
esorochinskiy [07-08-22 - 18:14]
diff --git a/WellEater.lua b/WellEater.lua
index dccd887..d647ba7 100644
--- a/WellEater.lua
+++ b/WellEater.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ WellEater = WellEater or {}
 WellEater.AddonName = "WellEater"
 WellEater.DisplayName = "|cFFFFFFWell |c0099FFEater|r"
-WellEater.Version = "1.0.9"
+WellEater.Version = "1.1.0"
 WellEater.Author = "|c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r"
 local NAMESPACE = {}
 NAMESPACE.settingsDefaults = {
diff --git a/WellEater.txt b/WellEater.txt
index 5e5edb3..193440c 100644
--- a/WellEater.txt
+++ b/WellEater.txt
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 ## Title: |cFFFFFFWell |c0099FFEater|r
 ## Author: |c5EFFF5esorochinskiy|r
 ## APIVersion: 101033 101034
-## Description: Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration. Provides weapon autoload
-## Version: 1.0.9
+## Description: Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after food or drink buff expiration. Provides weapon autoload and armor autorepair
+## Version: 1.1.0
 ## SavedVariables: WellEater_Settings
 ## DependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0>=28

diff --git a/lang/de.lua b/lang/de.lua
index 738fa62..5e1b918 100644
--- a/lang/de.lua
+++ b/lang/de.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
     generalSetupDescription = "Lässt es Ihnen, nach die Essen- oder Trinken-Bufffs auslaufen, im Inventar" ..
-            " gefundene Gericht automatisch essen. Auch gibt es eine Waffenautoeinladung",
+            " gefundene Gericht automatisch essen. Auch gibt es eine Waffenautoeinladung und eine automatische Reparatur",
     foodQualityHeader = "Die Qualität der suchenden Lebensmittel",
     foodQualityDescription = "Lasst die Qualität der Lebensmittel auswahlen",
     foods = {
@@ -54,6 +54,32 @@ local L = {
     repairPercent = "Minimum Verfall %",

-function WellEater:getLocale()
-    return L
+for k, v in pairs(L) do
+    if type(v) ~= "table" then
+        local string = "WELLEATER_" .. string.upper(k)
+        ZO_CreateStringId(string, v)
+    elseif k == "foods" then
+        for ik, iv in pairs(v) do
+            local string = "WELLEATER_FOODS_" .. ik
+            ZO_CreateStringId(string, iv)
+        end
+    end
+if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'de') then
+    local MissingL = {}
+    for k, v in pairs(WellEater:getLocale()) do
+        if (not L[k]) then
+            table.insert(MissingL, k)
+            L[k] = v
+        end
+    end
+    function WellEater:getLocale()
+        return L
+    end
+    -- for debugging
+    function WellEater:MissingLocale()
+        df("[WellEater] Missing strings for '%s'", GetCVar('language.2'))
+        d(MissingL)
+    end
diff --git a/lang/en.lua b/lang/en.lua
index 5ff522b..066c95f 100644
--- a/lang/en.lua
+++ b/lang/en.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
     generalSetupDescription = "Auto eat your preferred meals provided by your inventory after" ..
-            " food or drink buff expiration. Provides weapon autoload",
+            " food or drink buff expiration. Provides weapon autoload and armor autorepair",
     foodQualityHeader = "Quality of food to search",
     foodQualityDescription = "Allows to choose the quality of the food",
     foods = {
@@ -52,6 +52,23 @@ local L = {


+for k, v in pairs(L) do
+    if type(v) ~= "table" then
+        local string = "WELLEATER_" .. string.upper(k)
+        ZO_CreateStringId(string, v)
+    elseif k == "foods" then
+        for ik, iv in pairs(v) do
+            local string = "WELLEATER_FOODS_" .. ik
+            ZO_CreateStringId(string, iv)
+        end
+    end
 function WellEater:getLocale()
     return L
+function WellEater:MissingLocale()
+    d("[WellEater] Obviously not missing any english strings...")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lang/ru.lua b/lang/ru.lua
index ae35f31..85f534e 100644
--- a/lang/ru.lua
+++ b/lang/ru.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 WellEater = WellEater or {}
 local L = {
     generalSetupDescription = "После истечения времени эффектов, которые дает еда, позволяет автоматически съесть" ..
-            " найденное в инвентаре блюдо. Автоподзарядка оружия",
+            " найденное в инвентаре блюдо. Автоподзарядка оружия и авторемонт брони",
     foodQualityHeader = "Качество искомой еды",
     foodQualityDescription = "Позволяет выбрать качество еды",
     foods = {
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ local L = {
     timerSetupHeader = "Таймер опроса состояния персонажа",
     timerSetupLabel = "Период опроса, мс",
     timerSetupLabel_TT = "Как часто состояние персонаж сканируется на наличие усилений (баффов) еды." ..
-    " Большее значение - меньше нагрузка но большая вероятность оказаться без еды на некоторое время"..
-    " в критической ситуации",
+            " Большее значение - меньше нагрузка но большая вероятность оказаться без еды на некоторое время" ..
+            " в критической ситуации",

     youEat = "Вы съели: <<1>>",
     youCharge = "Заряжено <<1>>",
@@ -55,6 +55,33 @@ local L = {


-function WellEater:getLocale()
-    return L
+for k, v in pairs(L) do
+    if type(v) ~= "table" then
+        local string = "WELLEATER_" .. string.upper(k)
+        ZO_CreateStringId(string, v)
+    elseif k == "foods" then
+        for ik, iv in pairs(v) do
+            local string = "WELLEATER_FOODS_" .. ik
+            ZO_CreateStringId(string, iv)
+        end
+    end
+if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'ru') then
+    local MissingL = {}
+    for k, v in pairs(WellEater:getLocale()) do
+        if (not L[k]) then
+            table.insert(MissingL, k)
+            L[k] = v
+        end
+    end
+    function WellEater:getLocale()
+        return L
+    end
+    -- for debugging
+    function WellEater:MissingLocale()
+        df("[WellEater] Missing strings for '%s'", GetCVar('language.2'))
+        d(MissingL)
+    end