Merge pull request #45 from Scootworks/master

manavortex [05-06-18 - 13:05]
Merge pull request #45 from Scootworks/master

use simple currency color
diff --git a/IIfA/CharCurrencyTooltip.lua b/IIfA/CharCurrencyTooltip.lua
index e88d888..88ffb4f 100644
--- a/IIfA/CharCurrencyTooltip.lua
+++ b/IIfA/CharCurrencyTooltip.lua
@@ -2,18 +2,19 @@ local CharCurrencyFrame = ZO_Object:Subclass()
 if IIfA == nil then IIfA = {} end
 IIfA.CharCurrencyFrame = CharCurrencyFrame

+local g_currenciesData = ZO_CURRENCIES_DATA
+local function GetCurrencyColor(currencyType)
+	return g_currenciesData[currencyType].color
 function CharCurrencyFrame:SetQty(control, field, fieldType, qty)
 	local ctl = control:GetNamedChild(field)
 	if qty == nil then
 		qty = 0
-	ZO_CurrencyControl_SetSimpleCurrency(ctl, fieldType, qty, ZO_KEYBOARD_CARRIED_CURRENCY_OPTIONS)
-	-- text in control looks like this
-    -- "@|u0:4:currency:1,748,124|u|t12:12:EsoUI/Art/currency/|t",
-	-- need to chop off the |t and all after to get rid of the icon

-	local ctlText = ctl:GetText()
-	ctl:SetText(ctlText:sub(1, ctlText:find("|t") - 1))
+	ctl:SetText(GetCurrencyColor(fieldType):Colorize(ZO_CurrencyControl_FormatCurrency(qty)))

 function CharCurrencyFrame:UpdateAssets()