Version 1.5.1

willneedit [06-15-17 - 19:22]
Version 1.5.1
 * Hotfix: Made 'Keep' a blocking action again
diff --git a/InventoryManager.txt b/InventoryManager.txt
index 64128ea..24e01fb 100644
--- a/InventoryManager.txt
+++ b/InventoryManager.txt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ## APIVersion: 100019
 ## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0
 ## SavedVariables: IMSavedVars
-## Version: 1.5.0
+## Version: 1.5.1
 ## Author: iwontsay
 ## Description: iwontsay's Inventory Manager

diff --git a/Rulesets.lua b/Rulesets.lua
index 9d92cca..e8b4e41 100644
--- a/Rulesets.lua
+++ b/Rulesets.lua
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ function IM_Ruleset:Match(data, action)

 		-- If we want a specific action, skip if it's not the one.
-		if action and action ~= v.action then res = false end
+		if action and (action ~= v.action and v.action ~= InventoryManager.ACTION_KEEP) then res = false end

 		-- If we reached the max execution count for that particular rule, skip it.
 		if res and v.maxCount and ExecCounters[k] and ExecCounters[k] >= v.maxCount then