updated .gitignore. Writing script to build XML keywords and writing a script to wrap the whole project into an easy to use plugin

Solvaring [07-08-17 - 17:42]
updated .gitignore. Writing script to build XML keywords and writing a script to wrap the whole project into an easy to use plugin
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index a087ba8..3b5b769 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua b/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80036ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ESOAPIXMLPlugin.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+local spec = {
+  exts = {"xml"},
+  lexer = wxstc.wxSTC_LEX_XML,
+  apitype = "ESOxml",
+  stylingbits = 7,
+  lexerstyleconvert = {
+    text = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_DEFAULT, },
+    comment = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_COMMENT, },
+    stringeol = {wxstc.wxSTC_HJ_STRINGEOL,
+				 wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAGUNKNOWN,
+				 },
+    number = {wxstc.wxSTC_H_NUMBER,},
+    stringtxt = {
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_DOUBLESTRING,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_SINGLESTRING,
+    },
+    lexerdef= {
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_OTHER,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_ENTITY,
+      wxstc.wxSTC_H_VALUE,
+    },
+    keywords0 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_TAG,},
+	keywords1 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_SCRIPT,},
+    keywords2 = { wxstc.wxSTC_H_ATTRIBUTE,},
+    keywords3 = { wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD,	},
+    keywords4 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD1,},
+    keywords5 = {wxstc.wxSTC_LUA_WORD2,},
+    preprocessor= {
+		},
+  },
+  keywords = {
+  },
+return {
+  name = "ESOAddonDev",
+  description = "Elder Scrolls Addon Developing Plugin",
+  author = "@Farangkao with update script for api and keywords by @Solvaring",
+  -- api = { }, -- "ESOAddonDev","baselib"
+  version = 1.0,
+  onEditorLoad = function(self, editor)
+		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
+		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
+	end,
+  onEditorNew = function(self, editor)
+		editor:SetProperty("html.tags.case.sensitive", "1")
+		editor:SetProperty("html.attributes.case.sensitive", "1")
+	end,
+  onRegister = function(self)
+	ide:AddAPI("lua","ESOAPI", api)
+    local keywords = self:GetConfig().keywords or
+[[ AlphaAnimation Anchor AnchorFill AnchorToBaseline AnimationBase AnimationTimeline Animations Backdrop BackgroundBottom BackgroundMiddle BackgroundTop
+Browser Button ButtonState Callback Callbacks Center ClampedToScreenInsets ColorAnimation ColorSelect Compass CompassPinType
+Control Controls Cooldown CustomAnimation DebugText DimensionConstraints Dimensions EasingFunction Edge EditBox FadeGradient
+Font FontColors GuiXml HitInsets Insets Label LeadingEdge LeadingEdgeTextureCoords Limits Line LineFade
+MapDisplay MapGutter MapPinType MouseButton NormalOffset OnAddGameData OnBackspace OnChar OnCleared OnClicked OnColorSelected
+OnDownArrow OnDragStart OnDurationChanged OnEffectivelyHidden OnEffectivelyShown OnEnabledStateChanged OnEnter OnEscape OnFocusGained OnFocusLost OnHide
+OnInitialized OnInsertAnimationTimelineCallback OnKeyDown OnKeyUp OnLinkClicked OnLoadFinished OnLoadStart OnMinMaxValueChanged OnMouseDoubleClick OnMouseDown OnMouseEnter
+OnMouseExit OnMouseUp OnMouseWheel OnMoveStart OnMoveStop OnPageDown OnPageUp OnPlay OnPlay_Animation OnReceiveDrag OnRequestClose
+OnResizeStart OnResizeStop OnResizedToFit OnScrollExtentsChanged OnScrollOffsetChanged OnSetAnimationEaseFunction OnSetAnimationEventHandler OnSetAnimationTimelineEventHandler OnSetControlEventHandler OnSetUpdateFunction OnShow
+OnSliderReleased OnSpace OnStop OnStop_Animation OnTab OnTextChanged OnUpArrow OnUpdate OnUserAreaCreated OnValueChanged OnVisibleRadiusChanged
+PressedOffset ResizeToFitPadding ScaleAnimation Scroll ScrollingOverlay SizeAnimation Slider StatusBar String TextBuffer Texture
+TextureAnimation TextureCoords TextureRotateAnimation Textures ThumbTexture Tooltip TopLevelControl TranslateAnimation UpdateFunction
+abovetexture addedanimation addressmode allowbringtotop allowupdateswhenanimating alpha alphacoefficient alphaconstant anchorindex animation animationtarget
+areatexture arrowsize arrowtexture arrowtype baralignment belowtexture blendmode bottom bottom button cellshigh
+cellswide centercolor clamped clampedtoscreen clicksound color delay delay deltax deltay disabled
+disabledcolor disabledpressed disabledpressedcolor disabledtexturefile dragfromthumb drawlastentryifoutofroom duration duration edgecolor edgefileheight edgefilepadding
+edgefilewidth edgesize editenabled enablefadeout enabled endalpha endcapwidth endcolor endheight endrotation endscale
+endwidth endx endy excludefromresizetofitextents fadebegin fadeduration fadeoutgaincolor fadeoutlosscolor fadeouttexturefile file fillcolor
+flushwithsliderextents font framerate headerrowspacing headerverticaloffset height height hidden highlightedtexturefile horizontalalignment id
+inheritalpha inheritscale inherits integralwrapping keyboardenabled layer layer leadingalphacoefficient leadingedgetexture leadingscalecoefficient left
+level linespacing linkenabled linktexture locked loopcount max maxalpha maxhistorylines maxinputcharacters maxscale
+maxvisiblenormalizeddistance maxx maxy min minalpha minscale minvisiblealpha minvisiblescale minx miny mirroralongx
+mirroralongy modifytexttype mouseenabled mouseover mouseoverblendmode mouseovercolor movable multiline name name newlineenabled
+newlineindent normal normalcolor offset offsetx offsety orientation pinfont pinsize pintexture pinxinset
+pinyinset pixelroundingenabled playbacktype point pressed pressedcolor pressedmouseover relativepoint relativeto relativetolabel removedanimation
+resizehandlesize resizetofitdescendents resizetofitfile right right scale scalecoefficient scaleconstant selectioncolor shape side
+size size1 size2 splitlongmessages startalpha startcolor startheight startrotation startscale startwidth startx
+starty state step stylecolor text texttype texturefile thickness thumbheight thumbwidth tier
+tilesize tiled top topmost value verticalalignment virtual width wrapmode x x1
+x2 y y1 y2 ]]
+	spec.keywords[1] = keywords
+    ide:AddSpec("ESOxml", spec)
+  end,
+  onUnRegister = function(self)
+	ide:RemoveAPI("lua","ESOAPI")
+	ide:RemoveSpec("ESOxml")
+    end,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ESOXML.lua b/ESOXML.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/xmlapicreator2.lua b/xmlapicreator2.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7063022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xmlapicreator2.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+local esouixml = io.open('esouixml.txt', 'r')
+local xmlstring = esouixml:read("*a")
+local working2 = io.open("ESOXML.lua", "w+")
+local keywordstring =""
+for keyword in xmlstring:gmatch("%b%*%*") do
+    keywordstring = keywordstring .. keyword
\ No newline at end of file