Merge branch 'Garkin' into promise

Sasky [06-21-14 - 13:18]
Merge branch 'Garkin' into promise

diff --git a/LAddMin.lua b/LAddMin.lua
index c092a1e..709d016 100644
--- a/LAddMin.lua
+++ b/LAddMin.lua
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
--- LAddMin v0.1
+-- LAddMin v0.2
 -- Copyright (c) 2014 Ales Machat (Garkin)
@@ -44,10 +44,76 @@ local invalidAddons = LAddMinCompatability
 -- local missedPanelIDs = {}
 -- local lastID = 1000

+-- Delayed calls object, author Sasky (
+local Promise = {}
+setmetatable(Promise, {
+   __index = function(self, key)
+      self:__preSave(key)
+      return (self.__save)
+   end,
+   __call = function (cls, ...)
+      return cls.__new(...)
+   end
+function Promise:__new()
+   local o = setmetatable({}, {
+      __index = Promise,
+      __call = function (cls, ...)
+         return cls:__execute(...)
+      end
+   })
+   o.callList = {}
+   o.nextKey = nil
+   return o
+function Promise:__preSave(key)
+   self.nextKey = key
+function Promise:__save(...)
+   if self.nextKey == nil then return end
+   table.insert(self.callList, {
+      func = self.nextKey,
+      narg = select('#', ...),
+      varargs = {...}
+   })
+   self.nextKey = nil
+function Promise:__execute(obj)
+   for k,v in ipairs(self.callList) do
+      table.insert(MISSED_CALLS, k .. ":" .. v.func .. "(" .. table.concat(v.varargs,",") .. ")")
+      obj[v.func](v.func, unpack(v.varargs))
+   end

 -- Library replacement --------------------------------------------------------
+--catch calls from addons which creates menu before saved variables are available (Rainbow Reticle)
+-- local MissedLamCalls = Promise()
+-- LibStub.libs["LibAddonMenu-1.0"] = setmetatable({}, { __index = MissedLamCalls })
+-- local LAM = LibStub:NewLibrary("LibAddonMenu-1.0", 999)
+-- function LAM:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+--    local name = controlPanelName:gsub("|[cC]%w%w%w%w%w%w",""):gsub("|[rR]","")
+--    if missedPanelIDs[name] ~= nil then
+--       return missedPanelIDs[name]
+--    end
+--    lastID = lastID + 1
+--    missedPanelIDs[name] = lastID
+--    MissedLamCalls:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+--    return lastID
+-- end

 --LAM 1.0 to 2.0 interface
 FAKE_LAM1 = setmetatable ({}, { __index = LAM1 })
@@ -71,11 +137,11 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)

-      if panelIDs[name] ~= nil then
-         return panelIDs[name]
-      end
+   if panelIDs[name] ~= nil then
+      return panelIDs[name]
+   end

-      local panelID = #settingsTable + 1001
+   local panelID = #settingsTable + 1001
    panelIDs[name] = panelID

    local panelTable = {
@@ -100,13 +166,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
    local controlTable = {
       type = "header",
       name = text,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,
    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
@@ -124,13 +193,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxV
       getFunc = getFunc,
       setFunc = setFunc,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
@@ -146,13 +218,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices
       getFunc = getFunc,
       setFunc = setFunc,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
@@ -167,13 +242,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, set
       getFunc = getFunc,
       setFunc = setFunc,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
@@ -188,13 +266,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc,
       getFunc = getFunc,
       setFunc = setFunc,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
@@ -210,13 +291,20 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine,
       setFunc = setFunc,
       isMultiline = isMultiLine,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   local missedCalls = Promise()
+   _G[controlName] = missedCalls
+   missedCalls.additionalObjects = {}
+   _G[controlName].edit = Promise()
+   table.insert(missedCalls.additionalObjects, { edit = _G[controlName].edit })
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
@@ -230,13 +318,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warni
       tooltip = tooltip,
       func = onClick,
       warning = warningText,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
@@ -248,13 +339,16 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
       type = "description",
       title = titleText,
       text = text,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab]
+   _G[controlName] = Promise()
+   return _G[controlName]
 -- LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
 function FAKE_LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
@@ -266,28 +360,58 @@ function FAKE_LAM1:AddSubMenu(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip)
       type = "submenu",
       name = text,
       tooltip = tooltip,
-      reference = controlName,
+      reference = controlName .. "_LAddMin",
+      controlName = controlName,
       controls = {},
+   _G[controlName] = controlTable.controls

    local tab = type(panelID) == "table" and panelID or settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls
    table.insert(tab, controlTable)

-   return tab[#tab].controls
+   return _G[controlName]

 -- Local functions ------------------------------------------------------------
+local function DelayedCalls(panel)
+    local panelID = panelIDs[panel:GetName()]
+    if panelID then
+        for i,controlTable in ipairs(settingsTable[panelID - 1000].controls) do
+            local missedCalls = _G[controlTable.controlName]
+            _G[controlTable.controlName] = _G[controlTable.reference]
+            missedCalls(_G[controlTable.controlName])
+            for key, missedCall in pairs(missedCalls.additionalObjects) do
+                if key == "edit" then
+                    _G[controlTable.controlName][key] = _G[controlTable.controlName].editbox
+                    missedCall(_G[controlTable.controlName][key])
+                else
+                    missedCall(_G[controlTable.controlName][key])
+                end
+            end
+            _G[controlTable.reference] = nil
+            missedCalls = nil
+        end
+    end
 local function OnAddonLoaded(code, addon)
    if addon ~= "LAddMin" then return end

    sv = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("LAddMin_ConversionList", 1, "Addons", { enabled = {} })

+   --    LibStub.libs["LibAddonMenu-1.0"] = FAKE_LAM1
+   --    MissedLamCalls(FAKE_LAM1)

-   --CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("LAM-PanelControlsCreated", DelayedCalls)
+   CALLBACK_MANAGER:RegisterCallback("LAM-PanelControlsCreated", DelayedCalls)

    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent(addon, code)