First commit towards 0.2 -

Khaibit [07-04-14 - 01:16]
First commit towards 0.2 -

German localization done,
Reset/Refresh button text wasn't localized, it is now.
I missed a section to fill in on the license, filled in now.
diff --git a/Shopkeeper.lua b/Shopkeeper.lua
index 8d32928..41af8cf 100644
--- a/Shopkeeper.lua
+++ b/Shopkeeper.lua
@@ -761,14 +761,14 @@ function Shopkeeper:SetupShopkeeperWindow()
   local refreshButton = CreateControlFromVirtual("ShopkeeperRefreshButton", ShopkeeperWindow, "ZO_DefaultButton")
   refreshButton:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, ShopkeeperWindow, BOTTOMRIGHT, -20, -5)
-  refreshButton:SetText("Refresh")
+  refreshButton:SetText(Shopkeeper.translate('refreshLabel'))
   refreshButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", Shopkeeper.DoRefresh)

   -- Reset button
   local resetButton = CreateControlFromVirtual("ShopkeeperResetButton", ShopkeeperWindow, "ZO_DefaultButton")
   resetButton:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, ShopkeeperWindow, BOTTOMRIGHT, -120, -5)
-  resetButton:SetText("Reset")
+  resetButton:SetText(Shopkeeper.translate('resetLabel'))
   resetButton:SetHandler("OnClicked", Shopkeeper.DoReset)

   -- Make the 15 rows that comprise the visible table
@@ -889,9 +889,6 @@ end
 EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, Shopkeeper.OnAddOnLoaded)

 -- Set up /shopkeeper as a slash command toggle for the main window
-local function toggleShopkeeperWindow()
-  ShopkeeperWindow:SetHidden(not ShopkeeperWindow:IsHidden())
 SLASH_COMMANDS["/shopkeeper"] = function()
   if ShopkeeperWindow:IsHidden() then Shopkeeper.DisplayRows() end
   ShopkeeperWindow:SetHidden(not ShopkeeperWindow:IsHidden())
diff --git a/i18n/DE.lua b/i18n/DE.lua
index d0d7f08..b8b4f1d 100644
--- a/i18n/DE.lua
+++ b/i18n/DE.lua
@@ -3,52 +3,55 @@
 -- Written July 2014 by Dan Stone (@khaibit) -
 -- Released under terms in license.txt accompanying this file.
 -- Distribution without license.txt is prohibited!
+-- Translation provided by (anonymous)

 Shopkeeper.i18n.localized = {
-  saleAlertName = "Show Sale Alerts",
-  saleAlertTip = "Display an alert when you sell something in a guild store.",
-  saleAlertAnnounceName = "On-Screen Alerts",
-  saleAlertAnnounceTip = "Display alerts on-screen instead of in the chat box.",
-  saleAlertSoundName = "Play Alert Sounds",
-  saleAlertSoundTip = "Play a sound (with or without the text alerts) when you sell something in a guild store.",
-  multAlertName = "Show Multiple Alerts",
-  multAlertTip = "Show one alert per item sold instead of a summary alert if multiple items are sold.",
-  openMailName = "Open With Mail",
-  openMailTip = "Open the Shopkeeper sales summary along with your mailbox.",
-  openStoreName = "Open With Store",
-  openStoreTip = "Open the Shopkeeper sales summary along with guild stores.",
-  fullSaleName = "Show Full Sale Price",
-  fullSaleTip = "Show the price goods sold for before the store cut is taken out.",
-  scanFreqName = "Scan Frequency",
-  scanFreqTip = "How long to wait (in seconds) between checks of guild store sales.",
-  historyDepthName = "Sales History Size",
-  historyDepthTip = "How many sales events to store.  Lowering this may reduce the performance impact of this addon.",
-  windowFontName = "Window Font",
-  windowFontTip = "The font to use for the Shopkeeper window.",
-  viewModeAllName = "Show All Sales",
-  viewModeYourName = "Show Your Sales",
-  allSalesTitle = "All Sales",
-  yourSalesTitle = "Your Sales",
+  saleAlertName = "Zeige Verkaufsbenachrichtigungen",
+  saleAlertTip = "Zeige Verkaufsbenachrichtigungen wenn du etwas im Gildenladen verkaufst.",
+  saleAlertAnnounceName = "Benachrichtigungen",
+  saleAlertAnnounceTip = "Zeige Nachrichten auf dem Bildschirm anstatt im Chat.",
+  saleAlertSoundName = "Spiele Benachritigungs Ton ab",
+  saleAlertSoundTip = "Spiele Ton ab, sobald du etwas im Gildenladen verkaufst.",
+  multAlertName = "Zeige mehrere Benachrichtigungen",
+  multAlertTip = "Zeige eine Benachrichtigung pro verkauftem Gegenstand, anstatt einer zusammenfassenden Banachrichtigung bei mehreren Gegenstnden.",
+  openMailName = "ffne mit der Mailbox",
+  openMailTip = "ffne die Verkausbersicht zusammen mit der Mailbox.",
+  openStoreName = "ffne mit den Laden",
+  openStoreTip = "ffne Verkaufsbersicht zusammen mit dem Gildenladen.",
+  fullSaleName = "Zeige vollen Verkaufspreis",
+  fullSaleTip = "Zeige die Warenpreise vor Abzug der Verkaufskosten.",
+  scanFreqName = "Hufigkeit des Scans",
+  scanFreqTip = "Wie lang soll (in Sekunden) gewartet werden zwischen den berprfungen des Gildenladens.",
+  historyDepthName = "Gre der Historie.",
+  historyDepthTip = "Wie viele Verkaufsbenachrichtigungen sollen gespeichert werden? Eine Verringerung kann die Performance des Addons verbessern.",
+  windowFontName = "Zeichensatz des Fensters",
+  windowFontTip = "Der Zeichensatz fr das Verkaufsfenster.",
+  viewModeAllName = "Zeige alle Verkufe",
+  viewModeYourName = "Zeige deine Verkufe",
+  allSalesTitle = "Alle Verkufe",
+  yourSalesTitle = "Deine Verkufe",
   buyerColumnName = "Kufer",
   guildColumnName = "Gilde",
-  itemColumnName = "Item Sold",
-  timeColumnName = "Sale Time",
+  itemColumnName = "Verkaufte Gegenstnde",
+  timeColumnName = "Verkaufszeitpunkt",
   priceColumnName = "Preis",
-  searchBoxName = "Search: ",
-  itemTooltip = "Double-click on an item to link it in chat.",
-  buyerTooltip = "Double-click on a buyer to contact them.",
-  sortTimeTip = "Click to sort by sale time.",
-  sortPriceTip = "Click to sort by sale price.",
+  searchBoxName = "Suche: ",
+  itemTooltip = "Klicke doppelt auf einen Gegenstand zur Verlinkung im Chat.",
+  buyerTooltip = "Klicke doppelt auf einen Verkufer um ihn zu kontaktieren.",
+  sortTimeTip = "Klicken um nach Verkaufszeit zu sortieren.",
+  sortPriceTip = "Klicken um nach Verkaufspreis zu sortieren.",
   timeSecondsAgo = "<<1[Soeben/Vor %d Sekunden]>>",
-  timeMinutesAgo = "<<1[Vor einer Minute/Vor %d Minuten]>>",
-  timeHoursAgo = "<<1[Vor einer Stunde/Vor %d Stunden]>>",
+  timeMinutesAgo = "<<1[Vor 1 Minute/Vor %d Minuten]>>",
+  timeHoursAgo = "<<1[Vor 1 Stunde/Vor %d Stunden]>>",
   timeDaysAgo = "<<1[Gestern/Vor %d Tagen]>>",
-  refreshStart = "Starting refresh.",
-  refreshDone = "Refresh complete.",
-  refreshWait = "Please wait a minute or so between refreshes.",
-  resetDone = "Sales history reset.",
-  salesAlert = "You have sold %s x%d for %sG from %s %s.",
-  salesAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %s x%d for |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom %s %s.",
-  salesGroupAlert = "You have sold %d items totaling %sG from guild stores.",
-  salesGroupAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %d items totaling |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom guild stores.",
+  refreshLabel = "Aktualisierung",
+  refreshStart = "Starte Aktualisierung.",
+  refreshDone = "Aktualisierung abgeschlossen.",
+  refreshWait = "Bitte warte eine Minute oder so zwischen den Aktualisierungen.",
+  resetLabel = "Reset",
+  resetDone = "Reset der gespeicherten Daten.",
+  salesAlert = "Du hast %sx%d fr %sG ber die Gilde %s %s verkauft.",
+  salesAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFDu hast %sx%d fr |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFber die Gilde %s %s verkauft.",
+  salesGroupAlert = "Du hast %d Gegenstnde verkauft fr einen Gesammtwert von %sG.",
+  salesGroupAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFDu hast %d Gegenstnde verkauft fr einen Gesammtwert von |cD5B526%sG|cFFFFFF.",
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/i18n/EN.lua b/i18n/EN.lua
index 600829c..edcef6f 100644
--- a/i18n/EN.lua
+++ b/i18n/EN.lua
@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ Shopkeeper.i18n.localized = {
   timeMinutesAgo = "<<1[%d minute ago/%d minutes ago]>>",
   timeHoursAgo = "<<1[%d hour ago/%d hours ago]>>",
   timeDaysAgo = "<<1[Yesterday/%d days ago]>>",
+  refreshLabel = "Refresh",
   refreshStart = "Starting refresh.",
   refreshDone = "Refresh complete.",
   refreshWait = "Please wait a minute or so between refreshes.",
+  resetLabel = "Reset",
   resetDone = "Sales history reset.",
   salesAlert = "You have sold %s x%d for %sG from %s %s.",
   salesAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %s x%d for |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom %s %s.",
diff --git a/i18n/FR.lua b/i18n/FR.lua
index c1dcb9e..dd3d602 100644
--- a/i18n/FR.lua
+++ b/i18n/FR.lua
@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@ Shopkeeper.i18n.localized = {
   timeMinutesAgo = "<<1[%d minute ago/%d minutes ago]>>",
   timeHoursAgo = "<<1[%d hour ago/%d hours ago]>>",
   timeDaysAgo = "<<1[Yesterday/%d days ago]>>",
+  refreshLabel = "Refresh",
   refreshStart = "Starting refresh.",
   refreshDone = "Refresh complete.",
   refreshWait = "Please wait a minute or so between refreshes.",
+  resetLabel = "Reset",
   resetDone = "Sales history reset.",
   salesAlert = "You have sold %s x%d for %sG from %s %s.",
   salesAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %s x%d for |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom %s %s.",
diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt
index 1fce7ad..ea113c5 100644
--- a/license.txt
+++ b/license.txt
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-    * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
+    * Neither the name of the addon author nor the
       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

diff --git a/readme.txt b/readme.txt
index 34baea6..12bbcce 100644
--- a/readme.txt
+++ b/readme.txt
@@ -17,8 +17,15 @@ Known Issues / Todo July 03,2014:
    I'll make you a deal: you report bugs, I'll fix them as best I can.
    Right, deal!

- - I need translators!  If you speak French or German, and would like to help
+ - I need translators!  If you speak French, and would like to help
    with translation, send me a message either on here or in-game
    (@khaibit on the NA server).  Or, if you'd like to dive right in, take a
-   look at i18n\DE.lua or i18n\FR.lua in the addon's directory and start
-   translating each of those strings!
\ No newline at end of file
+   look at i18n\FR.lua in the addon's directory and start
+   translating each of those strings!
+Changelog for 0.2:
+  German localization is complete!
+  Fixed missing localizations on Reset/Refresh buttons.
+  Fixed a minor license issue.
\ No newline at end of file