merging coreRewrite back into main branch

Kith [03-10-16 - 01:45]
merging coreRewrite back into main branch
updating LibAddonMenu to r19
diff --git a/Aura.lua b/Aura.lua
index 01b0324..d521df6 100644
--- a/Aura.lua
+++ b/Aura.lua
@@ -1,323 +1,471 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr']
-local LMP = LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
-local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local LMP			= LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
+local Aura			= {}

-local Aura                      = {}
+-- CONSTS --

-local ICON_SIZE                 = Srendarr.ICON_SIZE
-local BAR_HEIGHT                = Srendarr.BAR_HEIGHT
-local AURA_FADE_TIME            = Srendarr.AURA_FADE_TIME
+local AURA_HEIGHT			= Srendarr.AURA_HEIGHT

-local WM                        = WINDOW_MANAGER
-local GetGameTimeMilliseconds   = GetGameTimeMilliseconds
-local strformat                 = string.format
-local math_floor                = math.floor
-local tremove                   = table.remove
-local tinsert                   = table.insert
-local zo_strformat              = zo_strformat
-local tSec                      = L.Time_Seconds
-local tMin                      = L.Time_Minutes
-local tHour                     = L.Time_Hours
-local tToggle                   = L.Time_Toggle
-local tPassive                  = L.Time_Passive
-local tCast                     = L.Time_Cast
-local currentTime, colours, remFrame, remName
-local function AddControl(parent, cType, level)
-    local c = WM:CreateControl(nil, parent, cType)
-    c:SetDrawLayer(DL_CONTROLS)
-    c:SetDrawLevel(level)
-    return c, c
+local WM					= WINDOW_MANAGER
+local GetGameTimeMillis		= GetGameTimeMilliseconds
+local strformat				= string.format
+local math_floor			= math.floor
+local tremove				= table.remove
+local tinsert				= table.insert
+local zo_strformat			= zo_strformat
+local AddControl			= Srendarr.AddControl
+local tTenths				= L.Time_Tenths
+local tSec					= L.Time_Seconds
+local tMin					= L.Time_Minutes
+local tHour					= L.Time_Hours
+local tDay					= L.Time_Days
+local tToggle				= L.Time_Toggle
+local tPassive				= L.Time_Passive
+local auraLookup			= Srendarr.auraLookup
+local auraID				= 1		-- incremental counter to give each aura object a unique identifier
+local activeTimedAuras		= {}	-- all active auras with timers, referenced by their auraID
+local currentTime, colours
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function FormatTime(remaining)
+	if (remaining < 2) then -- 10ths of seconds
+		return strformat(tTenths, remaining)
+	elseif (remaining < 60) then -- seconds
+		return strformat(tSec, remaining)
+	elseif (remaining < 3600) then -- minutes
+		return strformat(tMin, math_floor(remaining / 60))
+	elseif (remaining > 172800) then -- days (2+, revert to hours when between 24-48hrs)
+		return strformat(tDay, math_floor(remaining / 86400))
+	else -- hours
+		return strformat(tHour, math_floor(remaining / 3600))
+	end

-local function BuildAura(frame)
-    local aura, ctrl
-    aura, ctrl = AddControl(frame, CT_TEXTURE, 2)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
-    -- ICON
-    aura.icon, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
-    -- LABELS
-, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_LABEL, 3)
-    ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(1)
-    aura.timer, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_LABEL, 3)
-    ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(1)
-    ctrl:SetHorizontalAlignment(1)
-    -- BAR
-, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_STATUSBAR, 2)
-    ctrl:SetHeight(BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
-    ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
-    ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
-    ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
-    ctrl:SetMinMax(0, 1)
-    ctrl:SetHandler('OnValueChanged', function(bar, value) bar.gloss:SetValue(value) end) -- change gloss value as main bar changes
-    -- BAR GLOSS
-, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_STATUSBAR, 3)
-    ctrl:SetHeight(BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
-    ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
-    ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
-    ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
-    ctrl:SetMinMax(0, 1)
-    -- BAR FRAME
-    aura.barBorderL, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(10, BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    aura.barBorderR, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(10, BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    aura.barBorderM, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    ctrl:SetHeight(BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 10, 0)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0.019500000402331, 0.58980000019073, 0, 0.625)
-    aura.barBackdropEnd, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(10, BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
-    ctrl:SetColor(0,0,0,0.4)
-    aura.barBackdrop, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
-    ctrl:SetHeight(BAR_HEIGHT)
-    ctrl:SetTexture('')
-    ctrl:SetColor(0,0,0,0.4)
-    aura.k_frame        = frame
-    aura['Configure']   = Aura.Configure
-    aura['Ghost']       = Aura.Ghost
-    aura['Release']     = Aura.Release
-    aura:Configure()
-    return aura
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+	local RATE				= Srendarr.AURA_UPDATE_RATE
+	local strformat			= string.format
+	local math_max			= math.max
+	local GetFormattedTime	= FormatTime
+	local timedAuras		= activeTimedAuras
+	local auraFadeTime		= -2 -- need a base value before being set by config
+	local nextUpdate		= 0
+	local timeRemaining
+	local function OnUpdate(self, updateTime)
+		if (updateTime >= nextUpdate) then
+			for _, aura in pairs(timedAuras) do
+				timeRemaining = aura.finish - updateTime
+				if (timeRemaining <= auraFadeTime) then -- expired and finished fading, done
+					aura:Release()
+				elseif (timeRemaining <= 0) then -- expired, but not done fading yet
+					if (not aura.isFading) then
+						aura:SetExpired() -- set expired if we should be but aren't yet
+					end
+					aura:SetAlpha(math_max(0, 1 - (timeRemaining / auraFadeTime)))
+				else -- normal countdown
+ - ((updateTime - aura.start) / (aura.finish - aura.start)))
+					aura.timer:SetText(GetFormattedTime(timeRemaining))
+				end
+			end
+			nextUpdate = updateTime + RATE
+		end
+	end
+	Srendarr:SetHandler('OnUpdate', OnUpdate)
+	function Srendarr:ConfigureAuraFadeTime()
+		auraFadeTime = self.db.auraFadeTime * -1
+	end

-local function FormatTime(remaining)
-    if (remaining < 60) then -- seconds
-        return strformat(tSec, remaining)
-    elseif (remaining < 3600) then -- minutes
-        return strformat(tMin, math_floor(remaining / 60))
-    else -- hours
-        return strformat(tHour, math_floor(remaining / 3600))
-    end
+-- ------------------------
+-- AURA
+-- ------------------------
+function Aura:Create(displayParent)
+	local aura, ctrl
+	aura, ctrl = AddControl(displayParent, CT_TEXTURE, 2)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	-- ICON
+	aura.icon, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT - 4, AURA_HEIGHT - 4)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	aura.iconBG, ctrl = AddControl(aura.icon, CT_TEXTURE, 0)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT - 4, AURA_HEIGHT - 4)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+	aura.highlight, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_TEXTURE, 3)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT -2, AURA_HEIGHT -2)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+	ctrl:SetHidden(true)
+, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_LABEL, 4)
+	ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+	ctrl:SetInheritScale(false)
+	aura.timer, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_LABEL, 4)
+	ctrl:SetHorizontalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetInheritScale(false)
+	-- BAR
+, ctrl = AddControl(aura, CT_STATUSBAR, 2)
+	ctrl:SetHeight(16)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+	ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
+	ctrl:SetMinMax(0, 1)
+	ctrl:SetHandler('OnValueChanged', function(bar, value) bar.gloss:SetValue(value) end) -- change gloss value as main bar changes
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_STATUSBAR, 3)
+	ctrl:SetHeight(16)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+	ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
+	ctrl:SetMinMax(0, 1)
+	aura.barBorderL, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(10, 16)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	aura.barBorderR, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(10, 16)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	aura.barBorderM, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetHeight(16)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 10, 0)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0.019500000402331, 0.58980000019073, 0, 0.625)
+	aura.barBackdropEnd, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(10, 16)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]])
+	ctrl:SetColor(0,0,0,0.4)
+	aura.barBackdrop, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetHeight(16)
+	ctrl:SetTexture('')
+	ctrl:SetColor(0,0,0,0.4)
+	aura.displayParent		= displayParent
+	aura.auraID				= auraID
+	auraID					= auraID + 1
+	aura.highlightToggled	= false	-- will both be set by the Configure function
+	aura.barColours			= {}
+	-- aura exec
+	aura['Initialize']		= Aura.Initialize
+	aura['Update']			= Aura.Update
+	aura['SetExpired']		= Aura.SetExpired
+	aura['Release']			= Aura.Release
+	-- configuration
+	aura['Configure']		= Aura.Configure
+	aura['UpdateVisuals']	= Aura.UpdateVisuals
+	return aura

-local function OnMouseEnter(control)
-    local abilityIndex
-    if control.abilityId then
-        local abilityId = control.abilityId
-        for index = 1, GetNumAbilities() do
-            if GetAbilityIdByIndex(index) == abilityId then
-                abilityIndex = index
-                break
-            end
-        end
-        if abilityIndex then
-            InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, -2, TOPLEFT)
-            InformationTooltip:SetAbility(abilityIndex)
-        end
-    end
-    if not abilityIndex then
-        if control.buffId then
-            local unitTag = control:GetParent().k_id == 4 and 'reticleover' or 'player'
-            InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, -2, TOPLEFT)
-            InformationTooltip:SetBuff(control.buffId, unitTag)
-        elseif control.tooltipText then
-            InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, control, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, -2, TOPLEFT)
-            SetTooltipText(InformationTooltip, control.tooltipText)
-        end
-    end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Aura:Initialize(auraGroup, auraType, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+	self.auraGroup		= auraGroup
+	self.auraType		= auraType
+	self.auraName		= auraName
+	self.unitTag		= unitTag or 'notag' -- ensure something is set here
+	self.start			= start
+	self.finish			= finish
+	self.effectType		= effectType
+	self.abilityType	= abilityType
+	self.abilityID		= abilityID
+	self.isFading		= false		-- make sure to note aura is enabled again
+	auraLookup[unitTag][abilityID] = self -- add self to the aura lookup reference
+		if (self.auraStyle == AURA_STYLE_ICON) then
+		else
+, auraName) .. ' [' .. abilityID .. ']')
+		end
+	else
+, auraName))
+	end
+	self.icon:SetTexture(icon)
+	self.icon:SetDesaturation(0)
+	self.highlight:SetHidden(true)
+	self:SetAlpha(1)
+	if (auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED) then
+		currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000
+		self.timer:SetText(FormatTime(finish - currentTime))
+ - ((currentTime - start) / (finish - start)))
+		activeTimedAuras[self.auraID] = self -- is a timed aura, add to timer tracking table (used in OnUpdate)
+	elseif (auraType == AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED) then
+		self.timer:SetText('')
+		self.highlight:SetHidden(not self.highlightToggled)
+		self.timer:SetText('')
+	end
+	colours = self.barColours[auraType]
+, colours.g1, colours.b1, 1, colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2, 1)
+	self:SetHidden(false)

-local function OnMouseExit(control)
-    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
+function Aura:Update(start, finish)
+	if (self.start == start and self.finish == finish) then return end -- if they are the same nothing changed (repeat event firings probably), do nothing
+	currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000
+	self.start	= start
+	self.finish	= finish
+	self.timer:SetText(FormatTime(finish - currentTime))
+ - ((currentTime - start) / (finish - start)))
+	if (self.isFading) then -- aura (most likely) had expired in game but was still active internally due to fadeout
+		self.isFading = false
+		self:SetAlpha(1)
+		self.icon:SetDesaturation(0)
+	end
+	self.displayParent:UpdateDisplay() -- time has changed, update parent display as ordering may have been altered

-function Aura:New(frame, aType, tType, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buffId, abilityId)
-    local aura = tremove(frame.k_auraPool, 1) -- grab from inactive pool
-    if (not aura) then -- no inactive Aura, create one
-        aura = BuildAura(frame)
-    end
-    -- initialize for display
-    aura.k_name         = name
-    aura.k_type         = aType
-    aura.k_timerType    = tType
-    aura.k_isGhost      = false
-    aura.k_start        = start
-    aura.k_finish       = finish
-    aura.k_isShield     = isShield
-    aura.k_abilityType  = abilityType
-    -- tooltip text if showing
-    aura.tooltipText    = zo_strformat(SI_ABILITY_TOOLTIP_NAME, name)
-    aura.buffId         = buffId
-    aura.abilityId      = abilityId
-    aura.icon:SetTexture(icon)
-    if (aType < 3) then -- timed (short) or timed (long)
-        currentTime = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
-        if (start >= finish) then return end -- abort if 0 (or less) duration
-        if (start > currentTime) then -- casting (starts later)
-            aura.timer:SetText(tCast)
-        else
-            aura.timer:SetText(FormatTime(finish - currentTime))
-   - ((currentTime - start) / (finish - start)))
-        end
-        colours = frame.k_db.barColours.timed
-    elseif (aType == 3) then -- toggle
-        aura.timer:SetText((frame.k_db.timerShowTP) and tToggle or '')
-        colours = frame.k_db.barColours.toggle
-    else -- passive
-        aura.timer:SetText((frame.k_db.timerShowTP) and tPassive or '')
-        colours = frame.k_db.barColours.passive
-    end
-, colours.g1, colours.b1, 1, colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2, 1)
-    aura:SetHidden(false)
-    frame.k_auraActive[name] = aura
-    return aura
+function Aura:SetExpired()
+	if (not self.isFading) then -- if not already expired and fading, start
+		self.finish = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000 -- times up, make sure our internal finish time agrees
+		self.icon:SetDesaturation(1)
+		self.isFading = true -- note that its time to start fading
+	end

-function Aura:Ghost()
-    if (self.k_isGhost) then return end -- already ghosting
+function Aura:Release(flagBurst)
+	self:SetHidden(true)
+	activeTimedAuras[self.auraID] = nil -- whether timed aura or not, this removes self from tracking table

-    self.k_isGhost = true
-    self.k_finish = (GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000)
-    self.icon:SetDesaturation(1)
+	auraLookup[self.unitTag][self.abilityID] = nil -- remove self from the aura lookup reference
+	self.displayParent:OnAuraReleased(flagBurst, self)

-function Aura:Release()
-    self:SetHidden(true)
-    -- return to default appearance
-    self:SetAlpha(1)
-    self.icon:SetDesaturation(0)
-    self.k_isGhost = false
-    -- remove from auralists and add to inactive pool
-    remFrame, remName = self.k_frame, self.k_name
-    remFrame.k_auraActive[remName] = nil
-    tinsert(remFrame.k_auraPool, self)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Aura:Configure(settings)
+	self.auraStyle = -- internal ref for currently active style
+	-- configure local references for things that can change from ability to ability on the same aura object
+	self.highlightToggled	= settings.highlightToggled
+	self.barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED]	= settings.barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED]
+	self.barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= settings.barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]
+	self.barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= settings.barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]
+'%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', settings.nameFont), settings.nameSize, settings.nameStyle))
+[1], settings.nameColour[2], settings.nameColour[3], settings.nameColour[4])
+	self.timer:SetFont(strformat('%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', settings.timerFont), settings.timerSize, settings.timerStyle))
+	self.timer:SetColor(settings.timerColour[1], settings.timerColour[2], settings.timerColour[3], settings.timerColour[4])
+	self.timer:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+	if ( == AURA_STYLE_FULL) then -- full style, must be growing up or down
+		-- configure icon
+		self:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+		self.icon:SetHidden(false)
+		self.highlight:SetAlpha(1) -- allow toggle highlight to be seen again if set (is a hack, but it works without a lot of checking)
+		-- configure timer
+		self.timer:ClearAnchors()
+		self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, BOTTOM, 0, -1) -- in full style, the timer is either over or hidden
+		self.timer:SetHidden(settings.timerLocation == AURA_TIMERLOC_HIDDEN)
+		-- configure bar display
+, 16)
+[[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
+, 16)
+[[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 32)
+ settings.barGloss)
+		self.barBorderL:SetHeight(16)
+		self.barBorderR:SetHeight(16)
+		self.barBorderM:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth - 20, 16)
+		self.barBackdrop:ClearAnchors()
+		self.barBackdrop:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth - 10, 16)
+		self.barBackdropEnd:ClearAnchors()
+		self.barBackdropEnd:SetHeight(16)
+		if (settings.barReverse) then
+			self.barBackdrop:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0.6133000254631, 0.59380000829697, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.019500000402331, 0, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(1, 0, 0, 0.625)
+,, TOPRIGHT, -2, -1)
+, self, BOTTOMLEFT, -3, 0)
+		else
+			self.barBackdrop:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0, 0.019500000402331, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.59380000829697, 0.6133000254631, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+,, TOPLEFT, 2, -1)
+, self, BOTTOMRIGHT, 3, 0)
+		end
+	elseif ( == AURA_STYLE_ICON) then -- icon only style, hide unused elements
+		-- configure icon
+		self:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+		self.icon:SetHidden(false)
+		self.highlight:SetAlpha(1) -- allow toggle highlight to be seen again if set (is a hack, but it works without a lot of checking)
+		-- configure timer
+		self.timer:ClearAnchors()
+		if (settings.timerLocation == AURA_TIMERLOC_ABOVE) then
+			self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, TOP, 0, 0)
+		elseif (settings.timerLocation == AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW) then
+			self.timer:SetAnchor(TOP, self, BOTTOM, 0, -1)
+			self.timer:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
+		else -- settings.timerLocation == AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER (or hidden, makes no difference)
+			self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, BOTTOM, 0, -1)
+		end
+		self.timer:SetHidden(settings.timerLocation == AURA_TIMERLOC_HIDDEN)
+		if (DEBUG_ABILITYID) then -- repurpose name display for abilityID display
+'%s|13|soft-shadow-thin', LMP:Fetch('font', 'Univers 57')))
+, self, TOP, 0, 1)
+		else
+		end
+	else -- style == AURA_STYLE_MINI
+		-- configure icon
+		self:SetTexture(0, 0, 0, 0)	-- make icon inivisble (cannot set alpha as it is the base of the aura object)
+		self.icon:SetHidden(true)	-- hide the icon for this ability
+		self.highlight:SetAlpha(0)	-- disable toggle highlight (is a hack, but it works without a lot of checking)
+		-- configure timer
+		self.timer:SetHidden(true) -- no timer text in this style
+		-- configure bar display
+, 9)
+[[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 18)
+, 9)
+[[/esoui/art/miscellaneous/]], 8, 18)
+ settings.barGloss)
+		self.barBorderL:SetHeight(9)
+		self.barBorderR:SetHeight(9)
+		self.barBorderM:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth - 20, 9)
+		self.barBackdrop:ClearAnchors()
+		self.barBackdrop:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth - 10, 9)
+		self.barBackdropEnd:ClearAnchors()
+		self.barBackdropEnd:SetHeight(9)
+		if (settings.barReverse) then
+			self.barBackdrop:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0.6133000254631, 0.59380000829697, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.019500000402331, 0, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(1, 0, 0, 0.625)
+,, TOPRIGHT, -2, -1)
+, self, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, -5)
+		else
+			self.barBackdrop:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+			self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0, 0.019500000402331, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.59380000829697, 0.6133000254631, 0, 0.625)
+			self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
+,, TOPLEFT, 2, -1)
+, self, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, -5)
+		end
+	end

-function Aura:Configure()
-    local db = self.k_frame.k_db
-'%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', db.nameFont), db.nameSize, db.nameOutline))
-, db.nameColour.g, db.nameColour.b)
-    self.timer:SetFont(strformat('%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', db.timerFont), db.timerSize, db.timerOutline))
-    self.timer:SetHeight(db.timerSize)
-    self.timer:SetColor(db.timerColour.r, db.timerColour.g, db.timerColour.b)
-    -- tooltip control
-    if (db.tooltips) then
-        self:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-        if (not self:GetHandler('OnMouseEnter')) then -- no mouse watchers, add
-            self:SetHandler('OnMouseEnter', OnMouseEnter)
-            self:SetHandler('OnMouseExit', OnMouseExit)
-        end
-    else
-        self:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-        if (self:GetHandler('OnMouseEnter')) then -- mouse watchers, remove
-            self:SetHandler('OnMouseEnter', nil)
-            self:SetHandler('OnMouseExit', nil)
-        end
-    end
-    if (db.auraGrowth == 'LEFT' or db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHT' or db.auraGrowth == 'LEFTCENTER' or db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHTCENTER') then -- horizontal aura growth
-        if (db.timerShowHorz == 'HIDE') then
-            self.timer:SetHidden(true)
-        else
-            self.timer:ClearAnchors()
-            if (db.timerShowHorz == 'ABOVE') then
-                self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, TOP, 0, -5)
-            elseif (db.timerShowHorz == 'BELOW') then
-                self.timer:SetAnchor(TOP, self, BOTTOM, 0, 1)
-            elseif (db.timerShowHorz == 'OVER') then
-                self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, BOTTOM, 0, -4)
-            end
-            self.timer:SetHidden(false)
-        end
-    else -- vertical aura growth
-        local point     = (db.auraIconOnRight) and RIGHT or LEFT
-        local pointInv  = (db.auraIconOnRight) and LEFT or RIGHT
-        local align     = (db.auraIconOnRight) and 2 or 0
-        local xMulti    = (db.auraIconOnRight) and -1 or 1
-        if (db.timerShowVert == 'HIDE') then
-            self.timer:SetHidden(true)
-        else
-            self.timer:ClearAnchors()
-            self.timer:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, self, BOTTOM, 0, -4)
-            self.timer:SetHidden(false)
-        end
-        -- configure bar display
- db.barGloss)
-        self.barBorderM:SetWidth(db.barWidth - 20)
-        self.barBackdrop:ClearAnchors()
-        self.barBackdrop:SetAnchor(point + TOP,, point + TOP, 0, 0)
-        self.barBackdrop:SetWidth(db.barWidth - 10)
-        self.barBackdropEnd:ClearAnchors()
-        self.barBackdropEnd:SetAnchor(pointInv + TOP,, pointInv + TOP, 0, 0)
-        if (db.auraIconOnRight) then
-            self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0.6133000254631, 0.59380000829697, 0, 0.625)
-            self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.019500000402331, 0, 0, 0.625)
-            self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(1, 0, 0, 0.625)
-        else
-            self.barBorderL:SetTextureCoords(0, 0.019500000402331, 0, 0.625)
-            self.barBorderR:SetTextureCoords(0.59380000829697, 0.6133000254631, 0, 0.625)
-            self.barBackdropEnd:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.625)
-        end
-        -- anchor (or hide) 'side' elements
-        if (db.showNameBar) then
-   + TOP, self, pointInv + TOP, xMulti * 4, 0)
-   + BOTTOM, self, pointInv + BOTTOM, xMulti * 3, 0)
-        else
-        end
-    end
+function Aura:UpdateVisuals() -- updates visuals on active auras, only called by settings changes
+	if (self.auraType and self.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED) then
+		self.highlight:SetHidden(not self.highlightToggled) -- update toggle highlighting
+	end
+	colours = self.barColours[self.auraType]
+, colours.g1, colours.b1, 1, colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2, 1)

-Srendarr.Aura = Aura
\ No newline at end of file
+Srendarr.Aura = Aura
diff --git a/AuraAnchor.lua b/AuraAnchor.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e25507..0000000
--- a/AuraAnchor.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr']
-local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
-local ICON_SIZE = Srendarr.ICON_SIZE
-local math_abs  = math.abs
-local math_rad  = math.rad
-local AuraAnchor = {}
-local function GetEdgeRelativePosition(self)
-    local left, top     = self :GetLeft(), self :GetTop()
-    local right, bottom = self :GetRight(), self :GetBottom()
-    local rootW, rootH  = GuiRoot:GetWidth(), GuiRoot:GetHeight()
-    local point         = 0
-    local x, y
-    if (left < (rootW - right) and left < math_abs((left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2)) then
-        x, point = left, 2 -- 'LEFT'
-    elseif ((rootW - right) < math_abs((left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2)) then
-        x, point = right - rootW, 8 -- 'RIGHT'
-    else
-        x, point = (left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2, 0
-    end
-    if (bottom < (rootH - top) and bottom < math_abs((bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2)) then
-        y, point = top, point + 1 -- 'TOP|TOPLEFT|TOPRIGHT'
-    elseif ((rootH - top) < math_abs((bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2)) then
-        y, point = bottom - rootH, point + 4 -- 'BOTTOM|BOTTOMLEFT|BOTTOMRIGHT'
-    else
-        y = (bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2
-    end
-    point = (point == 0) and 128 or point -- 'CENTER'
-    return point, x, y
-local function AddControl(parent, cType, level)
-    local c = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(nil, parent, cType)
-    c:SetDrawLayer(DL_OVERLAY)
-    c:SetDrawLevel(level)
-    return c, c
-local function BuildDragOverlay(self)
-    local ctrl
-    local drag = AddControl(self, CT_TEXTURE, 3)
-    drag:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    drag:SetAnchor(CENTER)
-    drag:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]]) -- border (and root)
-    drag.icon, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 2)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
-    ctrl:SetTexture[[/esoui/art/icons/]]
-    drag.flash, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    ctrl:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
-    ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
-    ctrl:SetColor(1, 0.82, 0)
-    -- LABEL
-    drag.label, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_LABEL, 4)
-    ctrl:SetFont('ZoFontWinH5')
-    ctrl:SetHeight(20)
-    ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(1)
-    ctrl:SetHorizontalAlignment(1)
-    ctrl:SetColor(0.64, 0.52, 0, 1)
-    ctrl:SetText(
-        (self.k_id == 1) and L.DragLabel_BuffShort or
-        (self.k_id == 2) and L.DragLabel_BuffLong or
-        (self.k_id == 3) and L.DragLabel_Debuff or
-        (self.k_id == 4) and L.DragLabel_Target or
-        (self.k_id == 5) and L.DragLabel_Target_Debuff
-    )
-    drag.growth, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    drag.growth:SetDimensions(32, 32)
-    drag.growth:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/ava/]])
-    drag.growthExtra, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
-    drag.growthExtra:SetDimensions(32, 32)
-    drag.growthExtra:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/ava/]])
-    drag.timeline = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimeline()
-    drag.timeline:SetPlaybackType(ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_LOOP, -1)
-    local anim
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_SCALE, drag.growth, 0)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetScaleValues(1, 1.25)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_SCALE, drag.growth, 750)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetScaleValues(1.25, 1)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_SCALE, drag.growthExtra, 0)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetScaleValues(1, 1.25)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_SCALE, drag.growthExtra, 750)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetScaleValues(1.25, 1)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_COLOR, drag.label, 0)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetColorValues(0.64, 0.52, 0, 1, 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_COLOR, drag.label, 750)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetColorValues(1, 0.82, 0, 1, 0.64, 0.52, 0, 1)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_ALPHA, drag.flash, 0)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetAlphaValues(0.4, 1)
-    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_ALPHA, drag.flash, 750)
-    anim:SetDuration(750)
-    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
-    anim:SetAlphaValues(1, 0.4)
-    self.drag = drag
-local function ConfigureDragOverlay(self)
-    local drag = self.drag
-    if (not drag) then return end
-    local db = Srendarr.db.frames[self.k_id]
-    drag.growth:ClearAnchors()
-    drag.growthExtra:ClearAnchors()
-    drag.label:ClearAnchors()
-    if (self.k_id == 1) then
-        if (Srendarr.db.combineBuff) then
-            drag.label:SetText(L.DragLabel_BuffAll)
-        else
-            drag.label:SetText(L.DragLabel_BuffShort)
-        end
-    end
-    if (db.auraGrowth == 'LEFT' or db.auraGrowth == 'LEFTCENTER') then
-        drag.label:SetAnchor(RIGHT, drag, LEFT, -4, 0)
-        drag.growth:SetAnchor(RIGHT, drag.label, LEFT, -2, 0)
-        drag.growth:SetTextureRotation(math_rad(90))
-    elseif (db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHT' or db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHTCENTER') then
-        drag.label:SetAnchor(LEFT, drag, RIGHT, 4, 0)
-        drag.growth:SetAnchor(LEFT, drag.label, RIGHT, 4, 0)
-        drag.growth:SetTextureRotation(math_rad(270))
-    elseif (db.auraGrowth == 'UP') then
-        drag.label:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, drag, TOP, 0, -4)
-        drag.growth:SetAnchor(BOTTOM, drag.label, TOP, 0, -2)
-        drag.growth:SetTextureRotation(0)
-    else -- down
-        drag.label:SetAnchor(TOP, drag, BOTTOM, 0, 4)
-        drag.growth:SetAnchor(TOP, drag.label, BOTTOM, 0, 2)
-        drag.growth:SetTextureRotation(math_rad(180))
-    end
-    if (db.auraGrowth == 'LEFTCENTER') then
-        drag.growthExtra:SetHidden(false)
-        drag.growthExtra:SetAnchor(LEFT, drag, RIGHT, 4, 0)
-        drag.growthExtra:SetTextureRotation(math_rad(270))
-    elseif (db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHTCENTER') then
-        drag.growthExtra:SetHidden(false)
-        drag.growthExtra:SetAnchor(RIGHT, drag, LEFT, -4, 0)
-        drag.growthExtra:SetTextureRotation(math_rad(90))
-    else
-        drag.growthExtra:SetHidden(true)
-    end
-local function EnableDrag(self)
-    if ((self.k_id == 2 and Srendarr.db.combineBuff) or (self.k_id == 4 and not Srendarr.db.showTargetAuras) or (self.k_id == 5 and not Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff)) then return end -- no overlay if not being used
-    if (not self.drag) then
-        BuildDragOverlay(self)
-    end
-    self:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-    self:SetMovable(true)
-    self:ConfigureDragOverlay()
-    self.drag:SetHidden(false)
-    self.drag.timeline:PlayFromStart()
-    Srendarr.auraFrames[self.k_id]:SetAurasNonInteractive()
-local function DisableDrag(self)
-    self:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-    self:SetMovable(false)
-    if (self.drag) then
-        self.drag:SetHidden(true)
-        self.drag.timeline:Stop()
-        self.drag.growth:SetScale(1)
-        self.drag.label:SetColor(0.64, 0.52, 0, 1)
-        self.drag.flash:SetAlpha(0.4)
-    end
-    Srendarr.auraFrames[self.k_id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-function AuraAnchor:New(id, point, x, y, scale)
-    local frame = CreateControl(nil, GuiRoot, CT_TOPLEVELCONTROL)
-    frame:SetKeyboardEnabled(false)
-    frame:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-    frame:SetMovable(false)
-    frame:SetClampedToScreen(true)
-    frame:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    frame:ClearAnchors()
-    frame:SetAnchor(point, GuiRoot, point, x, y)
-    frame:SetScale(scale)
-    frame.k_id = id
-    frame:SetHandler('OnReceiveDrag', function(af)
-        af:StartMoving()
-    end)
-    frame:SetHandler('OnMouseUp', function(af)
-        af:StopMovingOrResizing()
-        local point, x, y = GetEdgeRelativePosition(af)
-        Srendarr.db.frames[af.k_id].anchor.point    = point
-        Srendarr.db.frames[af.k_id].anchor.x        = x
-        Srendarr.db.frames[af.k_id].anchor.y        = y
-    end)
-    frame['EnableDrag']             = EnableDrag
-    frame['DisableDrag']            = DisableDrag
-    frame['ConfigureDragOverlay']   = ConfigureDragOverlay
-    return frame
-Srendarr.AuraAnchor = AuraAnchor
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/AuraControl.lua b/AuraControl.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6831ca4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AuraControl.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+-- CONSTS --
+local GetGameTimeMillis				= GetGameTimeMilliseconds
+local IsToggledAura					= Srendarr.IsToggledAura
+local IsMajorEffect					= Srendarr.IsMajorEffect	-- technically only used for major|minor buffs on the player, major|minor debuffs
+local IsMinorEffect					= Srendarr.IsMinorEffect	-- are filtered to the debuff grouping before being checked for
+local auraLookup					= Srendarr.auraLookup
+local filteredAuras					= Srendarr.filteredAuras
+local prominentAuras				= {}
+local displayFrameRef				= {}
+local shortBuffThreshold, filterDisguisesOnPlayer, filterDisguisesOnTarget
+local displayFrameFake = {
+	['AddAuraToDisplay'] = function()
+ 		-- do nothing : used to make the AuraHandler code more manageable, redirects unwanted auras to nil
+	end,
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function AuraHandler(flagBurst, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+	-- d('AuraHandler ' .. auraName .. ' [' .. abilityID ..'] (' .. unitTag .. '), effectType: ' .. effectType .. ', abilityType: ' .. abilityType .. string.format(', %.3f | %.3f (%.3f)', start, finish, (finish - start)))
+	if (start ~= finish and (finish - start) < 2.25) then return end -- abort showing any timed auras with a duration of < 2.25s
+	if (filteredAuras[unitTag][abilityID]) then return end -- abort immediately if this is an ability we've filtered
+	if (auraLookup[unitTag][abilityID]) then -- aura exists, update its data (assume would not exist unless passed filters earlier)
+		auraLookup[unitTag][abilityID]:Update(start, finish)
+		return
+	end
+	if (prominentAuras[abilityID] and unitTag ~= 'reticleover') then -- special case, this is a prominent aura on player or gtaoe
+		displayFrameRef[GROUP_PROMINENT]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PROMINENT, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+		return
+	end
+	if (unitTag == 'reticleover') then -- new aura on target
+		if (effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
+			-- debuff on target, check for it being a passive (not sure they can be, but just to be sure as things break with a 'timed' passive)
+			displayFrameRef[GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF, (start == finish) and AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE or AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+		else
+			-- buff on target, sort as passive, toggle or timed and add
+			if (filterDisguisesOnTarget and abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE) then return end -- is a disguise and they are filtered
+			if (start == finish) then -- toggled or passive
+				displayFrameRef[GROUP_TARGET_BUFF]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_TARGET_BUFF, (IsToggledAura(abilityID)) and AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED or AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+			else -- timed buff
+				displayFrameRef[GROUP_TARGET_BUFF]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_TARGET_BUFF, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+			end
+		end
+	elseif (unitTag == 'player') then -- new aura on player
+		if (effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
+			-- debuff on player, check for it being a passive (not sure they can be, but just to be sure as things break with a 'timed' passive)
+			displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF, (start == finish) and AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE or AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+		else
+			-- buff on player, sort as passive, toggled or timed and add
+			if (filterDisguisesOnPlayer and abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE) then return end -- is a disguise and they are filtered
+			if (start == finish) then -- toggled or passive
+				if (IsToggledAura(abilityID)) then -- toggled
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED, AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				else -- passive
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE, AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				end
+			else -- timed buff
+				if (IsMajorEffect(abilityID)) then -- major buff on player
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				elseif (IsMinorEffect(abilityID)) then -- minor buff on player
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				elseif ((finish - start) > shortBuffThreshold) then -- is considered a long duration buff
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_LONG]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_LONG, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				else
+					displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	else -- unitTag == 'groundaoe' -- new ground aoe cast by player (assume always timed)
+		displayFrameRef[GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND]:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND, AURA_TYPE_TIMED, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+	end
+function Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+	for group, frameNum in pairs(self.db.auraGroups) do
+		-- if a group is set to hidden, auras will be sent to a fake frame that does nothing (simplifies things)
+		displayFrameRef[group] = (frameNum > 0) and self.displayFrames[frameNum] or displayFrameFake
+	end
+	shortBuffThreshold		= self.db.shortBuffThreshold
+	filterDisguisesOnPlayer	= self.db.filtersPlayer.disguise
+	filterDisguisesOnTarget	= self.db.filtersTarget.disguise
+	for id in pairs(prominentAuras) do
+		prominentAuras[id] = nil -- clean out prominent auras list
+	end
+	for _, abilityIDs in pairs(self.db.prominentWhitelist) do
+		for id in pairs(abilityIDs) do
+			prominentAuras[id] = true -- populate promience list from saved database
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+    local GetNumBuffs       	= GetNumBuffs
+    local GetUnitBuffInfo   	= GetUnitBuffInfo
+	local auraLookup				= Srendarr.auraLookup
+    local numAuras, auraName, start, finish, stack, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID
+	Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive = function()
+		for _, auras in pairs(auraLookup) do -- iterate all aura lookups
+			for _, aura in pairs(auras) do -- iterate all auras for each lookup
+				aura:Release(true)
+			end
+		end
+		numAuras = GetNumBuffs('player')
+		if (numAuras > 0) then -- player has auras, scan and send to handle
+			for i = 1, numAuras do
+				auraName, start, finish, _, _, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, _, abilityID = GetUnitBuffInfo('player', i)
+				AuraHandler(true, auraName, 'player', start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+			end
+		end
+		for x = 1, NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[x]:UpdateDisplay() -- update the display for all frames
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+    local auraLookup			= Srendarr.auraLookup
+	Srendarr.OnPlayerDead = function()
+		for _, auras in pairs(auraLookup) do -- iterate all aura lookups
+			for _, aura in pairs(auras) do -- iterate all auras for each lookup
+				aura:Release(true)
+			end
+		end
+		for x = 1, NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[x]:UpdateDisplay() -- update the display for all frames
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+do -----------------------
+    local displayFramesScene	= Srendarr.displayFramesScene
+	OnCombatState = function(e, inCombat)
+		if (inCombat) then
+			if (Srendarr.db.combatDisplayOnly) then
+				for x = 1, NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+					displayFramesScene[x]:SetHiddenForReason('combatstate', false)
+				end
+			end
+		else
+			if (Srendarr.db.combatDisplayOnly) then
+				for x = 1, NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+					displayFramesScene[x]:SetHiddenForReason('combatstate', true)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	function Srendarr:ConfigureOnCombatState()
+		if (self.db.combatDisplayOnly) then
+			OnCombatState(nil, IsUnitInCombat('player')) -- force an update
+		else
+			if (self.displayFramesScene[1]:IsHiddenForReason('combatstate')) then -- if currently hidden due to setting, show
+				for x = 1, NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+					self.displayFramesScene[x]:SetHiddenForReason('combatstate', false)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	Srendarr.OnCombatState = OnCombatState
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+	local GetAbilityDescription			= GetAbilityDescription
+	local crystalFragmentsPassive		= Srendarr.crystalFragmentsPassive -- special case for tracking fragments proc
+	local auraLookup					= Srendarr.auraLookup
+	local fadedAura
+	Srendarr.OnEffectChanged = function(e, change, slot, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, stack, icon, buffType, effectType, abilityType, statusType, unitName, unitID, abilityID)
+		-- check the aura is on either the player, the target or is a ground aoe -- the description check filters a lot of extra auras attached to many ground effects
+		unitTag = (unitTag == 'player' or unitTag == 'reticleover') and unitTag or (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT and GetAbilityDescription(abilityID) ~= '') and 'groundaoe' or nil
+		if (not unitTag) then return end -- don't care about this unit and isn't a ground aoe, abort
+		if (change == EFFECT_RESULT_FADED) then -- aura has faded
+			fadedAura = auraLookup[unitTag][abilityID]
+			if (fadedAura) then -- aura exists, tell it to expire if timed, or release otherwise
+				if (fadedAura.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED) then
+					if (fadedAura.abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT) then return end -- gtaoes expire internally (repeated casting, only one timer)
+					fadedAura:SetExpired()
+				else
+					fadedAura:Release()
+				end
+			end
+--			if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER and
+			if (auraName == crystalFragmentsPassive) then -- special case for tracking fragments proc
+				Srendarr:OnCrystalFragmentsProc(false)
+			end
+		else -- aura has been gained or changed, dispatch to handler
+			AuraHandler(false, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+--			if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER and
+			if (auraName == crystalFragmentsPassive) then -- special case for tracking fragments proc
+				Srendarr:OnCrystalFragmentsProc(true)
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+    local GetNumBuffs      			= GetNumBuffs
+    local GetUnitBuffInfo  			= GetUnitBuffInfo
+    local DoesUnitExist    			= DoesUnitExist
+	local auraLookupReticle			= Srendarr.auraLookup['reticleover'] -- local ref for speed, this functions expensive
+	local targetDisplayFrame1		= false -- local refs to frames displaying target auras (if any)
+	local targetDisplayFrame2		= false -- local refs to frames displaying target auras (if any)
+	local numAuras, auraName, start, finish, stack, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID
+	local function OnTargetChanged()
+		for _, aura in pairs(auraLookupReticle) do
+			aura:Release(true) -- old auras cleaned out
+		end
+		if (DoesUnitExist('reticleover')) then -- have a target, scan for auras
+			numAuras = GetNumBuffs('reticleover')
+            if (numAuras > 0) then -- target has auras, scan and send to handler
+            	for i = 1, numAuras do
+					auraName, start, finish, _, stack, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, _, abilityID = GetUnitBuffInfo('reticleover', i)
+					AuraHandler(true, auraName, 'reticleover', start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		-- no matter, update the display of the 1-2 frames displaying targets auras
+		if (targetDisplayFrame1) then targetDisplayFrame1:UpdateDisplay() end
+		if (targetDisplayFrame2) then targetDisplayFrame2:UpdateDisplay() end
+	end
+	function Srendarr:ConfigureOnTargetChanged()
+		-- figure out which frames currently display target auras
+		local targetBuff	= self.db.auraGroups[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_BUFF]
+		local targetDebuff	= self.db.auraGroups[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF]
+		targetDisplayFrame1 = (targetBuff ~= 0) and self.displayFrames[targetBuff] or false
+		targetDisplayFrame2 = (targetDebuff ~= 0) and self.displayFrames[targetDebuff] or false
+		if (targetDisplayFrame1 or targetDisplayFrame2) then -- event configured and needed, start tracking
+		else -- not needed (not displaying any target auras)
+		end
+	end
+	Srendarr.OnTargetChanged = OnTargetChanged
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+	local ABILITY_TYPE_NONE 	= ABILITY_TYPE_NONE		-- no fakes have any specifc ability type
+	local BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF -- all fakes are buffs or gtaoe
+	local GetGameTimeMillis		= GetGameTimeMilliseconds
+	local GetLatency			= GetLatency
+	local slotData				= Srendarr.slotData
+	local fakeAuras				= Srendarr.fakeAuras
+	local slotAbilityName, currentTime
+	Srendarr.OnActionSlotAbilityUsed = function(e, slotID)
+		if (slotID < 3 or slotID > 8) then return end -- abort if not a main ability (or ultimate)
+		slotAbilityName = slotData[slotID].abilityName
+		if (not fakeAuras[slotAbilityName]) then return end -- no fake aura needed for this ability (majority case)
+  		currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000
+		AuraHandler(
+			false,
+			slotAbilityName,
+			fakeAuras[slotAbilityName].unitTag,
+			currentTime,
+			currentTime + fakeAuras[slotAbilityName].duration + (GetLatency() / 1000), -- + cooldown? GetSlotCooldownInfo(slotID)
+			slotData[slotID].abilityIcon,
+			fakeAuras[slotAbilityName].abilityID
+		)
+	end
+	function Srendarr:ConfigureOnActionSlotAbilityUsed()
+		if (self.db.auraFakeEnabled) then
+			EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED,	Srendarr.OnActionSlotAbilityUsed)
+		else
+		end
+	end
+function Srendarr:InitializeAuraControl()
+	-- setup event handlers
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED,			Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive) -- same action for both events
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_ALIVE,				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive) -- same action for both events
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD,				Srendarr.OnPlayerDead)
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED,				Srendarr.OnEffectChanged)
+	self:ConfigureOnCombatState()			-- EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE
+	self:ConfigureOnTargetChanged()			-- EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED
+	self:ConfigureOnActionSlotAbilityUsed()	-- EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED
+	self:ConfigureAuraHandler()
diff --git a/AuraData.lua b/AuraData.lua
index 9b549a8..6f48e59 100644
--- a/AuraData.lua
+++ b/AuraData.lua
@@ -1,1085 +1,1024 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr']
-local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
-local data = {
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- WEAPONS -------------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- TWO HANDED ----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Cleave]                 = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Brawler]                = {8,       10,     0,      3   },  -- damage shield, disabled corrections
-    [L.Aura_Carve]                  = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Stampede]               = {0,       3.5,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Uppercut]               = {0,       3.5,    0.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Dizzying_Swing]         = {0,       7.5,    0.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Wrecking_Blow]          = {0,       3.5,    0.8 },
---  [L.Aura_Momentum]               = {30,      0,      0   },  -- Tracked by the game
---  [L.Aura_Forward_Momentum]       = {33,      0,      0   },  -- Tracked by the game
---  [L.Aura_Rally]                  = {33,      0,      0   },  -- Tracked by the game
-    -- ONE_HANDED_AND_SHIELD -----------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Puncture]               = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Pierce_Armor]           = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Ransack]                = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Low_Slash]              = {0,       9,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Crippling_Slash]        = {0,       12,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Deep_Slash]             = {0,       12,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shield_Charge]          = {0,       2,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Invasion]               = {0,       2,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shielded_Assault]       = {6,       2,      0,      3   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Power_Bash]             = {0,       17,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Power_Slam]             = {0,       17,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Reverberating_Bash]     = {0,       17,     0   },
-    -- DUAL_WEILD ----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Twin_Slashes]           = {0,       9,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blood_Craze]            = {9,       9,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Rending_Slashes]        = {0,       9,      0   },
---  [L.Aura_Rapid_Strikes]          = {6,       0,      1.3 },
-    [L.Aura_Whirling_Blades]        = {10,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blade_Cloak]            = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Quick_Cloak]            = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Deadly_Cloak]           = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Hidden_Blade]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Flying_Blade]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shrouded_Daggers]       = {0,       6,      0   },
-    -- BOW -----------------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Poison_Arrow]           = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Poison_Injection]       = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Venom_Arrow]            = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Volley]                 = {0,       5,      1.5 }, --fictive cast time for the arrows to reach the ground and begin to inflict damage
-    [L.Aura_Scorched_Earth]         = {0,       11,     1.5 }, -- "
-    [L.Aura_Arrow_Barrage]          = {0,       5,      1.5 }, -- "
-    [L.Aura_Scatter_Shot]           = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Draining_Shot]          = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Magnum_Shot]            = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Arrow_Spray]            = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Acid_Spray]             = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Bombard]                = {0,       6.5,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Snipe]                  = {0,       0,      1.05},
-    [L.Aura_Focused_Aim]            = {0,       10,     1.05},
-    [L.Aura_Lethal_Arrow]           = {0,       10,     1.05},
-    -- DESTRUCTION_STAFF ---------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Destructive_Touch]      = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Shock_Touch]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Frost_Touch]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Flame_Touch]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Destructive_Clench]     = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Flame_Clench]           = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Shock_Clench]           = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Frost_Clench]           = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Destructive_Reach]      = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Shock_Reach]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Flame_Reach]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Frost_Reach]            = {0,       8,      0   }, -- added by silentgecko
-    [L.Aura_Wall_of_Elements]       = {0,       6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Wall_of_Fire]           = {0,       6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Wall_of_Frost]          = {0,       6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Wall_of_Storms]         = {0,       6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Wall_of_Cinders]        = {0,       6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Elements] = {0,    6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Fire]     = {0,    6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Frost]    = {0,    6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Storms]   = {0,    6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Cinders]  = {0,    6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Elemental_Blockade]     = {0,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blockade_of_Fire]       = {0,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blockade_of_Frost]      = {0,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blockade_of_Storms]     = {0,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blockade_of_Cinders]    = {0,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Weakness_To_Elements]   = {0,       21,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Elemental_Drain]        = {0,       21,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Elemental_Susceptibility] = {0,     24,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Greater_Distribution]   = {0,       18,     0,    18},
-    [L.Aura_Elemental_Ring]         = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Fire_Ring]              = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Frost_Ring]             = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shock_Ring]             = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Pulsar]                 = {0,       33,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Fiery_Pulsar]           = {0,       33,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Icy_Pulsar]             = {0,       33,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Electric_Pulsar]        = {0,       33,     0   },
-    -- RESTORATION_STAFF ---------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Grand_Healing]          = {3,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Healing_Springs]        = {3,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Illustrious_Healing]    = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Regeneration]           = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mutagen]                = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Rapid_Regeneration]     = {16.5,    0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blessing_Of_Protection] = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Blessing_Of_Restoration]= {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Combat_Prayer]          = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Steadfast_Ward]         = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Healing_Ward]           = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Ward_Ally]              = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Force_Siphon]           = {0,       20,     1.5 },
-    [L.Aura_Quick_Siphon]           = {0,       20,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Siphon_Spirit]          = {0,       20,     1.5 },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- ARMOUR --------------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- LIGHT_ARMOUR --------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Annulment]              = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Dampen_Magic]           = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Harness_Magicka]        = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    -- MEDIUM_ARMOUR -------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Evasion]                = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Elude]                  = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shuffle]                = {23,      0,      0   },
-    -- HEAVY_ARMOUR --------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Immovable]              = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Immovable_Brute]        = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstoppable]            = {8.8,     0,      0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- GUILDS --------------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- FIGHTERS_GUILD ------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Expert_Hunter]          = {10,      0,      0   },  -- need special case to track the ever extending nature
-    [L.Aura_Evil_Hunter]            = {13,      0,      0   },  -- need special case to track the ever extending nature
-    [L.Aura_Camouflaged_Hunter]     = {13,      0,      0   },  -- need special case to track the ever extending nature
-    [L.Aura_Circle_of_Protection]   = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Turn_Undead]            = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Ring_of_Preservation]   = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Beast_Trap]             = {0,       24,     0   },  -- added Beast Trap
-    [L.Aura_Rearming_Trap]          = {0,       24,     0   },  -- added Beast Trap Morph
-    [L.Aura_LightweightBeast_Trap]  = {0,       24,     0   },  -- added Beast Trap Morph
-    -- MAGES_GUILD ---------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Meteor]                 = {0,       12,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Ice_Comet]              = {0,       12,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shooting_Star]          = {0,       12,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Entropy]                = {20,      14.4,   0,      2   },  --corrections for debuff, buff (major sorcery) is always 20s
-    [L.Aura_Degeneration]           = {20,      14.4,   0,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Structured_Entropy]     = {20,      14.4,   0,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Equilibrium]            = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Spell_Symmetry]         = {5,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Balance]                = {24,      4,      0   },
-    -- UNDAUNTED -----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Inner_Fire]             = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Inner_Rage]             = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Inner_Beast]            = {0,       15,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Bone_Shield]            = {6,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Bone_Surge]             = {6,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Spiked_Bone_Shield]     = {6,       0,      0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- WORLD ---------------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- SOUL_MAGIC ----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Strike]            = {0,       2.85,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shatter_Soul]           = {0,       2.85,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Assault]           = {0,       3.85,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Trap]              = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Consuming_Trap]         = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Splitting_Trap]    = {0,       10,     0   },
-    -- WEREWOLF ------------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Hircines_Rage]          = {17,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Hircines_Fortitude]     = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Roar]                   = {0,       3.5,    1   },
-    [L.Aura_Ferocious_Roar]         = {0,       4.25,   1   },
-    [L.Aura_Rousing_Roar]           = {4,       3.5,    1,      3   },
-    [L.Aura_Piercing_Howl]          = {0,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Howl_of_Despair]        = {0,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Howl_of_Agony]          = {0,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Infectious_Claws]       = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Claws_of_Anguish]       = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Claws_of_Life]          = {0,       10,     0   },
-    -- VAMPIRE -------------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Bat_Swarm]              = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Clouding_Swarm]         = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Devouring_Swarm]        = {0,       5,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Drain_Essence]          = {3,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Invigorating_Drain]     = {3,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Midnight_Drain]         = {3,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mist_Form]              = {3,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Elusive_Mist]           = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Poison_Mist]            = {4,       0,      0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- ALLIANCE_WAR --------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- ASSAULT -------------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_War_Horn]               = {27,      0,      0   },  -- max rank is tracked by game
---  [L.Aura_Aggressive_Horn]        = {30,      0,      0   },  -- Tracked by the game
---  [L.Aura_Sturdy_Horn]            = {30,      0,      0   },  -- Tracked by the game
-    [L.Aura_Rapid_Maneuver]         = {20,      0,      0   },  -- can end early on making an attack
-    [L.Aura_Charging_Maneuver]      = {20,      0,      0   },  -- can end early on making an attack
-    [L.Aura_Retreating_Maneuver]    = {20,      0,      0   },  -- can end early on making an attack
-    [L.Aura_Caltrops]               = {0,       27,     1   },  -- fake cast time for ground targeted skill
-    [L.Aura_Anti_Cavalry_Caltrops]  = {0,       35,     1   },  -- fake cast time for ground targeted skill
-    [L.Aura_Razor_Caltrops]         = {0,       30,     1   },  -- fake cast time for ground targeted skill
-    [L.Aura_Magicka_Detonation]     = {0,       4,      1.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Inevitable_Detonation]  = {0,       4,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Proximity_Detonation]   = {0,       4,      1.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Vigor]                  = {5,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Echoing_Vigor]          = {5,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Resolving_Vigor]        = {5,       0,      0   },
-    -- SUPPORT -------------------------------------------
---  [L.Aura_Barrier]                = {30,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield | Tracked by the game
---  [L.Aura_Replenishing_Barrier]   = {30,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield | Tracked by the game
---  [L.Aura_Reviving_Barrier]       = {30,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield | Tracked by the game
-    [L.Aura_Siege_Shield]           = {17,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Propelling_Shield]      = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Siege_Weapon_Shield]    = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Purge]                  = {3,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Cleanse]                = {6,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Efficient_Purge]        = {6,       0,      0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- CLASS:_DRAGONKNIGHT -------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- ARDENT_FLAME --------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Dragonknight_Standard]  = {17,      17,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shifting_Standard]      = {17,      17,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Standard_of_Might]      = {17,      17,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Searing_Strike]         = {0,       10.5,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Flame]         = {0,       10.5,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Burning_Embers]         = {0,       10.5,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Fiery_Breath]           = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Burning_Breath]         = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Engulfing_Flames]       = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Power_Lash]             = {0,       2,      0   },
-    -- DRACONIC_POWER ------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Ferocious_Leap]         = {6,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Spiked_Armor]           = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Volatile_Armor]         = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Hardened_Armor]         = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Talons]            = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Burning_Talons]         = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Choking_Talons]         = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dragon_Blood]           = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Green_Dragon_Blood]     = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Coagulating_Blood]      = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Reflective_Scale]       = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Reflective_Plate]       = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dragon_Fire_Scale]      = {4,       0,      0   },
-    -- EARTHEN_HEART -------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Magma_Armor]            = {10.8,    0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Magma_Shell]            = {10.8,    0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Corrosive_Armor]        = {10.8,    0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Stonefist]              = {0,       3.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Obsidian_Shard]         = {0,       3.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Stone_Giant]            = {21.6,    3.6,    0,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Molten_Weapons]         = {9.6,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Igneous_Weapons]        = {9.6,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Molten_Armaments]       = {9.6,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Obsidian_Shield]        = {24,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Fragmented_Shield]      = {24,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Igneous_Shield]         = {24,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Petrify]                = {0,       24,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Fossilize]              = {0,       24,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shattering_Rocks]       = {0,       24,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Ash_Cloud]              = {0,       18,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Cinder_Storm]           = {0,       18,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Eruption]               = {0,       18,     0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- CLASS:_SORCERER -----------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- DAEDRIC_SUMMONING ---------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Summon_Storm_Atronach]  = {0,       18,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Greater_Storm_Atronach] = {0,       28,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Summon_Charged_Atronach]= {0,       18,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Daedric_Curse]          = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Daedric_Prey]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Velocious_Curse]        = {0,       3.5,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Conjured_Ward]          = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Empowered_Ward]         = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Hardened_Ward]          = {20,      0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    -- DARK_MAGIC ----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Negate_Magic]           = {0,       11.4,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Absorption_Field]       = {0,       11.4,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Suppression_Field]      = {0,       11.4,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Shard]          = {0,       2.4,    1   },
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Blast]          = {0,       2.4,    1   },
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Fragments]      = {0,       2.4,    1   },
-    [L.Aura_Encase]                 = {0,       5.4,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Restraining_Prison]     = {0,       5.4,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shattering_Prison]      = {0,       5.4,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Rune_Prison]            = {0,       19.9,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Rune_Cage]              = {0,       19.9,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Weakening_Prison]       = {0,       19.9,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Exchange]          = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Conversion]        = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Deal]              = {4,       0,      0   },
-    -- STORM_CALLING -------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Mages_Fury]             = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Endless_Fury]           = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mages_Wrath]            = {0,       4,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Lightning_Form]         = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Boundless_Storm]        = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Thundering_Presence]    = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Lightning_Splash]       = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Liquid_Lightning]       = {0,       10,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Lightning_Flood]        = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Surge]                  = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Critical_Surge]         = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Power_Surge]            = {40,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Bolt_Escape]            = {0,       2,      0,      3   },
-    [L.Aura_Ball_of_Lightning]      = {6.5,     2,      0,      3   },
-    [L.Aura_Streak]                 = {0,       2,      0,      3   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- CLASS:_NIGHTBLADE ---------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- ASSASSINATION -------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Teleport_Strike]        = {0,       1.5,    0.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Ambush]                 = {0,       1.5,    0.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Lotus_Fan]              = {0,       6,      0.8 },
-    [L.Aura_Blur]                   = {26,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Double_Take]            = {26,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mirage]                 = {26,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mark_Target]            = {0,       60,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Piercing_Mark]          = {0,       60,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Reapers_Mark]           = {0,       60,     0   },
-    [L.Aura_Grim_Focus]             = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Relentless_Focus]       = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Merciless_Resolve]      = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Death_Stroke]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Incapacitating_Strike]  = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Harvest]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    -- SHADOW --------------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Consuming_Darkness]     = {0,       17.2,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Bolstering_Darkness]    = {0,       17.2,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Veil_of_Blades]         = {17.2,    17.2,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shadow_Cloak]           = {2.9,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shadowy_Disguise]       = {2.9,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Cloak]             = {2.9,     0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Veiled_Strike]          = {0,       4.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Concealed_Weapon]       = {0,       4.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Surprise_Attack]        = {0,       17.2,   0   },
-    [L.Aura_Path_of_Darkness]       = {11.5,    11.5,      0   }, -- added Path of Darkness to Debuff Bar
-    [L.Aura_Refreshing_Path]        = {11.5,    11.5,      0   }, -- added Refreshing Path to Debuff Bar
-    [L.Aura_Twisting_Path]          = {11.5,    11.5,      0   }, -- added Twisting Path to Debuff Bar
-    [L.Aura_Aspect_of_Terror]       = {0,       4.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Mass_Hysteria]          = {0,       4.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Summon_Shade]           = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Shades]            = {23,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Shadow_Image]           = {23,      0,      0   },
-    -- SIPHONING -----------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Shred]             = {0,       3,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Siphon]            = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Soul_Tether]            = {8,       4.5,    0,      1   },
-    [L.Aura_Strife]                 = {10,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Funnel_Health]          = {10,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Swallow_Soul]           = {10,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Agony]                  = {0,       30,     1.2 },  -- can end early when target takes a damage
-    [L.Aura_Malefic_Wreath]         = {0,       30,     1.2 },  -- dtto
-    [L.Aura_Prolonged_Suffering]    = {0,       30,     1.2 },  -- dtto
-    [L.Aura_Cripple]                = {8,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Crippling_Grasp]        = {8,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Debilitate]             = {8,       8,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Drain_Power]            = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Power_Extraction]       = {20,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Sap_Essence]            = {20,      0,      0   },
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- CLASS:_TEMPLAR ------------------------------------
-    -- ---------------------------------------------------
-    -- AEDRIC_SPEAR --------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Radial_Sweep]           = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Empowering_Sweep]       = {8,       6,      0,      3   },
-    [L.Aura_Crescent_Sweep]         = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Biting_Jabs]            = {8,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Binding_Javelin]        = {0,       3.5,    0.5 },  -- Timer edited for more accuracy by Lumber
-    [L.Aura_Focused_Charge]         = {0,       3,      0   },  -- Debuff occur only if target casting
-    [L.Aura_Explosive_Charge]       = {0,       3,      0   },  -- Debuff occur only if target casting
-    [L.Aura_Toppling_Charge]        = {0,       2.4,    0   },  -- Timer edited for more accuracy by Lumber (debuff lasts 5 sec if target casting)
-    [L.Aura_Spear_Shards]           = {0,       6,      1.5 },  -- can end early if synergy is used by an other player
-    [L.Aura_Luminous_Shards]        = {0,       6,      1.5 },  -- can end early if synergy is used by an other player
-    [L.Aura_Blazing_Spear]          = {0,       6,      1.5 },  -- can end early if synergy is used by an other player
-    [L.Aura_Sun_Shield]             = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Ward]           = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    [L.Aura_Blazing_Shield]         = {6,       0,      0   },  -- damage shield
-    -- DAWNS_WRATH ---------------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Nova]                   = {0,       9.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Prison]           = {0,       9.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Disturbance]      = {0,       9.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Sun_Fire]               = {6,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Vampires_Bane]          = {8.4,     8.4,    0,  },
-    [L.Aura_Reflective_Light]       = {6,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Flare]             = {0,       7.2,    1.1 },
-    [L.Aura_Backlash]               = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Purifying_Light]        = {7.2,     6,      0,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Power_of_the_Light]     = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Eclipse]                = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Total_Dark]             = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Core]          = {0,       6,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Destruction]    = {0,       3.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Glory]          = {0,       3.6,    0   },
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Oppresion]      = {0,       3.6,    0   },
-    -- RESTORING_LIGHT -----------------------------------
-    [L.Aura_Rite_Of_Passage]        = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Remembrance]            = {4,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Practiced_Incantation]  = {6,       0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Honor_The_Dead]         = {8,       0,      0   }, -- buff occur only if target is under 50% health
-    [L.Aura_Lingering_Ritual]       = {8,       0,      2   },
-    [L.Aura_Restoring_Aura]         = {18,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Aura]           = {18,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Cleansing_Ritual]       = {12,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Extended_Ritual]        = {22,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Purifying_Ritual]       = {12,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Rune_Focus]             = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Channeled_Focus]        = {15,      0,      0   },
-    [L.Aura_Restoring_Focus]        = {15,      0,      0   },
-    --triggered effects
-    [L.Trigger_Crystal_Fragments_Passive] = {8, 0,      0,      3   },
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local GetAbilityName		= GetAbilityName
+-- Major & Minor Effect Identifiers
+local EFFECT_BERSERK		= 1
+local EFFECT_BREACH			= 2
+local EFFECT_DEFILE			= 4
+local EFFECT_EROSION		= 6
+local EFFECT_EVASION		= 7
+local EFFECT_FORCE			= 9
+local EFFECT_FRACTURE		= 11
+local EFFECT_HEROISM		= 12
+local EFFECT_MAIM			= 14
+local EFFECT_MANGLE			= 15
+local EFFECT_MENDING		= 16
+local EFFECT_PROPHECY		= 17
+local EFFECT_RESOLVE		= 19
+local EFFECT_SAVAGERY		= 20
+local EFFECT_SORCERY		= 21
+local EFFECT_VITALITY		= 23
+local EFFECT_WARD			= 24
+local EFFECT_WOUND			= 25
+local minorEffects, majorEffects -- populated at the end of file due to how large they are (legibility reasons)
+local fakeAuras = { -- used to spawn fake auras to handle mismatch of information provided by the API to what user's want|need
+	[GetAbilityName(23634)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 18, abilityID = 200000},	-- Summon Storm Atronach
+	[GetAbilityName(23492)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 28, abilityID = 200001},	-- Greater Storm Atronach
+	[GetAbilityName(23495)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 18, abilityID = 200002},	-- Summon Charged Atronach
+	[GetAbilityName(33376)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 30, abilityID = 200003},	-- Caltrops
+	[GetAbilityName(40242)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 30, abilityID = 200004},	-- Razor Caltrops
+	[GetAbilityName(40255)] = {unitTag = 'groundaoe', duration = 35, abilityID = 200005},	-- Anti-Cavalry Caltrops

-local potionDurations = {
-    [1] = { --standard potions from loot or from vendor. Potions can be any level, so duration is just estimated.
-        [L.Potion_Sip]              = 4,    --lvl 1-5   3.3 + (1+5) / 2 * 0.257 = 4.071
-        [L.Potion_Tincture]         = 5.3,  --lvl 6-10
-        [L.Potion_Serum]            = 6.6,  --lvl 11-15
-        [L.Potion_Dram]             = 7.8,  --lvl 16-20
-        [L.Potion_Effusion]         = 9.1,  --lvl 21-35
-        [L.Potion_Potion]           = 10.4, --lvl 26-30
-        [L.Potion_Draught]          = 11.7, --lvl 31-35
-        [L.Potion_Solution]         = 13,   --lvl 36-40
-        [L.Potion_Philter]          = 14.3, --lvl 41-45
-        [L.Potion_Elixir]           = 16.7, --lvl 46-51 3.3 + (46+51) / 2 * 0.257 = 15.7645
-        [L.Potion_Panacea]          = 18.2, --VR 5
-        [L.Potion_Distillate]       = 20.3, --VR 10
-        [L.Potion_Essence]          = 22.1, --VR 15
-    },
-    [2] = { --crafted 2 ingredients potions with long buff
-        [L.Potion_Sip]              = 10.5, --lvl 3      9 +  4 * 0.375 = 10.425  (9 + itemLevel * 0.375)
-        [L.Potion_Tincture]         = 13.1, --lvl 10     9 + 11 * 0.375 = 13.125
-        [L.Potion_Dram]             = 16.8, --lvl 20     9 + 21 * 0.375 = 16.875
-        [L.Potion_Draught]          = 20.6, --lvl 30     9 + 31 * 0.375 = 20.625
-        [L.Potion_Solution]         = 24.3, --lvl 40     9 + 41 * 0.375 = 24.375
-        [L.Potion_Elixir]           = 28.8, --VR 1       9 + 53 * 0.375 = 28.875
-        [L.Potion_Panacea]          = 31,   --VR 5       9 + 59 * 0.375 = 31.125
-        [L.Potion_Distillate]       = 34,   --VR 10
-        [L.Potion_Essence]          = 37, --VR 15
-    },
-    [3] = {  --crafted 3 ingredients potions with long buff (+4 sec)
-        [L.Potion_Sip]              = 14.5, --lvl 3
-        [L.Potion_Tincture]         = 17.1, --lvl 10
-        [L.Potion_Dram]             = 20.8, --lvl 20
-        [L.Potion_Draught]          = 24.6, --lvl 30
-        [L.Potion_Solution]         = 28.3, --lvl 40
-        [L.Potion_Elixir]           = 32.8, --VR 1
-        [L.Potion_Panacea]          = 35,   --VR 5
-        [L.Potion_Distillate]       = 38,   --VR 10
-        [L.Potion_Essence]          = 42,   --VR 15
-    },
-    [4] = {  --crafted 2 ingredients potions with short buff
-        [L.Potion_Sip]              = 4.5,  --lvl 3     4 +  4 * 0.129 = 4.516
-        [L.Potion_Tincture]         = 5.4,  --lvl 10    4 + 11 * 0.129 = 5.419
-        [L.Potion_Dram]             = 6.7,  --lvl 20    4 + 21 * 0.129 = 6.709
-        [L.Potion_Draught]          = 8,    --lvl 30    4 + 31 * 0.129 = 7.999
-        [L.Potion_Solution]         = 9.3,  --lvl 40    4 + 41 * 0.129 = 9.289
-        [L.Potion_Elixir]           = 10.8, --VR 1      4 + 53 * 0.129 = 10.837
-        [L.Potion_Panacea]          = 11.6, --VR 5      4 + 59 * 0.129 = 11.611
-        [L.Potion_Distillate]       = 12.4,   --VR 10
-        [L.Potion_Essence]          = 13.2, --VR 15
-    },
-    [5] = {  --crafted 3 ingredients potions with short buff (+2 sec)
-        [L.Potion_Sip]              = 6.5,  --lvl 3
-        [L.Potion_Tincture]         = 7.4,  --lvl 10
-        [L.Potion_Dram]             = 8.7,  --lvl 20
-        [L.Potion_Draught]          = 10,   --lvl 30
-        [L.Potion_Solution]         = 11.3, --lvl 40
-        [L.Potion_Elixir]           = 12.8, --VR 1
-        [L.Potion_Panacea]          = 13.6, --VR 5
-        [L.Potion_Distillate]       = 14.4, --VR 10
-        [L.Potion_Essence]          = 15.2, --VR 15
-    },
+local procAbilityNames = { -- using names rather than IDs to ease matching multiple IDs to multiple different IDs
+	[GetAbilityName(46324)] = false,	-- Crystal Fragments -- special case, controlled by the actual aura
+	[GetAbilityName(61907)] = true,		-- Assassin's Will
+	[GetAbilityName(23903)] = true,		-- Power Lash
+	[GetAbilityName(62549)] = true,		-- Deadly Throw

-local potionEffects = {             --buff, debuff, potionType
-    --drop & vendor potions
-    [17302]                         = {true, false, 1}, --health
-    [17322]                         = {true, false, 1}, --magicka
-    [17328]                         = {true, false, 1}, --stamina
-    --crafted potions (positive effects)
-    [45221]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Health
-    [45223]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Magicka
-    [45225]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Stamina
-    [45227]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Spell Power
-    [45228]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Weapon Power
-    [45233]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Spell Protection
-    [45234]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Armor
-    [45235]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Speed
-    [45236]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Detection
-    [45237]                         = {true, false, 4}, --Invisiblity
-    [45239]                         = {true, false, 4}, --Immovability
-    [45241]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Weapon Crit
-    [45382]                         = {true, false, 3}, --Health (longer duration)
-    [45385]                         = {true, false, 3}, --Magicka (longer duration)
-    [45388]                         = {true, false, 3}, --Stamina (longer duration)
-    [45460]                         = {true, false, 5}, --Invisiblity (longer duration)
-    [45463]                         = {true, false, 5}, --Immovability (longer duration)
-    [45466]                         = {true, false, 3}, --Weapon Crit (longer duration)
-    [47193]                         = {true, false, 2}, --Spell Crit
-    [47195]                         = {true, false, 3}, --Spell Crit (longer duration)
-    --crafted potions (negative effects)
-    [46111]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Health
-    [46193]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Magicka
-    [46199]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Stamina
-    [46202]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Spell Power
-    [46204]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Weapon Power
-    [46206]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Spell Protection
-    [46210]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Slow
-    [46215]                         = {false, true, 3}, --Ravage Health (longer duration)
-    [46237]                         = {false, true, 3}, --Ravage Magicka (longer duration)
-    [46240]                         = {false, true, 3}, --Ravage Stamina (longer duration)
-    [46244]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Spell Power (longer duration)
-    [46246]                         = {false, true, 3}, --Ravage Weapon Power (longer duration)
-    [47203]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Weapon Critical
-    [47204]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Ravage Spell Critical
-    [47213]                         = {false, true, 2}, --Stun
+Srendarr.crystalFragments			= GetAbilityName(46324) -- special case for merging frags procs
+Srendarr.crystalFragmentsPassive	= GetAbilityName(46327) -- with the general proc system
+local toggledAuras = { -- there is a seperate abilityID for every rank of a skill
+	[23316] = true,			-- Volatile Familiar
+	[30664] = true,			-- Volatile Familiar
+	[30669] = true,			-- Volatile Familiar
+	[30674] = true,			-- Volatile Familiar
+	[23304] = true,			-- Unstable Familiar
+	[30631] = true,			-- Unstable Familiar
+	[30636] = true,			-- Unstable Familiar
+	[30641] = true,			-- Unstable Familiar
+	[23319] = true,			-- Unstable Clannfear
+	[30647] = true,			-- Unstable Clannfear
+	[30652] = true,			-- Unstable Clannfear
+	[30657] = true,			-- Unstable Clannfear
+	[24613] = true,			-- Summon Winged Twilight
+	[30581] = true,			-- Summon Winged Twilight
+	[30584] = true,			-- Summon Winged Twilight
+	[30587] = true,			-- Summon Winged Twilight
+	[24639] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Matriarch
+	[30618] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Matriarch
+	[30622] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Matriarch
+	[30626] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Matriarch
+	[24636] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Tormentor
+	[30592] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Tormentor
+	[30595] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Tormentor
+	[30598] = true,			-- Summon Twilight Tormentor
+	[61529] = true,			-- Stalwart Guard
+	[63341] = true,			-- Stalwart Guard
+	[63346] = true,			-- Stalwart Guard
+	[63351] = true,			-- Stalwart Guard
+--	[32881] = true,			-- Sea of Flames
+--	[34088] = true,			-- Sea of Flames
+--	[34094] = true,			-- Sea of Flames
+--	[34100] = true,			-- Sea of Flames
+--	[40483] = true,			-- Radiant Magelight
+--	[42443] = true,			-- Radiant Magelight
+--	[42449] = true,			-- Radiant Magelight
+--	[42455] = true,			-- Radiant Magelight
+	[61536] = true,			-- Mystic Guard
+	[63323] = true,			-- Mystic Guard
+	[63329] = true,			-- Mystic Guard
+	[63335] = true,			-- Mystic Guard
+--	[30920] = true,			-- Magelight
+--	[42410] = true,			-- Magelight
+--	[42414] = true,			-- Magelight
+--	[42418] = true,			-- Magelight
+	[36908] = true,			-- Leeching Strikes
+	[37989] = true,			-- Leeching Strikes
+	[38002] = true,			-- Leeching Strikes
+	[38015] = true,			-- Leeching Strikes
+--	[40478] = true,			-- Inner Light
+--	[42422] = true,			-- Inner Light
+--	[42426] = true,			-- Inner Light
+--	[42430] = true,			-- Inner Light
+--	[28967] = true,			-- Inferno
+--	[34051] = true,			-- Inferno
+--	[34056] = true,			-- Inferno
+--	[34061] = true,			-- Inferno
+	[61511] = true,			-- Guard
+	[63308] = true,			-- Guard
+	[63313] = true,			-- Guard
+	[63318] = true,			-- Guard
+--	[32853] = true,			-- Flames of Oblivion
+--	[34066] = true,			-- Flames of Oblivion
+--	[34073] = true,			-- Flames of Oblivion
+--	[34080] = true,			-- Flames of Oblivion
+	[24158] = true,			-- Bound Armor
+	[30410] = true,			-- Bound Armor
+	[30414] = true,			-- Bound Armor
+	[30418] = true,			-- Bound Armor
+	[24165] = true,			-- Bound Armaments
+	[30422] = true,			-- Bound Armaments
+	[30427] = true,			-- Bound Armaments
+	[30432] = true,			-- Bound Armaments
+	[24163] = true,			-- Bound Aegis
+	[30437] = true,			-- Bound Aegis
+	[30441] = true,			-- Bound Aegis
+	[30445] = true,			-- Bound Aegis
+	[116007] = true,		-- Sample Aura (FAKE)
+	[116008] = true,		-- Sample Aura (FAKE)

-local toggledEffects = {
-    [L.Toggled_Inferno]                     = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Flames_Of_Oblivion]          = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Sea_Of_Flames]               = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Unstable_Familiar]           = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Unstable_Clannfear]          = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Volatile_Familiar]           = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Summon_Winged_Twilight]      = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Summon_Restoring_Twilight]   = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Summon_Twilight_Matriarch]   = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Bound_Armor]                 = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Bound_Armaments]             = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Bound_Aegis]                 = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Siphoning_Strikes]           = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Leeching_Strikes]            = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Siphoning_Attacks]           = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Magelight]                   = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Inner_Light]                 = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Radiant_Magelight]           = true,
-local damageShields = {
-    [L.DamageShield_Shielded_Assault]       = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Brawler]                = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Steadfast_Ward]         = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Ward_Ally]              = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Healing_Ward]           = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Annulment]              = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Dampen_Magic]           = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Harness_Magicka]        = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Barrier]                = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Replenishing_Barrier]   = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Reviving_Barrier]       = true,
---  [L.DamageShield_Hardened_Armor]         = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Obsidian_Shield]        = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Fragmented_Shield]      = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Igneous_Shield]         = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Conjured_Ward]          = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Empowered_Ward]         = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Hardened_Ward]          = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Sun_Shield]             = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Radiant_Ward]           = true,
-    [L.DamageShield_Blazing_Shield]         = true,
-local vampLycanEffects = {
-    [L.VampLycan_Fed_on_ally]               = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Bit_an_ally]               = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Dark_Stalker]              = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Supernatural_Recovery]     = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Stage_1_Vampirism]         = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Stage_2_Vampirism]         = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Stage_3_Vampirism]         = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Stage_4_Vampirism]         = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Vampirism]                 = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Lycanthropy]               = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Call_of_the_Pack]          = true,
-    [L.VampLycan_Sanies_Lupinus]            = true,

-local ignoredEffects = {
-    --alchemy
-    [L.Passive_MedicinalUse]                = true,
-    --champion points
-    [L.Passive_SpellShield]                 = true,
-    [L.Passive_Nourishing]                  = true,
-    --night blade
-    [L.Passive_SoulSiphoner]                = true,
-    --light armor
-    [L.Passive_Concentration]               = true,
-    --ESO Plus
-    [L.Passive_ESO_Plus_Member]             = true,
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local filterAlwaysIgnored = {
+	[29667] = true,		-- Concentration (Light Armour)
+	[40359] = true,		-- Fed On Ally (Vampire)
+	[45569] = true,		-- Medicinal Use (Alchemy)
+	[62760] = true,		-- Spell Shield (Champion Point Ability)
+	[63601] = true,		-- ESO Plus Member
+	[64160] = true,		-- Crystal Fragments Passive (Not Timed)
+	[36603] = true,		-- Soul Siphoner Passive I
+	[45155] = true,		-- Soul Siphoner Passive II
+	[57472] = true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[57475] = true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[57474] = true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[57476] = true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[57480]	= true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[57481]	= true,		-- Rapid Maneuver (Extra Aura)
+	[64945] = true,		-- Guard Regen (Guarded Extra)
+	[64946] = true,		-- Guard Regen (Guarded Extra)
+	[46672] = true,		-- Propelling Shield (Extra Aura)
+	[42197] = true,		-- Spinal Surge (Extra Aura)
+	[42198] = true,		-- Spinal Surge (Extra Aura)
+	[62587] = true,		-- Focused Aim (2s Refreshing Aura)
+	[42589] = true,		-- Flawless Dawnbreaker (2s aura on Weaponswap)

-local isProc = {
-    [L.Trigger_Assassins_Will]              = true,
-    [L.Trigger_Power_Lash]                  = true,
-    [L.Trigger_Deadly_Throw]                = true,
+local filterAuraGroups = {
+	['block'] = {
+		[14890]	= true,		-- Brace (Generic)
+	},
+	['cyrodiil'] = {
+--		[11341] = true,		-- Enemy Keep Bonus I
+		[15058]	= true,		-- Offensive Scroll Bonus I
+		[15060]	= true,		-- Defensive Scroll Bonus I
+		[16348]	= true,		-- Offensive Scroll Bonus II
+		[16350]	= true,		-- Defensive Scroll Bonus II
+		[39671]	= true,		-- Emperorship Alliance Bonus
+	},
+	['disguise'] = {
+		-- intentionally empty table just so setup can iterate through filters more simply
+	},
+	['mundusBoon'] = {
+		[13940]	= true,		-- Boon: The Warrior
+		[13943]	= true,		-- Boon: The Mage
+		[13974]	= true,		-- Boon: The Serpent
+		[13975]	= true,		-- Boon: The Thief
+		[13976]	= true,		-- Boon: The Lady
+		[13977]	= true,		-- Boon: The Steed
+		[13978]	= true,		-- Boon: The Lord
+		[13979]	= true,		-- Boon: The Apprentice
+		[13980]	= true,		-- Boon: The Ritual
+		[13981]	= true,		-- Boon: The Lover
+		[13982]	= true,		-- Boon: The Atronach
+		[13984]	= true,		-- Boon: The Shadow
+		[13985]	= true,		-- Boon: The Tower
+	},
+	['soulSummons'] = {
+		[39269] = true,		-- Soul Summons (Rank 1)
+		[45590] = true,		-- Soul Summons (Rank 2)
+	},
+	['vampLycan'] = {
+		[35658] = true,		-- Lycanthropy
+		[35771]	= true,		-- Stage 1 Vampirism (trivia: has a duration even though others don't)
+		[35773]	= true,		-- Stage 2 Vampirism
+		[35780]	= true,		-- Stage 3 Vampirism
+		[35786]	= true,		-- Stage 4 Vampirism
+		[35792]	= true,		-- Stage 4 Vampirism
+		[39472] = true,		-- Vampirism
+		[40521] = true,		-- Sanies Lupinus
+	},
+	['vampLycanBite'] = {
+		[40525] = true,		-- Bit an ally
+		[40539] = true,		-- Fed on ally
+	},

-local hasProc = {
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Fragments]              = L.Trigger_Crystal_Fragments_Passive,
+local filteredAuras = { -- used to hold the abilityIDs of filtered auras
+	['player']		= {},
+	['reticleover']	= {},
+	['groundaoe']	= {}

-local isMagesGuild = {
-    [L.Aura_Meteor]                         = true,
-    [L.Aura_Ice_Comet]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shooting_Star]                  = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Magelight]                   = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Inner_Light]                 = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Radiant_Magelight]           = true,
-    [L.MagesGuild_Fire_Rune]                = true,
-    [L.MagesGuild_Volcanic_Rune]            = true,
-    [L.MagesGuild_Scalding_Rune]            = true,
-    [L.Aura_Entropy]                        = true,
-    [L.Aura_Degeneration]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Structured_Entropy]             = true,
-    [L.Aura_Equilibrium]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Spell_Symmetry]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Balance]                        = true,
+for id in pairs(filterAlwaysIgnored) do -- populate initial ignored auras to filters
+	filteredAuras['player'][id]			= true
+	filteredAuras['reticleover'][id]	= true
+	filteredAuras['groundaoe'][id]		= true
+end	-- run once on init of addon

-local isArdentFlame = {
-    [L.Aura_Dragonknight_Standard]          = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shifting_Standard]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Standard_of_Might]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Fiery_Grip]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Extended_Chains]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Empowering_Chains]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Searing_Strike]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Flame]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Burning_Embers]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Fiery_Breath]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Burning_Breath]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Engulfing_Flames]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Lava_Whip ]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Molten_Whip]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Flame_Lash]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Power_Lash]                     = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Inferno]                     = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Flames_Of_Oblivion]          = true,
-    [L.Toggled_Sea_Of_Flames]               = true,
+Srendarr.fakeAuras			= fakeAuras			-- set external reference
+Srendarr.filteredAuras		= filteredAuras		-- set external reference
+Srendarr.procAbilityNames	= procAbilityNames	-- set external reference

-local isEarthenHeart = {
-    [L.Aura_Magma_Armor]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Magma_Shell]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Corrosive_Armor]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Stonefist]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Obsidian_Shard]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Stone_Giant]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Molten_Weapons]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Igneous_Weapons]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Molten_Armaments]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Obsidian_Shield]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Fragmented_Shield]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Igneous_Shield]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Petrify]                        = true,
-    [L.Aura_Fossilize]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shattering_Rocks]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Ash_Cloud]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Cinder_Storm]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Eruption]                       = true,
-local isDarkMagic = {
-    [L.Aura_Negate_Magic]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Absorption_Field]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Suppression_Field]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Shard]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Blast]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Crystal_Fragments]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Encase]                         = true,
-    [L.Aura_Restraining_Prison]             = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shattering_Prison]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Rune_Prison]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Rune_Cage]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Weakening_Prison]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Exchange]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Conversion]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Deal]                      = true,
-    [L.Aura_Daedric_Mines]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Daedric_Minefield]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Daedric_Tomb]                   = true,

-local isShadow = {
-    [L.Aura_Consuming_Darkness]             = true,
-    [L.Aura_Bolstering_Darkness]            = true,
-    [L.Aura_Veil_of_Blades]                 = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shadow_Cloak]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shadowy_Disguise]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Cloak]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Veiled_Strike]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Concealed_Weapon]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Surprise_Attack]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Path_of_Darkness]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Refreshing_Path]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Twisting_Path]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Aspect_of_Terror]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Mass_Hysteria]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Manifestation_of_Terror]        = true,
-    [L.Aura_Summon_Shade]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Shades]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Shadow_Image]                   = true,
-local isDawnsWrath = {
-    [L.Aura_Nova]                           = true,
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Prison]                   = true,
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Disturbance]              = true,
-    [L.Aura_Sun_Fire]                       = true,
-    [L.Aura_Vampires_Bane]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Reflective_Light]               = true,
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Flare]                    = true,
-    [L.Aura_Dark_Flare]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Solar_Barrage]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Backlash]                       = true,
-    [L.Aura_Purifying_Light]                = true,
-    [L.Aura_Power_of_the_Light]             = true,
-    [L.Aura_Eclipse]                        = true,
-    [L.Aura_Total_Dark]                     = true,
-    [L.Aura_Unstable_Core]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Destruction]            = true,
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Glory]                  = true,
-    [L.Aura_Radiant_Oppresion]              = true,
-function Srendarr:GetAuraData(ability)
-    local data = data[ability]
-    if (data) then
-        return (data[1] > 0) and data[1] or false, (data[2] > 0) and data[2] or false, data[3], data[4]
-    end
-    return false, false, 0
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr.IsToggledAura(abilityID)
+	return toggledAuras[abilityID] and true or false

-function Srendarr:IsDamageShield(ability)
-    return damageShields[ability] or false
+function Srendarr.IsMajorEffect(abilityID)
+	return majorEffects[abilityID] and true or false

-function Srendarr:IsToggled(ability)
-    return toggledEffects[ability] or false
+function Srendarr.IsMinorEffect(abilityID)
+	return minorEffects[abilityID] and true or false

-function Srendarr:IsProc(ability)
-    return isProc[ability] or false
+function Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+	for _, filterUnitTag in pairs(filteredAuras) do
+		for id in pairs(filterUnitTag) do
+			if (not filterAlwaysIgnored[id]) then
+				filterUnitTag[id] = nil -- clean out existing filters unless always ignored
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- populate player aura filters
+	for filterGroup, doFilter in pairs(self.db.filtersPlayer) do
+		if (filterAuraGroups[filterGroup] and doFilter) then -- filtering this group for player
+			for id in pairs(filterAuraGroups[filterGroup]) do
+				filteredAuras.player[id] = true
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- populate target aura filters
+	for filterGroup, doFilter in pairs(self.db.filtersTarget) do
+		if (doFilter) then
+			if (filterGroup == 'majorEffects') then			-- special case for majorEffects
+				for id in pairs(majorEffects) do
+					filteredAuras.reticleover[id] = true
+				end
+			elseif (filterGroup == 'minorEffects') then		-- special case for minorEffects
+				for id in pairs(minorEffects) do
+					filteredAuras.reticleover[id] = true
+				end
+			elseif (filterAuraGroups[filterGroup]) then
+				for id in pairs(filterAuraGroups[filterGroup]) do
+					filteredAuras.reticleover[id] = true
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	-- populate ground aoe filters
+	--
+	-- add blacklisted auras to all filter tables
+	for _, filterForUnitTag in pairs(filteredAuras) do
+		for _, abilityIDs in pairs(self.db.blacklist) do
+			for id in pairs(abilityIDs) do
+				filterForUnitTag[id] = true
+			end
+		end
+	end

-function Srendarr:HasProc(ability)
-    return hasProc[ability] or false
-do --passive skill effects
-    local GetUnitClassId                = GetUnitClassId
-    local GetSkillAbilityId             = GetSkillAbilityId
-    local GetSkillAbilityInfo           = GetSkillAbilityInfo
-    local GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo    = GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo
-    local passiveSkillEffects = {
-        --Dragon Knight
---      ["Warmth"]                      = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        ["Mountain's Blessing"]         = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        --Sorcerer
-        ["Exploitation"]                = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        --Nightblade
---      ["Hemorrhage"]                  = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        ["Shadow Barrier"]              = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        --Templar
-        ["Illuminate"]                  = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-        --Mages Guild
-        ["Might of the Guild"]          = { name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, texture= "", abilityId = 0 },
-    }
-    local function GetSkillData(skillType, skillLine, abilityIndex)
-        local name, texture, _, _, _, purchased = GetSkillAbilityInfo(skillType, skillLine, abilityIndex)
-        if purchased then
-            local upgradeLevel = GetSkillAbilityUpgradeInfo(skillType, skillLine, abilityIndex)
-            local abilityId = GetSkillAbilityId(skillType, skillLine, abilityIndex, false)
-            return name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId
-        end
-        return false, "", 0, 0
-    end

-    function Srendarr:GetDragonKnightEffect(ability)
-        if isEarthenHeart[ability] then
-            local data = passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"]
-            return, data.buff, data.debuff, data.texture, data.abilityId
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end
-    function Srendarr:GetSorcererEffect(ability)
-        if isDarkMagic[ability] then
-            local data = passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"]
-            return, data.buff, data.debuff, data.texture, data.abilityId
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end
-    function Srendarr:GetNightbladeEffect(ability)
-        if isShadow[ability] then
-            local data = passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"]
-            return, data.buff, data.debuff, data.texture, data.abilityId
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+minorEffects = {
+	[9611]	= EFFECT_WOUND,
+	[29308] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[31818] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[31899] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[32733] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[32761] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[33228] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[37027] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[37031] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[37032] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[37033] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[37247] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[37472] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[38068] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[38072] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[38076] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[38688] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[38746] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[38817] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[39168] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[39180] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[39181] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[42197] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[42984] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[42986] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[42991] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[42993] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[42998] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[43000] = EFFECT_MANGLE,
+	[61768] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61769] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61770] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61817] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61818] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61819] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61822] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61854] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[61855] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[61856] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[61862] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61863] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61864] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61882] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[61892] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[61894] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[61896] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[61898] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[62319] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62320] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62336] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62337] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62338] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62339] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62340] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62341] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62475] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62477] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62481] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62483] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62492] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62493] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62494] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62495] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62500] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62501] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62503] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62504] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62505] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62507] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62508] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62509] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62510] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62511] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[62512] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[62582] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62585] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62588] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62619] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62620] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62621] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62622] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62623] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62624] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62625] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62626] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62627] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62628] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62629] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62630] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62631] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62632] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62633] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62634] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62635] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62636] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[62637] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62638] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62639] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[62640] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62641] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62642] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[62643] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62644] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62645] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[62799] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62800] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63340] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[63532] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63571] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63599] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63600] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63602] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63603] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63606] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63607] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[64047] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64048] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64050] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64051] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64052] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64053] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64054] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64055] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64056] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64057] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64058] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64080] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[64081] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[64082] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[64144] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64145] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64146] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64147] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64178] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[64255] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64256] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[64258] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[64260] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[64261] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[64954] = EFFECT_EROSION,
+	[64955] = EFFECT_EROSION,
+	[64956] = EFFECT_EROSION,
+	[64957] = EFFECT_EROSION,
+	[68359] = EFFECT_MAIM,
+	[68512] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[68513] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[68514] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[68515] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[68588] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[68589] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[68591] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[68592] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[68595] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68596] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68597] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68598] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68628] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68629] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68630] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68631] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68632] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68636] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68638] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[68640] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[76037] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[76564] = EFFECT_FORCE,

-    function Srendarr:GetTemplarEffect(ability)
-        if isDawnsWrath[ability] then
-            local data = passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"]
-            return, data.buff, data.debuff, data.texture, data.abilityId
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end
+majorEffects = {
+	[18868] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[21927] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[22236] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[24153] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[24686] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[24702] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[24703] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[26795] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[27190] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[27194] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[27198] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[28307] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[29230] = EFFECT_DEFLIE,
+	[31759] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[33363] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[33399] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[34734] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[36228] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[36232] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[36236] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[36509] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[36515] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[36972] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[36973] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[36980] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37511] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37515] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37519] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37523] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37528] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37533] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37538] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37542] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37546] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[37591] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37599] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37607] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37618] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37627] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37636] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[37645] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[37654] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[37663] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[38686] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[38838] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[40225] = EFFECT_FORCE,
+	[44820] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44821] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44822] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44823] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44824] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44825] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44826] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44827] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44828] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44829] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44830] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44831] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44832] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44833] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44834] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44835] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44836] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44838] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44839] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44840] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44841] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[44842] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[44843] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[45076] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[48078] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[48946] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[55033] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[58869] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[61758] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[61759] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[61760] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[61815] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61816] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61820] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61821] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61823] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61824] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61825] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61826] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61827] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61828] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61829] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61830] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61831] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61832] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61834] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61835] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61836] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61837] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61841] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61842] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61843] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61844] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61845] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[61846] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[61909] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[61910] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[61911] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62062] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62064] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62066] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62068] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62159] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62160] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62161] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62162] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62163] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62164] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62165] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62166] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62167] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62168] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62169] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62170] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62171] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62172] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62173] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62174] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62175] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62176] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62179] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62180] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62184] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62185] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62189] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[62190] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[62195] = EFFECT_BERSERK,
+	[62240] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62241] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62242] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62243] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[62470] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62471] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62473] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62474] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62476] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62480] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62482] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62484] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62485] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[62486] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[62487] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62488] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62489] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[62490] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[62491] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[62513] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62514] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62515] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62578] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62579] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62580] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[62747] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62748] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62749] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62750] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62751] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62752] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62753] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62754] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62755] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62756] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62757] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[62758] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[63015] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63016] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63017] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63018] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63019] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63023] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63026] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63028] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63030] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63036] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63040] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63042] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[63084] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63085] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63088] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63089] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63091] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63092] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63116] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63117] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63119] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63120] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63123] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63124] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63127] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63128] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63131] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63132] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63134] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63135] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63137] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63138] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63140] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63141] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63143] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[63144] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[63148] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[63223] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63224] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63225] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63226] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63227] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63228] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63229] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63230] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63231] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63232] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63233] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63234] = EFFECT_SORCERY,
+	[63533] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[63534] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[63535] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[63536] = EFFECT_VITALITY,
+	[63909] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63912] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63913] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63914] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63915] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63916] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63917] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63918] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63919] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63920] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63921] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[63922] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63923] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[63924] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[63925] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[64251] = EFFECT_BREACH,
+	[64254] = EFFECT_FRACTURE,
+	[64562] = EFFECT_WARD,
+	[64952] = EFFECT_SAVAGERY,
+	[65133] = EFFECT_HEROISM,
+	[66075] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[66083] = EFFECT_RESOLVE,
+	[68163] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[68164] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[68165] = EFFECT_DEFILE,
+	[69685] = EFFECT_EVASION,
+	[76057] = EFFECT_PROPHECY,
+	[77082] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[77918] = EFFECT_MENDING,
+	[77922] = EFFECT_MENDING,

-    function Srendarr:GetClassPassiveSkillEffect(ability)
-        if self.classId == 1 then
-            return self:GetDragonKnightEffect(ability)
-        elseif self.classId == 2 then
-            return self:GetSorcererEffect(ability)
-        elseif self.classId == 3 then
-            return self:GetNightbladeEffect(ability)
-        elseif self.classId == 6 then
-            return self:GetTemplarEffect(ability)
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end

-    function Srendarr:GetMagesGuildEffect(ability)
-        if isMagesGuild[ability] then
-            local data = passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"]
-            return, data.buff, data.debuff, data.texture, data.abilityId
-        end
-        return false, false, false, "", 0
-    end
+-- ------------------------
+-- Used after patches to assist in getting hold of changed abilityIDs (messy, only uncomment when needed to use)
+-- ------------------------

-    function Srendarr:SetupPassiveSkillEffects()
-        self.classId = self.classId or GetUnitClassId("player")
+function GetToggled()
+	-- returns all abilityIDs that match the names used as toggledAuras
+	-- used to grab ALL the nessecary abilityIDs for the table after a patch changes things
+	local data, names, saved = {}, {}, {}

-        --Dragon Knight
-        if self.classId == 1 then
-        --[[
-            --Warmth
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 1, 8)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Warmth"].name              = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Warmth"].buff              = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Warmth"].debuff            = 2 * upgradeLevel
-            passiveSkillEffects["Warmth"].texture           = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Warmth"].abilityId         = abilityId
-        --]]
-            --Mountain's Blessing
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 3, 9)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"].name      = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"].buff      = 10 * upgradeLevel
-            passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"].debuff    = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"].texture   = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Mountain's Blessing"].abilityId = abilityId
+	for k, v in pairs(toggledAuras) do
+		names[GetAbilityName(k)] = true
+	end

-        --Sorcerer
-        elseif self.classId == 2 then
-            --Exploitation
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 1, 10)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"].name        = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"].buff        = 10 * upgradeLevel
-            passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"].debuff      = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"].texture     = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Exploitation"].abilityId   = abilityId
+	for x = 1, 100000 do
+		if (DoesAbilityExist(x) and names[GetAbilityName(x)] and GetAbilityDuration(x) == 0 and GetAbilityDescription(x) ~= '') then
+			table.insert(data, {(GetAbilityName(x)), x, GetAbilityDescription(x)})
+		end
+	end

-        --Nightblade
-        elseif self.classId == 3 then
-        --[[
-            --Hemorrhage
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 1, 10)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Hemorrhage"].name          = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Hemorrhage"].buff          = 10 * upgradeLevel
-            passiveSkillEffects["Hemorrhage"].debuff        = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Hemorrhage"].texture       = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Hemorrhage"].abilityId     = abilityId
-        --]]
-            --Shadow Barrier
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 2, 8)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"].name      = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"].buff      = (2 * upgradeLevel) * (1 + (self:GetNumArmorPieces(ARMORTYPE_HEAVY) * 0.25))
-            passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"].debuff    = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"].texture   = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Shadow Barrier"].abilityId = abilityId
+	table.sort(data, function(a, b)	return a[1] > b[1] end)

-        --Templar
-        elseif self.classId == 6 then
-            --Illuminate
-            local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_CLASS, 2, 9)
-            passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"].name          = name
-            passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"].buff          = 10 * upgradeLevel
-            passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"].debuff        = false
-            passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"].texture       = texture
-            passiveSkillEffects["Illuminate"].abilityId     = abilityId
-        end
+	for k, v in ipairs(data) do
+		d(v[2] .. ' ' .. v[1] .. '      ' .. string.sub(v[3], 1, 30))
+		table.insert(saved, v[2] .. '|' .. v[1]..'||' ..string.sub(v[3],1,30))
+	end

-        --Mages Guild
-        local name, texture, upgradeLevel, abilityId = GetSkillData(SKILL_TYPE_GUILD, 2, 10)
-        passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"].name      = name
-        passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"].buff      = 5
-        passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"].debuff    = false
-        passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"].texture   = texture
-        passiveSkillEffects["Might of the Guild"].abilityId = abilityId
-    end
+	--SrendarrDB.toggled = saved

-do --potions
-    local strfind                       = zo_plainstrfind
-    local strlower                      = zo_strlower
-    local GetCurrentQuickslot           = GetCurrentQuickslot
-    local medicinalUseCoefficient = 1
-    local medicinalUseCoefficients = {
-        [45569] = 1.1,
-        [45571] = 1.2,
-        [45573] = 1.3,
-    }
-    function Srendarr:GetMedicinalUseCoefficient()
-        return medicinalUseCoefficient
-    end
-    function Srendarr:SetMedicinalUseCoefficient(abilityId)
-        local newValue = medicinalUseCoefficients[abilityId]
-        if newValue ~= nil and newValue ~= medicinalUseCoefficient  then
-            medicinalUseCoefficient = newValue
-            self.OnQuickSlotChanged(nil, GetCurrentQuickslot())
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:GetPotionData(ability, abilityId)
-        local data = potionEffects[abilityId]
-        if (data) then
-            local buff, debuff, potionType = unpack(data)
-            local duration = 0
+function GetMajorEffects()
+	local name
+	SrendarrDB.majorBuffs = {}

-            local potionDuration = potionDurations[potionType]
+	for id = 3000, 100000 do -- haven't seen any outside of these ids so compact search space a bit
+		if (DoesAbilityExist(id) and GetAbilityDuration(id) > 0) then
+			name = string.sub(GetAbilityName(id), 1, 6)

-            for potionStrength, value in pairs(potionDuration) do
-                if strfind(strlower(ability), strlower(potionStrength)) then
-                    duration = value
-                    break
-                end
-            end
-            if duration > 0 then
-                return buff and duration or false, debuff and duration or false
-            end
-        end
-        return false, false
-    end
+			if (name == 'Major ') then
+--				table.insert(SrendarrDB.majorBuffs, string.format('[%d] = %s, ', id, GetAbilityName(id)))
+				table.insert(SrendarrDB.majorBuffs, string.format('%d|%s|%d|%s', id, GetAbilityName(id), GetAbilityDuration(id), GetAbilityIcon(id)))
+			end
+		end
+	end

-    local ABILITY_TYPE_NONE             = ABILITY_TYPE_NONE
-    local strMundus                     = L.Passive_Mundus
-    local strHomeKeep                   = L.Passive_HomeKeepBonus
-    local strEnemyKeep                  = L.Passive_EnemyKeepBonus
-    local strScroll                     = L.Passive_ScrollBonus
-    local strEmperor                    = L.Passive_Emperorship
-    local strBattleSpirit               = L.Passive_Battle_Spirit
-    local strBlessingOfWar              = L.Passive_Blessing_of_War
-    local strSoulSummons                = L.Passive_SoulSummons
-    local strfind                       = zo_plainstrfind
-    local effectIDs                     = {}
-    local db
-    function Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(ability)
-        if ((not db.showVampLycan and vampLycanEffects[ability]) or (not db.showSoulSummons and ability == strSoulSummons) or (not db.showCyrodiil and ability == strBlessingOfWar)) then
-            return false
-        end
-        return true
-    end
-    function Srendarr:IsWatchedTimedTarget(ability)
-        if ((not db.showVampLycanTarget and vampLycanEffects[ability]) or (not db.showSoulSummonsTarget and ability == strSoulSummons) or (not db.showCyrodiil and ability == strBlessing)) then
-            return false
-        end
-        return true
-    end
-    function Srendarr:IsWatchedPassive(ability, abilityType)
-        if (not db.showPassive) then return false end -- quick abort if not showing passives
+function GetMinorEffects()
+	local name
+	SrendarrDB.minorBuffs = {}

-        -- vamp/ww
-        if (vampLycanEffects[ability]) then return db.showVampLycan end
-        -- blocking
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_BLOCK) then return false end
-        -- disguises
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE) then return db.showDisguise end
-        --ignored effects
-        if (ignoredEffects[ability]) then return db.showAllEffects end
-        -- bonuses
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS) then
-            -- mundus boons
-            if (not db.showMundus and strfind(ability, strMundus)) then return false end
-            -- cyrodiil bonuses
-            if (not db.showCyrodiil) then
-                if (strfind(ability, strScroll) or strfind(ability, 'Keep Bonus') or strfind(ability, strHomeKeep) or strfind(ability, strEnemyKeep) or ability == strEmperor or ability == strBattleSpirit) then return false end
-            end
-        end
+	for id = 3000, 100000 do -- haven't seen any outside of these ids so compact search space a bit
+		if (DoesAbilityExist(id) and GetAbilityDuration(id) > 0) then
+			name = string.sub(GetAbilityName(id), 1, 6)

-        return true -- passive must be wanted
-    end
-    function Srendarr:IsWatchedPassiveTarget(ability, abilityType)
-        if (not db.showPassiveTarget) then return false end -- quick abort if not showing passives
+			if (name == 'Minor ') then
+--				table.insert(SrendarrDB.minorBuffs, string.format('[%d] = %s, ', id, GetAbilityName(id)))
+				table.insert(SrendarrDB.minorBuffs, string.format('%d|%s|%d|%s', id, GetAbilityName(id), GetAbilityDuration(id), GetAbilityIcon(id)))
+			end
+		end
+	end

-        -- vamp/ww
-        if (vampLycanEffects[ability]) then return db.showVampLycanTarget end
-        -- blocking
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_BLOCK) then return false end
-        -- disguises
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_CHANGEAPPEARANCE) then return db.showDisguiseTarget end
-        --ignored effects
-        if (ignoredEffects[ability]) then return db.showAllEffectsTarget end
-        -- bonuses
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS) then
-            -- mundus boons
-            if (not db.showMundusTarget and strfind(ability, strMundus)) then return false end
-            -- cyrodiil bonuses
-            if (not db.showCyrodiilTarget) then
-                if (strfind(ability, strScroll) or strfind(ability, 'Keep Bonus') or strfind(ability, strHomeKeep) or strfind(ability, strEnemyKeep) or ability == strEmperor or ability == strBattleSpirit) then return false end
-            end
-        end

-        return true -- passive must be wanted
-    end
+function GetAurasByName(name)
+	for x = 1, 100000 do
+		if (DoesAbilityExist(x) and GetAbilityName(x) == name and GetAbilityDuration(x) > 0) then
+			d('['..x ..'] '..GetAbilityName(x) .. '-' .. GetAbilityDuration(x) .. '-' .. GetAbilityDescription(x))
+		end
+	end

-    function Srendarr:InitializeAbilityCheck()
-        db = self.db -- just add a shortcut for a bit of speed
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
+function GetAuraInfo(idA, idB)
+	d(string.format('[%d] %s (%ds) - %s', idA, GetAbilityName(idA), GetAbilityDuration(idA), GetAbilityDescription(idA)))
+	d(string.format('[%d] %s (%ds) - %s', idB, GetAbilityName(idB), GetAbilityDuration(idB), GetAbilityDescription(idB)))
diff --git a/AuraFrame.lua b/AuraFrame.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9563cfb..0000000
--- a/AuraFrame.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr']
-local ICON_SIZE         = Srendarr.ICON_SIZE
-local round             = zo_round
-local strfind           = zo_plainstrfind
-local tsort             = table.sort
-local tremove           = table.remove
-local tinsert           = table.insert
-local Aura              = Srendarr.Aura
-local AuraFrame         = {}
-local function SortByTime(a, b)
-    if (a.k_type < 3 and b.k_type < 3) then -- timed, sort by time
-        return a.k_finish > b.k_finish
-    elseif (a.k_type == b.k_type) then -- non-timed, same type, sort by name
-        return a.k_name > b.k_name
-    else -- non-timed, different types, sort by type
-        return a.k_type > b.k_type
-    end
-local function SortByName(a, b)
-    return a.k_name > b.k_name
-local function UpdateDisplayCentered(self)
-    tsort(self.k_auraSorted, self.k_sortFunc)
-    self.k_offsetI = self.k_offsetX * ((#self.k_auraSorted - 1) / 2)
-    for i, aura in pairs(self.k_auraSorted) do
-        aura:ClearAnchors()
-        aura:SetAnchor(CENTER, self, CENTER, self.k_offsetI, 0)
-        self.k_offsetI = self.k_offsetI - self.k_offsetX
-    end
-local function UpdateDisplayDirection(self)
-    tsort(self.k_auraSorted, self.k_sortFunc)
-    for i, aura in ipairs(self.k_auraSorted) do
-        aura:ClearAnchors()
-        aura:SetAnchor(self.k_point, self, self.k_point, self.k_offsetX * (i - 1), self.k_offsetY * (i - 1))
-    end
-local function ConfigureUpdateDisplay(self)
-    local db = self.k_db
-    if (db.auraSort == 'NAME') then
-        self.k_sortFunc = SortByName
-    else
-        self.k_sortFunc = SortByTime
-    end
-    if (db.auraGrowth == 'LEFTCENTER' or db.auraGrowth == 'RIGHTCENTER') then
-        self.k_offsetX = round((db.auraPadding + ICON_SIZE) * db.scale * ((db.auraGrowth == 'LEFTCENTER') and 1 or -1))
-        self['UpdateDisplay'] = UpdateDisplayCentered
-    else
-        if (db.auraGrowth == 'UP') then
-            self.k_point, self.k_offsetX, self.k_offsetY = BOTTOM, 0, round(-1 * (db.auraPadding + ICON_SIZE) * db.scale)
-        elseif (db.auraGrowth == 'DOWN') then
-            self.k_point, self.k_offsetX, self.k_offsetY = TOP, 0, round((db.auraPadding + ICON_SIZE) * db.scale)
-        elseif (db.auraGrowth == 'LEFT') then
-            self.k_point, self.k_offsetX, self.k_offsetY = RIGHT, round(-1 * (db.auraPadding + ICON_SIZE) * db.scale), 0
-        else -- RIGHT
-            self.k_point, self.k_offsetX, self.k_offsetY = LEFT, round((db.auraPadding + ICON_SIZE) * db.scale), 0
-        end
-        self['UpdateDisplay'] = UpdateDisplayDirection
-    end
-local function AddAura(self, aType, tType, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-    local existingAura = self.k_auraActive[name] or nil
-    --vampirism stage check, should be working for all 3 language versions
-    if strfind(name, 'Vampirism') then
-        if strfind(name, '1') then
-            icon = 'Srendarr/Icons/'
-        elseif strfind(name, '2') then
-            icon = 'Srendarr/Icons/'
-        elseif strfind(name, '3') then
-            icon = 'Srendarr/Icons/'
-        elseif strfind(name, '4') then
-            icon = 'Srendarr/Icons/'
-        end
-    end
-    -- Skip Minor Buffs
-    if (Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs and Srendarr.MinorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-        return
-    end
-    -- Skip Major Buffs
-    if (Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs and Srendarr.MajorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-        return
-    end
-    if (aType < 3) then -- timed
-        if (existingAura) then -- existingAura, update it
-            if (finish > (existingAura.k_finish + UPDATE_THRESHOLD)) then -- finish time changed enough to potentially need to alter display list
-                existingAura.k_start, existingAura.k_finish = start, finish
-                self:UpdateDisplay()
-            else -- minor change in timing (probably from hook), update data but don't alter display list
-                existingAura.k_start, existingAura.k_finish = start, finish
-            end
-            if (existingAura.k_isGhost) then -- was ghosting, set to full visibility
-                existingAura.icon:SetDesaturation(0)
-                existingAura:SetAlpha(1)
-                existingAura.k_isGhost = false
-            end
-        else
-            local newAura = Aura:New(self, aType, tType, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId)
-            Srendarr:AddTimer(tType, name, newAura)
-            tinsert(self.k_auraSorted, newAura)
-            self:UpdateDisplay()
-        end
-    else -- toggle or passive
-        if (existingAura) then return end -- existing aura, nothing to do, abort
-        local newAura = Aura:New(self, aType, tType, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId)
-        tinsert(self.k_auraSorted, newAura)
-        self:UpdateDisplay()
-    end
-local function RemoveAura(self, name)
-    local remAura = self.k_auraActive[name] or nil
-    if (remAura) then -- aura exists, remove
-        Srendarr:RemoveTimer(remAura.k_timerType, name)
-        remAura:Release()
-        for i, aura in pairs(self.k_auraSorted) do
-            if (aura.k_name == name) then
-                tremove(self.k_auraSorted, i)
-                break
-            end
-        end
-        self:UpdateDisplay()
-    end
-local function RemoveAllAuras(self)
-    for _, aura in pairs(self.k_auraActive) do
-        aura:Release()
-    end
-    while (#self.k_auraSorted > 0) do
-        tremove(self.k_auraSorted, 1)
-    end
-local function ConfigureAllAuras(self)
-    for _, aura in pairs(self.k_auraActive) do
-        aura:Configure()
-    end
-    for _, aura in pairs(self.k_auraPool) do
-        aura:Configure()
-    end
-local function SetAurasNonInteractive(self)
-    for _, aura in pairs(self.k_auraActive) do
-        aura:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-    end
-    for _, aura in pairs(self.k_auraPool) do
-        aura:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-    end
-function AuraFrame:New(id, alpha)
-    local frame = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(nil, Srendarr.auraAnchors[id], CT_CONTROL)
-    frame:SetKeyboardEnabled(false)
-    frame:SetMouseEnabled(false)
-    frame:SetMovable(false)
-    frame:SetDimensions(ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE)
-    frame:SetAnchor(CENTER)
-    frame:SetAlpha(alpha)
-    frame.k_auraPool    = {}
-    frame.k_auraActive  = {}
-    frame.k_auraSorted  = {}
-    frame.k_db          = Srendarr.db.frames[id]
-    frame.k_id          = id
-    frame['ConfigureUpdateDisplay'] = ConfigureUpdateDisplay
-    frame['AddAura']                = AddAura
-    frame['RemoveAura']             = RemoveAura
-    frame['RemoveAllAuras']         = RemoveAllAuras
-    frame['ConfigureAllAuras']      = ConfigureAllAuras
-    frame['SetAurasNonInteractive'] = SetAurasNonInteractive
-    frame:ConfigureUpdateDisplay()
-    return frame
-Srendarr.AuraFrame = AuraFrame
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/CastBar.lua b/CastBar.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76c0dfb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CastBar.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local LMP			= LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
+local Cast			= _G['Srendarr_CastBar']
+local strformat					= string.format
+local GetGameTimeMillis			= GetGameTimeMilliseconds
+local GetLatency				= GetLatency
+local IsSlotToggled				= IsSlotToggled
+local AddControl				= Srendarr.AddControl
+local auraLookupPlayer			= Srendarr.auraLookup.player	-- used for crystal frags procs (no cast if proc'd)
+local crystalFragments 			= Srendarr.crystalFragments		-- used for crystal frags procs (no cast if proc'd)
+local slotData					= Srendarr.slotData
+local tTenths					= L.Time_Tenths
+local isCastingOrChannelling	= false
+local currentTime, data
+local settings
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+	local RATE				= Srendarr.CAST_UPDATE_RATE
+	local nextUpdate		= 0
+	local timeRemaining
+	local function OnUpdate(self, updateTime)
+		if (updateTime >= nextUpdate) then
+			timeRemaining = self.castFinish - updateTime
+			if (timeRemaining <= 0) then -- cast complete, stop cast
+				self:OnCastStop()
+			else
+				if (self.isChannel) then
+ - ((updateTime - self.castStart) / (self.castFinish - self.castStart)))
+				else
+ - self.castStart) / (self.castFinish - self.castStart))
+				end
+				Cast.timer:SetText(strformat(tTenths, timeRemaining))
+			end
+			nextUpdate = updateTime + RATE
+		end
+	end
+	Cast:SetHidden(true)
+	Cast:SetHandler('OnUpdate', OnUpdate)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Cast:OnCastStart(isChannel, castName, start, finish, castIcon, abilityID)
+	self.isChannel		= isChannel
+	self.castStart		= start
+	self.castFinish		= finish
+	self.abilityID		= abilityID
+, castName))
+	self.icon:SetTexture(castIcon)
+	currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000
+	if (isChannel) then
+ - start) / (finish - start))
+	else
+ - ((currentTime - start) / (finish - start)))
+	end
+	self.timer:SetText(strformat(tTenths, finish - currentTime))
+	isCastingOrChannelling = true
+	self:SetHidden(false)
+function Cast:OnCastStop()
+	isCastingOrChannelling = false
+	self:SetHidden(true)
+local function OnActionUpdateCooldowns()
+	if (isCastingOrChannelling) then
+		if (GetSlotCooldownInfo(Cast.slotID) > 0) then -- on cooldown, cast must be complete, cancel active
+			d(string.format('%.3f OnActionUpdateCooldowns - Cancelled Cast', GetFrameTimeSeconds())
+			Cast:OnCastStop()
+		end
+	end
+local function OnActionSlotAbilityUsed(evt, slot)
+	if (slot < 3 or slot > 8) then return end
+	if (not slotData[slot].isDelayed) then return end -- this ability is instant cast
+	data = slotData[slot]
+	if (IsSlotToggled(slot)) then return end -- ability is toggled on, so no cast time to cancel
+	if (isCastingOrChannelling and (data.abilityID == Cast.abilityID)) then return end -- already casting this ability, bail out
+	if (auraLookupPlayer[46327] and data.abilityName == crystalFragments and not auraLookupPlayer[46327].isFading) then return end -- no cast bar if ability is frags and the proc is active (instant)
+	currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis()
+	Cast:OnCastStart(
+		data.isChannel,
+		data.abilityName,
+		currentTime / 1000,
+		(currentTime + (data.isChannel and data.channelTime or data.castTime) + GetLatency()) / 1000,
+		data.abilityIcon,
+		data.abilityID
+	)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+	if (not settings.enabled) then
+		Cast:SetHidden(true)
+		return
+	end
+	Cast:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth + 26, 23)
+	Cast.icon:ClearAnchors()
+, 23)
+, settings.barColour.g1, settings.barColour.b1, 1, settings.barColour.r2, settings.barColour.g2, settings.barColour.b2, 1)
+, 23)
+ settings.barGloss)
+ - 17, 23)
+ - 17, 23)
+'%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', settings.nameFont), settings.nameSize, settings.nameStyle))
+[1], settings.nameColour[2], settings.nameColour[3], settings.nameColour[4])
+ settings.nameShow)
+	Cast.timer:ClearAnchors()
+	Cast.timer:SetFont(strformat('%s|%d|%s', LMP:Fetch('font', settings.timerFont), settings.timerSize, settings.timerStyle))
+	Cast.timer:SetColor(settings.timerColour[1], settings.timerColour[2], settings.timerColour[3], settings.timerColour[4])
+	Cast.timer:SetHidden(not settings.timerShow)
+	if (settings.barReverse) then
+		Cast.icon:SetAnchor(RIGHT, Cast, RIGHT, 0, 0)
+, Cast.icon, LEFT, -3, 0)
+, 23)
+, 0.46875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.6171875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.46875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.6171875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+,, RIGHT, -5, 0)
+		Cast.timer:SetAnchor(LEFT,, LEFT, 15, 0)
+	else
+		Cast.icon:SetAnchor(LEFT, Cast, LEFT, 0, 0)
+, Cast.icon, RIGHT, 3, 0)
+, 23)
+, 0.5859375, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.3671874, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.5859375, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, 23)
+, 0.3671874, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+,, LEFT, 5, 0)
+		Cast.timer:SetAnchor(RIGHT,, RIGHT, -15, 0)
+	end
+--	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent( .. 'Cast', EVENT_ACTION_UPDATE_COOLDOWNS,	OnActionUpdateCooldowns) -- don't think this is needed anymore
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent( .. 'Cast', EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_ABILITY_USED,	OnActionSlotAbilityUsed)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Cast:EnableDragOverlay()
+	self:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+	self:SetMovable(true)
+	currentTime = GetGameTimeMillis() / 1000
+	Cast:OnCastStart(
+		true,
+		strformat('%s - %s', L.Srendarr_Basic, L.CastBar),
+		currentTime,
+		currentTime + 600,
+		[[esoui/art/icons/]],
+		116016
+	)
+	self:SetHidden(false)
+function Cast:DisableDragOverlay()
+	self:SetMouseEnabled(false)
+	self:SetMovable(false)
+	Cast:OnCastStop()
+	self:SetHidden(true)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr:InitializeCastBar()
+	settings = self.db.castBar
+	Cast:SetKeyboardEnabled(false)
+	Cast:SetMouseEnabled(false)
+	Cast:SetMovable(false)
+	Cast:SetDimensions(settings.barWidth + 26, 23)
+	Cast:SetAnchor(settings.base.point, GuiRoot, settings.base.point, settings.base.x, settings.base.y)
+	Cast:SetAlpha(settings.base.alpha)	-- both values, if configured after load, are done directly)
+	Cast:SetScale(settings.base.scale)	-- both values, if configured after load, are done directly)
+	Cast:SetHandler('OnReceiveDrag', function(f)
+		f:StartMoving()
+	end)
+	Cast:SetHandler('OnMouseUp', function(f)
+		f:StopMovingOrResizing()
+		local point, x, y = Srendarr:GetEdgeRelativePosition(f)
+		settings.base.point	= point
+		settings.base.x		= x
+		settings.base.y		= y
+	end)
+	-- ICON
+	Cast.icon, ctrl = AddControl(Cast, CT_TEXTURE, 0)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(23, 23)
+	Cast.iconBorder, ctrl = AddControl(Cast.icon, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(23, 23)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+, ctrl = AddControl(Cast, CT_LABEL, 4)
+	ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetInheritScale(false)
+	Cast.timer, ctrl = AddControl(Cast, CT_LABEL, 4)
+	ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetInheritScale(false)
+	-- BAR
+, ctrl = AddControl(Cast, CT_STATUSBAR, 2)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.53125)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]], 11, 17)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 0.6875, 0, 0.53125)
+	ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
+	ctrl:SetHandler('OnValueChanged', function(bar, value) bar.gloss:SetValue(value) end) -- change gloss value as main bar changes
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_STATUSBAR, 3)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0, 1, 0, 0.53125)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdge([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]], 11, 17)
+	ctrl:SetLeadingEdgeTextureCoords(0, 0.6875, 0, 0.53125)
+	ctrl:EnableLeadingEdge(true)
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0.4921875, 0.5546875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+, ctrl = AddControl(, CT_TEXTURE, 1)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT,, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/unitattributevisualizer/]])
+	ctrl:SetTextureCoords(0.4921875, 0.5546875, 0.328125, 0.6875)
+	self:ConfigureCastBar()
+Srendarr.Cast = Cast
diff --git a/Core.lua b/Core.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a8a176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+	Srendarr - Aura (Buff & Debuff) Tracker
+	----------------------------------------------------------
+	*
+	* Version 2.1.5
+	* Kith, Garkin, silentgecko
+	*
+	*
+local Srendarr				= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L						= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+				= 'Srendarr'
+Srendarr.slash				= '/srendarr'
+Srendarr.version			= '2.1.5'
+Srendarr.versionDB			= 3
+Srendarr.displayFrames		= {}
+Srendarr.displayFramesScene	= {}
+Srendarr.slotData			= {}
+Srendarr.auraLookup			= {
+	['player']				= {},
+	['reticleover']			= {},
+	['groundaoe']			= {}
+Srendarr.auraGroupStrings = {		-- used in several places to display the aura grouping text
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT]	= L.Group_Player_Short,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_LONG]	= L.Group_Player_Long,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED]	= L.Group_Player_Toggled,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE]	= L.Group_Player_Passive,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF]	= L.Group_Player_Debuff,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND]	= L.Group_Player_Ground,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR]	= L.Group_Player_Major,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR]	= L.Group_Player_Minor,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_BUFF]	= L.Group_Target_Buff,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF]	= L.Group_Target_Debuff,
+	[Srendarr.GROUP_PROMINENT]		= L.Group_Prominent
+Srendarr.uiLocked			= true -- flag for whether the UI is current drag enabled
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr.OnInitialize(code, addon)
+	if (addon ~= then return end
+	local self = Srendarr
+	SLASH_COMMANDS[self.slash] = self.SlashCommand
+	self.db = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide('SrendarrDB', self.versionDB, nil, self:GetDefaults())
+	if (not self.db.useAccountWide) then -- not using global settings, generate (or load) character specific settings
+		self.db = ZO_SavedVars:New('SrendarrDB', self.versionDB, nil, self:GetDefaults())
+	end
+	local displayBase
+	-- create display frames
+	for x = 1, self.NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+		displayBase = self.db.displayFrames[x].base
+		self.displayFrames[x] = self.DisplayFrame:Create(x, displayBase.point, displayBase.x, displayBase.y, displayBase.alpha, displayBase.scale)
+		self.displayFrames[x]:Configure()
+		-- add each frame to the ZOS scene manager to control visibility
+		self.displayFramesScene[x] = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New(self.displayFrames[x], 0, 0)
+		HUD_SCENE:AddFragment(self.displayFramesScene[x])
+		HUD_UI_SCENE:AddFragment(self.displayFramesScene[x])
+		SIEGE_BAR_SCENE:AddFragment(self.displayFramesScene[x])
+		self.displayFrames[x]:SetHandler('OnEffectivelyShown', function(f)
+			f:SetAlpha(f.displayAlpha) -- ensure alpha is reset after a scene fade
+		end)
+	end
+	self:PopulateFilteredAuras()	-- AuraData.lua
+	self:ConfigureAuraFadeTime()	-- Aura.lua
+	self:InitializeAuraControl()	-- AuraControl.lua
+	self:InitializeCastBar()		-- CastBar.lua
+	self:InitializeProcs()			-- Procs.lua
+	self:InitializeSettings()		-- Settings.lua
+	-- setup events to handle actionbar slotted abilities (used for procs and the castbar)
+	for slot = 3, 8 do
+		self.slotData[slot] = {}
+		self.OnActionSlotUpdated(nil, slot) -- populate initial data (before events registered so no triggers before setup is done)
+	end
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_FULL_UPDATE,	self.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate)
+	EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_UPDATED,		self.OnActionSlotUpdated)
+function Srendarr.SlashCommand(text)
+	if (text == 'lock') then
+		for x = 1, Srendarr.NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[x]:DisableDragOverlay()
+		end
+		Srendarr.Cast:DisableDragOverlay()
+		Srendarr.uiLocked = true
+	elseif (text == 'unlock') then
+		for x = 1, Srendarr.NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[x]:EnableDragOverlay()
+		end
+		Srendarr.Cast:EnableDragOverlay()
+		Srendarr.uiLocked = false
+	else
+		CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(L.Usage)
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+	local GetSlotBoundId		= GetSlotBoundId
+	local GetAbilityName		= GetAbilityName
+	local GetAbilityCastInfo	= GetAbilityCastInfo
+	local GetAbilityIcon		= GetAbilityIcon
+	local procAbilityNames		= Srendarr.procAbilityNames
+	local abilityID, abilityName, slotData, isChannel, castTime, channelTime
+	function Srendarr.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate()
+		for slot = 3, 8 do
+			Srendarr.OnActionSlotUpdated(nil, slot)
+		end
+	end
+	function Srendarr.OnActionSlotUpdated(evt, slot)
+		if (slot < 3 or slot > 8) then return end -- abort if not a main ability (or ultimate)
+		abilityID	= GetSlotBoundId(slot)
+		slotData	= Srendarr.slotData[slot]
+		if (slotData.abilityID == abilityID) then return end -- nothing has changed, abort
+		abilityName				= GetAbilityName(abilityID)
+		slotData.abilityID		= abilityID
+		slotData.abilityName	= abilityName
+		slotData.abilityIcon	= GetAbilityIcon(abilityID)
+		isChannel, castTime, channelTime = GetAbilityCastInfo(abilityID)
+		if (castTime > 0 or channelTime > 0) then
+			slotData.isDelayed		= true			-- check for needing a cast bar
+			slotData.isChannel		= isChannel
+			slotData.castTime		= castTime
+			slotData.channelTime	= channelTime
+		else
+			slotData.isDelayed		= false
+		end
+		if (procAbilityNames[abilityName]) then -- this is currently a proc'd ability (or special case for crystal fragments)
+			Srendarr:ProcAnimationStart(slot)
+		elseif (slot ~= 8) then -- cannot have procs on ultimate slot
+			Srendarr:ProcAnimationStop(slot)
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+do ------------------------
+	local str_gsub				= string.gsub
+	local DoesAbilityExist		= DoesAbilityExist
+	local GetAbilityName		= GetAbilityName
+	local GetAbilityDuration	= GetAbilityDuration
+	local GetAbilityDescription	= GetAbilityDescription
+	local fakeAuras				= Srendarr.fakeAuras
+	function Srendarr:ProminentAuraAdd(auraName)
+		auraName = str_gsub(auraName, '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters player may have entered
+		if (self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName]) then return end -- already added this aura
+		local matchedIDs = {}
+		local compareName
+		for id = 1, 100000 do -- scan all abilityIDs looking for this auraName
+			if (DoesAbilityExist(id) and GetAbilityDuration(id) > 0) then
+				compareName = str_gsub(GetAbilityName(id), '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters from the ability name
+				if (compareName == auraName) then -- matching ability with a duration (no toggles or passives in prominence)
+					table.insert(matchedIDs, id)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if (fakeAuras[auraName]) then -- a fake aura exists for this ability, add its ID
+			table.insert(matchedIDs, fakeAuras[auraName].abilityID)
+		end
+		if (#matchedIDs > 0) then -- matches were found
+			self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName] = {} -- add a new whitelist entry
+			for _, id in ipairs(matchedIDs) do
+				self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName][id] = true
+			end
+			Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler() -- update handler ref
+			CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Prominent_AuraAddSuccess)) -- inform user of successful addition
+		else
+			CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Prominent_AuraAddFail)) -- inform user of failed addition
+		end
+	end
+	function Srendarr:ProminentAuraRemove(auraName)
+		auraName = str_gsub(auraName, '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters player may have entered
+		if (not self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName]) then return end -- not in whitelist, abort
+		for id in pairs(self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName]) do
+			self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName][id] = nil -- clean out whitelist entry
+		end
+		self.db.prominentWhitelist[auraName] = nil -- remove whitelist entrys
+		Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler() -- update handler ref
+		CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Prominent_AuraRemoved)) -- inform user of removal
+	end
+	function Srendarr:BlacklistAuraAdd(auraName)
+		auraName = str_gsub(auraName, '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters player may have entered
+		if (self.db.blacklist[auraName]) then return end -- already added this aura
+		local matchedIDs = {}
+		local compareName
+		for id = 1, 100000 do -- scan all abilityIDs looking for this auraName
+			if (DoesAbilityExist(id)) then
+				compareName = str_gsub(GetAbilityName(id), '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters from the ability name
+				if (compareName == auraName) then -- found a matching ability
+					table.insert(matchedIDs, id)
+				end
+			end
+		end
+		if (fakeAuras[auraName]) then -- a fake aura exists for this ability, add its ID
+			table.insert(matchedIDs, fakeAuras[auraName].abilityID)
+		end
+		if (#matchedIDs > 0) then -- matches were found
+			self.db.blacklist[auraName] = {} -- add a new blacklist entry
+			for _, id in ipairs(matchedIDs) do
+				self.db.blacklist[auraName][id] = true
+			end
+			Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras() -- update filtered aura IDs
+			CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Blacklist_AuraAddSuccess)) -- inform user of successful addition
+		else
+			CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Blacklist_AuraAddFail)) -- inform user of failed addition
+		end
+	end
+	function Srendarr:BlacklistAuraRemove(auraName)
+		auraName = str_gsub(auraName, '%^%a?', '') -- strip out any control characters player may have entered
+		if (not self.db.blacklist[auraName]) then return end -- not in blacklist, abort
+		for id in pairs(self.db.blacklist[auraName]) do
+			self.db.blacklist[auraName][id] = nil -- clean out blacklist entry
+		end
+		self.db.blacklist[auraName] = nil -- remove blacklist entrys
+		Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras() -- update filtered aura IDs
+		CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(string.format('%s: %s %s', L.Srendarr, auraName, L.Blacklist_AuraRemoved)) -- inform user of removal
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+	local math_abs				= math.abs
+	local WM					= WINDOW_MANAGER
+	function Srendarr:GetEdgeRelativePosition(object)
+		local left, top     = object:GetLeft(),		object:GetTop()
+		local right, bottom = object:GetRight(),	object:GetBottom()
+		local rootW, rootH  = GuiRoot:GetWidth(),	GuiRoot:GetHeight()
+		local point         = 0
+		local x, y
+		if (left < (rootW - right) and left < math_abs((left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2)) then
+			x, point = left, 2 -- 'LEFT'
+		elseif ((rootW - right) < math_abs((left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2)) then
+			x, point = right - rootW, 8 -- 'RIGHT'
+		else
+			x, point = (left + right) / 2 - rootW / 2, 0
+		end
+		if (bottom < (rootH - top) and bottom < math_abs((bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2)) then
+			y, point = top, point + 1 -- 'TOP|TOPLEFT|TOPRIGHT'
+		elseif ((rootH - top) < math_abs((bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2)) then
+			y, point = bottom - rootH, point + 4 -- 'BOTTOM|BOTTOMLEFT|BOTTOMRIGHT'
+		else
+			y = (bottom + top) / 2 - rootH / 2
+		end
+		point = (point == 0) and 128 or point -- 'CENTER'
+		return point, x, y
+	end
+	function Srendarr.AddControl(parent, cType, level)
+		local c = WM:CreateControl(nil, parent, cType)
+		c:SetDrawLayer(DL_OVERLAY)
+		c:SetDrawLevel(level)
+		return c, c
+	end
+EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, Srendarr.OnInitialize)
diff --git a/Defaults.lua b/Defaults.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd4643f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Defaults.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+-- CONST DECLARATIONS : referenced locally in other files when needed --
+Srendarr.DEBUG_ABILITYID		= false	-- enable to show the abilityID for each aura
+Srendarr.AURA_UPDATE_RATE		= 0.05
+Srendarr.CAST_UPDATE_RATE		= 0.02
+Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT		= 1		-- categories to divide up auras for positioning in
+Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_LONG		= 2		-- the (player chosen) display frames
+Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_BUFF		= 10
+Srendarr.GROUP_PROMINENT		= 100	-- special case, only assigned to auras when whitelisted
+Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED		= 1
+Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED		= 2
+Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE		= 3
+Srendarr.AURA_HEIGHT			= 40
+Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_FULL		= 1
+Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_ICON		= 2
+Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_MINI		= 3
+Srendarr.AURA_GROW_UP			= 1
+Srendarr.AURA_GROW_DOWN			= 2
+Srendarr.AURA_GROW_LEFT			= 3
+Srendarr.AURA_GROW_RIGHT		= 4
+Srendarr.AURA_SORT_NAMEASC		= 1
+Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC		= 2
+Srendarr.AURA_SORT_CASTASC		= 3
+-- register our new default sound with LibMediaProvider (cannot be a localized name for consistant internal refs)
+LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0'):Register('sound', 'Srendarr Ability Proc', SOUNDS.DEATH_RECAP_KILLING_BLOW_SHOWN)
+local defaults = {
+	-- general
+	combatDisplayOnly			= false,
+	auraFakeEnabled				= true,
+	auraFadeTime				= 2,
+	shortBuffThreshold			= 35,
+	procEnableAnims				= true,
+	procPlaySound				= 'Srendarr Ability Proc',	-- can be set to None by user
+	auraGroups = {
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT]	= 1,	-- set the displayFrame that will display this grouping
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_LONG]	= 2,	-- multiple groupings can go to a given frame
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED]	= 2,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE]	= 2,	-- a setting of 0 means don't display this grouping at all
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF]	= 3,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND]	= 4,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR]	= 1,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR]	= 1,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_BUFF]	= 5,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF]	= 6,
+		[Srendarr.GROUP_PROMINENT]		= 0,
+	},
+	prominentWhitelist			= {},			-- list of auras that are filtered to the prominent group
+	blacklist					= {},			-- list of auras that are to be blacklisted from display
+	-- filters
+	filtersPlayer = {
+		block					= false,		-- as these are filters, false means DO show this filter category
+		cyrodiil				= false,
+		disguise				= false,
+		mundusBoon				= false,
+		soulSummons				= false,
+		vampLycan				= false,
+		vampLycanBite			= false,
+	},
+	filtersTarget = {
+		block					= false,		-- as these are filters, false means DO show this filter category
+		cyrodiil				= false,
+		disguise				= false,
+		majorEffects			= false,
+		minorEffects			= false,
+		mundusBoon				= false,
+		soulSummons				= false,
+		vampLycan				= false,
+		vampLycanBite			= false,
+	},
+	castBar = {
+		enabled					= true,
+		base					= {point = BOTTOM, x = 0, y = -160, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+		nameShow				= true,
+		nameFont				= 'Univers 67',
+		nameStyle				= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+		nameSize				= 15,
+		nameColour				= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+		timerShow				= true,
+		timerFont				= 'Univers 67',
+		timerStyle				= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+		timerSize				= 15,
+		timerColour				= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+		barReverse				= false,							-- bar alignment direction
+		barGloss				= true,
+		barWidth				= 255,
+		barColour				= {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+	},
+	displayFrames = {
+		[1] = {
+			base				= {point = BOTTOMRIGHT, x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_FULL,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_UP,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 3,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[2] = {
+			base				= {point = BOTTOMRIGHT, x = -210, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_FULL,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_UP,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 3,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[3] = {
+			base				= {point = TOPRIGHT, x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_FULL,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_DOWN,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 3,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[4] = {
+			base				= {point = TOPLEFT, x = 0, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_FULL,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_DOWN,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 3,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= false,						-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[5] = {
+			base				= {point = TOP, x = 220, y = 88, alpha = 1.0, scale = 0.8},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_ICON,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_RIGHT,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 4,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[6] = {
+			base				= {point = TOP, x = -220, y = 88, alpha = 1.0, scale = 0.8},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_ICON,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_LEFT,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 4,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[7] = {
+			base				= {point = TOPLEFT, x = 500, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_ICON,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_LEFT,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 4,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+		[8] = {
+			base				= {point = TOPRIGHT, x = -500, y = 0, alpha = 1.0, scale = 1.0},
+			style				= Srendarr.AURA_STYLE_ICON,		-- FULL|ICON|MINI
+			auraGrowth			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_RIGHT,		-- UP|DOWN|LEFT|RIGHT|CENTERLEFT|CENTERRIGHT (valid choices vary based on style)
+			auraPadding			= 4,
+			auraSort			= Srendarr.AURA_SORT_TIMEASC,	-- NAME|TIME|CAST + ASC|DESC
+			highlightToggled	= true,							-- shows the same 'toggled on' highlight action buttons do on toggles
+			nameFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			nameStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			nameSize			= 16,
+			nameColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerFont			= 'Univers 67',
+			timerStyle			= 'soft-shadow-thick',
+			timerSize			= 14,
+			timerColour			= {0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1.0},
+			timerLocation		= Srendarr.AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW,	-- ABOVE|BELOW|OVER|HIDE (valid choices based on style)
+			barReverse			= true,							-- bar alignment direction (and icon placement in the FULL style)
+			barGloss			= true,
+			barWidth			= 160,
+			barColours = {
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TIMED]		= {r1 = 0,		g1 = 0.1843, b1 = 0.5098, r2 = 0.3215, g2 = 0.8431, b2 = 1},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]	= {r1 = 0.7764,	g1 = 0.6000, b1 = 0.1137, r2 = 0.9725, g2 = 0.8745, b2 = 0.2941},
+				[Srendarr.AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]	= {r1 = 0.4196,	g1 = 0.3803, b1 = 0.2313, r2 = 0.4196, g2 = 0.3803, b2 = 0.2313},
+			},
+		},
+	}
+function Srendarr:GetDefaults()
+	return defaults
diff --git a/DisplayFrame.lua b/DisplayFrame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a729488
--- /dev/null
+++ b/DisplayFrame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local Aura			= Srendarr.Aura
+local DisplayFrame	= {}
+-- CONSTS --
+local AURA_HEIGHT			= Srendarr.AURA_HEIGHT
+local AURA_GROW_UP			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_UP
+local round					= zo_round
+local tsort					= table.sort
+local tinsert				= table.insert
+local tremove				= table.remove
+local AddControl			= Srendarr.AddControl
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function SortAurasByTimeAsc(a, b)
+	if (a.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED and b.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED) then -- timed auras, sort by time
+		return a.finish > b.finish
+	elseif (a.auraType == b.auraType) then -- non-timed auras, same type, sort by name
+		return a.auraName < b.auraName
+	else -- non-timed auras, different types, sort by type
+		return a.auraType > b.auraType
+	end
+local function SortAurasByNameAsc(a, b)
+	return a.auraName < b.auraName
+local function SortAurasByCastAsc(a, b)
+	return a.start < b.start
+local function SortAurasByTimeDesc(a, b)
+	if (a.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED and b.auraType == AURA_TYPE_TIMED) then -- timed auras, sort by time
+		return a.finish < b.finish
+	elseif (a.auraType == b.auraType) then -- non-timed auras, same type, sort by name
+		return a.auraName > b.auraName
+	else -- non-timed auras, different types, sort by type
+		return a.auraType < b.auraType
+	end
+local function SortAurasByNameDesc(a, b)
+	return a.auraName > b.auraName
+local function SortAurasByCastDesc(a, b)
+	return a.start > b.start
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function DisplayFrame:Create(id, point, x, y, alpha, scale)
+	local df = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(nil, GuiRoot, CT_TOPLEVELCONTROL)
+	df:SetKeyboardEnabled(false)
+	df:SetMouseEnabled(false)
+	df:SetMovable(false)
+	df:SetClampedToScreen(true)
+	df:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	df:SetAnchor(point, GuiRoot, point, x, y)
+	df:SetAlpha(alpha)	-- both values, if configured after load, are done directly)
+	df:SetScale(scale)	-- both values, if configured after load, are done directly)
+	df.displayAlpha	= alpha
+	df.displayID	= id
+	df:SetHandler('OnReceiveDrag', function(f)
+		f:StartMoving()
+	end)
+	df:SetHandler('OnMouseUp', function(f)
+		f:StopMovingOrResizing()
+		local point, x, y = Srendarr:GetEdgeRelativePosition(f)
+		Srendarr.db.displayFrames[f.displayID].base.point	= point
+		Srendarr.db.displayFrames[f.displayID].base.x		= x
+		Srendarr.db.displayFrames[f.displayID].base.y		= y
+	end)
+	df.aurasActive				= {}
+	df.aurasInactive			= {}
+	df.aurasSorted				= {}
+	df.settings					= Srendarr.db.displayFrames[id]
+	-- aura handling
+	df['AddAuraToDisplay']		= DisplayFrame.AddAuraToDisplay
+	df['OnAuraReleased']		= DisplayFrame.OnAuraReleased
+	df['ConfigureAssignedAuras']= DisplayFrame.ConfigureAssignedAuras
+	-- configuration
+	df['Configure']				= DisplayFrame.Configure
+--	df['UpdateDisplay']			= [Set By Configure]
+	-- drag overlay
+	df['EnableDragOverlay']		= DisplayFrame.EnableDragOverlay
+	df['DisableDragOverlay']	= DisplayFrame.DisableDragOverlay
+	df['ConfigureDragOverlay']	= DisplayFrame.ConfigureDragOverlay
+	return df
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function DisplayFrame:AddAuraToDisplay(flagBurst, auraGroup, auraType, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+	local aura = tremove(self.aurasInactive, 1) -- grab an aura from inactive pool (if any)
+	if (not aura) then -- no inactive auras, create one
+		aura = Srendarr.Aura:Create(self)
+		aura:Configure(self.settings)
+	end
+	aura:Initialize(auraGroup, auraType, auraName, unitTag, start, finish, icon, effectType, abilityType, abilityID)
+	self.aurasActive[aura.auraID] = aura
+	tinsert(self.aurasSorted, aura)
+	if (not flagBurst) then
+		self:UpdateDisplay()
+	end
+function DisplayFrame:OnAuraReleased(flagBurst, aura)
+	if (self.aurasActive[aura.auraID]) then -- aura is displayed here, remove it
+		self.aurasActive[aura.auraID] = nil
+		tinsert(self.aurasInactive, aura)
+		for i, sortedAura in ipairs(self.aurasSorted) do
+			if (sortedAura.auraID == aura.auraID) then
+				tremove(self.aurasSorted, i)
+				break
+			end
+		end
+		if (not flagBurst) then
+			self:UpdateDisplay()
+		end
+	end
+function DisplayFrame:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+	for _, aura in pairs(self.aurasActive) do	-- configure all active auras assigned to this display frame
+		aura:Configure(self.settings)
+		aura:UpdateVisuals()
+	end
+	for _, aura in pairs(self.aurasInactive) do	-- configure all inactive auras in this display frame's pool
+		aura:Configure(self.settings)
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function UpdateDisplayCentered(self)
+	tsort(self.aurasSorted, self.SortAuras)
+	local offsetI = self.displayOffsetX * ((#self.aurasSorted - 1) / 2)
+	for i, aura in ipairs(self.aurasSorted) do
+		aura:ClearAnchors()
+		aura:SetAnchor(CENTER, self, CENTER, offsetI, 0)
+		offsetI = offsetI - self.displayOffsetX
+	end
+local function UpdateDisplayDirectional(self)
+	tsort(self.aurasSorted, self.SortAuras)
+	for i, aura in ipairs(self.aurasSorted) do
+		aura:ClearAnchors()
+		aura:SetAnchor(self.displayPoint, self, self.displayPoint, self.displayOffsetX * (i - 1), self.displayOffsetY * (i - 1))
+	end
+function DisplayFrame:Configure()
+	local db = self.settings
+	if (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_NAMEASC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByNameAsc
+	elseif (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_TIMEASC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByTimeAsc
+	elseif (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_CASTASC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByCastAsc
+	elseif (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_NAMEDESC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByNameDesc
+	elseif (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_TIMEDESC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByTimeDesc
+	elseif (db.auraSort == AURA_SORT_CASTDESC) then
+		self['SortAuras'] = SortAurasByCastDesc
+	end
+	if (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERLEFT or db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERRIGHT) then
+		self.displayOffsetX = round((db.auraPadding + AURA_HEIGHT) * ((db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERLEFT) and 1 or -1))
+		self['UpdateDisplay'] = UpdateDisplayCentered
+	else
+		if (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_UP) then
+			self.displayPoint = BOTTOM
+			self.displayOffsetX = 0
+			self.displayOffsetY = round(-1 * (db.auraPadding + AURA_HEIGHT))
+		elseif (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_DOWN) then
+			self.displayPoint = TOP
+			self.displayOffsetX = 0
+			self.displayOffsetY = round(db.auraPadding + AURA_HEIGHT)
+		elseif (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_LEFT) then
+			self.displayPoint = RIGHT
+			self.displayOffsetX = round(-1 * (db.auraPadding + AURA_HEIGHT))
+			self.displayOffsetY = 0
+		else -- AURA_GROW_RIGHT
+			self.displayPoint = LEFT
+			self.displayOffsetX = round(db.auraPadding + AURA_HEIGHT)
+			self.displayOffsetY = 0
+		end
+		self['UpdateDisplay'] = UpdateDisplayDirectional
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function OnMouseEnter(self)
+	self.dragOverlay.highlight:SetHidden(false)
+	InitializeTooltip(InformationTooltip, self, TOP, 0, 4)
+	InformationTooltip:AddLine(self.tooltipText, '$(BOLD_FONT)|14',  ZO_TOOLTIP_DEFAULT_COLOR:UnpackRGB())
+local function OnMouseExit(self)
+	self.dragOverlay.highlight:SetHidden(true)
+	ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
+local function CreateDragOverlay(self)
+	local ctrl, anim
+	local drag = AddControl(self, CT_TEXTURE, 3)
+	drag:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	drag:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	drag:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]]) -- border (and root)
+	drag.icon, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 2)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetTexture[[/esoui/art/icons/]]
+	drag.highlight, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_TEXTURE, 4)
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetTexture([[/esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+	ctrl:SetColor(1, 0.82, 0)
+	ctrl:SetHidden(true)
+	-- LABEL
+	drag.label, ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_LABEL, 4)
+	ctrl:SetFont('ZoFontWinH1')
+	ctrl:SetDimensions(AURA_HEIGHT, AURA_HEIGHT)
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(CENTER)
+	ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(1)
+	ctrl:SetHorizontalAlignment(1)
+	ctrl:SetColor(0.64, 0.52, 0, 1)
+	ctrl:SetText(self.displayID)
+	drag.auraOutlines = {}
+	for x = 1, 4 do
+		drag.auraOutlines[x], ctrl = AddControl(drag, CT_BACKDROP, 1)
+		ctrl:SetHeight(AURA_HEIGHT)
+		ctrl:SetCenterColor(0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.24 / x)
+		ctrl:SetEdgeColor(0, 0.5, 0.7, 0.32 / x)
+		ctrl:SetEdgeTexture('', 8, 1, 0)
+	end
+	drag.timeline = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimeline()
+	drag.timeline:SetPlaybackType(ANIMATION_PLAYBACK_LOOP, -1)
+	anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_COLOR, drag.label, 0)
+	anim:SetDuration(750)
+	anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
+	anim:SetColorValues(0.64, 0.52, 0, 1, 1, 0.82, 0, 1)
+    anim = drag.timeline:InsertAnimation(ANIMATION_COLOR, drag.label, 750)
+    anim:SetDuration(750)
+    anim:SetEasingFunction(ZO_LinearEase)
+    anim:SetColorValues(1, 0.82, 0, 1, 0.64, 0.52, 0, 1)
+	self:SetHandler('OnMouseEnter', OnMouseEnter)
+	self:SetHandler('OnMouseExit',	OnMouseExit)
+	self.dragOverlay = drag
+function DisplayFrame:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+	if (not self.dragOverlay) then return end -- no overlay yet, so no need to configure it
+	local db	= self.settings
+	local drag	= self.dragOverlay
+	local outline, offsetI
+	local outlineWidth = AURA_HEIGHT
+	local point = self.displayPoint
+	self.tooltipText = zo_strformat('|cffffff<<Z:1>>|r', L.Group_Displayed_Here)
+	local noGroups = true -- check if there are no groups assigned to this frame
+	for group, frame in pairs(Srendarr.db.auraGroups) do
+		if (frame == self.displayID) then -- this group is being show on this frame
+			self.tooltipText = string.format('%s\n%s', self.tooltipText, Srendarr.auraGroupStrings[group])
+			noGroups = false
+		end
+	end
+	if (noGroups) then
+		self.tooltipText = string.format('%s\n%s', self.tooltipText, L.Group_Displayed_None)
+	end
+	if (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERLEFT or db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERRIGHT) then
+		offsetI = self.displayOffsetX * 1.5
+	elseif (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_UP or db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_DOWN) then
+		point = (db.barReverse and TOPRIGHT or TOPLEFT)
+		outlineWidth = AURA_HEIGHT + 3 + db.barWidth
+	end
+	for x = 1, 4 do
+		outline = drag.auraOutlines[x]
+		outline:ClearAnchors()
+		if (db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERLEFT or db.auraGrowth == AURA_GROW_CENTERRIGHT) then
+			outline:SetAnchor(CENTER, self, CENTER, offsetI, 0)
+			offsetI = offsetI - self.displayOffsetX
+		else
+			outline:SetAnchor(point, self, point, self.displayOffsetX * (x - 1), self.displayOffsetY * (x - 1))
+		end
+		outline:SetWidth(outlineWidth)
+	end
+function DisplayFrame:EnableDragOverlay()
+	if (not self.dragOverlay) then
+		CreateDragOverlay(self)
+	end
+	self:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+	self:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+	self:SetMovable(true)
+	self.dragOverlay:SetHidden(false)
+	self.dragOverlay.timeline:PlayFromStart()
+function DisplayFrame:DisableDragOverlay()
+	self:SetMouseEnabled(false)
+	self:SetMovable(false)
+	if (self.dragOverlay) then
+		self.dragOverlay.timeline:Stop()
+		self.dragOverlay:SetHidden(true)
+	end
+Srendarr.DisplayFrame = DisplayFrame
diff --git a/Events.lua b/Events.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f42082d..0000000
--- a/Events.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,680 +0,0 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr']
-local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
-local EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD                 = EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD
-local IsSlotUsed                        = IsSlotUsed
-local GetSlotName                       = GetSlotName
-local GetSlotTexture                    = GetSlotTexture
-local GetSlotBoundId                    = GetSlotBoundId
-local GetSlotItemSound                  = GetSlotItemSound
-local GetAbilityDuration                = GetAbilityDuration
-local GetAbilityCastInfo                = GetAbilityCastInfo
-local GetGameTimeMilliseconds           = GetGameTimeMilliseconds
-local db, auraFrameLong, auraFrameShort, auraFrameDebuffs
-local watchlist = {
-    [3] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [4] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [5] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [6] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [7] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [8] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-    [9] = {name = false, buff = false, debuff = false, cast = 0, texture = '', isShield = false, abilityId = 0},
-local triggeredSlots = {}
-function Srendarr:GetTriggeredSlotNum(name)
-    return triggeredSlots[name]
-    local CostFail              = HasCostFailure
-    local ReqFail               = HasRequirementFailure
-    local WeaponFail            = HasWeaponSlotFailure
-    local TargetFail            = HasTargetFailure
-    local RangeFail             = HasRangeFailure
-    local StatusFail            = HasStatusEffectFailure
-    local FallingFail           = HasFallingFailure
-    local SwimmingFail          = HasSwimmingFailure
-    local MountedFail           = HasMountedFailure
-    local RezFail               = HasReincarnatingFailure
-    local GetSlotCooldownInfo   = GetSlotCooldownInfo
-    local zomax                 = zo_max
-    local B_PRESSED             = BSTATE_PRESSED
-    local B_NORMAL              = BSTATE_NORMAL
-    local SPAM_THRESHOLD        = Srendarr.SPAM_THRESHOLD
-    local buffFrame, debuffFrame
-    local ActionButton_SetState_Orig
-    local QuickSlotButton_SetState_Orig
-    local flags = {
-        [3] = false,
-        [4] = false,
-        [5] = false,
-        [6] = false,
-        [7] = false,
-        [8] = false,
-        [9] = false,
-    }
-    local lastCast = {
-        [3] = 0,
-        [4] = 0,
-        [5] = 0,
-        [6] = 0,
-        [7] = 0,
-        [8] = 0,
-        [9] = 0,
-    }
-    local watched = {}
-    local function ActionFailed(slot)
-        if (CostFail(slot) or ReqFail(slot) or WeaponFail(slot) or TargetFail(slot)
-            or RangeFail(slot) or StatusFail(slot) or FallingFail(slot)
-            or SwimmingFail(slot) or MountedFail(slot) or RezFail(slot)
-        ) then
-            return true
-        end
-        return false
-    end
-    local function ActionButton_SetState_Hook(self, state, locked)
-        ActionButton_SetState_Orig(self, state, locked)
-        -- Trigger event for target debuff list
-        Srendarr:OnTargetChanged()
-        local slot = self.slotNum
-        if (watched[slot]) then -- only proceed if this button is being watched
-            if (state == B_PRESSED) then
-                flags[slot] = true
-            elseif (state == B_NORMAL) then
-                if (flags[slot]) then -- button was just pressed, this is a cast attempt
-                    local start = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
-                    if (not ActionFailed(slot) and (start > lastCast[slot] + SPAM_THRESHOLD)) then -- avoid failure and button mashing
-                        local casting = watchlist[slot]
-                        local proc = Srendarr:HasProc( --for now just Crystal Fragments
-                        if proc then
-                            if buffFrame.k_auraActive[proc] then
-                                casting.cast = 0
-                            end
-                        end
-                        -- @todo Here Buff / Debuff section
-                        if (casting.buff) then -- buff in this slot
-                            buffFrame:AddAura(1, 1,, casting.texture, (start + casting.cast), (start + casting.cast + casting.buff), casting.isShield, nil, nil, casting.abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF)
-                        end
-                        if (casting.debuff) then -- debuff in this slot
-                            debuffFrame:AddAura(1, 2,, casting.texture, (start + casting.cast), (start + casting.cast + casting.debuff), casting.isShield, nil, nil, casting.abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF)
-                        end
-                        lastCast[slot] = start
-                        --check for class passive effects
-                        local name, buff, debuff, texture, abilityId = Srendarr:GetClassPassiveSkillEffect(
-                        if (name) then
-                            if (buff) then
-                                buffFrame:AddAura(1, 1, name, texture, (start + casting.cast), (start + casting.cast) + buff, false, nil, nil, abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF)
-                            end
-                            if (debuff) then
-                                debuffFrame:AddAura(1, 2, name, casting.texture, (start + casting.cast), (start + casting.cast) + debuff, false, nil, nil, abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF)
-                            end
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-                flags[slot] = false
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    local function QuickSlotButton_SetState_Hook(self, state, locked)
-        QuickSlotButton_SetState_Orig(self, state, locked)
-        if (watched[9]) then
-            local start = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
-            if (start > lastCast[9]) then
-                local button = ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(9)
-                local slotNum = button:GetSlot()
-                if button.useable then
-                    local timeLeft = GetSlotCooldownInfo(slotNum)
-                    lastCast[9] = start + zomax((timeLeft / 1000), SPAM_THRESHOLD)
-                    local casting = watchlist[9]
-                    if (casting.buff) then
-                        buffFrame:AddAura(1, 1,, casting.texture, start, start + casting.buff, false, nil, nil, casting.abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF)
-                    end
-                    if (casting.debuff) then
-                        debuffFrame:AddAura(1, 2,, casting.texture, start, start + casting.debuff, false, nil, nil, casting.abilityId, BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF)
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:SetupActionButtonHooks()
-        buffFrame   = Srendarr.auraFrames[1] -- short term always go to the first frame
-        debuffFrame = Srendarr.auraFrames[3] -- debuffs always go to the third frame
-        ActionButton_SetState_Orig = ActionButton3Button.SetState
-        ActionButton3Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        ActionButton4Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        ActionButton5Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        ActionButton6Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        ActionButton7Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        --ultimate
-        ActionButton8Button.SetState = ActionButton_SetState_Hook
-        --quickslot
-        QuickSlotButton_SetState_Orig = ActionButton9Button.SetState
-        ActionButton9Button.SetState = QuickSlotButton_SetState_Hook
-    end
-    function Srendarr:ConfigureActionButtonWatcher(slotNum)
-        watched[slotNum] = (watchlist[slotNum].name) and true or false
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnActionSlotChanged(evt, slotNum)
-    if (slotNum < 3 or slotNum > 8) then return end
-    local actionButton
-    if slotNum ~= 8 then
-        for ability, slot in pairs(triggeredSlots) do
-            if (slot == slotNum) then
-                triggeredSlots[ability] = nil
-            end
-        end
-        actionButton = ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(slotNum)
-        if Srendarr:IsPlayingProcAnimation(actionButton) then
-            Srendarr:StopProcAnimations(actionButton)
-        end
-    end
-    if (IsSlotUsed(slotNum)) then
-        local ability = GetSlotName(slotNum)
-        local abilityId = GetSlotBoundId(slotNum)
-        local texture = GetSlotTexture(slotNum)
-        local buff, debuff, cast, corrections = Srendarr:GetAuraData(ability)
-        --corrections
-        local duration = GetAbilityDuration(abilityId)
-        if (duration > 0 and corrections ~= 3) then
-            if (buff and buff > 0 and (not corrections or corrections == 1)) then
-                buff = duration / 1000
-            end
-            if (debuff and debuff > 0 and (not corrections or corrections == 2)) then
-                debuff = duration / 1000
-            end
-        end
-        local channeled, castTime, channelTime = GetAbilityCastInfo(abilityId)
-        if (castTime > 0) then
-            cast = castTime / 1000
-        end
-        if (not Srendarr.db.showDebuff) then
-            debuff = false -- if not showing debuffs, then don't track
-        end
-        if (buff or debuff) then
-            local data      = watchlist[slotNum]
-         = ability
-            data.buff       = buff
-            data.debuff     = debuff
-            data.cast       = cast
-            data.texture    = texture
-            data.isShield   = Srendarr:IsDamageShield(ability)
-            data.abilityId  = abilityId
-        else
-            watchlist[slotNum].name = false
-        end
-        --proc animaitons
-        if slotNum ~= 8 then
-            local proc = Srendarr:HasProc(ability)
-            if Srendarr:IsProc(ability) then
-                Srendarr:PlayProcAnimations(actionButton)
-            elseif proc then
-                triggeredSlots[proc] = slotNum
-                local aura = auraFrameShort.k_auraActive[proc]
-                if aura then
-                    local remaining = (aura.k_finish * 1000) - GetGameTimeMilliseconds()
-                    if remaining > 0 then
-                        Srendarr:PlayProcAnimations(actionButton, true)
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        watchlist[slotNum].name = false
-    end
-    Srendarr:ConfigureActionButtonWatcher(slotNum)
-function Srendarr.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate(evt, isHotbarSwap)
-    for slotNum = 3, 8 do
-        Srendarr.OnActionSlotChanged(evt, slotNum)
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnQuickSlotChanged(evt, slotNum)
-    if (IsSlotUsed(slotNum) and GetSlotItemSound(slotNum) == ITEM_SOUND_CATEGORY_POTION) then --only care about potions
-        local ability = GetSlotName(slotNum)
-        local abilityId = GetSlotBoundId(slotNum)
-        local texture = GetSlotTexture(slotNum)
-        local buff, debuff = Srendarr:GetPotionData(ability, abilityId)
-        --corrections
-        if (buff and buff > 0) then
-            buff = buff * Srendarr:GetMedicinalUseCoefficient()
-        end
-        if (debuff and debuff > 0) then
-            debuff = debuff * Srendarr:GetMedicinalUseCoefficient()
-        end
-        if (not Srendarr.db.showDebuff) then
-            debuff = false -- if not showing debuffs, then don't track
-        end
-        if (buff or debuff) then
-            local data      = watchlist[9]
-         = ability
-            data.buff       = buff
-            data.debuff     = debuff
-            data.cast       = 0
-            data.texture    = texture
-            data.isShield   = false
-            data.abilityId  = abilityId
-        else
-            watchlist[9].name = false
-        end
-    else
-        watchlist[9].name = false
-    end
-    Srendarr:ConfigureActionButtonWatcher(9)
-do  --triggered effects animations
-    local WM = WINDOW_MANAGER
-    local PlaySound = PlaySound
-    local function CreateProcAnimations(actionButton)
-        if not actionButton.procBurstTimeline then
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture = WM:CreateControl("$(parent)Burst", actionButton.slot, CT_TEXTURE)
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, actionButton.slot:GetNamedChild("FlipCard"))
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, actionButton.slot:GetNamedChild("FlipCard"))
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/")
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetBlendMode(TEX_BLEND_MODE_ADD)
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetDrawLevel(2)
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetHidden(true)
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture = WM:CreateControl("$(parent)Loop", actionButton.slot, CT_TEXTURE)
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, actionButton.slot:GetNamedChild("FlipCard"))
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, actionButton.slot:GetNamedChild("FlipCard"))
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/ActionBar/")
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetBlendMode(TEX_BLEND_MODE_ADD)
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetDrawLevel(2)
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetHidden(true)
-            actionButton.procBurstTimeline = AM:CreateTimelineFromVirtual("UltimateReadyBurst", actionButton.procBurstTexture)
-            actionButton.procLoopTimeline = AM:CreateTimelineFromVirtual("UltimateReadyLoop", actionButton.procLoopTexture)
-            actionButton.procBurstTimeline:SetHandler("OnPlay", function() PlaySound(SOUNDS.DEATH_RECAP_KILLING_BLOW_SHOWN) end)
-            local function OnStop(self)
-                if(self:GetProgress() == 1) then
-                    actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetHidden(true)
-                    actionButton.procLoopTimeline:PlayFromStart()
-                    actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetHidden(false)
-                end
-            end
-            actionButton.procBurstTimeline:SetHandler("OnStop", OnStop)
-            actionButton.procLoopTimeline:SetHandler("OnStop", function() actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetHidden(true) end)
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:PlayProcAnimations(actionButton, isActive)
-        CreateProcAnimations(actionButton)
-        if actionButton.procBurstTimeline then
-            if not actionButton.procBurstTimeline:IsPlaying() and not actionButton.procLoopTimeline:IsPlaying() then
-                if isActive then
-                    actionButton.procLoopTimeline:PlayFromStart()
-                    actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetHidden(false)
-                else
-                    actionButton.procBurstTimeline:PlayFromStart()
-                    actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetHidden(false)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:StopProcAnimations(actionButton)
-        if actionButton.procBurstTimeline then
-            actionButton.procBurstTexture:SetHidden(true)
-            actionButton.procLoopTexture:SetHidden(true)
-            actionButton.procBurstTimeline:Stop()
-            actionButton.procLoopTimeline:Stop()
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:IsPlayingProcAnimation(actionButton)
-        if actionButton.procBurstTimeline then
-            return actionButton.procBurstTimeline:IsPlaying() or actionButton.procLoopTimeline:IsPlaying()
-        end
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnEffectChanged(_, change, buff, name, unit, start, finish, stack, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, statusEffectType, unitName, unitId, abilityId)
-    if (unit ~= 'player') then return end
-    -- Trigger event for target debuff list
-    Srendarr:OnTargetChanged()
-    -- Skip Minor Buffs
-    if (Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs and Srendarr.MinorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-        return
-    end
-    -- Skip Major Buffs
-    if (Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs and Srendarr.MajorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-        return
-    end
-    if (change == EFFECT_RESULT_FADED) then -- losing an aura
-        if (auraFrameLong.k_auraActive[name]) then
-            if (auraFrameLong.k_auraActive[name].k_type < 3) then -- timed, ghost it
-                auraFrameLong.k_auraActive[name]:Ghost()
-            else -- non timed, kill it
-                auraFrameLong:RemoveAura(name)
-            end
-        end
-        if(effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
-            if (auraFrameDebuffs.k_auraActive[name]) then
-                if (auraFrameDebuffs.k_auraActive[name].k_type < 1) then -- timed, ghost it
-                auraFrameDebuffs.k_auraActive[name]:Ghost()
-                else -- non timed, kill it
-                auraFrameDebuffs:RemoveAura(name)
-                end
-            end
-        else
-            if (auraFrameShort.k_auraActive[name]) then
-                if (auraFrameShort.k_auraActive[name].k_type < 1) then -- timed, ghost it
-                    auraFrameShort.k_auraActive[name]:Ghost()
-                else -- non timed, kill it
-                    auraFrameShort:RemoveAura(name)
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER) then
-            local slotNum = triggeredSlots[name]
-            if slotNum then
-                local actionButton = ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(slotNum)
-                Srendarr:StopProcAnimations(actionButton)
-            end
-        end
-    else -- adding or updating an aura
-        local isShield = abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD
-        if (finish > start) then -- timed ability
-            if(effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
---                d('abilityId', abilityId)
---                d('abilityName', name)
---                d('buff', buff)
---                d('effectType', effectType)
---                d('statufEffectType', statusEffectType)
-                if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                    auraFrameDebuffs:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                end
-            else
-                if (finish - start < db.shortBuffThreshold) then
-                    if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                        auraFrameShort:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    end
-                else
-                    if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                        auraFrameLong:AddAura(2, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        elseif (Srendarr:IsToggled(name)) then -- toggled ability
-            if (db.showToggle) then -- showing toggled
-                auraFrameLong:AddAura(3, 1, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-            end
-        else -- passive (assumption: passives have start = finish)
-            if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER) then
-                local duration = Srendarr:GetAuraData(name) or 0
-                auraFrameShort:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, start + duration, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-            elseif (Srendarr:IsWatchedPassive(name, abilityType)) then
-                auraFrameLong:AddAura(4, 1, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-            end
-        end
-        if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER) then
-            local slotNum = triggeredSlots[name]
-            if slotNum then
-                local actionButton = ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(slotNum)
-                Srendarr:PlayProcAnimations(actionButton)
-            end
-        end
-        if (name == L.Passive_MedicinalUse) then
-            Srendarr:SetMedicinalUseCoefficient(abilityId)
-        end
-    end
-do --shields
-    local GetUnitAttributeVisualizerEffectInfo  = GetUnitAttributeVisualizerEffectInfo
-    local callLater = zo_callLater
-    local function RemoveShields()
-        local value = GetUnitAttributeVisualizerEffectInfo('player', ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POWER_SHIELDING, STAT_MITIGATION, ATTRIBUTE_HEALTH, POWERTYPE_HEALTH) or 0
-        if (value <= 0) then
-            -- shields are always 'short', remove from [1] if present
-            for _, aura in pairs(auraFrameShort.k_auraActive) do
-                if (aura.k_isShield) then
-                    aura:Ghost()
-                end
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr.OnVisualRemoved(_, unit, visual, ...)
-        if (unit == 'player' and visual == ATTRIBUTE_VISUAL_POWER_SHIELDING) then
-            callLater(RemoveShields, 5)
-        end
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnPlayerDeath(event)
-    if (event == EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD) then -- player died
-        Srendarr:StripAuras()
-    else -- player lives again
-        Srendarr:UpdateAuras()
-    end
-    local equippedArmor = {
-    }
-    function Srendarr:GetNumArmorPieces(desiredArmorType)
-        local numPieces = 0
-        for equipSlot, armorType in pairs(equippedArmor) do
-            if armorType == desiredArmorType then
-                numPieces = numPieces + 1
-            end
-        end
-        return numPieces
-    end
-    function Srendarr.InventorySlotUpdated(event, bagId, slotId, isNewItem, itemSoundCategory, updateReason)
-        if bagId == BAG_WORN and updateReason == INVENTORY_UPDATE_REASON_DEFAULT and equippedArmor[slotId] then
-            local newArmorType = GetItemArmorType(bagId, slotId)
-            if newArmorType ~= equippedArmor[slotId] then
-                equippedArmor[slotId] = newArmorType
-                Srendarr:SetupPassiveSkillEffects()
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:InitializeArmorWatcher()
-        for equipSlot in pairs(equippedArmor) do
-            equippedArmor[equipSlot] = GetItemArmorType(BAG_WORN, equipSlot)
-        end
-        Srendarr:SetupPassiveSkillEffects()
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnCombatState(event, inCombat)
-    if (inCombat) then
-        if (db.onlyInCombat) then
-            for i = 1, 3 do       --hide all auras except of long term buffs (4)
-                Srendarr.auraSceneFragments[i]:SetHiddenForReason("combatstate", false)
-            end
-        end
-    else
-        Srendarr:ClearTimerType(2)              -- end all potential debuffs
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[3]:RemoveAllAuras() -- end all potential debuffs
-        if (db.onlyInCombat) then
-            for i = 1, 3 do
-                Srendarr.auraSceneFragments[i]:SetHiddenForReason("combatstate", true)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-function Srendarr.OnPlayerActivated()
-    Srendarr:UpdateAuras()
-    local GetNumBuffs       = GetNumBuffs
-    local GetUnitBuffInfo   = GetUnitBuffInfo
-    local DoesUnitExist     = DoesUnitExist
-    local frame, db, frameDebuff
-    function Srendarr.OnTargetChanged()
-        if (Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff == false) then
-           return
-        end
-        -- cleanse out previous auras
-        frame:RemoveAllAuras()
-        frameDebuff:RemoveAllAuras()
-        Srendarr:ClearTimerType(3)
-        Srendarr:ClearTimerType(4)
-        if (DoesUnitExist('reticleover')) then -- have a target
-            if (db.onlyInCombat and not Srendarr.ui_InCombat) then return end -- showing only in combat, but not
-            local numAuras = GetNumBuffs('reticleover')
-            if (numAuras > 0) then
-                for x = 1, numAuras do
-                    local name, start, finish, buff, stack, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, statusEffectType, abilityId, _ = GetUnitBuffInfo('reticleover', x)
-                    local isShield = abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD
-                    -- Skip Minor Buffs
-                    if (Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs and Srendarr.MinorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                        return
-                    end
-                    -- Skip Major Buffs
-                    if (Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs and Srendarr.MajorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                        return
-                    end
-                    if (finish > start) then
-                        if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimedTarget(name) and effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
-                            frameDebuff:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                        elseif (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimedTarget(name) and effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF) then
-                            frame:AddAura(2, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                        end
-                    elseif (Srendarr:IsToggled(name)) then -- toggled
-                        if (db.showToggleTarget) then
-                            frame:AddAura(3, 3, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                        end
-                    else -- passive
-                        if (Srendarr:IsWatchedPassiveTarget(name, abilityType)) then
-                            frame:AddAura(4, 3, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-                frame:UpdateDisplay()
-                frameDebuff:UpdateDisplay()
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:InitializeOnTargetChanged()
-        db, frame = self.db, self.auraFrames[4]
-        db, frameDebuff = self.db, self.auraFrames[5]
-    end
-function Srendarr:ConfigureEvents()
-    if (db.combineBuff) then
-        auraFrameLong = self.auraFrames[1]
-    else
-        auraFrameLong = self.auraFrames[2]
-    end
-    if (db.showTargetAuras or db.showTargetAurasDebuff) then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_RETICLE_TARGET_CHANGED, self.OnTargetChanged)
-    else
-    end
-function Srendarr:InitializeEvents()
-    db               = self.db
-    auraFrameShort   = self.auraFrames[1]
-    auraFrameDebuffs = self.auraFrames[3]
-    -- register events
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTION_SLOTS_FULL_UPDATE,       self.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTION_SLOT_UPDATED,            self.OnActionSlotChanged)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ACTIVE_QUICKSLOT_CHANGED,       self.OnQuickSlotChanged)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED,                 self.OnEffectChanged)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_DEAD,                    self.OnPlayerDeath)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_ALIVE,                   self.OnPlayerDeath)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_COMBAT_STATE,            self.OnCombatState)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED,               self.OnPlayerActivated)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_INVENTORY_SINGLE_SLOT_UPDATE,   self.InventorySlotUpdated)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_SKILLS_FULL_UPDATE,             function() Srendarr:SetupPassiveSkillEffects() end)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:AddFilterForEvent(, EVENT_EFFECT_CHANGED,                REGISTER_FILTER_UNIT_TAG, 'player')
-    self:ConfigureEvents()
-    self:InitializeArmorWatcher()
-    self.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate() -- call on load to record initial hotbar data
-    self.OnQuickSlotChanged(nil, GetCurrentQuickslot())
-    self:SetupActionButtonHooks()  -- configure hooks, never call this again!
-    self:InitializeOnTargetChanged()
-    self.OnCombatState(nil, IsUnitInCombat("player"))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Icons/ b/Icons/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f2c16..0000000
Binary files a/Icons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Icons/ b/Icons/
deleted file mode 100644
index e7608fb..0000000
Binary files a/Icons/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index c33388d..0000000
Binary files a/Icons/ and /dev/null differ
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5537444..0000000
Binary files a/Icons/ and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Lib/LAM-doublecolor.lua b/Lib/LAM-doublecolor.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index fea6e8c..0000000
--- a/Lib/LAM-doublecolor.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
---[[widgetData = {
-	type = "doublecolor",
-	name = "My Control",
-	tooltip = "Control's tooltip",
-	getFuncA = function() end,
-	getFuncB = function() end,
-	setFuncA = function() end,
-	setFuncB = function() end,
-	width = "full", --or "half" (optional)
-	disabled = function() return boolean end, --(optional) boolean or function which returns boolean
-	warning = "Some warning text", --(optional)
-	default = { [1] = { r = val1, g = val2, b = val3, a = val4 }, [2] = ZO_ColorDef:New(r, g, b, a)}, -- (optional) table with color tables or ZO_ColorDef objects
-	reference = "MyControlReference", --(optional) unique global reference
-local widgetVersion = 2
-local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0", true)
-if (not LAM) then return end
-if not LAM:RegisterWidget("doublecolor", widgetVersion) then return end
-local wm = WINDOW_MANAGER
-local tinsert = table.insert
-local function UpdateDisabled(control)
-	local disable
-	if type( == "function" then
-		disable =
-	else
-		disable =
-	end
-	if disable then
-		control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-	else
-		control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-	end
-	control.isDisabled = disable
-local function UpdateColor(control, valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA)
-	control.setFunc(valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA or 1)
-	--after setting this value, let's refresh the others to see if any should be disabled or have their settings changed
-	local widget = control:GetParent()
-	if then
-		cm:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", widget)
-	end
-	control.thumb:SetColor(valueR, valueG, valueB, valueA or 1)
-local function UpdateValue(control, forceDefault)
-	local aR, aG, aB, aA, bR, bG, bB, bA
-	if forceDefault then	 --if we are forcing defaults
-		local colorA =[1]
-		aR, aG, aB, aA = colorA.r, colorA.g, colorA.b, colorA.a
-		control.colorA.setFunc(aR, aG, aB, aA)
-		local colorB =[2]
-		bR, bG, bB, bA = colorB.r, colorB.g, colorB.b, colorB.a
-		control.colorB.setFunc(bR, bG, bB, bA)
-	else
-		aR, aG, aB, aA =
-		bR, bG, bB, bA =
-	end
-	control.colorA.thumb:SetColor(aR, aG, aB, aA or 1)
-	control.colorB.thumb:SetColor(bR, bG, bB, bA or 1)
-function LAMCreateControl.doublecolor(parent, widgetData, controlName)
-	local panel = parent.panel or parent
-	local dc = wm:CreateControl(controlName or widgetData.reference, parent.scroll or parent, CT_CONTROL)
-	dc:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-	dc:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter)
-	dc:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", ZO_Options_OnMouseExit)
-	dc.label = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc, CT_LABEL)
-	dc.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
-	dc.label:SetFont("ZoFontWinH4")
-	dc.label:SetWrapMode(TEXT_WRAP_MODE_ELLIPSIS)
-	dc.label:SetText(
-	dc.colorA = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc, CT_CONTROL)
-	dc.colorA:SetDimensions(40, 24)
-	dc.colorA:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-	dc.colorB = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc, CT_CONTROL)
-	dc.colorB:SetDimensions(40, 24)
-	dc.colorB:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-	local isHalfWidth = widgetData.width == "half"
-	local widgetWidth = panel:GetWidth() - 60
-	if isHalfWidth then
-		widgetWidth = widgetWidth / 2
-		dc:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 55)
-		dc.label:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 26)
-		dc.colorA:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, dc.label, BOTTOMLEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 0)
-		dc.colorB:SetAnchor(LEFT, dc.colorA, RIGHT, 16, 0)
-	else
-		dc:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 30)
-		dc.label:SetDimensions(widgetWidth - 210, 26)
-		dc.colorA:SetAnchor(LEFT, dc, LEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 0)
-		dc.colorB:SetAnchor(LEFT, dc.colorA, RIGHT, 16, 0)
-	end
-	local thumbA = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc.colorA, CT_TEXTURE)
-	thumbA:SetDimensions(36, 18)
-	thumbA:SetAnchor(LEFT, dc.colorA, LEFT, 4, 0)
-	dc.colorA.thumb = thumbA
-	local borderA = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc.colorA, CT_TEXTURE)
-	borderA:SetAnchor(CENTER, thumbA, CENTER, 0, 0)
-	borderA:SetDimensions(40, 22)
-	borderA:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/")
-	borderA:SetTextureCoords(0, .625, 0, .8125)
-	local thumbB = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc.colorB, CT_TEXTURE)
-	thumbB:SetDimensions(36, 18)
-	thumbB:SetAnchor(LEFT, dc.colorB, LEFT, 4, 0)
-	dc.colorB.thumb = thumbB
-	local borderB = wm:CreateControl(nil, dc.colorB, CT_TEXTURE)
-	borderB:SetAnchor(CENTER, thumbB, CENTER, 0, 0)
-	borderB:SetDimensions(40, 22)
-	borderB:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/")
-	borderB:SetTextureCoords(0, .625, 0, .8125)
-	local function OnMouseUp(self, btn, upInside)
-		if (upInside and not self:GetParent().isDisabled) then
-				local r, g, b, a = self.getFunc()
-				COLOR_PICKER:Show(function(r, g, b, a) UpdateColor(self, r, g, b, a or 1) end, r, g, b, a,
-		end
-	end
-	dc.colorA.getFunc = widgetData.getFuncA
-	dc.colorA.setFunc = widgetData.setFuncA
-	dc.colorB.getFunc = widgetData.getFuncB
-	dc.colorB.setFunc = widgetData.setFuncB
-	dc.colorA:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
-	dc.colorA:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(dc) end)
-	dc.colorA:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(dc) end)
-	dc.colorB:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", OnMouseUp)
-	dc.colorB:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(dc) end)
-	dc.colorB:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(dc) end)
-	if widgetData.warning then
-		dc.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, dc, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
-		dc.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, dc.colorA, LEFT, -5, 0)
- = {tooltipText = widgetData.warning}
-	end
-	dc.panel = panel	 --if this is in a submenu, panel is its parent
- = widgetData
- = widgetData.tooltip
-	if widgetData.disabled then
-		dc.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
-		dc:UpdateDisabled()
-	end
-	dc.UpdateValue = UpdateValue
-	dc:UpdateValue()
-	if or then	 --if our parent window wants to refresh controls, then add this to the list
-		tinsert(dc.panel.controlsToRefresh, dc)
-	end
-	return dc
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LAM-fontblock.lua b/Lib/LAM-fontblock.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index b74b157..0000000
--- a/Lib/LAM-fontblock.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,268 +0,0 @@
---[[widgetData = {
-	type = "fontblock",
-	name = "My Control",
-	tooltip = "Control's tooltip",
-	getFace = function() return face end,
-	getSize = function() return size end,
-	getOutline = function() return outline end,
-	getColor = function() return r, g, b, a end,
-	setFace = function(face) end,
-	setSize = function(size) end,
-	setOutline = function(outline) end,
-	setColor = function(r, g, b, a) end,
-	width = "full", --or "half" (optional)
-	disabled = function() return boolean end, --(optional) boolean or function which returns boolean
-	warning = "Some warning text", --(optional)
-	default = { --(optional)
-		face = "Univers 67",
-		size = "22",
-		outline = "soft-shadow-thin",
-		color = { r = val1, g = val2, b = val3, a = val4 }, -- table (or ZO_ColorDef object) with default color values
-	},
-	reference = "MyControlReference", --(optional) unique global reference
-local widgetVersion = 4
-local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0", true)
-local LMP = LibStub("LibMediaProvider-1.0", true)
-if (not LAM or not LMP) then return end -- need both libs to function
-if not LAM:RegisterWidget("fontblock", widgetVersion) then return end
-local wm = GetWindowManager()
-local tinsert = table.insert
-local strformat = string.format
-local tostring = tostring
-local round = zo_round
-local fontOutlineChoices = {"none", "outline", "thin-outline", "thick-outline", "shadow", "soft-shadow-thin", "soft-shadow-thick"}
-local fontSizeChoices = {}
-for x = 1, 25 do
-	fontSizeChoices[x] = tostring(x + 7)
-local function UpdateDisabled(control)
-	local disable
-	if type( == "function" then
-		disable =
-	else
-		disable =
-	end
-	if disable then
-		control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_DISABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-	else
-		control.label:SetColor(ZO_DEFAULT_ENABLED_COLOR:UnpackRGBA())
-	end
-	control.isDisabled = disable
-local function UpdateValue(control, forceDefault, face, size, outline, colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA)
-	local data =
-	local isUpdated = false
-	if forceDefault then
-		face = data.default.face
-		size = data.default.size
-		outline = data.default.outline
-		colorR = data.default.color.r
-		colorG = data.default.color.g
-		colorB = data.default.color.b
-		colorA = data.default.color.a
-	end
-	if face then
-		data.setFace(face)
-		isUpdated = true
-	else
-		face = data.getFace()
-	end
-	if size then
-		data.setSize(size)
-		isUpdated = true
-	else
-		size = data.getSize()
-	end
-	if outline then
-		data.setOutline(outline)
-		isUpdated = true
-	else
-		outline = data.getOutline()
-	end
-	if colorR and colorG and colorB then
-		data.setColor(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA or 1)
-		isUpdated = true
-	else
-		colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA = data.getColor()
-	end
-	if isUpdated then
-		if then
-			cm:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", control)
-		end
-	end
-	control.size.dropdown:SetSelectedItem(size)
-	control.face.dropdown:SetSelectedItem(face)
-	control.outline.dropdown:SetSelectedItem(outline)
-	control.color.thumb:SetColor(colorR, colorG, colorB, colorA or 1)
-function LAMCreateControl.fontblock(parent, widgetData, controlName)
-	local panel = parent.panel or parent
-	if not panel.fbCounter then
-		panel.fbCounter = 0
-	end
-	panel.fbCounter = panel.fbCounter + 1
-	controlName = controlName or widgetData.reference or (panel:GetName() .. "Fontblock" .. tostring(panel.fbCounter))
-	local fb = wm:CreateControl(controlName, parent.scroll or parent, CT_CONTROL)
-	fb:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-	fb:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter)
-	fb:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", ZO_Options_OnMouseExit)
-	fb.label = wm:CreateControl(nil, fb, CT_LABEL)
-	fb.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
-	fb.label:SetFont("ZoFontWinH4")
-	fb.label:SetWrapMode(TEXT_WRAP_MODE_ELLIPSIS)
-	fb.label:SetText(
-	-- font face
-	local face = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName .. "Face", fb, "ZO_ComboBox")
-	fb.face = face
-	face:SetDimensions(164, 26)
-	face:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(fb) end)
-	face:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(fb) end)
-	face.dropdown = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(face)
-	face.dropdown:ClearItems()
-	local fontFaceChoices = LMP:List("font")
-	local function FaceDropdownCallback(self, choiceText, choice)
-		fb:UpdateValue(false, choiceText)
-	end
-	for i = 1, #fontFaceChoices do
-		local entry = face.dropdown:CreateItemEntry(fontFaceChoices[i], FaceDropdownCallback)
-		face.dropdown:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE)
-	end
-	-- color picker
-	local color = wm:CreateControl(nil, fb, CT_CONTROL)
-	fb.color = color
-	color:SetDimensions(28, 25)
-	color:SetMouseEnabled(true)
-	color:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(fb) end)
-	color:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(fb) end)
-	local thumb = wm:CreateControl(nil, color, CT_TEXTURE)
-	fb.color.thumb = thumb
-	thumb:SetDimensions(24, 20)
-	thumb:SetAnchor(LEFT, color, LEFT, 4, 0)
-	local border = wm:CreateControl(nil, color, CT_TEXTURE)
-	border:SetAnchor(CENTER, thumb, CENTER, 0, 0)
-	border:SetDimensions(28, 25)
-	border:SetTexture("EsoUI/Art/ChatWindow/")
-	border:SetTextureCoords(0, .625, 0, .8125)
-	local function ColorPickerCallback(r, g, b, a)
-		fb:UpdateValue(false, nil, nil, nil, r, g, b, a)
-	end
-	fb.color:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function(self, btn, upInside)
-		if (upInside) then
-			local r, g, b, a = widgetData.getColor()
-			COLOR_PICKER:Show(ColorPickerCallback, r, g, b, a,
-		end
-	end)
-	-- outline
-	local outline = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName .. "Outline", fb, "ZO_ComboBox")
-	fb.outline = outline
-	outline:SetDimensions(138, 26)
-	outline:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(fb) end)
-	outline:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(fb) end)
-	outline.dropdown = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(outline)
-	outline.dropdown:ClearItems()
-	local function OutlineDropdownCallback(self, choiceText, choice)
-		fb:UpdateValue(false, nil, nil, choiceText)
-	end
-	for i = 1, #fontOutlineChoices do
-		local entry = outline.dropdown:CreateItemEntry(fontOutlineChoices[i], OutlineDropdownCallback)
-		outline.dropdown:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE)
-	end
-	--size
-	local size = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName .. "Size", fb, "ZO_ComboBox")
-	fb.size = size
-	size:SetDimensions(54, 26)
-	size:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(fb) end)
-	size:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(fb) end)
-	size.dropdown = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(size)
-	size.dropdown:ClearItems()
-	local function SizeDropdownCallback(self, choiceText, choice)
-		fb:UpdateValue(false, nil, choiceText)
-	end
-	for i = 1, #fontSizeChoices do
-		local entry = size.dropdown:CreateItemEntry(fontSizeChoices[i], SizeDropdownCallback)
-		size.dropdown:AddItem(entry, ZO_COMBOBOX_SUPRESS_UPDATE)
-	end
-	local isHalfWidth = widgetData.width == "half"
-	local widgetWidth = panel:GetWidth() - 60
-	if isHalfWidth then
-		widgetWidth = widgetWidth / 2
-		fb:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 80)
-		fb.label:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 26)
-		face:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, fb, TOPLEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 26)
-		color:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, fb, TOPLEFT, widgetWidth - 30, 26)
-		outline:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, fb, BOTTOMLEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 0)
-		size:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, fb, BOTTOMLEFT, widgetWidth - 54, 0)
-	else
-		fb:SetDimensions(widgetWidth, 54)
-		fb.label:SetDimensions(widgetWidth - 210, 26)
-		face:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, fb, TOPLEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 0)
-		color:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, fb, TOPLEFT, widgetWidth - 30, 0)
-		outline:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, fb, BOTTOMLEFT, widgetWidth - 195, 0)
-		size:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, fb, BOTTOMLEFT, widgetWidth - 54, 0)
-	end
-	if (widgetData.warning) then
-		fb.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, fb, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
-		fb.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, face, LEFT, -5, 0)
- = { tooltipText = widgetData.warning }
-	end
-	fb.panel = parent.panel or parent	 --if this is in a submenu, panel is its parent
- = widgetData
- = widgetData.tooltip
-	if widgetData.disabled then
-		fb.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
-		fb:UpdateDisabled()
-	end
-	fb.UpdateValue = UpdateValue
-	fb:UpdateValue()
-	if or then	 --if our parent window wants to refresh controls, then add this to the list
-		tinsert(fb.panel.controlsToRefresh, fb)
-	end
-	return fb
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LICENSE b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LICENSE
index 82fcf2f..f69cbd4 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LICENSE
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LICENSE
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
                The Artistic License 2.0

-           Copyright (c) 2015 Ryan Lakanen (Seerah)
+           Copyright (c) 2016 Ryan Lakanen (Seerah)

      Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
       of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua
index dcbf151..568b95d 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/LibAddonMenu-2.0.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

 --Register LAM with LibStub
-local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibAddonMenu-2.0", 18
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibAddonMenu-2.0", 19
 local lam, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
 if not lam then return end	--the same or newer version of this lib is already loaded into memory

@@ -61,7 +61,9 @@ local function CreateBaseControl(parent, controlData, controlName) = controlData

 	control.isHalfWidth = controlData.width == "half"
-	control:SetWidth(control.panel:GetWidth() - 60)
+	local width = 510 -- set default width in case a custom parent object is passed
+	if control.panel.GetWidth ~= nil then width = control.panel:GetWidth() - 60 end
+	control:SetWidth(width)
 	return control

@@ -282,6 +284,30 @@ function lam:OpenToPanel(panel)

+local TwinOptionsContainer_Index = 0
+local function TwinOptionsContainer(parent, leftWidget, rightWidget)
+	TwinOptionsContainer_Index = TwinOptionsContainer_Index + 1
+	local cParent = parent.scroll or parent
+	local panel = parent.panel or cParent
+	local container = wm:CreateControl("$(parent)TwinContainer" .. tostring(TwinOptionsContainer_Index),
+										cParent, CT_CONTROL)
+	container:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)
+	container:SetAnchor(select(2, leftWidget:GetAnchor(0) ))
+	leftWidget:ClearAnchors()
+	leftWidget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, container, TOPLEFT)
+	rightWidget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, leftWidget, TOPRIGHT, 5, 0)
+	leftWidget:SetWidth( leftWidget:GetWidth() - 2.5 ) -- fixes bad alignment with 'full' controls
+	rightWidget:SetWidth( rightWidget:GetWidth() - 2.5 )
+	leftWidget:SetParent(container)
+	rightWidget:SetParent(container)
+ = {type = "container"}
+	container.panel = panel
+	return container

 --creates controls when options panel is first shown
@@ -302,12 +328,12 @@ local function CreateOptionsControls(panel)
 					anchorTarget = widget
 				elseif wasHalf and isHalf then -- when the previous widget was only half width and this one is too, we place it on the right side
-					widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, anchorTarget, TOPRIGHT, 5 + (offsetX or 0), 0)
 					widget.lineControl = anchorTarget
-					offsetY = zo_max(0, widget:GetHeight() - anchorTarget:GetHeight()) -- we need to get the common height of both widgets to know where the next row starts
 					isHalf = false
+					offsetY = 0
+					anchorTarget = TwinOptionsContainer(parent, anchorTarget, widget)
 				else -- otherwise we just put it below the previous one normally
-					widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, anchorTarget, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15 + offsetY)
+					widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, anchorTarget, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15)
 					offsetY = 0
 					anchorTarget = widget
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua
index 1c92003..7489872 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/button.lua
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 7
+local widgetVersion = 8
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("button", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.button(parent, buttonData, controlName) = {tooltipText = buttonData.warning}

-	if buttonData.disabled then
+	if buttonData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled

@@ -86,4 +86,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.button(parent, buttonData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/checkbox.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/checkbox.lua
index 07f3746..46fe069 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/checkbox.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/checkbox.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 9
+local widgetVersion = 10
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("checkbox", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.checkbox(parent, checkboxData, controlName) = LAM.util.GetTooltipText(checkboxData.tooltip)

-	if checkboxData.disabled then
+	if checkboxData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
@@ -141,4 +141,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.checkbox(parent, checkboxData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/colorpicker.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/colorpicker.lua
index 489f462..184a2e4 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/colorpicker.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/colorpicker.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 7
+local widgetVersion = 8
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("colorpicker", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.colorpicker(parent, colorpickerData, controlName) = LAM.util.GetTooltipText(colorpickerData.tooltip)

-	if colorpickerData.disabled then
+	if colorpickerData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
@@ -107,4 +107,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.colorpicker(parent, colorpickerData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/description.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/description.lua
index 7fa983f..233d525 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/description.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/description.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 6
+local widgetVersion = 7
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("description", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ local function UpdateValue(control)

-local MIN_HEIGHT = 26
 function LAMCreateControl.description(parent, descriptionData, controlName)
 	local control = LAM.util.CreateBaseControl(parent, descriptionData, controlName)
 	local isHalfWidth = control.isHalfWidth
@@ -29,9 +28,9 @@ function LAMCreateControl.description(parent, descriptionData, controlName)

 	if isHalfWidth then
-		control:SetDimensionConstraints(width / 2, MIN_HEIGHT, width / 2, MIN_HEIGHT * 4)
+		control:SetDimensionConstraints(width / 2, 0, width / 2, 0)
-		control:SetDimensionConstraints(width, MIN_HEIGHT, width, MIN_HEIGHT * 4)
+		control:SetDimensionConstraints(width, 0, width, 0)

 	control.desc = wm:CreateControl(nil, control, CT_LABEL)
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/dropdown.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/dropdown.lua
index 6ce11b4..5bdd546 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/dropdown.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/dropdown.lua
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 9
+local widgetVersion = 10
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("dropdown", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.dropdown(parent, dropdownData, controlName) = {tooltipText = dropdownData.warning}

-	if dropdownData.disabled then
+	if dropdownData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
@@ -128,4 +128,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.dropdown(parent, dropdownData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/editbox.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/editbox.lua
index 676bd8d..1f9bb47 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/editbox.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/editbox.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@
 	tooltip = "Editbox's tooltip text.",
 	getFunc = function() return db.text end,
 	setFunc = function(text) db.text = text doStuff() end,
-	isMultiline = true,	--boolean
+	isMultiline = true,	--boolean (optional)
+	isExtraWide = true,	--boolean (optional)
 	width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
 	disabled = function() return db.someBooleanSetting end,	--or boolean (optional)
 	warning = "Will need to reload the UI.",	--(optional)
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 8
+local widgetVersion = 9
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("editbox", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -58,7 +59,7 @@ local function UpdateValue(control, forceDefault, value)

-local MIN_HEIGHT = 26
+local MIN_HEIGHT = 24
 function LAMCreateControl.editbox(parent, editboxData, controlName)
 	local control = LAM.util.CreateLabelAndContainerControl(parent, editboxData, controlName)
@@ -100,28 +101,51 @@ function LAMCreateControl.editbox(parent, editboxData, controlName)
 	editbox:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter(control) end)
 	editbox:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", function() ZO_Options_OnMouseExit(control) end)

-	if not editboxData.isMultiline then
-		container:SetHeight(24)
+	local MIN_WIDTH = (parent.GetWidth and (parent:GetWidth() / 10)) or (parent.panel.GetWidth and (parent.panel:GetWidth() / 10)) or 0
+	control.label:ClearAnchors()
+	container:ClearAnchors()
+	control.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, control, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
+	container:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0)
+	if control.isHalfWidth then
+		container:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, control, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0)
+	end
+	if editboxData.isExtraWide then
+		container:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, control, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 0)
-		local width = container:GetWidth()
-		local height = control.isHalfWidth and 74 or 100
-		container:SetHeight(height)
-		editbox:SetDimensionConstraints(width, height, width, 500)
+		container:SetWidth(MIN_WIDTH * 3.2)
+	end

-		if control.lineControl then
-			control.lineControl:SetHeight(MIN_HEIGHT + height + HALF_WIDTH_LINE_SPACING)
-		else
-			control:SetHeight(height)
-		end
+	if editboxData.isMultiline then
+		container:SetHeight(MIN_HEIGHT * 3)
+	else
+		container:SetHeight(MIN_HEIGHT)
+	end
+	if control.isHalfWidth ~= true and editboxData.isExtraWide ~= true then
+		control:SetHeight(container:GetHeight())
+	else
+		control:SetHeight(container:GetHeight() + control.label:GetHeight())

+	editbox:ClearAnchors()
+	editbox:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, container, TOPLEFT, 2, 2)
+	editbox:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, container, BOTTOMRIGHT, -2, -2)
 	if editboxData.warning then
 		control.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, control, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
-		control.warning:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPLEFT, -5, 0)
+		if editboxData.isExtraWide then
+			control.warning:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT,, TOPRIGHT, 2, 0)
+		else
+			control.warning:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT,, TOPLEFT, -5, 0)
+		end = {tooltipText = editboxData.warning}

-	if editboxData.disabled then
+	if editboxData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
@@ -133,4 +157,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.editbox(parent, editboxData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua
index b8737c2..93c47f3 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/iconpicker.lua
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 	reference = "MyAddonIconPicker"	--(optional) unique global reference to control
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 2
+local widgetVersion = 3
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("iconpicker", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ LAM.util.GetIconPickerMenu = function()
 	if not iconPicker then
 		iconPicker = IconPickerMenu:New("LAMIconPicker")
 		local sceneFragment = LAM:GetAddonSettingsFragment()
-		ZO_PreHook(sceneFragment, "OnHidden", function()
+		ZO_PreHook(sceneFragment, "OnHidden", function()
 			if not iconPicker.control:IsHidden() then
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ end
 local function UpdateChoices(control, choices, choicesTooltips)
 	local data =
 	if not choices then
-		choices, choicesTooltips = data.choices, data.choicesTooltips
+		choices, choicesTooltips = data.choices, data.choicesTooltips or {}
 	local addedChoices = {}

@@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.iconpicker(parent, iconpickerData, controlName) = {tooltipText = iconpickerData.warning}

-	if iconpickerData.disabled then
+	if iconpickerData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
diff --git a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/slider.lua b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/slider.lua
index 5a2cb66..fa16686 100644
--- a/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/slider.lua
+++ b/Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/slider.lua
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 	min = 0,
 	max = 20,
 	step = 1,	--(optional)
+	decimals = 0, --(optional)
 	getFunc = function() return db.var end,
 	setFunc = function(value) db.var = value doStuff() end,
 	width = "full",	--or "half" (optional)
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@
 }	]]

-local widgetVersion = 7
+local widgetVersion = 8
 local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0")
 if not LAM:RegisterWidget("slider", widgetVersion) then return end

@@ -123,17 +124,25 @@ function LAMCreateControl.slider(parent, sliderData, controlName)
 			control:UpdateValue(false, tonumber(self:GetText()))
+	local function RoundDecimalToPlace(d, place)
+		return tonumber(string.format("%." .. tostring(place) .. "f", d))
+	end
 	local range = maxValue - minValue
 	slider:SetValueStep(sliderData.step or 1)
 	slider:SetHandler("OnValueChanged", function(self, value, eventReason)
 			if eventReason == EVENT_REASON_SOFTWARE then return end
-			self:SetValue(value)	--do we actually need this line?
-			slidervalue:SetText(value)
+			local new_value = sliderData.decimals and RoundDecimalToPlace(value, sliderData.decimals) or value
+			self:SetValue(new_value)	--do we actually need this line?
+			slidervalue:SetText(new_value)
 	slider:SetHandler("OnSliderReleased", function(self, value)
-			control:UpdateValue(false, value)	--does this work here instead?
+			local new_value = sliderData.decimals and RoundDecimalToPlace(value, sliderData.decimals) or value
+			control:UpdateValue(false, new_value)	--does this work here instead?
+		end)
+	slider:SetHandler("OnMouseWheel", function(self, value)
+			local new_value = (tonumber(slidervalue:GetText()) or sliderData.min or 0) + ((sliderData.step or 1) * value)
+			control:UpdateValue(false, new_value)

 	if sliderData.warning then
@@ -142,7 +151,7 @@ function LAMCreateControl.slider(parent, sliderData, controlName) = {tooltipText = sliderData.warning}

-	if sliderData.disabled then
+	if sliderData.disabled ~= nil then
 		control.UpdateDisabled = UpdateDisabled
@@ -154,4 +163,4 @@ function LAMCreateControl.slider(parent, sliderData, controlName)

 	return control
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Locales/Local_de.lua b/Locales/Local_de.lua
index 28d0d44..decdda9 100644
--- a/Locales/Local_de.lua
+++ b/Locales/Local_de.lua
@@ -1,204 +1,235 @@
--- German (de) - Translations provided by Tonyleila with help from Xianlung, FViper, MerlinGer, Rakke, Rial, Zuhligan
+-- German (de) - Translations provided by Tonyleila + silentgecko
 local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
 local L = {}

-L.Srendarr  = "|c67b1e9S|c4779ce'rendarr|r"
-L.Usage     = "|c67b1e9S|c4779ce'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock or unlock to toggle UI movement."
--- timer strings
-L.Time_Seconds          = '%ds'
-L.Time_Minutes          = '%dm'
-L.Time_Hours            = '%dh'
-L.Time_Toggle           = 'T'
-L.Time_Passive          = 'P'
-L.Time_Cast             = 'Cast'
--- drag overlay labels
-L.DragLabel_BuffShort   = 'KURZ'
-L.DragLabel_BuffLong    = 'LANG'
-L.DragLabel_BuffAll     = 'BUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Debuff      = 'DEBUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Target      = 'ZIEL'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- PASSIVE COMPARE -----------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Passive_Mundus                    = 'Segen:'
-L.Passive_HomeKeepBonus             = 'gesicherte Heimat'
-L.Passive_EnemyKeepBonus            = 'Eroberungseuphorie'
-L.Passive_ScrollBonus               = 'Schriften'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- POTION TYPES --------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Potion_Sip                        = "Schlückchen"
-L.Potion_Tincture                   = "Tinctur"
-L.Potion_Serum                      = "Serum"
-L.Potion_Dram                       = "Schluck"
-L.Potion_Effusion                   = "Erguss"
-L.Potion_Potion                     = "Trank"
-L.Potion_Draught                    = "Mundvoll"
-L.Potion_Solution                   = "Lösung"
-L.Potion_Philter                    = "Zaubertrank"
-L.Potion_Elixir                     = "Elixier"
-L.Potion_Panacea                    = "Panazee"     -- v5
-L.Potion_Distillate                 = "Destillat"   -- v10
-L.Potion_Essence                    = "Essenz"      -- v15
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- dropdown menus
-L.DropGrowth1           = 'Hoch'
-L.DropGrowth2           = 'Runter'
-L.DropGrowth3           = 'Links'
-L.DropGrowth4           = 'Links (Zentriert)'
-L.DropGrowth5           = 'Rechts'
-L.DropGrowth6           = 'Rechts (Zentriert)'
-L.DropSort1             = 'Verbleibende Zeit'
-L.DropSort2             = 'Talent Name'
-L.DropTimer1            = 'Über Icon'
-L.DropTimer2            = 'Unter Icon'
-L.DropTimer3            = 'Oberhalb Icon'
-L.DropTimer4            = 'Versteckt'
--- tabs
-L.TabButton1            = 'Allgemein'
-L.TabButton2            = 'Kurze Buffs'
-L.TabButton3            = 'Lange Buffs'
-L.TabButton4            = 'Debuffs'
-L.TabButton5            = 'Ziel Buffs'
-L.TabButton6            = 'Ziel Debuffs'
-L.TabButton7            = 'Profile'
-L.TabHeader1            = 'Allgemeine Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader2            = 'Kurze & kombinierte Buff Fenster Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader3            = 'Lange Buff Fenster Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader4            = 'Debuff Fenster Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader5            = 'Ziel Buff Fenster Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader6            = 'Ziel Debuff Fenster Einstellungen'
-L.TabHeader7            = 'Profile Einstellungen'
--- example aura names
-L.ExampleAura1 = 'Buff'
-L.ExampleAura2 = 'Noch ein Buff'
-L.ExampleAura3 = 'Und noch ein Buff'
-L.ExampleAura4 = 'Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura5 = 'Noch ein Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura6 = 'Und noch ein Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura7 = 'Zeitliche Aura (Lang)'
-L.ExampleAura8 = 'Umschaltbare Aura'
-L.ExampleAura9 = 'Passive Aura'
--- settings: general tab (1)
-L.GeneralAnchorDesc = 'Entsperren, um die Anker der Buffleisten mit der Maus bewegbar zu machen. Der Reset Button setzt alle Anker wieder an die ursprüngliche Position zurück.'
-L.GeneralAnchorLock = 'Sperren'
-L.GeneralAnchorUnlock = 'Entsperren'
-L.GeneralAnchorReset = 'Zurücksetzen'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombat = 'Nur im Kampf zeigen'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombatTip = 'Legt fest ob alle Buff Anzeigen nur im Kampf sichtbar sind.'
-L.GeneralCombine = 'Buffs Kombinieren'
-L.GeneralCombineTip = 'Legt fest, ob kurze und lange Buffs in der selben Leiste angezeigt werden sollen oder in 2 Leisten aufgeteilt werden.\n\nBei der geteilten Einstellung werden Buffs mit einer Dauer von über einer Minute in einem Fenster zusammen mit den Passiven Buffs angezeigt.'
-L.GeneralThreshold = 'Schwellwert für kurze Buffs'
-L.GeneralThresholdTip = 'Das Spiel selbst meldet alle Buffs länger als 30 Sekunden als Langzeit Buffs. Hier kannst du diesen Schwellwert anpassen.'
-L.GeneralTarget = 'Zeige Ziel Buffs'
-L.GeneralTargetTip = 'Legt fest ob Buffs auf dem aktuellen Ziel angezeigt werden.\n\n Lange Buffs, Umschaltbare and Passive jeweil in einem seperatem Fenster.'
-L.GeneralTargetDebuff = 'Zeigt Ziel Debuffs'
-L.GeneralTargetDebuffTip = 'Legt fest ob Debuffs des aktuellen Ziels angezeigt werden oder nicht'
-L.GeneralDebuff = 'Zeige Debuffs'
-L.GeneralDebuffTip = 'Legt fest ob ein- und ausgehende Debuffs in einem seperatem Fenster angezeigt werden. Achtung: durch die geringen informationen die Addons auslesen können, können die Zeitangaben der eingehenden Debuffs ungenau sein.'
-L.GeneralDebuffWarn = 'Kann durch API Beschränkungen ungenau sein.'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersPlayer = 'Aura Filter: Spieler'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersTarget  = 'Aura Filter: Ziel'
-L.GeneralSoulSummons = 'Zeige Seelenbeschwörung abklingzeigt'
-L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip = 'Legt fest ob der Buff des passiven Talents Seelenbeschwörung angezeigt werden soll oder nicht.'
-L.GeneralToggle = 'Zeige Umschaltbare Buffs'
-L.GeneralToggleTip = 'Legt fest ob umschaltbare Buffs angezeigt werden sollen oder nicht.\n\nz.B.: Instabiler Begleiter oder Magierlicht'
-L.GeneralPassive = 'Zeige Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralPassiveTip = 'Legt fest ob passive Buffs angezeigt werden oder nicht.\n\nz.B. Mundus Segen'
-L.GeneralCyrodiil = 'Zeige Cyrodiil Boni'
-L.GeneralCyrodiilTip = 'Legt fest ob die Buffs die man wärend der Schlacht in Cyrodiil bekommt, angezeigt werden.\n\nBenötigt: Zeige Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralDisguise = 'Zeige Verkleidungen'
-L.GeneralDisguiseTip = 'Legt fest ob angelegte Verkleidungen angezeigt werden.\n\nBenötigt: Zeige Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralMundus = 'Zeige Mundus Segen'
-L.GeneralMundusTip = 'Legt fest ob Mundus Steine angezeigt werden.\n\nBenötigt: Zeige Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralVampLycan = 'Zeige Vampir / Werwolf'
-L.GeneralVampLycanTip = 'Legt fest ob Vampirismus and Lykanthropie Buffs angezeigt werden.\n\nBenötigt: Zeige Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffs = 'Verstecke kleinere Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffsTip = 'Legt fest ob kleinere Buffs angezeigt werden.\n\nz.B. "kleinere Zauberei"'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffs = 'Verstecke größere Buffs'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffsTip = 'Legt fest ob kleinere Buffs angezeigt werden.\n\nz.B. "größere Zauberei"'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- settings: style tabs (2-5) - base
-L.WindowAlpha = 'Fenster Transparenz'
-L.WindowAlphaTip = 'Set how opaque this aura window is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the window fully opaque.'
-L.WindowScale = 'Fenster Größe'
-L.WindowScaleTip = 'Set the size of this aura window as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
-L.WindowGrowth = 'Aura Erweiterungs Richtung'
-L.WindowGrowthTip = 'Set which direction new auras will grow from the anchor point. For the Centered settings, auras will grow either side of the anchor with ordering determined by the Left/Right prefix.\n\nNote that when displayed horizontally, the name and bar are hidden automatically.'
-L.WindowPadding = 'Aura Erweiterungs Abstand'
-L.WindowPaddingTip = 'Leget den Abstand zwischen jeder angezeigten Aura fest.'
-L.WindowSort = 'Aura Reihenfolge'
-L.WindowSortTip = 'Set how auras are sorted. Either by alphabetical name or by remaining duration. When sorting by duration, passive and toggled abilities will always show first followed by timed abilities with those that will fade first furthest away from the anchor.'
-L.WindowIconOn = 'Zeige Fähigkeitsicon rechts'
-L.WindowIconOnTip = 'Set whether the aura\'s icon is shown on the right or the left of the name label and statusbar timer when displaying vertically.'
-L.WindowShowNameBar = 'Zeige Fähigkeitsname & Zeitleiste'
-L.WindowShowNameBarTip = 'Set whether the ability name and the statusbar timer should be shown when auras are set to grow vertically.'
-L.WindowTooltips = 'Zeige Fähigkeitsname im Tooltip'
-L.WindowTooltipsTip = 'Set whether to show the ability name in a mouseover tooltip (over the icon) for each aura.'
--- settings: style tabs (2-5) - name
-L.WindowNameHeader = 'Fähigkeitsnamen Text'
-L.WindowNameFont = 'Names Stil'
--- settings: style tabs (2-5) - timer
-L.WindowTimerHeader = 'Zeitanzeige Text'
-L.WindowTimerShowTP = 'Zeige Zeit für Umschaltbare & Passive'
-L.WindowTimerShowTPTip = 'Set whether the timer label is shown for (T)oggled and (P)passive abilities. When disabled, the timer label will be hidden for auras without a duration.'
-L.WindowTimerHorz = 'Zeitanzeige Position: Horizontal'
-L.WindowTimerHorzTip = 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura when displaying horizontally. A setting of Hidden will stop the timer label showing for any auras.'
-L.WindowTimerVert = 'Zeitanzeige Position: Vertikal'
-L.WindowTimerVertTip = 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura when displaying vertically. A setting of Hidden will stop the timer label showing for any auras.'
-L.WindowTimerFont = 'Zeitanzeige Stil'
--- settings: style tabs (2-5) - bar
-L.WindowBarHeader = 'Zeitanzeigen Leiste'
-L.WindowBarGloss = 'Glänzende Leisten'
-L.WindowBarGlossTip = 'Set whether the timer bar\'s should be glossy when displayed.'
-L.WindowBarWidth = 'Leisten Breite'
-L.WindowBarWidthTip = 'Set how wide the timer bar\'s should be when displayed.'
-L.WindowBarTimed = 'Farbe: Zeitliche Auren'
-L.WindowBarTimedTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for auras with a set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).\n\nThis is the colour that will also be used for auras with a cast time before they apply.'
-L.WindowBarToggle = 'Farbe: Umschaltbare Auren'
-L.WindowBarToggleTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for toggled auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
-L.WindowBarPassive = 'Farbe: Passive Auren'
-L.WindowBarPassiveTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for passive auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
--- settings: profiles tab (7)
-L.ProfileCharacterList = 'Vorhande Einstellungen'
-L.ProfileCharacterListTip = 'Liste von Charactern die aktuell S\'rendarr Einstellungen besitzen.'
-L.ProfileCopyFrom = 'Einstellungen Kopieren'
-L.ProfileCopyFromTip = 'Kopiert die Einstellungen des ausgewählten Characters auf die des aktuell eingeloggten Characters.'
-L.ProfileCopyFromWarn = 'Das klicken auf den Button wird das Interface neu laden und alle Srendarr Einstellungen des Character mit den \'s Einstellungen mit denen des ausgewählten Characters überschreiben\n\nKann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden!'
+L.Srendarr			= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r (BETA)'
+L.Srendarr_Basic	= 'S\'rendarr (BETA)'
+L.Usage				= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock|unlock to toggle display window movement.'
+L.Prominent_AuraAddSuccess	= 'wurde zur Prominenten Whitelist hinzugefügt.'
+L.Prominent_AuraAddFail = 'wurde nicht gefunden und konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+L.Prominent_AuraRemoved	= 'wurde von der Prominenten Whitelist entfernt.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddSuccess	= 'wurde zur Blacklist hinzugefügt und wird nicht länger dargestellt.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddFail = 'wurde nicht gefunden und konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraRemoved	= 'wurde von der Blacklist entfernt.'
+L.Time_Tenths		= '%.1fs'
+L.Time_Seconds		= '%ds'
+L.Time_Minutes		= '%dm'
+L.Time_Hours		= '%dh'
+L.Time_Days			= '%dd'
+L.Time_Toggle		= 'U'
+L.Time_Passive		= 'P'
+L.Time_Cast			= 'Cast'
+L.Group_Displayed_Here	= 'Angezeigte Leisten'
+L.Group_Displayed_None	= 'keine'
+L.Group_Player_Short	= 'Deine kurzen Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Long		= 'Deine langen Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Toggled	= 'Deine umschaltb. Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Passive	= 'Deine Passiven Effekte'
+L.Group_Player_Debuff	= 'Deine Debuffs'
+L.Group_Player_Ground	= 'Deine Bodeneffekte'
+L.Group_Player_Major	= 'Deine größeren Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Minor	= 'Deine kleineren Buffs'
+L.Group_Target_Buff		= 'Ziel Buffs'
+L.Group_Target_Debuff	= 'Ziel Debuffs'
+L.Group_Prominent		= 'Prominente Buffs'
+L.TabButton1			= 'Allgemein'
+L.TabButton2			= 'Filter'
+L.TabButton3			= 'Leisten'
+L.TabButton4			= 'Profile'
+L.TabHeader1			= 'Allgemein Einstellungen'
+L.TabHeader2			= 'Filter Einstellungen'
+L.TabHeader4			= 'Profil Einstellungen'
+L.TabHeaderDisplay		= 'Leisten Einstellungen'
+L.DropGroup_1				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1001|r]'
+L.DropGroup_2				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1002|r]'
+L.DropGroup_3				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1003|r]'
+L.DropGroup_4				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1004|r]'
+L.DropGroup_5				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1005|r]'
+L.DropGroup_6				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1006|r]'
+L.DropGroup_7				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1007|r]'
+L.DropGroup_8				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1008|r]'
+L.DropGroup_None			= 'Nicht anzeigen'
+L.DropStyle_Full			= 'Komplett anzeigen'
+L.DropStyle_Icon			= 'Nur Icon'
+L.DropStyle_Mini			= 'Nur Text & Timer'
+L.DropGrowth_Up				= 'Hoch'
+L.DropGrowth_Down			= 'Runter'
+L.DropGrowth_Left			= 'Links'
+L.DropGrowth_Right			= 'Rechts'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft		= 'Zentriert (Links)'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterRight	= 'Zentriert (Rechts)'
+L.DropSort_Name				= 'Fähigkeits Name'
+L.DropSort_Time				= 'Verbleibende Zeit'
+L.DropSort_Cast				= 'Ausgehend'
+L.DropTimer_Above			= 'Über Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Below			= 'Unter Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Over			= 'Auf Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Hidden			= 'Versteckt'
+L.Add_Sample_Auras			= 'Beispiel Buffs anzeigen'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed	= 'Spieler Zeitlich'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled	= 'Spieler Umgeschaltbar'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive	= 'Spieler Passive'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff	= 'Spieler Debuff'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerGround	= 'Boden Effect'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMajor	= 'Größere Buffs'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMinor	= 'Kleinere Buffs'
+L.SampleAura_TargetBuff		= 'Ziel Buff'
+L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff	= 'Ziel Debuff'
+L.General_ClickToViewAuras	= 'Klick = Auren anzeigen'
+-- settings: general (unlock)
+L.General_UnlockDesc			= 'Entsperren, um das verschieben von den verschiedenen Leisten mit der Maus zu aktivieren. Der Zurücksetzen-Knopf wird alle Fenster wieder auf die Standartposition zurücksetzen.'
+L.General_UnlockLock			= 'Sperren'
+L.General_UnlockUnlock			= 'Entsperren'
+L.General_UnlockReset			= 'Zurücksetzen'
+L.General_UnlockResetAgain		= 'Nochmal klicken zum Zurücksetzen'
+-- settings: general (aura display control)
+L.General_ControlHeader			= 'Buff/Debuff Anzeige Einstellungen'
+L.General_ControlCombat			= 'Nur im Kampf anzeigen'
+L.General_ControlCombatTip		= 'Auf "Ein" stellen wenn die Leisten nur im Kampf angezeigt werden sollen.'
+L.General_ControlThreshold		= 'Kurzer Buff Grenzwert'
+L.General_ControlThresholdTip	= 'Set the minimum duration of player buffs (in seconds) that will be considered part of the \'Long Buffs\' group. Any buffs below this threshold will be part of the \'Short Buffs\' group instead.'
+L.General_ControlThresholdWarn	= 'Display changes from altering this setting will only show after closing options or Adding Sample Auras.'
+L.General_ControlAuraFade		= 'Buff/Debuff Ausblendezeit'
+L.General_ControlAuraFadeTip	= 'Set how long an expired aura should take to fade out of view. With a setting of 0, Auras will disappear as soon as they expire without any fadeout.\n\nThe fadeout timer is in milliseconds.'
+L.General_ControlBaseTip		= 'Set which display window to show this Aura Group in, or hide it from display entirely.'
+L.General_ControlShortTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration below the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
+L.General_ControlLongTip 		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration above the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
+L.General_ControlToggledTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all toggled buffs that are active on yourself.'
+L.General_ControlPassiveTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all passive effects that are active on yourself unless specially filtered.'
+L.General_ControlDebuffTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all hostile debuffs active on yourself cast by other mobs, players or the enviroment.'
+L.General_ControlGroundTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all ground areas of effect that are cast by yourself.'
+L.General_ControlMajorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Major Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Major Sorcery), detrimental Major Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
+L.General_ControlMinorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Minor Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Minor Sorcery), detrimental Minor Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
+L.General_ControlTargetBuffTip	= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on your target, whether they are timed, passive or toggled, unless specially filtered.'
+L.General_ControlTargetDebuffTip = 'This Aura Group contains all debuffs applied to your target. Due to game limitations, only your debuffs will be displayed other than rare exceptions.'
+L.General_ControlProminentTip	= 'This special Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself, and ground areas of effect, whitelisted to display here instead of their original group.'
+-- settings: general (prominent auras)
+L.General_ProminentHeader		= 'Prominente Buffs'
+L.General_ProminentDesc			= 'Buffs auf dir und auf Bodenzielen können auf eine Whitelist gesetzt werden um als Prominent zu erscheinen. Dies erlaubt es besondere Effekte einzeln in einem extra Fenster zu beobachten.'
+L.General_ProminentAdd			= 'Promintenten Buff hinzufügen'
+L.General_ProminentAddTip		= 'The buff or ground target effect you want to make prominent must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame, Press enter to add the aura to the prominence whitelist and please note only auras with a duration can be set, passives and toggled abilities will be ignored.'
+L.General_ProminentAddWarn		= 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'
+L.General_ProminentList			= 'Aktuelle prominente Buffs'
+L.General_ProminentListTip		= 'List of all auras set to appear as prominent. To remove existing auras, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
+L.General_ProminentRemove		= 'Entferne prominenten Buff'
+-- settings: filters
+L.Filter_Desc             = 'Einstellung der Anzeige von bestimmten Buffs/Debuffs basierend auf einer Blacklist (mit Namen) oder durch das Filtern bestimmter Buff/Debuff Kategorien. Das Aktivieren eines Filters verhindert die Anzeige dieser Kategorie.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistHeader  = 'Buff/Debuff Blacklist'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAdd     = 'Buff/Debuff zur Blacklist hinzufügen'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddTip  = 'The aura you want to blacklist must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame. Press enter to add the aura to the blacklist.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddWarn = 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistList    = 'Aktuell Blacklist Buffs/Debuffs'
+L.Filter_BlacklistListTip = 'List of all auras currently blacklisted. To remove auras from the blacklist, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistRemove  = 'Entferne von Blacklist'
+L.Filter_PlayerHeader      = 'Buff/Debuff Filter für Spieler'
+L.Filter_TargetHeader      = 'Buff/Debuff Filter für Ziel'
+L.Filter_Block             = 'Filter: Blocken'
+L.Filter_BlockPlayerTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle while you are blocking.'
+L.Filter_BlockTargetTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle when your opponent is blocking.'
+L.Filter_Cyrodiil		   = 'Filter: Cyrodiil Boni'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilPlayerTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on yourself.'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the dispolay of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on your target.'
+L.Filter_Disguise          = 'Filter: Verkleidungen'
+L.Filter_DisguisePlayerTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on yourself.'
+L.Filter_DisguiseTargeTtip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on your target.'
+L.Filter_MajorEffects      = 'Filter: Größere Buffs'
+L.Filter_MajorEffectsTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Major Effects (eg. Major Maim, Major Sorcery) on your target.'
+L.Filter_MinorEffects          = 'Filter: Kleinere Buffs'
+L.Filter_MinorEffectsTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Minor Effects (eg. Minor Maim, Minor Sorcery) on your target.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoon            = 'Filter: Mundussteine'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonPlayerTip   = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on youself.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonTargetTip   = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on your target.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummons           = 'Filter: Abklingzeit Seelenbeschwörung'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsPlayerTip  = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on yourself.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsTargetTip  = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on your target.'
+L.Filter_VampLycan             = 'Filter: Vampir & Werwolf Effekte'
+L.Filter_VampLycanPlayerTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on yourself.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanTargetTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on your target.'
+-- settings: display frames (base)
+L.DisplayFrame_Alpha			= 'Fenster Transparenz'
+L.DisplayFrame_AlphaTip			= 'Set how opaque this aura window is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the window fully opaque.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Scale			= 'Fenster Skalierung'
+L.DisplayFrame_ScaleTip			= 'Set the size of this aura window as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
+-- settings: display frames (aura)
+L.DisplayFrame_AuraHeader		= 'Buff/Debuff Anzeige'
+L.DisplayFrame_Style			= 'Buff/Debuff Aussehen'
+L.DisplayFrame_StyleTip			= 'Set the style which this aura window\'s auras will display as.\n\n|cffd100Full Display|r - Show abiltiy name and icon, timer bar and text.\n\n|cffd100Icon Only|r - Show ability icon and timer text only, this style provides more options for Aura Growth Direction than the others.\n\n|cffd100Minimal Display|r - Show ability name, and a smaller timer bar only.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Growth			= 'Buff/Debuff Errweiterungsrichtung'
+L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip		= 'Set which direction new auras will grow from the anchor point. For the centered settings, auras will grow either side of the anchor with ordering determined by the left|right prefix.\n\nAuras can only grow up or down when displaying in the |cffd100Full|r or |cffd100Mini|r styles.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Padding			= 'Buff/Debuff Abstand'
+L.DisplayFrame_PaddingTip		= 'Set the spacing between each displayed aura.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Sort				= 'Buff/Debuff Reihenfolge'
+L.DisplayFrame_SortTip			= 'Set how auras are sorted. Either by alphabetical name, remaining duration or by the order in which they were cast. When sorting by duration, passive and toggled abilities will always show first followed by timed abilities with those that will fade first furthest away from the anchor.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Highlight		= 'Umschaltbare Buffs/Debuffs hervorheben'
+L.DisplayFrame_HighlightTip		= 'Set whether toggled auras have their icon highlighted to help distinguish from passive auras.\n\nNot available in the |cffd100Mini|r style as no icon is shown.'
+-- settings: display frames (name)
+L.DisplayFrame_NameHeader		= 'Fähigkeitenanzeige'
+L.DisplayFrame_NameFont			= 'Text Schrift'
+L.DisplayFrame_NameStyle		= 'Text Farbe & Aussehen'
+L.DisplayFrame_NameSize			= 'Text Größe'
+-- settings: display frames (timer)
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerHeader		= 'Zeitanzeige'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerFont		= 'Zeit Schriftart'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerStyle		= 'Zeit Schrift Farbe & Aussehen'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerSize		= 'Zeit Größe'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation	= 'Zeit Position'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip	= 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura with regards to that aura\'s icon. A setting of hidden will stop the timer label showing for all auras displayer here.\n\nOnly certain placement options are available depending on the current style.'
+-- settings: display frames (bar)
+L.DisplayFrame_BarHeader		= 'Zeit Leiste'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverse		= 'Countdown Richtung umkehren'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverseTip	= 'Set whether to reverse the countdown direction of the timer bar making the timer decrease towards the right. In the |cffd100Full|r style this will also position the Aura icon to the right of the bar instead of the left.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGloss			= 'Glänzende Leisten'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGlossTip		= 'Set whether the timer bar\'s should be glossy when displayed.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidth			= 'Leisten Breite'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidthTip		= 'Set how wide the timer bar\'s should be when displayed.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimed			= 'Farbe: Zeitliche Buffs/Debuffs'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip		= 'Set the timer bar colours for auras with a set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggled		= 'Farbe: Umschaltbare Buffs/Debuffs'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for toggled auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassive		= 'Farbe: Passive Buffs/Debuffs'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for passive auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
+-- settings: profiles
+L.Profile_Desc				= 'Setting profiles can be managed here including the option to enable an account wide profile that will apply the same settings to ALL character\'s on this account. Due to the permanency of these options, management must first be enabled using the checkbox at the bottom of the panel.'
+L.Profile_UseGlobal			= 'Accountweites Profil benutzen'
+L.Profile_UseGlobalWarn		= 'Switching between local and global profiles will reload the interface.'
+L.Profile_Copy				= 'Profil zum Kopieren auswählen'
+L.Profile_CopyTip			= 'Select a profile to copy its settings to the currently actrive profile. The active profile will be for either the logged in character or the account wide profile if enabled. The existing profile settings will be permanently overwritten.\n\nThis cannot be undone!'
+L.Profile_CopyButton		= 'Profil kopieren'
+L.Profile_CopyButtonWarn	= 'Kopieren eines Profiles wird das Interface neu laden.'
+L.Profile_CopyCannotCopy	= 'Unable to copy selected profile. Please try again or select another profile.'
+L.Profile_Delete			= 'Profil zum Löschen auswählen'
+L.Profile_DeleteTip			= 'Select a profile to delete its settings from the database. If that character is logged in later, and you are not using the account wide profile, new default settings will be created.\n\nDeleting a profile is permanent!'
+L.Profile_DeleteButton		= 'Profil Löschen'
+L.Profile_Guard				= 'Profilverwaltung aktivieren'

 if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'de') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
     for k, v in pairs(Srendarr:GetLocale()) do
         if (not L[k]) then -- no translation for this string, use default
-            L[k] = v
+        L[k] = v
     function Srendarr:GetLocale() -- set new locale return
         return L
diff --git a/Locales/Local_en.lua b/Locales/Local_en.lua
index bcd5eb5..d16e48a 100644
--- a/Locales/Local_en.lua
+++ b/Locales/Local_en.lua
@@ -1,757 +1,287 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global

-local L = {}
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= {}
+L.Srendarr			= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r'
+L.Srendarr_Basic	= 'S\'rendarr'
+L.Usage				= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock|unlock to toggle display window movement.'
+L.CastBar			= 'Cast Bar'
+L.Sound_DefaultProc = 'Srendarr (Default Proc)'
+-- time format
+L.Time_Tenths		= '%.1fs'
+L.Time_Seconds		= '%ds'
+L.Time_Minutes		= '%dm'
+L.Time_Hours		= '%dh'
+L.Time_Days			= '%dd'
+-- aura grouping
+L.Group_Displayed_Here	= 'Displayed Groups'
+L.Group_Displayed_None	= 'None'
+L.Group_Player_Short	= 'Your Short Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Long		= 'Your Long Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Toggled	= 'Your Toggled Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Passive	= 'Your Passives'
+L.Group_Player_Debuff	= 'Your Debuffs'
+L.Group_Player_Ground	= 'Your Ground Targets'
+L.Group_Player_Major	= 'Your Major Buffs'
+L.Group_Player_Minor	= 'Your Minor Buffs'
+L.Group_Target_Buff		= 'Target\'s Buffs'
+L.Group_Target_Debuff	= 'Target\'s Debuffs'
+L.Group_Prominent		= 'Prominent Buffs'
+-- whitelist & blacklist control
+L.Prominent_AuraAddSuccess	= 'has been added to the Prominence Whitelist.'
+L.Prominent_AuraAddFail		= 'was not found and could not be added.'
+L.Prominent_AuraRemoved		= 'has been removed from the Prominence Whitelist.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddSuccess	= 'has been added to the Blacklist and will no longer be displayed.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddFail		= 'was not found and could not be added to the Blacklist.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraRemoved		= 'has been removed from the Blacklist.'
+-- settings: base
+L.Show_Example_Auras		= 'Example Auras'
+L.Show_Example_Castbar		= 'Example Castbar'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed	= 'Player Timed'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled	= 'Player Toggled'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive	= 'Player Passive'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff	= 'Player Debuff'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerGround	= 'Ground Effect'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMajor	= 'Major Effect'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMinor	= 'Minor Effect'
+L.SampleAura_TargetBuff		= 'Target Buff'
+L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff	= 'Target Debuff'
+L.TabButton1				= 'General'
+L.TabButton2				= 'Filters'
+L.TabButton3				= 'Cast Bar'
+L.TabButton4				= 'Aura Display'
+L.TabButton5				= 'Profiles'
+L.TabHeader1				= 'General Settings'
+L.TabHeader2				= 'Filter Settings'
+L.TabHeader3				= 'Cast Bar Settings'
+L.TabHeader5				= 'Profile Settings'
+L.TabHeaderDisplay			= 'Display Window Settings'
+-- settings: generic
+L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras	= 'Click To View Auras'
+L.GenericSetting_NameFont			= 'Name Text Font'
+L.GenericSetting_NameStyle			= 'Name Text Font Colour & Style'
+L.GenericSetting_NameSize			= 'Name Text Size'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerFont			= 'Timer Text Font'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerStyle			= 'Timer Text Font Colour & Style'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerSize			= 'Timer Text Size'
+-- settings: dropdown entries
+L.DropGroup_1				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1001|r]'
+L.DropGroup_2				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1002|r]'
+L.DropGroup_3				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1003|r]'
+L.DropGroup_4				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1004|r]'
+L.DropGroup_5				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1005|r]'
+L.DropGroup_6				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1006|r]'
+L.DropGroup_7				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1007|r]'
+L.DropGroup_8				= 'In Display Window [|cffd1008|r]'
+L.DropGroup_None			= 'Do Not Display'
+L.DropStyle_Full			= 'Full Display'
+L.DropStyle_Icon			= 'Icon Only'
+L.DropStyle_Mini			= 'Minimal Display'
+L.DropGrowth_Up				= 'Up'
+L.DropGrowth_Down			= 'Down'
+L.DropGrowth_Left			= 'Left'
+L.DropGrowth_Right			= 'Right'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft		= 'Centered (Left)'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterRight	= 'Centered (Right)'
+L.DropSort_NameAsc			= 'Ability Name (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_TimeAsc			= 'Remaining Time (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_CastAsc			= 'Casting Order (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_NameDesc			= 'Ability Name (Desc)'
+L.DropSort_TimeDesc			= 'Remaining Time (Desc)'
+L.DropSort_CastDesc			= 'Casting Order (Desc)'
+L.DropTimer_Above			= 'Above Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Below			= 'Under Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Over			= 'Over Icon'
+L.DropTimer_Hidden			= 'Hidden'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.General_UnlockDesc			= 'Unlock to allow the aura display windows to be dragged using the mouse. The reset button will return all windows to their default location.'
+L.General_UnlockLock			= 'Lock'
+L.General_UnlockUnlock			= 'Unlock'
+L.General_UnlockReset			= 'Reset'
+L.General_UnlockResetAgain		= 'Click Again To Reset'
+L.General_CombatOnly			= 'Only Show During Combat'
+L.General_CombatOnlyTip			= 'Set whether all aura windows are only visible when engaged in combat.'
+L.General_AuraFakeEnabled		= 'Enable Display Of Simulated Auras'
+L.General_AuraFakeEnabledTip	= 'Certain abilities with a duration do not provide the right details to addons when used. Enabling simulated auras is a way of displaying a useful aura for these abilities, but due to the lack of proper information they may not be entirely accurate.'
+L.General_AuraFadeout			= 'Aura Fadeout Time'
+L.General_AuraFadeoutTip		= 'Set how long an expired aura should take to fade out of view. With a setting of 0, Auras will disappear as soon as they expire without any fadeout.\n\nThe fadeout timer is in milliseconds.'
+L.General_ShortThreshold		= 'Short Buffs Threshold'
+L.General_ShortThresholdTip		= 'Set the minimum duration of player buffs (in seconds) that will be considered part of the \'Long Buffs\' group. Any buffs below this threshold will be part of the \'Short Buffs\' group instead.'
+L.General_ShortThresholdWarn	= 'Display changes from altering this setting will only show after closing options or Adding Sample Auras.'
+L.General_ProcEnableAnims		= 'Enable Proc Animations'
+L.General_ProcEnableAnimsTip	= 'Set whether to show an animation on the ActionBar for abilities that have proc\'d and now have a special action to perform. Abilites that can have procs include:\n   Crystal Fragments\n   Grim Focus & It\'s Morphs\n   Flame Lash\n   Deadly Cloak'
+L.General_ProcenableAnimsWarn	= 'If you are using a mod that modifies or hides the default ActionBar, animations may not display.'
+L.General_ProcPlaySound			= 'Play Sound On Proc'
+L.General_ProcPlaySoundTip		= 'Set a sound to play when an ability procs. A settings of None will prevent any audio alert of your procs.'
+-- settings: general (aura control: display groups)
+L.General_ControlHeader			= 'Aura Control - Display Groups'
+L.General_ControlBaseTip		= 'Set which display window to show this Aura Group in, or hide it from display entirely.'
+L.General_ControlShortTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration below the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
+L.General_ControlLongTip 		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration above the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
+L.General_ControlToggledTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all toggled buffs that are active on yourself.'
+L.General_ControlPassiveTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all passive effects that are active on yourself unless specially filtered.'
+L.General_ControlDebuffTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all hostile debuffs active on yourself cast by other mobs, players or the enviroment.'
+L.General_ControlGroundTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all ground areas of effect that are cast by yourself.'
+L.General_ControlMajorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Major Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Major Sorcery), detrimental Major Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
+L.General_ControlMinorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Minor Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Minor Sorcery), detrimental Minor Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
+L.General_ControlTargetBuffTip	= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on your target, whether they are timed, passive or toggled, unless specially filtered.'
+L.General_ControlTargetDebuffTip = 'This Aura Group contains all debuffs applied to your target. Due to game limitations, only your debuffs will be displayed other than rare exceptions.'
+L.General_ControlProminentTip	= 'This special Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself, and ground areas of effect, whitelisted to display here instead of their original group.'
+-- settings: general (prominent auras)
+L.General_ProminentHeader		= 'Prominent Buffs'
+L.General_ProminentDesc			= 'Buffs on yourself as well as ground targets can be whitelisted to appear as prominent. This will allow them to be seperated out into a different window for easier monitoring of critical effects.'
+L.General_ProminentAdd			= 'Add A Prominent Buff'
+L.General_ProminentAddTip		= 'The buff or ground target effect you want to make prominent must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame, Press enter to add the aura to the prominence whitelist and please note only auras with a duration can be set, passives and toggled abilities will be ignored.'
+L.General_ProminentAddWarn		= 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'
+L.General_ProminentList			= 'Current Prominent Buffs'
+L.General_ProminentListTip		= 'List of all auras set to appear as prominent. To remove existing auras, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
+L.General_ProminentRemove		= 'Remove Prominent Aura'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.Filter_Desc					= 'Control the display of certain auras based on either a blacklist for a given aura (by name) or through filters for certain categories of aura. For filters, enabling one prevents the display of that category.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistHeader		= 'Aura Blacklist'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAdd			= 'Add An Aura To The Blacklist'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddTip		= 'The aura you want to blacklist must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame. Press enter to add the aura to the blacklist.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddWarn		= 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistList			= 'Current Blacklisted Auras'
+L.Filter_BlacklistListTip		= 'List of all auras currently blacklisted. To remove auras from the blacklist, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistRemove		= 'Remove From Blacklist'
+L.Filter_PlayerHeader			= 'Aura Filters For Player'
+L.Filter_TargetHeader			= 'Aura Filters For Target'
+L.Filter_Block					= 'Filter Block'
+L.Filter_BlockPlayerTip			= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle while you are blocking.'
+L.Filter_BlockTargetTip			= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle when your opponent is blocking.'
+L.Filter_Cyrodiil				= 'Filter Cyrodiil Bonuses'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilPlayerTip		= 'Set whether to prevent the display of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on yourself.'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilTargetTip		= 'Set whether to prevent the dispolay of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on your target.'
+L.Filter_Disguise				= 'Filter Disguises'
+L.Filter_DisguisePlayerTip		= 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on yourself.'
+L.Filter_DisguiseTargeTtip		= 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on your target.'
+L.Filter_MajorEffects			= 'Filter Major Effects'
+L.Filter_MajorEffectsTargetTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Major Effects (eg. Major Maim, Major Sorcery) on your target.'
+L.Filter_MinorEffects			= 'Filter Minor Effects'
+L.Filter_MinorEffectsTargetTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Minor Effects (eg. Minor Maim, Minor Sorcery) on your target.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoon				= 'Filter Mundus Boons'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonPlayerTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on youself.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonTargetTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on your target.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummons			= 'Filter Soul Summons Cooldown'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsPlayerTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on yourself.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsTargetTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on your target.'
+L.Filter_VampLycan				= 'Filter Vampire & Werewolf Effects'
+L.Filter_VampLycanPlayerTip		= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on yourself.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanTargetTip		= 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on your target.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBite			= 'Filter Vampire & Werewolf Bite Timers'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBitePlayerTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the Vampire and Werewolf bite cooldown timers on yourself.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBiteTargetTip	= 'Set whether to prevent the display of the Vampire and Werewolf bite cooldown timers on your target.'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.CastBar_Enable				= 'Enable Cast & Channel Bar'
+L.CastBar_EnableTip				= 'Set whether to enable a movable casting bar to show progress on abilities that have a cast or channel time before activation.'
+L.CastBar_Alpha					= 'Transparency'
+L.CastBar_AlphaTip				= 'Set how opaque the cast bar is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the bar fully opaque.'
+L.CastBar_Scale					= 'Scale'
+L.CastBar_ScaleTip				= 'Set the size of the cast bar as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
+-- settings: cast bar (name)
+L.CastBar_NameHeader			= 'Casted Ability Name Text'
+L.CastBar_NameShow				= 'Show Ability Name Text'
+-- settings: cast bar (timer)
+L.CastBar_TimerHeader			= 'Cast Timer Text'
+L.CastBar_TimerShow				= 'Show Cast Timer Text'
+-- settings: cast bar (bar)
+L.CastBar_BarHeader				= 'Cast Timer Bar'
+L.CastBar_BarReverse			= 'Reverse Countdown Direction'
+L.CastBar_BarReverseTip			= 'Set whether to reverse the countdown direction of the cast timer bar making the timer decrease towards the right. In either case, channelled abilities will increase in the opposite direction.'
+L.CastBar_BarGloss				= 'Glossy Bar'
+L.CastBar_BarGlossTip			= 'Set whether the cast timer bar should be glossy when displayed.'
+L.CastBar_BarWidth				= 'Bar Width'
+L.CastBar_BarWidthTip			= 'Set how wide the cast timer bar should be when displayed.\n\nPlease note, depending on position, you may need to move the bar after adjusting the width.'
+L.CastBar_BarColour				= 'Bar Colour'
+L.CastBar_BarColourTip			= 'Set the cast timer bar colours. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.DisplayFrame_Alpha			= 'Window Transparency'
+L.DisplayFrame_AlphaTip			= 'Set how opaque this aura window is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the window fully opaque.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Scale			= 'Window Scale'
+L.DisplayFrame_ScaleTip			= 'Set the size of this aura window as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
+-- settings: display frames (aura)
+L.DisplayFrame_AuraHeader		= 'Aura Display'
+L.DisplayFrame_Style			= 'Aura Style'
+L.DisplayFrame_StyleTip			= 'Set the style which this aura window\'s auras will display as.\n\n|cffd100Full Display|r - Show abiltiy name and icon, timer bar and text.\n\n|cffd100Icon Only|r - Show ability icon and timer text only, this style provides more options for Aura Growth Direction than the others.\n\n|cffd100Minimal Display|r - Show ability name, and a smaller timer bar only.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Growth			= 'Aura Growth Direction'
+L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip		= 'Set which direction new auras will grow from the anchor point. For the centered settings, auras will grow either side of the anchor with ordering determined by the left|right prefix.\n\nAuras can only grow up or down when displaying in the |cffd100Full|r or |cffd100Mini|r styles.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Padding			= 'Aura Growth Padding'
+L.DisplayFrame_PaddingTip		= 'Set the spacing between each displayed aura.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Sort				= 'Aura Sorting Order'
+L.DisplayFrame_SortTip			= 'Set how auras are sorted. Either by alphabetical name, remaining duration or by the order in which they were cast; whether this order is ascending or descending can also be set.\n\nWhen sorting by duration, any passives or toggled abilities will be sorted by name and shown closest to the anchor (ascending), or furthest from the anchor (descending), with timed abilities coming before (or after) them.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Highlight		= 'Toggled Aura Icon Highlight'
+L.DisplayFrame_HighlightTip		= 'Set whether toggled auras have their icon highlighted to help distinguish from passive auras.\n\nNot available in the |cffd100Mini|r style as no icon is shown.'
+-- settings: display frames (name)
+L.DisplayFrame_NameHeader		= 'Ability Name Text'
+-- settings: display frames (timer)
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerHeader		= 'Timer Text'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation	= 'Timer Text Location'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip	= 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura with regards to that aura\'s icon. A setting of hidden will stop the timer label showing for all auras displayer here.\n\nOnly certain placement options are available depending on the current style.'
+-- settings: display frames (bar)
+L.DisplayFrame_BarHeader		= 'Timer Bar'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverse		= 'Reverse Countdown Direction'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverseTip	= 'Set whether to reverse the countdown direction of the timer bar making the timer decrease towards the right. In the |cffd100Full|r style this will also position the Aura icon to the right of the bar instead of the left.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGloss			= 'Glossy Bars'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGlossTip		= 'Set whether the timer bar\'s should be glossy when displayed.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidth			= 'Bar Width'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidthTip		= 'Set how wide the timer bar\'s should be when displayed.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimed			= 'Colour: Timed Auras'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip		= 'Set the timer bar colours for auras with a set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggled		= 'Colour: Toggled Auras'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for toggled auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassive		= 'Colour: Passive Auras'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for passive auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.Profile_Desc					= 'Setting profiles can be managed here including the option to enable an account wide profile that will apply the same settings to ALL character\'s on this account. Due to the permanency of these options, management must first be enabled using the checkbox at the bottom of the panel.'
+L.Profile_UseGlobal				= 'Use Account Wide Profile'
+L.Profile_UseGlobalWarn			= 'Switching between local and global profiles will reload the interface.'
+L.Profile_Copy					= 'Select A Profile To Copy'
+L.Profile_CopyTip				= 'Select a profile to copy its settings to the currently actrive profile. The active profile will be for either the logged in character or the account wide profile if enabled. The existing profile settings will be permanently overwritten.\n\nThis cannot be undone!'
+L.Profile_CopyButton			= 'Copy Profile'
+L.Profile_CopyButtonWarn		= 'Copying a profile will reload the interface.'
+L.Profile_CopyCannotCopy		= 'Unable to copy selected profile. Please try again or select another profile.'
+L.Profile_Delete				= 'Select A Profile To Delete'
+L.Profile_DeleteTip				= 'Select a profile to delete its settings from the database. If that character is logged in later, and you are not using the account wide profile, new default settings will be created.\n\nDeleting a profile is permanent!'
+L.Profile_DeleteButton			= 'Delete Profile'
+L.Profile_Guard					= 'Enable Profile Management'

-L.Srendarr  = '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r'
-L.Usage     = '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock or unlock to toggle UI movement.'
--- timer strings
-L.Time_Seconds          = '%ds'
-L.Time_Minutes          = '%dm'
-L.Time_Hours            = '%dh'
-L.Time_Toggle           = 'T'
-L.Time_Passive          = 'P'
-L.Time_Cast             = 'Cast'
--- drag overlay labels
-L.DragLabel_BuffShort   = 'SHORT'
-L.DragLabel_BuffLong    = 'LONG'
-L.DragLabel_BuffAll     = 'BUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Debuff      = 'DEBUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Target      = 'TARGET'
-L.DragLabel_Target_Debuff = 'TARGET_DEBUFF'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- AURA DATA -----------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- WEAPONS -------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- TWO HANDED ---------------
-L.Aura_Cleave                   = 20919
-L.Aura_Brawler                  = 38754
-L.Aura_Carve                    = 38745
-L.Aura_Stampede                 = 21055
-L.Aura_Uppercut                 = 28279
-L.Aura_Dizzying_Swing           = 38814
-L.Aura_Wrecking_Blow            = 38807
-L.Aura_Momentum                 = 28297
-L.Aura_Forward_Momentum         = 38794
-L.Aura_Rally                    = 38802
-L.Aura_Puncture                 = 28306
-L.Aura_Pierce_Armor             = 38250
-L.Aura_Ransack                  = 38256
-L.Aura_Low_Slash                = 28304
-L.Aura_Crippling_Slash          = 38264
-L.Aura_Deep_Slash               = 38268
-L.Aura_Shield_Charge            = 28719
-L.Aura_Invasion                 = 38405
-L.Aura_Shielded_Assault         = 38401
-L.Aura_Power_Bash               = 28365
-L.Aura_Power_Slam               = 38452
-L.Aura_Reverberating_Bash       = 38455
--- DUAL WEILD ---------------
-L.Aura_Twin_Slashes             = 28379
-L.Aura_Blood_Craze              = 38845
-L.Aura_Rending_Slashes          = 38839
-L.Aura_Rapid_Strikes            = 38857
-L.Aura_Whirling_Blades          = 38891
-L.Aura_Blade_Cloak              = 28613
-L.Aura_Quick_Cloak              = 38901
-L.Aura_Deadly_Cloak             = 38906
-L.Aura_Hidden_Blade             = 21157
-L.Aura_Flying_Blade             = 38910
-L.Aura_Shrouded_Daggers         = 38914
--- BOW ----------------------
-L.Aura_Poison_Arrow             = 28869
-L.Aura_Poison_Injection         = 38660
-L.Aura_Venom_Arrow              = 38645
-L.Aura_Volley                   = 28876
-L.Aura_Scorched_Earth           = 38689
-L.Aura_Arrow_Barrage            = 38695
-L.Aura_Scatter_Shot             = 28879
-L.Aura_Draining_Shot            = 38669
-L.Aura_Magnum_Shot              = 38672
-L.Aura_Arrow_Spray              = 31271
-L.Aura_Acid_Spray               = 38701
-L.Aura_Bombard                  = 38705
-L.Aura_Snipe                    = 28882
-L.Aura_Focused_Aim              = 38687
-L.Aura_Lethal_Arrow             = 38685
-L.Aura_Destructive_Touch        = 29091 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Shock_Touch              = 40970 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Frost_Touch              = 40967 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Flame_Touch              = 40965 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Destructive_Clench       = 38984 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Flame_Clench             = 38985 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Shock_Clench             = 41016 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Frost_Clench             = 41013 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Destructive_Reach        = 38937 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Shock_Reach              = 38978 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Flame_Reach              = 38944 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Frost_Reach              = 38970 -- added by silentgecko
-L.Aura_Wall_of_Elements         = 28858
-L.Aura_Wall_of_Fire             = 28807
-L.Aura_Wall_of_Frost            = 28849
-L.Aura_Wall_of_Storms           = 28854
-L.Aura_Wall_of_Cinders          = 50228
-L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Elements = 39052
-L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Fire    = 39053
-L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Frost   = 39067
-L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Storms  = 39073
-L.Aura_Unstable_Wall_of_Cinders = 50240
-L.Aura_Elemental_Blockade       = 39011
-L.Aura_Blockade_of_Fire         = 39012
-L.Aura_Blockade_of_Frost        = 39028
-L.Aura_Blockade_of_Storms       = 39018
-L.Aura_Blockade_of_Cinders      = 50236
-L.Aura_Weakness_To_Elements     = 29173
-L.Aura_Elemental_Drain          = 39095
-L.Aura_Elemental_Susceptibility = 39089
-L.Aura_Greater_Distribution     = 62792 -- debuff from elemental drain
-L.Aura_Elemental_Ring           = 39143
-L.Aura_Fire_Ring                = 39145
-L.Aura_Frost_Ring               = 39146
-L.Aura_Shock_Ring               = 39147
-L.Aura_Pulsar                   = 39161
-L.Aura_Fiery_Pulsar             = 39162
-L.Aura_Icy_Pulsar               = 39163
-L.Aura_Electric_Pulsar          = 39167
-L.Aura_Grand_Healing            = 28385
-L.Aura_Healing_Springs          = 40060
-L.Aura_Illustrious_Healing      = 40058
-L.Aura_Regeneration             = 28536
-L.Aura_Mutagen                  = 40079
-L.Aura_Rapid_Regeneration       = 40076
-L.Aura_Blessing_Of_Protection   = 37243
-L.Aura_Blessing_Of_Restoration  = 40103
-L.Aura_Combat_Prayer            = 40094
-L.Aura_Steadfast_Ward           = 31639
-L.Aura_Healing_Ward             = 40126
-L.Aura_Ward_Ally                = 40130
-L.Aura_Force_Siphon             = 31531
-L.Aura_Quick_Siphon             = 40116
-L.Aura_Siphon_Spirit            = 40109
--- --------------------------
--- ARMOUR -------------------
--- --------------------------
--- LIGHT ARMOUR -------------
-L.Aura_Annulment                = 29338
-L.Aura_Dampen_Magic             = 39186
-L.Aura_Harness_Magicka          = 39182
--- MEDIUM ARMOUR ------------
-L.Aura_Evasion                  = 29556
-L.Aura_Elude                    = 39192
-L.Aura_Shuffle                  = 39195
--- HEAVY ARMOUR -------------
-L.Aura_Immovable                = 29552
-L.Aura_Immovable_Brute          = 39205
-L.Aura_Unstoppable              = 39197
--- --------------------------
--- GUILDS -------------------
--- --------------------------
--- FIGHTERS GUILD -----------
-L.Aura_Expert_Hunter            = 35762
-L.Aura_Evil_Hunter              = 40194
-L.Aura_Camouflaged_Hunter       = 40195
-L.Aura_Circle_of_Protection     = 35737
-L.Aura_Turn_Undead              = 40181
-L.Aura_Ring_of_Preservation     = 40169
-L.Aura_Beast_Trap               = 40384
-L.Aura_Rearming_Trap            = 40385
-L.Aura_LightweightBeast_Trap    = 40372
--- MAGES GUILD --------------
-L.Aura_Meteor                   = 42461
-L.Aura_Ice_Comet                = 42470
-L.Aura_Shooting_Star            = 42482
-L.Aura_Entropy                  = 28567
-L.Aura_Degeneration             = 40457
-L.Aura_Structured_Entropy       = 40452
-L.Aura_Equilibrium              = 31642
-L.Aura_Spell_Symmetry           = 40445
-L.Aura_Balance                  = 40444
--- UNDAUNTED ----------------
-L.Aura_Inner_Fire               = 39475
-L.Aura_Inner_Rage               = 42056
-L.Aura_Inner_Beast              = 42060
-L.Aura_Bone_Shield              = 39369
-L.Aura_Bone_Surge               = 42176
-L.Aura_Spiked_Bone_Shield       = 42138
--- --------------------------
--- WORLD --------------------
--- --------------------------
--- SOUL MAGIC ---------------
-L.Aura_Soul_Strike              = 39270
-L.Aura_Shatter_Soul             = 40414
-L.Aura_Soul_Assault             = 40420
-L.Aura_Soul_Trap                = 26768
-L.Aura_Consuming_Trap           = 40317
-L.Aura_Soul_Splitting_Trap      = 40328
--- WEREWOLF -----------------
-L.Aura_Hircines_Rage            = 58317
-L.Aura_Hircines_Fortitude       = 58325
-L.Aura_Roar                     = 32633
-L.Aura_Ferocious_Roar           = 39113
-L.Aura_Rousing_Roar             = 39114
-L.Aura_Piercing_Howl            = 58405
-L.Aura_Howl_of_Despair          = 58742
-L.Aura_Howl_of_Agony            = 58798
-L.Aura_Infectious_Claws         = 58855
-L.Aura_Claws_of_Anguish         = 58864
-L.Aura_Claws_of_Life            = 58879
--- VAMPIRE ------------------
-L.Aura_Bat_Swarm                = 32624
-L.Aura_Clouding_Swarm           = 38932
-L.Aura_Devouring_Swarm          = 38931
-L.Aura_Drain_Essence            = 32893
-L.Aura_Invigorating_Drain       = 38949
-L.Aura_Midnight_Drain           = 38956
-L.Aura_Mist_Form                = 32986
-L.Aura_Elusive_Mist             = 38963
-L.Aura_Poison_Mist              = 38965
--- --------------------------
--- ALLIANCE WAR -------------
--- --------------------------
--- ASSAULT ------------------
-L.Aura_War_Horn                 = 38563
-L.Aura_Aggressive_Horn          = 40223
-L.Aura_Sturdy_Horn              = 40220
-L.Aura_Rapid_Maneuver           = 38566
-L.Aura_Charging_Maneuver        = 40215
-L.Aura_Retreating_Maneuver      = 40211
-L.Aura_Caltrops                 = 33376
-L.Aura_Anti_Cavalry_Caltrops    = 40255
-L.Aura_Razor_Caltrops           = 40242
--- SUPPORT ------------------
-L.Aura_Barrier                  = 38573
-L.Aura_Replenishing_Barrier     = 40239
-L.Aura_Reviving_Barrier         = 40237
-L.Aura_Siege_Shield             = 38570
-L.Aura_Propelling_Shield        = 40226
-L.Aura_Siege_Weapon_Shield      = 40229
-L.Aura_Purge                    = 38571
-L.Aura_Cleanse                  = 40234
-L.Aura_Efficient_Purge          = 40232
-L.Aura_Magicka_Detonation       = 61487
-L.Aura_Inevitable_Detonation    = 61491
-L.Aura_Proximity_Detonation     = 61500
-L.Aura_Vigor                    = 61503
-L.Aura_Echoing_Vigor            = 61505
-L.Aura_Resolving_Vigor          = 61507
--- --------------------------
--- --------------------------
--- ARDENT FLAME -------------
-L.Aura_Dragonknight_Standard    = 28988
-L.Aura_Shifting_Standard        = 32958
-L.Aura_Standard_of_Might        = 32947
-L.Aura_Fiery_Grip               = 20492
-L.Aura_Extended_Chains          = 20496
-L.Aura_Empowering_Chains        = 20499
-L.Aura_Searing_Strike           = 20657
-L.Aura_Unstable_Flame           = 20668
-L.Aura_Burning_Embers           = 20660
-L.Aura_Fiery_Breath             = 20917
-L.Aura_Burning_Breath           = 20944
-L.Aura_Engulfing_Flames         = 20930
-L.Aura_Lava_Whip                = 20803
-L.Aura_Molten_Whip              = 20805
-L.Aura_Flame_Lash               = 20816
-L.Aura_Power_Lash               = 20824
--- DRACONIC POWER -----------
-L.Aura_Ferocious_Leap           = 32715
-L.Aura_Spiked_Armor             = 20319
-L.Aura_Volatile_Armor           = 20323
-L.Aura_Hardened_Armor           = 20328
-L.Aura_Dark_Talons              = 20245
-L.Aura_Burning_Talons           = 20252
-L.Aura_Choking_Talons           = 20251
-L.Aura_Dragon_Blood             = 29004
-L.Aura_Green_Dragon_Blood       = 32744
-L.Aura_Coagulating_Blood        = 32722
-L.Aura_Reflective_Scale         = 21007
-L.Aura_Reflective_Plate         = 21014
-L.Aura_Dragon_Fire_Scale        = 21017
--- EARTHEN HEART ------------
-L.Aura_Magma_Armor              = 15957
-L.Aura_Magma_Shell              = 17874
-L.Aura_Corrosive_Armor          = 17878
-L.Aura_Stonefist                = 29032
-L.Aura_Obsidian_Shard           = 31820
-L.Aura_Stone_Giant              = 31816
-L.Aura_Molten_Weapons           = 29043
-L.Aura_Igneous_Weapons          = 31874
-L.Aura_Molten_Armaments         = 31888
-L.Aura_Obsidian_Shield          = 29071
-L.Aura_Fragmented_Shield        = 32673
-L.Aura_Igneous_Shield           = 29224
-L.Aura_Petrify                  = 29037
-L.Aura_Fossilize                = 32685
-L.Aura_Shattering_Rocks         = 32678
-L.Aura_Ash_Cloud                = 29059
-L.Aura_Cinder_Storm             = 20779
-L.Aura_Eruption                 = 32710
--- --------------------------
--- CLASS: SORCERER ----------
--- --------------------------
-L.Aura_Summon_Storm_Atronach    = 23634
-L.Aura_Greater_Storm_Atronach   = 23492
-L.Aura_Summon_Charged_Atronach  = 23495
-L.Aura_Daedric_Curse            = 24326
-L.Aura_Daedric_Prey             = 63210 --24328
-L.Aura_Velocious_Curse          = 24330
-L.Aura_Conjured_Ward            = 28418
-L.Aura_Empowered_Ward           = 29482
-L.Aura_Hardened_Ward            = 29489
--- DARK MAGIC ---------------
-L.Aura_Negate_Magic             = 27706
-L.Aura_Absorption_Field         = 28348
-L.Aura_Suppression_Field        = 28341
-L.Aura_Crystal_Shard            = 43714
-L.Aura_Crystal_Blast            = 46331
-L.Aura_Crystal_Fragments        = 46324
-L.Aura_Encase                   = 28025
-L.Aura_Restraining_Prison       = 28311
-L.Aura_Shattering_Prison        = 28308
-L.Aura_Rune_Prison              = 24371
-L.Aura_Rune_Cage                = 24578
-L.Aura_Weakening_Prison         = 24574
-L.Aura_Dark_Exchange            = 24584
-L.Aura_Dark_Conversion          = 24589
-L.Aura_Dark_Deal                = 24595
-L.Aura_Daedric_Mines            = 24828
-L.Aura_Daedric_Minefield        = 24834
-L.Aura_Daedric_Tomb             = 24842
--- STORM CALLING ------------
-L.Aura_Mages_Fury               = 18718
-L.Aura_Endless_Fury             = 19109
-L.Aura_Mages_Wrath              = 19123
-L.Aura_Lightning_Form           = 23210
-L.Aura_Boundless_Storm          = 30255
-L.Aura_Thundering_Presence      = 23231
-L.Aura_Lightning_Splash         = 23182
-L.Aura_Liquid_Lightning         = 23200
-L.Aura_Lightning_Flood          = 23205
-L.Aura_Surge                    = 23670
-L.Aura_Critical_Surge           = 23678
-L.Aura_Power_Surge              = 23674
-L.Aura_Bolt_Escape              = 23234
-L.Aura_Ball_of_Lightning        = 23277
-L.Aura_Streak                   = 23236
--- --------------------------
--- CLASS: NIGHTBLADE --------
--- --------------------------
--- ASSASSINATION ------------
-L.Aura_Teleport_Strike          = 18342
-L.Aura_Ambush                   = 25484
-L.Aura_Lotus_Fan                = 25493
-L.Aura_Blur                     = 33375
-L.Aura_Double_Take              = 35419
-L.Aura_Mirage                   = 35414
-L.Aura_Mark_Target              = 33357
-L.Aura_Piercing_Mark            = 36968
-L.Aura_Reapers_Mark             = 36967
-L.Aura_Grim_Focus               = 61902
-L.Aura_Relentless_Focus         = 61927
-L.Aura_Merciless_Resolve        = 61919
-L.Aura_Death_Stroke             = 33398
-L.Aura_Incapacitating_Strike    = 36508
-L.Aura_Soul_Harvest             = 36514
--- SHADOW -------------------
-L.Aura_Consuming_Darkness       = 25411
-L.Aura_Bolstering_Darkness      = 36493
-L.Aura_Veil_of_Blades           = 36485
-L.Aura_Shadow_Cloak             = 25375
-L.Aura_Shadowy_Disguise         = 25380
-L.Aura_Dark_Cloak               = 25377
-L.Aura_Veiled_Strike            = 25255
-L.Aura_Concealed_Weapon         = 25267
-L.Aura_Surprise_Attack          = 25260
-L.Aura_Path_of_Darkness         = 33195
-L.Aura_Refreshing_Path          = 36028
-L.Aura_Twisting_Path            = 36049
-L.Aura_Aspect_of_Terror         = 25352
-L.Aura_Mass_Hysteria            = 37470
-L.Aura_Manifestation_of_Terror  = 37475
-L.Aura_Summon_Shade             = 33211
-L.Aura_Dark_Shades              = 35434
-L.Aura_Shadow_Image             = 35441
--- SIPHONING ----------------
-L.Aura_Soul_Shred               = 25091
-L.Aura_Soul_Siphon              = 35508
-L.Aura_Soul_Tether              = 35460
-L.Aura_Strife                   = 33291
-L.Aura_Funnel_Health            = 34838
-L.Aura_Swallow_Soul             = 34835
-L.Aura_Agony                    = 33308
-L.Aura_Malefic_Wreath           = 34727
-L.Aura_Prolonged_Suffering      = 34721
-L.Aura_Cripple                  = 33326
-L.Aura_Crippling_Grasp          = 36957
-L.Aura_Debilitate               = 36943
-L.Aura_Drain_Power              = 33316
-L.Aura_Power_Extraction         = 36901
-L.Aura_Sap_Essence              = 36891
--- --------------------------
--- CLASS: TEMPLAR -----------
--- --------------------------
--- AEDRIC SPEAR -------------
-L.Aura_Radial_Sweep             = 22138
-L.Aura_Empowering_Sweep         = 22144
-L.Aura_Crescent_Sweep           = 22139
-L.Aura_Biting_Jabs              = 26792
-L.Aura_Binding_Javelin          = 26804
-L.Aura_Focused_Charge           = 22149
-L.Aura_Explosive_Charge         = 22161
-L.Aura_Toppling_Charge          = 15540
-L.Aura_Spear_Shards             = 26188
-L.Aura_Luminous_Shards          = 26858
-L.Aura_Blazing_Spear            = 26869
-L.Aura_Sun_Shield               = 22178
-L.Aura_Radiant_Ward             = 22182
-L.Aura_Blazing_Shield           = 22180
--- DAWNS WRATH --------------
-L.Aura_Nova                     = 21752
-L.Aura_Solar_Prison             = 21755
-L.Aura_Solar_Disturbance        = 21758
-L.Aura_Sun_Fire                 = 21726
-L.Aura_Vampires_Bane            = 21729
-L.Aura_Reflective_Light         = 21732
-L.Aura_Solar_Flare              = 22057
-L.Aura_Dark_Flare               = 22110
-L.Aura_Solar_Barrage            = 22095
-L.Aura_Backlash                 = 21761
-L.Aura_Purifying_Light          = 21765
-L.Aura_Power_of_the_Light       = 21763
-L.Aura_Eclipse                  = 21776
-L.Aura_Total_Dark               = 22006
-L.Aura_Unstable_Core            = 22004
-L.Aura_Radiant_Destruction      = 63029
-L.Aura_Radiant_Glory            = 63044
-L.Aura_Radiant_Oppresion        = 63046
--- RESTORING LIGHT ----------
-L.Aura_Rite_Of_Passage          = 22223
-L.Aura_Remembrance              = 22229
-L.Aura_Practiced_Incantation    = 22226
-L.Aura_Honor_The_Dead           = 22253
-L.Aura_Lingering_Ritual         = 22314
-L.Aura_Restoring_Aura           = 26209
-L.Aura_Radiant_Aura             = 26807
-L.Aura_Cleansing_Ritual         = 22265
-L.Aura_Extended_Ritual          = 22262
-L.Aura_Purifying_Ritual         = 22259
-L.Aura_Rune_Focus               = 22234
-L.Aura_Channeled_Focus          = 22240
-L.Aura_Restoring_Focus          = 22237
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- TOGGLED EFFECTS -----------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Toggled_Inferno                   = 25954
-L.Toggled_Flames_Of_Oblivion        = 32853
-L.Toggled_Sea_Of_Flames             = 32881
-L.Toggled_Unstable_Familiar         = 23304
-L.Toggled_Unstable_Clannfear        = 23319
-L.Toggled_Volatile_Familiar         = 23316
-L.Toggled_Summon_Winged_Twilight    = 24613
-L.Toggled_Summon_Restoring_Twilight = 24636
-L.Toggled_Summon_Twilight_Matriarch = 24639
-L.Toggled_Bound_Armor               = 24158
-L.Toggled_Bound_Armaments           = 24165
-L.Toggled_Bound_Aegis               = 24163
-L.Toggled_Siphoning_Strikes         = 33319
-L.Toggled_Leeching_Strikes          = 36908
-L.Toggled_Siphoning_Attacks         = 36935
-L.Toggled_Magelight                 = 30920
-L.Toggled_Inner_Light               = 40478
-L.Toggled_Radiant_Magelight         = 40483
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- DAMAGE SHIELDS ------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.DamageShield_Shielded_Assault     = 38401
-L.DamageShield_Brawler              = 38754
-L.DamageShield_Steadfast_Ward       = 31639
-L.DamageShield_Ward_Ally            = 40130
-L.DamageShield_Healing_Ward         = 40126
-L.DamageShield_Annulment            = 29338
-L.DamageShield_Dampen_Magic         = 39186
-L.DamageShield_Harness_Magicka      = 39182
-L.DamageShield_Bone_Shield          = 39369
-L.DamageShield_Bone_Surge           = 42176
-L.DamageShield_Spiked_Bone_Shield   = 42138
-L.DamageShield_Barrier              = 38573
-L.DamageShield_Replenishing_Barrier = 40239
-L.DamageShield_Reviving_Barrier     = 40237
-L.DamageShield_Siege_Shield         = 38570
-L.DamageShield_Propelling_Shield    = 40226
-L.DamageShield_Siege_Weapon_Shield  = 40229
-L.DamageShield_Hardened_Armor       = 20328
-L.DamageShield_Obsidian_Shield      = 29071
-L.DamageShield_Fragmented_Shield    = 32673
-L.DamageShield_Igneous_Shield       = 29224
-L.DamageShield_Conjured_Ward        = 28418
-L.DamageShield_Empowered_Ward       = 29482
-L.DamageShield_Hardened_Ward        = 29489
-L.DamageShield_Sun_Shield           = 22178
-L.DamageShield_Radiant_Ward         = 22182
-L.DamageShield_Blazing_Shield       = 22180
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- VAMP & LYCAN EFFECTS ------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.VampLycan_Fed_on_ally             = 40359
-L.VampLycan_Bit_an_ally             = 40525
-L.VampLycan_Dark_Stalker            = 33090
-L.VampLycan_Supernatural_Recovery   = 33095
-L.VampLycan_Stage_1_Vampirism       = 35771
-L.VampLycan_Stage_2_Vampirism       = 35772
-L.VampLycan_Stage_3_Vampirism       = 35779
-L.VampLycan_Stage_4_Vampirism       = 35786
-L.VampLycan_Vampirism               = 40360
-L.VampLycan_Lycanthropy             = 35658
-L.VampLycan_Call_of_the_Pack        = 14271
-L.VampLycan_Sanies_Lupinus          = 31068
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- TRIGGERED EFFECTS ---------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Trigger_Crystal_Fragments_Passive = 64159
-L.Trigger_Assassins_Will            = 61907
-L.Trigger_Power_Lash                = 23903
-L.Trigger_Deadly_Throw              = 62549
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- PASSIVE COMPARE -----------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Passive_Mundus                    = 'Boon:'
-L.Passive_HomeKeepBonus             = 'Home Keep Bonus'
-L.Passive_EnemyKeepBonus            = 'Enemy Keep Bonus'
-L.Passive_ScrollBonus               = 'Scroll Bonus'
-L.Passive_Emperorship               = 39671
-L.Passive_Battle_Spirit             = 12033
-L.Passive_Blessing_of_War           = 66282
-L.Passive_SoulSummons               = 39269
-L.Passive_MedicinalUse              = 45573
---champion points
-L.Passive_SpellShield               = 62760
-L.Passive_Nourishing                = 59953
---night blade
-L.Passive_SoulSiphoner              = 36603
---light armor
-L.Passive_Concentration             = 45562
-L.Passive_ESO_Plus_Member           = 63601
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.MagesGuild_Fire_Rune              = 31632
-L.MagesGuild_Volcanic_Rune          = 40470
-L.MagesGuild_Scalding_Rune          = 40465
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- POTION TYPES --------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Potion_Sip                        = "Sip of"
-L.Potion_Tincture                   = "Tincture"
-L.Potion_Serum                      = "Serum"
-L.Potion_Dram                       = "Dram of"
-L.Potion_Effusion                   = "Effusion"
-L.Potion_Potion                     = "Potion"
-L.Potion_Draught                    = "Draught"
-L.Potion_Solution                   = "Solution"
-L.Potion_Philter                    = "Philter"
-L.Potion_Elixir                     = "Elixir"
-L.Potion_Panacea                    = "Panacea"     -- v5
-L.Potion_Distillate                 = "Distillate"  -- v10
-L.Potion_Essence                    = "Essence"     -- v15
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- dropdown menus
-L.DropGrowth1           = 'Up'
-L.DropGrowth2           = 'Down'
-L.DropGrowth3           = 'Left'
-L.DropGrowth4           = 'Left (Centered)'
-L.DropGrowth5           = 'Right'
-L.DropGrowth6           = 'Right (Centered)'
-L.DropSort1             = 'Remaining Time'
-L.DropSort2             = 'Ability Name'
-L.DropTimer1            = 'Over Icon'
-L.DropTimer2            = 'Under Icon'
-L.DropTimer3            = 'Above Icon'
-L.DropTimer4            = 'Hidden'
--- tabs
-L.TabButton1            = 'General'
-L.TabButton2            = 'Short Buffs'
-L.TabButton3            = 'Long Buffs'
-L.TabButton4            = 'Debuffs'
-L.TabButton5            = 'Target Buffs'
-L.TabButton6            = 'Target DeBuffs'
-L.TabButton7            = 'Profiles'
-L.TabHeader1            = 'General Settings'
-L.TabHeader2            = 'Short & Combined Buff Window Settings'
-L.TabHeader3            = 'Long Buff Window Settings'
-L.TabHeader4            = 'Debuff Window Settings'
-L.TabHeader5            = 'Target Buffs Window Settings'
-L.TabHeader6            = 'Target Debuffs Window Settings'
-L.TabHeader7            = 'Profile Settings'
--- example aura names
-L.ExampleAura1 = 'Buff'
-L.ExampleAura2 = 'Another Buff'
-L.ExampleAura3 = 'Yet Another Buff'
-L.ExampleAura4 = 'Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura5 = 'Another Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura6 = 'Yet Another Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura7 = 'Timed Aura (Long)'
-L.ExampleAura8 = 'Toggled Aura'
-L.ExampleAura9 = 'Passive Aura'
--- settings: general tab (1)
-L.GeneralAnchorDesc = 'Unlock to allow the aura anchors to be dragged using the mouse. The reset button will return all anchors to their default positions.'
-L.GeneralAnchorLock = 'Lock'
-L.GeneralAnchorUnlock = 'Unlock'
-L.GeneralAnchorReset = 'Reset'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombat = 'Only Show During Combat'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombatTip = 'Set whether all aura windows are only visible when engaged in combat.'
-L.GeneralCombine = 'Combine Buffs'
-L.GeneralCombineTip = 'Set whether short term and long term buffs should be combined under a single window or split into two.\n\nWhen split, the buffs that will go into the second (Long) window will be passives, toggles and buffs with selected duration or longer.'
-L.GeneralThreshold = 'Short Buffs Threshold'
-L.GeneralThresholdTip = 'Game itself reports all buffs with duration of 30 seconds or longer as long term buffs. You can change this threshold here.'
-L.GeneralTarget = 'Show Target Auras'
-L.GeneralTargetTip = 'Set whether to show your current target\'s long-term buffs, toggles and passives in a seperate window.'
-L.GeneralTargetDebuff = 'Show Target Debuffs'
-L.GeneralTargetDebuffTip = 'Set whether to show your current target\'s debuffs or not'
-L.GeneralDebuff = 'Show Debuffs'
-L.GeneralDebuffTip = 'Set whether your debuffs (outgoing and incoming) are displayed in a seperate window. Please note that due to the information presented to mods, the timers for the incoming debuffs can be inaccurate.'
-L.GeneralDebuffWarn = 'May not be entirely accurate due to API limitations.'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersPlayer = 'Aura Filters: Player'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersTarget  = 'Aura Filters: Target'
-L.GeneralSoulSummons = 'Show Soul Summons Cooldown'
-L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip = 'Set whether the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons is displayed or not.'
-L.GeneralToggle = 'Show Toggled Buffs'
-L.GeneralToggleTip = 'Set whether toggled buffs with no set duration are displayed or not.\n\nEg: Unstable Familiar'
-L.GeneralPassive = 'Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralPassiveTip = 'Set whether passive buffs are displayed or not.\n\nEg: Mundus Boons'
-L.GeneralCyrodiil = 'Show Cyrodiil Bonuses'
-L.GeneralCyrodiilTip = 'Set whether buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA are shown.\n\nRequires: Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralDisguise = 'Show Disguises'
-L.GeneralDisguiseTip = 'Set whether active disguises are shown.\n\nRequires: Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralAllEffects = 'Show All Effects'
-L.GeneralAllEffectsTip = 'Set whether less important effects are shown.\Eg: ESO Plus Member\n\nRequires: Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralMundus = 'Show Mundus Boons'
-L.GeneralMundusTip = 'Set whether Mundus Stone boons are shown.\n\nRequires: Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralVampLycan = 'Show Vampire / Werewolf'
-L.GeneralVampLycanTip = 'Set whether to show Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs.\n\nRequires: Show Passive Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffs = 'Hide Minor Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Minor Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Minor Sorcery"'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffs = 'Hide Major Buffs'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Major Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Major Sorcery"'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - base
-L.WindowAlpha = 'Window Transparency'
-L.WindowAlphaTip = 'Set how opaque this aura window is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the window fully opaque.'
-L.WindowScale = 'Window Scale'
-L.WindowScaleTip = 'Set the size of this aura window as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
-L.WindowGrowth = 'Aura Growth Direction'
-L.WindowGrowthTip = 'Set which direction new auras will grow from the anchor point. For the Centered settings, auras will grow either side of the anchor with ordering determined by the Left/Right prefix.\n\nNote that when displayed horizontally, the name and bar are hidden automatically.'
-L.WindowPadding = 'Aura Growth Padding'
-L.WindowPaddingTip = 'Set the spacing between each displayed aura.'
-L.WindowSort = 'Aura Sorting Order'
-L.WindowSortTip = 'Set how auras are sorted. Either by alphabetical name or by remaining duration. When sorting by duration, passive and toggled abilities will always show first followed by timed abilities with those that will fade first furthest away from the anchor.'
-L.WindowIconOn = 'Show Ability Icon On The Right'
-L.WindowIconOnTip = 'Set whether the aura\'s icon is shown on the right or the left of the name label and statusbar timer when displaying vertically.'
-L.WindowShowNameBar = 'Show Ability Name & Timer Bar'
-L.WindowShowNameBarTip = 'Set whether the ability name and the statusbar timer should be shown when auras are set to grow vertically.'
-L.WindowTooltips = 'Show Ability Name In Tooltips'
-L.WindowTooltipsTip = 'Set whether to show the ability name in a mouseover tooltip (over the icon) for each aura.'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - name
-L.WindowNameHeader = 'Ability Name Text'
-L.WindowNameFont = 'Name Style'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - timer
-L.WindowTimerHeader = 'Timer Text'
-L.WindowTimerShowTP = 'Show Timer For Toggles & Passives'
-L.WindowTimerShowTPTip = 'Set whether the timer label is shown for (T)oggled and (P)passive abilities. When disabled, the timer label will be hidden for auras without a duration.'
-L.WindowTimerHorz = 'Timer Position: Horizontal'
-L.WindowTimerHorzTip = 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura when displaying horizontally. A setting of Hidden will stop the timer label showing for any auras.'
-L.WindowTimerVert = 'Timer Position: Vertical'
-L.WindowTimerVertTip = 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura when displaying vertically. A setting of Hidden will stop the timer label showing for any auras.'
-L.WindowTimerFont = 'Timer Style'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - bar
-L.WindowBarHeader = 'Timer Bar'
-L.WindowBarGloss = 'Glossy Bars'
-L.WindowBarGlossTip = 'Set whether the timer bar\'s should be glossy when displayed.'
-L.WindowBarWidth = 'Bar Width'
-L.WindowBarWidthTip = 'Set how wide the timer bar\'s should be when displayed.'
-L.WindowBarTimed = 'Colour: Timed Auras'
-L.WindowBarTimedTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for auras with a set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).\n\nThis is the colour that will also be used for auras with a cast time before they apply.'
-L.WindowBarToggle = 'Colour: Toggled Auras'
-L.WindowBarToggleTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for toggled auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
-L.WindowBarPassive = 'Colour: Passive Auras'
-L.WindowBarPassiveTip = 'Set the timer bar colours for passive auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
--- settings: profiles tab (6)
-L.ProfileCharacterList = 'Existing Settings'
-L.ProfileCharacterListTip = 'List of characters that currently have S\'rendarr settings.'
-L.ProfileCopyFrom = 'Copy Settings'
-L.ProfileCopyFromTip = 'Copy the settings of the selected character to the currently logged in character.'
-L.ProfileCopyFromWarn = 'Clicking this button will reload the UI and permanently overwrite this character\'s settings with those of the selected character.\n\nThis cannot be undone.'
---replace ability IDs with names
-for k, v in pairs(L) do
-    if type(v) == "number" then
-        L[k] = GetAbilityName(v)
-    end

 function Srendarr:GetLocale() -- default locale, will be the return unless overwritten
-    return L
\ No newline at end of file
+	return L
diff --git a/Locales/Local_fr.lua b/Locales/Local_fr.lua
index 5b9452c..a97968c 100644
--- a/Locales/Local_fr.lua
+++ b/Locales/Local_fr.lua
@@ -1,172 +1,286 @@
--- French (fr) - Translations provided by Lumber ( and Yombee (
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
-local L = {}
-L.Srendarr  = "|c67b1e9S|c4779ce'rendarr|r"
-L.Usage     = "|c67b1e9S|c4779ce'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock or unlock to toggle UI movement."
--- timer strings
-L.Time_Seconds          = '%ds'
-L.Time_Minutes          = '%dm'
-L.Time_Hours            = '%dh'
-L.Time_Toggle           = 'T'
-L.Time_Passive          = 'P'
-L.Time_Cast             = 'Cast'
--- drag overlay labels
-L.DragLabel_BuffShort   = 'COURT'
-L.DragLabel_BuffLong    = 'LONG'
-L.DragLabel_BuffAll     = 'BUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Debuff      = 'DEBUFF'
-L.DragLabel_Target      = 'CIBLE'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- PASSIVE COMPARE -----------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Passive_Mundus                    = 'Bénédiction :'
-L.Passive_HomeKeepBonus             = 'Bonus des fort'
-L.Passive_EnemyKeepBonus            = 'Bonus de forts'
-L.Passive_ScrollBonus               = 'Bonus de Parchemin'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- POTION TYPES --------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-L.Potion_Sip                        = 'Gorgée'
-L.Potion_Tincture                   = 'Teinture'
-L.Potion_Serum                      = 'Sérum'
-L.Potion_Dram                       = 'Goutte'
-L.Potion_Effusion                   = 'Effusion'
-L.Potion_Potion                     = 'Potion'
-L.Potion_Draught                    = 'Lampée'
-L.Potion_Solution                   = 'Solution'
-L.Potion_Philter                    = 'Philtre'
-L.Potion_Elixir                     = 'Élixir'
-L.Potion_Panacea                    = 'Panacée'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- dropdown menus
-L.DropGrowth1           = 'Haut'
-L.DropGrowth2           = 'Bas'
-L.DropGrowth3           = 'Gauche'
-L.DropGrowth4           = 'Gauche (Centré)'
-L.DropGrowth5           = 'Droite'
-L.DropGrowth6           = 'Droite (Centré)'
-L.DropSort1             = 'Temps Restant'
-L.DropSort2             = 'Alphabétique'
-L.DropTimer1            = "Sur l'icône"
-L.DropTimer2            = "Sous l'icône"
-L.DropTimer3            = "Au dessus de l'icône"
-L.DropTimer4            = 'Caché'
--- tabs
-L.TabButton1            = 'Général'
-L.TabButton2            = 'Buffs Courts'
-L.TabButton3            = 'Buffs Longs'
-L.TabButton4            = 'Debuffs'
-L.TabButton5            = 'Buffs de la cible'
-L.TabButton6            = 'Profils'
-L.TabHeader1            = 'Réglages Généraux'
-L.TabHeader2            = 'Fenêtre de réglage des buffs courts et combinés'
-L.TabHeader3            = 'Fenêtre de réglage des buffs longs'
-L.TabHeader4            = 'Fenêtre de réglage des Debuffs'
-L.TabHeader5            = 'Fenêtre de réglage des buffs de la cible'
-L.TabHeader6            = 'Réglage du profil'
--- example aura names
-L.ExampleAura1 = 'Buff'
-L.ExampleAura2 = 'Autre Buff'
-L.ExampleAura3 = 'Encore un Autre Buff'
-L.ExampleAura4 = 'Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura5 = 'Autre Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura6 = 'Encore un Autre Debuff'
-L.ExampleAura7 = 'Aura Chronométrée(Longue)'
-L.ExampleAura8 = 'Aura Activée'
-L.ExampleAura9 = 'Aura Passive'
--- settings: general tab (1)
-L.GeneralAnchorDesc = 'Déverrouiller pour pouvoir bouger les ancres avec la souris. Le bouton réinitialiser replacera toutes les ancres à leur position initiales'
-L.GeneralAnchorLock = 'Verrouiller'
-L.GeneralAnchorUnlock = 'Déverrouiller'
-L.GeneralAnchorReset = 'Reinitialiser'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombat = 'Afficher uniquement en combat'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombatTip = "Définit si les fenêtres d'auras ne s'affichent que lorsque le combat est engagé."
-L.GeneralCombine = 'Combiner les buffs'
-L.GeneralCombineTip = 'Définit si les buffs courts et longs doivent être combinés dans une seule fenêtre ou séparés dans deux fenêtres distinctes.\n\nSi vous choisissez la séparation, les buffs (Longs) qui iront dans la deuxième fenêtre seront les buffs passifs, activés et les buffs avec une durée inférieure à une minute.'
-L.GeneralThreshold = 'Seuil de durée des Buffs courts'
-L.GeneralThresholdTip = 'Le jeu considère de lui même tous les buffs avec une durée supérieur à 30 secondes comme des buffs longs. Vous pouvez changer cette durée ici.'
-L.GeneralTarget = 'Afficher les auras de la cible'
-L.GeneralTargetTip = 'Permet d\'afficher les buffs longs, activés et passifs de votre cible actuelle dans une fenêtre séparée.'
-L.GeneralDebuff = 'Afficher les Debuffs'
-L.GeneralDebuffTip = 'Permet d\'afficher vos debuffs dans une fenêtre séparée. Notez que d\'après les infos disponibles pour les mods, ces timers peuvent être inexact et ne prendront pas en compte les cibles mortes ou ayant purgé le debuff. Il doit être utilisé comme guide uniquement.'
-L.GeneralDebuffWarn = "Peut ne pas être exact à cause des limitations de l'API."
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersPlayer = 'Filtre d\'Aura : Joueur'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersTarget  = 'Filtre d\'Aura : Cible'
-L.GeneralSoulSummons = 'Afficher le temps de recharge d\'Invocation d\'âme'
-L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip = "Définit si le temps de recharge pour Invocation d'âme est affiché ou pas"
-L.GeneralToggle = 'Afficher les buffs activables'
-L.GeneralToggleTip = 'Définit si les buffs activables sans limitation de durée sont affichés ou pas.\n\nEx: Familier instable'
-L.GeneralPassive = 'Afficher les buffs passifs'
-L.GeneralPassiveTip = 'Définit si les buffs passifs sont affichés ou pas.\n\nEx: Bénédictions de Mundus'
-L.GeneralCyrodiil = 'Afficher les bonus de Cyrodiil'
-L.GeneralCyrodiilTip = 'Définit si les buffs obtenus durant la guerre en Cyrodiil sont affichés.\n\nNécessite: Afficher les buffs passifs'
-L.GeneralDisguise = 'Afficher les déguisements'
-L.GeneralDisguiseTip = 'Définit si les déguisements actifs sont affichés ou non.\n\nNécessite : Afficher les buffs passifs'
-L.GeneralMundus = 'Afficher les bénédictions de Mundus'
-L.GeneralMundusTip = 'Définit si les bénédictions de Mundus sont affichées.\n\nNécessite : Afficher les buffs passifs'
-L.GeneralVampLycan = 'Afficher Vampire / Loup-Garou'
-L.GeneralVampLycanTip = 'Définit si les buffs de vampirisme et de lycanthropie sont affichés.\n\nNécessite : Afficher les buffs passifs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffs = 'Hide Minor Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Minor Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Minor Sorcery"'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffs = 'Hide Major Buffs'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Major Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Major Sorcery"'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - base
-L.WindowAlpha = 'Transparence de la fenêtre'
-L.WindowAlphaTip = 'Définit l\'opacité de cette fenêtre lorsqu\'elle est visible. Un réglage à 100 rend la fenêtre totalement opaque.'
-L.WindowScale = 'Echelle de la fenêtre'
-L.WindowScaleTip = 'Définit la taille de cette fenbêtre d\'aura en pourcentage. Un réglage à 100 correspond au réglage par défaut.'
-L.WindowGrowth = 'Direction du déployement des auras'
-L.WindowGrowthTip = 'Définit la direction dans laquelle les nouvelles auras se développeront depuis le point d\'ancrage. Pour le réglage centré, les auras iront de part et d\'autre de l\'ancre de façon définie par le préfixe gauche/droite.\n\nNotez que lorsque affichés horizontalement le nom et la barre sont cachés automatiquement.'
-L.WindowPadding = 'Espacement des auras'
-L.WindowPaddingTip = 'Définit l\'espacement entre chaque aura affichée.'
-L.WindowSort = 'Ordre d\'affichage des auras'
-L.WindowSortTip = 'Définit la façon dont les auras sont affichées. Soit par ordre alphabétique, soit par durées restantes. Lorsque affichées par durée, les compétences passives et activables sont toujours affichées en premier, suivies par les compétences chronométrées avec celles durant le moins longtemps étant les plus éloignées de l\'ancre.'
-L.WindowIconOn = 'Afficher les icônes de compétences sur la droite'
-L.WindowIconOnTip = 'Définit si l\'icône d\'aura est affiché sur la droite ou sur la gauche du nom de la compétence et de la barre de durée lorsque affiché verticalement.'
-L.WindowShowNameBar = 'Afficher le nom de la compétence et la barre de durée'
-L.WindowShowNameBarTip = 'Définit si le nom de la compétence et la barre de durée doivent être affichées lorsque les auras se développent verticalement.'
-L.WindowTooltips = 'Afficher le nom de la compétence dans les infobulles'
-L.WindowTooltipsTip = "Définit si le nom des auras est affiché dans une info-bulle au survol de la souris (au dessus de l'icone).\n\nNote : Cette option doit être désactivée pour pouvoir déplacer les ancres"
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - name
-L.WindowNameHeader = 'Texte du nom de la compétence'
-L.WindowNameFont = 'Style du nom'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - timer
-L.WindowTimerHeader = 'Texte du Timer'
-L.WindowTimerShowTP = 'Afficher pour Passif et Activé'
-L.WindowTimerShowTPTip = 'Définit si le texte est affiché pour les auras passives (P) et activés (T). Lorsque cette option est désactivée, le texte sera caché pour les auras sans durée fixe.'
-L.WindowTimerHorz = 'Position du Timer : Horizontale'
-L.WindowTimerHorzTip = 'Définit la position du timer pour chaque aura affichée horizontalement. Un réglage sur -Caché- empechera l\'affichage de l\'étiquette pour toutes les auras.'
-L.WindowTimerVert = 'Position du Timer : Vertical'
-L.WindowTimerVertTip = 'Définit la position du timer pour chaque aura affichée verticalement. Un réglage sur -Caché- empechera l\'affichage de l\'étiquette pour toutes les auras.'
-L.WindowTimerFont = 'Style de Timer'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - bar
-L.WindowBarHeader = 'Barre de Timer'
-L.WindowBarGloss = 'Barres brillantes'
-L.WindowBarGlossTip = 'Définit si les barres de durée doivent être affichées avec un effet brillant.'
-L.WindowBarWidth = 'Longueur de Barre'
-L.WindowBarWidthTip = 'Définit la longueur que doit avoir la barre de timer lorsqu\'elle est affichée.'
-L.WindowBarTimed = 'Couleur: Auras Chronométrées'
-L.WindowBarTimedTip = 'Définit les couleurs des barres de timer pour les auras d\'une durée spécifique. Le choix de la couleur de gauche détermine le début de la barre (lorsque le décompte commence) et la seconde la fin de la barre (lorsqu\'il est presque terminée).\n\nCette couleur sera également utilisée pour les auras avec un temps de cast avant qu\'elles ne soient appliquées.'
-L.WindowBarToggle = 'Couleur: Auras Activées'
-L.WindowBarToggleTip = 'Définit les couleurs des barres de timer pour les auras activées sans durée spécifique. La couleur gauche correspond au début de la barre et la seconde la fin de la barre (la plus proche de l\'icône).'
-L.WindowBarPassive = 'Couleur: Auras Passives'
-L.WindowBarPassiveTip = 'Définit les couleurs des barres de timer pour les auras passives sans durée spécifiques. La couleur gauche correspond au début de la barre et la seconde la fin de la barre (la plus proche de l\'icône).'
--- settings: profiles tab (6)
-L.ProfileCharacterList = 'Réglages existants'
-L.ProfileCharacterListTip = 'Liste des personnages utilisant S\'rendarr.'
-L.ProfileCopyFrom = 'Copier les réglages'
-L.ProfileCopyFromTip = 'Permet de copier les réglages du personnage séléctionné vers le personnage actuellement connecté en jeu.'
-L.ProfileCopyFromWarn = 'Cliquer sur ce bouton rechargera l\'interface, en remplaçant les réglages par ceux du personnage séléctionné.\n\nVous ne pourrez pas revenir sur cette action, les nouveaux réglages écraseront les réglages actuels.'
+-- French (fr) - By Ayantir
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= {}
+L.Srendarr			= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r'
+L.Srendarr_Basic	= 'S\'rendarr'
+L.Usage				= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Usage : /srendarr lock/unlock : Verrouille/Déverrouille les fenêtres pour définir leur positionnement.'
+L.CastBar			= 'Barre de cast'
+L.Sound_DefaultProc	= 'Srendarr (Procs par défaut)'
+-- time format
+L.Time_Tenths		= '%.1fs'
+L.Time_Seconds		= '%ds'
+L.Time_Minutes		= '%dm'
+L.Time_Hours		= '%dh'
+L.Time_Days			= '%dj'
+-- aura grouping
+L.Group_Displayed_Here	= 'Groupes affichés'
+L.Group_Displayed_None	= 'Aucun'
+L.Group_Player_Short	= 'Vos buffs courts'
+L.Group_Player_Long		= 'Vos buffs longs'
+L.Group_Player_Toggled	= 'Vos buffs continus'
+L.Group_Player_Passive	= 'Vos passifs'
+L.Group_Player_Debuff	= 'Vos debuffs'
+L.Group_Player_Ground	= 'Vos cibles au sol'
+L.Group_Player_Major	= 'Vos buffs "Majeurs"'
+L.Group_Player_Minor	= 'Vos buffs "Mineurs"'
+L.Group_Target_Buff		= 'Les buffs de la cible'
+L.Group_Target_Debuff	= 'Les débuffs de la cible'
+L.Group_Prominent		= 'Effets principaux'
+-- whitelist & blacklist control
+L.Prominent_AuraAddSuccess	= 'a été ajouté à la liste des effets principaux.'
+L.Prominent_AuraAddFail		= 'n\'a pas été trouvé et ne peut être ajouté.'
+L.Prominent_AuraRemoved		= 'a été supprimé des effets principaux.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddSuccess	= 'a été ajouté à la liste noire et ne sera plus affiché.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraAddFail		= 'n\'a pas été trouvé et ne peux être ajouté.'
+L.Blacklist_AuraRemoved		= 'a été supprimé de la liste noire.'
+-- settings: base
+L.Show_Example_Auras		= 'Ex. d\'effets'
+L.Show_Example_Castbar		= 'Ex. de barre de cast'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed	= 'Effets temporaires'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled	= 'Effets continus'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive	= 'Passifs du joueur'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff	= 'Débuffs du joueur'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerGround	= 'Effet au sol'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMajor	= 'Effet "Majeur"'
+L.SampleAura_PlayerMinor	= 'Effet "Mineur"'
+L.SampleAura_TargetBuff		= 'Buff de la cible'
+L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff	= 'Débuff de la cible'
+L.TabButton1				= 'Général'
+L.TabButton2				= 'Filtres'
+L.TabButton3				= 'Barre de cast'
+L.TabButton4				= 'Effets'
+L.TabButton5				= 'Profils'
+L.TabHeader1				= 'Paramètres généraux'
+L.TabHeader2				= 'Paramètres de filtres'
+L.TabHeader3				= 'Paramètres de la barre de cast'
+L.TabHeader5				= 'Paramètres des profils'
+L.TabHeaderDisplay			= 'Paramètres de la fenêtre : '
+-- settings: generic
+L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras	= 'Cliquer pour voir les effets'
+L.GenericSetting_NameFont			= 'Police du nom de la compétence'
+L.GenericSetting_NameStyle			= 'Couleur & Style du nom de la compétence'
+L.GenericSetting_NameSize			= 'Taille de la police du nom de la compétence'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerFont			= 'Police du timer'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerStyle			= 'Couleur & Style de la police du timer'
+L.GenericSetting_TimerSize			= 'Taille de la police du timer'
+-- settings: dropdown entries
+L.DropGroup_1				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1001|r]'
+L.DropGroup_2				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1002|r]'
+L.DropGroup_3				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1003|r]'
+L.DropGroup_4				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1004|r]'
+L.DropGroup_5				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1005|r]'
+L.DropGroup_6				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1006|r]'
+L.DropGroup_7				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1007|r]'
+L.DropGroup_8				= 'Dans la fenêtre [|cffd1008|r]'
+L.DropGroup_None			= 'Ne pas afficher'
+L.DropStyle_Full			= 'Affichage détaillé'
+L.DropStyle_Icon			= 'Icône seulement'
+L.DropStyle_Mini			= 'Minimal'
+L.DropGrowth_Up				= 'Haut'
+L.DropGrowth_Down			= 'Bas'
+L.DropGrowth_Left			= 'Gauche'
+L.DropGrowth_Right			= 'Droite'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft		= 'Centré (Gauche)'
+L.DropGrowth_CenterRight	= 'Centré (Droite)'
+L.DropSort_NameAsc			= 'Nom de la compétence (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_TimeAsc			= 'Temps restant (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_CastAsc			= 'Ordre de cast (Asc)'
+L.DropSort_NameDesc			= 'Nom de la compétence (Desc)'
+L.DropSort_TimeDesc			= 'Temps restant (Desc)'
+L.DropSort_CastDesc			= 'Ordre de cast (Desc)'
+L.DropTimer_Above			= 'Au dessus de l\'icône'
+L.DropTimer_Below			= 'Sous l\'icône'
+L.DropTimer_Over			= 'Par dessus l\'icone'
+L.DropTimer_Hidden			= 'Masqué'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.General_UnlockDesc			= 'Déverrouiller pour autoriser le positionnement à la souris des fenêtres d\'effets. La bouton Réinitialiser restaurera les fenêtres à leur emplacement par défaut.'
+L.General_UnlockLock			= 'Verrouiller'
+L.General_UnlockUnlock			= 'Déverrouiller'
+L.General_UnlockReset			= 'Réinitialiser'
+L.General_UnlockResetAgain		= 'Cliquez une nouvelle fois pour réinitialiser'
+L.General_CombatOnly			= 'N\'afficher qu\'en combat'
+L.General_CombatOnlyTip			= 'Sélectionnez si les fenêtres d\'aura ne doivent être affichées qu\'en combat.'
+L.General_AuraFakeEnabled		= 'Activer l\'affichage des effets simulées'
+L.General_AuraFakeEnabledTip	= 'Certaines compétences sur la durée ne communiquent pas correctement leurs détails aux addons lors de leur utilisation. Activer le simulateur d\'aura permet de palier au mieux à ce problème.'
+L.General_AuraFadeout			= 'Délai de disparition des effets'
+L.General_AuraFadeoutTip		= 'Définissez le temps donné pour la disparition d\'affichage d\'un effet à l\'écran. Un paramètre à 0 fera disparaitre l\'aura sans transition.\n\nLe timer est en millisecondes.'
+L.General_ShortThreshold		= 'Seuil des buffs courts'
+L.General_ShortThresholdTip		= 'Définissez le seuil en secondes de différence entre les buffs dits "Courts" et les buffs dits "Longs".'
+L.General_ShortThresholdWarn	= 'La modification de ce réglage ne sera prise en compte qu\'à la fermeture du panneau d\'options.'
+L.General_ProcEnableAnims		= 'Créer une animation lors des procs'
+L.General_ProcEnableAnimsTip	= 'Choisissez de créer une animation sur la barre d\'action pour les compétences qui ont proqué et possédant une action spéciale à réaliser. Les compétences possédant un proc sont :\n   Fragments de cristal (Sorc)\n   Déchaînement meurtrier & morphs (NB)\n   Langue de feu (DK)\n   Cape Mortelle (Deux armes)'
+L.General_ProcenableAnimsWarn	= 'Si vous utilisez un addon modifiant ou masquant la barre d\'action, les animations pourront ne pas être affichées.'
+L.General_ProcPlaySound			= 'Jouer un son lors d\'un proc'
+L.General_ProcPlaySoundTip		= 'Sélectionnez le son à jouer lors d\'un proc d\'une compétence. Sélectionner "None" ne jouera aucun son.'
+-- settings: general (aura control: display groups)
+L.General_ControlHeader			= 'Gestion des effets - Groupes d\'affichage'
+L.General_ControlBaseTip		= 'Définissez dans quel groupe de fenêtre afficher vos effets ou les masquer totalement.'
+L.General_ControlShortTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les buffs lancés sur vous-même avec une durée inférieure au seuil des buffs courts.'
+L.General_ControlLongTip 		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les buffs lancés sur vous-même avec une durée supérieure au seuil des buffs courts.'
+L.General_ControlToggledTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les buffs continus (sans durée définie) qui sont actifs sur vous même.'
+L.General_ControlPassiveTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets passifs qui sont actifs sur vous même.'
+L.General_ControlDebuffTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets négatifs qui sont actifs sur vous même.'
+L.General_ControlGroundTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets au sol que vous avez lancé.'
+L.General_ControlMajorTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets "majeurs" (ex: Intellect majeur) qui sont actifs sur vous même. Les effets majeurs négatifs (ex: Brèche majeure) sont slistés dans les débuffs'
+L.General_ControlMinorTip		= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets "mineurs" (ex: Dynamisation majeure) qui sont actifs sur vous même. Les effets mineurs négatifs (ex: Profanation mineure) sont slistés dans les débuffs'
+L.General_ControlTargetBuffTip	= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets positifs appliqués à votre cible.'
+L.General_ControlTargetDebuffTip = 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets négatifs appliqués à votre cible. En raisons de limitation intrinsèques au jeu, seuls vos débuffs apparaitront ici à de très rares exceptions près'
+L.General_ControlProminentTip	= 'Ce groupe contient tous les effets que vous avez défini comme principaux.'
+-- settings: general (prominent auras)
+L.General_ProminentHeader		= 'Effets principaux'
+L.General_ProminentDesc			= 'Les buffs sur vous-même ou les effets au sol peuvent être définis comme principaux. Ils seront affichés dans une fenêtre distincte pour une gestion plus efficace.'
+L.General_ProminentAdd			= 'Ajouter un buff principal'
+L.General_ProminentAddTip		= 'Le buff ou l\'effet au sol que vous souhaitez définir comme principal doit être écrit exactement tel qu\'il apparait en jeu, Validez par Entrée pour ajouter l\'effet à la liste des effets principaux et veuillez noter que seuls les effets avec une durée peuvent être définis, les passifs et les compétences continues seront ignorées.'
+L.General_ProminentAddWarn		= 'Ajouter un effet par son nom requiert de scanner toutes les compétences existantes. Cette opération peut ralentir votre jeu quelques instants le temps de l\'opération.'
+L.General_ProminentList			= 'Effets principaux actuels'
+L.General_ProminentListTip		= 'Liste de tous les effets définis comme principaux. Pour supprimer un effet, sélectionnez le dans la liste et cliquez sur le bouton au dessous.'
+L.General_ProminentRemove		= 'Supprimer un effet'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.Filter_Desc					= 'Contrôle l\'affichage des effets basés sur des filtres prédéfinis selon leur nom ou selon des critères définis ci-dessous. Activer un filtre masquera l\'affichage de l\'effet à l\'écran.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistHeader		= 'Blacklist des effets'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAdd			= 'Ajouter un effet à blacklister'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddTip		= 'L\'effet que vous souhaitez blacklister doit être écrit exactement tel qu\'il apparait en jeu. Validez par Entrée pour ajouter l\'effet à la liste des effets blacklistés.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistAddWarn		= 'Ajouter un effet par son nom requiert de scanner toutes les compétences existantes. Cette opération peut ralentir votre jeu quelques instants le temps de l\'opération.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistList			= 'Effets actuellement blacklistées'
+L.Filter_BlacklistListTip		= 'Liste de tous les effets actuellement blacklistés. Pour supprimer un effet de la blacklis, sélectionnez le et cliquez sur le bouton Supprimer de la liste.'
+L.Filter_BlacklistRemove		= 'Supprimer de la liste'
+L.Filter_PlayerHeader			= 'Filtre d\'effets pour vous'
+L.Filter_TargetHeader			= 'Filtres d\'effets pour la cible'
+L.Filter_Block					= 'Filtrer le blocage'
+L.Filter_BlockPlayerTip			= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du buff de blocage lorsque vous bloquez.'
+L.Filter_BlockTargetTip			= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du buff de blocage lorsque votre cible bloque.'
+L.Filter_Cyrodiil				= 'Filtrer les bonus de Cyrodiil'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilPlayerTip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs AvA de Cyrodiil appliqués à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_CyrodiilTargetTip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs AvA de Cyrodiil appliqués à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_Disguise				= 'Filtrer les déguisements'
+L.Filter_DisguisePlayerTip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du buff de déguisement appliqué à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_DisguiseTargeTtip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du buff de déguisement appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_MajorEffects			= 'Filtrer les effets majeurs'
+L.Filter_MajorEffectsTargetTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer les effets "Majeurs" (ex. Prophétie Majeure, Brutalité Majeure) appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_MinorEffects			= 'Filtrer les effets mineurs'
+L.Filter_MinorEffectsTargetTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer les effets "Majeurs" (ex. Sorcellerie mineure, Evitement mineur) appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoon				= 'Filtrer les pierres de Mundus'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonPlayerTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du bonus de la pierre de Mundus appliqué à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_MundusBoonTargetTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichagedu bonus de la pierre de Mundus appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummons			= 'Filtrer le timer du rez gratuit'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsPlayerTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du timer de rez gratuit de la ligne Magie des Ames appliqué à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_SoulSummonsTargetTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage du timer de rez gratuit de la ligne Magie des Ames appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_VampLycan				= 'Filtrer le timer Vampire & Loup-Garou'
+L.Filter_VampLycanPlayerTip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs de vampirisme et de lycanthropie appliqué à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanTargetTip		= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs de vampirisme et de lycanthropie appliqué à votre cible.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBite			= 'Filtrer le timer de morsure Vampire & Loup-Garou'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBitePlayerTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs de morsure vampire et lycanthropique appliqué à vous-même.'
+L.Filter_VampLycanBiteTargetTip	= 'Choisissez de masquer l\'affichage des buffs de morsure vampire et lycanthropique appliqué à votre cible.'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.CastBar_Enable				= 'Activer la barre de cast & de canalisation'
+L.CastBar_EnableTip				= 'Sélectionnez si vous voulez activer une barre de cast déplaçable pour afficher les temps d\'incantation ou de canalisation de vos compétences.'
+L.CastBar_Alpha					= 'Opacité'
+L.CastBar_AlphaTip				= 'Définissez la transparence de la barre de cast lorsqu\'elle est visible. Un paramètre à 100 rends la fenêtre totalement opaque.'
+L.CastBar_Scale					= 'Echelle'
+L.CastBar_ScaleTip				= 'Définissez la taille de la barre de cast en pourcentage'
+-- settings: cast bar (name)
+L.CastBar_NameHeader			= 'Nom de la compétence castée'
+L.CastBar_NameShow				= 'Afficher le nom de la compétence castée'
+-- settings: cast bar (timer)
+L.CastBar_TimerHeader			= 'Timer de la barre de cast'
+L.CastBar_TimerShow				= 'Afficher le timer de la compétence castée'
+-- settings: cast bar (bar)
+L.CastBar_BarHeader				= 'Barre de timer'
+L.CastBar_BarReverse			= 'Inverser les directions du timer'
+L.CastBar_BarReverseTip			= 'Définissez si vous souhaitez inverser le timer de la barre de cast.'
+L.CastBar_BarGloss				= 'Activer la brillance'
+L.CastBar_BarGlossTip			= 'Définissez si vous souhaitez que la barre du timer possède une brillance améliorée'
+L.CastBar_BarWidth				= 'Largeur de la barre'
+L.CastBar_BarWidthTip			= 'Définissez la largeur de la barre de cast lorsqu\' elle est affichée.'
+L.CastBar_BarColour				= 'Couleur de la barre'
+L.CastBar_BarColourTip			= 'Définissez les couleurs de la barre de cast. La première couleur est la couleur primaire en début de cast, la seconde sera celle affichée à la fin du timer.'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.DisplayFrame_Alpha			= 'Transparence de la fenêtre'
+L.DisplayFrame_AlphaTip			= 'Définissez la transparence de la fenêtre des effets lorsqu\'elle est visible. Un paramètre à 100 rends la fenêtre totalement opaque.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Scale			= 'Echelle de la fenêtre'
+L.DisplayFrame_ScaleTip			= 'Définissez la taille de la fenêtre des effets en pourcentage.'
+-- settings: display frames (aura)
+L.DisplayFrame_AuraHeader		= 'Affichage'
+L.DisplayFrame_Style			= 'Style'
+L.DisplayFrame_StyleTip			= 'Définissez le style qui sera appliqué à cette fenêtre d\'effets.\n\n|cffd100Affichage détaillé|r - Affiche le nom de la compétence, son icône, la barre de timer et le texte associé.\n\n|cffd100Icône seulement|r - Affiche l\'icône de la compétence et le texte du timer seulement, ce style permet plus d\'options pour le sens de l\'empilage du temps des effets.\n\n|cffd100Minimal|r - Affiche le nom de la compétence et une barre de timer plus petite.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Growth			= 'Sens de l\'empilage du temps des effets'
+L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip		= 'Définissez dans quel sens les nouveaux effets doivent s\'empiler depuis le point d\'origine. Pour les paramètres "centrés", les effets iront dans le sens précisé dans la liste.\n\nLes effets ne peuvent s\'empiler que lorsqu\'ils sont affichés en mode |cffd100Détaillé|r or |cffd100Minimal|r styles.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Padding			= 'Espacement entre les piles d\'effets'
+L.DisplayFrame_PaddingTip		= 'Définissez l\'espacement entre chaque effet.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Sort				= 'Ordre de tri des effets'
+L.DisplayFrame_SortTip			= 'Définissez comment les effets sont triés. Soit par ordre alphabétique, soit par durée restante ou dans l\'ordre où ils ont atés castés.\n\nLorsque vous triez par durée, tous les passifs et effets continus seront triés par nom et seront affichés en début ou en fin de pile selon l\'ordre de tri, avec les compétences temporaires listées ensuite ou avant.'
+L.DisplayFrame_Highlight		= 'Mise en surbrillance des icones d\'effet continu'
+L.DisplayFrame_HighlightTip		= 'Définir si les effets continus doivent être mis en surbrillance pour mieux les distinguer des effets passifs.\n\nNon disponible dans le mode |cffd100Minimal|r.'
+-- settings: display frames (name)
+L.DisplayFrame_NameHeader		= 'Nom de la compétence'
+-- settings: display frames (timer)
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerHeader		= 'Texte du Timer'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation	= 'Emplacement du texte du timer'
+L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip	= 'Définir la position des timers pour chaque effet par rapport à son icone.'
+-- settings: display frames (bar)
+L.DisplayFrame_BarHeader		= 'Barre du timer'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverse		= 'Inverser les directions du timer'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarReverseTip	= 'Définissez si vous souhaitez inverser le timer de l\'effet. Dans le mdoe |cffd100Détaillé|r cela inversera également la position de l\'icône.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGloss			= 'Activer la brillance'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarGlossTip		= 'Définissez si vous souhaitez que la barre du timer possède une brillance améliorée.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidth			= 'Largeur de la barre'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarWidthTip		= 'Définissez la largeur de la du timer lorsqu\'elle est affichée.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimed			= 'Couleur: Effets temporaires'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip		= 'Définir les couleurs des effets temporaires. La première couleur est la couleur primaire en début d\'effet, la seconde sera celle affichée à la fin du timer.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggled		= 'Couleur: Effets continus'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip	= 'Définir les couleurs des effets temporaires. La première couleur est la couleur primaire en début de barre, la seconde sera celle affichée à la fin de la barre.'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassive		= 'Couleur: Effets passives'
+L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip	= 'Définir les couleurs des effets temporaires. La première couleur est la couleur primaire en début de barre, la seconde sera celle affichée à la fin de la barre.'
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+L.Profile_Desc					= 'Les profils de préférences peuvent être gérés ici vous permettant de sélectionner entre une configuration par compte ou par personnage. Vous devez d\'abord activer la gestion des profils pour modifier les valeurs ci-dessous.'
+L.Profile_UseGlobal				= 'Utiliser une configuration par compte'
+L.Profile_UseGlobalWarn			= 'Switcher entre la configuration par personnage et par compte rechargera votre UI.'
+L.Profile_Copy					= 'Sélectionnez un profil à copier'
+L.Profile_CopyTip				= 'Select a profile to copy its settings to the currently actrive profile. The active profile will be for either the logged in character or the account wide profile if enabled. The existing profile settings will be permanently overwritten.\n\nThis cannot be undone!'
+L.Profile_CopyButton			= 'Copier le profil'
+L.Profile_CopyButtonWarn		= 'Copier un profil rechargera votre UI.'
+L.Profile_CopyCannotCopy		= 'Impossible de copier le profil sélectionné. Veuillez réessayer ou sélectionner un autre profil.'
+L.Profile_Delete				= 'Sélectionnez un profil à supprimer'
+L.Profile_DeleteTip				= 'Sélectionnez un profil à supprimer de la base des paramètres. Si le personnage concerné est reconnecté par la suite, et que vous n\'utilisez pas une configuration par compte, celui-ci héritera de la configuration par défaut'
+L.Profile_DeleteButton			= 'Supprimer le profil'
+L.Profile_Guard					= 'Activer la gestion des profils'

 if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'fr') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
     for k, v in pairs(Srendarr:GetLocale()) do
@@ -178,4 +292,4 @@ if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'fr') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
     function Srendarr:GetLocale() -- set new locale return
         return L
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Locales/Local_ru.lua b/Locales/Local_ru.lua
index d17a5de..224f01f 100644
--- a/Locales/Local_ru.lua
+++ b/Locales/Local_ru.lua
@@ -1,149 +1,286 @@
 -- Russian (ru) - Translations provided by @KiriX (
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
-local L = {}
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= {}

 L.Srendarr  = '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r'
 L.Usage     = '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Ècïoìöçoáaîèe: /srendarr áêìôùèòö/oòêìôùèòö áoçíoæîocòö ïepeäáèâaòö ëìeíeîòÿ èîòep³eéca aääoîa ïo ëêpaîó.'
--- timer strings
+-- time format
 L.Time_Seconds          = '%dc'
 L.Time_Minutes          = '%dí'
 L.Time_Hours            = '%dù'
-L.Time_Toggle           = 'T'
-L.Time_Passive          = 'P'
-L.Time_Cast             = 'Cast'
--- drag overlay labels
-L.DragLabel_BuffShort   = 'ÊOPOÒÊÈE'
-L.DragLabel_BuffLong    = 'ÄÌÈÒEÌÖΟE'
-L.DragLabel_BuffAll     = 'ÀA²²'
-L.DragLabel_Debuff      = 'ÄEÀA²²'
-L.DragLabel_Target      = 'ŒEÌÖ'
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- dropdown menus
-L.DropGrowth1           = 'Ááepx'
-L.DropGrowth2           = 'Áîèç'
-L.DropGrowth3           = 'Áìeáo'
-L.DropGrowth4           = 'Áìeáo (Oòœeîòpoáaîo)'
-L.DropGrowth5           = 'Áïpaáo'
-L.DropGrowth6           = 'Áïpaáo (Oòœeîòpoáaîo)'
-L.DropSort1             = 'Ocòaáúeecü ápeíü'
-L.DropSort2             = 'Îaçáaîèe cïocoàîocòè'
-L.DropTimer1            = 'Îa èêoîêe'
-L.DropTimer2            = 'Ïoä èêoîêoé'
-L.DropTimer3            = 'Îaä èêoîêoé'
-L.DropTimer4            = 'Cêpÿòo'
--- tabs
-L.TabButton1            = 'Oàûèe'
-L.TabButton2            = 'Êopoòêèe àa³³ÿ'
-L.TabButton3            = 'Äìèòeìöîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.TabButton4            = 'Äeàa³³ÿ'
-L.TabButton5            = 'Àa³³ÿ œeìè'
-L.TabButton6            = 'Ïpo³èìè'
-L.TabHeader1            = 'Oàûèe îacòpoéêè'
-L.TabHeader2            = 'Îacòpoéêè êopoòêèx è êoíàèîèpoáaîîÿx àa³³oá'
-L.TabHeader3            = 'Îacòpoéêè äìèòeìöîÿx àa³³oá'
-L.TabHeader4            = 'Îacòpoéêè äeàa³³oá'
-L.TabHeader5            = 'Îacòpoéêè àa³³oá œeìè'
-L.TabHeader6            = 'Îacòpoéêè ïpo³èìeé'
--- example aura names
-L.ExampleAura1 = 'Àa³³'
-L.ExampleAura2 = 'Äpóâoé àa³³'
-L.ExampleAura3 = 'Eûe oäèî àa³³'
-L.ExampleAura4 = 'Äeàa³³'
-L.ExampleAura5 = 'Äpóâoé äeàa³³'
-L.ExampleAura6 = 'Eûe oäèî äeàa³³'
-L.ExampleAura7 = 'Ápeíeîîÿe aópÿ (Äìèòeìöîÿe)'
-L.ExampleAura8 = 'Áêìôùaeíÿe aópÿ'
-L.ExampleAura9 = 'Ïaccèáîÿe aópÿ'
--- settings: general tab (1)
-L.GeneralAnchorDesc = 'Paçàìoêèpóéòe, ùòoàÿ ïepeíeûaòö ïo ëêpaîó íÿúöô òaéíepÿ aóp. Êîoïêa Càpoc áepîeò áce îa ïoçèœèè ïo óíoìùaîèô.'
-L.GeneralAnchorLock = 'Çaàìoêèpoáaòö'
-L.GeneralAnchorUnlock = 'Paçàìoêèpoáaòö'
-L.GeneralAnchorReset = 'Càpoc'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombat = 'Òoìöêo á àoô'
-L.GeneralOnlyCombatTip = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö áce ë³³eêòÿ òoìöêo áo ápeíü àoü.'
-L.GeneralCombine = 'Êoíàèîèpoáaòö àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralCombineTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, äoìæîÿ ìè êopoòêèe è äìèòeìöîÿe àa³³ÿ îaxoäèòöcü á oäîoí oêîe, èìè äoìæîÿ àÿòö paçäeìeîÿ îa äáa oòäeìöîÿx oêîa.\n\nEcìè paçäeìèòö, àa³³ÿ, êoòopÿe àóäóò áo áòopoí (Äìèòeìöîoí) oêîe, àóäóò ïaccèáîÿíè, áêìôùaeíÿíè è àa³³aíè c äìèòeìöîocòöô oò íèîóòÿ è äoìúöe.'
-L.GeneralThreshold = 'Âpaîèœa êopoòêèx àaññoá'
-L.GeneralThresholdTip = 'Ïo óíoìùaîèô èâpa oïpeäeìüeò àaññÿ c äìèòeìöîocòöô á 30 ceêóîä è àoìee êaê äìèòeìöîÿe. Çäecö áÿ íoæeòe èçíeîèòö ëòó âpaîèœó oïpeäeìeîèü.'
-L.GeneralTarget = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö aópÿ œeìè'
-L.GeneralTargetTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö ìè äìèòeìöîÿe, áêìôùaeíÿe è ïaccèáÿîe àa³³ÿ áaûeé òeêóûeé œeìè á oòäeìöîoí oêîe.'
-L.GeneralDebuff = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö äeàa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralDebuffTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö ìè îaìoæeîîÿe áaíè äeàa³³ÿ á oòäeìöîoí oêîe. Ïoæaìóécòa, ïoíîèòe, ùòo èî³opíaœèü, ïpeäocòaáìüeíaü ëòèí íoäoí, ïoêaçaîîÿe òaéíepÿ, íoâóò àÿòö îeòoùîÿ è îe íoâóò oòcìeäèòö cíepòö œeìè èìè oùècòêó œeìè oò îeâaòèáîÿx ë³³eêòoá, oïèpaéòecö îa äaîîÿe aääoîa òoìöêo êaê îa îeêoòopóô ïoäcêaçêó.'
-L.GeneralDebuffWarn = 'Îe íoæeò àÿòö ïoìîoœeîîo peaìèçoáaîo èç-ça oâpaîèùeîèé API.'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersPlayer = '²èìöòpÿ aóp: Èâpoê'
-L.GeneralHeaderFiltersTarget  = '²èìöòpÿ aóp: Œeìö'
-L.GeneralSoulSummons = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö aópó Soul Summons'
-L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò äìèòeìöîocòö \'aópÿ\' Soul Summons.'
-L.GeneralToggle = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö áêìôùaeíÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralToggleTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò áêìôùaeíÿe àa³³ÿ àeç äìèòeìöîocòè.\n\nÎaïp.: Unstable Familiar'
-L.GeneralPassive = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralPassiveTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ.\n\nÎaïp: ˳³eêòÿ êaíîeé Íóîäóca'
-L.GeneralCyrodiil = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö àoîócÿ Cèpoäèìa'
-L.GeneralCyrodiilTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò àoîócîÿe àa³³ÿ ça AvA êaíïaîèô á Cèpoäèìe.\n\nÒpeàóeòcü: Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralDisguise = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö íacêèpoáêó'
-L.GeneralDisguiseTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò aêòèáîóô íacêèpoáêó.\n\nÒpeàóeòcü: Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralAllEffects = 'Áce ëññeêòÿ'
-L.GeneralAllEffectsTip = 'Oòoàpaæaeò äaæe íeîee áaæîÿe ëññeêòÿ.\Îaïp: ESO Plus Member\n\nÒpeàoáaîèe: Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralMundus = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö ë³³eêòÿ êaíîeé Íóîäóca'
-L.GeneralMundusTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò ë³³eêòÿ êaíîeé Íóîäóca.\n\nÒpeàóeòcü: Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralVampLycan = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö ³opíÿ Áaíïèpa/Oàopoòîü'
-L.GeneralVampLycanTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö èìè îeò àa³³ÿ áaíïèpèçía è ìèêaîòpoïèè.\n\nÒpeàóeòcü: Ïoêaçÿáaòö ïaccèáîÿe àa³³ÿ'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffs = 'Hide Minor Buffs'
-L.GeneralMinorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Minor Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Minor Sorcery"'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffs = 'Hide Major Buffs'
-L.GeneralMajorBuffsTip = 'Set wether to hide Major Buffs.\n\ne.g. "Major Sorcery"'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - base
-L.WindowAlpha = 'Ïpoçpaùîocòö'
-L.WindowAlphaTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò ïpoçpaùîocòö oêîa aóp. 100 - ïoìîocòöô áèäèíoe, îeïpoçpaùîoe.'
-L.WindowScale = 'Paçíep'
-L.WindowScaleTip = 'Paçíep oêîa aóp á ïpoœeîòax. 100 - paçíep ïo óíoìùaîèô.'
-L.WindowGrowth = 'Îaïpaáìeîèe çaïoìîeîèü oêîa'
-L.WindowGrowthTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, á êaêoí îaïpaáìeîèè oò üêopü àóäóò ïoüáìüòöcü îoáÿe aópÿ. Äìü oòœeîòpèpoáaîîÿx îacòpoeê, aópÿ àóäóò äoàaáìüòöcü ïo oàe còopoîÿ üêopü á ïopüäêe, çaäaîîoí ïpe³èêcoí (Áìeáo/Áïpaáo).\n\nÏoíîèòe, ùòo êoâäa áÿàpaîo âopèçoîòaìöîoe oòoàpaæeîèe, îaçáaîèe aópÿ è ïoìçóîoê ápeíeîè aáòoíaòèùecêè cêpÿáaôòcü.'
-L.WindowPadding = 'Paccòoüîèe íeæäó aópaíè'
-L.WindowPaddingTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò ïpocòpaîcòáo íeæäó êaæäoé oòoàpaæeîîoé aópoé.'
-L.WindowSort = 'Ïopüäoê copòèpoáêè'
-L.WindowSortTip = 'Çaäaeò ïopüäoê copòèpoáêè aóp. Á aì³aáèòîoí ïopüäêe ïo îaçáaîèô èìè ïo äìèòeìöîocòè. Ecìè áÿàpaîa copòèpoáêa ïo äìèòeìöîocòè, ïaccèáîÿe è áêìôùaeíÿe cïocoàîocòè áceâäa àóäóò ïepáÿíè oò üêopü, cìeäoí àóäóò pacïoìaâaòöcü aópÿ á ïopüäêe óíeîöúeîèü äìèòeìöîocòè èx äeécòáèü, òaê caíÿe êopoòêèe aópÿ ïpoïaäaôò àÿcòpee äpóâèx è îaxoäüòcü äaìöúe áceâo oò üêopü.'
-L.WindowIconOn = 'Èêoîêa cïpaáa'
-L.WindowIconOnTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, âäe àóäeò pacïoìaâaòöcü èêoîêa aópÿ, cïpaáa èìè cìeáa oò îaçáaîèü è ïoìçóîêa ápeíeîè, êoâäa áÿàpaîo áepòèêaìöîoe oòoàpaæeîèe.'
-L.WindowShowNameBar = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö îaçáaîèe è ïoìçóîoê'
-L.WindowShowNameBarTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö ìè îaçáaîèe aópÿ è ïoìçóîoê, êoâäa aópÿ áÿcòpoeîÿ áepòèêaìöîo.'
-L.WindowTooltips = 'Îaçáaîèe cïocoàîocòè á ïoäcêaçêe'
-L.WindowTooltipsTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö ìè îaçáaîèe äìü êaæäoé aópÿ áo ácïìÿáaôûeé ïoäcêaçêe, ïpè îaáeäeîèè êópcopa îa èêoîêó.'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - name
-L.WindowNameHeader = 'Îaçáaîèe cïocoàîocòeé'
-L.WindowNameFont = 'Còèìö îaçáaîèü'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - timer
-L.WindowTimerHeader = 'Òaéíep'
-L.WindowTimerShowTP = 'Ïoêaçÿáaòö òaéíep äìü áêìôùaeíÿx è ïaccèáîÿx'
-L.WindowTimerShowTPTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò, ïoêaçÿáaòö ìè òaéíep äìü  áêìôùaeíÿx(T) è ïaccèáîÿx(P) cïocoàîocòeé. Ecìè áÿêìôùeîo, òaéíep àóäeò cêpÿò äìü aóp àeç äìèòeìöîocòè.'
-L.WindowTimerHorz = 'Ïoìoæeîèe òaéíep: Âopèçoîòaìöîo'
-L.WindowTimerHorzTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò ïoìoæeîèe òaéíepa äìü êaæäoé aópÿ, êoâäa aópÿ oòoàpaæaôòcü âopèçoîòaìöîo. Ócòaîoáêa Cêpÿòo oòêìôùèò oòoàpaæeîèe òaéíepa äìü ácex aóp.'
-L.WindowTimerVert = 'Ïoìoæeîèe òaéíep: Áepòèêaìöîo'
-L.WindowTimerVertTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò ïoìoæeîèe òaéíepa äìü êaæäoé aópÿ, êoâäa aópÿ oòoàpaæaôòcü áepòèêaìöîo. Ócòaîoáêa Cêpÿòo oòêìôùèò oòoàpaæeîèe òaéíepa äìü ácex aóp.'
-L.WindowTimerFont = 'Còèìö òaéíepa'
--- settings: style tabs (2-4) - bar
-L.WindowBarHeader = 'Ïoìçóîoê ápeíeîè'
-L.WindowBarGloss = 'Oòàìecê'
-L.WindowBarGlossTip = 'Äoàaáìüeò ë³³eêò oòàìecêa îa ïoìçóîoê.'
-L.WindowBarWidth = 'Äìèîa ïoìçóîêa'
-L.WindowBarWidthTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò äìèîó ïoìçóîêa, ecìè oî oòoàpaæaeòcü.'
-L.WindowBarTimed = 'Œáeòa: Ápeíeîîÿe aópÿ'
-L.WindowBarTimedTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò œáeòa ïoìçóîêa äìü aóp c äìèòeìöîocòöô. Ìeáÿé œáeò çaäaeò œáeò îaùaìa ïoìçóîêa (oòêóäa îaùèîaeòcü oòcùeò), a áòopoé oïpeäeìüeò œáeò êoîœa ïoìçóîêa (êoâäa aópa ïoùòè ècòeêìa).\n\nËòè æe œáeòa àóäóò ècïoìöçoáaòöcü äìü cïocoàîocòeé, èíeàûèx ápeíü ïpèíeîeîèü.'
-L.WindowBarToggle = 'Œáeòa: Áêìôùaeíÿe aópÿ'
-L.WindowBarToggleTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò œáeòa ïoìçóîêa äìü áêìôùaeíÿx aóp. Ìeáÿé œáeò çaäaeò œáeò îaùaìa ïoìçóîêa (îaèàoìöúee paccòoüîèe oò èêoîêè), a áòopoé oïpeäeìüeò œáeò êoîœa ïoìçóîêa (àìèæaéúèé ê èêoîêe).'
-L.WindowBarPassive = 'Œáeòa: Ïaccèáîÿe aópÿ'
-L.WindowBarPassiveTip = 'Oïpeäeìüeò œáeòa ïoìçóîêa äìü ïaccèáîÿx aóp. Ìeáÿé œáeò çaäaeò œáeò îaùaìa ïoìçóîêa (îaèàoìöúee paccòoüîèe oò èêoîêè), a áòopoé oïpeäeìüeò œáeò êoîœa ïoìçóîêa (àìèæaéúèé ê èêoîêe).'
--- settings: profiles tab (6)
-L.ProfileCharacterList = 'Cóûecòáóôûèe îacòpoéêè'
-L.ProfileCharacterListTip = 'Cïècoê ïepcoîaæeé, êoòopÿe èíeôò cáoè îacòpoéêè S\'rendarr.'
-L.ProfileCopyFrom = 'Êoïèpoáaòö îacòpoéêè'
-L.ProfileCopyFromTip = 'Êoïèpoáaòö îacòpoéêè áÿàpaîîoâo ïepcoîaæa ïepcoîaæó, êoòopÿí áÿ ceéùac çaúìè.'
-L.ProfileCopyFromWarn = 'Îaæaîèe ëòoé êîoïêè ïepeçaâpóçèò UI è îaáceâäa ïepeçaïèúeò îacòpoéêè ëòoâo ïepcoîaæa îacòpoéêaíè áÿàpaîîoâo ïepcoîaæa.\n\nËòo îeoàpaòèíoe äeécòáèe.'
+-- aura grouping
+-- whitelist & blacklist control
+-- settings: base
+-- settings: generic
+-- settings: dropdown entries
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+-- settings: general (aura control: display groups)
+-- settings: general (prominent auras)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+-- settings: cast bar (name)
+-- settings: cast bar (timer)
+-- settings: cast bar (bar)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+-- settings: display frames (aura)
+-- settings: display frames (name)
+-- settings: display frames (timer)
+-- settings: display frames (bar)
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------

 if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'ru') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
     for k, v in pairs(Srendarr:GetLocale()) do
@@ -155,4 +292,4 @@ if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'ru') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
     function Srendarr:GetLocale() -- set new locale return
         return L
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/MinorMajorBuffs.lua b/MinorMajorBuffs.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fbe65e..0000000
--- a/MinorMajorBuffs.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- Minor Buffs ---------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-local Minor = {}
-Minor.Minor_Berserk     = { 61744, 62636, 62639, 62642, 62645, 64047, 64048, 64050, 64051, 64052, 64053, 64054, 64055, 64056, 64057, 64058, 64178 }
-Minor.Minor_Breach      = { 68589, 68592, 61742, 64256, 68591 }
-Minor.Minor_Brutality   = { 61662, 61798, 61799, 64259 }
-Minor.Minor_Defile      = { 61726 }
-Minor.Minor_Endurance   = { 61704, 62056, 62102, 62106, 62110 }
-Minor.Minor_Evasion     = { 61715 }
-Minor.Minor_Expedition  = { 61735, 63558, 63561, 63562, 63563 }
-Minor.Minor_Force       = { 68595, 68596, 68597, 68598, 68628, 68629, 68630, 68631, 68632, 68636, 68638, 68640, 61746 }
-Minor.Minor_Fortitude   = { 61697 }
-Minor.Minor_Fracture    = { 68588, 38688, 61740, 62582, 62585, 62588, 64144, 64145, 64146, 64147, 64255 }
-Minor.Minor_Gallop      = { 63568 }
-Minor.Minor_Heroism     = { 38746, 61708, 62336, 62337, 62338, 62505, 62508, 62510, 62512 }
-Minor.Minor_Intellect   = { 36740, 61706 }
-Minor.Minor_Maim        = { 68359, 29308, 31899, 33228, 37472, 38068, 38072, 38076, 38817, 61723, 61724, 61854, 61855, 61856, 62339, 62340, 62341, 62492, 62493, 62494, 62495, 62500, 62501, 62503, 62504, 62507, 62509, 62511 }
-Minor.Minor_Mangle      = { 39168, 39180, 39181, 42984, 42986, 42991, 42993, 42998, 43000, 61733 }
-Minor.Minor_Mending     = { 68685, 68689, 68690, 68691, 61710 }
-Minor.Minor_Prophecy    = { 61688, 61691, 62319, 62320, 64261 }
-Minor.Minor_Protection  = { 3929, 28347, 40185, 61721, 62245, 62246, 62247 }
-Minor.Minor_Resolve     = { 24159, 31818, 37247, 61693, 61768, 61769, 61770, 61817, 61818, 61819, 61822, 62206, 62208, 62210, 62213, 62215, 62218, 62221, 62226, 62232, 62235, 62238, 62475, 62477, 62481, 62483, 62620, 62622, 62624, 62626, 62628, 62630, 62632, 62634, 62637, 62640, 62643, 63532, 63599, 63602, 63606 }
-Minor.Minor_Savagery    = { 61666, 61882, 61898, 64260 }
-Minor.Minor_Sorcery     = { 61685, 62799, 62800, 64258 }
-Minor.Minor_Vitality    = { 32733, 37027, 37031, 37032, 37033, 61549, 61892, 61894, 61896, 63340, 64080, 64081, 64082 }
-Minor.Minor_Ward        = { 68512, 68513, 68514, 68515, 32761, 61695, 61862, 61863, 61864, 62214, 62216, 62219, 62222, 62619, 62621, 62623, 62625, 62627, 62629, 62631, 62633, 62635, 62638, 62641, 62644, 63571, 63600, 63603, 63607 }
-Minor.Minor_Wound       = { 70619, 9611, 9612, 10601, 47726, 48346, 54126, 57962 }
-Srendarr.MinorBuffs = {}
-for _, v in pairs( Minor ) do
-    for _, v2 in pairs( v ) do
-        Srendarr.MinorBuffs[v2] = true
-    end
--- ---------------------------------------------------
--- Major Buffs ---------------------------------------
--- ---------------------------------------------------
-local Major = {}
-Major.Major_Berserk     = { 36973, 37645, 37654, 37663, 48078, 61745, 62195 }
-Major.Major_Breach      = { 33363, 36972, 36980, 37591, 37599, 37607, 37618, 37627, 37636, 61743, 62485, 62486, 62489, 62491, 63921, 63923, 63925, 64251 }
-Major.Major_Brutality   = { 68804, 68805, 68806, 68807, 68814, 68815, 68816, 68817, 68845, 68852, 68859, 23673, 33317, 36894, 36903, 37924, 37927, 37930, 37933, 37936, 37939, 37942, 37947, 37952, 45228, 45393, 61665, 61670, 62057, 62058, 62059, 62060, 62063, 62065, 62067, 62147, 62150, 62153, 62156, 62344, 62347, 62350, 62387, 62392, 62396, 62400, 62415, 62425, 62441, 62448, 72936, 63768, 64554, 64555, 68843 }
-Major.Major_Defile      = { 68163, 68164, 68165, 21927, 24153, 24686, 24702, 24703, 29230, 33399, 36509, 36515, 37511, 37515, 37519, 37523, 37528, 37533, 37538, 37542, 37546, 38686, 38838, 58869, 61727, 62513, 62514, 62515, 62578, 62579, 62580, 63148 }
-Major.Major_Endurance   = { 68361, 68408, 68797, 68799, 68801, 72935, 32748, 45226, 61705, 61886, 61888, 61889, 62251, 62258, 62265, 62272, 62575, 63681, 63683, 63766, 63789, 68800 }
-Major.Major_Evasion     = { 69685, 61716, 63015, 63016, 63017, 63018, 63019, 63023, 63026, 63028, 63030, 63036, 63040, 63042 }
-Major.Major_Expedition  = { 67708, 67714, 67715, 67716, 68793, 68795, 72655, 72657, 72658, 23216, 33210, 33328, 36050, 36946, 36959, 37789, 37793, 37797, 37852, 37859, 37866, 37873, 37881, 37889, 37897, 37906, 37915, 45235, 45399, 61736, 61833, 61838, 61839, 61840, 62181, 62186, 62191, 62249, 62256, 62263, 62270, 62531, 62537, 62540, 62543, 63987, 63993, 63999, 64005, 64012, 64019, 64026, 64566, 64567, 72656 }
-Major.Major_Force       = { 40225, 61747 }
-Major.Major_Fortitude   = { 66256, 66702, 68405, 72928, 29011, 40175, 40443, 42285, 42288, 42291, 45222, 61698, 61871, 61872, 61873, 61884, 61885, 61887, 61890, 61891, 61893, 61895, 61897, 62250, 62257, 62264, 62271, 62555, 63670, 63672, 63784 }
-Major.Major_Fracture    = { 28307, 34734, 36228, 36232, 36236, 48946, 61741, 61909, 61910, 61911, 62470, 62471, 62473, 62474, 62476, 62480, 62482, 62484, 62487, 62488, 62490, 63909, 63912, 63913, 63914, 63915, 63916, 63917, 63918, 63919, 63920, 63922, 63924, 64254 }
-Major.Major_Gallop      = { 63569 }
-Major.Major_Heroism     = { 61709, 65133 }
-Major.Major_Intellect   = { 68133, 68406, 72932, 45224, 61707, 62252, 62259, 62266, 62273, 62577, 63676, 63678, 63771, 63785 }
-Major.Major_Maim        = { 61725 }
-Major.Major_Mangle      = { 61734 }
-Major.Major_Mending     = { 55033, 61711, 61758, 61759, 61760 }
-Major.Major_Prophecy    = { 40479, 40482, 40486, 42413, 42417, 42421, 42436, 42439, 42442, 42446, 42452, 42458, 47193, 47195, 61689, 61918, 61937, 61940, 61943, 61946, 61950, 61954, 61959, 61963, 61968, 61973, 61978, 62747, 62748, 62749, 62750, 62751, 62752, 62753, 62754, 62755, 62756, 62757, 62758, 63776, 64570, 64572 }
-Major.Major_Protection  = { 75514, 44854, 44857, 44859, 44860, 44862, 44863, 44864, 44865, 44866, 44867, 44868, 44869, 44871, 44872, 44874, 44876, 61722, 63883, 63899, 63900, 64070, 64071, 64166 }
-Major.Major_Resolve     = { 66075, 66083, 22236, 44822, 44824, 44826, 44828, 44830, 44832, 44834, 44836, 44839, 44841, 44843, 45234, 45397, 61694, 61815, 61820, 61823, 61825, 61827, 61829, 61831, 61835, 61836, 61841, 61844, 61846, 62159, 62161, 62163, 62165, 62168, 62169, 62171, 62173, 62175, 62179, 62184, 62189, 63084, 63088, 63091, 63116, 63119, 63123, 63127, 63131, 63134, 63137, 63140, 63143, 64564, 64565 }
-Major.Major_Savagery    = { 26795, 27190, 27194, 27198, 45241, 45466, 61667, 61947, 61951, 61955, 61960, 63242, 63770, 64509, 64568, 64569, 64952 }
-Major.Major_Sorcery     = { 72933, 45227, 45391, 61687, 62062, 62064, 62066, 62068, 62240, 62241, 62242, 62243, 63223, 63224, 63225, 63226, 63227, 63228, 63229, 63230, 63231, 63232, 63233, 63234, 63774, 64558, 64561 }
-Major.Major_Vitality    = { 61713, 63533, 63534, 63535, 63536 }
-Major.Major_Ward        = { 18868, 44820, 44821, 44823, 44825, 44827, 44829, 44831, 44833, 44835, 44838, 44840, 44842, 45076, 45233, 45395, 61696, 61816, 61821, 61824, 61826, 61828, 61830, 61832, 61834, 61837, 61842, 61843, 61845, 62160, 62162, 62164, 62166, 62167, 62170, 62172, 62174, 62176, 62180, 62185, 62190, 63085, 63089, 63092, 63117, 63120, 63124, 63128, 63132, 63135, 63138, 63141, 63144, 64562, 64563 }
-Major.Major_Wound       = { 46839 }
-Srendarr.MajorBuffs = {}
-for _, v in pairs( Major ) do
-    for _, v2 in pairs( v ) do
-        Srendarr.MajorBuffs[v2] = true
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Procs.lua b/Procs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..579371b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Procs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local LMP			= LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
+local PlaySound			= PlaySound
+local procAbilityNames	= Srendarr.procAbilityNames
+local crystalFragments	= Srendarr.crystalFragments -- special case for tracking fragments proc
+local slotData			= Srendarr.slotData
+local procAnims			= {}
+local animsEnabled, procSound
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr:ProcAnimationStart(slot)
+	if (animsEnabled and not procAnims[slot].isPlaying) then -- no need to start if already playing
+		procAnims[slot].loopTexture:SetHidden(false)
+		procAnims[slot].loop:PlayFromStart()
+		procAnims[slot].isPlaying = true
+		PlaySound(procSound)
+	end
+function Srendarr:ProcAnimationStop(slot)
+	if (animsEnabled and procAnims[slot].isPlaying) then
+		procAnims[slot].isPlaying = false
+		procAnims[slot].loopTexture:SetHidden(true)
+		procAnims[slot].loop:Stop()
+	end
+function Srendarr:OnCrystalFragmentsProc(onGain)
+	if (onGain) then
+		procAbilityNames[crystalFragments] = true
+		for slot = 3, 7 do
+			if (slotData[slot].abilityName == crystalFragments) then
+				self:ProcAnimationStart(slot)
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	else
+		procAbilityNames[crystalFragments] = false
+		for slot = 3, 7  do
+			if (slotData[slot].abilityName == crystalFragments) then
+				self:ProcAnimationStop(slot)
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+function Srendarr:ConfigureProcs()
+	animsEnabled	= self.db.procEnableAnims
+	procSound		= LMP:Fetch('sound', self.db.procPlaySound)
+	if (not animsEnabled) then -- ensure animations are hidden if not using
+		for slot = 3, 7 do
+			procAnims[slot].loopTexture:SetHidden(true)
+			procAnims[slot].loop:Stop()
+		end
+	end
+function Srendarr:InitializeProcs()
+	local button, ctrl
+	for slot = 3, 7 do
+		button			= ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(slot)
+		procAnims[slot]	= {}
+		ctrl = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateControl(nil, button.slot, CT_TEXTURE)
+		ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, button.slot:GetNamedChild('FlipCard'))
+		ctrl:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, button.slot:GetNamedChild('FlipCard'))
+		ctrl:SetTexture([[esoui/art/actionbar/]])
+		ctrl:SetBlendMode(TEX_BLEND_MODE_ADD)
+		ctrl:SetDrawLevel(2)
+		ctrl:SetHidden(true)
+		procAnims[slot].loopTexture = ctrl
+		procAnims[slot].loop = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimelineFromVirtual('UltimateReadyLoop', ctrl)
+		procAnims[slot].loop:SetHandler('OnStop', function()
+			procAnims[slot].loopTexture:SetHidden(true)
+		end)
+	end
+	self:ConfigureProcs()
diff --git a/Settings.lua b/Settings.lua
index 4aa99cd..ae7ad03 100644
--- a/Settings.lua
+++ b/Settings.lua
@@ -1,930 +1,2098 @@
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
-local LAM = LibStub('LibAddonMenu-2.0')
-local LMP = LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
-local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local Srendarr		= _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
+local L				= Srendarr:GetLocale()
+local LAM			= LibStub('LibAddonMenu-2.0')
+local LMP			= LibStub('LibMediaProvider-1.0')
+-- CONSTS --
+local AURA_GROW_UP			= Srendarr.AURA_GROW_UP

-local WM            = GetWindowManager()
-local CM            = CALLBACK_MANAGER
-local tinsert       = table.insert
-local tsort         = table.sort
-local dropGrowth        = {L.DropGrowth1, L.DropGrowth2, L.DropGrowth3, L.DropGrowth4, L.DropGrowth5, L.DropGrowth6}
-local dropGrowthRef     = {[L.DropGrowth1] = 'UP', [L.DropGrowth2] = 'DOWN', [L.DropGrowth3] = 'LEFT', [L.DropGrowth4] = 'LEFTCENTER', [L.DropGrowth5] = 'RIGHT', [L.DropGrowth6] = 'RIGHTCENTER',
-                           ['UP'] = L.DropGrowth1, ['DOWN'] = L.DropGrowth2, ['LEFT'] = L.DropGrowth3, ['LEFTCENTER'] = L.DropGrowth4, ['RIGHT'] = L.DropGrowth5, ['RIGHTCENTER'] = L.DropGrowth6}
-local dropSort          = {L.DropSort1, L.DropSort2}
-local dropSortRef       = {[L.DropSort1] = 'TIME', [L.DropSort2] = 'NAME', ['TIME'] = L.DropSort1, ['NAME'] = L.DropSort2}
-local dropTimerHorz     = {L.DropTimer1, L.DropTimer2, L.DropTimer3, L.DropTimer4}
-local dropTimerVert     = {L.DropTimer1, L.DropTimer4}
-local dropTimerRef      = {[L.DropTimer1] = 'OVER', [L.DropTimer2] = 'BELOW', [L.DropTimer3] = 'ABOVE', [L.DropTimer4] = 'HIDE',
-                           ['OVER'] = L.DropTimer1, ['BELOW'] = L.DropTimer2, ['ABOVE'] = L.DropTimer3, ['HIDE'] = L.DropTimer4}
-local playerSettingsList    = {}
-local playerSettingCopyFrom
-local tabButtons        = false
-local tabPanels         = {}
-local lastAddedControl  = {}
-local examplesShown     = false
-local controlPanel
+local WM					= GetWindowManager()
+local tinsert	 			= table.insert
+local tremove				= table.remove
+local tsort		 			= table.sort
+local strformat				= string.format
+local dropProminentAuras	= {}
+local dropBlacklistAuras	= {}
+local dropGroup				= {L.DropGroup_1, L.DropGroup_2, L.DropGroup_3, L.DropGroup_4, L.DropGroup_5, L.DropGroup_6, L.DropGroup_7, L.DropGroup_8, L.DropGroup_None}
+local dropGroupRef			= {[L.DropGroup_1] = 1, [L.DropGroup_2] = 2, [L.DropGroup_3] = 3, [L.DropGroup_4] = 4, [L.DropGroup_5] = 5, [L.DropGroup_6] = 6, [L.DropGroup_7] = 7, [L.DropGroup_8] = 8, [L.DropGroup_None] = 0}
+local dropStyle				= {L.DropStyle_Full, L.DropStyle_Icon, L.DropStyle_Mini}
+local dropStyleRef			= {[L.DropStyle_Full] = AURA_STYLE_FULL, [L.DropStyle_Icon] = AURA_STYLE_ICON, [L.DropStyle_Mini] = AURA_STYLE_MINI}
+local dropGrowthFullMini	= {L.DropGrowth_Up, L.DropGrowth_Down}
+local dropGrowthIcon		= {L.DropGrowth_Up, L.DropGrowth_Down, L.DropGrowth_Left, L.DropGrowth_Right, L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft, L.DropGrowth_CenterRight}
+local dropGrowthRef			= {[L.DropGrowth_Up] = AURA_GROW_UP, [L.DropGrowth_Down] = AURA_GROW_DOWN, [L.DropGrowth_Left] = AURA_GROW_LEFT, [L.DropGrowth_Right] = AURA_GROW_RIGHT, [L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft] = AURA_GROW_CENTERLEFT, [L.DropGrowth_CenterRight] = AURA_GROW_CENTERRIGHT}
+local dropSort				= {L.DropSort_NameAsc, L.DropSort_TimeAsc, L.DropSort_CastAsc, L.DropSort_NameDesc, L.DropSort_TimeDesc, L.DropSort_CastDesc}
+local dropSortRef			= {[L.DropSort_NameAsc] = AURA_SORT_NAMEASC, [L.DropSort_TimeAsc] = AURA_SORT_TIMEASC, [L.DropSort_CastAsc] = AURA_SORT_CASTASC, [L.DropSort_NameDesc] = AURA_SORT_NAMEDESC, [L.DropSort_TimeDesc] = AURA_SORT_TIMEDESC, [L.DropSort_CastDesc] = AURA_SORT_CASTDESC}
+local dropTimerFull			= {L.DropTimer_Hidden, L.DropTimer_Over}
+local dropTimerIcon			= {L.DropTimer_Hidden, L.DropTimer_Over, L.DropTimer_Above, L.DropTimer_Below}
+local dropTimerRef			= {[L.DropTimer_Hidden] = AURA_TIMERLOC_HIDDEN, [L.DropTimer_Over] = AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER, [L.DropTimer_Above] = AURA_TIMERLOC_ABOVE, [L.DropTimer_Below] = AURA_TIMERLOC_BELOW}
+local dropFontStyle			= {'none', 'outline', 'thin-outline', 'thick-outline', 'shadow', 'soft-shadow-thin', 'soft-shadow-thick'}
+local tabButtons			= {}
+local tabPanels				= {}
+local tabDisplayWidgetRef	= {}	-- reference to widgets of the DisplayFrame settings for manipulation
+local lastAddedControl		= {}
+local settingsGlobalStr		= strformat('%s_%s',, 'Settings')
+local settingsGlobalStrBtns	= strformat('%s_%s', settingsGlobalStr, 'TabButtons')
+local currentDisplayFrame	= 1		-- set that the display frame settings refer to the given display frame ID
+local controlPanel, controlPanelWidth, tabButtonsPanel, displayDB, tabPanelData
+local prominentAurasWidgetRef, prominentAurasSelectedAura
+local blacklistAurasWidgetRef, blacklistAurasSelectedAura
+local profileGuard			= false
+local profileCopyList		= {}
+local profileDeleteList		= {}
+local profileCopyToCopy, profileDeleteToDelete, profileDeleteDropRef
+local sampleAurasActive		= false
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local sampleAuraData = {
+	-- player timed
+	[116001] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 1),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 10,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116002] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 2),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 20,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116003] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 3),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 30,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116004] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 4),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 60,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116005] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 5),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 120,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116006] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed, 6),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 600,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- player toggled
+	[116007] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled, 1),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 0,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116008] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled, 2),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 0,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- player passive
+	[116009] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive, 1),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 0,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116010] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive, 2),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 0,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- player debuff
+	[116011] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff, 1),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 10,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116012] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff, 2),	unitTag = 'player', duration = 30,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- player ground (co opting the abilityID of ranks 2 and 3 of Path of Darkness to bypass the description check
+	[37751]  = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerGround, 1),	unitTag = '', 		duration = 10,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT},
+	[37757]  = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerGround, 2),	unitTag = '', 		duration = 30,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_AREAEFFECT},
+	-- player major|minor buffs (co opting abilityIDs from existing spells to properly filter the samples
+	[62175] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerMajor, 1),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 30,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]], effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[61898] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_PlayerMinor, 1),		unitTag = 'player', duration = 30,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]], effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- target buff (2 timeds and 1 passive)
+	[116015] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_TargetBuff, 1),		unitTag = 'reticleover', duration = 10,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116016] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_TargetBuff, 2),		unitTag = 'reticleover', duration = 30,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],	effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116017] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_TargetBuff, 3),		unitTag = 'reticleover', duration = 0,	icon = [[/esoui/art/icons/]],				effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_BUFF,		abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	-- target debuff
+	[116018] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff, 1),	unitTag = 'reticleover', duration = 10,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+	[116019] = {auraName = strformat('%s %d', L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff, 2),	unitTag = 'reticleover', duration = 30,	icon = [[esoui/art/icons/]],			effectType = BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF,	abilityType = ABILITY_TYPE_BONUS},
+local function ShowSampleAuras()
+	for _, fragment in pairs(Srendarr.displayFramesScene) do
+		SCENE_MANAGER:AddFragment(fragment)	-- make sure displayframes are visible while in the options panel
+	end
+	Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive() -- reset to a clean slate
+	local current = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
+	for id, data in pairs(sampleAuraData) do
+		Srendarr.OnEffectChanged(nil, EFFECT_RESULT_GAINED, nil, data.auraName, data.unitTag, current, current + data.duration, nil, data.icon, nil, data.effectType, data.abilityType, nil, nil, nil, id)
+	end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
 local function CopyTable(src, dest)
-    if type(dest) ~= 'table' then dest = {} end
-    if type(src) == 'table' then
-        for k, v in pairs(src) do
-            if type(v) == 'table' then
-                CopyTable(v, dest[k])
-            end
-            dest[k] = v
-        end
-    end
+	if (type(dest) ~= 'table') then
+		dest = {}
+	end
+	if (type(src) == 'table') then
+		for k, v in pairs(src) do
+			if (type(v) == 'table') then
+				CopyTable(v, dest[k])
+			end
+			dest[k] = v
+		end
+	end

-local function CopySettingsFrom(src)
-    local srcData, destData
-    local dest = GetUnitName('player')
+local function CopyProfile()
+	local usingGlobal	= SrendarrDB.Default[GetDisplayName()]['$AccountWide'].useAccountWide
+	local destProfile	= (usingGlobal) and '$AccountWide' or GetUnitName('player')
+	local sourceData, destData
+	for account, accountData in pairs(SrendarrDB.Default) do
+		for profile, data in pairs(accountData) do
+			if (profile == profileCopyToCopy) then
+				sourceData = data -- get source data to copy
+			end

-    for account, accountData in pairs(SrendarrDB.Default) do
-        for character, data in pairs(accountData) do
-            if (character == src and data.version == 2) then -- source character data
-                srcData = data
-            end
+			if (profile == destProfile) then
+				destData = data -- get destination to copy to
+			end
+		end
+	end

-            if (character == dest) then -- dest character data (current character)
-                destData = data
-            end
-        end
-    end
+	if (not sourceData or not destData) then -- something went wrong, abort
+		CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(strformat('%s: %s', L.Srendarr, L.Profile_CopyCannotCopy))
+	else
+		CopyTable(sourceData, destData)
+		ReloadUI()
+	end

-    if (not srcData or not destData) then
-        d( .. ': Unable to find character settings to copy!')
-        return
-    end
+local function DeleteProfile()
+	for account, accountData in pairs(SrendarrDB.Default) do
+		for profile, data in pairs(accountData) do
+			if (profile == profileDeleteToDelete) then -- found unwanted profile
+				accountData[profile] = nil
+				break
+			end
+		end
+	end

-    CopyTable(srcData, destData) -- copy settings
+	for i, profile in ipairs(profileDeleteList) do
+		if (profile == profileDeleteToDelete) then
+			tremove(profileDeleteList, i)
+			break
+		end
+	end

-    ReloadUI() -- reloadui to re-initialize
+	profileDeleteToDelete = false
+	profileDeleteDropRef:UpdateChoices()
+	profileDeleteDropRef:UpdateValue()

-local function GeneratePlayerList()
-    local current = GetUnitName('player')
+local function PopulateProfileLists()
+	local usingGlobal	= SrendarrDB.Default[GetDisplayName()]['$AccountWide'].useAccountWide
+	local currentPlayer	= GetUnitName('player')
+	local versionDB		= Srendarr.versionDB

-    for account, accountData in pairs(SrendarrDB.Default) do
-        for player, data in pairs (accountData) do
-            if (data.version == 2 and player ~= current) then -- only copy 2.X settings, ignore 1.X (and current character)
-                tinsert(playerSettingsList, player)
-            end
-        end
-    end
+	for account, accountData in pairs(SrendarrDB.Default) do
+		for profile, data in pairs(accountData) do
+			if (data.version == versionDB) then -- only populate current DB version
+				if (usingGlobal) then
+					if (profile ~= '$AccountWide') then
+						tinsert(profileCopyList, profile) -- don't add accountwide to copy selection
+						tinsert(profileDeleteList, profile) -- don't add accountwide to delete selection
+					end
+				else
+					if (profile ~= currentPlayer) then
+						tinsert(profileCopyList, profile) -- don't add current player to copy selection

-    tsort(playerSettingsList)
+						if (profile ~= '$AccountWide') then
+							tinsert(profileDeleteList, profile) -- don't add accountwide or current player to delete selection
+						end
+					end
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end
+	tsort(profileCopyList)
+	tsort(profileDeleteList)

-local function CreateWidgets(id, panelData)
-    local panel = tabPanels[id]
-    local isLastHalf = false
-    local anchorOffset = 0
-    for _, widgetData in pairs(panelData) do
-        local widgetType = widgetData.type
-        local widget = LAMCreateControl[widgetType](panel, widgetData)
-        local isHalf = widgetData.width == "half"
-        if isLastHalf and isHalf then
-            widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[id], TOPRIGHT, 10, 0)
-            anchorOffset = zo_max(0, widget:GetHeight() - lastAddedControl[id]:GetHeight())
-            isLastHalf = false
-        else
-            widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[id], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15 + anchorOffset)
-            anchorOffset = 0
-            isLastHalf = isHalf
-            lastAddedControl[id] = widget
-        end
-    end
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function PopulateProminentAurasDropdown()
+	for i in pairs(dropProminentAuras) do
+		dropProminentAuras[i] = nil -- clean out dropdown
+	end
+	tinsert(dropProminentAuras, L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras) -- insert 'dummy' first entry
+	for name in pairs(Srendarr.db.prominentWhitelist) do
+		tinsert(dropProminentAuras, name) -- add current aura selection
+	end
+	prominentAurasWidgetRef:UpdateChoices()
+	prominentAurasWidgetRef:UpdateValue()

-local function BuildTabWindow(id)
-    local panelData = {
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Base Window ----------------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "slider",
-            name = L.WindowAlpha,
-            tooltip = L.WindowAlphaTip,
-            min = 5,
-            max = 100,
-            step = 5,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].alpha * 100 end,
-            setFunc = function(alpha)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].alpha = alpha / 100
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:SetAlpha(alpha / 100)
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "slider",
-            name = L.WindowScale,
-            tooltip = L.WindowScaleTip,
-            min = 50,
-            max = 200,
-            step = 5,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].scale * 100 end,
-            setFunc = function(scale)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].scale = scale / 100
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[id]:SetScale(scale / 100)
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "dropdown",
-            name = L.WindowGrowth,
-            tooltip = L.WindowGrowthTip,
-            choices = dropGrowth,
-            getFunc = function() return dropGrowthRef[Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraGrowth] end,
-            setFunc = function(arg)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraGrowth = dropGrowthRef[arg]
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[id]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureUpdateDisplay()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "slider",
-            name = L.WindowPadding,
-            tooltip = L.WindowPaddingTip,
-            min = 0,
-            max = 24,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraPadding end,
-            setFunc = function(padding)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraPadding = padding
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureUpdateDisplay()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "dropdown",
-            name = L.WindowSort,
-            tooltip = L.WindowSortTip,
-            choices = dropSort,
-            getFunc = function() return dropSortRef[Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraSort] end,
-            setFunc = function(arg)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraSort = dropSortRef[arg]
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureUpdateDisplay()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.WindowIconOn,
-            tooltip = L.WindowIconOnTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraIconOnRight end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].auraIconOnRight = value
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.WindowShowNameBar,
-            tooltip = L.WindowShowNameBarTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].showNameBar end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].showNameBar = value
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.WindowTooltips,
-            tooltip = L.WindowTooltipsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].tooltips end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].tooltips = value
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Name Label -----------------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = L.WindowNameHeader,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "fontblock",
-            name = L.WindowNameFont,
-            getFace = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameFont end,
-            getSize = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameSize end,
-            getOutline = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameOutline end,
-            getColor = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.r, Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.g, Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.b end,
-            setFace = function(font)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameFont = font
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setSize = function(size)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameSize = size
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setOutline = function(outline)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameOutline = outline
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setColor = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.r = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.g = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].nameColour.b = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Timer Label ----------------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = L.WindowTimerHeader,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.WindowTimerShowTP,
-            tooltip = L.WindowTimerShowTPTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowTP end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowTP = value
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "dropdown",
-            name = L.WindowTimerHorz,
-            tooltip = L.WindowTimerHorzTip,
-            choices = dropTimerHorz,
-            getFunc = function() return dropTimerRef[Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowHorz] end,
-            setFunc = function(arg)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowHorz = dropTimerRef[arg]
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "dropdown",
-            name = L.WindowTimerVert,
-            tooltip = L.WindowTimerVertTip,
-            choices = dropTimerVert,
-            getFunc = function() return dropTimerRef[Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowVert] end,
-            setFunc = function(arg)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerShowVert = dropTimerRef[arg]
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "fontblock",
-            name = L.WindowTimerFont,
-            getFace = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerFont end,
-            getSize = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerSize end,
-            getOutline = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerOutline end,
-            getColor = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.r, Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.g, Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.b end,
-            setFace = function(font)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerFont = font
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setSize = function(size)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerSize = size
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setOutline = function(outline)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerOutline = outline
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-            setColor = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.r = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.g = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].timerColour.b = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Status Bar -----------------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = L.WindowBarHeader
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.WindowBarGloss,
-            tooltip = L.WindowBarGlossTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barGloss end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barGloss = value
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "slider",
-            name = L.WindowBarWidth,
-            tooltip = L.WindowBarWidthTip,
-            min = 40,
-            max = 240,
-            step = 5,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barWidth end,
-            setFunc = function(width)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barWidth = width
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "doublecolor",
-            name = L.WindowBarTimed,
-            tooltip = L.WindowBarTimedTip,
-            getFuncA = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.r2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.g2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.b2 end,
-            getFuncB = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.r1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.g1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.b1 end,
-            setFuncA = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.r2 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.g2 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.b2 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-            setFuncB = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.r1 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.g1 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.timed.b1 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "doublecolor",
-            name = L.WindowBarToggle,
-            tooltip = L.WindowBarToggleTip,
-            getFuncA = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.r2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.g2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.b2 end,
-            getFuncB = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.r1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.g1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.b1 end,
-            setFuncA = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.r2 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.g2 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.b2 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-            setFuncB = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.r1 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.g1 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.toggle.b1 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "doublecolor",
-            name = L.WindowBarPassive,
-            tooltip = L.WindowBarPassiveTip,
-            getFuncA = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.r2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.g2, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.b2 end,
-            getFuncB = function() return Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.r1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.g1, Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.b1 end,
-            setFuncA = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.r2 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.g2 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.b2 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-            setFuncB = function(r, g, b)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.r1 = r
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.g1 = g
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[id].barColours.passive.b1 = b
-                    Srendarr.auraFrames[id]:ConfigureAllAuras()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-    }
-    CreateWidgets(id + 1, panelData)
+local function PopulateBlacklistAurasDropdown()
+	for i in pairs(dropBlacklistAuras) do
+		dropBlacklistAuras[i] = nil -- clean out dropdown
+	end
+	tinsert(dropBlacklistAuras, L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras) -- insert 'dummy' first entry
+	for name in pairs(Srendarr.db.blacklist) do
+		tinsert(dropBlacklistAuras, name) -- add current aura selection
+	end
+	blacklistAurasWidgetRef:UpdateChoices()
+	blacklistAurasWidgetRef:UpdateValue()

-local function BuildTabGeneral(id)
-    local panelData = {
-        {
-            type ="description",
-            text = L.GeneralAnchorDesc,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "button",
-            name = L.GeneralAnchorReset,
-            func = function()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[1]:ClearAnchors()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[1]:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, GuiRoot, BOTTOMRIGHT, 0, 0)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[1].anchor.point  = BOTTOMRIGHT
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[1].anchor.x      = 0
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[1].anchor.y      = 0
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[2]:ClearAnchors()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[2]:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, GuiRoot, BOTTOMRIGHT, -210, 0)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[2].anchor.point  = BOTTOMRIGHT
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[2].anchor.x      = -210
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[2].anchor.y      = 0
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[3]:ClearAnchors()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[3]:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, GuiRoot, TOPRIGHT, 0, 0)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[3].anchor.point  = TOPRIGHT
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[3].anchor.x      = 0
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[3].anchor.y      = 0
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[4]:ClearAnchors()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[4]:SetAnchor(TOP, GuiRoot, TOP, 161, 88)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[4].anchor.point  = TOP
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[4].anchor.x      = 161
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[4].anchor.y      = 88
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[5]:ClearAnchors()
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[5]:SetAnchor(TOP, GuiRoot, TOP, 200, 88)
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[5].anchor.point  = TOP
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[5].anchor.x      = 200
-                    Srendarr.db.frames[5].anchor.y      = 88
-                end,
-            width = "half",
-        },
-        {
-            type = "button",
-            name = L.GeneralAnchorUnlock,
-            func = function(lockBtn)
-                    if (Srendarr.ui_Locked) then
-                        Srendarr.SlashCommand('unlock')
-                        lockBtn:SetText(L.GeneralAnchorLock)
-                    else
-                        Srendarr.SlashCommand('lock')
-                        lockBtn:SetText(L.GeneralAnchorUnlock)
-                    end
-                end,
-            width = "half",
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Aura Controls --------------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = "", -- blank header just to add a nice dividing line
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralOnlyCombat,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralOnlyCombatTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.onlyInCombat end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.onlyInCombat = value
-                    Srendarr.OnCombatState(nil, IsUnitInCombat("player"))
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralCombine,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralCombineTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.combineBuff end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.combineBuff = value
-                    Srendarr:ConfigureEvents()
-                    if (not Srendarr.ui_Locked) then -- ui currently unlocked
-                        Srendarr.auraAnchors[1]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
-                        if (Srendarr.db.combineBuff) then -- auras combined, hide 2 overlay
-                            Srendarr.auraAnchors[2]:DisableDrag()
-                        else
-                            Srendarr.auraAnchors[2]:EnableDrag()
-                        end
-                    end
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "slider",
-            name = L.GeneralThreshold,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralThresholdTip,
-            min = 30,
-            max = 120,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.shortBuffThreshold end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.shortBuffThreshold = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralTarget,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralTargetTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showTargetAuras end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showTargetAuras = value
-                    Srendarr:ConfigureEvents()
-                    if (not Srendarr.ui_Locked) then -- ui currently unlocked
-                        Srendarr.auraAnchors[4]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
-                        if (Srendarr.db.showTargetAuras) then -- showing
-                            Srendarr.auraAnchors[4]:EnableDrag()
-                        else
-                            Srendarr.auraAnchors[4]:DisableDrag()
-                        end
-                    end
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralTargetDebuff,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralTargetTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff = value
-                Srendarr:ConfigureEvents()
-                if (not Srendarr.ui_Locked) then -- ui currently unlocked
-                    Srendarr.auraAnchors[5]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
-                    if (Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff) then -- showing
-                        Srendarr.auraAnchors[5]:EnableDrag()
-                    else
-                        Srendarr.auraAnchors[5]:DisableDrag()
-                    end
-                end
-                Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-            end,
-            warning = L.GeneralDebuffWarn,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralDebuff,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralDebuffTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showDebuff end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showDebuff = value
-                    Srendarr.OnActionSlotsFullUpdate()
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-            warning = L.GeneralDebuffWarn,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralMinorBuffs,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralMinorBuffsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs = value
-                Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-            end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralMajorBuffs,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralMajorBuffsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs = value
-                Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-            end,
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Aura Filters: Player -------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = L.GeneralHeaderFiltersPlayer,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralSoulSummons,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showSoulSummons end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showSoulSummons = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralToggle,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralToggleTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showToggle end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showToggle = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralPassive,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralPassiveTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showPassive end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showPassive = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralCyrodiil,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralCyrodiilTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showCyrodiil end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showCyrodiil = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralDisguise,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralDisguiseTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showDisguise end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showDisguise = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralAllEffects,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralAllEffectsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showAllEffects end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showAllEffects = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralMundus,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralMundusTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showMundus end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showMundus = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralVampLycan,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralVampLycanTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showVampLycan end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showVampLycan = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        -- ----------------------------
-        -- Aura Filters: Target -------
-        -- ----------------------------
-        {
-            type = "header",
-            name = L.GeneralHeaderFiltersTarget,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralSoulSummons,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralSoulSummonsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showSoulSummonsTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showSoulSummonsTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralToggle,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralToggleTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showToggleTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showToggleTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralPassive,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralPassiveTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showPassiveTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showPassiveTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralCyrodiil,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralCyrodiilTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showCyrodiilTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showCyrodiilTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralDisguise,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralDisguiseTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showDisguiseTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showDisguiseTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralAllEffects,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralAllEffectsTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showAllEffectsTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showAllEffectsTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralMundus,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralMundusTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showMundusTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showMundusTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "checkbox",
-            name = L.GeneralVampLycan,
-            tooltip = L.GeneralVampLycanTip,
-            getFunc = function() return Srendarr.db.showVampLycanTarget end,
-            setFunc = function(value)
-                    Srendarr.db.showVampLycanTarget = value
-                    Srendarr:ShowExampleAuras()
-                end,
-        },
-    }
-    CreateWidgets(id, panelData)
+local function CreateWidgets(panelID, panelData)
+	local panel = tabPanels[panelID]
+	local isLastHalf = false
+	local anchorOffset = 0
+	for entry, widgetData in ipairs(panelData) do
+		local widgetType = widgetData.type
+		local widget = LAMCreateControl[widgetType](panel, widgetData)
+		if (panelID ~= 10 and then -- display frames (10) does its own config
+			widget.thumb:ClearAnchors()
+			widget.thumb:SetAnchor(RIGHT, widget.color, RIGHT, 0, 0)
+		end
+		if (panelID ~= 10 and then -- display frames (10) does its own config
+			widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], TOPLEFT, 0, 0) -- overlay widget with previous
+			widget:SetWidth(controlPanelWidth - (controlPanelWidth / 3) + -- shrink widget to give appearance of sharing a row
+		else
+			widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15)
+			lastAddedControl[panelID] = widget
+		end
+		if (panelID == 1 and widgetData.isProminentAurasWidget) then -- General panel, grab the prominent auras dropdown list for later
+			prominentAurasWidgetRef = widget
+		elseif (panelID == 2 and widgetData.isBlacklistAurasWidget) then -- Filters panel, grab the blacklist auras dropdown list for later
+			blacklistAurasWidgetRef = widget
+		elseif (panelID == 5 and widgetData.isProfileDeleteDrop) then -- Profile panel, grab the delete dropdown list for later
+			profileDeleteDropRef = widget
+		elseif (panelID == 10) then -- make a reference to each widget for the Display Frames settings
+			tabDisplayWidgetRef[entry] = widget
+		end
+	end

-local function BuildTabProfile(id)
-    GeneratePlayerList()
-    local panelData = {
-        {
-            type = "dropdown",
-            name = L.ProfileCharacterList,
-            tooltip = L.ProfileCharacterListTip,
-            choices = playerSettingsList,
-            getFunc = function()
-                    if (#playerSettingsList >= 1) then
-                        playerSettingCopyFrom = playerSettingsList[1]
-                        return playerSettingsList[1]
-                    end
-                end,
-            setFunc = function(arg) playerSettingCopyFrom = arg end,
-        },
-        {
-            type = "button",
-            name = L.ProfileCopyFrom,
-            tooltip = L.ProfileCopyFromTip,
-            func = function() CopySettingsFrom(playerSettingCopyFrom) end,
-            warning = L.ProfileCopyFromWarn,
-        },
-    }
-    CreateWidgets(id, panelData)
+local function CreateTabPanel(panelID)
+	local panel = WM:CreateControl(nil, controlPanel.scroll, CT_CONTROL)
+	panel.panel = controlPanel
+	panel:SetWidth(controlPanelWidth)
+	panel:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, tabButtonsPanel, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
+	panel:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)
+	tabPanels[panelID] = panel
+	local ctrl = LAMCreateControl.header(panel, {
+		type = 'header',
+		name = (panelID < 10) and L['TabHeader' .. panelID] or '', -- header is set for display frames later
+	})
+	ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	panel.headerRef = ctrl -- set reference to header for later update
+	if (panelID == 10) then -- add string below header (shows aura groups on the given DisplayFrame)
+		ctrl = WM:CreateControl(nil, panel, CT_LABEL)
+		ctrl:SetFont('$(CHAT_FONT)|14|soft-shadow-thin')
+		ctrl:SetText('')
+		ctrl:SetDimensions(controlPanelWidth)
+		ctrl:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
+		ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, panel.headerRef, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 1)
+		panel.groupRef = ctrl -- set reference to string for later update
+	end
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = ctrl
+	CreateWidgets(panelID, tabPanelData[panelID]) -- create the actual setting elements
+	if (panelID == 1) then -- populate prominent auras dropdown
+		PopulateProminentAurasDropdown()
+	elseif (panelID == 2) then -- populate blacklist auras dropdown
+		PopulateBlacklistAurasDropdown()
+	end

-local function BuildTabPanel(id)
-    local panel = WM:CreateControl(nil, controlPanel.scroll, CT_CONTROL)
-    panel.panel = controlPanel
-    panel:SetWidth(controlPanel:GetWidth() - 60)
-    panel:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
-    panel:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)

-    tabPanels[id] = panel
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function ConfigurePanelDisplayFrame(fromStyleFlag)
+	if (not fromStyleFlag) then -- set the header for the current display frame (unless called by a style change which doesn't change these)
+		tabPanels[10] = strformat('%s [|cffd100%d|r]', L.TabHeaderDisplay, currentDisplayFrame)
+		-- set the displayed groups info entry for the current display frame
+		local groupText = strformat('%s: ', L.Group_Displayed_Here)
+		local noGroups = true
+		for group, frame in pairs(Srendarr.db.auraGroups) do
+			if (frame == currentDisplayFrame) then -- this group is being show on this frame
+				groupText = strformat('%s |cffd100%s|r,', groupText, Srendarr.auraGroupStrings[group])
+				noGroups = false
+			end
+		end
+		if (noGroups) then
+			groupText = strformat('%s |cffd100%s|r,', groupText, L.Group_Displayed_None)
+		end

-    local ctrl = LAMCreateControl.header(panel, { type = 'header', name = L['TabHeader' .. id] })
-    ctrl:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+		tabPanels[10].groupRef:SetText(string.sub(groupText, 1, -2))
+	end

-    lastAddedControl[id] = ctrl
+	lastAddedControl[10] = tabDisplayWidgetRef[4] -- the style choice box, grab ref for future anchoring

-    -- build appropriuate panel
-    if (id == 1) then -- general panel
-        BuildTabGeneral(1)
-    elseif (id == 7) then -- profiles panel
-        BuildTabProfile(7)
-    else -- one of the style panels
-        BuildTabWindow(id - 1)
-    end
+	local displayStyle = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].style -- get the style for current frame
+	for entry, widget in ipairs(tabDisplayWidgetRef) do
+		if (entry > 4) then -- we never need to adjust the first 4 widgets
+			if ([displayStyle]) then -- should widget be visible with the current display frame's style
+				widget:SetHidden(true)
+			else -- widget is visible, reanchor to maintain the appearance of the settings panel
+				widget:SetHidden(false)
+				if ( then
+					widget.thumb:ClearAnchors() -- widget needs manipulation, anchor swatch to the right for later
+					widget.thumb:SetAnchor(RIGHT, widget.color, RIGHT, 0, 0)
+				end
+				if ( then
+					widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[10], TOPLEFT, 0, 0) -- overlay widget with previous
+					widget:SetWidth(controlPanelWidth - (controlPanelWidth / 3) +
+				else
+					widget:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[10], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15)
+					lastAddedControl[10] = widget
+				end
+			end
+		end
+	end

-local function BuildTabButton(controlPanel, id)
-    local tab = WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, controlPanel, 'ZO_DefaultButton')
-    tab:SetWidth(((controlPanel:GetWidth() - 60) / 4) - 2)
-    tab:SetText(L['TabButton' .. id])
-    tab.tabID = id
-    tab:SetHandler('OnClicked', function(btn)
-        if (not tabPanels[btn.tabID]) then
-            BuildTabPanel(btn.tabID)
-        end
-        for id, panel in pairs(tabPanels) do
-            panel:SetHidden(not (id == btn.tabID))
-        end
-    end)
+local function OnStyleChange(style)
+	if (style == AURA_STYLE_FULL or style == AURA_STYLE_MINI) then -- these styles have restricted auraGrowth options
+		if (displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth ~= AURA_GROW_UP and displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth ~= AURA_GROW_DOWN) then
+			displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth = AURA_GROW_DOWN -- force (now) invalid growth choice to a valid setting
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:Configure()		-- growth has changed, update DisplayFrame
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+			Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:UpdateDisplay()
+		end
+	end
+	if (style == AURA_STYLE_FULL) then -- this style has restricted timerLocation options
+		if (displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation ~= AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER and displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation ~= AURA_TIMERLOC_HIDDEN) then
+			displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation = AURA_TIMERLOC_OVER -- force (now) invalid placement choice to a valid setting
+		end
+	end
+	Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras() -- auras have changed style, update their appearance
+-- ------------------------
+-- ------------------------
+local function TabButtonOnClick(self)
+	if (not tabPanels[self.panelID]) then
+		CreateTabPanel(self.panelID) -- call to create appropriate panel if not created yet
+	end
+	for x = 1, 13 do
+		tabButtons[x].button:SetState(0) -- unset selected state for all buttons
+	end
+	if (self.buttonID == 4) then -- display frames primary button
+		for x = 6, 13 do
+			tabButtons[x]:SetHidden(false) -- show display frame tab buttons
+		end
+		tabButtons[currentDisplayFrame + 5].button:SetState(1, true) -- set current display button selected
+		ConfigurePanelDisplayFrame() -- configure the settings for Display Frames (changes for multiple reasons)
+	elseif (self.buttonID >= 6) then -- one of the display frame buttons
+		currentDisplayFrame = self.displayID
+		tabButtons[4].button:SetState(1, true) -- set display primary selected
+		ConfigurePanelDisplayFrame() -- configure the settings for Display Frames (changes for multiple reasons)
+	else -- one of the other 3 tab buttons
+		for x = 6, 13 do
+			tabButtons[x]:SetHidden(true) -- hide display frame tab buttons
+		end
+	end
+	tabButtons[self.buttonID].button:SetState(1, true) -- set selected state for current button

-    return tab
+	for id, panel in pairs(tabPanels) do
+		panel:SetHidden(not (id == self.panelID)) -- hide all other tab panels but intended
+	end

-function Srendarr.ShowExampleAuras()
-    local time = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
-    Srendarr:StripAuras() -- only going to show examples
-    for _, fragment in pairs(Srendarr.auraSceneFragments) do
-        SCENE_MANAGER:AddFragment(fragment)
-    end
-    -- add example (short)
-    Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura1, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 8, false, false)
-    Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura2, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 24, false, false)
-    Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura3, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 48, false, false)
-    -- add example (debuff)
-    if (Srendarr.db.showDebuff) then
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[3]:AddAura(1, 2, L.ExampleAura4, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 8, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[3]:AddAura(1, 2, L.ExampleAura5, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 24, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[3]:AddAura(1, 2, L.ExampleAura6, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 48, false, false)
-    end
-    -- add example (long)
-    if (Srendarr.db.combineBuff) then
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(2, 1, L.ExampleAura7, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 300, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(3, 1, L.ExampleAura8, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[1]:AddAura(4, 1, L.ExampleAura9, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, 0)
-    else
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[2]:AddAura(2, 1, L.ExampleAura7, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 300, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[2]:AddAura(3, 1, L.ExampleAura8, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[2]:AddAura(4, 1, L.ExampleAura9, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, 0)
-    end
-    -- add example (target long)
-    if (Srendarr.db.showTargetAuras) then
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[4]:AddAura(2, 3, L.ExampleAura7, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 300, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[4]:AddAura(3, 3, L.ExampleAura8, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[4]:AddAura(4, 3, L.ExampleAura9, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], 1, 1, false, 0)
-    end
-    -- add example (target debuff)
-    if (Srendarr.db.showTargetAurasDebuff) then
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[5]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura4, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 8, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[5]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura5, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 24, false, false)
-        Srendarr.auraFrames[5]:AddAura(1, 1, L.ExampleAura6, [[/esoui/art/icons/]], time, time + 48, false, false)
-    end
+-- -----------------------
+-- -----------------------
+local function CompleteInitialization(panel)
+	if (panel ~= controlPanel) then return end -- only proceed if this is our settings panel
+	tabButtonsPanel		= _G[settingsGlobalStrBtns] -- setup reference to tab buttons (custom) panel
+	controlPanelWidth	= controlPanel:GetWidth() - 60 -- used several times
+	local btn
+	for x = 1, 13 do
+		btn = LAMCreateControl.button(tabButtonsPanel, { -- create our tab buttons
+			type = 'button',
+			name = (x <= 5) and L['TabButton' .. x] or tostring(x - 5),
+			func = TabButtonOnClick,
+		})
+		btn.button.buttonID = x -- reference lookup to refer to buttons
+		if (x <= 5) then -- main tab buttons (General, Filters, Display Frames & Profiles)
+			btn:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 5) - 2)
+			btn.button:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 5) - 2)
+			btn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, tabButtonsPanel, TOPLEFT, (x == 1) and 0 or ((controlPanelWidth / 5) * (x - 1)), 0)
+			btn.button.panelID = (x == 4) and 10 or x -- reference lookup to refer to panels
+		else -- display frame tab buttons
+			btn:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 8) - 2)
+			btn.button:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 8) - 2)
+			btn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, tabButtonsPanel, TOPLEFT, (x == 6) and 0 or ((controlPanelWidth / 8) * (x - 6)), 34)
+			btn:SetHidden(true)
+			btn.button.panelID		= 10	-- reference lookup to refer to panels (special case for display frames)
+			btn.button.displayID	= x - 5	-- for later reference to relate to DisplayFrames
+		end
+		tabButtons[x] = btn
+	end
+	tabButtons[1].button:SetState(1, true) -- set selected state for first (General) panel
+	CreateTabPanel(1) -- create first (General) panel on settings first load
+	-- build a button to show sample castbar
+	btn = WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, controlPanel, 'ZO_DefaultButton')
+	btn:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 3) - 30)
+	btn:SetText(L.Show_Example_Castbar)
+	btn:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, controlPanel, TOPRIGHT, -60, -4)
+	btn:SetHandler('OnClicked', function()
+		local currentTime = GetGameTimeMilliseconds() / 1000
+		Srendarr.Cast:OnCastStart(
+			true,
+			strformat('%s - %s', L.Srendarr_Basic, L.CastBar),
+			currentTime,
+			currentTime + 600,
+			[[esoui/art/icons/]],
+			116016
+		)
+		Srendarr.Cast:SetHidden(false)
+	end)
+	-- build a button to trigger sample auras
+	btn = WM:CreateControlFromVirtual(nil, controlPanel, 'ZO_DefaultButton')
+	btn:SetWidth((controlPanelWidth / 3) - 30)
+	btn:SetText(L.Show_Example_Auras)
+	btn:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, controlPanel, TOPRIGHT, -230, -4)
+	btn:SetHandler('OnClicked', function()
+		sampleAurasActive = true
+		ShowSampleAuras()
+	end)
+	PopulateProfileLists() -- populate available profiles
+	ZO_PreHookHandler(tabButtonsPanel, 'OnEffectivelyHidden', function()
+    	showSampleAuras = false
+		Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive() -- closed options, reset auras
+		if (Srendarr.uiLocked) then -- stop any ongoing (most likely faked) casts if the ui isn't unlocked
+			Srendarr.Cast:DisableDragOverlay() -- using existing function to save time
+		end
+    end)

 function Srendarr:InitializeSettings()
-    local panelData = {
-        type = 'panel',
-        name =,
-        displayName = L.Srendarr,
-        author = 'Kith, Garkin & silentgecko',
-        version = self.version,
-        registerForRefresh = true,
-        registerForDefaults = false,
-    }
-    controlPanel = LAM:RegisterAddonPanel( .. '_SettingsMenu', panelData)
-    local buttonsWidth = controlPanel:GetWidth() - 40
-    local buttons = WM:CreateControl(nil, controlPanel, CT_CONTROL)
-    buttons:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, controlPanel.label, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 20)
-    buttons:SetDimensions(buttonsWidth, 54)
-    controlPanel.container:ClearAnchors()
-    controlPanel.container:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, buttons, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 20)
-    controlPanel.container:SetAnchor(BOTTOMRIGHT, controlPanel, BOTTOMRIGHT, -3, -3)
-    local posLeft = (buttonsWidth/4)
-    local tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 1)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, buttons, TOPLEFT, 0, 0)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 2)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, buttons, TOPLEFT, posLeft, 0)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 3)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, buttons, TOPLEFT, posLeft * 3, 0)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 4)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, buttons, TOPLEFT, posLeft * 2, 0)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 5)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, buttons, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 6)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, buttons, BOTTOMLEFT, posLeft, 6)
-    tabBtn = BuildTabButton(controlPanel, 7)
-    tabBtn:SetAnchor(BOTTOMLEFT, buttons, BOTTOMLEFT, posLeft * 3, 6)
-    tabButtons = buttons
-    ZO_PreHookHandler(tabButtons, "OnEffectivelyShown", function(control)
-        if (not tabPanels[1]) then
-            BuildTabPanel(1)
-        end
-        zo_callLater(self.ShowExampleAuras, 200) -- kinda hacky but it works
-    end)
+	displayDB = self.db.displayFrames -- local reference just to make things easier

-    ZO_PreHookHandler(tabButtons, 'OnEffectivelyHidden', function()
-        self:UpdateAuras() -- clear all and repop with real ones if any
-    end)
\ No newline at end of file
+	local panelData = {
+		type = 'panel',
+		name = L.Srendarr_Basic,
+		displayName = L.Srendarr,
+		author = 'Kith, Garkin & silentgecko',
+		version = self.version,
+		registerForRefresh = true,
+		registerForDefaults = false,
+	}
+	controlPanel = LAM:RegisterAddonPanel(settingsGlobalStr, panelData)
+	local optionsData = {
+		[1] = {
+			type = 'custom',
+			reference = settingsGlobalStrBtns,
+		},
+	}
+	LAM:RegisterOptionControls(settingsGlobalStr, optionsData)
+	CM:RegisterCallback("LAM-PanelControlsCreated", CompleteInitialization)
+-- -----------------------
+-- -----------------------
+tabPanelData = {
+	-- -----------------------
+	-- -----------------------
+	[1] = {
+		{
+			type = 'description',
+			text = L.General_UnlockDesc,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.General_UnlockUnlock,
+			func = function(btn)
+				if (Srendarr.uiLocked) then
+					Srendarr.SlashCommand('unlock')
+					btn:SetText(L.General_UnlockLock)
+					for _, fragment in pairs(Srendarr.displayFramesScene) do
+						SCENE_MANAGER:AddFragment(fragment)	-- make sure displayframes are visible
+					end
+				else
+					Srendarr.SlashCommand('lock')
+					btn:SetText(L.General_UnlockUnlock)
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.General_UnlockReset,
+			func = function(btn)
+				if (btn.resetCheck) then -- button has been clicked twice, perform the reset
+					local defaults = (Srendarr:GetDefaults()).displayFrames -- get original positions
+					for frame = 1, Srendarr.NUM_DISPLAY_FRAMES do
+						local point, x, y = defaults[frame].base.point, defaults[frame].base.x, defaults[frame].base.y
+						-- update player settings to defaults
+						Srendarr.db.displayFrames[frame].base.point = point
+						Srendarr.db.displayFrames[frame].base.x = x
+						Srendarr.db.displayFrames[frame].base.y = y
+						-- set displayframes to original locations
+						Srendarr.displayFrames[frame]:ClearAnchors()
+						Srendarr.displayFrames[frame]:SetAnchor(point, GuiRoot, point, x, y)
+					end
+					-- reset cast bar
+					defaults = (Srendarr:GetDefaults()).castBar.base
+					Srendarr.db.castBar.base.point = defaults.point
+					Srendarr.db.castBar.base.x = defaults.x
+					Srendarr.db.castBar.base.y = defaults.y
+					Srendarr.Cast:ClearAnchors()
+					Srendarr.Cast:SetAnchor(defaults.point, GuiRoot, defaults.point, defaults.x, defaults.y)
+					btn.resetCheck = false
+					btn:SetText(L.General_UnlockReset)
+				else -- first time click in a reset attempt
+					btn.resetCheck = true
+					btn:SetText(L.General_UnlockResetAgain)
+				end
+			end,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= -200,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.General_CombatOnly,
+			tooltip = L.General_CombatOnlyTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.combatDisplayOnly
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.combatDisplayOnly = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureOnCombatState()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.General_AuraFakeEnabled,
+			tooltip = L.General_AuraFakeEnabledTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.auraFakeEnabled
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraFakeEnabled = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureOnActionSlotAbilityUsed()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.General_AuraFadeout,
+			tooltip = L.General_AuraFadeoutTip,
+			min = 0,
+			max = 5000,
+			step = 100,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.auraFadeTime * 1000
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraFadeTime = v / 1000
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraFadeTime()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.General_ShortThreshold,
+			tooltip = L.General_ShortThresholdTip,
+			warning = L.General_ShortThresholdWarn,
+			min = 10,
+			max = 120,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.shortBuffThreshold
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.shortBuffThreshold = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.General_ProcEnableAnims,
+			tooltip = L.General_ProcEnableAnimsTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.procEnableAnims
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.procEnableAnims = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureProcs()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.General_ProcPlaySound,
+			tooltip = L.General_ProcPlaySoundTip,
+			choices = LMP:List('sound'),
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.procPlaySound
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				PlaySound(LMP:Fetch('sound', v))
+				Srendarr.db.procPlaySound = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureProcs()
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.General_ControlHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Short,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlShortTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_SHORT] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Long,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlLongTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_LONG] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_LONG])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_LONG] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Major,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlMajorTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MAJOR] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Minor,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlMinorTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_MINOR] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Toggled,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlToggledTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_TOGGLED] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Passive,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlPassiveTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_PASSIVE] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Debuff,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlDebuffTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_DEBUFF] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Player_Ground,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlGroundTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PLAYER_GROUND] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Target_Buff,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlTargetBuffTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_BUFF] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_BUFF])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_BUFF] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureOnTargetChanged()
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Target_Debuff,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlTargetDebuffTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_TARGET_DEBUFF] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureOnTargetChanged()
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.General_ProminentHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'description',
+			text = L.General_ProminentDesc,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Group_Prominent,
+			tooltip = strformat('%s\n\n%s', L.General_ControlBaseTip, L.General_ControlProminentTip),
+			choices = dropGroup,
+			getFunc = function()
+				-- just handle a special case with the 'dont display' setting internally being 0 and the settings menu wanting a >1 number
+				return dropGroup[((Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PROMINENT] == 0) and 9 or Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PROMINENT])]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.auraGroups[GROUP_PROMINENT] = dropGroupRef[v]
+				Srendarr:ConfigureAuraHandler()
+				if (sampleAurasActive) then
+					ShowSampleAuras() -- sample auras calls OnPlayerActivatedAlive as well
+				else
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'editbox',
+			name = L.General_ProminentAdd,
+			tooltip = L.General_ProminentAddTip,
+			warning = L.General_ProminentAddWarn,
+			getFunc = function ()
+				return ''
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				if (v ~= '') then
+					Srendarr:ProminentAuraAdd(v)
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+				PopulateProminentAurasDropdown()
+			end,
+			isMultiline = false,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.General_ProminentList,
+			tooltip = L.General_ProminentListTip,
+			choices = dropProminentAuras,
+			sort = 'name-down',
+			getFunc = function()
+				prominentAurasSelectedAura = nil
+				return dropProminentAuras[1]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				prominentAurasSelectedAura = (v ~= '' and v ~= L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras) and v or nil
+			end,
+			isProminentAurasWidget = true,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.General_ProminentRemove,
+			func = function(btn)
+				if (prominentAurasSelectedAura) then
+					Srendarr:ProminentAuraRemove(prominentAurasSelectedAura)
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+				PopulateProminentAurasDropdown()
+			end,
+		},
+	},
+	-- -----------------------
+	-- -----------------------
+	[2] = {
+		{
+			type = 'description',
+			text = L.Filter_Desc
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.Filter_BlacklistHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'editbox',
+			name = L.Filter_BlacklistAdd,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_BlacklistAddTip,
+			warning = L.Filter_BlacklistAddWarn,
+			getFunc = function ()
+				return ''
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				if (v ~= '') then
+					-- need to add to blacklist
+					Srendarr:BlacklistAuraAdd(v)
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+				PopulateBlacklistAurasDropdown()
+			end,
+			isMultiline = false,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Filter_BlacklistList,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_BlacklistListTip,
+			choices = dropBlacklistAuras,
+			sort = 'name-down',
+			getFunc = function()
+				blacklistAurasSelectedAura = nil
+				return dropBlacklistAuras[1]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				blacklistAurasSelectedAura = (v ~= '' and v ~= L.GenericSetting_ClickToViewAuras) and v or nil
+			end,
+			isBlacklistAurasWidget = true,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.Filter_BlacklistRemove,
+			func = function(btn)
+				if (blacklistAurasSelectedAura) then
+					Srendarr:BlacklistAuraRemove(blacklistAurasSelectedAura)
+					Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+				end
+				PopulateBlacklistAurasDropdown()
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.Filter_PlayerHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Block,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_BlockPlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.block
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.block = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Cyrodiil,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_CyrodiilPlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.cyrodiil
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.cyrodiil = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Disguise,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_DisguisePlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.disguise
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.disguise = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_MundusBoon,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_MundusBoonPlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.mundusBoon
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.mundusBoon = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_SoulSummons,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_SoulSummonsPlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.soulSummons
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.soulSummons = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_VampLycan,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_VampLycanPlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.vampLycan
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.vampLycan = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_VampLycanBite,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_VampLycanBitePlayerTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.vampLycanBite
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersPlayer.vampLycanBite = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+				Srendarr.OnPlayerActivatedAlive()
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.Filter_TargetHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Block,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_BlockTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.block
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.block = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Cyrodiil,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_CyrodiilTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.cyrodiil
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.cyrodiil = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_Disguise,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_DisguiseTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.disguise
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.disguise = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_MajorEffects,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_MajorEffectsTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.majorEffects
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.majorEffects = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_MinorEffects,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_MinorEffectsTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.minorEffects
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.minorEffects = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_MundusBoon,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_MundusBoonTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.mundusBoon
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.mundusBoon = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_SoulSummons,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_SoulSummonsTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.soulSummons
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.soulSummons = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_VampLycan,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_VampLycanTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.vampLycan
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.vampLycan = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Filter_VampLycanBite,
+			tooltip = L.Filter_VampLycanBiteTargetTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.vampLycanBite
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.filtersTarget.vampLycanBite = v
+				Srendarr:PopulateFilteredAuras()
+			end,
+		},
+	},
+	-- -----------------------
+	-- -----------------------
+	[3] = {
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.CastBar_Enable,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_EnableTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.enabled
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.enabled = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.CastBar_Alpha,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_AlphaTip,
+			min = 5,
+			max = 100,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.base.alpha * 100
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.base.alpha = v / 100
+				Srendarr.Cast:SetAlpha(v / 100)
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.CastBar_Scale,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_ScaleTip,
+			min = 50,
+			max = 150,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.base.scale * 100
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.base.scale = v / 100
+				Srendarr.Cast:SetScale(v / 100)
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.CastBar_NameHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.CastBar_NameShow,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.nameShow
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameShow = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameFont,
+			choices = LMP:List('font'),
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.nameFont
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameFont = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameStyle,
+			choices = dropFontStyle,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.nameStyle
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameStyle = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			getFunc = function()
+				return unpack(Srendarr.db.castBar.nameColour)
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameColour[1] = r
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameColour[2] = g
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameColour[3] = b
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameColour[4] = a
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= -15,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameSize,
+			min = 8,
+			max = 32,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.nameSize
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.nameSize = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.CastBar_TimerHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.CastBar_TimerShow,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.timerShow
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerShow = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerFont,
+			choices = LMP:List('font'),
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.timerFont
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerFont = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerStyle,
+			choices = dropFontStyle,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.timerStyle
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerStyle = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			getFunc = function()
+				return unpack(Srendarr.db.castBar.timerColour)
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerColour[1] = r
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerColour[2] = g
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerColour[3] = b
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerColour[4] = a
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= -15,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerSize,
+			min = 8,
+			max = 32,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.timerSize
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.timerSize = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		{
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.CastBar_BarHeader,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.CastBar_BarReverse,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_BarReverseTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.barReverse
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barReverse = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.CastBar_BarGloss,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_BarGlossTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.barGloss
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barGloss = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.CastBar_BarWidth,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_BarWidthTip,
+			min = 200,
+			max = 400,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return Srendarr.db.castBar.barWidth
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barWidth = v
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			name = L.CastBar_BarColour,
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_BarColourTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour
+				return colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.r2 = r
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.g2 = g
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.b2 = b
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+		},
+		{
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			tooltip = L.CastBar_BarColourTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour
+				return colours.r1, colours.g1, colours.b1
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.r1 = r
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.g1 = g
+				Srendarr.db.castBar.barColour.b1 = b
+				Srendarr:ConfigureCastBar()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= 127,
+		},
+	},
+	-- -----------------------
+	-- -----------------------
+	[5] = {
+		[1] = {
+			type = 'description',
+			text = L.Profile_Desc
+		},
+		[2] = {
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Profile_UseGlobal,
+			warning = L.Profile_UseGlobalWarn,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return SrendarrDB.Default[GetDisplayName()]['$AccountWide'].useAccountWide
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				SrendarrDB.Default[GetDisplayName()]['$AccountWide'].useAccountWide = v
+				ReloadUI()
+			end,
+			disabled = function()
+				return not profileGuard
+			end
+		},
+		[3] = {
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Profile_Copy,
+			tooltip = L.Profile_CopyTip,
+			choices = profileCopyList,
+			getFunc = function()
+				if (#profileCopyList >= 1) then -- there are entries, set first as default
+					profileCopyToCopy = profileCopyList[1]
+					return profileCopyList[1]
+				end
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				profileCopyToCopy = v
+			end,
+			disabled = function()
+				return not profileGuard
+			end
+		},
+		[4] = {
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.Profile_CopyButton,
+			warning = L.Profile_CopyButtonWarn,
+			func = function(btn)
+				CopyProfile()
+			end,
+			disabled = function()
+				return not profileGuard
+			end
+		},
+		[5] = {
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.Profile_Delete,
+			tooltip = L.Profile_DeleteTip,
+			choices = profileDeleteList,
+			getFunc = function()
+				if (#profileDeleteList >= 1) then
+					if (not profileDeleteToDelete) then -- nothing selected yet, return first
+						profileDeleteToDelete = profileDeleteList[1]
+						return profileDeleteList[1]
+					else
+						return profileDeleteToDelete
+					end
+				end
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				profileDeleteToDelete = v
+			end,
+			disabled = function()
+				return not profileGuard
+			end,
+			isProfileDeleteDrop = true
+		},
+		[6] = {
+			type = 'button',
+			name = L.Profile_DeleteButton,
+			func = function(btn)
+				DeleteProfile()
+			end,
+			disabled = function()
+				return not profileGuard
+			end
+		},
+		[7] = {
+			type = 'description'
+		},
+		[8] = {
+			type = 'header'
+		},
+		[9] = {
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.Profile_Guard,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return profileGuard
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				profileGuard = v
+			end,
+		},
+	},
+	-- -----------------------
+	-- -----------------------
+	[10] = {
+		[1] = {
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Alpha,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_AlphaTip,
+			min = 5,
+			max = 100,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].base.alpha * 100
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].base.alpha = v / 100
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:SetAlpha(v / 100)
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame].displayAlpha = v / 100
+			end,
+		},
+		[2] = {
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Scale,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_ScaleTip,
+			min = 50,
+			max = 150,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].base.scale * 100
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].base.scale = v / 100
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:SetScale(v / 100)
+			end,
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		[3] = {
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_AuraHeader,
+		},
+		[4] = {
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Style,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_StyleTip,
+			choices = dropStyle,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropStyle[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].style]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].style = dropStyleRef[v]
+				OnStyleChange(dropStyleRef[v]) -- update several options dependent on current style
+				ConfigurePanelDisplayFrame(true) -- changing this changes a lot of the following options
+			end,
+		},
+		[5] = {					-- auraGrowth					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Growth,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip,
+			choices = dropGrowthFullMini,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropGrowthFullMini[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth = dropGrowthRef[v]
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:Configure()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:UpdateDisplay()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[6] = {					-- auraGrowth 					ICON
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Growth,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip,
+			choices = dropGrowthIcon,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropGrowthIcon[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraGrowth = dropGrowthRef[v]
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:Configure()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:UpdateDisplay()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = true, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = true}
+		},
+		[7] = {					-- auraPadding					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Padding,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_PaddingTip,
+			min = -25,
+			max = 75,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraPadding
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraPadding = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:Configure()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:UpdateDisplay()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[8] = {					-- auraSort						FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Sort,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_SortTip,
+			choices = dropSort,
+			sort = 'name-up',
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropSort[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraSort]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].auraSort = dropSortRef[v]
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:Configure()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:UpdateDisplay()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[9] = {					-- highlightToggled				FULL, ICON
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_Highlight,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_HighlightTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].highlightToggled
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].highlightToggled = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = true}
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		[10] = {				-- nameHeader					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_NameHeader,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[11] = {				-- nameFont						FULL, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameFont,
+			choices = LMP:List('font'),
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameFont
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameFont = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[12] = {				-- nameStyle					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameStyle,
+			choices = dropFontStyle,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameStyle
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameStyle = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[13] = {				-- nameColour					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			getFunc = function()
+				return unpack(displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameColour)
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameColour[1] = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameColour[2] = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameColour[3] = b
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameColour[4] = a
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= -15,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[14] = {				-- nameSize						FULL, MINI
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_NameSize,
+			min = 8,
+			max = 32,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameSize
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].nameSize = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		[15] = {				-- timerHeader					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_TimerHeader,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[16] = {				-- timerFont					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerFont,
+			choices = LMP:List('font'),
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerFont
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerFont = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[17] = {				-- timerStyle					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerStyle,
+			choices = dropFontStyle,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerStyle
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerStyle = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[18] = {				-- timerColour					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			getFunc = function()
+				return unpack(displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerColour)
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b, a)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerColour[1] = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerColour[2] = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerColour[3] = b
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerColour[4] = a
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= -15,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[19] = {				-- timerSize					FULL, ICON, MINI
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.GenericSetting_TimerSize,
+			min = 8,
+			max = 32,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerSize
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerSize = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[20] = {				-- timerLocation				FULL
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip,
+			choices = dropTimerFull,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropTimerFull[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation = dropTimerRef[v]
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = true}
+		},
+		[21] = {				-- timerLocation				ICON
+			type = 'dropdown',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip,
+			choices = dropTimerIcon,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return dropTimerIcon[displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation]
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].timerLocation = dropTimerRef[v]
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = true, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = false, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = true}
+		},
+		-- -----------------------
+		-- -----------------------
+		[22] = {				-- barHeader					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'header',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarHeader,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[23] = {				-- barReverse					FULL, MINI
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarReverse,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarReverseTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barReverse
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barReverse = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[24] = {				-- barGloss						FULL, MINI
+			type = 'checkbox',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarGloss,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarGlossTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barGloss
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barGloss = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[25] = {				-- barWidth						FULL, MINI
+			type = 'slider',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarWidth,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarWidthTip,
+			min = 40,
+			max = 240,
+			step = 5,
+			getFunc = function()
+				return displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barWidth
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(v)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barWidth = v
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureDragOverlay()
+			end,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[26] = {				-- barColour[TIMED]:2			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarTimed,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED]
+				return colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].r2 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].g2 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].b2 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[27] = {				-- barColour[TIMED]:1			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED]
+				return colours.r1, colours.g1, colours.b1
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].r1 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].g1 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TIMED].b1 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= 127,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[28] = {				-- barColour[TOGGLED]:2			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarToggled,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]
+				return colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].r2 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].g2 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].b2 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[29] = {				-- barColour[TOGGLED]:1			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED]
+				return colours.r1, colours.g1, colours.b1
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].r1 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].g1 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_TOGGLED].b1 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= 127,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[30] = {				-- barColour[PASSIVE]:2			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			name = L.DisplayFrame_BarPassive,
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]
+				return colours.r2, colours.g2, colours.b2
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].r2 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].g2 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].b2 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+		[31] = {				-- barColour[PASSIVE]:1			FULL, MINI
+			type = 'colorpicker',
+			tooltip = L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip,
+			getFunc = function()
+				local colours = displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE]
+				return colours.r1, colours.g1, colours.b1
+			end,
+			setFunc = function(r, g, b)
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].r1 = r
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].g1 = g
+				displayDB[currentDisplayFrame].barColours[AURA_TYPE_PASSIVE].b1 = b
+				Srendarr.displayFrames[currentDisplayFrame]:ConfigureAssignedAuras()
+			end,
+			widgetRightAlign		= true,
+			widgetPositionAndResize	= 127,
+			hideOnStyle = {[AURA_STYLE_FULL] = false, [AURA_STYLE_ICON] = true, [AURA_STYLE_MINI] = false}
+		},
+	}
diff --git a/Srendarr.lua b/Srendarr.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ef4d770..0000000
--- a/Srendarr.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
-    Srendarr - Aura & Buff Tracker
-    ----------------------------------------------------------
-    *
-    *
-    * Version 1.6.1
-    * Kith, Garkin, silentgecko
-    *
-    *
-local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
-local L
-               = 'Srendarr'
-Srendarr.slash              = '/srendarr'
-Srendarr.version            = '1.6.1'
-Srendarr.versionDB          = 2
-Srendarr.ICON_SIZE          = 40
-Srendarr.BAR_HEIGHT         = 16
-Srendarr.SPAM_THRESHOLD     = 0.25  -- button mash limiter
-Srendarr.UPDATE_THRESHOLD   = 0.5   -- don't update aura display if start|finish values change by less than this
-Srendarr.UPDATE_RATE        = 0.05  -- (ms) update rate
-Srendarr.AURA_FADE_TIME     = 1     -- (ms) time to fade expired (timed) auras
-Srendarr.auraAnchors        = {}    -- display anchors for all 3 frames
-Srendarr.auraFrames         = {}
-Srendarr.auraSceneFragments = {}
-Srendarr.ui_Locked          = true
-local defaults = {
-    -- general
-    combineBuff             = true,
-    shortBuffThreshold      = 90,       -- buffs shorter then this value will be displayed on short buff frame
-    onlyInCombat            = false,
-    showTargetAuras         = false,
-    showDebuff              = true,
-    hideMinorBuffs          = false,
-    hideMajorBuffs          = false,
-    -- filters
-    showSoulSummons         = true,
-    showSoulSummonsTarget   = true,
-    showToggle              = true,
-    showToggleTarget        = true,
-    showPassive             = true,     -- master control for passives
-    showPassiveTarget       = true,     -- master control for target passives
-    showCyrodiil            = true,
-    showCyrodiilTarget      = true,
-    showDisguise            = true,
-    showDisguiseTarget      = true,
-    showAllEffects          = false,
-    showAllEffectsTarget    = false,
-    showMundus              = true,
-    showMundusTarget        = true,
-    showVampLycan           = true,
-    showVampLycanTarget     = true,
-    -- windows
-    frames = {
-        [1] = { -- short (and combined) buffs
-            anchor              = {point = BOTTOMRIGHT, x = 0, y = 0},
-            alpha               = 1.0,
-            scale               = 1.0,
-            tooltips            = false,
-            auraGrowth          = 'UP',     -- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER
-            auraPadding         = 4,
-            auraSort            = 'TIME',   -- TIME|NAME
-            auraIconOnRight     = true,     -- only for vertical growth
-            showNameBar         = true,
-            -- name
-            nameFont            = 'Univers 67',
-            nameColour          = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            nameOutline         = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            nameSize            = 16,
-            -- timer
-            timerShowTP         = false,    -- show timer for (T)gogles or (P)assives
-            timerShowHorz       = 'BELOW',  -- BELOW|ABOVE|OVER|HIDE
-            timerShowVert       = 'OVER',   -- OVER|HIDE
-            timerFont           = 'Univers 67',
-            timerColour         = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            timerOutline        = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            timerSize           = 14,
-            barGloss            = true,
-            barWidth            = 160,
-            barColours = {
-                timed           = {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843137294054, b1 = 0.50980395078659, r2 = 0.32156863808632, g2 = 0.8431373285635, b2 = 1},
-                toggle          = {r1 = 0.77647066116333, g1 = 0.60000002384186, b1 = 0.11372549831867, r2 = 0.97254908084869, g2 = 0.87450987100601, b2 = 0.29411765933037},
-                passive         = {r1 = 0.41960787773132, g1 = 0.38039219379425, b1 = 0.23137256503105, r2 = 0.41960787773132, g2 = 0.38039219379425, b2 = 0.23137256503105},
-            },
-        },
-        [2] = { -- long buffs
-            anchor              = {point = BOTTOMRIGHT, x = -210, y = 0},
-            alpha               = 1.0,
-            scale               = 1.0,
-            tooltips            = false,
-            auraGrowth          = 'UP',     -- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER
-            auraPadding         = 4,
-            auraSort            = 'TIME',   -- TIME|NAME
-            auraIconOnRight     = true,     -- only for vertical growth
-            showNameBar         = true,
-            -- name
-            nameFont            = 'Univers 67',
-            nameColour          = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            nameOutline         = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            nameSize            = 16,
-            -- timer
-            timerShowTP         = false,    -- show timer for (T)gogles or (P)assives
-            timerShowHorz       = 'BELOW',  -- BELOW|ABOVE|OVER|HIDE
-            timerShowVert       = 'OVER',   -- OVER|HIDE
-            timerFont           = 'Univers 67',
-            timerColour         = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            timerOutline        = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            timerSize           = 14,
-            barGloss            = true,
-            barWidth            = 160,
-            barColours = {
-                timed           = {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843137294054, b1 = 0.50980395078659, r2 = 0.32156863808632, g2 = 0.8431373285635, b2 = 1},
-                toggle          = {r1 = 0.77647066116333, g1 = 0.60000002384186, b1 = 0.11372549831867, r2 = 0.97254908084869, g2 = 0.87450987100601, b2 = 0.29411765933037},
-                passive         = {r1 = 0.41960787773132, g1 = 0.38039219379425, b1 = 0.23137256503105, r2 = 0.41960787773132, g2 = 0.38039219379425, b2 = 0.23137256503105},
-            },
-        },
-        [3] = { -- debuffs
-            anchor              = {point = TOPRIGHT, x = 0, y = 0},
-            alpha               = 1.0,
-            scale               = 1.0,
-            tooltips            = false,
-            auraGrowth          = 'DOWN',   -- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER
-            auraPadding         = 4,
-            auraSort            = 'TIME',   -- TIME|NAME
-            auraIconOnRight     = true,     -- only for vertical growth
-            showNameBar         = true,
-            -- name
-            nameFont            = 'Univers 67',
-            nameColour          = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            nameOutline         = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            nameSize            = 16,
-            -- timer
-            timerShowTP         = false,    -- show timer for (T)gogles or (P)assives
-            timerShowHorz       = 'BELOW',  -- BELOW|ABOVE|OVER|HIDE
-            timerShowVert       = 'OVER',   -- OVER|HIDE
-            timerFont           = 'Univers 67',
-            timerColour         = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            timerOutline        = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            timerSize           = 14,
-            barGloss            = true,
-            barWidth            = 160,
-            barColours = {
-                timed           = {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843137294054, b1 = 0.50980395078659, r2 = 0.32156863808632, g2 = 0.8431373285635, b2 = 1},
-                toggle          = {r1 = 0.77647066116333, g1 = 0.60000002384186, b1 = 0.11372549831867, r2 = 0.97254908084869, g2 = 0.87450987100601, b2 = 0.29411765933037},
-                passive         = {r1 = 0.41960787773132, g1 = 0.38039219379425, b1 = 0.23137256503105, r2 = 0.41960787773132, g2 = 0.38039219379425, b2 = 0.23137256503105},
-            },
-        },
-        [4] = { -- target long buffs
-            anchor              = {point = TOP, x = 161, y = 88},
-            alpha               = 1.0,
-            scale               = 0.8,
-            tooltips            = false,
-            auraGrowth          = 'RIGHT',  -- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER
-            auraPadding         = 2,
-            auraSort            = 'NAME',   -- TIME|NAME
-            auraIconOnRight     = true,     -- only for vertical growth
-            showNameBar         = true,
-            -- name
-            nameFont            = 'Univers 67',
-            nameColour          = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            nameOutline         = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            nameSize            = 16,
-            -- timer
-            timerShowTP         = false,    -- show timer for (T)gogles or (P)assives
-            timerShowHorz       = 'BELOW',  -- BELOW|ABOVE|OVER|HIDE
-            timerShowVert       = 'OVER',   -- OVER|HIDE
-            timerFont           = 'Univers 67',
-            timerColour         = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            timerOutline        = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            timerSize           = 14,
-            barGloss            = true,
-            barWidth            = 160,
-            barColours = {
-                timed           = {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843137294054, b1 = 0.50980395078659, r2 = 0.32156863808632, g2 = 0.8431373285635, b2 = 1},
-                toggle          = {r1 = 0.77647066116333, g1 = 0.60000002384186, b1 = 0.11372549831867, r2 = 0.97254908084869, g2 = 0.87450987100601, b2 = 0.29411765933037},
-                passive         = {r1 = 0.41960787773132, g1 = 0.38039219379425, b1 = 0.23137256503105, r2 = 0.41960787773132, g2 = 0.38039219379425, b2 = 0.23137256503105},
-            },
-        },
-        [5] = { -- debuffs
-            anchor              = {point = TOPRIGHT, x = 0, y = 0},
-            alpha               = 1.0,
-            scale               = 1.0,
-            tooltips            = false,
-            auraGrowth          = 'DOWN',   -- UP|DOWN|LEFT|LEFTCENTER|RIGHT|RIGHTCENTER
-            auraPadding         = 4,
-            auraSort            = 'TIME',   -- TIME|NAME
-            auraIconOnRight     = true,     -- only for vertical growth
-            showNameBar         = true,
-            -- name
-            nameFont            = 'Univers 67',
-            nameColour          = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            nameOutline         = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            nameSize            = 16,
-            -- timer
-            timerShowTP         = false,    -- show timer for (T)gogles or (P)assives
-            timerShowHorz       = 'BELOW',  -- BELOW|ABOVE|OVER|HIDE
-            timerShowVert       = 'OVER',   -- OVER|HIDE
-            timerFont           = 'Univers 67',
-            timerColour         = {r = 0.9, g = 0.9, b = 0.9},
-            timerOutline        = 'soft-shadow-thick',
-            timerSize           = 14,
-            barGloss            = true,
-            barWidth            = 160,
-            barColours = {
-                timed           = {r1 = 0, g1 = 0.1843137294054, b1 = 0.50980395078659, r2 = 0.32156863808632, g2 = 0.8431373285635, b2 = 1},
-                toggle          = {r1 = 0.77647066116333, g1 = 0.60000002384186, b1 = 0.11372549831867, r2 = 0.97254908084869, g2 = 0.87450987100601, b2 = 0.29411765933037},
-                passive         = {r1 = 0.41960787773132, g1 = 0.38039219379425, b1 = 0.23137256503105, r2 = 0.41960787773132, g2 = 0.38039219379425, b2 = 0.23137256503105},
-            },
-        },
-    },
-function Srendarr.OnInitialize(code, addon)
-    if (addon ~= then return end
-    local self = Srendarr
-    SLASH_COMMANDS[self.slash] = self.SlashCommand
-    self.db = ZO_SavedVars:New('SrendarrDB', self.versionDB, nil, defaults)
-    L = self:GetLocale()
-    for x = 1, 5 do
-        local db = self.db.frames[x]
-        self.auraAnchors[x] = self.AuraAnchor:New(x, db.anchor.point, db.anchor.x, db.anchor.y, db.scale)
-        self.auraFrames[x] = self.AuraFrame:New(x, db.alpha)
-        self.auraSceneFragments[x] = ZO_HUDFadeSceneFragment:New(self.auraAnchors[x])
-        HUD_SCENE:AddFragment(self.auraSceneFragments[x])
-        HUD_UI_SCENE:AddFragment(self.auraSceneFragments[x])
-        SIEGE_BAR_SCENE:AddFragment(self.auraSceneFragments[x])
-    end
-    self:InitializeEvents()
-    self:InitializeOnUpdate()
-    self:InitializeAbilityCheck()
-    self:InitializeSettings()
-function Srendarr.SlashCommand(text)
-    if (text == 'lock') then
-        for _, frame in pairs(Srendarr.auraAnchors) do
-            frame:DisableDrag()
-        end
-        Srendarr.ui_Locked = true
-    elseif (text == 'unlock') then
-        for _, frame in pairs(Srendarr.auraAnchors) do
-            frame:EnableDrag()
-        end
-        Srendarr.ui_Locked = false
-    else
-        CHAT_SYSTEM:AddMessage(Srendarr:GetLocale().Usage)
-    end
--- Remove all auras (called on player death and settings changes)
-function Srendarr:StripAuras()
-    self:ClearTimers() -- end all update timers
-    for _, frame in pairs(self.auraFrames) do
-        frame:RemoveAllAuras()
-    end
--- Check and add auras that are 'known' to the player, called on player alive, settings changes and 'proper' zone changes
-function Srendarr:UpdateAuras()
-    self:StripAuras()
-    local numAuras         = GetNumBuffs('player')
-    local auraFrameShort   = self.auraFrames[1]
-    local auraFrameDebuffs = self.auraFrames[3]
-    local auraFrameLong    = self.db.combineBuff and self.auraFrames[1] or self.auraFrames[2]
-    local updateShort      = false
-    local updateLong       = false
-    local updateDebuff     = false
-    if (self.db.showTargetAurasDebuff) then
-        local numAurasTarget = GetNumBuffs('reticleover')
-        if (numAurasTarget > 0) then
-            for x = 1, numAurasTarget do
-                local name, start, finish, buff, stack, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, _, abilityId = GetUnitBuffInfo('reticleover', x)
-                local isShield = abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD
-                -- Skip Minor Buffs
-                if (Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs and Srendarr.MinorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                    return
-                end
-                -- Skip Major Buffs
-                if (Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs and Srendarr.MajorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                    return
-                end
-                if (finish > start) then
-                    if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimedTarget(name)) then
-                        auraFrameShort:AddAura(1, 2, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            auraFrameShort:UpdateDisplay()
-        end
-    end
-    if (numAuras > 0) then -- existing 'known' auras, re-add and UpdateDisplay
-        for x = 1, numAuras do
-            local name, start, finish, buff, stack, icon, _, effectType, abilityType, statusEffectType, abilityId = GetUnitBuffInfo('player', x)
-            local isShield = abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_DAMAGESHIELD
-            -- Skip Minor Buffs
-            if (Srendarr.db.hideMinorBuffs and Srendarr.MinorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                return
-            end
-            -- Skip Major Buffs
-            if (Srendarr.db.hideMajorBuffs and Srendarr.MajorBuffs[abilityId] ~= nil) then
-                return
-            end
-            if (finish > start) then -- timed ability
-                if(effectType == BUFF_EFFECT_TYPE_DEBUFF) then
-                    if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                        auraFrameDebuffs:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                        updateDebuff = true
-                        updateShort = true
-                    end
-                else
-                    if (finish - start < self.db.shortBuffThreshold) then
-                        if (Srendarr:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                            auraFrameShort:AddAura(1, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                            updateShort = true
-                        end
-                    else
-                        if (self:IsWatchedTimed(name)) then
-                            auraFrameLong:AddAura(2, 1, name, icon, start, finish, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                            updateLong = true
-                        end
-                    end
-                end
-            elseif (self:IsToggled(name)) then -- toggled ability
-                if (self.db.showToggle) then -- showing toggled
-                    auraFrameLong:AddAura(3, 1, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    updateLong = true
-                end
-            else -- passive (assumption: passives have start = finish)
-                if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER) then
-                    auraFrameShort:AddAura(4, 1, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    updateShort = true
-                elseif (self:IsWatchedPassive(name, abilityType)) then -- validate against user settings
-                    auraFrameLong:AddAura(4, 1, name, icon, 1, 1, isShield, abilityType, buff, abilityId, effectType)
-                    updateLong = true
-                end
-            end
-            if (abilityType == ABILITY_TYPE_REGISTERTRIGGER) then
-                local slotNum = self:GetTriggeredSlotNum(name)
-                if slotNum then
-                    local actionButton = ZO_ActionBar_GetButton(slotNum)
-                    self:PlayProcAnimations(actionButton)
-                end
-            end
-            if (name == L.Passive_MedicinalUse) then
-                self:SetMedicinalUseCoefficient(abilityId)
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    if (updateShort) then
-        auraFrameShort:UpdateDisplay()
-    end
-    if (updateDebuff) then
-        auraFrameDebuffs:UpdateDisplay()
-    end
-    if (updateLong) then
-        auraFrameLong:UpdateDisplay()
-    end
-    local RATE          = Srendarr.UPDATE_RATE
-    local FADE_TIME     = Srendarr.AURA_FADE_TIME * -1
-    local CAST_TIME     = 1 -- fake 'max cast time' to make a facsimile casting bar when needed
-    local strformat     = string.format
-    local math_floor    = math.floor
-    local math_max      = math.max
-    local seconds       = ''
-    local minutes       = ''
-    local hours         = ''
-    local cast          = ''
-    local auraTimers = {
-        [1]             = {},   -- buffs
-        [2]             = {},   -- debuffs
-        [3]             = {},   -- target buffs
-        [4]             = {},   -- target debuffs
-    }
-    local nextUpdate    = 0
-    local percent, remaining
-    local function FormatTime(remaining)
-        if (remaining < 60) then -- seconds
-            return strformat(seconds, remaining)
-        elseif (remaining < 3600) then -- minutes
-            return strformat(minutes, math_floor(remaining / 60))
-        else -- hours
-            return strformat(hours, math_floor(remaining / 3600))
-        end
-    end
-    local function OnUpdate(self, updateTime)
-        if (updateTime >= nextUpdate) then
-            for _, timers in pairs(auraTimers) do
-                for _, aura in pairs(timers) do
-                    remaining = aura.k_finish - updateTime
-                    if (remaining < FADE_TIME) then -- expired and finished fading, kill
-                        aura.k_frame:RemoveAura(aura.k_name)
-                    elseif (remaining <= 0) then -- expired but hasn't faded yet
-                        if (not aura.k_isGhost) then
-                            aura:Ghost()
-                        end
-                        aura:SetAlpha(math_max(0, 1 - (remaining / FADE_TIME)))
-                    elseif (aura.k_start > updateTime) then -- must have a cast time
-              , (updateTime - aura.k_start) + CAST_TIME))
-                        aura.timer:SetText(cast)
-                    else -- normal timer
-               - ((updateTime - aura.k_start) / (aura.k_finish - aura.k_start)))
-                        aura.timer:SetText(FormatTime(remaining))
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-            nextUpdate = updateTime + RATE
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:AddTimer(bdType, name, aura)
-        if (not auraTimers[bdType][name]) then
-            auraTimers[bdType][name] = aura
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:RemoveTimer(bdType, name)
-        if (auraTimers[bdType][name]) then
-            auraTimers[bdType][name] = nil
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:ClearTimers()
-        for _, timers in pairs(auraTimers) do
-            for name in pairs(timers) do
-                timers[name] = nil
-            end
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:ClearTimerType(bdType)
-        for name in pairs(auraTimers[bdType]) do
-            auraTimers[bdType][name] = nil
-        end
-    end
-    function Srendarr:InitializeOnUpdate()
-        local L = Srendarr:GetLocale()
-        seconds = L.Time_Seconds
-        minutes = L.Time_Minutes
-        hours   = L.Time_Hours
-        cast    = L.Time_Cast
-        Srendarr:SetHandler('OnUpdate', OnUpdate)
-    end
-EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, Srendarr.OnInitialize)
diff --git a/Srendarr.txt b/Srendarr.txt
index 2ac5a1e..24f7ba0 100644
--- a/Srendarr.txt
+++ b/Srendarr.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 ## Title: |c67b1e9S|c4779ce'rendarr|r
 ## Description: Adds graphical tracking of buffs and debuffs on both yourself and others in a manner that meshes with the stock interface theme.
-## Version: 1.6.1
-## Author: Kith, |cEFEBBEGarkin|r, |c4779cesilentgecko|r
-## APIVersion: 100013
+## Version: 2.1.5
+## Author: Kith, |cEFEBBEGarkin, silentgecko|r
+## APIVersion: 100014
 ## SavedVariables: SrendarrDB
 ## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibMediaProvider-1.0

@@ -22,27 +22,26 @@ Lib/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/header.lua






diff --git a/Srendarr.xml b/Srendarr.xml
index d90c657..67d7d3c 100644
--- a/Srendarr.xml
+++ b/Srendarr.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-    <Controls>
-        <TopLevelControl name="Srendarr" />
-    </Controls>
+	<Controls>
+		<TopLevelControl name="Srendarr" />
+		<TopLevelControl name="Srendarr_CastBar" hidden="true" clampedToScreen="true" />
+	</Controls>