new version

esorochinskiy [06-03-22 - 12:27]
new version
filter added
diff --git a/UI.lua b/UI.lua
index f44f9e1..81a3993 100644
--- a/UI.lua
+++ b/UI.lua
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function WellEater:initSettingsMenu()
     local optionsTable = {}
     local index = 0

-    local function MakeControlEntry(data, category, key)
+    local function MakeControlEntry(optTable, data, category, key)

         if (category and key) then
             -- for the majority of the settings
@@ -48,10 +48,29 @@ function WellEater:initSettingsMenu()

         -- add to appropriate table
-        table.insert(optionsTable, data)
+        table.insert(optTable, data)
+        return optTable


+    local function MakeSubmenu(optTable, title, description)
+        local subTable = {}
+        MakeControlEntry(optTable,{
+            type = "submenu",
+            name = title,
+            controls = subTable,
+        })
+        MakeControlEntry(subTable, {
+            type = "description",
+            text = description,
+        })
+        MakeControlEntry(subTable,{
+            type = "divider",
+            alpha = 1,
+        })
+        return subTable
+    end

     self.panelData = {
         type = "panel",
@@ -62,17 +81,17 @@ function WellEater:initSettingsMenu()
         registerForDefaults = true,

-    MakeControlEntry({
+    MakeControlEntry(optionsTable,{
         type = "description",
         text = L.generalSetupDescription,

-    MakeControlEntry({
+    MakeControlEntry(optionsTable,{
         type = "header",
         name = L.timerSetupHeader,

-    MakeControlEntry({
+    MakeControlEntry(optionsTable,{
         type = "slider",
         name = L.timerSetupLabel,
         tooltip = L.timerSetupLabel_TT,
@@ -86,25 +105,36 @@ function WellEater:initSettingsMenu()
     }, "general", "updateTime")

-    MakeControlEntry({
-        type = "header",
-        name = L.foodQualityHeader,
-    })
+    local sTable = MakeSubmenu(optionsTable,L.mealSetupHeader, L.mealSetupDescription)
+    MakeControlEntry(sTable,{
+        type = "checkbox",
+        name = L.mealSetupFood,
+        tooltip = L.mealSetupFood,
+    }, "general", "useFood")
+    MakeControlEntry(sTable,{
+        type = "checkbox",
+        name = L.mealSetupDrink,
+        tooltip = L.mealSetupDrink,
+    }, "general", "useDrink")
+    sTable = MakeSubmenu(optionsTable,L.foodQualityHeader, L.foodQualityDescription)

-        MakeControlEntry({
+        MakeControlEntry(sTable,{
             type = "checkbox",
             name = L.foods[i],
             tooltip = L.foods[i],
         }, "general", i)

-    MakeControlEntry({
+    MakeControlEntry(optionsTable,{
         type = "header",
         name = L.outputSetupHeader,

-    MakeControlEntry({
+    MakeControlEntry(optionsTable,{
         type = "checkbox",
         name = L.outputOnScreen,
         tooltip = L.outputSetupHeader_TT,
diff --git a/WellEater.lua b/WellEater.lua
index a00cb07..ad2d694 100644
--- a/WellEater.lua
+++ b/WellEater.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ WellEater = WellEater or {}
 WellEater.AddonName = "WellEater"
 WellEater.DisplayName = "|cFFFFFFWell |c0099FFEater|r"
-WellEater.Version = "1.0.0"
+WellEater.Version = "1.0.1"
 WellEater.Author = "|c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r"
 local NAMESPACE = {}
 NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults = {
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults = {
     notifyToScreen = true,
+    useFood = true,
+    useDrink = true,

 function WellEater:getAddonName()
@@ -141,11 +143,15 @@ local function processAutoEat()

     for _, itemInfo in pairs(bagCache) do
         local locSettings = WellEater:getAllUserPreferences()
+        local useFood = locSettings.useFood
+        local useDrink = locSettings.useDrink
         local slotId = itemInfo.slotIndex
         if not itemInfo.stolen then
             local itemType, specialType = GetItemType(bagId, slotId)
             local itemId = GetItemId(bagId, slotId)
-            if (itemType == ITEMTYPE_FOOD or itemType == ITEMTYPE_DRINK) and not SkillUpItem(itemId) then
+            if ((useFood and itemType == ITEMTYPE_FOOD) or
+                    (useDrink and itemType == ITEMTYPE_DRINK)) and
+                    not SkillUpItem(itemId) then
                 local icon, stack, sellPrice, meetsUsageRequirement, locked, equipType, itemStyleId, quality = GetItemInfo(bagId, slotId)

                 if meetsUsageRequirement and locSettings and locSettings[quality] then
@@ -161,6 +167,7 @@ local function processAutoEat()
                         if formattedName and abilityDescription then
                             local toScreen = locSettings.notifyToScreen
                             if toScreen then
+                                WellEater.AnimIn:PlayFromStart()
@@ -193,6 +200,7 @@ local function TimersUpdate()
         foodQuantity = timeEnding * 1000 - now
         haveFood = (bFood and (foodQuantity > 0))
         if haveFood then
+            WellEater.AnimOut:PlayFromStart()
@@ -348,6 +356,11 @@ local function InitOnLoad(_, addonName)

     -- local lamPanel =
+    WellEater.AnimIn = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimelineFromVirtual(
+            "WellEaterAnnounceFadeIn", WellEaterIndicatorLabel)
+    WellEater.AnimOut = ANIMATION_MANAGER:CreateTimelineFromVirtual(
+            "WellEaterAnnounceFadeOut", WellEaterIndicatorLabel)
     -- lamPanel:SetHandler("OnEffectivelyHidden", OnSettingsClosed)

diff --git a/WellEater.txt b/WellEater.txt
index fcacd81..c497a44 100644
--- a/WellEater.txt
+++ b/WellEater.txt
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 ## Author: |c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r
 ## APIVersion: 101033
 ## Description: Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration.
-## Version: 1.0.0
+## Version: 1.0.1
 ## SavedVariables: WellEater_Settings
 ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0>=28

diff --git a/WellEater.xml b/WellEater.xml
index c16c05f..e7d191d 100644
--- a/WellEater.xml
+++ b/WellEater.xml
@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
+    <Animations>
+        <AnimationTimeline name="WellEaterAnnounceFadeIn">
+            <Animations>
+                <AlphaAnimation duration="500" startAlpha="0" endAlpha="1" />
+            </Animations>
+        </AnimationTimeline>
+        <AnimationTimeline name="WellEaterAnnounceFadeOut">
+            <Animations>
+                <AlphaAnimation duration="500" startAlpha="1" endAlpha="0" />
+            </Animations>
+        </AnimationTimeline>
+    </Animations>
         <TopLevelControl name="WellEaterIndicator">
             <Dimensions x="200" y="25" />
             <Anchor point="CENTER" relativeTo="GuiRoot" relativePoint="CENTER" />
-                <Label name="$(parent)Label" width="300" height="40" font="ZoFontWinH4" inheritAlpha="true" color="FFFFFF"
+                <Label name="$(parent)Label" width="300" height="40" font="ZoFontWinH2" inheritAlpha="true" color="FFFFFF"
                     wrapMode="TRUNCATE" verticalAlignment="TOP" horizontalAlignment="CENTER">
                     <Anchor point="TOP" relativeTo="$(parent)" relativePoint="TOP" />
diff --git a/lang/de.lua b/lang/de.lua
index cf03924..3ed1df9 100644
--- a/lang/de.lua
+++ b/lang/de.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
-    generalSetupDescription = "Lässt es Ihnen nach der Wirkzeit von dem Essen im Inventar gefundene Gericht automatisch essen",
+    generalSetupDescription = "Lässt es Ihnen, nach die Essen- oder Trinken-Bufffs auslaufen, im Inventar gefundene Gericht automatisch essen",
     foodQualityHeader = "Die Qualität der suchenden Lebensmittel",
+    foodQualityDescription = "Lasst die Qualität der Lebensmittel auswahlen",
     foods = {
         [ITEM_QUALITY_MAGIC] = "Gut (grün)",
         [ITEM_QUALITY_ARCANE] = "Ausgezeichnet (blau)",
@@ -20,8 +21,16 @@ local L = {
     outputSetupHeader_TT = "Wenn die Einstellung aktiviert ist, wird eine Nachricht über das gegessene Gericht" ..
             " auf dem Bildschirm angezeigt, und nicht nur zum Debug-Log",

+    mealSetupHeader = "Gerichtart",
+    mealSetupDescription = "Was zu verwenden: Essen oder Trinken. ACHTUNG Wenn die Beide ausgeschaltet sind," ..
+            " dann wird kein Essen verwendet, denn ist es egal, der Addon ausgeschaltet wird. Schalten Sie mindestens" ..
+            " einen ein",
+    mealSetupFood = "Essen",
+    mealSetupDrink = "Trinken",

 function WellEater:getLocale()
     return L
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/en.lua b/lang/en.lua
index ebf6c43..16c50f5 100644
--- a/lang/en.lua
+++ b/lang/en.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
     generalSetupDescription = "Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration",
     foodQualityHeader = "Quality of food to search",
+    foodQualityDescription = "Allows to choose the quality of the food",
     foods = {
         [ITEM_QUALITY_MAGIC] = "Normal (green)",
         [ITEM_QUALITY_ARCANE] = "Excellent (blue)",
@@ -17,6 +18,14 @@ local L = {
     outputSetupHeader = "Meal eaten notification output",
     outputOnScreen = "On screen",
     outputSetupHeader_TT = "When on the notification about the meal eaten is written to the screen not only to the debug log",
+    mealSetupHeader = "Kind of meal to use",
+    mealSetupDescription = "What kind of meal to use: food or drink. WARNING If both are off then" ..
+        " there will be no choice made, that is the same as the addon is disabled. Leave at least one on",
+    mealSetupFood = "Food",
+    mealSetupDrink = "Drink",

 function WellEater:getLocale()
diff --git a/lang/ru.lua b/lang/ru.lua
index f99080b..a693a78 100644
--- a/lang/ru.lua
+++ b/lang/ru.lua
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
     generalSetupDescription = "После истечения времени эффектов, которые дает еда, позволяет автоматически съесть найденное в инвентаре блюдо",
     foodQualityHeader = "Качество искомой еды",
+    foodQualityDescription = "Позволяет выбрать качество еды",
     foods = {
         [ITEM_QUALITY_MAGIC] = "Хорошее (зеленое)",
         [ITEM_QUALITY_ARCANE] = "Превосходное (синее)",
@@ -20,6 +21,13 @@ local L = {
     outputSetupHeader_TT = "При включенной настройке сообщение о съеденном блюде будет выведено на экран, а не только" ..
             " в лог отладки",

+    mealSetupHeader = "Тип блюда",
+    mealSetupDescription = "Что использовать: еду или питье. ВНИМАНИЕ Если отключить оба, " ..
+            " выбора не будет, что равносильно отключению аддона. Включите хотя бы один.",
+    mealSetupFood = "Еда",
+    mealSetupDrink = "Напиток",

 function WellEater:getLocale()