1839] = true,
+[1873] = true,
+[1851] = true,
+[1856] = true,
+[1855] = true,
+[1857] = true,
+[1833] = true,
+[1877] = true,
+[1836] = true,
+[1848] = true,
+[1804] = true,
+[1807] = true,
+[1852] = true,
+[1805] = true,
+[1850] = true,
+[1840] = true,
+[1876] = true,
+[1835] = true,
 -- DLC: Wrathstone
 [2260] = true,
 [2261] = true,
@@ -858,87 +907,38 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2393] = true,
 [2395] = true,
 [2471] = true,
--- DLC: Shadows of the Hist
-[1533] = true,
-[1536] = true,
-[1524] = true,
-[1508] = true,
-[1506] = true,
-[1519] = true,
-[1538] = true,
-[1531] = true,
-[1513] = true,
-[1514] = true,
-[1504] = true,
-[1505] = true,
-[1511] = true,
-[1507] = true,
-[1516] = true,
-[1535] = true,
-[1512] = true,
-[1515] = true,
-[1530] = true,
-[1525] = true,
-[1534] = true,
-[1532] = true,
-[1522] = true,
-[1523] = true,
-[1529] = true,
-[1517] = true,
-[1518] = true,
-[1526] = true,
--- DLC: Lost Depths
-[3375] = true,
-[3376] = true,
-[3377] = true,
-[3378] = true,
-[3379] = true,
-[3380] = true,
-[3381] = true,
-[3382] = true,
-[3383] = true,
-[3384] = true,
-[3386] = true,
-[3388] = true,
-[3389] = true,
-[3390] = true,
-[3391] = true,
-[3394] = true,
-[3395] = true,
-[3396] = true,
-[3397] = true,
-[3398] = true,
-[3399] = true,
-[3400] = true,
-[3401] = true,
-[3403] = true,
-[3404] = true,
-[3405] = true,
-[3407] = true,
-[3408] = true,
-[3409] = true,
-[3410] = true,
-[3412] = true,
-[3413] = true,
-[3414] = true,
-[3425] = true,
-[3525] = true,
-[3526] = true,
--- DLC: Murkmire
-[2363] = true,
-[2364] = true,
-[2365] = true,
-[2366] = true,
-[2367] = true,
-[2368] = true,
-[2369] = true,
-[2370] = true,
-[2371] = true,
-[2372] = true,
-[2373] = true,
-[2374] = true,
-[2375] = true,
-[2376] = true,
+-- DLC: Wolfhunter
+[2152] = true,
+[2153] = true,
+[2154] = true,
+[2155] = true,
+[2156] = true,
+[2158] = true,
+[2159] = true,
+[2162] = true,
+[2163] = true,
+[2164] = true,
+[2165] = true,
+[2166] = true,
+[2167] = true,
+[2168] = true,
+[2170] = true,
+[2297] = true,
+[2298] = true,
+[2299] = true,
+[2300] = true,
+[2301] = true,
+[2302] = true,
+[2303] = true,
+[2304] = true,
+[2305] = true,
+[2306] = true,
+[2307] = true,
+[2308] = true,
+[2309] = true,
+[2310] = true,
+[2311] = true,
+[2312] = true,
 -- SQ
 [512] = true,
 [516] = true,
@@ -955,15 +955,15 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2333] = true,
 [30] = true,
 [31] = true,
+[1443] = true,
 [2482] = true,
 [2485] = true,
 [950] = true,
 [184] = true,
 [185] = true,
 [156] = true,
-[99999999] = true,
-[283] = true,
 [538] = true,
+[283] = true,
 [201] = true,
 [204] = true,
 [589] = true,
@@ -971,24 +971,23 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [335] = true,
 [336] = true,
 [209] = true,
-[2725] = true,
-[2720] = true,
 [597] = true,
 [598] = true,
 [599] = true,
+[2725] = true,
+[2720] = true,
 [2722] = true,
-[2488] = true,
-[2338] = true,
 [605] = true,
 [606] = true,
 [607] = true,
+[2338] = true,
 [2337] = true,
 [2336] = true,
 [2335] = true,
-[2334] = true,
 [612] = true,
 [613] = true,
 [614] = true,
+[2334] = true,
 [360] = true,
 [361] = true,
 [362] = true,
@@ -1149,9 +1148,9 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [2564] = true,
 [2294] = true,
 [2293] = true,
-[444] = true,
 [442] = true,
-[441] = true,
+[443] = true,
+[444] = true,
 [700] = true,
 [495] = true,
 [496] = true,
@@ -1159,7 +1158,7 @@ hist.IDs = {
 [498] = true,
 [499] = true,
 [500] = true,
-[443] = true,
+[441] = true,
 [440] = true,
 [701] = true,
 [699] = true,
diff --git a/data/keys.lua b/data/keys.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e9523f1..0000000
--- a/data/keys.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
---Generalised Location keys for square Grids
-Locations2Key = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
---Area is the heading  L.Area_Names[Area]
-{ key="1:1",L=1,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="Stonefalls"},
-{ key="2:1",L=2,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="Deshaan"},
-{ key="3:1",L=3,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="Shadowfen"},
-{ key="4:1",L=4,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="Eastmarch"},
-{ key="5:1",L=5,C=1,Area=1},		--	name="The Rift"},	5
-{ key="1:2",L=1,C=2,Area=2},		--	name="Glenumbra"},
-{ key="2:2",L=2,C=2,Area=2},		--	name="Stormhaven"},
-{ key="3:2",L=3,C=2,Area=2},		--	name="Rivenspire"},
-{ key="4:2",L=4,C=2,Area=2},		--	name="Alik'r Desert"},
-{ key="5:2",L=5,C=2,Area=2},		--	name="Bangkorai"},	10
-{ key="1:3",L=1,C=3,Area=3},		--	name="Auridon"},
-{ key="2:3",L=2,C=3,Area=3},		--	name="Grahtwood"},
-{ key="3:3",L=3,C=3,Area=3},--	--	name="Greenshade"},
-{ key="4:3",L=4,C=3,Area=3},--	--	name="Malabal-Tor"},
-{ key="5:3",L=5,C=3,Area=3},--	--	name="Reaper's March"},	15
-{ key="1:4",L=1,C=4,Area=4},		--	name="Coldharbour}, --16
-{ key="2:4",L=2,C=4,Area=4},		--	name="Dark Brotherhood"},  17
-{ key="3:4",L=3,C=4,Area=4},		--	name="Thieves Guild"},	18
-{ key="4:4",L=4,C=4,Area=4},		--	name="Imperial City"},	19
-{ key="5:4",L=5,C=4,Area=4},		--	name="VVardenfell"},	20
-{ key="1:5",L=1,C=5,Area=4},		--	name="Orsinium"},	21
-{ key="2:5",L=2,C=5,Area=4},		--	name="Clockwork City"},	22
-{ key="3:5",L=3,C=5,Area=4},		--	name="Summerset"},	23
-{ key="4:5",L=4,C=5,Area=4},		--	name="Murkmire"},	24
-{ key="5:5",L=5,C=5,Area=4},		--	name="Northern Elswyr"},	25
-{ key="1:6",L=1,C=6,Area=4},		--	name="Southern Elswyr"},	26  (Dragonhold)
-{ key="2:6",L=2,C=6,Area=4},		--	name="Greymoor"},	27
-{ key="3:6",L=3,C=6,Area=4},		--	name="Markath"},	28
-{ key="4:6",L=4,C=6,Area=4}, 		--  name="Deadlands"},	29
-{ key="5:6",L=5,C=6,Area=4}, 		--  name="Firesong"},	30
-{ key="1:7",L=1,C=7,Area=4}, 		--  name="HighIsle"},	31
-{ key="2:7",L=2,C=7,Area=4}, 		--  name="Necrom"},	32
diff --git a/data/ru/ru.lua b/data/ru/ru.lua
index 0ce9417..60a5190 100644
--- a/data/ru/ru.lua
+++ b/data/ru/ru.lua
@@ -1,112 +1,55 @@

 dateformat = "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M"

-Area_names = {
-	[1] = { short= "EP",
-			medium = "Pact",
-			long = "Ebonheart Pact"},
-	[2] = { short= "DC",
-			medium = "Covenant",
-			long = "Daggerfall Covenant"},
-	[3] = { short= "AD",
-			medium = "Dominion",
-			long = "Aldmeri Dominion"},
-	[4] = { short= "CH",
-			medium = "Other",
-			long = "Other"},
-	[5] = { short= "CRAG",
-			medium = "Craglorn",
-			long = "Craglorn"},
-	[6] = { short= "ORS",
-			medium = "Orsinium",
-			long = "Orsinium"},
-	[7] = { short= "TG",	     -- Not using, no dungeons..
-			medium = "Hew's Bane",
-			long = "Hew's Bane"},
-	[8] = { short= "IC",
-			medium = "Imperial City",
-			long = "Imperial City"},
-	[9] = { short= "Hist",
-			medium = "Hist",
-			long = "Shadows of the Hist"},
-	[10] = { short= "Horns",
-			medium = "Horns of the Reach",
-			long = "Horns of the Reach"},
-	[11] = { short= "Bones",
-			medium = "Dragon Bones",
-			long = "Dragon Bones"},
-	[12] = { short= "Varden",
-			medium = "Vardenfell",
-			long = "Vardenfell"},
-	[13] = { short= "Summer",
-			medium = "Summerset Isle",
-			long = "Summerset Isle"},
-	[14] = { short= "Wolf",
-			medium = "Wolfhunter",
-			long = "Wolfhunter"},
-	[15] = { short= "Murk",
-			medium = "Murkmire",
-			long = "Murkmire"},
-	[16] = { short= "Elsweyr",
-			medium = "Elsweyr",
-			long = "Elsweyr"},
-	[17] = { short= "Dragonhold",
-			medium = "Dragonhold",
-			long = "Dragonhold"},
-	[18] = { short= "Scalebreaker",
-			medium = "Scalebreaker",
-			long = "Scalebreaker"},
-	[19] = { short= "Wrathstone",
-			medium = "Wrathstone",
-			long = "Wrathstone"},
-	[20] = { short= "Harrowstorm",
-			medium = "Harrowstorm",
-			long = "Harrowstorm"},
-	[21] = { short= "Greymoor",
-			medium="Greymoor",
-			long="Greymoor"},
-	[22] = { short= "Stonethorn",
-			medium="Stonethorn",
-			long="Stonethorn"},
-	[23] = { short= "Markath",
-			medium="Markath",
-			long="Markath"},
-	[24] = { short= "Flames",
-			medium="Flames",
-			long="Flames of Ambition"},
-	[25] = { short= "Blackwood",
-			medium="Blackwood",
-			long="Blackwood"},
-	[26] = { short= "Waking Flame",
-			medium="Waking Flame",
-			long="Waking Flame"},
-	[27] = { short= "Deadlands",
-			medium="Deadlands",
-			long="Deadlands"},
-	[28] = { short= "Ascending",
-			medium="Ascending",
-			long="Ascending Tide"},
-	[29] = { short= "High Isle",
-			medium="High Isle",
-			long="High Isle"},
-	[30] = { short= "Lost Depths",
-			medium="Lost Depths",
-			long="Lost Depths"},
-	[31] = { short= "Firesong",
-			medium="Firesong",
-			long="Firesong"},
-	[32] = { short= "Scribes",
-			medium="Scribes",
-			long="Scribes of Fate"},
-	[33] = { short= "Necrom",
-			medium="Necrom",
-			long="Necrom"},
+[1]={ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
+[2]={ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
+[3]={ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
+[4]={ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
+[5]={ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
+[6]={ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
+[7]={ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
+[8]={ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
+[9]={ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
+[10]={ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
+[11]={ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
+[12]={ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
+[13]={ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
+[14]={ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
+[15]={ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
+[16]={ name="Coldharbor"},
+[17]={ name="Craglorn"},
+[18]={ name="Wrothgar"},
+[19]={ name="Hew's Bane"},
+[20]={ name="Gold Coast"},
+[21]={ name="Imperial City"},
+[22]={ name="Murkmire"},
+[23]={ name="Western Skyrim"},
+[24]={ name="The Reach"},
+[25]={ name="Vardenfell"},
+[26]={ name="Auridon"},
+[27]={ name="Summerset"},
+[28]={ name="Arteum"},
+[29]={ name="Clockwork City"},
+[30]={ name="Northern Elsweyr"},
+[31]={ name="Southern Elsweyr"},
+[32]={ name="Blackwood"},
+[33]={ name="Blackreach"},
+[34]={ name="Blackreach:Arkthzand"},
+[35]={ name="Blackreach:Greymoor"},
+[36]={ name="Fargrave"},
+[37]={ name="Fargrave City District"},
+[38]={ name="Galen Y'ffelon"},
+[39]={ name="Apocrypha"},
+[40]={ name=""},
+[41]={ name="The Deadlands"},
+[42]={ name="High Isle"},
+[43]={ name="Telvanni Peninsular"},

@@ -163,9 +106,6 @@ L = {
 	Vet = "Veteran",
 	Achievements = "Achievements",
 	DLCLab="Downloadable Content",
@@ -187,7 +127,6 @@ L = {
 	Achievement = "Achievement",
 	Filter="Show Characters",

@@ -206,52 +145,6 @@["Group 2VH"] = "Group 2VH"["DLC Group"] = "DLC Group"

-Locations2 = {   -- Used for WB and SQ,
-{ name="Stonefalls",Grp="Fungal Grotto", Pub="Crow's Wood"},	--1
-{ name="Deshaan", Grp="Darkshade Caverns", Pub="Forgotten Crypts"},	--2
-{ name="Shadowfen", Grp="Arx Corinum", Pub="Sanguine's Demesne"},	--3
-{ name="Eastmarch", Grp="Direfrost Keep", Pub="Hall of the Dead"},	--4
-{ name="The Rift", Grp="Blessed Crucible", Pub="Lion's Den"},	--5
-{ name="Glenumbra", Grp="Spindleclutch", Pub="Bad Man's Hallows"},	--6
-{ name="Stormhaven", Grp="Wayrest Sewers", Pub="Bonesnap Ruins"},	--7
-{ name="Rivenspire", Grp="Crypt of Hearts", Pub="Obsidian Scar"},	--8
-{ name="Alik'r Desert", Grp="Volenfell", Pub="Lost City"},	--9
-{ name="Bangkorai", Grp="Blackheart Haven", Pub="Razaks Wheel"},	--10
-{ name="Auridon", Grp="Banished Cells", Pub="Toothmall Gully"},	--11
-{ name="Grahtwood", Grp="Elden Hollow", Pub="Root Sunder Ruins"},	--12
-{ name="Greenshade", Grp="City of Ash", Pub="Rulanyil's Fall"},	--13
-{ name="Malabal-Tor", Grp="Tempest Island", Pub="Crimson Cove"},	--14
-{ name="Reaper's March", Grp="Selene's Web", Pub="The Vile Manse"},	--15
-{ name="Coldharbour", Grp="Vaults of Madness", Pub="Village of the Lost"},	--16
-{ name="Dark Brotherhood"},	--17
-{ name="Thieves Guild"},	--18
-{ name="Imperial City"},	--19
-{ name="VVardenfell"},	--20
-{ name="Orsinium"},--21
-{ name="Clockwork City"},	--22
-{ name="Summerset"},	--23
-{ name="Murkmire"},	--24
-{ name="Northern Elsweyr"},	--25
-{ name="Southern Elsweyr"},	--26
-{ name="Greymoor"},	--27
-{ name="Markath"},	--28
--- { name="Flames"},	--29  Not Used
--- { name="Blackwood"},	--29
--- { name="Waking Flame"},	--30
-{ name="Deadlands"},	--29
---{ name="Ascending"},	--32
---{ name="High Isle"},	--33
---{ name="Lost Depths"},	--33
-{ name="Firesong"},	--30
-{ name="Necrom"},	--31
-} --Update Keys Location2Key when updating this (Keys.lua)

 --With Dungeons  No thieves guild or dark brotherhood
 -- In DLC.lua, the canonical naming DLC_Category= {"Orsinium", "Imperial City", "Shadows of the Hist", "Horns of the Reach", "Dragon Bones","Clockwork City", "Morrowind", "Summerset", "Wolfhunter",  "Murkmire", "Elsweyr")
diff --git a/data/special.lua b/data/special.lua
index 6fd257b..c710f68 100644
--- a/data/special.lua
+++ b/data/special.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+--ids we might want that may not be elsewhere
 Special_dat = {
 [1073] = "EP Vanquisher",
 [1074] = "DC Vanquisher",
diff --git a/history.txt b/history.txt
index 677150d..8453970 100644
--- a/history.txt
+++ b/history.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: Dad's History, Rage Quit Edition. Still Raging.
 ## APIVersion: 101038 101039
-## Version: 81
+## Version: 82
 ## Author: HisDad
 ## Description: Record progress of all characters for offline viewing. No in-game interface.
 ## SavedVariables: History_SV