conform everything to unix line endings

Daniel Pittman [08-25-18 - 21:16]
conform everything to unix line endings

This works fine with the ESO lua interpreter.  thank goodness.
diff --git a/ b/
index b21eeca..ab6c290 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,65 +1,65 @@
-# SlippyCheeze's Read It Once
-Reduce the effort and memorization required to read books throughout the
-world. When you encounter a book you have previously seen, it will display an
-alert informing you of that, rather than opening the book for reading.
-The very first time you encounter a book, however, it will be shown as normal.
-I prefer this to blocking all books, all the time, as I enjoy the lore ... I
-just don't want to be trying to remember if I read the book, and dislike the
-time taken to close it again when searching a bazillion bookshelves in
-a delve.
-## Inventory and Journal books are displayed normally
-Anything in your inventory, or accessed through the Lore Journal, will display
-normally.  Accessing books through non-standard book collecting addons should
-work normally, but has not been tested.  Please report issues appropriately.
-## Configuration
-There is no configuration for the addon.
-This is an account-wide addon, so any book seen on any character will count as
-"read". You should, however, still receive full credit for skill
-points regardless.
-## Help!  I have a problem!
-### I need to read a book again, for a quest!
-If you try and read the exact same book twice within one second, you bypass
-the block.  We still play the alert sound and display the warning the first
-time you interact, but the second will open it as it would without the
-addon installed.
-I use this for the occasional quest note that I need to reference more than
-once, and found that one second was more than enough time to make this
-work smoothly.
-### I found a different problem, what should I do?
-Please report bugs [through the GitHub issue tracker][gh-bugs].  You can also
-post them in the comments section here, if you must, though I'm less likely to
-notice and fix them that way.
-## Can I contribute?
-I'm happy to accept contributions, though I strongly prefer keeping addons
-small, and very single purpose, so do try and stick with the single theme.
-Please also stick to one change per submission: if you make multiple,
-unrelated changes, I'm not going to be very enthusiastic about adding that,
-compared to someone who sent them separately.
-The [code is available on GitHub][gh-repo], and git patches and/or GitHub pull
-requests are the best possible way to contribute.
-Sending, or linking, modified files, is much more difficult, but if you must,
-you must.  If you go this path, please make absolutely certain that you tell
-me which version the change was made against, so that I can integrate
-it safely.
+# SlippyCheeze's Read It Once
+Reduce the effort and memorization required to read books throughout the
+world. When you encounter a book you have previously seen, it will display an
+alert informing you of that, rather than opening the book for reading.
+The very first time you encounter a book, however, it will be shown as normal.
+I prefer this to blocking all books, all the time, as I enjoy the lore ... I
+just don't want to be trying to remember if I read the book, and dislike the
+time taken to close it again when searching a bazillion bookshelves in
+a delve.
+## Inventory and Journal books are displayed normally
+Anything in your inventory, or accessed through the Lore Journal, will display
+normally.  Accessing books through non-standard book collecting addons should
+work normally, but has not been tested.  Please report issues appropriately.
+## Configuration
+There is no configuration for the addon.
+This is an account-wide addon, so any book seen on any character will count as
+"read". You should, however, still receive full credit for skill
+points regardless.
+## Help!  I have a problem!
+### I need to read a book again, for a quest!
+If you try and read the exact same book twice within one second, you bypass
+the block.  We still play the alert sound and display the warning the first
+time you interact, but the second will open it as it would without the
+addon installed.
+I use this for the occasional quest note that I need to reference more than
+once, and found that one second was more than enough time to make this
+work smoothly.
+### I found a different problem, what should I do?
+Please report bugs [through the GitHub issue tracker][gh-bugs].  You can also
+post them in the comments section here, if you must, though I'm less likely to
+notice and fix them that way.
+## Can I contribute?
+I'm happy to accept contributions, though I strongly prefer keeping addons
+small, and very single purpose, so do try and stick with the single theme.
+Please also stick to one change per submission: if you make multiple,
+unrelated changes, I'm not going to be very enthusiastic about adding that,
+compared to someone who sent them separately.
+The [code is available on GitHub][gh-repo], and git patches and/or GitHub pull
+requests are the best possible way to contribute.
+Sending, or linking, modified files, is much more difficult, but if you must,
+you must.  If you go this path, please make absolutely certain that you tell
+me which version the change was made against, so that I can integrate
+it safely.
diff --git a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
index ecb7cd8..2066ce9 100644
--- a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
+++ b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.lua
@@ -1,127 +1,141 @@
--- Copyright © 2018 Daniel Pittman <>
--- See LICENSE for more details.
--- addon core object.
-local ADDON_NAME = "SlippyCheezeReadItOnce"
-local DISPLAY_NAME = "Read It Once"
-local DOUBLE_TAP_TIME = 1000
-local previousBook = {id=nil, time=0}
--- saved var: which books have been seen.
-local seen
-local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
-local insert = table.insert
-local function dmsg(msg, ...)
-   local args = {}
-   for n=1, select('#', ...) do
-      insert(args, tostring(select(n, ...)))
-   end
-   d(zo_strformat(msg, unpack(args)))
--- return bool, have we seen this before.  never called before saved variables
--- are loaded and initialized.
-local function HaveSeenBookBefore(id, title, body)
-   if type(id) ~= "number" then
-      dmsg("ReadItOnce: id is <<1>> (<<2>>)", type(id), id)
-      return false
-   end
-   -- ensure that we index by string, not number, in the table.
-   local id = tostring(id)
-   local bodyHash = HashString(body)
-   local record = seen[id]
-   if record then
-      -- probably have seen it before, but check for changes
-      if ~= id then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book id changed from <<1>> to <<2>>",, id)
-      end
-      if record.title ~= title then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book title changed from '<<1>>' to '<<2>>'", record.title, title)
-      end
-      if record.bodyHash ~= bodyHash then
-         d("ReadItOnce: book body changed")
-      end
-      -- don't show.
-      return true
-   end
-   -- have not seen, record it, and return that fact
-   seen[id] = {id=id, title=title, bodyHash=bodyHash}
-   return false
--- Sadly, we have to override the original method, which is a local anonymous
--- function, and which we have apparently no access to in order to hook nicely.
--- The bulk of this is a direct copy-paste from the lore reader, as of USOUI
--- 100023
--- The HaveSeenBook logic is my addition.
-local function OnShowBookOverride(eventCode, title, body, medium, showTitle, bookId)
-   -- by default, only block books when we are in the default in-game
-   -- interaction mode, so that inventory, lore journal, etc, activations do
-   -- not get blocked.
-   local force_show = not SCENE_MANAGER:IsShowingBaseScene()
-   -- handle the case of double-activation to bypass the restriction.
-   local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
-   if == bookId then
-      if (now - previousBook.time) < DOUBLE_TAP_TIME then
-         force_show = true
-      end
-   else
- = bookId
-   end
-   -- dmsg("force_show <<1>> now <<2>> prev.time <<3>> deltaT <<4>> <<5>> id <<6>>",
-   --      force_show, now, previousBook.time, now - previousBook.time,, id)
-   previousBook.time = now
-   -- implement the block, if appropriate.
-   if HaveSeenBookBefore(bookId, title, body) and not force_show then
-      -- local msg = zo_strformat("<<1>>: You have already read \"<<2>>\"", DISPLAY_NAME, title)
-      local msg = zo_strformat("You have already read \"<<1>>\"", title)
-      -- ZO_AlertNoSuppression(UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ALERT, nil, )
-      local params = CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:CreateMessageParams(CSA_CATEGORY_SMALL_TEXT, nil)
-      params:SetText(msg)
-      params:SetLifespanMS(850)
-      CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:AddMessageWithParams(params)
-      EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
-      return
-   end
-   -- meh, this is copied from the local function in the ZOS code. :(
-   if LORE_READER:Show(title, body, medium, showTitle) then
-      PlaySound(LORE_READER.OpenSound)
-   else
-      EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
-   end
-local function OnAddonLoaded(_, name)
-   if name ~= ADDON_NAME then return end
-   -- if the second argument, the version, changes then the data is wiped and
-   -- replaced with the defaults.
-   seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)
-   -- replace the original event handler with ours; sadly, we don't have
-   -- access to the original implementation to do anything nicer. :/
-   LORE_READER.control:UnregisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK)
-   LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, OnShowBookOverride)
--- bootstrapping
+-- Copyright © 2018 Daniel Pittman <>
+-- See LICENSE for more details.
+if not SlippyCheezeReadItOnce then
+      SlippyCheezeReadItOnce = {
+         ADDON_NAME="SlippyCheezeReadItOnce",
+         DISPLAY_NAME = "|c798BD2ReadItOnce|r",
+         DOUBLE_TAP_TIME = 1000,
+         previousBook = {id=nil, time=0},
+         -- seen holds our saved variables.
+         seen = {}
+      }
+-- my local alias for the addon itself.
+local M = SlippyCheezeReadItOnce
+local unpack = table.unpack or unpack
+local insert = table.insert
+local function msg(msg, ...)
+   local args = {}
+   for n=1, select('#', ...) do
+      insert(args, tostring(select(n, ...)))
+   end
+   d(DISPLAY_NAME..": "..zo_strformat(msg, unpack(args)))
+-- return bool, have we seen this before.  never called before saved variables
+-- are loaded and initialized.
+function M:HaveSeenBookBefore(self, id, title, body)
+   if type(id) ~= "number" then
+      msg("ReadItOnce: id is <<1>> (<<2>>)", type(id), id)
+      return false
+   end
+   -- ensure that we index by string, not number, in the table.
+   local id = tostring(id)
+   local bodyHash = HashString(body)
+   local record = self.seen[id]
+   if record then
+      -- probably have seen it before, but check for changes
+      if ~= id then
+         d("ReadItOnce: book id changed from <<1>> to <<2>>",, id)
+      end
+      if record.title ~= title then
+         d("ReadItOnce: book title changed from '<<1>>' to '<<2>>'", record.title, title)
+      end
+      if record.bodyHash ~= bodyHash then
+         d("ReadItOnce: book body changed")
+      end
+      -- don't show.
+      return true
+   end
+   -- have not seen, record it, and return that fact
+   self.seen[id] = {id=id, title=title, bodyHash=bodyHash}
+   return false
+-- Called when we want to skip showing a book.  Probably going to be very
+-- strange if you call it any other time!
+function M:DoNotShowThisBook(self)
+   -- local msg = zo_strformat("<<1>>: You have already read \"<<2>>\"", DISPLAY_NAME, title)
+   local msg = zo_strformat("You have already read \"<<1>>\"", title)
+   -- ZO_AlertNoSuppression(UI_ALERT_CATEGORY_ALERT, nil, )
+   local params = CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:CreateMessageParams(CSA_CATEGORY_SMALL_TEXT, nil)
+   params:SetText(msg)
+   params:SetLifespanMS(850)
+   CENTER_SCREEN_ANNOUNCE:AddMessageWithParams(params)
+   EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
+-- Sadly, we have to override the original method, which is a local anonymous
+-- function, and which we have apparently no access to in order to hook nicely.
+-- The bulk of this is a direct copy-paste from the lore reader, as of USOUI
+-- 100023
+-- The HaveSeenBook logic is my addition.
+function M:OnShowBookOverride(eventCode, title, body, medium, showTitle, bookId)
+   local do_not_show = false
+   -- never block a book if we are not in the most basic state, which is the
+   -- world interaction state.
+   if SCENE_MANAGER:IsShowingBaseScene() then
+      -- handle the case of double-activation to bypass the restriction.
+      local now = GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
+      if == bookId then
+         if (now - previousBook.time) > DOUBLE_TAP_TIME then
+            do_not_show = true
+         end
+      else
+ = bookId
+      end
+      -- msg("force_show <<1>> now <<2>> prev.time <<3>> deltaT <<4>> <<5>> id <<6>>",
+      --      force_show, now, previousBook.time, now - previousBook.time,, id)
+      previousBook.time = now
+   else -- not in the base scene
+      do_not_show = true
+   end
+   -- implement the block, if appropriate.
+   if HaveSeenBookBefore(bookId, title, body) and not force_show then
+   end
+   -- meh, this is copied from the local function in the ZOS code. :(
+   if LORE_READER:Show(title, body, medium, showTitle) then
+      PlaySound(LORE_READER.OpenSound)
+   else
+      EndInteraction(INTERACTION_BOOK)
+   end
+local function ScanKnowLoreBooks()
+local function OnAddonLoaded(_, name)
+   if name ~= ADDON_NAME then return end
+   -- if the second argument, the version, changes then the data is wiped and
+   -- replaced with the defaults.
+   seen = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData", 1)
+   -- replace the original event handler with ours; sadly, we don't have
+   -- access to the original implementation to do anything nicer. :/
+   LORE_READER.control:UnregisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK)
+   LORE_READER.control:RegisterForEvent(EVENT_SHOW_BOOK, OnShowBookOverride)
+-- bootstrapping
diff --git a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.txt b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.txt
index d9c9853..ceb5f2f 100644
--- a/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.txt
+++ b/SlippyCheezeReadItOnce.txt
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
-## Title: |c8794C5SlippyCheeze's|r Read It Once
-## Description: Skips reading books when you open them for the second time.
-## Author: |c8794C5SlippyCheeze|r
-## Version: 1000000-DEV
-## AddOnVersion: 1000000
-## APIVersion: 100024
-## SavedVariables: SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData
-# This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax
-# Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are
-# registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United
-# States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
-# You can read the full terms at
+## Title: |c8794C5SlippyCheeze's|r Read It Once
+## Description: Skips reading books when you open them for the second time.
+## Author: |c8794C5SlippyCheeze|r
+## Version: 1000000-DEV
+## AddOnVersion: 1000000
+## APIVersion: 100024
+## SavedVariables: SlippyCheezeReadItOnceData
+# This Add-on is not created by, affiliated with or sponsored by ZeniMax
+# Media Inc. or its affiliates. The Elder Scrolls® and related logos are
+# registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the United
+# States and/or other countries. All rights reserved.
+# You can read the full terms at