Removed LGS

torsten.philipp [03-28-18 - 18:19]
Removed LGS
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
index 91347ce..61d27a9 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.lua
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ function TaosGroupUltimate:initialize()

     -- Initialize communication
-    TGU_Communicator.Initialize(logger, TGU_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsLgsActive, ISMOCKED)
+    TGU_Communicator.Initialize(logger, ISMOCKED)

     -- Initialize logic
     TGU_GroupHandler.Initialize(logger, ISMOCKED)
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.txt b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.txt
index b77ae31..1e09518 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.txt
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/TaosGroupTools.txt
@@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ libs/LibAddonMenu-2.0/controls/dropdown.lua


diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/communication/Communicator.lua b/TaosGroupTools/communication/Communicator.lua
index 3b5a295..e461633 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/communication/Communicator.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/communication/Communicator.lua
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ if(not LMP) then

 local _logger = nil
-local _ultimateHandler = nil

@@ -31,25 +30,6 @@ TGU_Communicator.__index = TGU_Communicator
 TGU_Communicator.Name = "TGU-Communicator"
 TGU_Communicator.IsMocked = false
-TGU_Communicator.IsLgsActive = false
-	Called on data from LGS
-function TGU_Communicator.OnUltimateReceived(unitTag, ultimateCurrent, ultimateCost, ultimateGroupId, isSelf)
-    if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
-        _logger:logTrace("TGU_Communicator.OnUltimateReceived")
-        _logger:logDebug("unitTag; ultimateCurrent; ultimateCost; ultimateGroupId", unitTag, ultimateCurrent, ultimateCost, ultimateGroupId)
-    end
-	local relativeUltimate = math.floor((ultimateCurrent / ultimateCost) * 100)
-	if (relativeUltimate > 100) then
-		relativeUltimate = 100
-	end
-    CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks(TGU_MAP_PING_CHANGED, unitTag, ultimateGroupId, relativeUltimate)

 	Called on map ping from LibMapPing
@@ -124,15 +104,6 @@ function TGU_Communicator.SendData(abilityGroup)
         -- Mocked
         if (TGU_Communicator.IsMocked) then
-        -- LGS communication
-        elseif (TGU_Communicator.IsLgsActive) then
-            if (_ultimateHandler ~= nil) then
-                _ultimateHandler:SetUltimateCost(abilityCost)
-                _ultimateHandler:SetUltimateGroupId(abilityGroup.GroupAbilityPing)
-				_ultimateHandler:Refresh()
-            else
-                _logger:logError("TGU_Communicator.SendData, _ultimateHandler is nil")
-            end
         -- Standard communication
             local relativeUltimate = math.floor((current / abilityCost) * 100)
@@ -267,52 +238,19 @@ function TGU_Communicator.SendFakePings()

-	Updates communication type
-function TGU_Communicator.UpdateCommunicationType()
-    if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
-        _logger:logTrace("TGU_Communicator.UpdateCommunicationType")
-    end
-    -- Unregister events
-    LMP:UnregisterCallback("BeforePingAdded", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPing)
-    LMP:UnregisterCallback("AfterPingRemoved", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPingFinished)
-    if (TGU_Communicator.IsLgsActive) then
-        local LGS = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibGroupSocket")
-        if (LGS ~= nil) then
-            if (_ultimateHandler == nil) then
-                _ultimateHandler = LGS:GetHandler(LGS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ULTIMATE)
-            end
-            _ultimateHandler:RegisterForUltimateChanges(TGU_Communicator.OnUltimateReceived)
-            _ultimateHandler:Refresh()
-        else
-            _logger:logError("LGS not found. Please install LibGroupSocket. Activate default communication as fallback.")
-            TGU_Communicator.SetIsLgsActive(false)
-        end
-    else
-        -- Register events
-        LMP:RegisterCallback("BeforePingAdded", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPing)
-        LMP:RegisterCallback("AfterPingRemoved", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPingFinished)
-    end
 	Initialize initializes TGU_Communicator
-function TGU_Communicator.Initialize(logger, isLgsActive, isMocked)
+function TGU_Communicator.Initialize(logger, isMocked)
     if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
-        logger:logDebug("isLgsActive", isLgsActive)
         logger:logDebug("isMocked", isMocked)

     _logger = logger

     TGU_Communicator.IsMocked = isMocked
-    TGU_Communicator.IsLgsActive = isLgsActive
-    TGU_Communicator.UpdateCommunicationType()
+    -- Register events
+    LMP:RegisterCallback("BeforePingAdded", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPing)
+    LMP:RegisterCallback("AfterPingRemoved", TGU_Communicator.OnMapPingFinished)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/communication/UltimateHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/communication/UltimateHandler.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 906f376..0000000
--- a/TaosGroupTools/communication/UltimateHandler.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
--- The Ultimate Protocol
--- *bitArray* flags, *uint8* ultimate[, *uint8* ultimateCost, *uint8* ultimageGroupId]
--- flags:
---   1: isFullUpdate - the user is sending cost in addition to percentages in this packet
---   2: requestsFullUpdate - the user does not have all the necessary data and wants to have a full update from everyone (e.g. after reloading the ui)
-local LGS = LibStub("LibGroupSocket")
-LGS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ULTIMATE = 21 -- aka, the code for 'u'
-local type, version = LGS.MESSAGE_TYPE_ULTIMATE, 3
-local handler, saveData = LGS:RegisterHandler(type, version)
-if(not handler) then return end
-local SKIP_CREATE = true
-local ON_ULTIMATE_CHANGED = "OnUltimateChanged"
-local Log = LGS.Log
-handler.resources = {}
-local resources = handler.resources
-local sendFullUpdate = true
-local needFullUpdate = true
-local ultimateCost = 0
-local ultimateGroupId = 0
-local lastSendTime = 0
-local defaultData = {
-    version = 1,
-    enabled = true,
-handler.callbacks = handler.callbacks or 0
-local function GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, skipCreate)
-    local unitName = GetUnitName(unitTag)
-    local unitResources = resources[unitName]
-    if(not unitResources and not skipCreate) then
-        resources[unitName] = {
-            [POWERTYPE_ULTIMATE] = {current=0, cost=0, groupId=0},
-            lastUpdate = 0,
-        }
-        unitResources = resources[unitName]
-    end
-    return unitResources
-function handler:GetLastUpdateTime(unitTag)
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, SKIP_CREATE)
-    if(unitResources) then return unitResources.lastUpdate end
-    return -1
-function handler:SetUltimateCost(cost)
-	ultimateCost = cost
-function handler:SetUltimateGroupId(groupId)
-    ultimateGroupId = groupId
-local function OnData(unitTag, data, isSelf)
-	if (handler.callbacks == 0) then return end --dont do anything if nobody is using this handler
-    local index, bitIndex = 1, 1
-    local isFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local requestsFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    --	Log("OnData %s (%d byte): is full: %s, needs full: %s", GetUnitName(unitTag), #data, tostring(isFullUpdate), tostring(requestsFullUpdate))
-    index = index + 1
-    if(not isSelf and requestsFullUpdate) then
-        sendFullUpdate = true
-    end
-    --local expectedLength = isFullUpdate and 3 or 2
-    --if(#data < expectedLength) then Log("UltimateHandler received only %d of %d byte", #data, expectedLength) return end
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag)
-    local ultimate = unitResources[POWERTYPE_ULTIMATE]
-    ultimate.current, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index)
-    if(isFullUpdate) then
-		ultimate.cost, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index)
-        ultimate.groupId, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index)
-	end
-    unitResources.lastUpdate = GetTimeStamp()
-    --	Log("ultimate: %d, cost: %d", ultimate.current, ultimate.cost)
-, unitTag, ultimate.current, ultimate.cost, ultimate.groupId, isSelf)
-local function NumCallbacks()
-	local registry =[ON_ULTIMATE_CHANGED]
-	handler.callbacks = registry and #registry or 0
-function handler:RegisterForUltimateChanges(callback)
-, callback)
-	NumCallbacks()
-function handler:UnregisterForUltimateChanges(callback)
-, callback)
-	NumCallbacks()
-local function GetPowerValues(unitResources, powerType)
-    local data = unitResources[powerType]
-    local current, maximum = GetUnitPower("player", powerType)
-    return data, current, data.cost
-function handler:Send()
-    if(not saveData.enabled or not IsUnitGrouped("player") or handler.callbacks == 0) then return end
-    local now = GetTimeStamp()
-    local timeout = IsUnitInCombat("player") and MIN_COMBAT_SEND_TIMEOUT or MIN_SEND_TIMEOUT
-    if(now - lastSendTime < timeout) then return end
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources("player")
-    local ultimate, ultimateCurrent, ultimateMaximum = GetPowerValues(unitResources, POWERTYPE_ULTIMATE)
-	ultimateCurrent = zo_min(ultimateCurrent, ultimateMaximum)
-    sendFullUpdate = sendFullUpdate or ultimate.cost ~= ultimateCost or ultimate.groupId ~= ultimateGroupId
-    if(ultimate.current ~= ultimateCurrent or sendFullUpdate) then
-        local data = {}
-        local index, bitIndex = 1, 1
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, sendFullUpdate)
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, needFullUpdate)
-        index = index + 1
-        index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, ultimateCurrent)
-		if sendFullUpdate then
-			index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, ultimateCost)
-            index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, ultimateGroupId)
-		end
-		--	Log("Send %d byte: is full: %s, needs full: %s, ultimate: %s, cost: %s", #data, tostring(sendFullUpdate), tostring(needFullUpdate), tostring(ultimateCurrent), tostring(ultimateCost))
-        if(LGS:Send(type, data)) then
-			--	Log("Send Complete")
-            lastSendTime = now
-            ultimate.current = ultimateCurrent
-			if sendFullUpdate then
-				ultimate.cost = ultimateCost
-                ultimate.groupId = ultimateGroupId
-			end
-            sendFullUpdate = false
-            needFullUpdate = false
-        end
-    end
-function handler:Refresh()
-	sendFullUpdate = true
-	needFullUpdate = true
-local function OnUpdate()
-    handler:Send()
-local isActive = false
-local function StartSending()
-    if(not isActive and saveData.enabled and IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler", 1000, OnUpdate)
-        isActive = true
-    end
-local function StopSending()
-    if(isActive) then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler")
-        isActive = false
-    end
-local function OnUnitCreated(_, unitTag)
-    sendFullUpdate = true
-    StartSending()
-local function OnUnitDestroyed(_, unitTag)
-    resources[GetUnitName(unitTag)] = nil
-    if(isActive and not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-        StopSending()
-    end
-function handler:InitializeSettings(optionsData, IsSendingDisabled) -- TODO: localization
-    optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-        type = "header",
-        name = "Ultimate Handler",
-    }
-optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-    type = "checkbox",
-    name = "Enable sending",
-    tooltip = "Controls if the handler does send data. It will still receive and process incoming data.",
-    getFunc = function() return saveData.enabled end,
-    setFunc = function(value)
-        saveData.enabled = value
-        if(value) then StartSending() else StopSending() end
-    end,
-    disabled = IsSendingDisabled,
-    default = defaultData.enabled
--- savedata becomes available twice in case the standalone lib is loaded
-local function InitializeSaveData(data)
-    saveData = data
-    if(not saveData.version) then
-        ZO_DeepTableCopy(defaultData, saveData)
-    end
-    --  if(saveData.version == 1) then
-    --      -- update it
-    --  end
-local function Unload()
-, handler.dataHandler)
-"savedata-ready", InitializeSaveData)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED)
-    StopSending()
-local function Load()
-    InitializeSaveData(saveData)
-"savedata-ready", function(data)
-        InitializeSaveData(data.handlers[type])
-    end)
-    handler.dataHandler = OnData
-, OnData)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED, OnUnitCreated)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketUltimateHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED, OnUnitDestroyed)
-    handler.Unload = Unload
-    StartSending()
-if(handler.Unload) then handler.Unload() end
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
index d822e3b..2e628fd 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/de.lua
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@

 -- Options
 local strings = {
-    TGU_WARNING_LGS_ENABLE =             "Warnung: Aktiviere LibGroupSocket um zu senden -> /lgs 1",
     TGU_OPTIONS_HEADER =                 "Optionen",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_LABEL =             "Elemente verschieben",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_TOOLTIP =           "Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, können alle Elemente verschoben werden.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_LABEL =         "Nur im AvA Gebiet anzeigen",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_TOOLTIP =       "Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, sind alle Elemente nur in Cyrodiil (AvA) sichtbar.",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_LABEL =          "Kommunikation via LibGroupSocket",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_TOOLTIP =        "Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, wird versucht eine Kommunikation via LibGroupSocket aufzubauen. LibGroupSocket muss dazu separat als eigenes Addon installiert sein.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_LABEL =      "Listen nach Ulti-Fortschritt sortieren",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_TOOLTIP =    "Wenn die Option aktiviert ist, werden alle Listen nach Ulti-Fortschritt sortiert (Volle Ultis oben).",
     TGU_OPTIONS_STYLE_LABEL =            "Style auswählen",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
index 572062a..501e9ae 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/en.lua
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@

 -- Options
 local strings = {
-    TGU_WARNING_LGS_ENABLE =             "Warning: Enable LibGroupSocket to send -> /lgs 1",
     TGU_OPTIONS_HEADER =                 "Options",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_LABEL =             "Drag elements",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_TOOLTIP =           "If activated, you can drag all elements.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_LABEL =         "Show only in AvA",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_TOOLTIP =       "If activated, all elements will only be visible in Cyrodiil (AvA).",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_LABEL =          "Communication via LibGroupSocket",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_TOOLTIP =        "If activated, the addon will try to activate communication via LibGroupSocket. LibGroupSocket must be installed as own addon.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_LABEL =      "Sort lists by ultimate progress",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_TOOLTIP =    "If activated, all lists will be sorted by ultimate progress (Maximum on top).",
     TGU_OPTIONS_STYLE_LABEL =            "Choose style",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
index cf79590..46eab84 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/i18n/fr.lua
@@ -2,14 +2,11 @@

 -- Options
 local strings = {
-    TGU_WARNING_LGS_ENABLE =             "Warning: Enable LibGroupSocket to send -> /lgs 1",
     TGU_OPTIONS_HEADER =                 "Options",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_LABEL =             "Drag elements",
     TGU_OPTIONS_DRAG_TOOLTIP =           "If activated, you can drag all elements.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_LABEL =         "Show only in AvA",
     TGU_OPTIONS_ONLY_AVA_TOOLTIP =       "If activated, all elements will only be visible in Cyrodiil (AvA).",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_LABEL =          "Communication via LibGroupSocket",
-    TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_TOOLTIP =        "If activated, the addon will try to activate communication via LibGroupSocket. LibGroupSocket must be installed as own addon.",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_LABEL =      "Sort lists by ultimate progress",
     TGU_OPTIONS_USE_SORTING_TOOLTIP =    "If activated, all lists will be sorted by ultimate progress (Maximum on top).",
     TGU_OPTIONS_STYLE_LABEL =            "Choose style",
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LICENSE b/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 12b3fde..0000000
--- a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-               The Artistic License 2.0
-           Copyright (c) 2016 sirinsidiator
-     Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-      of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-This license establishes the terms under which a given free software
-Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or redistributed.
-The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some artistic
-control over the development of that Package while still keeping the
-Package available as open source and free software.
-You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this
-license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package.  If the
-terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to
-make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek
-a different licensing arrangement.
-    "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s)
-    named in the copyright notice for the entire Package.
-    "Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other
-    material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's
-    procedures.
-    "You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy,
-    distribute, or modify the Package.
-    "Package" means the collection of files distributed by the
-    Copyright Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of
-    those files. A given Package may consist of either the Standard
-    Version, or a Modified Version.
-    "Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it
-    accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or
-    organization, to others outside of your company or organization.
-    "Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing
-    this Package or providing support for this Package to another
-    party.  It does not mean licensing fees.
-    "Standard Version" refers to the Package if it has not been
-    modified, or has been modified only in ways explicitly requested
-    by the Copyright Holder.
-    "Modified Version" means the Package, if it has been changed, and
-    such changes were not explicitly requested by the Copyright
-    Holder.
-    "Original License" means this Artistic License as Distributed with
-    the Standard Version of the Package, in its current version or as
-    it may be modified by The Perl Foundation in the future.
-    "Source" form means the source code, documentation source, and
-    configuration files for the Package.
-    "Compiled" form means the compiled bytecode, object code, binary,
-    or any other form resulting from mechanical transformation or
-    translation of the Source form.
-Permission for Use and Modification Without Distribution
-(1)  You are permitted to use the Standard Version and create and use
-Modified Versions for any purpose without restriction, provided that
-you do not Distribute the Modified Version.
-Permissions for Redistribution of the Standard Version
-(2)  You may Distribute verbatim copies of the Source form of the
-Standard Version of this Package in any medium without restriction,
-either gratis or for a Distributor Fee, provided that you duplicate
-all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers.  At
-your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a
-Compiled form of the Package.
-(3)  You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other
-modifications made available from the Copyright Holder.  The resulting
-Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such
-will be subject to the Original License.
-Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source
-(4)  You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis
-or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the
-Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs
-from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting
-any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that
-you do at least ONE of the following:
-    (a)  make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder
-    of the Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the
-    Copyright Holder may include your modifications in the Standard
-    Version.
-    (b)  ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not
-    prevent the user installing or running the Standard Version. In
-    addition, the Modified Version must bear a name that is different
-    from the name of the Standard Version.
-    (c)  allow anyone who receives a copy of the Modified Version to
-    make the Source form of the Modified Version available to others
-    under
-    (i)  the Original License or
-    (ii)  a license that permits the licensee to freely copy,
-    modify and redistribute the Modified Version using the same
-    licensing terms that apply to the copy that the licensee
-    received, and requires that the Source form of the Modified
-    Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely
-    available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor
-    Fees are allowed.
-Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version
-or Modified Versions without the Source
-(5)  You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without
-the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to
-get the Source of the Standard Version.  Such instructions must be
-valid at the time of your distribution.  If these instructions, at any
-time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you
-must provide new instructions on demand or cease further distribution.
-If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution within thirty
-days after you become aware that the instructions are invalid, then
-you do not forfeit any of your rights under this license.
-(6)  You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without
-the Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to
-the Source of the Modified Version.
-Aggregating or Linking the Package
-(7)  You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or
-Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting
-aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the
-Package.  Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other
-components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license
-apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions
-as included in the aggregation.
-(8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with
-other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to
-build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that
-include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction,
-provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package.
-Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version
-(9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that
-merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause
-the Package to be a Modified Version.  In addition, such works are not
-considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the
-terms of this license.
-General Provisions
-(10)  Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or
-Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using,
-modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not
-use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this
-(11)  If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified
-Version made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required
-to ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of
-this license.
-(12)  This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark,
-service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder.
-(13)  This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide,
-free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell,
-sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any
-patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily
-infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation
-(including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging
-that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent
-infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the
-date that such litigation is filed.
-(14)  Disclaimer of Warranty:
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LibGroupSocket.lua b/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LibGroupSocket.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f486bc..0000000
--- a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/LibGroupSocket.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-local LIB_IDENTIFIER = "LibGroupSocket"
-local lib = LibStub:NewLibrary(LIB_IDENTIFIER, 2)
-if not lib then
-	return	-- already loaded and no upgrade necessary
-local LMP = LibStub("LibMapPing", true)
-if(not LMP) then
-	error(string.format("[%s] Cannot load without LibMapPing", LIB_IDENTIFIER))
-local LGPS = LibStub("LibGPS2", true)
-if(not LGPS) then
-	error(string.format("[%s] Cannot load without LibGPS2", LIB_IDENTIFIER))
-local function Log(message, ...)
-	df("[%s] %s", LIB_IDENTIFIER, message:format(...))
-lib.Log = Log
---/script PingMap(89, 1, 1 / 2^16, 1 / 2^16) StartChatInput(table.concat({GetMapPlayerWaypoint()}, ","))
--- smallest step is around 1.428571431461e-005 for Wrothgar, so there should be 70000 steps
--- Coldharbour has a similar step size, meaning we can send 4 bytes of data per ping on both
-local MAP_METRICS = {
-	[WROTHGAR_MAP_INDEX] = { zoneIndex = GetZoneIndex(684), stepSize =  1.428571431461e-005 },
-	[COLDHARBOUR_MAP_INDEX] = { zoneIndex = GetZoneIndex(347), stepSize = 1.4285034012573e-005 },
-local NO_UPDATE = true
---lib.debug = true -- TODO = or ZO_CallbackObject:New()
-lib.outgoing = lib.outgoing or {}
-lib.incoming = lib.incoming or {}
-lib.handlers = lib.handlers or {}
-local handlers = lib.handlers
-local suppressedList = {}
-local panel, button, entry
-function lib:GetMapIndexForUnit(unitTag)
-	if(MAP_METRICS[WROTHGAR_MAP_INDEX].zoneIndex == GetUnitZoneIndex(unitTag)) then
-	else
-	end
-function lib:GetStepSizeForUnit(unitTag)
-	return MAP_METRICS[lib:GetMapIndexForUnit(unitTag)].stepSize
-------------------------------------------------------- Settings ------------------------------------------------------
-local defaultData = {
-	version = 1,
-	enabled = false,
-	autoDisableOnGroupLeft = true,
-	autoDisableOnSessionStart = true,
-	handlers = {},
--- saved variables are not ready yet so we just use the defaults, the real saved variables will be loaded later in case the standalone lib is active
-local saveData = ZO_DeepTableCopy(defaultData)
-local function RefreshSettingsPanel()
-	if(not panel) then return end
-	CALLBACK_MANAGER:FireCallbacks("LAM-RefreshPanel", panel)
-local function RefreshGroupMenuKeyboard()
-	if(not button) then return end
-	ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(button, saveData.enabled)
-local function RefreshGroupMenuGamepad(noUpdate)
-	if(not entry) then return end
-	entry:SetText(saveData.enabled and "Disable sending" or "Enable sending")
-	if(not noUpdate) then
-		GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU:UpdateMenuList()
-	end
-local function InitializeGroupMenu()
-	if(not ZO_GroupMenu_Keyboard) then return end
-	-- keyboard
-	button = CreateControlFromVirtual("$(parent)_LibGroupSocketToggle", ZO_GroupMenu_Keyboard, "ZO_CheckButton_Text")
-	ZO_CheckButton_SetLabelText(button, "LibGroupSocket Sending:")
-	ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(button, saveData.enabled)
-	ZO_CheckButton_SetToggleFunction(button, function(control, checked)
-		if(checked ~= saveData.enabled) then
-			saveData.enabled = checked
-			RefreshSettingsPanel()
-			RefreshGroupMenuGamepad()
-		end
-	end)
-	button.label:ClearAnchors()
-	button.label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, ZO_GroupMenu_Keyboard, TOPLEFT, 10, 30)
-	button:SetAnchor(LEFT, button.label, RIGHT, -40, 0)
-	-- gamepad
-	local menu = GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU
-	local MENU_ENTRY_TYPE_LGS_TOGGLE = #menu.menuEntries + 1
-	entry = ZO_GamepadEntryData:New("")
-	RefreshGroupMenuGamepad(NO_UPDATE)
-	entry:SetHeader("LibGroupSocket")
-	menu.menuEntries[MENU_ENTRY_TYPE_LGS_TOGGLE] = entry
-	local list = GAMEPAD_GROUP_MENU:GetMainList()
-	local originalCommit = list.Commit
-	list.Commit = function(self, ...)
-		list:AddEntryWithHeader("ZO_GamepadMenuEntryTemplate", entry)
-		originalCommit(self, ...)
-	end
-	local InitializeKeybindDescriptors = menu.InitializeKeybindDescriptors
-	menu.InitializeKeybindDescriptors = function(self)
-		InitializeKeybindDescriptors(self)
-		local primary = menu.keybindStripDescriptor[1]
-		local callback = primary.callback
-		primary.callback = function()
-			callback()
-			local type = list:GetTargetData().type
-			if type == MENU_ENTRY_TYPE_LGS_TOGGLE then
-				saveData.enabled = not saveData.enabled
-				RefreshSettingsPanel()
-				RefreshGroupMenuKeyboard()
-				RefreshGroupMenuGamepad()
-			end
-		end
-	end
-local function InitializeSettingsPanel() -- TODO: localization
-	local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0", true)
-	if(LAM) then -- if LAM is not available, it is not the stand alone version of LGS. As we can't save anything in that case, we don't bother enforcing a dependency.
-		local function IsSendingDisabled() return not saveData.enabled end
-		local panelData = {
-			type = "panel",
-			name = "LibGroupSocket",
-			author = "sirinsidiator",
-			version = "2",
-			website = "",
-			registerForRefresh = true,
-			registerForDefaults = true
-		}
-		panel = LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("LibGroupSocketOptions", panelData)
-		local optionsData = {}
---		if(not lib.standalone) then -- the stand alone version contains a file that sets standalone = true
---			optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
---				type = "description",
---				text = "No stand alone installation detected. Settings won't be saved.",
---				reference = "LibGroupSocketStandAloneWarning"
---			}
---		end
-		optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-			type = "header",
-			name = "General",
-		}
-		optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-			type = "checkbox",
-			name = "Enable Sending",
-			tooltip = "Controls if the library sends any data. It will still receive and process data.",
-			getFunc = function() return saveData.enabled end,
-			setFunc = function(value)
-				saveData.enabled = value
-				RefreshGroupMenuKeyboard()
-				RefreshGroupMenuGamepad()
-			end,
-			default = defaultData.enabled
-		}
-		optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-			type = "checkbox",
-			name = "Disable On Group Left",
-			tooltip = "Automatically disables sending when you leave a group in order to prevent accidentally sending data to a new group.",
-			getFunc = function() return saveData.autoDisableOnGroupLeft end,
-			setFunc = function(value) saveData.autoDisableOnGroupLeft = value end,
-			default = defaultData.enabled
-		}
-		optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-			type = "checkbox",
-			name = "Disable On Session Start",
-			tooltip = "Automatically disables sending when you start the game in order to prevent accidentally sending data to an existing group.",
-			getFunc = function() return saveData.autoDisableOnSessionStart end,
-			setFunc = function(value) saveData.autoDisableOnSessionStart = value end,
-			default = defaultData.enabled
-		}
-		for handlerType, handler in pairs(handlers) do
-			if(handler.InitializeSettings) then
-				handler:InitializeSettings(optionsData, IsSendingDisabled)
-			end
-		end
-		LAM:RegisterOptionControls("LibGroupSocketOptions", optionsData)
-	end
-------------------------------------------------- OutgoingPacket Class ------------------------------------------------
-local OutgoingPacket = ZO_Object:Subclass()
-function OutgoingPacket:New(messageType, data)
-	local object = ZO_Object.New(self)
-	object.messageType = messageType
-	object.header = lib:EncodeHeader(messageType, #data)
- = data
-	object.index = 0
-	return object
-function OutgoingPacket:GetNext()
-	local next
-	if(self.index < 1) then
-		next = self.header
-	else
-		next =[self.index] or 0
-	end
-	self.index = self.index + 1
-	return next
-function OutgoingPacket:GetNextCoordinates()
-	local stepSize = lib:GetStepSizeForUnit("player")
-	return lib:EncodeData(self:GetNext(), self:GetNext(), self:GetNext(), self:GetNext(), stepSize)
-function OutgoingPacket:HasMore()
-	return self.index <=
-------------------------------------------------- IncomingPacket Class ------------------------------------------------
-local IncomingPacket = ZO_Object:Subclass()
-function IncomingPacket:New(unitTag)
-	local object = ZO_Object.New(self)
-	object.messageType = -1
- = {}
-	object.length = 0
-	object.stepSize = lib:GetStepSizeForUnit(unitTag)
-	return object
-function IncomingPacket:AddCoordinates(x, y)
-	local b0, b1, b2, b3 = lib:DecodeData(x, y, self.stepSize)
-	local data =
-	if(self.messageType < 0) then
-		self.messageType, self.length = lib:DecodeHeader(b0)
-	else
-		data[#data + 1] = b0
-	end
-	if(#data < self.length) then data[#data + 1] = b1 end
-	if(#data < self.length) then data[#data + 1] = b2 end
-	if(#data < self.length) then data[#data + 1] = b3 end
-function IncomingPacket:IsComplete()
-	return self.length > 0 and >= self.length
-local function IsValidMessageType(messageType)
-	return not (messageType < 0 or messageType > 31)
-function IncomingPacket:HasValidHeader()
-	return IsValidMessageType(self.messageType) and self.length > 0 and self.length < 8
-function IncomingPacket:IsValid()
-	return self:HasValidHeader() and == self.length
---------------------------------------------- Byte Manipulation Utilities ---------------------------------------------
---- Reads a bit from the data stream and increments the index and bit index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to read from
---- bitIndex - the current bit inside the current byte (starts from 1)
---- returns the state of the bit, the next position in the data array and the next bitIndex
-function lib:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-	local p = 2 ^ (bitIndex - 1)
-	local isSet = (data[index] % (p + p) >= p)
-	local nextIndex = (bitIndex >= 8 and index + 1 or index)
-	local nextBitIndex = (bitIndex >= 8 and 1 or bitIndex + 1)
-	return isSet, nextIndex, nextBitIndex
---- Writes a bit to the data stream and increments the index and bit index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to write to
---- bitIndex - the current bit inside the current byte (starts from 1)
---- value - the new state of the bit
---- returns the next position in the data array and the next bitIndex
-function lib:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, value)
-	local p = 2 ^ (bitIndex - 1)
-	local oldValue = data[index] or 0
-	local isSet = (oldValue % (p + p) >= p)
-	if(isSet and not value) then
-		oldValue = oldValue - p
-	elseif(not isSet and value) then
-		oldValue = oldValue + p
-	end
-	data[index] = oldValue
-	local nextIndex = (bitIndex >= 8 and index + 1 or index)
-	local nextBitIndex = (bitIndex >= 8 and 1 or bitIndex + 1)
-	return nextIndex, nextBitIndex
---- Reads a single byte from the data stream, converts it into a string character and increments the index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to read from
---- returns the character and the next position in the data array
-function lib:ReadChar(data, index)
-	return string.char(data[index]), index + 1
---- Writes a single character to the data stream and increments the index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to write to
---- value - a single character or a string of characters
---- [charIndex] - optional index of the character that should be written to the data stream. Defaults to the first character
---- returns the next position in the data array
-function lib:WriteChar(data, index, value, charIndex)
-	data[index] = value:byte(charIndex)
-	return index + 1
---- Reads a single byte from the data stream and increments the index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to read from
---- returns the 8-bit unsigned integer and the next position in the data array
-function lib:ReadUint8(data, index)
-	return data[index], index + 1
---- Writes an 8-bit unsigned integer to the data stream and increments the index accordingly
---- The value is clamped and floored to match the data type.
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to write to
---- value - an 8-bit unsigned integer
---- returns the next position in the data array
-function lib:WriteUint8(data, index, value)
-	data[index] = math.min(0xff, math.max(0x00, math.floor(value)))
-	return index + 1
---- Reads two byte from the data stream, converts them to one integer and increments the index accordingly
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to read from
---- returns the 16-bit unsigned integer and the next position in the data array
-function lib:ReadUint16(data, index)
-	return (data[index] * 0x100 + data[index + 1]), index + 2
---- Writes a 16-bit unsigned integer to the data stream and increments the index accordingly
---- The value is clamped and floored to match the data type.
---- data - an array of integers between 0 and 255
---- index - the current position to write to
---- value - a 16-bit unsigned integer
---- returns the next position in the data array
-function lib:WriteUint16(data, index, value)
-	value = math.min(0xffff, math.max(0x0000, math.floor(value)))
-	data[index] = math.floor(value / 0x100)
-	data[index + 1] = value % 0x100
-	return index + 2
---- Converts 4 bytes of data into coordinates for a map ping
---- b0 to b3 - integers between 0 and 255
---- step size specifies the smallest possible increment for the coordinates on a map
---- returns normalized x and y coordinates
-function lib:EncodeData(b0, b1, b2, b3, stepSize)
-	b0 = b0 or 0
-	b1 = b1 or 0
-	b2 = b2 or 0
-	b3 = b3 or 0
-	return (b0 * 0x100 + b1) * stepSize, (b2 * 0x100 + b3) * stepSize
---- Converts normalized map ping coordinates into 4 bytes of data
---- step size specifies the smallest possible increment for the coordinates on a map
---- returns 4 integers between 0 and 255
-function lib:DecodeData(x, y, stepSize)
-	x = math.floor(x / stepSize + 0.5) -- round to next integer
-	y = math.floor(y / stepSize + 0.5)
-	local b0 = math.floor(x / 0x100)
-	local b1 = x % 0x100
-	local b2 = math.floor(y / 0x100)
-	local b3 = y % 0x100
-	return b0, b1, b2, b3
---- Packs a 5-bit messageType and a 3-bit length value into one byte of data
---- messageType - integer between 0 and 31
---- length - integer between 0 and 7
---- returns encoded header byte
-function lib:EncodeHeader(messageType, length)
-	return messageType * 0x08 + length
---- Unpacks a 5-bit messageType and a 3-bit length value from one byte of data
---- value - integer between 0 and 255
---- returns messageType and length
-function lib:DecodeHeader(value)
-	local messageType = math.floor(value / 0x08)
-	local length = value % 0x08
-	return messageType, length
---------------------------------------------------- Data Processing ---------------------------------------------------
-local function SetMapPingOnCommonMap(x, y)
-	local pingType = MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING
-	if(lib.debug and not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-	end
-	LGPS:PushCurrentMap()
-	SetMapToMapListIndex(lib:GetMapIndexForUnit("player"))
-	LMP:SetMapPing(pingType, MAP_TYPE_LOCATION_CENTERED, x, y)
-	LGPS:PopCurrentMap()
-local function GetMapPingOnCommonMap(pingType, pingTag)
-	LGPS:PushCurrentMap()
-	SetMapToMapListIndex(lib:GetMapIndexForUnit(pingTag))
-	local x, y = LMP:GetMapPing(pingType, pingTag)
-	LGPS:PopCurrentMap()
-	return x, y
-local function DoSend(isFirst)
-	local packet = lib.outgoing[1]
-	if(not packet) then Log("Tried to send when no data in queue") return end
-	lib.isSending = true
-	local x, y = packet:GetNextCoordinates()
-	SetMapPingOnCommonMap(x, y)
-	lib.hasMore = packet:HasMore()
-	if(not lib.hasMore) then
-		table.remove(lib.outgoing, 1)
-		lib.hasMore = (#lib.outgoing > 0)
-	end
-local function IsValidData(data)
-	if(#data > 7) then
-		Log("Tried to send %d of 7 allowed bytes", #data)
-		return false
-	end
-	for i = 1, #data do
-		local value = data[i]
-		if(type(value) ~= "number" or value < 0 or value > 255) then
-			Log("Invalid value '%s' at position %d in byte data", tostring(value), i)
-			return false
-		end
-	end
-	return true
---- Queues up to seven byte of data of the selected messageType for broadcasting to all group members
---- messageType - the protocol that is used for encoding the sent data
---- data - up to 7 byte of custom data. if more than 3 bytes are passed, the data will take 2 map pins to arrive.
---- returns true if the data was successfully queued. Data won't be queued when the general sending setting is off or an invalid value was passed.
-function lib:Send(messageType, data)
-	if(not saveData.enabled) then return false end
-	if(not IsValidMessageType(messageType)) then Log("tried to send invalid messageType %s", tostring(messageType)) return false end
-	if(not IsValidData(data)) then return false end
-	--  TODO like all other api functions, this one also has a message rate limit. We need to avoid sending too much or we risk getting kicked
-	lib.outgoing[#lib.outgoing + 1] = OutgoingPacket:New(messageType, data)
-	if(not lib.isSending) then
-		DoSend()
-	else
-		lib.hasMore = true
-	end
-	return true
-local function HandleDataPing(pingType, pingTag, x, y, isPingOwner)
-	x, y = GetMapPingOnCommonMap(pingType, pingTag)
-	if(not LMP:IsPositionOnMap(x, y)) then return false end
-	if(not lib.incoming[pingTag]) then
-		lib.incoming[pingTag] = IncomingPacket:New(pingTag)
-	end
-	local packet = lib.incoming[pingTag]
-	packet:AddCoordinates(x, y)
-	if(not packet:HasValidHeader()) then -- it might be a user set ping
-		lib.incoming[pingTag] = nil
-		return false
-	end
-	if(packet:IsComplete()) then
-		lib.incoming[pingTag] = nil
-		if(packet:IsValid()) then
-, pingTag,, isPingOwner)
-		else
-			lib.incoming[pingTag] = nil
-			Log("received invalid packet from %s", GetUnitName(pingTag))
-			return false
-		end
-	end
-	if(isPingOwner) then
-		if(lib.hasMore) then
-			DoSend()
-		else
-			lib.isSending = false
-		end
-	end
-	return true
--------------------------------------------------- Map Ping Handling --------------------------------------------------
-local function GetKey(pingType, pingTag)
-	return string.format("%d_%s", pingType, pingTag)
-local function SuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-	local key = GetKey(pingType, pingTag)
-	if(not suppressedList[key]) then
-		LMP:SuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-		suppressedList[key] = true
-	end
-local function UnsuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-	local key = GetKey(pingType, pingTag)
-	if(suppressedList[key]) then
-		LMP:UnsuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-		suppressedList[key] = false
-	end
-LMP:RegisterCallback("BeforePingAdded", function(pingType, pingTag, x, y, isPingOwner)
-	if(pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PING or (lib.debug and not IsUnitGrouped("player") and pingType == MAP_PIN_TYPE_PLAYER_WAYPOINT)) then
-		if(HandleDataPing(pingType, pingTag, x, y, isPingOwner)) then -- it is a valid data ping
-			SuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-		else -- ping is set by player
-			UnsuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
-		end
-	end
-LMP:RegisterCallback("AfterPingRemoved", function(pingType, pingTag, x, y, isPingOwner)
-	UnsuppressPing(pingType, pingTag)
----------------------------------------------------- Data Handlers ----------------------------------------------------
-lib.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESERVED = 0 --- reserved in case we ever have more than 31 message types. can also be used for local tests
-lib.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESOURCES = 1 --- for exchanging stamina and magicka values
-lib.MESSAGE_TYPE_COMBATSTATS = 2 --- for combat stats like heal, damage and time in combat
---- Registers a handler module for a specific data type.
---- This module will keep everything related to data handling out of any single addon,
---- in order to let multiple addons use the same messageType.
---- messageType - The messageType the handler will take care of
---- handlerVersion - The loaded handler version. Works like the minor version in LibStub and prevents older instances from overwriting a newer one
---- returns the handler object and saveData for the messageType
-function lib:RegisterHandler(messageType, handlerVersion)
-	if handlers[messageType] and handlers[messageType].version >= handlerVersion then
-		return false
-	else
-		handlers[messageType] = handlers[messageType] or {}
-		handlers[messageType].version = handlerVersion
-		saveData.handlers[messageType] = saveData.handlers[messageType] or {}
-		return handlers[messageType], saveData.handlers[messageType]
-	end
---- Gives access to an already registered handler for addons.
---- messageType - The messageType of the handler
---- returns the handler object
-function lib:GetHandler(messageType)
-	return handlers[messageType]
---------------------------------------------------------- Misc --------------------------------------------------------
---- Register for unprocessed data of a messageType
-function lib:RegisterCallback(messageType, callback)
-, callback)
---- Unregister for unprocessed data of a messageType
-function lib:UnregisterCallback(messageType, callback)
-, callback)
----------------------------------------------------- Initialization ---------------------------------------------------
-local function Unload()
-	SLASH_COMMANDS["/lgs"] = nil
-local function Load()
-		if(saveData.autoDisableOnGroupLeft and not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-			saveData.enabled = false
-			RefreshSettingsPanel()
-			RefreshGroupMenuKeyboard()
-			RefreshGroupMenuGamepad()
-		end
-	end)
-    -- saved variables only become available when EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED is fired for the library
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(LIB_IDENTIFIER, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function(_ ,addonName)
-        if(addonName == LIB_IDENTIFIER) then
-            LibGroupSocket_Data = LibGroupSocket_Data or {}
-            saveData = LibGroupSocket_Data[GetDisplayName()] or ZO_DeepTableCopy(defaultData)
-            LibGroupSocket_Data[GetDisplayName()] = saveData
-            --if(saveData.version == 1) then
-            --  saveData.setting = defaultData.setting
-            --  saveData.version = 2
-            --end
-            for messageType in pairs(handlers) do
-                saveData.handlers[messageType] = saveData.handlers[messageType] or {}
-            end
-  "savedata-ready", saveData)
-        end
-    end)
-    -- don't initialize the settings menu before we can be sure that it is the newest version of the lib
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(LIB_IDENTIFIER, EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, function(_, initial)
-        if(saveData.autoDisableOnSessionStart and initial) then
-            saveData.enabled = false -- don't need to refresh the settings or group menu here, because they are not initialized yet
-        end
-        InitializeSettingsPanel()
-        InitializeGroupMenu()
-    end)
-	SLASH_COMMANDS["/lgs"] = function(value)
-		saveData.enabled = (value == "1")
-		Log("Data sending %s", saveData.enabled and "enabled" or "disabled")
-		RefreshSettingsPanel()
-		RefreshGroupMenuKeyboard()
-		RefreshGroupMenuGamepad()
-	end
-	lib.Unload = Unload
-if(lib.Unload) then lib.Unload() end
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/handlers/ResourceHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/handlers/ResourceHandler.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c6f6dad..0000000
--- a/TaosGroupTools/libs/LibGroupSocket/handlers/ResourceHandler.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
--- The Group Resource Protocol
--- *bitArray* flags, *uint8* magicka percentage, *uint8* stamina percentage[, *uint16* magicka maximum, *uint16* stamina maximum]
--- flags:
---   1: isFullUpdate - the user is sending max values in addition to percentages in this packet
---   2: requestsFullUpdate - the user does not have all the necessary data and wants to have a full update from everyone (e.g. after reloading the ui)
---   3: sharesPercentagesOnly - the user does not want to share maximum values
---   4: largeMagickaPool - the user has more than 2^16 magicka, so the value has been divided by 2; around 100k magicka seems to be the most that is possible right now
---   5: largeStaminaPool - the user has more than 2^16 stamina, so the value has been divided by 2
-local LGS = LibStub("LibGroupSocket")
-local type, version = LGS.MESSAGE_TYPE_RESOURCES, 2
-local handler, saveData = LGS:RegisterHandler(type, version)
-if(not handler) then return end
-local SKIP_CREATE = true
-local ON_RESOURCES_CHANGED = "OnResourcesChanged"
-local Log = LGS.Log
-handler.resources = {}
-local resources = handler.resources
-local sendFullUpdate = true
-local needFullUpdate = true
-local lastSendTime = 0
-local defaultData = {
-    version = 1,
-    enabled = true,
-    percentOnly = true,
-local function GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, skipCreate)
-    local unitName = GetUnitName(unitTag)
-    local unitResources = resources[unitName]
-    if(not unitResources and not skipCreate) then
-        resources[unitName] = {
-            [POWERTYPE_MAGICKA] = { current = 1000, maximum = 1000, percent = 255 },
-            [POWERTYPE_STAMINA] = { current = 1000, maximum = 1000, percent = 255 },
-            percentageOnly = true,
-            hasFullData = false,
-            lastUpdate = 0,
-        }
-        unitResources = resources[unitName]
-    end
-    return unitResources
-function handler:GetLastUpdateTime(unitTag)
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag, SKIP_CREATE)
-    if(unitResources) then return unitResources.lastUpdate end
-    return -1
-local function OnData(unitTag, data, isSelf)
-    local index, bitIndex = 1, 1
-    local isFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local requestsFullUpdate, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local sharesPercentagesOnly, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local largeMagickaPool, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local largeStaminaPool, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    local hasMoreStamina, index, bitIndex = LGS:ReadBit(data, index, bitIndex)
-    --	Log("OnData %s (%d byte): is full: %s, needs full: %s, percent only: %s", GetUnitName(unitTag), #data, tostring(isFullUpdate), tostring(requestsFullUpdate), tostring(sharesPercentagesOnly))
-    index = index + 1
-    if(not isSelf and requestsFullUpdate) then
-        sendFullUpdate = true
-    end
-    local expectedLength = isFullUpdate and 7 or 3
-    if(#data < expectedLength) then Log("ResourceHandler received only %d of %d byte", #data, expectedLength) return end
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources(unitTag)
-    local magicka = unitResources[POWERTYPE_MAGICKA]
-    local stamina = unitResources[POWERTYPE_STAMINA]
-    unitResources.percentageOnly = sharesPercentagesOnly
-    magicka.percent, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index)
-    stamina.percent, index = LGS:ReadUint8(data, index)
-    if(sharesPercentagesOnly) then
-        magicka.maximum = 1000
-        stamina.maximum = 1000
-        if(hasMoreStamina) then
-            stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2
-        else
-            magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2
-        end
-        unitResources.hasFullData = false
-    elseif(isFullUpdate) then
-        magicka.maximum, index = LGS:ReadUint16(data, index)
-        if(largeMagickaPool) then magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2 end
-        stamina.maximum, index = LGS:ReadUint16(data, index)
-        if(largeStaminaPool) then stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2 end
-        unitResources.hasFullData = true
-    elseif(not unitResources.hasFullData and not isSelf) then
-        needFullUpdate = true
-    end
-    magicka.current = math.floor((magicka.percent / 255) * magicka.maximum)
-    stamina.current = math.floor((stamina.percent / 255) * stamina.maximum)
-    unitResources.lastUpdate = GetTimeStamp()
-    --	Log("magicka: %d/%d stamina: %d/%d", magicka.current, magicka.maximum, stamina.current, stamina.maximum)
-, unitTag, magicka.current, magicka.maximum, stamina.current, stamina.maximum, isSelf)
-function handler:RegisterForResourcesChanges(callback)
-, callback)
-function handler:UnregisterForResourcesChanges(callback)
-, callback)
-local function GetPowerValues(unitResources, powerType)
-    local data = unitResources[powerType]
-    local current, maximum = GetUnitPower("player", powerType)
-    local percent = math.floor(current / maximum * 255)
-    return data, current, maximum, percent
-function handler:Send()
-    if(not saveData.enabled or not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then return end
-    local now = GetTimeStamp()
-    local timeout = IsUnitInCombat("player") and MIN_COMBAT_SEND_TIMEOUT or MIN_SEND_TIMEOUT
-    if(now - lastSendTime < timeout) then return end
-    local unitResources = GetCachedUnitResources("player")
-    local magicka, magickaCurrent, magickaMaximum, magickaPercent = GetPowerValues(unitResources, POWERTYPE_MAGICKA)
-    local stamina, staminaCurrent, staminaMaximum, staminaPercent = GetPowerValues(unitResources, POWERTYPE_STAMINA)
-    local percentOnly = saveData.percentOnly
-    sendFullUpdate = sendFullUpdate or (not percentOnly and (magicka.maximum ~= magickaMaximum or stamina.maximum ~= staminaMaximum))
-    if(magicka.percent ~= magickaPercent or stamina.percent ~= staminaPercent or sendFullUpdate or needFullUpdate) then
-        local largeMagickaPool = (magickaMaximum >= 2^16)
-        local largeStaminaPool = (staminaMaximum >= 2^16)
-        local hasMoreStamina = staminaMaximum > magickaMaximum
-        local data = {}
-        local index, bitIndex = 1, 1
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, (sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly))
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, needFullUpdate)
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, percentOnly)
-        if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then
-            index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, largeMagickaPool)
-            index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, largeStaminaPool)
-        else
-            index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, false)
-            index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, false)
-        end
-        index, bitIndex = LGS:WriteBit(data, index, bitIndex, hasMoreStamina)
-        index = index + 1
-        index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, magickaPercent)
-        index = LGS:WriteUint8(data, index, staminaPercent)
-        if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then
-            if(largeMagickaPool) then magickaMaximum = math.floor(magickaMaximum / 2) end
-            index = LGS:WriteUint16(data, index, magickaMaximum)
-            if(largeStaminaPool) then staminaMaximum = math.floor(staminaMaximum / 2) end
-            index = LGS:WriteUint16(data, index, staminaMaximum)
-        end
-        --		Log("Send %d byte: is full: %s, needs full: %s, percent only: %s", #data, tostring(sendFullUpdate), tostring(needFullUpdate), tostring(percentOnly))
-        if(LGS:Send(type, data)) then
-            lastSendTime = now
-            magicka.percent = magickaPercent
-            stamina.percent = staminaPercent
-            if(sendFullUpdate and not percentOnly) then
-                if(largeMagickaPool) then magicka.maximum = magicka.maximum * 2 end
-                magicka.maximum = magickaMaximum
-                if(largeStaminaPool) then stamina.maximum = stamina.maximum * 2 end
-                stamina.maximum = staminaMaximum
-            end
-            sendFullUpdate = false
-            needFullUpdate = false
-        end
-    end
-local function OnUpdate()
-    handler:Send()
-local isActive = false
-local function StartSending()
-    if(not isActive and saveData.enabled and IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", 1000, OnUpdate)
-        isActive = true
-    end
-local function StopSending()
-    if(isActive) then
-        EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler")
-        isActive = false
-    end
-local function OnUnitCreated(_, unitTag)
-    sendFullUpdate = true
-    StartSending()
-local function OnUnitDestroyed(_, unitTag)
-    resources[GetUnitName(unitTag)] = nil
-    if(isActive and not IsUnitGrouped("player")) then
-        StopSending()
-    end
-function handler:InitializeSettings(optionsData, IsSendingDisabled) -- TODO: localization
-    optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-        type = "header",
-        name = "Resource Handler",
-    }
-optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-    type = "checkbox",
-    name = "Enable sending",
-    tooltip = "Controls if the handler does send data. It will still receive and process incoming data.",
-    getFunc = function() return saveData.enabled end,
-    setFunc = function(value)
-        saveData.enabled = value
-        if(value) then StartSending() else StopSending() end
-    end,
-    disabled = IsSendingDisabled,
-    default = defaultData.enabled
-optionsData[#optionsData + 1] = {
-    type = "checkbox",
-    name = "Send percentages only",
-    tooltip = "If this is turned on, your maximum resources won't be shared with your group members",
-    getFunc = function() return saveData.percentOnly end,
-    setFunc = function(value) saveData.percentOnly = value end,
-    disabled = IsSendingDisabled,
-    default = defaultData.percentOnly
--- savedata becomes available twice in case the standalone lib is loaded
-local function InitializeSaveData(data)
-    saveData = data
-    if(not saveData.version) then
-        ZO_DeepTableCopy(defaultData, saveData)
-    end
-    --  if(saveData.version == 1) then
-    --      -- update it
-    --  end
-local function Unload()
-, handler.dataHandler)
-"savedata-ready", InitializeSaveData)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED)
-    StopSending()
-local function Load()
-    InitializeSaveData(saveData)
-"savedata-ready", function(data)
-        InitializeSaveData(data.handlers[type])
-    end)
-    handler.dataHandler = OnData
-, OnData)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_CREATED, OnUnitCreated)
-    EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("LibGroupSocketResourceHandler", EVENT_UNIT_DESTROYED, OnUnitDestroyed)
-    handler.Unload = Unload
-    StartSending()
-if(handler.Unload) then handler.Unload() end
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/logic/MapPingHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/logic/MapPingHandler.lua
index b594b11..c331226 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/logic/MapPingHandler.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/logic/MapPingHandler.lua
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ TGU_MapPingHandler.Name = "TGU-MapPingHandler"
 TGU_MapPingHandler.IsMocked = false

-	Called on new data from LibGroupSocket
+	Called on new data from Communication
 function TGU_MapPingHandler.OnData(pingTag, abilityPing, relativeUltimate)
     if (LOG_ACTIVE) then _logger:logTrace("TGU_MapPingHandler.OnData") end
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua b/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
index 0dc742b..26fe9b2 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/logic/SettingsHandler.lua
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ TGU_SettingsHandler.Default =
     ["SelectorPosX"] = 0,
     ["SelectorPosY"] = 0,
     ["OnlyAva"] = false,
-    ["IsLgsActive"] = false,
     ["IsSortingActive"] = false,
     ["Movable"] = true,
     ["Style"] = 3,
@@ -125,18 +124,6 @@ function TGU_SettingsHandler.SetOnlyAvaSettings(onlyAva)

-	Sets IsLgsActive settings
-function TGU_SettingsHandler.SetIsLgsActiveSettings(isLgsActive)
-    if (LOG_ACTIVE) then
-        _logger:logTrace("TGU_SettingsHandler.SetIsLgsActiveSettings")
-        _logger:logDebug("isLgsActive", isLgsActive)
-    end
-    TGU_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsLgsActive = isLgsActive
 	Sets IsSortingActive settings
 function TGU_SettingsHandler.SetIsSortingActiveSettings(isSortingActive)
diff --git a/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua b/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
index 4fbaf5c..bf8e6f1 100644
--- a/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
+++ b/TaosGroupTools/ui/SettingsWindow.lua
@@ -79,21 +79,6 @@ function TGU_SettingsWindow.Initialize(logger, major, minor, patch)
         [4] = {
 			type = "checkbox",
-			name = GetString(TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_LABEL),
-			tooltip = GetString(TGU_OPTIONS_USE_LGS_TOOLTIP),
-            requiresReload = true,
-			getFunc =
-               function()
-                   return TGU_SettingsHandler.SavedVariables.IsLgsActive
-               end,
-			setFunc =
-               function(value)
-                   TGU_SettingsHandler.SetIsLgsActiveSettings(value)
-			   end,
-			default = TGU_SettingsHandler.Default.IsLgsActive
-		},
-        [5] = {
-			type = "checkbox",
 			getFunc =
@@ -106,7 +91,7 @@ function TGU_SettingsWindow.Initialize(logger, major, minor, patch)
 			default = TGU_SettingsHandler.Default.IsSortingActive
-        [6] = {
+        [5] = {
 			type = "dropdown",
 			name = GetString(TGU_OPTIONS_STYLE_LABEL),
 			tooltip = GetString(TGU_OPTIONS_STYLE_TOOLTIP),