local p 						= FurC.DebugOut -- debug function calling zo_strformat with up to 10 args

local searchString 				= ""
local dropdownChoiceVersion		= 1
local dropdownTextVersion		= "All"
local ddSource		= 1
local dropdownTextSource		= "All"
local dropdownChoiceCharacter	= 1
local ddTextCharacter			= "Accountwide"
local qualityFilter 			= {}
local craftingTypeFilter 		= {}

local hideBooks 				= false
local hideRumours				= false
local hideCrownStore			= false
local mergeLuxuryAndSales		= false
local filterAllOnTextSearch		= false

local sourceIndices

local recipeArray, itemId, itemLink, itemType, sItemType, itemName, recipeIndex, recipeListIndex

function FurC.SetFilter(useDefaults, skipRefresh)
	sourceIndices 					= FurC.SourceIndices
	searchString 					= FurC.GetSearchFilter()

	if useDefaults then
		dropdownChoiceVersion		= tonumber(FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Version"))
		ddSource					= FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Source")
		dropdownChoiceCharacter 	= FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Character")
		dropdownChoiceVersion		= tonumber(FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Version"))
		ddSource					= FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Source")
		dropdownChoiceCharacter 	= FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Character")

	-- we need to hold the text here, in case it's not "All"
	ddTextCharacter				= FurC.GetDropdownChoiceTextual("Character")

	qualityFilter 				= FurC.GetFilterQuality()
	craftingTypeFilter			= FurC.GetFilterCraftingType()
	hideBooks					= FurC.GetHideBooks()
	hideRumours					= FurC.GetHideRumourRecipes()
	mergeLuxuryAndSales 		= FurC.GetMergeLuxuryAndSales()
	hideCrownStore 				= FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems()

    -- ignore filtered items when no dropdown filter is set and there's a text search?
    filterAllOnTextSearch       = FurC.GetFilterAllOnText() and #searchString > 0 and
                                    FURC_NONE == ddSource and
                                    FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceVersion and
                                    FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceCharacter

	if not skipRefresh then
		zo_callLater(FurC.UpdateLineVisibility, 200)

function FurC.InitFilters()
	FurC.SetDropdownChoice("Source", FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoiceText("Source"), FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Source"))
	FurC.SetDropdownChoice("Character", FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoiceText("Character"), FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Character"))
	FurC.SetDropdownChoice("Version", FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoiceText("Version"), FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Version"))

local function isRecipeArrayKnown()
	if nil == recipeArray or nil == recipeArray.characters then return end
	 if dropdownChoiceCharacter == 1 then
		for name, value in pairs(recipeArray.characters) do
			if (value) then return true end
		return recipeArray.characters[ddTextCharacter]

-- Version: All, Homestead, Morrowind
local function matchVersionDropdown()
	return dropdownChoiceVersion == 1 or recipeArray.version == dropdownChoiceVersion

local function shouldBeHidden()
	return (ddSource ~= FURC_RUMOUR and recipeArray.origin == FURC_RUMOUR and hideRumours) or
	(ddSource ~= FURC_CROWN and recipeArray.origin == FURC_CROWN and hideCrownStore)

-- Source: All, All (craftable), Craftable (known), craftable (unknown), purchaseable
local function matchSourceDropdown()

	-- "All", don't care
	if FURC_NONE						== ddSource then  -- All
		return true
	elseif FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN 			== ddSource then
		return recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_CRAFTING and isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray)
	elseif FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN 		== ddSource then
		return recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_CRAFTING and not isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray)
	elseif FURC_FAVE 					== ddSource then
		return recipeArray.favorite
	elseif FURC_VENDOR 					== ddSource then
		return (recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_VENDOR or (mergeLuxuryAndSales and recipeArray.origin == FURC_LUXURY))
	elseif FURC_RUMOUR 					== ddSource then
		return recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_RUMOUR
	elseif FURC_WRIT_VENDOR 			== ddSource then
		return recipeArray.origin 		== FURC_ROLLIS
	elseif FURC_OTHER					== ddSource then
		return (
			recipeArray.origin == FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP or
			recipeArray.origin == FURC_DROP 	     or
			recipeArray.origin == FURC_FISHING 	     or
			recipeArray.origin == FURC_JUSTICE 	     or
			recipeArray.origin == FURC_GUILDSTORE
	else return recipeArray.origin  == ddSource end

	-- we're checking character knowledge
	return 1 == dropdownChoiceCharacter or recipeArray.origin == FURC_CRAFTING


local function matchDropdownFilter()
	return matchVersionDropdown() and matchSourceDropdown()

local function matchSearchString()
	if #searchString == 0 then return true end
    local caseSensitive = nil ~= string.match(searchString, "%u")
    local itemName = GetItemLinkName(itemLink)
    local matchme = (caseSensitive and itemName) or string.lower(itemName)
    return string.match(matchme, searchString)

local function matchCraftingTypeFilter()
	if not recipeArray.origin == FURC_CRAFTING then return false end
	local filterType = FurC.GetCraftingSkillType(itemId, recipeArray)
	return filterType and filterType > 0 and craftingTypeFilter[filterType]
local function matchQualityFilter()
	return qualityFilter[GetItemLinkQuality(itemLink)]

local function filterBooks(itemId, recipeArray)
	if not (hideBooks or filterAllOnTextSearch and FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoBooks()) then return false end
	local versionData = FurC.Books[recipeArray.version]
	if nil == versionData then return end
	return nil ~= versionData[itemId]

function FurC.MatchFilter(currentItemId, currentRecipeArray)

	itemId = currentItemId
	itemLink = FurC.GetItemLink(itemId)
	recipeArray = currentRecipeArray or FurC.Find(itemLink)
	itemType, sItemType = GetItemLinkItemType(itemLink)

    if  filterBooks(itemId, recipeArray)			                        then return false end

    if recipeArray.origin == FURC_RUMOUR then
        if filterAllOnTextSearch and not FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour() then return false end
        if (hideRumours and ddSource ~= FURC_RUMOUR) then return false end

    if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CROWN then
        if filterAllOnTextSearch and FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown() then return false end
        if hideCrownStore and ddSource ~= FURC_CROWN then return false end

    if not (filterAllOnTextSearch or  matchDropdownFilter()) then return false end

    if not matchSearchString                                                    then return false end
    if not matchSearchString() 												    then return false end
	if not (FurC.settings.filterCraftingTypeAll or matchCraftingTypeFilter())	then return false end
	if not (FurC.settings.filterQualityAll 		or matchQualityFilter())		then return false end

	return true
