Multiple Accounts mostly working

His Dad [04-20-15 - 04:22]
Multiple Accounts mostly working
diff --git a/HistOffline.lua b/HistOffline.lua
index 1574ffe..b676380 100644
--- a/HistOffline.lua
+++ b/HistOffline.lua
@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ accounts = {}
 for i,_ in pairs(History_SV["Default"]) do
 	accounts[i] = {}
 	accounts[i].names = {}	-- intermediate table for sorting. WIP. Array formatted.
-	accounts[i].name = {}  -- ==busted
-	accounts[i].log_box = {}
+	accounts[i].name = {}
 	myaccount = i

@@ -83,357 +82,340 @@ end
 -- newf:write("History_SV=" .. write_saved(History_SV))
 -- newf:close()

--- Load User Data

-local allchar = History_SV["Default"][myaccount]["$AccountWide"]["data"]

-function getlevel(char) -- as numbers
-	local level = 0
-	for i,_ in pairs(allchar[char].levels) do
-		if (i>level)  then
-			level = i
-		end
-	end
-	return level
---get all character names into an array
-local names = {} display = {}
- for char, _ in pairs(allchar) do
-      table.insert (names, char)
-	display[char] = {}
- end
--- Load up Names,
+-- Load up .names, as a first run through. It's a sortable array.
+-- This is used as an indirection to control presentation order
  for acc,_ in pairs (accounts) do
   for char, _ in pairs(History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"]) do
       table.insert (accounts[acc].names, char)
-	  accounts[acc].name[char] = {}
-	  accounts[acc].name[char].display = {}	-- Hold all the IUP tabs and boxes for that char
+	  accounts[acc].name[char] = {}		-- stub table to hold char data

+--	  accounts[acc].name[char].display = {}	-- Hold all the IUP tabs and boxes for that char
 function print_old()
 	for i,j in pairs (History_SV["Default"][myaccount]["$AccountWide"]["old"]) do
 		print (i .. " .. " .. dump(j))
-function getlevel_as_text(char) -- as text and Vlevels
-	local level = getlevel(char)
-	if (level <=50) then
-		return level
-	else
-		return "V" .. level -50
-	end

+-- set up some static data
 lbl_Status_bar = iup.label{title=L.Welcome, expand = "HORIZONTAL"}
 btn_archive = iup.button{title="Archive", FGCOLOR = "#FF0000"}
-accounts[acc].logtabs  =iup.tabs{}  -- Examine Log Data
-Chartabs =iup.tabs{}  -- Character Info in Here
--- Creates boxes, stage from names to allow optional sorting in future.
-for _,char in ipairs(names) do
-	local gender=""
-	if allchar[char].Gender =="M" then
-		gender = L.Male
-	elseif allchar[char].Gender =="F" then
-		gender = L.Female
-	end
-	local level = getlevel(char)		-- as number
---	print (level, getlevel_as_text(char))
-	local timeplayed = math.floor(allchar[char].levels[level].time/60)
-	-- Generate the levelling box.  ============================
-	local leveling_box = {}
-	leveling_box[char] = iup.matrix {numcol=5, numcol_visible=5,  widthdef=60}
-	leveling_box[char]:setcell(0,1, L.Level)
-	leveling_box[char]:setcell(0,2, L.PTime)
-	leveling_box[char]:setcell(0,3, L.Start)
-	leveling_box[char]:setcell(0,4, L.Deaths)
-	leveling_box[char]:setcell(0,5, L.APts)
-	-- levels as stored are unsorted, so create a level table which is sorted,
-	local levels = {}
-	for i,_ in pairs(allchar[char].levels) do
-		table.insert(levels, i)
-	end
-	table.sort(levels)

-	for i,j in ipairs(levels) do		-- traverse in sorted order
-	--	print (char, i,j)
-		local timelevel = math.floor(allchar[char].levels[j].time)
-		leveling_box[char].numlin = i
-		leveling_box[char]:setcell(i,1, j)
-		leveling_box[char]:setcell(i,2, math.floor(timelevel/60))
-		leveling_box[char]:setcell(i,3,"%Y-%m-%d",allchar[char].levels[j].begin))
-		leveling_box[char]:setcell(i,4, allchar[char].levels[j].deaths)
-		leveling_box[char]:setcell(i,5, allchar[char].levels[j].Ach_Points)
-	end
+--[[ ==========================================
+	Iterate over all accounts and chars creating display items
+ for acc,_ in pairs (accounts) do
+  -- ====  Accountwide Data
+  -- Setup Log data
+	accounts[acc].logtabs  =iup.tabs{}
+	-- Log Display table presentation
+	accounts[acc].logtable = {}
+	accounts[acc].logtable=iup.matrix{numcol=1, numcol_visible=1,  numlin=0}
+	accounts[acc].logtable:setcell(0,0, L.TStamp)
+	iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].logtable,  "ALIGNMENT0", "ACENTER")
+	iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].logtable,  "WIDTH0", 80)
+	iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].logtable,  "WIDTH1", 200)
+	-- Load log data

-	-- Create Grp Dungeon Achievements Box=========================
-	local Grp_box = {}
-	Grp_box[char] = iup.matrix {numcol=4, numcol_visible=4,  numlin=5, widthdef=90}
-	--Set Column titles
-	for i=1, 4 do
-		Grp_box[char]:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
+	local Line=0
+	local TimeStr = ""
+	accounts[acc].logtable.numlin = Line
+	for i,j in ipairs (History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["log"]) do
+		Line= Line +1
+		accounts[acc].logtable.numlin = Line
+		TimeStr =,j["TimeStamp"])
+		accounts[acc].logtable:setcell( Line,0, TimeStr)
+		accounts[acc].logtable:setcell( Line,1, j["text"])
-	--set lines
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(0,0, L.Level)
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(1,0, "10+")
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(2,0, "17+")
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(3,0, "24+")
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(4,0, "31+")
-	Grp_box[char]:setcell(5,0, "38+")
-	-- set all text to red
-	iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	-- set text to black if achievement found.
-	for id,_ in pairs (grp_dat) do
-		local colour
-		if allchar[char].ach[id] ~= nil then
-			colour = "FGCOLOR" .. grp_dat[id].L .. ":" .. grp_dat[id].C
-			iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char], colour, Colour_Complete)
+	-- Setup Log Display
+	accounts[acc].log_tab=iup.vbox {
+			["tabtitle"] =L.LogTab,
+			iup.label{title="LogLabel",expand="HORIZONTAL"},
+			accounts[acc].logtable,
+			iup.label{SEPARATOR="HORIZONTAL"},	-- Bottom Area
+			iup.hbox { Alignment = "ACENTER",
+				btn_eraselog,
+				iup.label{title = L.EraseWarning, PADDING="10X0"},
+				iup.fill{},
+					},
+			iup.fill{}
+			}
+	accounts[acc].tabs =iup.tabs{}  -- Top level of Tabs, Character Info in Here
+  -- ====  END Accountwide Data
+-- Creates boxes, stage from names to allow optional sorting in future.
+	for _,char in ipairs(accounts[acc].names) do
+		accounts[acc].name[char] = {}
+		-- Pull in some char data for processing
+		-- == Gender
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Gender =="M" then
+			accounts[acc].name[char].gender = L.Male
+		elseif History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Gender == "F" then
+			accounts[acc].name[char].gender = L.Female
+		end
+		-- ==Level
+		local level = History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].level
+		accounts[acc].name[char].level = level
+		if (level <=50) then
+			accounts[acc].name[char].levelstr = tostring(level)
+		else
+			accounts[acc].name[char].levelstr = "V" .. tostring(level -50)
+		end
+		-- == Cumulative TimePlayed
+		accounts[acc].name[char].timeplayed = math.floor(History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels[level].time/60)
+		-- Generate the levelling box.  ============================
+		local leveling_box = {}
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box = iup.matrix {numcol=5, numcol_visible=5,  widthdef=60}
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(0,1, L.Level)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(0,2, L.PTime)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(0,3, L.Start)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(0,4, L.Deaths)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(0,5, L.APts)
+		-- levels as stored are unsorted, so create a level table which is sorted,
+		local levels = {}
+		for i,_ in pairs(History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels) do
+			table.insert(levels, i)
-	end
-	--Set background of heading if all done
-	if allchar[char].ach[1073] ~= nil then  --EP Vanquisher
-			iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:1", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end
-	if allchar[char].ach[1074] ~= nil then  --DC Vanquisher
-			iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:2", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end

-	if allchar[char].ach[1075] ~= nil then  --AD Vanquisher
-			iup.SetAttribute(Grp_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end
+		table.sort(levels)
+		for i,j in ipairs(levels) do		-- traverse in sorted order
+		--	print (char, i,j)
+			local timelevel = math.floor(History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels[j].time)
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box.numlin = i
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(i,1, j)
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(i,2, math.floor(timelevel/60))
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(i,3,"%Y-%m-%d",History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels[j].begin))
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(i,4, History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels[j].deaths)
+			accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box:setcell(i,5, History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].levels[j].Ach_Points)
+		end

+		-- Create Grp Dungeon Achievements Box=========================
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box = {}
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box = iup.matrix {numcol=4, numcol_visible=4,  numlin=5, widthdef=90}
+		--Set Column titles
+		for i=1, 4 do
+			accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
+		end
+		--set lines
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(0,0, L.Level)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(1,0, "10+")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(2,0, "17+")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(3,0, "24+")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(4,0, "31+")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(5,0, "38+")
+		-- set all text to red
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		-- set text to black if achievement found.
+		for id,_ in pairs (grp_dat) do
+			local colour
+			if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[id] ~= nil then
+				colour = "FGCOLOR" .. grp_dat[id].L .. ":" .. grp_dat[id].C
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box, colour, Colour_Complete)
+			end
+		end

-	for id,_ in pairs (grp_dat) do
-			Grp_box[char]:setcell(grp_dat[id].L,grp_dat[id].C,grp_dat[id].name)
-	end
+		--Set background of heading if all done
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1073] ~= nil then  --EP Vanquisher
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "BGCOLOR0:1", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1074] ~= nil then  --DC Vanquisher
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "BGCOLOR0:2", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

-	Grp_box[char].Redraw= "ALL"
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1075] ~= nil then  --AD Vanquisher
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,  "BGCOLOR0:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

-	-- Create Pub Dungeon Achievements Box==========================
-	local Pub_box = {}
-	Pub_box[char] = iup.matrix {numcol=4, numcol_visible=4,  numlin=5, widthdef=90}
-	for i=1, 4 do  -- Load text
-		Pub_box[char]:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
-	end
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(0,0, L.Level)
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(1,0, "12-15")
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(2,0, "20-23")
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(3,0, "35-36")
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(4,0, "40-43")
-	Pub_box[char]:setcell(5,0, "47-50")
-	iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	for id,_ in pairs (pub_dat) do
-		if allchar[char].ach[id] ~= nil then
-			local colour = "FGCOLOR" .. pub_dat[id].L .. ":" .. pub_dat[id].C
-			iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char], colour, Colour_Complete)
+		for id,_ in pairs (grp_dat) do
+				accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box:setcell(grp_dat[id].L,grp_dat[id].C,grp_dat[id].name)
-	end

-	if allchar[char].ach[1068] ~= nil then  --EP Conqueror
-			iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:1", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end

-	if allchar[char].ach[1070] ~= nil then  --DC Conqueror
-			iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:2", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box.Redraw= "ALL"

-	if allchar[char].ach[1069] ~= nil then  --AD Conqueror
-			iup.SetAttribute(Pub_box[char],  "BGCOLOR0:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end

-	for id,_ in pairs (pub_dat) do  -- Load text
-			Pub_box[char]:setcell(pub_dat[id].L,pub_dat[id].C,pub_dat[id].name)
-	end
+		-- Create Pub Dungeon Achievements Box==========================
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box = iup.matrix {numcol=4, numcol_visible=4,  numlin=5, widthdef=90}
+		for i=1, 4 do  -- Load text
+			accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
+		end
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(0,0, L.Level)
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(1,0, "12-15")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(2,0, "20-23")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(3,0, "35-36")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(4,0, "40-43")
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(5,0, "47-50")
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		for id,_ in pairs (pub_dat) do
+			if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[id] ~= nil then
+				local colour = "FGCOLOR" .. pub_dat[id].L .. ":" .. pub_dat[id].C
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box, colour, Colour_Complete)
+			end
+		end

-	Pub_box[char].Redraw= "ALL"
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1068] ~= nil then  --EP Conqueror
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "BGCOLOR0:1", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1070] ~= nil then  --DC Conqueror
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "BGCOLOR0:2", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

-	-- Create Vet Dungeon Achievements Box==========================
-	local Vet_box= {}
-	Vet_box[char] = iup.matrix {numcol=5, numcol_visible=5,  numlin=5, widthdef=110}
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1069] ~= nil then  --AD Conqueror
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,  "BGCOLOR0:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

-	for i=1, 5 do  -- Load headings
-		Vet_box[char]:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
-	end
+		for id,_ in pairs (pub_dat) do  -- Load text
+				accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box:setcell(pub_dat[id].L,pub_dat[id].C,pub_dat[id].name)
+		end

-	iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char],  "FGCOLOR*:5", Colour_Not_Complete)
-	-- Need to keep track of multiple achievements in Vet dungeons. Index them by dungeon LineColumn.
-	Vet_Info={}
-	for id,_ in pairs (vet_dat) do  -- Load Dungeons Info LC is the Dungeon Identifier
-			local L = vet_dat[id].L
-			local C = vet_dat[id].C
-			Vet_Info[L..C] = {count = 0}
-			Vet_box[char]:setcell(L,C,vet_dat[id].name .. " (0)")
-	end
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box.Redraw= "ALL"

-	for id,_ in pairs (vet_dat) do  -- For Achievements we have..
-		if allchar[char].ach[id] ~= nil then
-			local L = vet_dat[id].L
-			local C = vet_dat[id].C
-			--Set colour of LC
-			local colour = "FGCOLOR" .. L .. ":" .. C
-			iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char], colour, Colour_Complete)
+		-- Create Vet Dungeon Achievements Box==========================
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box= iup.matrix {numcol=5, numcol_visible=5,  numlin=5, widthdef=110}

-			-- Increment count and display
-			Vet_Info[L..C].count = Vet_Info[L..C].count+1
-			Vet_box[char]:setcell(L,C,vet_dat[id].name .. " (" .. Vet_Info[L..C].count ..")")
+		for i=1, 5 do  -- Load headings
+			accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box:setcell(0,i, Area_names[i].medium)
-	end
-	if allchar[char].ach[1159] ~= nil 	then -- Coh All special.
-		iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char], "FGCOLOR3:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end
-	if allchar[char].ach[1139] ~= nil 	then -- Craglorn all special.
-		iup.SetAttribute(Vet_box[char], "BGCOLOR0:5", Colour_Heading_Complete)
-	end
-	Vet_box[char].Redraw= "ALL"
- -- ====================================

+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,  "FGCOLOR*:1", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,  "FGCOLOR*:2", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,  "FGCOLOR*:3", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,  "FGCOLOR*:4", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,  "FGCOLOR*:5", Colour_Not_Complete)
+		-- Need to keep track of multiple achievements in Vet dungeons. Index them by dungeon LineColumn.
+		Vet_Info={}
+		for id,_ in pairs (vet_dat) do  -- Load Dungeons Info LC is the Dungeon Identifier
+				local L = vet_dat[id].L
+				local C = vet_dat[id].C
+				Vet_Info[L..C] = {count = 0}
+				accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box:setcell(L,C,vet_dat[id].name .. " (0)")
+		end

-	display[char]["vbox"] = iup.vbox{
-				["tabtitle"] = char,		-- This vbox will be a tab and the tab text is this

-				iup.hbox{		--Top Information bar
-						Alignment = "ACENTER",
-						iup.label{title=gender, FONT="Times,BOLD,10"},
-						iup.label{title=allchar[char].Race .." / ".. allchar[char].Class, PADDING="10X0", FONT="Times,BOLD,10"},
-						iup.label{title=allchar[char].Alliance, PADDING="10X0"},
-						iup.label{title=L.Level .. ": ".. getlevel_as_text(char), PADDING="10X0"},
-						iup.label{title=L.Created ..,allchar[char].Recorded), PADDING="10X0"},
-						iup.label{title=L.LLog ..,allchar[char].LoginTime), PADDING="10X0"},
-						iup.label{title=L.TPlayed .. timeplayed .." " .. L.Hrs},
-						iup.fill{}
-						},
-				iup.label{SEPARATOR="HORIZONTAL"},
-				iup.vbox {		--Data tabs for Char
-					iup.tabs { iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.GrpDungeon,
-											iup.label{title=L.GrpLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
-											Grp_box[char],
-											iup.fill{}
-										},
-								iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.PubDungeon,
-											iup.label{title=L.PubLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
-											Pub_box[char],
-											iup.fill{}
-										},
-								iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.VetDungeon,
-											iup.label{title=L.VetLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
-											Vet_box[char],
-											iup.fill{}
-										},
-								iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.Leveling,
-											iup.label{title="LevLabel",expand="HORIZONTAL"},
-											leveling_box[char],
-											iup.fill{}
-										},
-							},	-- end of tabs for dungeons
-						},
-				}  -- end of tabs for characters vbox
-	iup.Append(Chartabs,display[char]["vbox"])
--- Now create the Log panel
+		for id,_ in pairs (vet_dat) do  -- For Achievements we have..
+			if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[id] ~= nil then
+				local L = vet_dat[id].L
+				local C = vet_dat[id].C
+				--Set colour of LC
+				local colour = "FGCOLOR" .. L .. ":" .. C
+				iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box, colour, Colour_Complete)

+				-- Increment count and display
+				Vet_Info[L..C].count = Vet_Info[L..C].count+1
+				accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box:setcell(L,C,vet_dat[id].name .. " (" .. Vet_Info[L..C].count ..")")
+			end
+		end

-local logtable = {}
-	logtable=iup.matrix{numcol=1, numcol_visible=1,  numlin=0}
-	logtable:setcell(0,0, L.TStamp)
-	iup.SetAttribute(logtable,  "ALIGNMENT0", "ACENTER")
-	iup.SetAttribute(logtable,  "WIDTH0", 80)
-	iup.SetAttribute(logtable,  "WIDTH1", 200)
+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1159] ~= nil 	then -- Coh All special.
+			iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box, "FGCOLOR3:3", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

+		if History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].ach[1139] ~= nil 	then -- Craglorn all special.
+			iup.SetAttribute(accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box, "BGCOLOR0:5", Colour_Heading_Complete)
+		end

-function Load_Log()
-	if History_SV["Default"][myaccount]["$AccountWide"]["log"] == nil
-	then return
-	end
-	local Line=0
-	local TimeStr = ""
-	logtable.numlin = Line
-	for i,j in ipairs (History_SV["Default"][myaccount]["$AccountWide"]["log"]) do
-		Line= Line +1
-		logtable.numlin = Line
-		TimeStr =,j["TimeStamp"])
-		logtable:setcell( Line,0, TimeStr)
-		logtable:setcell( Line,1, j["text"])
-	end
+		accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box.Redraw= "ALL"
+	 -- ====================================
+	--  == Prepare for the user display tabs
+		accounts[acc].name[char].tab = iup.vbox{
+					["tabtitle"] = char,		-- This vbox will be a tab and the tab text is this
+					iup.hbox{		--Top Information bar
+							Alignment = "ACENTER",
+							iup.label{title=gender, FONT="Times,BOLD,10"},
+							iup.label{title=History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Race .." / ".. History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Class, PADDING="10X0", FONT="Times,BOLD,10"},
+							iup.label{title=History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Alliance, PADDING="10X0"},
+							iup.label{title=L.Level .. ": ".. accounts[acc].name[char].levelstr, PADDING="10X0"},
+							iup.label{title=L.Created ..,History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].Recorded), PADDING="10X0"},
+							iup.label{title=L.LLog ..,History_SV["Default"][acc]["$AccountWide"]["data"][char].LoginTime), PADDING="10X0"},
+							iup.label{title=L.TPlayed .. accounts[acc].name[char].timeplayed .." " .. L.Hrs},
+							iup.fill{}
+							},
+					iup.label{SEPARATOR="HORIZONTAL"},
+					iup.vbox {		--Data tabs for Char
+						iup.tabs { iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.GrpDungeon,
+												iup.label{title=L.GrpLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
+												accounts[acc].name[char].Grp_box,
+												iup.fill{}
+											},
+									iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.PubDungeon,
+												iup.label{title=L.PubLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
+												accounts[acc].name[char].Pub_box,
+												iup.fill{}
+											},
+									iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.VetDungeon,
+												iup.label{title=L.VetLab,expand="HORIZONTAL"},
+												accounts[acc].name[char].Vet_box,
+												iup.fill{}
+											},
+									iup.vbox {	["tabtitle"] =L.Leveling,
+												iup.label{title="LevLabel",expand="HORIZONTAL"},
+												accounts[acc].name[char].leveling_box,
+												iup.fill{}
+											},
+								},	-- end of tabs for dungeons
+							},
+					}  -- end of tabs for characters vbox
+		iup.Append(accounts[acc].tabs,accounts[acc].name[char].tab)
+		accounts[acc].panelsize =  tostring(#accounts[acc].names * 40 +350) ..  "x250"
+	end  -- Chars
+-- Add to end of Characters
+iup.Append(accounts[acc].tabs, accounts[acc].log_tab)
+end -- Accounts

 -- Load the log first time

 btn_eraselog=iup.button{title=L.EraseButton, FGCOLOR = "#FF0000"}

-local log_box=iup.vbox {
-	["tabtitle"] =L.LogTab,
-	iup.label{title="LogLabel",expand="HORIZONTAL"},
-	logtable,
-	iup.label{SEPARATOR="HORIZONTAL"},	-- Bottom Area
-	iup.hbox { Alignment = "ACENTER",
-		btn_eraselog,
-		iup.label{title = L.EraseWarning, PADDING="10X0"},
-		iup.fill{},
-	},
-	iup.fill{}
 function btn_eraselog:action()
 	History_SV["Default"][myaccount]["$AccountWide"]["log"] = {}
  	write_data()	-- write new history
- 	Load_Log()
+ --	Load_Log()
 	lbl_Status_bar.title = L.Erased
--- Add to end of Characters
-iup.Append(Chartabs, log_box)

-local panelsize = (#names*30+450) .. "x250"

 -- Create dialog
-dlg = iup.dialog{iup.vbox{Chartabs,
+dlg = iup.dialog{iup.vbox{accounts[myaccount].tabs,
 						iup.hbox{lbl_Status_bar,	-- Bottom Status bar.
 				title=L.title .. myaccount,
-				size=panelsize
+				size=accounts[myaccount].panelsize

 -- Shows dialog in the center of the screen
diff --git a/working/History.lua b/working/History.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 21f735e..0000000
--- a/working/History.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2774 +0,0 @@
-History_SV =
-    ["Default"] =
-    {
-        ["@Hisdad"] =
-        {
-            ["$AccountWide"] =
-            {
-                ["old"] =
-                {
-                },
-                ["version"] = 1,
-                ["log"] =
-                {
-                    [1] = "20:56:12: Cleared",
-                    [2] = "21:05:08: Initialized",
-                    [3] = "21:06:50: Initialized",
-                    [4] = "06:46:22: Initialized",
-                    [5] = "06:47:35: Initialized",
-                    [6] = "06:49:00: Initialized",
-                    [7] = "06:50:22: Initialized",
-                    [8] = "06:51:18: Initialized",
-                    [9] = "06:52:21: Initialized",
-                    [10] = "06:54:12: Initialized",
-                    [11] = "06:55:40: Initialized",
-                    [12] = "06:59:34: Initialized",
-                    [13] = "19:16:25: Initialized",
-                    [14] = "19:23:15: Initialized",
-                    [15] = "19:42:22: Initialized",
-                    [16] = "20:36:38: Initialized",
-                    [17] = "20:38:30: Initialized",
-                    [18] = "06:44:42: Initialized",
-                    [19] = "06:48:47: Initialized",
-                    [20] = "06:50:01: Initialized",
-                    [21] = "06:51:27: Initialized",
-                    [22] = "06:53:19: Initialized",
-                    [23] = "06:55:14: Initialized",
-                    [24] = "06:56:20: Initialized",
-                    [25] = "18:50:51: Initialized",
-                    [26] = "18:53:50: Initialized",
-                    [27] = "18:55:49: Initialized",
-                    [28] = "19:06:16: Initialized",
-                    [29] = "19:13:01: Initialized",
-                    [30] = "19:16:44: Initialized",
-                    [31] = "19:20:54: Initialized",
-                    [32] = "19:25:12: Initialized",
-                    [33] = "07:49:21: Initialized",
-                    [34] = "07:54:42: Initialized",
-                    [35] = "07:59:27: Initialized",
-                    [36] = "08:01:06: Initialized",
-                    [37] = "08:03:08: Initialized",
-                    [38] = "08:12:02: Initialized",
-                    [39] = "08:13:32: Initialized",
-                    [40] = "08:14:44: Initialized",
-                    [41] = "08:17:34: Initialized",
-                    [42] = "08:19:59: Initialized",
-                    [43] = "08:20:43: Request to fix Achievement data",
-                    [44] = "08:21:43: Initialized",
-                    [45] = "08:22:36: Request to fix Achievement data",
-                    [46] = "08:23:27: Initialized",
-                    [47] = "08:24:36: Initialized",
-                },
-                ["data"] =
-                {
-                    ["Heart of Fire"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "M",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [54] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 19874,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428258931,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 4590,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Dark Elf",
-                        ["level"] = 54,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428258931,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-							[1139] = {
-								["description"] = "xx.",
-                                ["name"] = "Craglor All"
-								},
-                            [707] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425627890,
-                                ["description"] = "Solve the puzzle of the Guardians in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
-                                ["name"] = "Na-Totambu Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:707:1:1425624290|hNa-Totambu Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420256461,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1420252861|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414877124,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1414873524|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412121441,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1412117841|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [391] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1417665529,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Quintus Verres, Tremorscale, and the Guardian's Constructs at Volenfell.",
-                                ["name"] = "Volenfell Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:391:7:1417661929|hVolenfell Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [393] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413085915,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Pack, the Beast Master, and the Lava Queen at the Blessed Crucible.",
-                                ["name"] = "Blessed Crucible Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:393:7:1413082315|hBlessed Crucible Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [714] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425699873,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Eternal One in the Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:714:1:1425696273|hBonesnap Ruins Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [11] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413601330,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, and Canonreeve Oraneth in Elden Hollow.",
-                                ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:11:7:1413597730|hElden Hollow Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [396] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425628042,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost City Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:396:31:1425624442|hLost City Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [78] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412122356,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
-                                ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:78:7:1412118756|hDarkshade Caverns Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [79] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413598445,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Investigator Garron, Varain Pellingare and Allene Pellingare.",
-                                ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:79:7:1413594845|hWayrest Sewers Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [80] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413534219,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Archmaster Siniel, the Bone Leviathan, and the Ilambris Twins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:80:15:1413530619|hCrypt of Hearts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [81] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415261612,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, and Admiral Neidir.",
-                                ["name"] = "Tempest Island Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:81:7:1415258012|hTempest Island Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1158] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415038211,
-                                ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
-                                ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1158:1:1415034611|hCall of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [272] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413531953,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Ancient Wamasu, the Lamia Songstress, and the Lamia Queen.",
-                                ["name"] = "Arx Corinium Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:272:7:1413528353|hArx Corinium Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [708] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418515255,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the flesh atronach at Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:708:1:1418511655|hRazak's Wheel Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1061] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421132485,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1061:15:1421128885|hBad Man's Hallows Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1062] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425699978,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1062:63:1425696378|hBonesnap Ruins Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [410] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413091731,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Atarus, the Roost Mother, and Captain Blackheart in Blackheart Haven.",
-                                ["name"] = "Blackheart Haven Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:410:7:1413088131|hBlackheart Haven Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1063] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418514685,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1063:63:1418511085|hRazak's Wheel Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1068] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1422076765,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["name"] = "Ebonheart Pact Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1068:31:1422073165|hEbonheart Pact Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1053] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421132778,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1053:15:1421129178|hBad Man's Hallows Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1054] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425700936,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1054:63:1425697336|hBonesnap Ruins Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1055] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426578021,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1055:63:1426574421|hRazak's Wheel Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1056] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421533643,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1056:127:1421530043|hVillage of the Lost Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [417] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413089681,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Longclaw, Foulhide, and Selene in Selene's Web.",
-                                ["name"] = "Selene's Web Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:417:7:1413086081|hSelene's Web Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413084585,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1413080985|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1073] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413531953,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Pact",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1073:31:1413528353|hVanquisher of the Pact|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1074] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1417665529,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Daggerfall Covenant.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Covenant",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1074:31:1417661929|hVanquisher of the Covenant|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [357] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412125537,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Guardian of the Flame, the Empowered Frost Atronach, and Drodda of Icereach at Direfrost Keep.",
-                                ["name"] = "Direfrost Keep Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:357:7:1412121937|hDirefrost Keep Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1403851370,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1403851370|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [551] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421223127,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Infernal Guardian, the Warden of the Shrine, and Razor Master Erthas in the City of Ash.",
-                                ["name"] = "City of Ash Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:551:7:1421219527|hCity of Ash Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1064] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421529445,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1064:127:1421525845|hVillage of the Lost Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1075] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421223127,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Aldmeri Dominion.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Dominion",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1075:31:1421219527|hVanquisher of the Dominion|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [874] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421532616,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Zatalguch in the Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost Village Group Challenge",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:874:1:1421529016|hLost Village Group Challenge|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [299] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420260432,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:299:63:1420256832|hSanguine's Demesne Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [300] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420261712,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:300:63:1420258112|hSanguine's Demesne Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416705329,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1416701729|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [750] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426576937,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dispenser",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:750:10000000:1426573337|hDungeon Damage Dispenser|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420253319,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1420249719|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1422076765,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1422073165|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1398652218,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1398652218|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420255301,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1420251701|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [371] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421397143,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat  the Lonely Giant and his angry mammoths in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:371:1:1421393543|hLion's Den Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [372] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420259520,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:372:1:1420255920|hSanguine's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [373] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1411789613,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:373:127:1411789613|hLion's Den Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [374] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421398410,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:374:127:1421394810|hLion's Den Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [375] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1409651955,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:375:63:1409651955|hHall of the Dead Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [376] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420258463,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:376:63:1420254863|hHall of the Dead Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [691] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413607173,
-                                ["description"] = "Kill 100 named enemies in dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Ruler",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:691:100:1413603573|hDungeon Ruler|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [570] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414307510,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, and the Mad Architect in the Vaults of Madness.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vaults of Madness Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:570:15:1414303910|hVaults of Madness Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1397277975,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1397277975|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [380] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421132134,
-                                ["description"] = "Slay the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:380:1:1421128534|hBad Man's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [381] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420258598,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:381:1:1420254998|hHall of the Dead Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1150] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1417563292,
-                                ["description"] = "Complete one Undaunted Pledge.",
-                                ["name"] = "Pledge Taker",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1150:1:1417559692|hPledge Taker|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [395] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425626736,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost City Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:395:31:1425623136|hLost City Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428697476,
-                        ["Class"] = "Dragonknight",
-                    },
-                    ["Sans Frontiers"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "F",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [53] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 13424,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428259373,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 3985,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Argonian",
-                        ["level"] = 53,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428259373,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [708] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420623828,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the flesh atronach at Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:708:1:1420620228|hRazak's Wheel Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412136917,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1412133317|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412458909,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1412455309|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [393] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412580992,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Pack, the Beast Master, and the Lava Queen at the Blessed Crucible.",
-                                ["name"] = "Blessed Crucible Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:393:7:1412577392|hBlessed Crucible Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [714] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426926091,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Eternal One in the Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:714:1:1426922491|hBonesnap Ruins Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [11] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428038620,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, and Canonreeve Oraneth in Elden Hollow.",
-                                ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:11:7:1428035020|hElden Hollow Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [78] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1405736459,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
-                                ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:78:7:1405736459|hDarkshade Caverns Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [272] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428036139,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Ancient Wamasu, the Lamia Songstress, and the Lamia Queen.",
-                                ["name"] = "Arx Corinium Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:272:7:1428032539|hArx Corinium Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1053] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420183676,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1053:15:1420180076|hBad Man's Hallows Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1054] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426927325,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1054:63:1426923725|hBonesnap Ruins Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1055] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424941688,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1055:63:1424938088|hRazak's Wheel Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [417] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412583635,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Longclaw, Foulhide, and Selene in Selene's Web.",
-                                ["name"] = "Selene's Web Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:417:7:1412580035|hSelene's Web Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [357] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412579192,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Guardian of the Flame, the Empowered Frost Atronach, and Drodda of Icereach at Direfrost Keep.",
-                                ["name"] = "Direfrost Keep Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:357:7:1412575592|hDirefrost Keep Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1404533014,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1404533014|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1063] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420624408,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1063:63:1420620808|hRazak's Wheel Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421475378,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1421471778|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413437691,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1413434091|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421475463,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1421471863|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [299] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1409981320,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:299:63:1409981320|hSanguine's Demesne Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [300] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421912349,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:300:63:1421908749|hSanguine's Demesne Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412135771,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1412132171|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [750] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428038539,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dispenser",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:750:10000000:1428034939|hDungeon Damage Dispenser|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421473297,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1421469697|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421918245,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1421914645|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1073] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428036139,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Pact",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1073:31:1428032539|hVanquisher of the Pact|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421475602,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1421472002|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [691] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428038414,
-                                ["description"] = "Kill 100 named enemies in dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Ruler",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:691:100:1428034814|hDungeon Ruler|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [372] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421912175,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:372:1:1421908575|hSanguine's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [373] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413688953,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:373:52:1413685353|hLion's Den Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1061] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420182982,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1061:15:1420179382|hBad Man's Hallows Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [375] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1410162022,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:375:63:1410162022|hHall of the Dead Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [376] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421648966,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:376:63:1421645366|hHall of the Dead Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [751] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426926372,
-                                ["description"] = "Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Healer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:751:1000000:1426922772|hDungeon Healer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [570] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415421921,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, and the Mad Architect in the Vaults of Madness.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vaults of Madness Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:570:15:1415418321|hVaults of Madness Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1403247417,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1403247417|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [380] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420182747,
-                                ["description"] = "Slay the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:380:1:1420179147|hBad Man's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [381] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1410160707,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:381:1:1410160707|hHall of the Dead Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1062] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426926538,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1062:63:1426922938|hBonesnap Ruins Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1158] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415125054,
-                                ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
-                                ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1158:1:1415121454|hCall of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428697054,
-                        ["Class"] = "Templar",
-                    },
-                    ["The Gang of One"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "F",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [53] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 17279,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428260204,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 4185,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Khajiit",
-                        ["level"] = 53,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428260204,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1410041116,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1410041116|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413012080,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1413008480|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412924027,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1412920427|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                            },
-                            [391] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423205262,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Quintus Verres, Tremorscale, and the Guardian's Constructs at Volenfell.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:391:7:1423201662|hVolenfell Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Volenfell Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [779] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428564954,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "Positive Potency",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Crafting",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:779:16383:1428565011|hPositive Potency|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 5,
-                            },
-                            [78] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414795906,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:78:7:1414792306|hDarkshade Caverns Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [79] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414798122,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Investigator Garron, Varain Pellingare and Allene Pellingare.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:79:7:1414794522|hWayrest Sewers Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [81] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421556622,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, and Admiral Neidir.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:81:7:1421553022|hTempest Island Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Tempest Island Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [1055] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420537121,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1055:63:1420533521|hRazak's Wheel Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [1056] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413792510,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1056:127:1413788910|hVillage of the Lost Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [357] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412925325,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Guardian of the Flame, the Empowered Frost Atronach, and Drodda of Icereach at Direfrost Keep.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:357:7:1412921725|hDirefrost Keep Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Direfrost Keep Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414790739,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1414787139|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [551] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421554645,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Infernal Guardian, the Warden of the Shrine, and Razor Master Erthas in the City of Ash.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:551:7:1421551045|hCity of Ash Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "City of Ash Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [1064] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413790000,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1064:127:1413786400|hVillage of the Lost Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [1158] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415087180,
-                                ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1158:1:1415083580|hCall of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
-                            },
-                            [874] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413792997,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Zatalguch in the Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:874:1:1413789397|hLost Village Group Challenge|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost Village Group Challenge",
-                            },
-                            [299] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1407315936,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:299:63:1407315936|hSanguine's Demesne Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [300] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421436795,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:300:63:1421433195|hSanguine's Demesne Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413001278,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1412997678|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                            },
-                            [1068] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421440676,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1068:31:1421437076|hEbonheart Pact Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Ebonheart Pact Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416636852,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1416633252|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416637152,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1416633552|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1410041377,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1410041377|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1410041439,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1410041439|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [371] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419032614,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat  the Lonely Giant and his angry mammoths in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:371:1:1419029014|hLion's Den Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [372] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1409811775,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:372:1:1409811775|hSanguine's Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [373] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1412920789,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:373:127:1412917189|hLion's Den Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [374] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419032853,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:374:127:1419029253|hLion's Den Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [375] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421439421,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:375:63:1421435821|hHall of the Dead Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [376] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421440676,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:376:63:1421437076|hHall of the Dead Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [381] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421440909,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:381:1:1421437309|hHall of the Dead Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [1063] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420536574,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1063:63:1420532974|hRazak's Wheel Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416636186,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1416632586|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [380] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1417844606,
-                                ["description"] = "Slay the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:380:1:1417841006|hBad Man's Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [1021] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428564400,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "Expert of Refinement",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Crafting",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1021:300:1428564456|hExpert of Refinement|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 5,
-                            },
-                            [708] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420537371,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the flesh atronach at Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:708:1:1420533771|hRazak's Wheel Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414793689,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1414790089|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428695682,
-                        ["Class"] = "Nightblade",
-                    },
-                    ["Uses You as Meatshield"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "M",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [8] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 331,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428262109,
-                                ["deaths"] = 2,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 115,
-                            },
-                            [9] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 648,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428304595,
-                                ["deaths"] = 1,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 240,
-                            },
-                            [7] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 194,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428260028,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 105,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Imperial",
-                        ["level"] = 9,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428262109,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428303987,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1428304044|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1025] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428652818,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "Racial Style Learned",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Crafting",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1025:1032:1428652875|hRacial Style Learned|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 5,
-                            },
-                            [66] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428296435,
-                                ["description"] = "Harvest any crafting materials 100 times.",
-                                ["name"] = "Expert Crafting Harvester",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Crafting",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:66:100:1428296491|hExpert Crafting Harvester|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 5,
-                            },
-                            [19] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428304889,
-                                ["description"] = "Loot any 10 Treasure Chests.",
-                                ["name"] = "Treasure Chest Spotter",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:19:10:1428304945|hTreasure Chest Spotter|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 1,
-                            },
-                            [1206] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428304782,
-                                ["description"] = "Successfully pick the lock on a locked door.",
-                                ["name"] = "Home Trespasser",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Justice",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1206:1:1428304838|hHome Trespasser|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 3,
-                            },
-                            [1224] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428654476,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "Murderer",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Justice",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1224:1:1428654532|hMurderer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 3,
-                            },
-                            [1212] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428304889,
-                                ["description"] = "Steal an item of Superior quality.",
-                                ["name"] = "Discriminating Plunderer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Justice",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1212:1:1428304945|hDiscriminating Plunderer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 3,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428298821,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1428298877|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1228] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428304257,
-                                ["description"] = "Kill a livestock chicken, or bantam guar.",
-                                ["name"] = "Poultry Assassin",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Justice",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1228:1:1428304313|hPoultry Assassin|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 3,
-                            },
-                            [1190] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428304792,
-                                ["description"] = "Successfully pickpocket any citizen of Tamriel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Pocket Picker",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Justice",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1190:1:1428304849|hPocket Picker|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 3,
-                            },
-                            [1006] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428297374,
-                                ["description"] = "Join the Undaunted",
-                                ["name"] = "Recruit of the Undaunted",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1006:1:1428297430|hRecruit of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 1,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428299318,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1428299374|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428696066,
-                        ["Class"] = "Templar",
-                    },
-                    ["Maiden Breton"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "F",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [54] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 13074,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428259678,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 4445,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Breton",
-                        ["level"] = 54,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428259678,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [448] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1427360464,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Vorenor Winterbourne without killing any of the innocent victims held captive in his lair.",
-                                ["name"] = "Compassionate Hero",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:448:1:1427356864|hCompassionate Hero|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1154] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1427360725,
-                                ["description"] = "Complete one Veteran Undaunted Pledge.",
-                                ["name"] = "Prove Them Wrong",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1154:1:1427357125|hProve Them Wrong|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421881115,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1421877515|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413095973,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1413092373|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413095479,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1413091879|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [393] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423820968,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Pack, the Beast Master, and the Lava Queen at the Blessed Crucible.",
-                                ["name"] = "Blessed Crucible Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:393:7:1423817368|hBlessed Crucible Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [714] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428047600,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Eternal One in the Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:714:1:1428044000|hBonesnap Ruins Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [11] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413359151,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, and Canonreeve Oraneth in Elden Hollow.",
-                                ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:11:7:1413355551|hElden Hollow Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [78] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413062670,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
-                                ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:78:7:1413059070|hDarkshade Caverns Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [79] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413357927,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Investigator Garron, Varain Pellingare and Allene Pellingare.",
-                                ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:79:7:1413354327|hWayrest Sewers Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [80] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1422048107,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Archmaster Siniel, the Bone Leviathan, and the Ilambris Twins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:80:15:1422044507|hCrypt of Hearts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [272] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415861015,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Ancient Wamasu, the Lamia Songstress, and the Lamia Queen.",
-                                ["name"] = "Arx Corinium Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:272:7:1415857415|hArx Corinium Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [713] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424414640,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Orc, Zilbash the Deceiver, at Obsidian Scar.",
-                                ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:713:1:1424411040|hObsidian Scar Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [421] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1427360464,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Blood Golem, Praxin's Ghost, and Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:421:7:1427356864|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [410] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414902780,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Atarus, the Roost Mother, and Captain Blackheart in Blackheart Haven.",
-                                ["name"] = "Blackheart Haven Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:410:7:1414899180|hBlackheart Haven Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1405213715,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1405213715|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [551] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1422046474,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Infernal Guardian, the Warden of the Shrine, and Razor Master Erthas in the City of Ash.",
-                                ["name"] = "City of Ash Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:551:7:1422042874|hCity of Ash Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1053] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421879994,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1053:15:1421876394|hBad Man's Hallows Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1054] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428047476,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1054:63:1428043876|hBonesnap Ruins Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1055] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421570344,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1055:63:1421566744|hRazak's Wheel Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1056] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413961624,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1056:127:1413958024|hVillage of the Lost Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [417] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414900306,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Longclaw, Foulhide, and Selene in Selene's Web.",
-                                ["name"] = "Selene's Web Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:417:7:1414896706|hSelene's Web Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [570] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1414565874,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, and the Mad Architect in the Vaults of Madness.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vaults of Madness Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:570:15:1414562274|hVaults of Madness Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [300] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421827061,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:300:63:1421823461|hSanguine's Demesne Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415174740,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1415171140|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1061] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1417922887,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1061:15:1417919287|hBad Man's Hallows Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1062] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428047012,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1062:63:1428043412|hBonesnap Ruins Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1063] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420781706,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1063:63:1420778106|hRazak's Wheel Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1064] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413959482,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1064:127:1413955882|hVillage of the Lost Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [371] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421829683,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat  the Lonely Giant and his angry mammoths in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:371:1:1421826083|hLion's Den Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [874] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413960624,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Zatalguch in the Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost Village Group Challenge",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:874:1:1413957024|hLost Village Group Challenge|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [299] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421826629,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:299:63:1421823029|hSanguine's Demesne Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1068] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421831308,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["name"] = "Ebonheart Pact Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1068:31:1421827708|hEbonheart Pact Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1413357922,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1413354322|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [750] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1427360448,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dispenser",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:750:10000000:1427356848|hDungeon Damage Dispenser|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421831064,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1421827464|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421831308,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1421827708|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420792521,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1420788921|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420792578,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1420788978|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [691] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421886681,
-                                ["description"] = "Kill 100 named enemies in dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Ruler",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:691:100:1421883081|hDungeon Ruler|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [372] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421826539,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:372:1:1421822939|hSanguine's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [373] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421828126,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:373:127:1421824526|hLion's Den Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [374] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421828719,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:374:127:1421825119|hLion's Den Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [375] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421825688,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:375:63:1421822088|hHall of the Dead Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [376] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421825911,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:376:63:1421822311|hHall of the Dead Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [377] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424414350,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Obsidian Scar.",
-                                ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:377:127:1424410750|hObsidian Scar Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [378] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424415241,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Obsidian Scar.",
-                                ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:378:127:1424411641|hObsidian Scar Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1404526339,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1404526339|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [380] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416692938,
-                                ["description"] = "Slay the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.",
-                                ["name"] = "Bad Man's Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:380:1:1416689338|hBad Man's Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [381] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421825596,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:381:1:1421821996|hHall of the Dead Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [708] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420781818,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the flesh atronach at Razak's Wheel.",
-                                ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:708:1:1420778218|hRazak's Wheel Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [1158] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1415172401,
-                                ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
-                                ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1158:1:1415168801|hCall of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428697199,
-                        ["Class"] = "Sorcerer",
-                    },
-                    ["Flippum Ugh-Booger"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "M",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [27] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 4946,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428259457,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 1070,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Orc",
-                        ["level"] = 27,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428259457,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418893869,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1418890269|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423987983,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1423984383|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423988311,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1423984711|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423987634,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1423984034|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421998585,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1421994985|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421996153,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1421992553|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418893561,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1418889961|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428132605,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1428129005|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423726692,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1423723092|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1423724381,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1423720781|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418893270,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1418889670|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428697303,
-                        ["Class"] = "Sorcerer",
-                    },
-                    ["The Man From The Ministry"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "M",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [51] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 12007,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428259905,
-                                ["deaths"] = 4,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 3465,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Imperial",
-                        ["level"] = 51,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428259905,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [448] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428141323,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Vorenor Winterbourne without killing any of the innocent victims held captive in his lair.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:448:1:1428137723|hCompassionate Hero|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Compassionate Hero",
-                            },
-                            [1154] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428141904,
-                                ["description"] = "Complete one Veteran Undaunted Pledge.",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1154:1:1428138304|hProve Them Wrong|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Prove Them Wrong",
-                            },
-                            [388] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419742559,
-                                ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:388:1:1419738959|hForgotten Crypts Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418533883,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1418530283|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                            },
-                            [710] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418717314,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:710:1000:1418713714|hDungeon Marauder|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
-                            },
-                            [393] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424593615,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Pack, the Beast Master, and the Lava Queen at the Blessed Crucible.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:393:7:1424590015|hBlessed Crucible Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Blessed Crucible Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [11] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418529866,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, and Canonreeve Oraneth in Elden Hollow.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:11:7:1418526266|hElden Hollow Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [78] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418808590,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:78:7:1418804990|hDarkshade Caverns Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [79] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420241294,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Investigator Garron, Varain Pellingare and Allene Pellingare.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:79:7:1420237694|hWayrest Sewers Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [80] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420244255,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Archmaster Siniel, the Bone Leviathan, and the Ilambris Twins.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:80:15:1420240655|hCrypt of Hearts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [81] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424158356,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, and Admiral Neidir.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:81:7:1424154756|hTempest Island Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Tempest Island Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [410] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420247121,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Atarus, the Roost Mother, and Captain Blackheart in Blackheart Haven.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:410:7:1420243521|hBlackheart Haven Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Blackheart Haven Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [1056] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425022223,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1056:127:1425018623|hVillage of the Lost Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [272] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419928770,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Ancient Wamasu, the Lamia Songstress, and the Lamia Queen.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:272:7:1419925170|hArx Corinium Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Arx Corinium Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [421] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428141323,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Blood Golem, Praxin's Ghost, and Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:421:7:1428137723|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [876] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428568175,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:876:7:1428568231|hCrypt of Hearts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [751] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1427582642,
-                                ["description"] = "Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:751:1000000:1427579042|hDungeon Healer|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Healer",
-                            },
-                            [357] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420248280,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Guardian of the Flame, the Empowered Frost Atronach, and Drodda of Icereach at Direfrost Keep.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:357:7:1420244680|hDirefrost Keep Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Direfrost Keep Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1418525851,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1418522251|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [551] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420242845,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Infernal Guardian, the Warden of the Shrine, and Razor Master Erthas in the City of Ash.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:551:7:1420239245|hCity of Ash Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "City of Ash Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [1064] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425019124,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1064:127:1425015524|hVillage of the Lost Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [369] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419743377,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:369:15:1419739777|hForgotten Crypts Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [874] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425019524,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Zatalguch in the Village of the Lost.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:874:1:1425015924|hLost Village Group Challenge|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lost Village Group Challenge",
-                            },
-                            [299] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420349003,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:299:63:1420345403|hSanguine's Demesne Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [300] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420351193,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:300:63:1420347593|hSanguine's Demesne Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420239984,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1420236384|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [750] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428141153,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:750:10000000:1428137553|hDungeon Damage Dispenser|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dispenser",
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416614504,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1416610904|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420357374,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1420353774|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [1073] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424593615,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Ebonheart Pact.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1073:31:1424590015|hVanquisher of the Pact|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Pact",
-                            },
-                            [370] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1419743452,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:370:15:1419739852|hForgotten Crypts Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [371] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425098679,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat  the Lonely Giant and his angry mammoths in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:371:1:1425095079|hLion's Den Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [372] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1420349323,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:372:1:1420345723|hSanguine's Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [373] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426059350,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:373:120:1426055750|hLion's Den Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [691] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425092141,
-                                ["description"] = "Kill 100 named enemies in dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:691:100:1425088541|hDungeon Ruler|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Ruler",
-                            },
-                            [375] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421311416,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:375:63:1421307816|hHall of the Dead Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [376] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421312216,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:376:63:1421308616|hHall of the Dead Conqueror|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421307681,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1421304081|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                            },
-                            [570] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1425094990,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, and the Mad Architect in the Vaults of Madness.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:570:15:1425091390|hVaults of Madness Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Vaults of Madness Vanquisher",
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1416613001,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1416609401|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [1084] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428568175,
-                                ["description"] = "",
-                                ["name"] = "The Blade's Edge",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1084:1:1428568231|hThe Blade's Edge|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [381] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1421311997,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:381:1:1421308397|hHall of the Dead Group Event|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
-                            },
-                            [1150] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426387311,
-                                ["description"] = "Complete one Undaunted Pledge.",
-                                ["points"] = 5,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1150:1:1426383711|hPledge Taker|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Pledge Taker",
-                            },
-                            [1158] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1424551495,
-                                ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Character",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:1158:1:1424547895|hCall of the Undaunted|h",
-                                ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428696722,
-                        ["Class"] = "Templar",
-                    },
-                    ["Dark Side of the Son"] =
-                    {
-                        ["Gender"] = "M",
-                        ["levels"] =
-                        {
-                            [20] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1990,
-                                ["begin"] = 1428259969,
-                                ["deaths"] = 0,
-                                ["Ach_Points"] = 600,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["Race"] = "Wood Elf",
-                        ["level"] = 20,
-                        ["Alliance"] = "Ebonheart Pact",
-                        ["Recorded"] = 1428259969,
-                        ["ach"] =
-                        {
-                            [368] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426285814,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:368:31:1426282214|hCrow's Wood Conqueror|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [325] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428181403,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
-                                ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:325:3:1428181403|hVanquisher of the Banished Cells|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [379] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426227951,
-                                ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
-                                ["points"] = 50,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:379:1:1426224351|hCrow's Wood Group Event|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [301] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428182131,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
-                                ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:301:3:1428182131|hSpindleclutch Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [749] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428180157,
-                                ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
-                                ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:749:1000000:1428180157|hDungeon Damage Dealer|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [294] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1428180397,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
-                                ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:294:3:1428180397|hFungal Grotto Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                            [367] =
-                            {
-                                ["time"] = 1426285326,
-                                ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
-                                ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
-                                ["points"] = 10,
-                                ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
-                                ["link"] = "|H0:achievement:367:31:1426281726|hCrow's Wood Vanquisher|h",
-                                ["Category_ID"] = 7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        ["LoginTime"] = 1428697407,
-                        ["Class"] = "Nightblade",
-                    },
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    },