
Date Author Message Actions
08-26-18 - 19:45 Daniel Pittman automatically download vendored libraries when tagmaster commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 16:06 Daniel Pittman improve changelog formatting commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 16:05 Daniel Pittman update the readme to mention the new lore collecti commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 15:57 Daniel Pittman delay lore scan until a while after startup commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 15:21 Daniel Pittman clean up spamming 'have read' alerting when the us commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 15:11 Daniel Pittman run a sync from lore asynchronously on login commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 03:27 Daniel Pittman add syntax tests to the release process commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 03:18 Daniel Pittman vendor LibStub commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 03:18 Daniel Pittman vendor Votan's LibAsync 1.7 commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 03:11 Daniel Pittman implement mechanism to sync read books from achiev commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 03:09 Daniel Pittman add local test build feature to commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 02:02 Daniel Pittman restructure before adding achievement book history commitdiff tree patch
08-26-18 - 02:01 Daniel Pittman added luacheck configuration commitdiff tree patch
08-25-18 - 21:16 Daniel Pittman conform everything to unix line endings commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 16:11 Daniel Pittman automated module build and release process commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 16:08 Daniel Pittman significantly improve the addon description commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 15:26 Daniel Pittman add gitignore file, exclude editor backups commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 15:25 Daniel Pittman generate esoui changelog from git logs commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 14:36 Daniel Pittman Never block book reading from the player inventory commitdiff tree patch
08-19-18 - 14:20 Daniel Pittman Increase double-activate time from 0.75 to 1 secon commitdiff tree patch
08-08-18 - 01:18 Daniel Pittman Improve the user experience of the addon.2 commitdiff tree patch
08-07-18 - 22:16 Daniel Pittman release ReadItOnce version 11 commitdiff tree patch
