------------------------------------------- -- en - english:english -- Author: Tyx ------------------------------------------- cl.ln = { com = { show = "show", midnight = "midnight", sunrise = "sunrise", noon = "noon", sunset = "sunset", reset = "reset", resetTxt = "Clock is now reseted.", resetui = "resetUI", resetUITxt = "Clock User Interface is now reseted.", resettime = "resetTime", resetTimeTxt = "Clock time is now reseted.", us = "us", usOn = "The Time is represented in 12h with am/pm.", usOff = "The Time is represented in 24h.", num = "num", numOn = "Zeros are added.", numOff = "Single digits are shown.", sec = "sec", secOn = "Seconds are shown.", secOff = "Seconds are hidden.", active = "active", activeOn = "Clock - TST is on.", activeOff = "Clock - TST is off.", active = "move", activeOn = "Clock is now moveable.", activeOff = "Clock is now fixed.", moon = "moon", moonOn = "The moon is shown.", moonOff = "The moon is hidden.", ldate = "gdate", ldateOn = "Lore date is shown.", ldateOff = "Lore date is hidden.", fldate = "fldate", fldateOn = "Lore fake date is shown.", fldateOff = "Lore fake date is hidden.", rt = "rt", rtOn = "Real-Time is shown.", rtOff = "Real-Time is hidden.", date = "date", dateOn = "Date is shown.", dateOff = "Date is hidden.", text = "Welcome to the |cFFD700Clock|r - TST by |c5175ea@Tyx|r [EU] help menu\n" .. "To show the current database of the times, write:\n" .. "\t\cl show\n" .. "To set the current time as Tamriel midnight/sunrise/noon/sunset use the appropriate command:\n" .. "\t\cl midnight\n\t\cl sunrise\n\t\cl noon\n\t\cl sunset\n" .. "To reset the current database, only the look or time to the default values, write:\n" .. "\t\cl reset\n\t\cl resetUI\t\cl resetTime\n" .. "You can toggle the displayed time formatt (12h/24h) by writing:\n" .. "\t\cl us\n" .. "To delete the zeros added before a single digit hour, write:\n" .. "\t\cl num\n" .. "You can toggle to display seconds with the command:\n" .. "\t\cl sec\n" .. "For showing the current moon phase, write:\n" .. "\t\cl moon\n" .. "To display the date (lore/fake lore/real), write:\n" .. "\t\cl ldate\n\t\cl fldate\t\cl date\n" .. "To stop/start the Clock from being moveable, write:\n" .. "\t\cl move\n" .. "To deactivate/activate the Clock use.\n" .. "\t\cl active\n\n" .. "To show the settings menu, write:\n" .. "\t\clsettings\n", }, gui = { com = "/clsettings", -- Language lang = "Language", langTxt = "Select a language for the Clock Settings and Commands.\n Warning: this will reload the UI.", -- Toggle togOpt = "On/Off Settings", togOptTxt = "Change the way the Clock looks.", sClock = "Show Clock", sTime = "Show Time", sMove = "Movable", tMove = "Select if the Clock should be movable.", sAHide = "Auto Hide", tAHide = "Select if the Clock should be hidden when a menu is open.", sFormat = "12h format", sAMPM = "Show AM/PM", sNum = "Add zeros", tNum = "Add zeros before a single number: 1:24 -> 01:24", sSec = "Show Seconds", sMoon = "Show Moon", tMoon = "Adds a little icon with the current moon phase and the hours until the next phase begins.", sLDate = "Show lore Date", tLDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year in Tamriel.", sFLDate = "Show fake lore Date", tFLDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year in Tamriel.", sRT = "Show real time", tRT = "Adds a line under the Clock with the Time of your Operating System.", sDate = "Show real Date", tDate = "Adds a line under the Clock with the day, month and year of your Operating System.", -- Look look = "Look Options", lookTxt = "Various options to change how the Clock looks.", nColPick = "Color", tColPick = "Change the color of the Clock.", nFont = "Font", tFont = "Change the font of the Clock.", nStyle = "Style", tStyle = "Change the style of the Clock.", nSize = "Size", tSize = "Change the size of the Clock.", descEditLookY = "Change the format of the Clock: Use '_' before a variable!\n" .. "Year/Month/Day", descEditLookYTxt = "Year: Y = 582 (14)\tYY = 2E 582 (2014)\n" .. "Month: M = 4\tMM = 04\tMMM = First Seed (April)\n" .. "Day: D = 4\tDD = 04\tDDD = Fredas (Friday)", descEditLookD = "Hour/Minute/Second", descEditLookDTxt = "Hour: h = 9\thh = 09\n" .. "Minute: m = 9\tmm = 09\n" .. "Second: s = 9\tss = 09", descEditLookE = "Example", descEditLookETxt = "_DDD, _D day of _MMM _YY _hh:_mm:_ss\n" .. "Fredas, 4th day of First Seed 2E 582\n" .. "Friday, 4th day of April 2014", nELore = "Lore-time format", tELore = "Write the time format for the lore time in here.", nEReal = "Real-time format", tEReal = "Wirte the time format for the real time in here.", -- Data day = "Sync [Day]", dayTxt = "Adjust the length of one day to your liking.", descDB = "Sync [Midnight/Sunrise/Noon/Sunset]", descDBTxt = "Synchronize the time of the Clock.\nE.g. select noon when the sun is right under the South needle of the compass.", nMid = "Midnight is now!", tMid = "Select this if the Moon is at his highest point. ", nRise = "Sunrise is now!", tRise = "Deprecated! Sunrise is not really clear. Work with noon!", nNoon = "Noon is now!", tNoon = "Select this if the sun is right under the south needle of your compass.", nSet = "Sunset is now!", tSet = "Deprecated! Sunset is not really clear. Work with noon!", descDS = "Sync [Daylength]", descDSTxt = "Synchronize the daylength of the Clock.", nDayH = "Hours", tDayH = "How long does one in-game day last in real time hours.", nDayM = "Minutes", tDayM = "How long does one in-game day last in real time minutes.", nDayS = "Seconds", tDayS = "How long does one in-game day last in real time seconds.", nAplyData = "Calculate", tAplyData = "Calculates the current time in Tamriel based on the selected daylength and your synced (or default) start time.", -- Moon moon = "Sync [Moon]", moonTxt = "Adjust the start of this moon phases and the length of one mood phase to your liking.", nFull = "Full moon is now!", tFull = "Select this at the start of Full moon phase.", nNew = "New moon is now!", tNew = "Select this at the start of the New moon phast.", descMS = "Sync [Moon]", descMSTxt = "Synchronize the moon phase of the Clock.\nDo that the very start of one phase.", descMoon = "Sync [Phase length]", descMoonTxt = "You only need to sync the Clock for either the full- or new moon start and only once.\n" .. "The follwing Sliders are here to select how many days one phase last.", nNightF = "Full moon phase in days", tNightF = "Select how many does the Full moon phase last.", nNightW = "Waning/Waxing moon phase in days", tNightW = "Select how many does the Waning/Waxing moon phase last.", nNightN = "New moon phase in days", tNightN = "Select how many does the New moon phase last.", nAplyMoon = "Calculate", tAplyMoon = "Calculates the current moon phase based on the selected lengths and your synced (or default) start time.", -- Reset reset = "Reset Options", resetTxt = "Various option to reset all or just a part of the Clock.", nResFull = "Reset all", tResFull = "Resets everything to the default values.", wResFull = "This will replace all your customized values with the default ones!\nWill reload the UI!", nResUI = "Reset the UI", tResUI = "Resets the look and place of the Clock to the default values.", wResUI = "This will replace all your customizations to the UI with the default values!", nResTime = "Reset the Time", tResTime = "Resets your customized syncs and lengths of the Clock to the default values.", wResTime = "This will replace all your customizations to the Time with the default values!\nWill reload the UI!", }, vi = { dbTS = { [1] = "Next midnight (0:00 TST) is at ", [2] = "Next sunrise (4:00 TST) is at ", [3] = "Next noon (12:00 TST) is at ", [4] = "Next sunset (20:00 TST) is at ", [5] = "A day is ", [6] = "long\n", }, date = { first = "st", second = "nd", third = "rd", allNum = "th", lore = { week = { [1] = "Morndas", [2] = "Tirdas", [3] = "Middas", [4] = "Turdas", [5] = "Fredas", [6] = "Loredas", [7] = "Sundas", }, months = { [1] = "Mornings Star", [2] = "Sun's Dawn", [3] = "First Seed", [4] = "Rain's Hand", [5] = "Second Seed", [6] = "Midyear", [7] = "Sun's Height", [8] = "Last Seed", [9] = "Hearthfire", [10] = "Frostfall", [11] = "Sun's Dusk", [12] = "Evening Star", }, year = "2E ", }, real = { week = { [1] = "Monday", [2] = "Tuesday", [3] = "Wednesday", [4] = "Thursday", [5] = "Friday", [6] = "Saturday", [7] = "Sunday", }, months = { [1] = "January", [2] = "February", [3] = "March", [4] = "April", [5] = "May", [6] = "June", [7] = "July", [8] = "August", [9] = "September", [10] = "October", [11] = "November", [12] = "December", }, }, }, }, }