Adding main files

Adam Davenport [06-26-18 - 04:18]
Adding main files
diff --git a/NUI.lua b/NUI.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7865a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NUI.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+-- Addon name string
+NUI = {} = "NinjaInterface"
+function NUI:Initialize()
+    self.SavedVariables = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("NinjaInterface", 1, nil, {})
+    self:CheckVariables()
+    self:RegisterEvents()
+    self:SetupSlashCommands()
+    self:SetupUpdates()
+    self:RestorePosition()
+function NUI:CheckVariables()
+    -- Check default location
+    if self.SavedVariables.x == nil or self.SavedVariables.bHidePing == nil then
+        local sv = self.SavedVariables
+        sv.x = 0
+        sv.y = 0
+        sv.bMovable = true
+        sv.bHidePing = false
+        sv.bHideMount = false
+        sv.bHideBag = false
+        sv.bHideGold = false
+    end
+function NUI:RegisterEvents()
+    NUI:HideInMenus()
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE, self.OnPlayerCombatState)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_CHATTER_BEGIN, self.OnPlayerChatterBegin)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_CHATTER_END, self.OnPlayerChatterEnd)
+function NUI:SetupSlashCommands()
+    SLASH_COMMANDS["/nui"] = NUI.SlashCommands
+    SLASH_COMMANDS["/rl"] = ReloadUI
+function SlashCommands(Args)
+    NUI.DisplayHelp()
+function NUI:SetupUpdates()
+    -- Timed updates
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("NinjaUpdate1",  1000, NUI.Update1)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("NinjaUpdate1", 10000, NUI.Update2)
+    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("NinjaUpdate3", 60000, NUI.Update3)
+    -- Inital call to all updates
+    NUI:Update1()
+    NUI:Update2()
+    NUI:Update3()
+function NUI:DisplayHelp()
+    d("Ninja Panel")
+    d("|cffffff Type /nplock to lock or unlock the pane.|")
+    d("|cffffff Type /npx to center the panel on the x axis|.")
+    d("|cffffff Type /npy to center the panel on the y axis|.")
+-- Updates
+-- Update every second
+function NUI:Update1()
+-- Update every 10 seconds
+function NUI:Update2()
+-- Update every minute
+function NUI:Update3()
+-- Hide when the player is talking to an npc
+function NUI.OnPlayerChatterBegin(eventCode, optionCount)
+-- Show when the player stops talking to an npc
+function NUI.OnPlayerChatterEnd(eventCode)
+-- Called when the addon is loaded
+local function OnLoad(event, AddonName)
+    if AddonName == then
+        NUI:Initialize()
+    end
+--  Hide the display when in a menu
+function NUI:HideInMenus()
+    local hud = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("hud")
+    hud:RegisterCallback("StateChange", function(oldState, newState)
+        if newState == SCENE_HIDDEN and SCENE_MANAGER:GetNextScene():GetName() ~= "hudui" then
+            ----------------------------
+            --Place Main ui container to hide
+            ----------------------------
+        end
+        if newState == SCENE_SHOWING then
+            ----------------------------
+            --Place Main ui container to hide
+            ----------------------------
+        end
+    end)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/NUI.txt b/NUI.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09759ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/NUI.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file