
Date Author Message Actions
09-28-14 - 18:18 CrazyDutchGuy API BUMPmaster commitdiff tree patch
07-31-14 - 18:40 CrazyDutchGuy API 100008 commitdiff tree patch
07-13-14 - 09:15 CrazyDutchGuy git versioning commitdiff tree patch
07-13-14 - 09:08 CrazyDutchGuy Merge branch 'master' of commitdiff tree patch
07-13-14 - 08:31 simenon Added GiT versioning commitdiff tree patch
07-06-14 - 09:53 simenon Updated to LibAddonMenu-2.0 commitdiff tree patch
06-28-14 - 23:02 simenon If we can't determine rank for any reason just put commitdiff tree patch
06-27-14 - 22:14 simenon Colouring should be working now again. commitdiff tree patch
06-25-14 - 20:16 simenon Update for API 100007 commitdiff tree patch
06-25-14 - 20:08 simenon initial commitdiff tree patch
05-23-14 - 17:24 Wobin Bah. option panel fix commitdiff tree patch
05-23-14 - 17:21 Wobin Fix for the name setting, and timing fix for load commitdiff tree patch
05-23-14 - 09:36 Wobin Moved options to settings tab commitdiff tree patch
05-23-14 - 08:43 Wobin Increment API version commitdiff tree patch
05-21-14 - 13:48 Wobin Now works better with pChat/pNames (@name and char commitdiff tree patch
05-20-14 - 15:40 Wobin file location fixes and typos commitdiff tree patch
05-20-14 - 14:41 Wobin Wrote LibGuildInfo and hooked it into the chat sec commitdiff tree patch
05-19-14 - 16:06 Wobin Initial Import commitdiff tree patch
