DumpAchievements_SV =

                ["fr"] =
                    [1025] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez un style culturel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Style culturel découvert",
                    [1028] =
                        ["description"] = "Apprenez 100 recettes de cuisine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Encyclopédie culinaire",
                    [1030] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les alliages de styles culturels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse De l'alliage",
                    [1031] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez une alchimiste de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez l'alchimie",
                    [1032] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez une forgeronne de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez la Forge",
                    [1033] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez une tailleuse de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez la Couture",
                    [1034] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez une enchanteresse de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez l'Enchantement",
                    [11] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Akash gra-Mal, Ronce étouffeuse et la haute chanoinesse Oraneth au Creuset des aînés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du Creuset des aînés",
                    [1036] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez un une travailleuse du bois de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez le Travail du bois",
                    [16] =
                        ["description"] = "Atteignez le niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De niveau 50",
                    [17] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez un objet de qualité supérieure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Fouineuse confirmée",
                    [18] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez un objet de qualité « Épique ».",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Acquéresse Épique",
                    [1043] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez les styles culturels rares.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Des styles rares",
                    [1044] =
                        ["description"] = "Améliorez des ouvrages de travail du bois jusqu'à la plus haute qualité.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Travailleuse Du bois légendaire",
                    [21] =
                        ["description"] = "Videz 100 coffres au trésor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Traqueuse De trésors",
                    [22] =
                        ["description"] = "Videz 1 000 coffres au trésor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse De trésors",
                    [1048] =
                        ["description"] = "Améliorez des vêtements jusqu'à la plus haute qualité.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Tailleuse Légendaire",
                    [1049] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions de Scinderacine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De Scinderacine",
                    [1050] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez tous les champions de la chute des Rulanyil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la chute des Rulanyil",
                    [1051] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez tous les champions de la crique écarlate",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la crique écarlate",
                    [28] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Faolchu le changeforme et libérez la ville de Camlorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Faolchu",
                    [1053] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions du sanctuaire du Malandrin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du sanctuaire du Malandrin",
                    [30] =
                        ["description"] = "Aidez les Wyresses à chasser la corruption d'Angof de leurs bosquets sacrés et de l'abre du Wyrd.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Amie Du Wyrd",
                    [31] =
                        ["description"] = "Faites échouer le plan nécromancien d'Angof le Chante-tombe pour conquérir la Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Salut de Glénumbrie",
                    [1056] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions du Village des perdus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du Village des perdus",
                    [1057] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions de Scinderacine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de Scinderacine",
                    [34] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 53 quêtes en Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Glénumbrie",
                    [35] =
                        ["description"] = "Équipez-vous entièrement d'objets de qualité supérieure, et seulement supérieure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tenue supérieure",
                    [36] =
                        ["description"] = "Équipez-vous entièrement d'objets épiques, et seulement épiques.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tenue épique",
                    [1061] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions du sanctuaire du Malandrin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du sanctuaire du Malandrin",
                    [38] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez des humanoïdes, gobelins et géants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'humanoïdes",
                    [39] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez des créatures daedriques venues d'Oblivion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Daedra",
                    [40] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez des assemblages mécaniques dwemers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse Des automates dwemers",
                    [41] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez une variété de créatures naturelles dans les terres sauvages de Tamriel ou d'ailleurs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De nature",
                    [42] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez des squelettes, des zombies, des fantômes, des esprits ou des vampires.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse Des morts-vivants",
                    [1068] =
                        ["description"] = "Triomphez de tous les champions des donjons publics du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du Pacte de Cœurébène",
                    [1069] =
                        ["description"] = "Triomphez de tous les champions des donjons publics du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du Domaine aldmeri",
                    [1070] =
                        ["description"] = "Triomphez de tous les champions des donjons publics de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De l'Alliance de Daguefilante",
                    [1071] =
                        ["description"] = "Relevez les défis de rapidité suivants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Relevez tous les défis de rapidité",
                    [1072] =
                        ["description"] = "Relevez les défis d'assassinat suivants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Relevez tous les défis d'assassinat",
                    [1073] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les boss des donjons de groupe du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Championne Du Pacte",
                    [1074] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les boss des donjons de groupe de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Championne De l'Alliance",
                    [51] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez les succès de Tueuse des monstres.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse tueuse De monstres",
                    [54] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez 250 quêtes.\r\n\r\nNote : Les quêtes répétables ne comptent pour ce succès que la première fois.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière",
                    [55] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez 500 quêtes.\r\n\r\nNote : Les quêtes répétables ne comptent pour ce succès que la première fois.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse aventurière",
                    [56] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 1000 quêtes.\r\n\r\nNote : Les quêtes répétables ne comptent pour ce succès que la première fois.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière indomptable",
                    [57] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 60 quêtes à Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Havre-tempête",
                    [58] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 42 quêtes à Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Fendretour",
                    [59] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 42 quêtes dans le désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière Du désert d'Alik'r",
                    [60] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 36 quêtes à Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Bangkoraï",
                    [61] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez tous les succès de quête de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De l'Alliance de Daguefilante",
                    [1086] =
                        ["description"] = "Préparez un plat ou un breuvage épique.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "À la sauce épique",
                    [1087] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du chardon béni.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Chardon béni",
                    [1088] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de l'absinthe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Absinthe",
                    [1089] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la cardamine des prés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Cardamine des prés",
                    [1090] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la noctuelle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Noctuelle",
                    [67] =
                        ["description"] = "Récoltez des ressources d'artisanat 1 000 fois.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse récolteuse De ressources",
                    [68] =
                        ["description"] = "Récoltez des ressources d'artisanat 10 000 fois.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Grande maîtresse récolteuse De ressources",
                    [1093] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de l'ancolie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Ancolie",
                    [1094] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du bleuet.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Bleuet",
                    [1095] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la nirnrave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Nirnrave",
                    [1096] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la jacinthe d'eau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Jacinthe d'eau",
                    [1097] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du mutinus elegans.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Mutinus elegans",
                    [1098] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de l'entoloma bleu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Entoloma bleu",
                    [1099] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la russule émétique.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Russule émétique",
                    [1100] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du coprin violet.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Coprin violet",
                    [1101] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la truffe de Namira.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Truffe de Namira",
                    [78] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le contremaître Llothan, le seigneur de la ruche et la sentinelle de Rkugamz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des cavernes d'Ombre-noire",
                    [79] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'enquêteur Garron, Varaine Pellingare et Allène Pellingare.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des Égouts d'Haltevoie",
                    [80] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'archimaître Siniel, le Léviathan d'os et les jumeaux Ilambris.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la Crypte des cœurs",
                    [81] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Valaran Mande-tempête, Poigne-tempête et l'amiral Neidir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de l'île des Tempêtes",
                    [1106] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez 50 colosses de flamme dans la Cité des cendres vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De colosses de flamme Vétéran",
                    [1107] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss de la Cité des cendres Vétéran avant de vaincre Valkyn Skoria sans qu'un seul membre du groupe ne meure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Survivante Des Terres mortes",
                    [1108] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss de la Cité des cendres Vétéran avant de vaincre Valkyn Skoria en moins de trente minutes après le début du donjon. Le compte à rebours s'enclenche quand les joueurs entrent dans le bosquet intérieur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin de la Cité des cendres Vétéran",
                    [1111] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez les traditions culinaires des Drémoras.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "C'est de la tarte",
                    [88] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 10 Chevaliers-dragons ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des chevaliers-dragons",
                    [89] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 10 Sorciers ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des sorciers",
                    [90] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 10 Templiers ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des templiers",
                    [91] =
                        ["description"] = "Aidez à capturer une ressource (ferme, scierie ou mine) dans Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Capturez une ressource",
                    [92] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez un premier grade dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Volontaire de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [93] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Recrue dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Recrue de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [94] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Première classe dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Première classe de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [95] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Légionnaire dans la guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Légionaire de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [96] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Vétéran dans la guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Vétéran de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [97] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Caporal dans la guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Caporal de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [98] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Sergent dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Sergent de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [99] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Lieutenant dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Lieutenant de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [100] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Capitaine dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Capitaine de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [101] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Major dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Major de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [102] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Centurion dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Centurion de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [103] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Colonel dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Colonel de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [104] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Tribun dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Tribun de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [105] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Brigadier dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Brigadier de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [106] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Préfet dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Préfet de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [107] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Prétorien dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Prétorien de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [108] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Palatin dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Palatin de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [109] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Palatin Auguste dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Palatin Auguste de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [110] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Légat dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Légat de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [111] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Général dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Général de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [112] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Seigneur de guerre dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Seigneur de guerre de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [113] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Grand seigneur de guerre dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Grand seigneur de guerre de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [114] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Maréchal dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Maréchal de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [115] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez une mise à mort de vengeance dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Première vengeance",
                    [116] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 10 mises à mort de vengeance dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Douce vengeance",
                    [117] =
                        ["description"] = "Vengez un autre joueur dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "C'est plus fort que toi",
                    [118] =
                        ["description"] = "Vengez 10 autres joueurs dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Revancharde",
                    [119] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un ennemi alors qu'il vous reste moins de 5 % de votre Santé dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Le coup passa si près…",
                    [120] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez cinq ennemis avec moins de 5 % de votre Santé dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Cinq sous cinq",
                    [121] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez dix ennemis avec moins de 5 % de votre Santé dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Dix sous cinq",
                    [122] =
                        ["description"] = "Capturez votre première forteresse dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Capture de forteresse",
                    [1147] =
                        ["description"] = "Honorez 25 commandes d'artisanat.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Le sens du devoir",
                    [1148] =
                        ["description"] = "Honorez 150 commandes d'artisanat.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Commandez, c'est livré !",
                    [1149] =
                        ["description"] = "Honorez 250 commandes d'artisanat.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Les commandes pleuvent",
                    [1150] =
                        ["description"] = "Prêtez le serment des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Prête-serment",
                    [1151] =
                        ["description"] = "Renouvelez 10 fois votre serment des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Indomptable en herbe",
                    [1152] =
                        ["description"] = "Renouvelez 50 fois votre serment des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Indomptable toujours !",
                    [1153] =
                        ["description"] = "Renouvelez 100 fois votre serment des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Bras droit du commandant",
                    [1154] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez un serment des Indomptables en mode Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Prouvez-leur qu'ils ont tort",
                    [1155] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 10 serments des Indomptables en mode Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vous respirez toujours",
                    [1156] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 50 serments des Indomptables en mode Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Votre heure n'a pas sonné",
                    [1157] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 100 serments des Indomptables en mode Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Compagnon de Glirion",
                    [134] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un ennemi portant le grade de Grand maréchal dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Tuez un Grand maréchal",
                    [135] =
                        ["description"] = "1 000 000 de points de dégâts infligés à des ennemis à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Distributrice De dégâts",
                    [136] =
                        ["description"] = "5 000 000 de points de dégâts infligés à des ennemis à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Distributrice De dégâts massifs",
                    [137] =
                        ["description"] = "100 000 000 de points de dégâts infligés à des ennemis à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Distributrice De dégâts colossaux",
                    [138] =
                        ["description"] = "1 000 000 de points de Santé rendus à des alliés à Cyrodiil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Dr Quinn",
                    [139] =
                        ["description"] = "5 000 000 de points de Santé rendus à des alliés à Cyrodiil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Soins de masse",
                    [140] =
                        ["description"] = "100 000 000 de points de Santé rendus à des alliés à Cyrodiil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Soins colossaux",
                    [141] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 ennemis brétons dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Brétons",
                    [145] =
                        ["description"] = "Empêchez les Crevassais d'attaquer Abondance.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Protectrice D'Abondance",
                    [146] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez la garnison de Bangkoraï des envahisseurs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Libératrice De la garnison de Bangkoraï",
                    [147] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le haut-roi Émeric des griffes de Septima Tharn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Bienfaitrice Du haut-roi Émeric",
                    [148] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le spriggan Chancrebois sur l'île chancrée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse Du spriggan Chancrebois",
                    [149] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Dayarrus le Xivilaï au sanctuaire d'Arlimahéra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Faucheuse De Dayarrus",
                    [150] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuer l'atronach de glace souverain Nomeg Hyril aux chutes de Nilata.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exécutrice De Nomeg Hyril",
                    [151] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuer les liches Qumehdi et Zaman aux ruines de Télésubi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bouchère Des liches",
                    [152] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Caecilia Attius et ses Daedra invoqués.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse Des invoqués",
                    [153] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez le fantôme Garach Père-Loup et ses esprits de loups-garous à la tour de Lacquevue.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exorciste de Père-Loup",
                    [154] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le présage de l'Œil vigilant et levez la paranoïa d'Alcaire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des rêves",
                    [155] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramenez le fragment de rêve à l'Abbaye du paria et ramenez la paix à Ménévia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Championne Des gardiens de l'esprit",
                    [156] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Présage des mille étoiles et les obsessions qui affligent Gavaudon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Alliée D'Azura",
                    [158] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez l'araignée géante Aésar la Tisse-haine à la toile d'Aésar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Tisse-haine",
                    [159] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la gargouille Mehnir Pierrepel à la tour Guetteval.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De menhirs",
                    [160] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la nécromancienne Louna Noirsang, au fort du Vieux Kalgon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Noirsang",
                    [161] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la harfreuse Magdalena, au repaire de Magdalena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De harfreuses",
                    [162] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez l'Orque Stroda gra-Drom, à la grève d'Esteroche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin de Sgugh",
                    [163] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la Néréïde, Desuuga la Sirène, à la crique des sirènes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De sirènes",
                    [1190] =
                        ["description"] = "Réussissez à faire les poches d'un habitant de Tamriel",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Détrousseuse",
                    [1191] =
                        ["description"] = "Réussissez à faire les poches de cent habitants de Tamriel",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Tire-laine",
                    [1192] =
                        ["description"] = "Réussissez à faire les poches de mille habitants de Tamriel",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Chapardeuse De génie",
                    [1193] =
                        ["description"] = "Échappez à un garde après avoir choisi l'option « Fuir » dans la fenêtre de dialogue d'interpellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Ventre à terre",
                    [1194] =
                        ["description"] = "Échappez cent fois aux gardes après avoir choisi l'option « Fuir » dans la fenêtre de dialogue d'interpellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Échappatoire",
                    [1195] =
                        ["description"] = "Faites une transaction unique de 1 000 pièces d'or ou davantage pour racheter vos crimes envers les citoyens de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Amende honorable",
                    [1196] =
                        ["description"] = "Payez un total de 100 000 pièces d'or au receleur OU aux gardes de Tamriel pour faire oublier vos activités criminelles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Récompense criminelle",
                    [1197] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez 1 000 pièces d'or en vendant des objets volés à un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Biens mal acquis",
                    [1198] =
                        ["description"] = "Ouvrez une cassette et volez-en le contenu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Pilleuse De cassette",
                    [1199] =
                        ["description"] = "Ouvrez dix cassettes et volez-en le contenu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Perceuse De cassettes",
                    [176] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des grottes de Glénumbrie",
                    [177] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes d'Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Havre-tempête",
                    [178] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes de Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des grottes de Fendretour",
                    [1203] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 100 pièces d'or pour blanchir des objets auprès d'un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Blanc comme neige",
                    [180] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Bangkoraï",
                    [181] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes des Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des Éboulis",
                    [1206] =
                        ["description"] = "Crochetez la porte d'une maison fermée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Comme chez soi",
                    [1207] =
                        ["description"] = "Crochetez la porte de cinquante maisons fermées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Chez soi partout",
                    [184] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez la capacité du Domaine à créer des voleurs de peau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du voleur de peau",
                    [185] =
                        ["description"] = "Protégez les œufs argoniens pour qu'une nouvelle génération puisse naître.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Protectrice Des œufs",
                    [186] =
                        ["description"] = "Récupérez l'Œuf mnémique auprès du Domaine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Gardienne De l'œuf mnémique",
                    [187] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le champion wamasu Haynekhtnamet dans son antre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'Haynekhtnamet",
                    [188] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez les ogres jumeaux Argalog et Vlaga à Xal Thak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tourment des ogres jumeaux",
                    [189] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le seigneur momie ayléide Talkynd à Nen Ria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin du seigneur momie",
                    [190] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le capitaine Os et son équipage mort-vivant à bord du navire du capitaine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du capitaine Os",
                    [191] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le Daedroth Urrai à la caverne d'aigracine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau d'Urrai",
                    [192] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le seigneur esclavagiste Rendrasa au camp de l'esclavagiste.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ruine du seigneur esclavagiste",
                    [193] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Fangeombre",
                    [194] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les villageois disparus de Morneroc, et renvoyez-les chez eux.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De Morneroc",
                    [195] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le champion de la ruche kwama de Luttessaim.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éradicatrice De luttessaim",
                    [196] =
                        ["description"] = "Entrez dans la caverne aux souvenirs et détruisez le Gardien du Cendrais.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Broyeuse Des souvenirs",
                    [197] =
                        ["description"] = "Survivez aux vasards du détroit aux épaves et tuez Craquechitine, le crabe cannibale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Craquechitine",
                    [198] =
                        ["description"] = "Prenez d'assaut la plage de l'étreinte de la Matrone, tuez les matrones dreughs et mettez fin à la menace des couveuses dreughs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice De dreugh",
                    [199] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez la sainte dorée à l'autel Trémenside.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Massacre des Saints",
                    [200] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le netch mâle Ozzacha dans le bosquet de Brahma.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dresseuse De netch",
                    [201] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez Balreth et ramenez le sommeil au Frère de la discorde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Balreth",
                    [202] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez l'armature de la mer intérieure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Nef de la mer intérieure",
                    [203] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine de Braisine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Mine de Braisine",
                    [204] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le général Sérien et interrompez l'invasion des Éboulis par l'Alliance.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Trépas du général Sérien",
                    [205] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le nid de Méphala.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Nid de Méphala",
                    [206] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le creux des marées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Creux des marées",
                    [207] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la Caverne d'humus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Caverne d'humus",
                    [208] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la langue de Shéogorath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Langue de Shéogorath",
                    [209] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez Sadal et sauvez les Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Sadal",
                    [210] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le grand loup-garou, Ragegriffe, à la tanière de Ragegriffe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Ragegriffe",
                    [211] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le nécromancien bréton, Vivien Armène, au tertre du dragon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau d'Armène",
                    [212] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la vampire Olveidi la Ratière, à la ronde de la Ratière.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Écraseur de Ratière",
                    [213] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le mammouth sauvage, Mannskadi, au creux du Dragon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mutilatrice De Mannskadi",
                    [214] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le grand tigre à dents de sabre, Ammabani, à la fierté d'Ammabani.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin d'Ammabani",
                    [215] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la tour d'Ilessan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la tour d'Ilessan",
                    [216] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Silumm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Silumm",
                    [217] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Enduum.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Enduum",
                    [218] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les mines de Khuras.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des Mines de Khuras",
                    [219] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la crypte d'ébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Crypte d'ébène",
                    [220] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le fort de Veillecaveau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du fort de Veillecaveau",
                    [221] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la vigie de Portdun.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Vigie de Beigeport",
                    [222] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine de Koeglin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Mine de Koeglin",
                    [223] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les catacombes du Paria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des Catacombes du Paria",
                    [224] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la galerie de Farangel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Farangel",
                    [225] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine d'Ursegriffe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Mine d'Ursegriffe",
                    [226] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Norvolk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des Ruines de Norvolk",
                    [227] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine de Crêtombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine de Crêtombre",
                    [228] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les catacombes de Gardecouleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des catacombes de Gardecouleur",
                    [229] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la crypte des tribulations.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la crypte des tribulations",
                    [230] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines du Doigt d'Orque.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines du doigt d'Orque",
                    [231] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines d'Erokii.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines d'Erokii",
                    [232] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le refuge secret d'Erokii.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du refuge secret d'Hildune",
                    [245] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines d'Atanaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines d'Atanaz",
                    [246] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la Défense brisée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la défense brisée",
                    [247] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Chid-Moska.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines de Chid-Moska",
                    [248] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Gandranen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Gandranen",
                    [249] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine aux kwamas d'Onkobra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine à kwamas d'Onkobra",
                    [250] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz l'autel de la Gueule noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Gueule noire",
                    [251] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte aux frimas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte aux Frimas",
                    [252] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la chambre de Glacemartel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la chambre de Glacemartel",
                    [253] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du vieux Sord.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne du vieux Sord",
                    [254] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte froide.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte froide",
                    [255] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la crypte de Cime-foudre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la crypte de Cime-foudre",
                    [256] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la tombe du bâtard.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la tombe du bâtard",
                    [257] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le grand ours, Béralagr, au camp des Vive-lames.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Beralagr",
                    [258] =
                        ["description"] = "Vous avez détruit la horde noyée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exterminatrice De la Horde noyée",
                    [259] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le ravageur orque Dugan le rouge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Démolisseuse De Dugan le Rouge",
                    [260] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez l'étrangleuse Serre-os dans son nid.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Serre-os",
                    [261] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la reine Néréide Tallatta la Perlée dans la grotte accidentée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Annihilatrice De Tallatta la Perlée",
                    [262] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Bristête le troll marin au détroit de Percevent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bristêtes",
                    [263] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le commandant Faldethil des Chasseurs verts sur la berge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Victoire verte",
                    [264] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz l'abri de dame Llarel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De l'abri de dame Llarel",
                    [265] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Bas-Bthanual",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Bas-Bthanual",
                    [266] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine du Triple cercle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine du triple cercle",
                    [267] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le pic de Taléon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du pic de Taléon",
                    [268] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte du Lobe aigu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte du Lobe aigu",
                    [269] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le jardin des dépouilles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du jardin des dépouilles",
                    [270] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des grottes de Deshaan",
                    [272] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le wamasu ancestral, la chanteresse lamie et la reine lamie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur d'Arx Corinium",
                    [274] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le précipice de l'Homme mort.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du précipice de l'Homme mort",
                    [275] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le kagouti géant, Courte-broche, à la butte de Courte-broche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Courte-broche",
                    [276] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez l'enveloppe défunte, l'Abomination, au bosquet de l'Abomination.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'Abomination",
                    [277] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le troll géant, Croc-tranchant, au Ronçaire terrible.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Croc-tranchant",
                    [278] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez l'ombre de Mabrigash, au cercle funéraire de Mabrigash.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice De Mabrigash",
                    [279] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le ritualiste Drémora, Druitularg, à l'autel rituel de Druitularg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Druitularg",
                    [280] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le guar géant, Vert-amer le sauvage, à la crête de la caravane.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Oblitératrice De Vert-amer",
                    [281] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Roncenoire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines de Roncenoire",
                    [282] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les racines de Silvenar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des racines de Silvenar",
                    [283] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez le plan du Limier pour attirer la Dame Verte à Silvenar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Obstacle du Limier",
                    [284] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le Silvenar de ses ravisseurs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Amie Du Silvenar",
                    [285] =
                        ["description"] = "Unissez le Silvenar et la Dame Verte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne Des racines et des feuilles",
                    [286] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Shael.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines de Shael",
                    [287] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes d'Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Auridia",
                    [288] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la concession de Del.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Concession de Del",
                    [289] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Ondil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Ondil",
                    [290] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la folie d'Entila.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Folie d'Entila",
                    [291] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Wansalen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Wansalen",
                    [292] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la Rancœur de Mérunès.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Rancœur de Mérunès",
                    [293] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Bewan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Bewan",
                    [294] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le chef de guerre gobelin et le roi dreugh à la Champignonnière.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la Champignonnière",
                    [296] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Malabal Tor",
                    [297] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le tombeau des Apostats.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du tombeau des Apostats",
                    [298] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la fosse aux vargrisons",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la fosse aux vargrisons",
                    [299] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans le réaume de Sanghin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du réaume de Sanghin",
                    [300] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez les six Champions dans le réaume de Sanghin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du réaume de Sanghin",
                    [301] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Mère de la nuée et la Chuchoteuse à Tressefuseau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de Tressefuseau",
                    [303] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Kathutet, Amkaos et Ranyu, les tortionnaires de Molag Bal, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Trépas des tortionnaires",
                    [304] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Goinfre, Hure et Trébuchet, les trois frères ogrims, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Dominatrice Des frères ogrims",
                    [305] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Velehk Sain, le pirate Drémora, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De pirate Drémora",
                    [306] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Methats, Vonshala et Sumeer, les Drémoras errants, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Drémoras errants",
                    [307] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Menta Na, le daedroth préféré de Molag Bal, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du daedroth préféré",
                    [308] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Yggmanei l'Œil Écarquillé, meilleur espion de Molag Bal, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Détruisez l'Œil Écarquillé",
                    [309] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le daedroth Hrelvesuu autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Hrelvesuu",
                    [310] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Rhagotha, le dévoreur d'âmes, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du Dévoreur d'âmes",
                    [311] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Nomeg Haga, l'atronach de glace géant de Havreglace, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du Seigneur du givre",
                    [312] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Zymel Hriz, l'atronach de foudre géant de Havreglace, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du Seigneur des tempêtes",
                    [313] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Anaxès et Medrike, les tortionnaires xivilaïs, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Des esclavagistes xivilaï",
                    [314] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Vika, Dylora et Jansa, les sœurs Séductrices, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Des Sœurs Séductrices",
                    [315] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le roi Styriche de Verkarth et ses compagnons, Fangaril et Zayzahad, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice Du vampire de Verkath",
                    [316] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le seigneur Dregas Volar, maître du croissant daedrique, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Pas de pitié pour les Drémora du croissant",
                    [317] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Gedna Relvel, la liche de Longsanglot, autour d'une Ancre noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice De la liche de Longsanglot",
                    [318] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez tous les généraux de Molag Bal apparaissant autour des Ancres noires.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Exécutrice De généraux",
                    [322] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez les points d'ancrage des Ancres noires pour renvoyer leurs chaînes en Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Brise-chaînes",
                    [324] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez 10 Ancres noires de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice D'Ancres",
                    [325] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Taillombre et le haut patriarche Rilis dans le Cachot interdit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du Cachot interdit",
                    [328] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de la Brèche",
                    [329] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le croc de Faldar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Dent de Faldar",
                    [330] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le creux de Brise-heaume.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du creux de Brise-heaume",
                    [331] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Avancheznel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Avancheznel",
                    [332] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le fort Vallevert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Fort Vallevert",
                    [333] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le tertre de Voile-foyer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du tertre de Voile-foyer",
                    [334] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte de Brisejambe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte de Brisejambe",
                    [335] =
                        ["description"] = "Expulsez les Crevassais de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Écraseur de la Crevasse",
                    [336] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Thallik Verarche et dispersez le Culte du Ver.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Écrase-Vers",
                    [337] =
                        ["description"] = "Renvoyez Sinmur à son tombeau !",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Prodige d'Ysgramor",
                    [340] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss de la Champignonnière Vétéran avant de vaincre Vila Théran moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le compte à rebours s'enclenche quand les joueurs affrontent le premier groupe d'adeptes de l'Araignée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin de la Champignonnière Vétéran",
                    [342] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Vila Théran sans qu'aucun membre de votre groupe n'utilisez la protection de l'enveloppe d'obsidienne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assaillante Inébranlable",
                    [343] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Gamyne Bandu, l'engeance de Méphala et Vila Théran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse Des ombres",
                    [345] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Indur-sa et les chasseurs khajiitis au camp des chasseurs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des chasseurs khajiiti",
                    [346] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez les trolls Bave-glace et Griffe-grésil à la grotte aux trolls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De trolls",
                    [347] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'atronach de glace, Nomeg Rine, aux ruines glacées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destructeur d'atronach de glace",
                    [348] =
                        ["description"] = "Donnez le repos à Ghoragham le fantôme au campement abandonné.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exorciste",
                    [349] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Foulongue le géant et son mammouth au camp du géant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De géant",
                    [350] =
                        ["description"] = "Bannissez Aéréus la lucereine du bosquet des luces.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Lucereine",
                    [351] =
                        ["description"] = "Mettez fin à la menace des nécromanciens au plateau du creuset des âmes et vengez les soldats de la Prime Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Vengeur des Soldats",
                    [352] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Quenyas, chef des bandes hors-la-loi d'Auridia, dans le camp de l'escarpe côtière.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse De primes du seigneur bandit",
                    [353] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez le capitaine fantôme Blanchetête à l'épave du Raptor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Écraseur du capitaine fantôme",
                    [354] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le champion faucheclan Claquepiège et mettez fin au massacre des innocents aux invocations hérétiques.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Claquepiège",
                    [355] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le serpent géant Couveuse dans son antre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éradicateur de Mère de nichée",
                    [356] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Anarume au camp d'entraînement de l'héritage, et mettez un terme à sa trahison.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse De primes d'Aranumë",
                    [357] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Gardien de la Flamme, l'atronach de glace surpuissant et Drodda Crève-Nève au donjon d'Affregivre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du donjon d'Affregivre",
                    [360] =
                        ["description"] = "Exécutez le traître de Tanzelwil au nom de la reine Ayrenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Déchirez le premier Voile",
                    [361] =
                        ["description"] = "Infiltrez l'Héritage voilé et découvrez son secret.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Déchirez le second Voile.",
                    [362] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'armée daedrique et son chef à Prime-Tenure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Déchirez le troisième Voile.",
                    [363] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Méryndril l'Alchimiste à la gorge d'obsidienne et mettez fin au fléau de Llodos.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Panacée",
                    [364] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez le temple du Tribunal des forces d'invasion daedriques.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Chevalier du Temple",
                    [365] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez la magistrix Vox au creux d'Eidolon et ramenez la paix à Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Vox",
                    [367] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions au bois du corbeau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du bois du corbeau",
                    [368] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions du bois du corbeau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du bois du corbeau",
                    [369] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions des cryptes oubliées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des cryptes oubliées",
                    [370] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions des cryptes oubliées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Des cryptes oubliées",
                    [371] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Géant solitaire et ses mammouths enragés dans l'Antre du Lion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de l'Antre du lion",
                    [372] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le maître d'arène Grel et ses adeptes au réaume de Sanghin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de Sanghin",
                    [373] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans l'Antre du lion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de l'antre du lion",
                    [374] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions dans l'Antre du lion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De l'antre du lion",
                    [375] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans la nécropole.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la nécropole",
                    [376] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions dans la nécropole.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la nécropole",
                    [377] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans la Cicatrice d'obsidienne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la cicatrice obsidienne",
                    [378] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions dans la Cicatrice d'obsidienne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la cicatrice obsidienne",
                    [379] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez les âmes spectrales pour invoquer puis tuer Ghyslain dans le bois du corbeau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe du bois du corbeau",
                    [380] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la mère serpent géante dans le sanctuaire du Malandrin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe du malandrin",
                    [381] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Reynir le destructeur et ses sbires dans les salles des morts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la nécropole",
                    [382] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'ours géant, Graucroc, au panorama de la côte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De Graucroc",
                    [383] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le suturé, Meurtrisseur, au surplomb ouest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Meurtrisseur",
                    [384] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le loup-garou, Salazar le Loup, au camp du loup.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des loups-garous",
                    [385] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le zombie de Sangrépine, Asard le putride, à la pointe de la côte nord.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin d'Asard",
                    [386] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le crocodile géant, Claquepiège, à l'anse de Claquepiège.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Traqueuse De Claquepiège",
                    [387] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le nécromancien, Grivier Mandesang, à l'île de la Lancefeu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ruines du mande-sang",
                    [388] =
                        ["description"] = "Éradiquez l'infestation de kwamas et tuez les gardiens des kwamas dans les cryptes oubliées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe des cryptes oubliées",
                    [389] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans la ravine du Chicot.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la ravine du Chicot",
                    [390] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions dans la ravine du Chicot.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la ravine du Chicot",
                    [391] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Quintus Verres, Tremblécaille et les Assemblages du gardien à Volenfell.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de Volenfell",
                    [393] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la meute, la maîtresse des Fauves et la reine de lave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du Creuset béni",
                    [395] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des Champions dans la cité perdue des Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la cité perdue",
                    [396] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les Champions dans la cité perdue des Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la Cité perdue",
                    [397] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes des Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes des Éboulis",
                    [398] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 3 éclats célestes de Morneroc.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Morneroc",
                    [399] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Pince-de-titan le vasard à la plage du vasard.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Briseur Pince-de-titan",
                    [400] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Vieille Veuve Soie et les araignées tisse-sang au Nid des araignées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'araignées",
                    [401] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la reine de la couvée dreugh dans les eaux des dreughs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destructrice De la reine de la couvée",
                    [402] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le daedroth Gar Xuu Gar et ses sbires à la Ferme abandonnée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Gar Xuu Gar",
                    [403] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'ogre appelé Cousin Scrag au garde-manger de Scrag.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bourreau de Cousin Scrag",
                    [404] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Zymel Kyruz, l'atronach de foudre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Contrôle de Kruz",
                    [405] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 3 éclats célestes de Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Bal Foyen",
                    [406] =
                        ["description"] = "Sautez depuis le nez du Géant éploré.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Plongeuse En piqué",
                    [407] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 3 éclats célestes de Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Stros M'Kai",
                    [408] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 3 éclats célestes de Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Betnikh",
                    [409] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Glénumbrie",
                    [410] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Atarus, la mère de la volière et le capitaine Cœurnoir au havre de Cœurnoir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du Havre de Cœurnoir",
                    [412] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines de Santaki.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Santaki",
                    [413] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes du désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue du désert d'Alik'r",
                    [414] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine du chagrin de Divad.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine du chagrin de Divad",
                    [415] =
                        ["description"] = "Recrutez les trois célèbres corsaires de Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Célèbre recruteuse",
                    [416] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines d'Aldunz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines d'Aldunz",
                    [417] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Longuegriffe, Pelsanie et Sélène dans la toile de Sélène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la Toile de Sélène",
                    [419] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les excavations de Froideroche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des excavations de Froideroche",
                    [420] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine des Décapés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine des Décapés",
                    [421] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le golem de sang, le fantôme de Praxin et Vorenor Nédhiver à Tressefuseau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des aberrations",
                    [423] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les ruines d'Yldzuun.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des ruines d'Yldzuun",
                    [424] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes d'Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue d'Estemarche",
                    [425] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez les créatures végétales souillées dans la fosse de la litanie, dans la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Déforesteur de la litanie",
                    [426] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'ogre Ozur le dur dans la Vallée d'Ozur le dur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau d'Ozur le gros",
                    [427] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la reine des Trois Pitiés et son entourage aux chutes des danseurs d'eau, dans la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Euthanasiator",
                    [428] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le mandetombe Niramo et sa fille sombre Varien à l'Henge de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destin du Mande-tombe",
                    [429] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le daedroth Ysolmarr le bûcher errant près des quais de la vieille S'ren-ja, dans la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ruine d'Ysolmarr",
                    [430] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le seigneur vampire Nur-dro au repos d'Ushmal, dans la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chute de Nur-dro",
                    [431] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 6 éclats célestes du perchoir de Khenarthi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Khenarthi",
                    [432] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Aba-Loria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice D'Aba-Loria",
                    [433] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte de la dépravation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte de la dépravation",
                    [434] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la grotte aux trophées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la grotte aux trophées",
                    [435] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la crypte d'Haman Forgefeu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la crypte de Forgefeu",
                    [436] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la tombe de Mal Sorra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du tombeau de Mal Sorra",
                    [437] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la gorge plaintive.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la gorge plaintive",
                    [438] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de Havreglace",
                    [439] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la daedroth Sthorha la folle à Aba-Darre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destin de Sthorha",
                    [440] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le spectre de glace, Duriatundur, au champ du massacre de Durantundur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De spectre de glace",
                    [441] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'antique centurion dwemer, Zemarek-thul, au creux de Zemarek.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ruine du Centurion",
                    [442] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez les trois daedra, Nolagha, Keggagiha et Rsolignah, au garde-manger de daedroth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseresse De trio de Daedroth",
                    [443] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le nécromancien Drémora, Brolsgerbwd, à la cour des revenants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Brolsgerbwd",
                    [444] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le moissonneur, Cynhamoth, au bosquet de Cynhamoth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fin de Cynhamoth",
                    [445] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez les hordes de morts-vivants d'Hergor le Déchu à la chute des Rulanyil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la chute des Rulanyil",
                    [446] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss de Tressefuseau Vétéran avant de vaincre Vorenor Nédhiver moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le chronomètre s'engage lorsque les joueurs attaquent le premier groupe de guerriers asservis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin de Tressefusau Vétéran",
                    [448] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Vorenor Nédhiver sans tuer une seule des victimes innocentes détenues dans son repaire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïsme et compassion",
                    [449] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss du cachot interdit Vétéran avant de vaincre le haut-patriarche Rilis moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le compte à rebours s'enclenche quand les joueurs affrontent le premier groupe de squelettes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin du Cachot interdit Vétéran",
                    [451] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le haut patriarche Rilis alors que trois daedroth ou plus sont encore en vie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Marche implacable",
                    [452] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de la marche de la Camarde",
                    [453] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la galerie de Kuna.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la galerie de Kuna",
                    [454] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le cairn de Thibaut.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du cairn de Thibaut",
                    [455] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du Vent gémissant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne du Vent gémissant",
                    [456] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Coup de griffe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du coup de griffe",
                    [457] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la folie de Fardir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la folie de Fardir",
                    [458] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la lumière de Jode.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la lumière de Jode",
                    [459] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Racine noire, Fange-jour et Bogdan la Nocteflamme au Creuset des aînés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du Creuset des aînés",
                    [460] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Dent-plate et ses gars à la crique écarlate.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la crique écarlate",
                    [461] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss du Creuset des aînés Vétéran avant de vaincre Bogdan la Nocteflamme moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le chronomètre s'engage lorsque les joueurs attaquent le premier groupe de Daedra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin du Creuset des aînés Vétéran",
                    [463] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Bogdan la Nocteflamme après avoir lu l'opus de Tourment.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Le sujet est clos",
                    [464] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le seigneur de ruche transmuté, Grobull le transmuté et le Gardien du moteur à la caverne d'Ombre-noire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la caverne d'Ombre-noire",
                    [465] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss des cavernes d'Ombre-noire Vétéran avant de vaincre le Gardien du moteur moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le chronomètre s'engage lorsque les joueurs attaquent le premier groupe de kwamas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin d'Ombre-noire Vétéran",
                    [467] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Gardien du moteur sans qu'un membre de votre groupe active un levier du moteur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Ingénierie de mort",
                    [468] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez Sangracine et ses gardiens à la ravine du Chicot.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la ravine du Chicot",
                    [469] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez les maudites créations des expériences de glace de Graccus au presbytère infâme.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe du presbytère infâme",
                    [470] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'Ossomancien et ses geôliers dans les ruines de Scinderacine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de Scinderacine",
                    [471] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Glénumbrie",
                    [472] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Havre-tempête",
                    [473] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Fendretour",
                    [474] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares dans le désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Du désert d'Alik'r",
                    [475] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Bangkoraï",
                    [476] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez tous les succès de pêche de l'Alliance de Daguefilante",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De l'Alliance",
                    [477] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares des Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Des Éboulis",
                    [478] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Deshaan",
                    [479] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Fangeombre",
                    [480] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares d'Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse D'Estemarche",
                    [481] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De la Brèche",
                    [482] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez tous les succès de pêche du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Du Pacte",
                    [483] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares d'Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse D'Auridia",
                    [484] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares du bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Du bois de Graht",
                    [485] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Prasin",
                    [486] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Malabal Tor",
                    [487] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de la marche de la Camarde",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De la marche de la Camarde",
                    [488] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez tous les succès de pêche du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Du Domaine",
                    [489] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Cyrodiil",
                    [490] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Havreglace",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Havreglace",
                    [491] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez un serranide éthéré à Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Stros M'Kai",
                    [492] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez une raie pyandonéenne au perchoir de Khenarthi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse Du perchoir de Khenarthi",
                    [493] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez une porme de la mer intérieure à Morneroc.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Morneroc",
                    [494] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez tous les succès de pèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse pêcheuse",
                    [495] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuer l'éventreur des dunes, Mère Sable, à la Caravane perdue.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chute de l'éventreur des dunes",
                    [496] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le géant, Papa Solitaire, au camp du géant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destin de Papa Solitaire",
                    [497] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuer les Sœurs Harfreuses, Igazkad, Orochar et Ukha, au camp des harfreuses.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Renversement des Sœurs Harfreuses",
                    [498] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Korignah le moissonneur dans la caverne des Cœurs abandonnés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Korignah",
                    [499] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Roi Momie au Repos du roi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Meurtrière Du Roi Momie",
                    [500] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la sainte dorée, Straada, au Cercle inférieur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Sainte",
                    [510] =
                        ["description"] = "Protégez la cour du Roi-nature.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireur de la Cour",
                    [511] =
                        ["description"] = "Mettez fin à la menace que représente l'Héritage voilé à Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Par qui le Voile se lève",
                    [512] =
                        ["description"] = "Purifiez la corruption de Val-boisé.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Protectrice De Val-boisé",
                    [515] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Havre-tempête",
                    [516] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Uwafa et reprenez la parade d'Anseï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Ruine d'Uwafa",
                    [517] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Alasan et réparer la parade d'Anseï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Dévastation d'Alasan",
                    [518] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Main de Gloire et récupérez toutes les parades d'Anseï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne D'Ash'abah",
                    [524] =
                        ["description"] = "Rassemblez toutes les Lumières de Méridia dans Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Porte-flambeau de Méridia",
                    [525] =
                        ["description"] = "Empêchez les Maormers d'invoquer un ouragan pour détruire le perchoir de Khenarthi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de l'invasion maormer",
                    [526] =
                        ["description"] = "Intervenez dans toutes les situations d'abus de skouma sur le perchoir de Khenarthi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Le skouma, c'est de l'amer",
                    [536] =
                        ["description"] = "Rendez le pouvoir à la matriarche à Arenthia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Inauguratrice De la matriarche",
                    [537] =
                        ["description"] = "Liez la Crinière noire à sa prison sous Mont-la-lune.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Incarcératrice De la Crinière noire",
                    [538] =
                        ["description"] = "Suivez le sentier des deux Lunes avec la prochaine Crinière.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Arpenteuse Des deux Lunes",
                    [539] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le Cure-dents à trolls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Cure-dents à trolls",
                    [540] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le mépris de Torog.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Mépris de Torog",
                    [541] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la crypte des exilés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la Crypte des Exilés",
                    [542] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le Guet viride.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Guet viride",
                    [543] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le remblai des gravats.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Remblai des gravats",
                    [544] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Klathzgar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Klathzgar",
                    [545] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Gueule de l'Infernal, la gardienne Imiril et le haut patriarche Rilis dans le Cachot interdit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Gardiens corrompus",
                    [547] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Deshaan",
                    [548] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez Ozzozachar, le Titan préféré de Molag Bal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau d'Ozzozachar",
                    [550] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la Souracine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Souracine",
                    [551] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Gardien infernal, le Gardien de l'autel et le Maître-rasoir Erthas dans la Cité des cendres.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la Cité des cendres",
                    [553] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Carac Dena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Carac Dena",
                    [554] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Fendretour",
                    [555] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorze et videz la mine de Gurzag.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine de Gurzag.",
                    [556] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes du désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes du désert d'Alik'r",
                    [557] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Bangkoraï",
                    [558] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la tanière de l'Haridelle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la tanière de l'Harridelle",
                    [559] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la tranchée du tertre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la tranchée du tertre",
                    [560] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le crocodile géant, Gathongor l'Étripeur, au bourbier de Gathongor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse De Gathongor l'Étripeur",
                    [561] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'ogre Thodundor de la Colline, au panorama de Thodundor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Reine De la Colline",
                    [562] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'Elfe des mers, Jahlasri, et ses compagnons maormers au campement maormer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chagrin de l'Elfe des mers",
                    [563] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le suturé appelé Cœur d'Aigueracine, à la source d'Aigueracine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Trépas d'Aigueracine",
                    [564] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'Argonien Maheelius et son groupe d'espions au camp de reconnaissance.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Anti-espionne",
                    [565] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'atronach de foudre Zymel Etitan, à Pelda Tarn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Traqueuse De de Zymel",
                    [567] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Naril Nagaia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Naril Nagaia",
                    [568] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes de Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de Prasin",
                    [570] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Ulguna Clive-âme, Grothdarr, Iskra le Présage et l'Architecte fou dans les chambres de la folie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des Chambres de la folie",
                    [572] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six cavernes du bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue du bois de Graht",
                    [573] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Ne Salas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Ne Salas",
                    [574] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la fosse aux grattements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la fosse aux grattements",
                    [575] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Roncemort.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice La caverne de Roncemort",
                    [576] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine à kwamas de Boguerave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine à kwamas de Boguerave",
                    [577] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les profondeurs de Verracine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des profondeurs de Verracine",
                    [578] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la mine de Mobar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la mine de Mobar",
                    [579] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez toutes les Ancres noires dans les territoires du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'Ancres du Domaine",
                    [584] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez toutes les Ancres noires dans les territoires de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'Ancres de l'Alliance",
                    [585] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez toutes les Ancres noires dans les territoires du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'Ancres du Pacte",
                    [586] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez toutes les Ancres noires dans les terres contestées de Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'Ancres impériales",
                    [587] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez toutes les Ancres noires de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Levez l'Ancre",
                    [589] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Reezal-Jul au camp Tamrith et sauvez les réfugiés de Crêtombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De la maison Tamrith",
                    [590] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez dame Lléraya Montclair à Pointe-Nord et libérez la ville du baron Dorell.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De la maison Dorell",
                    [591] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez le baron Wylon Montclair et détruisez le Vestige obscur à Morteroche pour sauver Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Épée de Corbeguet",
                    [593] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 59 quêtes aux Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière Des Éboulis",
                    [595] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 55 quêtes à Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Deshaan",
                    [596] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 51 quêtes à Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Fangeombre",
                    [597] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez Lob l'équarrisseur et aidez les géants dans l'arène de Berceroc.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Amie Des géants",
                    [598] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez Jorunn le Roi-scalde à la tour d'Arquebrumes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Salut du Roi-scalde",
                    [599] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Fildgor thane-Orque à Skuldafn et gagnez le titre de Flèche de Jorunn le Roi-scalde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Flèche du Roi-scalde",
                    [600] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 43 quêtes en Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière D'Estemarche",
                    [602] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 45 quêtes à la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De la marche de la Camarde",
                    [603] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 61 quêtes dans la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De la Brèche",
                    [604] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 37 quêtes à Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière D'Auridia",
                    [605] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez Pointe-Sud de l'influence du prince Daedra Shéogorath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Sauveuse De Pointe-Sud",
                    [606] =
                        ["description"] = "Vous avez récupéré le Cœur d'Anumaril dans le reliquaire des étoiles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Récupératrice Du reliquaire",
                    [607] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez Nairume de sa prison et récupérez le manteau de Rajhin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De Falinesti",
                    [608] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 38 quêtes au bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière Du bois de Graht",
                    [610] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 40 quêtes à Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Prasin",
                    [611] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 40 quêtes à Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Malabal Tor",
                    [612] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le dernier roi ayléide, Laloriaran Dynar, des Oubliettes obscures.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Lumière du roi ayléide",
                    [613] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le grand mage, Vanus Galérion, et aidez-le à détruire le Grand Fer de Molag Bal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Gardienne Du Grand Mage",
                    [614] =
                        ["description"] = "Empêchez la Coalescence et déjouez le plan de conquête de Molag Bal sur l'Escalier infini.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Séparatrice",
                    [616] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez 29 quêtes à Havreglace",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Havreglace",
                    [617] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez les succès de quête du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne Du Pacte de Cœurébène",
                    [618] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez tous les succès de quête du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne Du Domaine aldmeri",
                    [619] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez 50 Ancres noires de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Démolisseur d'Ancres",
                    [620] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez 100 Ancres noires de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Décimateur d'Ancres",
                    [621] =
                        ["description"] = "Détruisez 250 Ancres noires de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Ancres noires",
                        ["name"] = "Dévastateur d'Ancres",
                    [622] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez les succès d'exploration des cavernes du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue du Domaine",
                    [625] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez les succès d'exploration des cavernes de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de l'Alliance",
                    [626] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez les succès d'exploration des cavernes du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue du Pacte",
                    [627] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez tous les succès d'exploration des cavernes de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Spéléologue de Tamriel",
                    [628] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez tous les succès de quêtes de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière experte De Tamriel",
                    [678] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Malubeth le Faucheur, Garron le Ressuscité et Varaine et Allène Pellingare dans les égouts d'Haltevoie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des égouts d'Haltevoie",
                    [679] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss des Égouts d'Haltevoie Vétéran avant de vaincre Varaine et Allène Pellingare moins de vingt minutes après avoir commencé le donjon. Le chronomètre s'engage lorsque les joueurs attaquent le premier nécromancien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin des égouts d'Haltevoie Vétéran",
                    [681] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 15 zombies pendant le combat contre Allène et Varaine Pellingare avant de vaincre les jumeaux eux-mêmes dans les égouts d'Haltevoie Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De goules Pellingare",
                    [682] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes du bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes du bois de Graht",
                    [683] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Prasin",
                    [684] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Malabal Tor",
                    [685] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de la marche de la camarade",
                    [686] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Havreglace",
                    [687] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Fangeombre",
                    [688] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes d'Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes d'Estemarche",
                    [689] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de la Brèche",
                    [691] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 ennemis nommés dans des donjons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Des donjons",
                    [692] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 15 éclats célestes dans le territoire du Pacte de Cœurébène à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes du Pacte d'ébène à Cyrodiil",
                    [693] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 15 éclats célestes dans le territoire de l'Alliance de Daguefilante à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de l'Alliance de Daguefilante à Cyrodiil",
                    [694] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 15 éclats célestes dans le territoire du Domaine aldmeri à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes aldmeri à Cyrodiil",
                    [695] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 16 éclats célestes d'Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes d'Auridia",
                    [696] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Chasseur orque fou Shagura au Henge d'Hircine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Destin de Shagura",
                    [697] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la tigresse-senche Nindaeril la Mousson au sommet du perchoir de Nindaeril.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Maraudeur de la Mousson",
                    [698] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Néréide dame Consoline au marais de dame Consoline.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cogneuse D'eau",
                    [699] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Otho Rufinus, le maître des braconniers, au camp du braconnier.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Garde-chasse",
                    [700] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'atronach de chair géant Thugrub le Réformé, dans la caverne de Thugrub.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dissectrice De Thugrub le Réformé",
                    [701] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la liche Valanir le Troublé au Repos de Valanir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau de Valanir le Troublé",
                    [702] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez la suite de quêtes de la guilde des mages.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Archimage",
                    [703] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez la suite de quêtes de la guide des guerriers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Vétéran de la guilde des guerriers",
                    [704] =
                        ["description"] = "Payez un verre à vos compagnons Indomptables à chaque réunion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "C'est ma tournée.",
                    [705] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Grand maréchal dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Grand maréchal de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [706] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez le grade de Premier sergent dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Premier sergent de la guerre d'Alliances",
                    [707] =
                        ["description"] = "Résolvez l'énigme des Gardiens dans la cité perdue des Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe des Na-Totambu",
                    [708] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'atronach de chair à la roue de Razak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la roue de Razak",
                    [709] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 1 000 ennemis nommés dans des donjons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Grande dame Des donjons",
                    [710] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 1 000 ennemis dans des donjons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Maraudeuse Des donjons",
                    [711] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 10 000 ennemis dans des donjons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Annihilatrice Des donjons",
                    [713] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'Orque Zilbash le Trompeur, à la cicatrice obsidienne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe de la cicatrice obsidienne",
                    [714] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'Éternel aux ruines de l'Esquille.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe des ruines de l'Esquille",
                    [716] =
                        ["description"] = "Aidez à soulager les tensions culturelles et réconciliez les alliés dans le bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Pacificatrice",
                    [717] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 10 Lames noires ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Lames noires",
                    [718] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis rougegardes dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Rougegardes",
                    [719] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis orques dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Orques",
                    [720] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis dunmers dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Elfes Noirs",
                    [721] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis nordiques dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Nordiques",
                    [722] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis argoniens dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Argoniens",
                    [723] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis bosmers dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Bosmers",
                    [724] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis altmers dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Altmers",
                    [725] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis khajiits dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Khajiits",
                    [726] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 100 ennemis impériaux dans la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau des Impériaux",
                    [727] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 12 éclats célestes du bas Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes du bas Raidelorn",
                    [730] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du Crin-de-Sang.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne Crin-de-Sang",
                    [731] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de l'À-pic.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de l'À-pic",
                    [732] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Paillenote.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de Paillenote",
                    [733] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Nisin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de Nisin",
                    [734] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les cavernes criblées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Deles cavernes criblées.",
                    [735] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le Creux du serpent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du creux du serpent",
                    [736] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Cappière.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de Capierre",
                    [737] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne aux échos.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne aux échos",
                    [738] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le lac de Bergesable.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du lac de Bergesable",
                    [739] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du rubis rouge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne du rubis rouge",
                    [740] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du champignon vénéneux.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du creux du champignon vénéneux",
                    [741] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du sous-suaire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne du sous-suaire",
                    [742] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne du Bois fendu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne du Bois fendu",
                    [743] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne des Armoiries.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne des Armoiries",
                    [744] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Valboue.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de Valboue",
                    [745] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne aux tritons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne aux tritons",
                    [746] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de l'Eau-vive.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de l'Eau vive",
                    [747] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz Vahtacen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Vahtacen",
                    [748] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez l'éclat céleste au sommet de la montagne à Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de la montagne",
                    [749] =
                        ["description"] = "1 000 000 de points de dégâts infligés en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Ravageuse De donjon",
                    [750] =
                        ["description"] = "10 000 000 de points de dégâts infligés en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Faucheuse Des donjons",
                    [751] =
                        ["description"] = "1 000 000 de points de Santé soignés en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Soigneuse En donjon",
                    [752] =
                        ["description"] = "10 000 000 de points de Santé soignés en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Soigneuse supérieure En donjon",
                    [753] =
                        ["description"] = "1 000 000 de points de dégâts bloqués en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Rempart des donjons",
                    [754] =
                        ["description"] = "10 000 000 de points de dégâts bloqués en donjon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vous ne passerez pas !",
                    [758] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez toutes les quêtes de Bruma.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Bruma",
                    [759] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez toutes les quêtes de Cheydinhal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Cheydinhal",
                    [760] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez toutes les quêtes de Chorrol et du prieuré de Weynon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Prieuré de Chorrol et Weynon",
                    [761] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez toutes les quêtes de Gué-les-Champs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Gué-les-Champs",
                    [762] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez toutes les quêtes de Vlastarus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Aventurière De Vlastarus",
                    [766] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les 18 cavernes de Cyrodiil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue de Cyrodiil",
                    [767] =
                        ["description"] = "Accomplissez tous les succès de quête de Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Héroïne De Cyrodiil",
                    [768] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables du perchoir de Khenarthi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Du perchoir de Khenarthi",
                    [769] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables d'Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse D'Auridia",
                    [770] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de l'île de Morneroc.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De l'île de Morneroc",
                    [771] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Bal Foyen",
                    [772] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables des Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Des Éboulis",
                    [773] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Stros M'kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Stros M'kai",
                    [774] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Betnikh",
                    [775] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Glénumbrie",
                    [1234] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez cinq cents animaux d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Fléau du bétail",
                    [778] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez les mystères de Rahni'Za, l'école des guerriers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Championne De Rahni'Za",
                    [779] =
                        ["description"] = "Traduisez toutes les runes de Puissance positives.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Puissance positive",
                    [780] =
                        ["description"] = "Traduisez toutes les runes de Puissance négatives.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Puissance négative",
                    [781] =
                        ["description"] = "Traduisez toutes les runes d'Essence",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Essence",
                    [1233] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez cent animaux d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Équarrisseur",
                    [1232] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez dix animaux domestiques.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Bouchère",
                    [1231] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un guar d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De guar",
                    [1230] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un cochon d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Tout est bon dans le cochon",
                    [1229] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez une chèvre ou un mouton d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Le loup et l'agneau",
                    [1228] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un poulet ou un guar basset d'élevage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "L'aile ou la cuisse",
                    [788] =
                        ["description"] = "Traduisez toutes les runes d'Aspect.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Aspect",
                    [1227] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un bovin d'élevage : vache, taureau ou bœuf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Mort aux vaches !",
                    [1226] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez cent habitants de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Génocidaire",
                    [1225] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez cinquante habitants de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse En série",
                    [1224] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez un habitant de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Meurtrière",
                    [1223] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 1 200 points dans la Constellation du Voleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Championne De soirétoile",
                    [1222] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 600 points dans la Constellation du Voleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Destin obscur",
                    [1221] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 300 points dans la Constellation du Voleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Décret discret",
                    [1220] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 1 200 points dans la Constellation du Mage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Championne D'ondepluie",
                    [1219] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 600 points dans la Constellation du Mage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Destin mystérieux",
                    [1218] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 300 points dans la Constellation du Mage.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Décret arcanique",
                    [1217] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 1 200 points dans la Constellation du Guerrier.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Championne De vifazur",
                    [1216] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 300 points dans la Constellation du Guerrier.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Décret vigoureux",
                    [1215] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 600 points dans la Constellation du Guerrier.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Destin robuste",
                    [1214] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez votre premier point de Champion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "L'aube d'une Championne",
                    [1213] =
                        ["description"] = "Volez un objet de qualité Épique.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "De haut vol",
                    [1212] =
                        ["description"] = "Volez un objet de qualité Supérieure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Voleuse exigeante",
                    [1211] =
                        ["description"] = "Volez un objet de qualité Raffinée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Voleuse avertie",
                    [1210] =
                        ["description"] = "Faites-vous confisquer tous vos vêtements volés équipés dans tous vos emplacements d'armure en même temps par un garde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Madame Godiva",
                    [1209] =
                        ["description"] = "Faites-vous confisquer un vêtement volé que vous portez par un garde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Conscience mise à nu",
                    [1208] =
                        ["description"] = "Crochetez la porte de cent maisons fermées.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Su casa es mi casa",
                    [1205] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 10 000 pièces d'or pour blanchir des objets auprès d'un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Illustre blanchisseuse",
                    [1204] =
                        ["description"] = "Dépensez 1 000 pièces d'or pour blanchir des objets auprès d'un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Comme neuf",
                    [1202] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez 1 000 000 pièces d'or en vendant des objets volés à un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Caïd du marché noir",
                    [1201] =
                        ["description"] = "Gagnez 100 000 pièces d'or en vendant des objets volés à un receleur.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Entrepreneur illicite",
                    [1200] =
                        ["description"] = "Ouvrez cent cassettes et volez-en le contenu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Coffres pas si forts",
                    [1159] =
                        ["description"] = "Déverrouillez tous les succès du donjon Vétéran de la Cité des cendres.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Amoureux des terres mortes",
                    [1158] =
                        ["description"] = "Atteignez le niveau 45 pour attirer l'attention des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "L'appel des Indomptables",
                    [1146] =
                        ["description"] = "Honorez une commande d'artisanat.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Première commande",
                    [1145] =
                        ["description"] = "Obtenez la certification de chaque corps de métier artisanal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Touche-à-tout certifiée",
                    [1144] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez et lisez tous les ouvrages traitant du style dwemer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Du style dwemer",
                    [1143] =
                        ["description"] = "Éliminez la menace du Serpent et de sa Cour écailleuse dans tout Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Complétiste de Raidelorn",
                    [1140] =
                        ["description"] = "Conquérez tous les concurrents de la version la plus difficile de l'arène de l'Étoile du dragon",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De l'arène de l'Étoile du dragon",
                    [1139] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez la Citadelle d'Hel Ra, l'Archive æthérienne et le Sanctum ophidia à leur difficulté maximale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Des Épreuves de Raidelorn",
                    [1138] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Céleste Serpent après avoir profané les étendards sacrés de la Cour écailleuse.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum ophidia mode difficile",
                    [1137] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Céleste Mage après l'avoir fait enrager en détruisant ses orbes æthériens.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Archive æthérienne mode difficile",
                    [1136] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Céleste Guerrier après l'avoir fait enrager en détruisant son armée de statues.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Citadelle d'Hel Ra mode difficile",
                    [1127] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes du haut Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des grottes du haut Raidelorn.",
                    [1126] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez toutes les grottes et le territoire du haut Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Du haut Raidelorn",
                    [1125] =
                        ["description"] = "Étudiez le trait Trempe de Nirn pour n'importe quel type d'arme ou d'armure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Apprenez le trait Trempe de Nirn",
                    [1124] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez le Sanctum ophidia en moins de 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Course contre la montre : Sanctum ophidia",
                    [1123] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez le Céleste Serpent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum ophidia terminé",
                    [1121] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez la cachette de Geldrion à Belkarth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Possessions terrestres",
                    [1117] =
                        ["description"] = "Bloquez pour 1 000 000 de points de dégâts pendant les épreuves.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Bloqueuse Des épreuves",
                    [832] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables du bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Du bois de Graht",
                    [833] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Havre-tempête",
                    [834] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Deshaan",
                    [835] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De la Camarde",
                    [836] =
                        ["description"] = "Se faire tuer par des poissons carnassiers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Il va leur falloir un plus gros ventre",
                    [1116] =
                        ["description"] = "Soignez vos alliés pour 1 000 000 de points de dégâts pendant les épreuves.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Soigneuse Des épreuves",
                    [838] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées de toutes les bêtes sauvages de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse De bêtes de Tamriel",
                    [839] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Prasin",
                    [840] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Fendretour",
                    [841] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées de tous les morts-vivants de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse De morts-vivants",
                    [842] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées de toutes les créatures chitineuses de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Accumulateur de chitine",
                    [843] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées de tous les esprits de la nature et créatures naturelles de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse De la Nature",
                    [844] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées de toutes les créatures monstrueuses de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse De trophées monstrueux",
                    [845] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Fangeombre",
                    [846] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées sur des assemblages dwemers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse De secrets dwemers",
                    [847] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées sur tous les types d'atronachs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Collectionneuse D'éléments d'atronachs",
                    [848] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramassez des trophées sur tous les types de Daedra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Récolteur de fragments d'Oblivion",
                    [849] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables du désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Du désert d'Alik'r",
                    [850] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 200 araignées dans la Champignonière vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'araignées Vétéran",
                    [851] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 425 guerriers d'obsidienne dans la Champignonière vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'obsidienne Vétéran",
                    [852] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 120 squelettes dans le Cachot interdit vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'os Vétéran",
                    [853] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 300 Drémoras dans le Cachot interdit vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Drémoras de Rilis",
                    [854] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 220 serviteurs vampiriques dans Tressefuseau vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'esclaves Vétéran",
                    [855] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 65 atronachs de chair dans Tressefuseau Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante D'atronachs de chair Vétéran",
                    [856] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 200 kwamas dans les cavernes d'Ombre-noire vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De kwamas Vétéran",
                    [857] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 800 automates dwemers dans les cavernes d'Ombre-noire vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'assemblages Vétéran",
                    [858] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 140 portemorts dans le Creuset des aînés vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De portemorts Vétéran",
                    [859] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 60 suturés dans le Creuset des aînés vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De suturés Vétéran",
                    [860] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 350 zombies dans les Égouts d'Haltevoie vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De zombies Vétéran",
                    [861] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 40 colosses d'os dans les Égouts d'Haltevoie vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De colosses Vétéran",
                    [862] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Malabal Tor",
                    [863] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De la Brèche",
                    [864] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Havreglace",
                    [865] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse De Bangkoraï",
                    [866] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables d'Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse D'Estemarche",
                    [867] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux remarquables des régions centrales du Domaine aldmeri, de l'Alliance de Daguefilante, du Pacte de Cœurébène et de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Découvreur de Tamriel",
                    [1115] =
                        ["description"] = "Infligez 1 000 000 de points de dégâts pendant les épreuves.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Distributrice De dégâts des épreuves.",
                    [869] =
                        ["description"] = "Extorquez de l'argent aux marchands de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Le crime paie",
                    [870] =
                        ["description"] = "Sonnez le cor de guerre de la citadelle d'Hel Ra et vainquez les guerriers antiques qui répondent à l'appel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Citadelle d'Hel Ra : Cor de guerre",
                    [871] =
                        ["description"] = "Partagez votre richesse avec les pauvres de Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Donnez aux pauvres",
                    [872] =
                        ["description"] = "Suivez les déplacements de M'aiq le Menteur dans tout Tamriel et au-delà.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Il n'y a que M'aiq qui m'aille",
                    [873] =
                        ["description"] = "Amenez la lumière dans les endroits sombres du monde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Porteuse De lumière",
                    [874] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez Zatalguch dans le Village des perdus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Événement de groupe du village des perdus",
                    [1114] =
                        ["description"] = "Dans la Cité des cendres vétéran, passez un pacte avec le tome frigide, puis terrassez Valkyn Skoria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Un monde embrasé",
                    [876] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Ruzozuzalpamaz, les frères Ilambris, l'amalgame Ilambris et enfin Nérien'Eth dans la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la Crypte des cœurs",
                    [1113] =
                        ["description"] = "Utilisez la pile de nourriture du Sanctum ophidia et survivez à la bataille qui s'ensuit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum ophidia : fosse à repas",
                    [878] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez la Cité de cendres Vétéran en vainquant Horvantud Gueule-ardente, le titan de cendres et Valkyn Skoria",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Cité des cendres Vétéran",
                    [1112] =
                        ["description"] = "Effectuez le pèlerinage du passage gris dans le temps imparti.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Pèlerine De Raidelorn",
                    [1105] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez 300 Drémoras dans le donjon vétéran de la Cité des cendres.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse De Drémoras de Mehrunes",
                    [1104] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du pied-de-lutin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Pied-de-lutin",
                    [882] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez l'empereur dans votre campagne principale de la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin d'empereur",
                    [1103] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de la russule phosphorescente.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Russule phosphorescente",
                    [884] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Molavar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Molavar",
                    [885] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Rkundzelft.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Rkundzelft",
                    [886] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz le Nid du Serpent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du Nid du Serpent",
                    [887] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les fondations d'Ilthag.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des fondations d'Ilthag",
                    [888] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Kardala.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Kardala",
                    [889] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les cavernes de Loth'Na.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des cavernes de Loth'Na",
                    [890] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Rkhardahrk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Rkhardahrk",
                    [891] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez le marché de l'aiglefin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Du marché de l'aiglefin",
                    [892] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez la mine de Cisèlecri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Cisèlecri",
                    [893] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez les sables engloutis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des sables engloutis",
                    [894] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Mtharnaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Mtharnaz",
                    [895] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz les sépulcres hurlants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des sépulcres hurlants",
                    [896] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez Balamath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Balamath",
                    [897] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la caverne de Tremblecrocs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la caverne de Tremblecrocs",
                    [898] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et videz la forteresse de l'exarque.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la forteresse de l'exarque",
                    [899] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez l'antre de Zalgaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De l'antre de Zalgaz",
                    [900] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez les tombes des Na-Totambu",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice Des tombes des Na-Totambu",
                    [901] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez et dégagez la hantise d'Hircine",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De la hantise d'Hircine",
                    [902] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux du bas Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Du bas Raidelorn",
                    [903] =
                        ["description"] = "Entrez dans Cyrodiil et participez à la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Recrue de Cyrodiil",
                    [904] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez un empereur dans n'importe quelle campagne de la guerre d'Alliances.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'empereur",
                    [905] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Shada et purifiez les eaux à la lame de Shada.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Rédemptrice De la larme de Shada",
                    [906] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez les secrets cachés dans l'Archive du Sourcier.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Sourcière Tenace",
                    [907] =
                        ["description"] = "Empêchez une explosion de magie catastrophique dans la Cicatrice enchantée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Défenseur de la Cicatrice enchantée",
                    [908] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Yamanu-ko et mettez fin à la guerre d'Élinhir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Exaltée D'Élinhir",
                    [909] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez pourquoi les Célestes sont apparus à Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Enquêtrice Céleste",
                    [1102] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du chapeau blanc.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Chapeau blanc",
                    [1092] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques du lys des cimes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Lys des cimes",
                    [912] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez les 6 éclats célestes dans le haut Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes du haut Raidelorn",
                    [1091] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits alchimiques de l'épine-de-dragon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Épine-de-dragon",
                    [1085] =
                        ["description"] = "Préparez une spécialité supérieure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Chef de renom",
                    [1084] =
                        ["description"] = "Dans la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran, laissez quatre des étudiants de Nérien'eth survivre jusqu'à ce qu'il s'empare de la lame d'ébène, puis terrassez-les tous.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Le fil de la lame",
                    [916] =
                        ["description"] = "Attrapez les 12 poissons rares de Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophées",
                        ["name"] = "Pêcheuse De Raidelorn",
                    [1082] =
                        ["description"] = "Secourez tous les membres de l'expédition des Indomptables vers les Terres mortes de Mérunès Dagon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Sauveteur des Indomptables",
                    [1081] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez l'Archive æthérienne en moins de 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Course contre la montre : citadelle d'Hel Ra",
                    [1080] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez la citadelle d'Hel Ra en moins de 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Course contre la montre : citadelle d'Hel Ra",
                    [1079] =
                        ["description"] = "Réussissez une Épreuve hebdomadaire en 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Course contre la montre : hebdomadaire",
                    [1078] =
                        ["description"] = "Réussissez une Épreuve hebdomadaire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Réussir une Épreuve hebdomadaire",
                    [1075] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les boss des donjons de groupe du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Championne Du Domaine",
                    [1064] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions du Village des perdus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du Village des perdus",
                    [1063] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions de la Roue de Razak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la Roue de Razak",
                    [1062] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions des ruines de l'Esquille.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur des ruines de l'Esquille",
                    [1060] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez trois des champions du presbytère infâme.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur du presbytère infâme",
                    [1059] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez trois des champions de la crique écarlate",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la crique écarlate",
                    [1058] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez trois des champions de la chute des Rulanyil",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de la chute des Rulanyil",
                    [1055] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions de la Roue de Razak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante De la Roue de Razak",
                    [1054] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions des ruines de l'Esquille.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Des ruines de l'Esquille",
                    [1052] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les champions du presbytère infâme.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Conquérante Du presbytère infâme",
                    [1046] =
                        ["description"] = "Préparez un plat ou un breuvage supérieur et épique.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maître Chef",
                    [1045] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les traits des plantes alchimiques.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Botaniste",
                    [1042] =
                        ["description"] = "Faites appliquer par un personnage un enchantement légendaire qu'il a créé sur une pièce d'armure légendaire qu'il a créée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Vraiment légendaire",
                    [935] =
                        ["description"] = "Dominez le champ de bataille de la guerre d'alliances et devenez Impératrice de Tamriel.\r\n\r\nQue votre règne soit long et prospère !",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Impératrice !",
                    [936] =
                        ["description"] = "Démantelez les forces du Serpent et vainquez la Vipère exaltée.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Serpents et secrets",
                    [937] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez tous les lieux saisissants du haut Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Éclaireuse Du haut Raidelorn",
                    [1041] =
                        ["description"] = "Étudiez au moins une fois tous les traits existants.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Des traits",
                    [939] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 250 arachnakiens dans la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'arachnakiens Vétéran",
                    [940] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez 50 atronachs de chair dans la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Tueuse D'atronachs de chair Vétéran",
                    [941] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, le gardien de la chambre, l'amalgame Ilambris et Mezeluth, puis Nérien'eth dans les trente minutes après avoir commencé la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran. Le compte à rebours s'enclenche quand les portes s'ouvrent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Assassin de la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran",
                    [942] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez tous les autres mini boss et boss de la Crypte des cœurs Vétéran avant de vaincre Nérien'eth sans qu'un seul membre du groupe ne meure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Survivante De la Crypte",
                    [943] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le Domaine d'une menace planant en Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Une loi incontestée",
                    [944] =
                        ["description"] = "Vous avez contré la menace daedrique qui planait sur le bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Iconoclaste",
                    [945] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez le cœur de Val-boisé du mal qui le rongeait à Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "L'esprit des Bosmers",
                    [946] =
                        ["description"] = "Ramenez le Silvenar et la Dame Verte à leur place légitime à Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Entremetteuse",
                    [947] =
                        ["description"] = "Gravissez le sentier des deux Lunes à la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Les lunes sacrées",
                    [948] =
                        ["description"] = "Emprisonnez les Frères de la discorde aux Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Les cœurs des ténèbres",
                    [949] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez Deshaan de la destruction.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Exterminatrice De fléau",
                    [950] =
                        ["description"] = "Vous avez sauvé l'Hist de Fangeombre d'un grand péril.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Œuf et racine",
                    [951] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez le Roi-scalde d'un grand péril en Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Conflit familial",
                    [952] =
                        ["description"] = "Sauvez la Brèche du Culte du Ver.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Vestiges brisés",
                    [953] =
                        ["description"] = "Déjouez un complot sectaire en Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Destruction rituelle",
                    [954] =
                        ["description"] = "Mettez fin au cauchemar de Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Réveil brutal",
                    [955] =
                        ["description"] = "Libérez Fendretour du mal hématique et rétabli l'ordre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse De malédiction",
                    [956] =
                        ["description"] = "Rendez le repos éternel aux morts d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Terre sacrée",
                    [957] =
                        ["description"] = "Défiez Molag Bal à Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Brillante championne",
                    [958] =
                        ["description"] = "Chassez les troupes impériales de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "La fin d'un empire",
                    [959] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 Lames noires ennemies.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Pourfendeuse De Lames noires",
                    [960] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 sorciers ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Pourfendeuse De sorciers",
                    [961] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 templiers ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Pourfendeuse De templiers",
                    [962] =
                        ["description"] = "Tuez 100 chevaliers-dragons ennemis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Pourfendeuse De Chevaliers-dragons",
                    [963] =
                        ["description"] = "Aidez à prendre possession d'une exploitation (ferme, scierie ou mine) et d'un fort de Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Guerre d'Alliances",
                        ["name"] = "Soutenez le combat",
                    [964] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Glénumbrie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Glénumbrie",
                    [965] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Havre-tempête.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Havre-tempête",
                    [966] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Fendretour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Fendretour",
                    [967] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables du désert d'Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Du désert d'Alik'r.",
                    [968] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Bangkoraï.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Bangkoraï",
                    [969] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez toutes les grottes et le territoire du Domaine aldmeri.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Aldmeri",
                    [970] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables des Éboulis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Des Éboulis",
                    [971] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Deshaan",
                    [972] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Fangeombre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Fangeombre",
                    [973] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables d'Estemarche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice D'Estemarche",
                    [974] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de la Brèche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De la Brèche",
                    [975] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez tous les lieux remarquables de Morneroc et Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Morneroc et Bal Foyen",
                    [976] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables d'Auridia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice D'Auridia",
                    [977] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables du bois de Graht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Du bois de Graht",
                    [978] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Prasin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Prasin",
                    [979] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Malabal Tor",
                    [980] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de la marche de la Camarde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De la marche de la Camarde",
                    [981] =
                        ["description"] = "Explorez tous les lieux remarquables de Stros M'Kai et Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exploratrice De Stros M'Kai et Betnikh",
                    [982] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez toutes les grottes et le territoire de l'Alliance de Daguefilante.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Daguefilante",
                    [983] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez toutes les grottes et le territoire du Pacte de Cœurébène.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Cœurébène",
                    [984] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les six grottes et lieux remarquables de Havreglace.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice De Havreglace",
                    [985] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez les douze cavernes explorables du bas Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spéléologue du bas Raidelorn",
                    [986] =
                        ["description"] = "Découvrez et sécurisez toutes les grottes et le territoire du bas Raidelorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grande exploratrice Du bas Raidelorn",
                    [987] =
                        ["description"] = "Traduisez toutes les runes de puissance.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Puissance",
                    [1040] =
                        ["description"] = "Améliorez des objets forgés jusqu'à la plus haute qualité.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Forgeronne Légendaire",
                    [989] =
                        ["description"] = "Trouvez tous les éclats célestes éparpillés dans Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Éclats célestes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseuse D'éclats célestes de Tamriel",
                    [990] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez la Céleste Mage, pour la libérer du contrôle du Serpent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Archive æthérienne terminée",
                    [991] =
                        ["description"] = "Vous avez vaincu le Céleste Guerrier, ce qui l'a libéré du contrôle du Serpent.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Donjons",
                        ["name"] = "Citadelle d'Hel Ra terminée",
                    [992] =
                        ["description"] = "Conquérez tous les inscrits et gagnez le titre de championne de l'arène de l'Étoile du dragon !",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Championne De l'arène de l'Étoile du dragon",
                    [993] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 1 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Les Absous de Havreglace",
                    [994] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 1,5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Le Port",
                    [995] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 2 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Fille des géants",
                    [996] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 2,5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Chasseur d'ombres",
                    [997] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 3 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Château du Ver",
                    [998] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 3,5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Le Tharn parle",
                    [999] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 4 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Les salles du Tourment",
                    [1000] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 4,5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "La Vallée des Lames",
                    [1001] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "L'ombre de Sancre Tor",
                    [1002] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 5,5 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Le conseil des cinq compagnons",
                    [1003] =
                        ["description"] = "Terminez le chapitre 6 de la quête principale.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Seigneur des manigances",
                    [1004] =
                        ["description"] = "Rejoignez la guilde des mages.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Étudiante De la guilde des mages",
                    [1005] =
                        ["description"] = "Rejoignez la guilde des guerriers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Compagnon de la guilde des guerriers",
                    [1006] =
                        ["description"] = "Rejoignez les rangs des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Recrue des Indomptables",
                    [1007] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez un loup-garou.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Lycanthropie",
                    [1008] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez un vampire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Vampirisme",
                    [1009] =
                        ["description"] = "Atteignez le niveau maximal de la ligne de compétences loup-garou",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse louve",
                    [1010] =
                        ["description"] = "Maîtrisez les compétences du vampire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Vampire",
                    [1011] =
                        ["description"] = "Maîtrisez les compétences de la guilde des mages.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Érudite De la guilde des mages",
                    [1012] =
                        ["description"] = "Maîtrisez les compétences de la guilde des guerriers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Érudite De la guilde des guerriers",
                    [1013] =
                        ["description"] = "Maîtrisez les compétences des Indomptables.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Personnage",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse Indomptable",
                    [1014] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez l'exarque Arnoth et libérez Frôleciel de la Cour écailleuse et ses alliés.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Briseuse D'écailles",
                    [1015] =
                        ["description"] = "Terrassez Virmaril le traître et ses légions mortes-vivantes dans les catacombes de Frôleciel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Vainqueur de Virmaril",
                    [1016] =
                        ["description"] = "Vainquez Ætherion et réactivez les anciennes défenses nèdes dans le sommet de Frôleciel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quêtes",
                        ["name"] = "Sentinelle de l'apogée",
                    [1035] =
                        ["description"] = "Devenez une cuisinière de niveau 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtrisez la Cuisine",
                    [1018] =
                        ["description"] = "Démontez 100 objets.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Experte démonteuse",
                    [1019] =
                        ["description"] = "Démonter 1 000 objets.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse démonteuse",
                    [1020] =
                        ["description"] = "Raffinez 30 matières premières.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Apprentie raffineuse",
                    [1021] =
                        ["description"] = "Raffinez 300 matières premières.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Experte raffineuse",
                    [1022] =
                        ["description"] = "Raffinez 3 000 matières premières.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Maîtresse raffineuse",
                    [1023] =
                        ["description"] = "Étudier un trait pour n'importe quel type d'arme ou d'armure.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Artisanat",
                        ["name"] = "Découvrez un trait",
                ["de"] =
                    [1025] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt einen beliebigen Handwerksstil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Treu der Tradition",
                    [1028] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt 100 Rezepte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Rezeptkompendium",
                    [1030] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Handwerksstile der Allianzen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meister der Allianzstile",
                    [1031] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Alchemie.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisteralchemist",
                    [1032] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Schmiedekunst.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlicher Schmied",
                    [1033] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Schneiderei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlicher Schneider",
                    [1034] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Verzaubern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlicher Verzauberer",
                    [11] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Akash gra-Mal, Würgedorn und Stiftsvogt Oraneth im Eldengrund.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Eldengrund",
                    [1036] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Schreinern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlicher Schreiner",
                    [16] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht Stufe 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Held der 50. Stufe",
                    [17] =
                        ["description"] = "Erbeutet einen überlegenen Gegenstand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Überlegener Plünderer",
                    [18] =
                        ["description"] = "Erbeutet einen epischen Gegenstand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Epensammler",
                    [1043] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle seltenen Handwerksstile.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meister seltener Handwerksstile",
                    [1044] =
                        ["description"] = "Verbessert Schreinerwaren zu allen verfügbaren Qualitäten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Legendärer Schreiner",
                    [21] =
                        ["description"] = "Plündert 100 beliebige Schatztruhen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Schatzsucherexperte",
                    [22] =
                        ["description"] = "Plündert 1,000 beliebige Schatztruhen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Schatzsuchermeister",
                    [1048] =
                        ["description"] = "Verbessert Schneiderwaren zu allen verfügbaren Qualitäten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Legendärer Schneider",
                    [1049] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in Wurzelbruch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer von Wurzelbruch",
                    [1050] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions von Rulanyils Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer von Rulanyils Fall",
                    [1051] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions der Blutgrotten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Blutgrotten",
                    [28] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Faolchu den Wechselbalg und befreit die Stadt Camlorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Faolchus Fluch",
                    [1053] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions im Weihegrund des Finsteren.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Weihegrunds des Finsteren",
                    [30] =
                        ["description"] = "Helft den Wyrdinnen, ihre heiligen Haine und den Wyrdbaum von Angofs Verderbtheit zu befreien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Freund des Wyrd",
                    [31] =
                        ["description"] = "Durchkreuzt den nekromantischen Plan von Angof dem Grabessänger, Glenumbra zu erobern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Retter Glenumbras",
                    [1056] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions im Dorf der Verlorenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Dorfs der Verlorenen",
                    [1057] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in Wurzelbruch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Wurzelbruch",
                    [34] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 53 Quests in Glenumbra ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Glenumbra",
                    [35] =
                        ["description"] = "Tragt ausschließlich ein komplettes Set überlegener Gegenstände.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Überlegenes Gewand",
                    [36] =
                        ["description"] = "Tragt ausschließlich ein komplettes Set epischer Gegenstände.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Epengewand",
                    [1061] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions im Weihegrund des Finsteren.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Weihegrunds des Finsteren",
                    [38] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Humanoide, Goblinartige und Riesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Humanoiden|oschlächter",
                    [39] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet daedrische Kreaturen aus dem Reich des Vergessens.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Daedraschlächter",
                    [40] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet mechanische Dwemerkonstrukte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Konstruktzerstörer",
                    [41] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet verschiedene natürliche Kreaturen aus der Wildnis Tamriels und darüber hinaus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Naturschlächter",
                    [42] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Skelette, Zombies, Geister, Gespenster und Vampire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Untotenschlächter",
                    [1068] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions der offenen Verliese im Ebenherz-Pakt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Ebenherz-Pakts",
                    [1069] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions der offenen Verliese im Aldmeri-Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Aldmeri-Dominions",
                    [1070] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions der offenen Verliese im Dolchsturz-Bündnis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses",
                    [1071] =
                        ["description"] = "Bewältigt die angegebenen Zeit-Herausforderungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gegen die Uhr",
                    [1072] =
                        ["description"] = "Bewältigt die angegebenen Assassinen-Herausforderungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Bewältigt alle Assassinen-Herausforderungen",
                    [1073] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer der Gruppenverliese im Ebenherz-Pakt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Pakts",
                    [1074] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer der Gruppenverliese im Dolchsturz-Bündnis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Bündnisses",
                    [51] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt alle unten genannten Schlächter-Errungenschaften.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Meistermonster|oschlächter",
                    [54] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 500 Quests ab.\r\n\r\nHinweis: Wiederholbare Quests zählen für diese Errungenschaft jeweils nur beim ersten Abschluss.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteurer",
                    [55] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 1000 Quests ab.\r\n\r\nHinweis: Wiederholbare Quests zählen für diese Errungenschaft jeweils nur beim ersten Abschluss.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterabenteurer",
                    [56] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 1500 Quests ab.\r\n\r\nHinweis: Wiederholbare Quests zählen für diese Errungenschaft jeweils nur beim ersten Abschluss.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Unbezwingbarer Abenteurer",
                    [57] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 60 Quests in Sturmhafen ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Sturmhafen",
                    [58] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 42 Quests in Kluftspitze ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Kluftspitze",
                    [59] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 42 Quests in der Alik'r-Wüste ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [60] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 36 Quests in Bangkorai ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Bangkorai",
                    [61] =
                        ["description"] = "Beweist Euch als Abenteurer im Dolchsturz-Bündnis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses",
                    [1086] =
                        ["description"] = "Bereitet ein episches Gericht oder Getränk zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Epischer Versorger",
                    [1087] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Benediktenkrauts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Benediktenkraut",
                    [1088] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Wermuts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Wermut",
                    [1089] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Wiesenschaumkrauts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Wiesenschaum|okraut",
                    [1090] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Wolfsauges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Wolfsauge",
                    [67] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt 1,000 beliebige Handwerksmaterialien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Sammlermeister",
                    [68] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt 10,000 beliebige Handwerksmaterialien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Sammlergroßmeister",
                    [1093] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Akelei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Akelei",
                    [1094] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Kornblume.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Kornblume",
                    [1095] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Nirnwurz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Nirnwurz",
                    [1096] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Wasserhyazinthe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Wasserhyazinthe",
                    [1097] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Stinkmorchel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Stinkmorchel",
                    [1098] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des blauen Glöcklings.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Blauer Glöckling",
                    [1099] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Brechtäublings.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Brechtäubling",
                    [1100] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des violetten Tintlings.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Violetter Tintling",
                    [1101] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften von Namiras Fäulnis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Namiras Fäulnis",
                    [78] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Vorarbeiter Llothan, den Schwarmfürsten und den Wachposten von Rkugamz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Dunkelschatten|okavernen",
                    [79] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Ermittler Garron, Varaine Pellingare und Allene Pellingare.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Kanalisation von Wegesruh",
                    [80] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Erzmeister Siniel, den Knochengiganten und die Ilambris-Zwillinge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Krypta der Herzen",
                    [81] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Valaran Sturmrufer, Sturmfaust und Admiral Neidir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Orkaninsel",
                    [1106] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 50 Flammenkolosse in der Stadt der Asche (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Flammenkoloss|oschlächter-Veteran",
                    [1107] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Valkyn Skoria in der Stadt der Asche (Veteranen), ohne dass ein Gruppenmitglied getötet wird.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Tödlicher Überlebender der Totenländer",
                    [1108] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Valkyn Skoria innerhalb von dreißig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr den inneren Hain betretet.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Stadt der Asche",
                    [1111] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht die kulinarischen Traditionen der Dremora.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Ein Zuckerschlecken",
                    [88] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 10 feindliche Drachenritter.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Drachenritter|oschlächter",
                    [89] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 10 feindliche Zauberer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Zaubererschlächter",
                    [90] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 10 feindliche Templer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Templerschlächter",
                    [91] =
                        ["description"] = "Helft, einen Betrieb in Cyrodiil einzunehmen (Farm, Holzfällerlager oder Mine).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Nehmt einen Betrieb ein",
                    [92] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Euren ersten Rang im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Freiwilliger im Allianzkrieg",
                    [93] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Rekruten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Rekrut im Allianzkrieg",
                    [94] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Tyros im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Tyro im Allianzkrieg",
                    [95] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Legionärs im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Legionär im Allianzkrieg",
                    [96] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Veteranen im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran im Allianzkrieg",
                    [97] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Unteroffiziers im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Unteroffizier im Allianzkrieg",
                    [98] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Feldwebels im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Feldwebel im Allianzkrieg",
                    [99] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Leutnants im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Leutnant im Allianzkrieg",
                    [100] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Hauptmanns im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Hauptmann im Allianzkrieg",
                    [101] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Majors im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Major im Allianzkrieg",
                    [102] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Zenturios im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Zenturio im Allianzkrieg",
                    [103] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Oberst im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Oberst im Allianzkrieg",
                    [104] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Tribuns im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Tribun im Allianzkrieg",
                    [105] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Brigadiers im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Brigadier im Allianzkrieg",
                    [106] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Präfekten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Präfekt im Allianzkrieg",
                    [107] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Prätorianers im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Prätorianer im Allianzkrieg",
                    [108] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Palatinus im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Palatinus im Allianzkrieg",
                    [109] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Meisterpalatinus im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterpalatinus im Allianzkrieg",
                    [110] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Legaten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Legat im Allianzkrieg",
                    [111] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Generals im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "General im Allianzkrieg",
                    [112] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Kriegsfürsten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Kriegsfürst im Allianzkrieg",
                    [113] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Großkriegsfürsten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Großkriegsfürst im Allianzkrieg",
                    [114] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Feldherren im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Feldherr im Allianzkrieg",
                    [115] =
                        ["description"] = "Rächt Euch im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Gegenschlag",
                    [116] =
                        ["description"] = "Rächt Euch 10-mal im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Süße Vergeltung",
                    [117] =
                        ["description"] = "Rächt Euren ersten Verbündeten im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erste Rache",
                    [118] =
                        ["description"] = "Rächt 10 Verbündete im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Rechtfertigung",
                    [119] =
                        ["description"] = "Erzielt im Allianzkrieg einen Todesstoß mit weniger als 5 % Leben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Knappe Sache",
                    [120] =
                        ["description"] = "Erzielt im Allianzkrieg 5 Todesstöße mit weniger als 5 % Leben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Nahtoderlebnis",
                    [121] =
                        ["description"] = "Erzielt im Allianzkrieg 10 Todesstöße mit weniger als 5 % Leben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Nahtoderfahrung",
                    [122] =
                        ["description"] = "Nehmt im Allianzkrieg Eure erste Burg ein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Burgeinnahme",
                    [1147] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 25 Handwerksschriebe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Handwerksfleiß",
                    [1148] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 150 Handwerksschriebe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Mit Brief und Siegel",
                    [1149] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 250 Handwerksschriebe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Schriebe bis zum Himmel",
                    [1150] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt ein Gelöbnis der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gelöbniserfüller",
                    [1151] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 10 Gelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Wiederkehrender Unerschrockener",
                    [1152] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 50 Gelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Täglich Unerschrocken",
                    [1153] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 100 Gelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Majs Helfer",
                    [1154] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt ein Veteranengelöbnis der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Bewiesenes Gegenteil",
                    [1155] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 10 Veteranengelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Noch nicht der letzte Atemzug",
                    [1156] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 50 Veteranengelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Erneut dem Tod entkommen",
                    [1157] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt 100 Veteranengelöbnisse der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Glirions Vasall",
                    [134] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet im Allianzkrieg einen feindlichen Großfeldherren.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Tötet einen Großfeldherren",
                    [135] =
                        ["description"] = "Fügt Spielern in Cyrodiil 1.000.000 Schaden zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Etwas Schaden",
                    [136] =
                        ["description"] = "Fügt Spielern in Cyrodiil 5.000.000 Schaden zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Viel Schaden",
                    [137] =
                        ["description"] = "Fügt Spielern in Cyrodiil 100.000.000 Schaden zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Unmengen an Schaden",
                    [138] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 1.000.000 Schaden bei Spielern in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Heiler",
                    [139] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 5.000.000 Schaden bei Spielern in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Großer Heiler",
                    [140] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 100.000.000 Schaden bei Spielern in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterheiler",
                    [141] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 bretonische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Bretonenschlächter",
                    [145] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhindert, dass die Reikmannen Immerfort angreifen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Verteidiger von Immerfort",
                    [146] =
                        ["description"] = "Befreit die Bangkorai-Garnison von den Invasoren.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Befreier der Bangkorai-Garnison",
                    [147] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet Großkönig Emeric aus den Fängen der Septima Tharn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Retter von Großkönig Emeric",
                    [148] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Zweigling Baumfraß auf der Ödnisinsel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Baumfraßs Mörder",
                    [149] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Dayarrus die Xivilai in Arlimaheras Heiligtum.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Dayarrus Todesbringer",
                    [150] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Frostatronachenmonarchen Nomeg Hyril in den Nilatafällen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Nomeg Hyrils Henker",
                    [151] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Liche Qumehdi und Zaman in den Ruinen von Telesubi.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Lichschlächter",
                    [152] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Beschwörerin Caecilia Attius und ihre Diener im Beschwörerlager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Beschwörer|oschlächter",
                    [153] =
                        ["description"] = "Vernichtet den Geist Garach Wolfvater und seine Werwolfgeister im Flusswacht-Turm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Exorzist des Wolfvaters",
                    [154] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Omen des wachsamen Auges und setzt dem Verfolgungswahn in Alcaire ein Ende.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Traumschlächter",
                    [155] =
                        ["description"] = "Bringt die Traumscherbe zurück in die Abtei der Ausgestoßenen und stellt den Frieden in Menevia wieder her.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Champion der Geisthüter",
                    [156] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Omen des Sternezählens und setzt den Besessenheiten, die Gavaudon befallen haben, ein Ende.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Azuras Verbündeter",
                    [158] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Riesenspinne Aesar die Hassweberin in Aesars Netz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Jäger der Hassspinnerin",
                    [159] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Gargyl Menhir Steinhaut beim Turm von Talwacht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Menhirjäger",
                    [160] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Nekromantin Louna Dunkelblut in der Altkargonsburg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Dunkelblut-Jäger",
                    [161] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Vettel Magdalena in Magdalenas Schlupfwinkel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Vetteljäger",
                    [162] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Ork Stroda gra-Drom bei der Ostfels-Anlandung.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Strodas Assassine",
                    [163] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Nereïde Desuuga die Sirene an der Bucht der Sirene.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Sirenenjäger",
                    [1190] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt erfolgreich aus den Taschen eines Bürgers Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Beutelgreifer",
                    [1191] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt erfolgreich aus den Taschen von 100 Bürgern Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Beuteldieb",
                    [1192] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt erfolgreich aus den Taschen von 1,000 Bürgern Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Beutelmeister",
                    [1193] =
                        ["description"] = "Entkommt erfolgreich einer Wache, nachdem Ihr gestellt wurdet und die Flucht ergriffen habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Schnipp und weg",
                    [1194] =
                        ["description"] = "Entkommt erfolgreich 100 Wachen, nachdem Ihr gestellt wurdet und die Flucht ergriffen habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Fluchtkünstler",
                    [1195] =
                        ["description"] = "Bezahlt auf einmal 1,000 Gold oder mehr, um für Eure Taten gegen Bürger Tamriels zu sühnen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Wiedergutmachung",
                    [1196] =
                        ["description"] = "Bezahlt insgesamt 100,000 Gold an Hehler oder Wachen, um für Eure Taten gegen Bürger Tamriels zu sühnen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Verbrecher zahlen aus?",
                    [1197] =
                        ["description"] = "Verdient Euch 1,000 Gold durch Verkäufe an Hehler.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Unrechtmäßiges Einkommen",
                    [1198] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt eine Wertkassette und nehmt ihren Inhalt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Wertkassetten|ogreifer",
                    [1199] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt 10 Wertkassetten und nehmt ihren Inhalt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Wertkassettenplünderer",
                    [176] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Glenumbra",
                    [177] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Sturmhafen",
                    [178] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Kluftspitze.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Kluftspitze",
                    [1203] =
                        ["description"] = "Gebt 100 Gold aus, um Gegenstände durch Hehler zu schieben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Beuteschubser",
                    [180] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Bangkorai",
                    [181] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Steinfälle",
                    [1206] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt erfolgreich eine verschlossene Tür.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Einbrecher",
                    [1207] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt erfolgreich 50 verschlossene Türen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Verstohlener Einbrecher",
                    [184] =
                        ["description"] = "Nehmt dem Dominion die Fähigkeit, Hauträuber zu erschaffen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Hauträuber",
                    [185] =
                        ["description"] = "Beschützt die argonischen Eier, damit eine neue Generation geboren werden kann.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Eierbewahrer",
                    [186] =
                        ["description"] = "Holt das Mnemische Ei vom Dominion zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wächter des mnemischen Eis",
                    [187] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Wamasuchampion Haynekhtnamet in seinem Versteck.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Haynekhtnamets Jäger",
                    [188] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Ogerbrüder Argalog und Vlaga in Xal Thak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Folterer der Ogerbrüder",
                    [189] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den ayleïdischen Mumienfürsten Talkynd in Nen Ria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Mörder des Mumienfürsten",
                    [190] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Kapitän Knochen und seine untote Mannschaft an Bord ihres Schiffes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer von Kapitän Knochen",
                    [191] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Daedroth Urrai in der Bitterwurzhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Urrais Fluch",
                    [192] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Sklavenjäger Rendrasa im Lager der Sklavenjäger.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Untergang der Sklavenjäger",
                    [193] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Schattenfenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Schattenfenn",
                    [194] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet die vermissten Dorfbewohner von Ödfels und schickt sie nach Hause.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held von Ödfels",
                    [195] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Champion des Zwistschwarm-Kwamanests.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zwistschwarm-Auslöscher",
                    [196] =
                        ["description"] = "Betretet die Höhle der Erinnerungen und tötet den Aschländer-Wächter.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erinnerungszerstörer",
                    [197] =
                        ["description"] = "Überlebt die Schlammkrabben am Schiffbruchstrand und tötet Schalenknacker, die kannibalistische Krabbe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Schalenknacker",
                    [198] =
                        ["description"] = "Stürmt den Strand beim Gelege der Matrone, erschlagt die Dreughmatronen und setzt der Bedrohung durch die Dreugheierhüter ein Ende.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Dreughzerstörer",
                    [199] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört die Goldene Heilige am Schauderschrein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Geheiligter Schlächter",
                    [200] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Netchbullen Ozzacha im Hain des Brahmas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Netchwürger",
                    [201] =
                        ["description"] = "Vernichtet Balreth und versetzt den Bruder des Zwistes wieder in Schlaf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Balreths Fluch",
                    [202] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Armatur der Inneren See.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Armatur der Inneren See",
                    [203] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Glutkieselmine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Glutkieselmine",
                    [204] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet General Serien und haltet die Invasion durch das Bündnis auf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "General Seriens Niedergang",
                    [205] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Mephalas Nest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Mephalas Nest",
                    [206] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Flutwassergrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Flutwassergrube",
                    [207] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Feinlehmkaverne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Feinlehmkaverne",
                    [208] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Sheogoraths Zunge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Sheogoraths Zunge",
                    [209] =
                        ["description"] = "Vernichtet Sadal und rettet Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sadals Entthroner",
                    [210] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den großen Werwolf Zornpfote in Zornpfotes Versteck.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zorntatzen-Jäger",
                    [211] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den bretonischen Nekromanten Vivien Armene auf dem Drachengrab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Armenes Fluch",
                    [212] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Vampir Olveidi die Rattenmeisterin in den Jagdgründen der Rattenmeisterin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Rattenmeister-Zerstörer",
                    [213] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet das wilde Mammut Mannskadi in Drachensegen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Mannskadis Zermalmer",
                    [214] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die große Säbelzahnkatze Ammabani bei Ammabanis Rudel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Ammabanis Untergang",
                    [215] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Ilessanischen Turm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des ilessanischen Turms",
                    [216] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Silumm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Silumm",
                    [217] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Enduum.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Enduum",
                    [218] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Minen von Khuras.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Minen von Khuras",
                    [219] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ebenerzgruft.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ebenerzgruft",
                    [220] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Feste Gruftwacht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Feste Gruftwacht",
                    [221] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Falbhafenwacht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Falbhafenwacht",
                    [222] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Mine von Koeglin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Mine von Koeglin",
                    [223] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Katakomben der Ausgestoßenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Katakomben der Ausgestoßenen",
                    [224] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Farangels Verweilen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Farangels Verweilen",
                    [225] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Bärenprankenmine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Bärenprankenmine",
                    [226] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Norvulk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Norvulk",
                    [227] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Mine von Schattenkamm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Mine von Schattenkamm",
                    [228] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Deckblattkatakomben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Deckblattkatakomben",
                    [229] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Kummerkrypta.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kummerkrypta",
                    [230] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Orkfinger.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Orkfinger",
                    [231] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Erokii.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Erokii",
                    [232] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Hildunes geheime Zuflucht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Hildunes geheimer Zuflucht",
                    [245] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Atanaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Atanaz",
                    [246] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Bruchhauer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Bruchhauer",
                    [247] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Chid-Moska.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Chid-Moska",
                    [248] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Gandranen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Gandranen",
                    [249] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Kwamamine von Onkobra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kwamamine von Onkobra",
                    [250] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Schrein des Schwarzen Schlunds.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Schreinforscher des Schwarzen Schlunds",
                    [251] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Höhle der Frostsenke.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Frostsenke",
                    [252] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Eishammers Gruft.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Eishammers Gruft",
                    [253] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Höhle des Alten Sord.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Höhle des Alten Sord",
                    [254] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Eisige Grotte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der eisigen Grotte",
                    [255] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Sturmhang-Krypta.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Sturmhang-Krypta",
                    [256] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert das Grabmal des Bastards.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Grabmals des Bastards",
                    [257] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den großen Bär Beralagr in Gurings Lager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Beralagrs Jäger",
                    [258] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört Tjormar und die ertrunkene Horde am Bitterspitzstrand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Dezimierer der ertrunkenen Horde",
                    [259] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den wilden Ork, Dugan den Roten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Dugans Vernichter",
                    [260] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Würger Knochengreifer in seinem Versteck.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Knochengreifers Fluch",
                    [261] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Nereïdenkönigin Tallatta die Schimmernde in der Kluftgrotte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Tallattas Auslöscher",
                    [262] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Schädelbrecher den Meerestroll am Windzugstrand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Schädelbrecher",
                    [263] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Kommandantin Faldethil von den Grünen Jägern am Flussufer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Grüner Sieger",
                    [264] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Fürstin Llarels Unterschlupf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Fürstin Llarels Unterschlupf",
                    [265] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Unterbthanual.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Unterbthanual",
                    [266] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Dreikreismine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Dreikreismine",
                    [267] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Taleons Klippe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Taleons Klippe",
                    [268] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Klingenohrgrotte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Klingenohrgrotte",
                    [269] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Leichengarten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Leichengartens",
                    [270] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Deshaan",
                    [272] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Uralten Wamasu, die Sangesherrin der Lamien und die Königin der Lamien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Arx Corinium",
                    [274] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Totmannsend.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Totmannsend",
                    [275] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den riesigen Kagouti Kurzhorn auf Kurzhorns Hügelchen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Kurzhorns Jäger",
                    [276] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet die Leichenhülle, die Abscheulichkeit, im Hain der Abscheulichkeit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Schlächter der Abscheulichkeit",
                    [277] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den riesigen Troll Scharfzahn in verwüstetes Dornfleck.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Scharfzahns Mörder",
                    [278] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört den Schatten der Mabrigash beim Mabrigash-Begräbniszirkel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Schatten der Mabrigash",
                    [279] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Dremoraritualisten Druitularg an Druitulargs Ritualaltar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Druitulargs Fluch",
                    [280] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den riesigen Guar Bittergrün den Wilden auf der Karawanenkuppe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Bittergrüns Befreier",
                    [281] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Schwarzrankenruinen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Schwarzrankenruinen",
                    [282] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Wurzeln von Silvenar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Wurzeln von Silvenar",
                    [283] =
                        ["description"] = "Deckt den Plan des Bluthundes auf, die Grüne Dame nach Silvenar zu locken.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hundezwinger",
                    [284] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet den Silvenar vor seinen Entführern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Freund des Silvenars",
                    [285] =
                        ["description"] = "Vereint den Silvenar mit der Grünen Dame.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held von Farn und Blatt",
                    [286] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Shael.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Shael",
                    [287] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Auridon",
                    [288] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Dels Grube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Dels Grube",
                    [289] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Ondil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Ondil",
                    [290] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Entilas Torheit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Entilas Torheit",
                    [291] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Wansalen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Wansalen",
                    [292] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Mehrunes Tücke.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Mehrunes Tücke",
                    [293] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Bewan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Bewan",
                    [294] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Goblin-Kriegshäuptling und den Dreughkönig in der Pilzgrotte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Pilzgrotte",
                    [296] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Malabal Tor",
                    [297] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert das Grabmal der Abtrünnigen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Grabmals der Abtrünnigen",
                    [298] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Reifzeckengrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Reifzeckengrube",
                    [299] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in Sanguines Domäne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Sanguines Domäne",
                    [300] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die sechs Champions in Sanguines Domäne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer von Sanguines Domäne",
                    [301] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Schwarmmutter und die Flüsterin in den Spindeltiefen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Spindeltiefen",
                    [303] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Molag Bals Folterknechte Kathutet, Amkaos und Ranyu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Vergehen des Folterers",
                    [304] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die drei Ogrimbrüder Großwanst, Schweinskopf und Stutzer an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Unterwerfer der Ogrimbrüder",
                    [305] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Dremorapiraten Velekh Sain an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Schlächter der Dremorapiraten",
                    [306] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Dremorareisenden Methats, Vonshala und Sumeer an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Schlächter der reisenden Dremora",
                    [307] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Menta Na, Molag Bals liebsten Daedroth, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Daedrothgünstlinge",
                    [308] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Yggmanei, Molag Bals besten Spion, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Schließt das Immeroffene Auge",
                    [309] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Daedroth Hrelvesuu an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Hrelvesuus Fluch",
                    [310] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Rhagothan, den Verschlinger der Seelen, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer des Verschlingers der Seelen",
                    [311] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Nomeg Haga, den riesigen Frostatronachen von Kalthafen, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer des Frostfürsten",
                    [312] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Zymel Hriz, den riesigen Sturmatronachen von Kalthafen, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer des Sturmfürsten",
                    [313] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Xivilai-Folterknechte Anaxes und Medrike an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Xivilai-Sklavenmeister",
                    [314] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Schwestern Vika, Dylora und Jansa, die Dunklen Verführerinnen, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Verführerischen Schwestern",
                    [315] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt König Styriche von Verkarth und seine Gefährten Fangaril und Zayzahad an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Verkarth-Vampire",
                    [316] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Fürst Dregas Volar, den Besitzer des daedrischen Halbmonds, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Sichelmond-Dremora",
                    [317] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Gedna Relvel, den Lich von Gramfeste, an einem Dunklen Anker.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer des Lichs von Gramfeste",
                    [318] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet alle Generäle Molag Bals, die an den Dunklen Ankern erscheinen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Generalshenker",
                    [322] =
                        ["description"] = "Löst die Schlösser an den Dunklen Ankern, um die Ketten zurück nach Kalthafen zu schicken.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Kettenbrecher",
                    [324] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört 10 Dunkle Anker aus Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Ankerzerstörer",
                    [325] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Schattenriss und Sippenhochfürst Rilis in den Verbannungszellen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Verbannungszellen",
                    [328] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Rift",
                    [329] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Faldars Zahn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Faldars Zahn",
                    [330] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Bruchhelmhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Bruchhelmhöhle",
                    [331] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Avancheznel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Avancheznel",
                    [332] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Feste Grünwall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Feste Grünwall",
                    [333] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert das Schleierheim-Hügelgrab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Schleierheim-Hügelgrabs",
                    [334] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Beinbruchhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Beinbruchhöhle",
                    [335] =
                        ["description"] = "Vertreibt das Reik aus Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Vertreiber des Reiks",
                    [336] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Thallik Wurmvater und zerschlagt den Wurmkult.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wurmquetscher",
                    [337] =
                        ["description"] = "Schickt Sinmur zurück in sein Grab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ysgramors Wunder",
                    [340] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Vila Theran innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr die erste Gruppe von Spinnenkultisten angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Pilzgrotte",
                    [342] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Vila Theran, ohne dass ein Mitglied Eurer Gruppe den Schutz der Obsidianhülle benutzt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Furchtloser Anstürmer",
                    [343] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Gamye Bandu, Mephalas Brut und Vila Theran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schattenschlächter|oveteran",
                    [345] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Indur-sa und die khajiitischen Jäger im Jägerlager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Fluch der khajiitischen Jäger",
                    [346] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Trolle Frostgeifer und Graupelklaue in der Trollhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Trolltöter",
                    [347] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Frostatronachen Nomeg Rine in der gefrorenen Ruine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer des Frostatronachen",
                    [348] =
                        ["description"] = "Bringt den Geist Ghoragham im verlassenen Lager zur ewigen Ruhe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Geisterbanner",
                    [349] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Langschritt den Riesen und sein Mammut im Riesenlager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Riesenschlächter",
                    [350] =
                        ["description"] = "Verscheucht Aereus die Irrlichtmutter aus dem Irrlichthain.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Irrlichtmutterntilger",
                    [351] =
                        ["description"] = "Beendet die Bedrohung durch die Nekromanten auf dem Seelenfeuerplateau und rächt die 1. Auridon-Seesoldaten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Seesoldatenrächer",
                    [352] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Quenyas, den Anführer der Banditen in Auridon, im Meereshanglager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Banditenfürsten-Kopfgeldjäger",
                    [353] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Kapitän Blanchete beim Wrack der Raptor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Vernichter des Geisterkapitäns",
                    [354] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Clannbann-Champion Schnappkiefer und beendet das Ermorden Unschuldiger bei den Beschwörungen des Ketzers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Schnappkiefers Fluch",
                    [355] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Riesenschlange, die als Nestmutter bekannt ist, in ihrem Bau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Auslöscher der Nestmutter",
                    [356] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Anarume im Bewährungslager des Schleiererbes, um seinen Verrat zu beenden.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Anarumes Kopfgeldjäger",
                    [357] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Wächter der Flamme, den verstärkten Frostatronachen und Drodda von Eiskap in der Burg Grauenfrost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Burg Grauenfrost",
                    [360] =
                        ["description"] = "Richtet den Verräter in Tanzelwil im Namen von Königin Ayrenn hin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Lüftet den ersten Schleier",
                    [361] =
                        ["description"] = "Infiltriert das Schleiererbe und lüftet sein Geheimnis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Lüftet den zweiten Schleier",
                    [362] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die daedrische Armee und ihren Anführer in Ersthalt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Lüftet den dritten Schleier",
                    [363] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Merdyndril den Alchimisten in der Obsidianschlucht und setzt der Llodos-Seuche ein Ende.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Seuchenender",
                    [364] =
                        ["description"] = "Befreit den Tempel des Tribunals von den einfallenden daedrischen Truppen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Tempelritter",
                    [365] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Magistra Vox in der Phantomsenke und stellt den Frieden in Deshaan wieder her.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Vox' Verderbnis",
                    [367] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in Krähenwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Krähenwald",
                    [368] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in Krähenwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer von Krähenwald",
                    [369] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in den vergessenen Krypten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der vergessenen Krypten",
                    [370] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in den vergessenen Krypten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der vergessenen Krypten",
                    [371] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den einsamen Riesen und seine wütenden Mammuts in der Löwengrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in der Löwengrube",
                    [372] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Kampfmeister Grel und seine Adepten in Sanguines Domäne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in Sanguines Domäne",
                    [373] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in der Löwengrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Löwengrube",
                    [374] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in der Löwengrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Löwengrube",
                    [375] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in der Halle der Toten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Halle der Toten",
                    [376] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in der Halle der Toten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Halle der Toten",
                    [377] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in der Obsidiannarbe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Obsidiannarbe",
                    [378] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in der Obsidiannarbe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Obsidiannarbe",
                    [379] =
                        ["description"] = "Vernichtet die Seelenerscheinungen in Krähenwald, um Ghyslain zu beschwören und ihn zu vernichten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis im Krähenwald",
                    [380] =
                        ["description"] = "Erschlagt die Riesenschlangenmutter im Weihegrund des Finsteren.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis im Weihegrund",
                    [381] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Reynir den Zerstörer und seine Diener in der Halle der Toten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in der Halle der Toten",
                    [382] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Riesenbären Graufang am Seeblick.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Graufangs Jäger",
                    [383] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Schlurfer Beinschänder am westlichen Ausblick.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Beinschänders Schlächter",
                    [384] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet den Werwolf Salazar den Wolf im Wolfslager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Werwolffluch",
                    [385] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Blutdorn-Zombie Asard den Verfaulten am Nordufer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Asards Assassine",
                    [386] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Riesenkrokodil Klappkiefer in Klappkiefers Bucht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Klappkiefers Auflauerer",
                    [387] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Nekromanten Grivier Blutrufer auf der Leidensfeuerinsel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Untergang des Blutrufers",
                    [388] =
                        ["description"] = "Beendet die Kwamaplage und tötet die Kwamawächter in den Vergessenen Krypten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in den Vergessene Krypten",
                    [389] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in der Zahnbrecherrinne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Zahnbrecherrinne",
                    [390] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in der Zahnbrecherrinne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Zahnbrecherrinne",
                    [391] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Quintus Verres, Bebenschuppe, und die Konstrukte der Wächter in Volenfell.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Volenfell",
                    [393] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Rudel, die Bestienmeisterin und die Lavakönigin in der Gesegneten Feuerprobe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Gesegneten Feuerprobe",
                    [395] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in der Verlorenen Stadt der Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Verlorenen Stadt",
                    [396] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in der Verlorenen Stadt der Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Verlorenen Stadt",
                    [397] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Steinfälle",
                    [398] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 3 Himmelsscherben in Ödfels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Ödfels",
                    [399] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Schlammkrabbe Titanenschere am Schlammkrabbenstrand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Knacker der Titanenschere",
                    [400] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die alte Witwe Seide und die Blutweberinnen im Spinnennest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Spinnenschlächter",
                    [401] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Brutmutter der Dreugh in den Dreughwassern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörer der Brutkönigin",
                    [402] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Daedroth Gar Xuu Gar und seine Diener auf dem verlassenen Hof.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Gar Xuu Gars Fluch",
                    [403] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Oger mit dem Namen Cousin Gerippe in Gerippes Speisekammer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Cousin Gerippes Niedergang",
                    [404] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Sturmatronachen Zymel Kruz am uralten Altar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Die Krux mit Kruz",
                    [405] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 3 Himmelsscherben in Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Bal Foyen",
                    [406] =
                        ["description"] = "Springt von der Nase des Trauernden Riesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Voll auf die Nase",
                    [407] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 3 Himmelsscherben in Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Stros M'Kai",
                    [408] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 3 Himmelsscherben in Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Betnikh",
                    [409] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Glenumbra",
                    [410] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Atarus, die Hortmutter und Kapitän Schwarzherz im Schwarzherz-Unterschlupf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Schwarzherz-Unterschlupfs",
                    [412] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Santaki.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Santaki",
                    [413] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in der Alik'r-Wüste.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [414] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Mine von Divads Verdruss.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Mine von Divads Verdruss",
                    [415] =
                        ["description"] = "Rekrutiert alle drei berühmten Freibeuter auf Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Berüchtigter Anwerber",
                    [416] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Aldunz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Aldunz",
                    [417] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Langkralle, Faulfell und Selene in Selenes Netz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Selenes Netz",
                    [419] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Kaltfelsgrabungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kaltfelsgrabungen",
                    [420] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Sandumtoste Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Sandumtosten Mine",
                    [421] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Blutgolem, Praxins Geist und Vorenor Winterkind in den Spindeltiefen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Spindeltiefen",
                    [423] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Yldzuun.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Yldzuun",
                    [424] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Ostmarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Ostmarsch",
                    [425] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört die verdorbenen Pflanzenwesen in der Todsanggrube in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Todsangfäller",
                    [426] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den großen Ozur den Oger im Tal des großen Ozurs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Fluch des großen Ozur",
                    [427] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Königin der Drei Gnaden und ihre Gefolgschaft an den Wassertänzerfällen in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Gnadenmörder",
                    [428] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Grabrufer Niramo und seine dunkle „Tochter“ Varien am Schnitterhenge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Unheil des Grabrufers",
                    [429] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Daedroth Ysolmarr den wandelnden Scheiterhaufen nahe der Docks des alten S'ren-ja in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Ysolmarrs Fall",
                    [430] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Vampir Befehlshaber Nur-Dro bei Ushmals Ruhe in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Nur-dros Niedergang",
                    [431] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 6 Himmelsscherben in Khenartis Rast.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Khenarthis Rast",
                    [432] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Aba-Loria-Höhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Aba-Loria",
                    [433] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Grotte der Laster.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Grotte der Laster",
                    [434] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Höhle der Trophäen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Höhle der Trophäen",
                    [435] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert das Gewölbe von Haman Schmiedefeuer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Schmiedefeuer-Gewölbes",
                    [436] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Mal Sorras Grabmal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Mal Sorras Grabmal",
                    [437] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Höhle des Wehklagenden Schlunds.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Wehklagenden Schlunds",
                    [438] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Kalthafen",
                    [439] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Daedroth Sthorha die Rasende in Aba-Darre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Sthorhas Unheil",
                    [440] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Eisgeist Duriatundur auf Duriatundurs Schlachtfeld.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Eisgeistjäger",
                    [441] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den uralten Dwemerzenturio Zemarek-thul in Zemareks Senke.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Untergang des Zenturios",
                    [442] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Daedratrio Nolagha, Keggagiha und Rsolignag bei der Daedroth-Fütterung.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Jäger dreier Daedroth",
                    [443] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Dremora-Nekromantin Brolsgerbwd beim erhobenen Hof.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Brolsgerbwds Fluch",
                    [444] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Ernterin Cynhamoth in Cynhamoths Hain.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Cynhamoths Ende",
                    [445] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die untoten Horden von Hergor dem Gefallenen in Rulanyils Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in Rulanyils Fall",
                    [446] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Vorenor Winterkind innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr die erste Gruppe von unterworfener Krieger angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Spindeltiefen",
                    [448] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Vorenor Winterkind, ohne unschuldige Opfer, die in seinen Gemächern gefangen sind, zu töten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Barmherziger Held",
                    [449] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Sippenhochfürst Rilis innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr die erste Gruppe von verbannten Skeletten angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Verbannungszellen",
                    [451] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Sippenhochfürst Rilis, solange noch mindestens drei Daedroth leben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verfluchter Held",
                    [452] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Schnittermark",
                    [453] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Kunas Grabung.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Kunas Grabung",
                    [454] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Thibauts Steingrab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Thibauts Steingrab",
                    [455] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Heulwindhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Heulwindhöhle",
                    [456] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Krallenhieb.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Krallenhieb",
                    [457] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Fardirs Torheit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Fardirs Torheit",
                    [458] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Jodeslicht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Jodeslicht",
                    [459] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Dunkelwurz, Düsterlicht und Bogdan die Nachtflamme in Eldengrund.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Eldengrunds",
                    [460] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Flachzahn und seine Vasallen in den Blutgrotten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in den Blutgrotten",
                    [461] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Bogdan die Nachtflamme innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr die erste Gruppe von Daedra angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran des Eldengrunds",
                    [463] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Bogdan die Nachtflamme nachdem Ihr das Opus der Qual gelesen habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Geschlossenes Kapitel",
                    [464] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den verwandelten Schwarmfürst, Grobull den Verwandelten und den Maschinenwächter in den Dunkelschattenkavernen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Dunkelschatten|okavernen",
                    [465] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend den Maschinenwächter innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr die erste Gruppe von Kwama angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Dunkelschatten|okavernen",
                    [467] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Maschinenwächter, ohne dass ein Gruppenmitglied einen Maschinenhebel umlegt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Tödlicher Ingenieur",
                    [468] =
                        ["description"] = "Vernichtet Blutwurz und ihre Wächterinnen in der Zahnbrecherrinne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in der Zahnbrecherrinne",
                    [469] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die verdammten Kreaturen aus Graccus Frostexperimenten im Düsteren Herrenhaus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis im Düsteren Herrenhaus",
                    [470] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Knochenkrämer und dessen Häscher in den Ruinen von Wurzelbruch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in Wurzelbruch",
                    [471] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Glenumbra",
                    [472] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Sturmhafen",
                    [473] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Kluftspitze.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Kluftspitze",
                    [474] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in der Alik'r-Wüste.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [475] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Bangkorai",
                    [476] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Fischerei-Errungenschaften im Dolchsturz-Bündnis ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Fischer des Bündnisses",
                    [477] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Steinfälle",
                    [478] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Deshaan",
                    [479] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Schattenfenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Schattenfenn",
                    [480] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Ostmarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Ostmarsch",
                    [481] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Rift",
                    [482] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Fischerei-Errungenschaften im Ebenherz-Pakt ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Fischer des Paktes",
                    [483] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Auridon",
                    [484] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Grahtwald",
                    [485] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Grünschatten",
                    [486] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Malabal Tor",
                    [487] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Schnittermark",
                    [488] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Fischerei-Errungenschaften im Aldmeri-Dominion ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Fischer des Dominions",
                    [489] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler Cyrodiils",
                    [490] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Kalthafen",
                    [491] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt einen seltenen Eltherischen Zackenbarsch in Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Stros M'Kai",
                    [492] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt einen seltenen Pyandonesischen Rochen in Khenartis Rast.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Khenartis Rast",
                    [493] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt einen seltenen Vvardenfell-Parma in Ödfels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Ödfels",
                    [494] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Fischerei-Errungenschaften ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterfischer",
                    [495] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Dünenbrecher Mutter Sande bei der vergessenen Karawane.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Sturz der Dünenbrecherin",
                    [496] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Riesen einsamer Vater im Riesenlager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Unheil des einsamen Vaters",
                    [497] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Vettelschwestern Igazkad, Orochar und Ukha im Vettellager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Vettelaufruhr",
                    [498] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Korignah die Ernterin in der Höhle der Einsamen Herzen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Korignahs Fluch",
                    [499] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Mumienkönig bei der Ruhe des Königs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Mörder des Mumienkönigs",
                    [500] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Goldene Heilige Staada im Niederen Kreis.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Heiligenschlächter",
                    [510] =
                        ["description"] = "Beschützt den Hof des Wildkönigs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Waldläufer des Hofes",
                    [511] =
                        ["description"] = "Beendet die Bedrohung durch das Schleiererbe in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Schleierlüfter",
                    [512] =
                        ["description"] = "Merzt die Verderbnis in Valenwald aus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Beschützer Valenwalds",
                    [515] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Sturmhafen",
                    [516] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Uwafa und holt die Wehr der Ansei zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Uwafas Niedergang",
                    [517] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Alasan und bringt die Wehr der Ansei zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Alasans Vernichtung",
                    [518] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die verdorrte Hand und holt alle Wehren der Ansei zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held der Ash'abah",
                    [524] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt alle Lichter von Meridia in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Meridias Lichtträger",
                    [525] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhindert, dass die Maomer einen Orkan heraufbeschwören, der Khenartis Rast zerstört.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Fluch der Maormer",
                    [526] =
                        ["description"] = "Schreitet bei jedem Fall von Skoomamißbrauch in Khenartis Rast ein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Keine Macht dem Skooma",
                    [536] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhelft der Klanmutter von Arenthia zu neuer Macht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Helfer der Klanmutter",
                    [537] =
                        ["description"] = "Bindet die Dunkle Mähne an sein Gefängnis unterhalb von Mondhöhe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Einkerkerer der Dunklen Mähne",
                    [538] =
                        ["description"] = "Beschreitet den Pfad der Zwei Monde mit der nächsten Mähne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadgänger der Zwei Monde",
                    [539] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Trollzahnstocher.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher vom Trollzahnstocher",
                    [540] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Torogstrotz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Torogstrotz",
                    [541] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Krypta der Verstoßenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Krypta der Verstoßenen",
                    [542] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Immergrüne Wacht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Immergrünen Wacht",
                    [543] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Trümmersporn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Trümmersporns",
                    [544] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Klathzgar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Klathzgar",
                    [545] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Schlund des Infernalen, Hüterin Imiril und Sippenhochfürst Rilis in den Verbannungszellen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Champion der Verbannungszellen",
                    [547] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Deshaan",
                    [548] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Ozzozachar, den liebsten Titan von Molag Bal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Ozzozachars Tür",
                    [550] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Unterwurz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Unterwurz",
                    [551] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Infernalen Wächter, den Hüter des Schreins und Klingenmeister Erthas in der Stadt der Asche.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Stadt der Asche",
                    [553] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Carac Dena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Carac Dena",
                    [554] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Kluftspitze.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Kluftspitze",
                    [555] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Gurzags Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Gurzags Mine",
                    [556] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben der Alik'r-Wüste.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [557] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Bangkorai",
                    [558] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert den Zankweiberbau.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Zankweiberbaus",
                    [559] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Hügelgrabung.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Hügelgrabung",
                    [560] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt das Riesenkrokodil Gathongor den Zermalmer in Gathongors Morast.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Gathongors Jäger",
                    [561] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Oger Thodundor bei Thodundors Blick.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "König des Hügels",
                    [562] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Meereselfin jahlasri und ihre Maormer-Gefährten im Maormer-Lager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meereselfensorge",
                    [563] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Schlurfer, der als das Herz von Wurzwasser bekannt ist, in der Wurzwasserquelle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Wurzwassers Vergehen",
                    [564] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Maheelius und seine Spione.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Gegenspionage",
                    [565] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Sturmatronachen Zymel Etitan in Pelda Tarn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Zymels Verfolger",
                    [567] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Naril Nagaia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscht Naril Nagaia",
                    [568] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Grünschatten",
                    [570] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Ulguna Seelenplünderer, Grothdarr, Iskra das Omen und den verrückten Architekten in den Kammern des Wahnsinns.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Kammern des Wahnsinns",
                    [572] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Grahtwald",
                    [573] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Ne Salas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Ne Salas",
                    [574] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Krabblergrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Krabblergrube",
                    [575] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Rankentodhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Rankentodhöhle",
                    [576] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Klettenwurz-Kwamamine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kettenwurz-Kwamamine",
                    [577] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Wurmwurzeltiefen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Wurmwurzeltiefen",
                    [578] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Mobarmine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Mobarmine",
                    [579] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört jeden Dunklen Anker im Herrschaftsbereich des Aldmeri-Dominions.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Anker|ozerschmetterer des Dominions",
                    [584] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört jeden Dunklen Anker im Herrschaftsbereich des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Anker|ozerschmetterer des Bündnisses",
                    [585] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört jeden Dunklen Anker im Herrschaftsbereich des Ebenherz-Paktes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Anker|ozerschmetterer des Paktes",
                    [586] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört jeden Dunklen Anker in den umkämpften Landstrichen von Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Kaiserlicher Anker|ozerschmetterer",
                    [587] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört jeden Dunklen Anker in Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Anker|ozerschmetterer",
                    [589] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Reezal-Jul im Tamrith-Lager und rettet die Flüchtlinge aus Schattenkamm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held des Hauses Tamrith",
                    [590] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Fürstin Lleraya Montclair in Nordspitz und befreit Baron Dorells Stadt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held des Hauses Dorell",
                    [591] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Baron Wylon Montclair und zerstört das lichtlose Überbleibsel an der Unheilsklippe, um Kluftspitze zu retten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Schwert von Rabenwacht",
                    [593] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 59 Quests in Steinfälle ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Steinfälle",
                    [595] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 55 Quests in Deshaan ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Deshaan",
                    [596] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 51 Quests in Schattenfenn ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Schattenfenn",
                    [597] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet Warf das Beil und freundet Euch mit den Riesen in der Arena von Wiegenbruch an.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Riesenfreund",
                    [598] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet Jorunn den Skaldenkönig am Turm von Nebelwacht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Erlösung des Skaldenkönigs",
                    [599] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Fildgor Orkthane in Skuldafn und verdient Euch den Titel Pfeil von Jorunn dem Skaldenkönig.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Pfeil des Skaldenkönigs",
                    [600] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 43 Quests in Ostmarsch ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Ostmarsch",
                    [602] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 45 Quests in Schnittermark ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Schnittermark",
                    [603] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 61 Quests in Rift ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Rift",
                    [604] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 37 Quests in Auridon ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Auridon",
                    [605] =
                        ["description"] = "Befreit Südspitz vom Einfluss des Daedrafürsten Sheogorath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Befreier von Südspitz",
                    [606] =
                        ["description"] = "Holt das Herz von Anumaril aus dem Reliquiar der Sterne zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zurück aus dem Reliquiar",
                    [607] =
                        ["description"] = "Befreit Nairume aus ihrem Gefängnis holt Rajhins Umhang zurück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held von Falinesti",
                    [608] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 38 Quests in Grahtwald ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Grahtwald",
                    [610] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 40 Quests in Grünschatten ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Grünschatten",
                    [611] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 40 Quests in Malabal Tor ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Malabal Tor",
                    [612] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet Laloriaran Dynar, den letzten Ayleïdenkönig, aus dem lichtlosen Kerkerloch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Licht des Ayleïdenkönigs",
                    [613] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet den großen Magier Vanus Galerion, und helft ihm, Molag Bals Große Fessel zu zerstören.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wächter des großen Magiers",
                    [614] =
                        ["description"] = "Haltet die Ebenenverschmelzung auf und vereitelt Molag Bals Eroberungsplan an der endlosen Treppe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Trenner der Ebenenverschmelzung",
                    [616] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt 29 Quests in Kalthafen ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Kalthafen",
                    [617] =
                        ["description"] = "Beweist Euch als Abenteurer im Ebenherz-Pakt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held des Ebenherz-Paktes",
                    [618] =
                        ["description"] = "Beweist Euch als Abenteurer im Aldmeri-Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Held des Aldmeri-Dominions",
                    [619] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört 50 Dunkle Anker aus Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Ankerschädiger",
                    [620] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört 100 Dunkle Anker aus Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Ankerdezimierer",
                    [621] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstört 250 Dunkle Anker aus Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dunkle Anker",
                        ["name"] = "Ankervernichter",
                    [622] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Höhlenforscher-Errungenschaften des Aldmeri-Dominions ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher des Aldmeri-Dominions",
                    [625] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Höhlenforscher-Errungenschaften des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses",
                    [626] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Höhlenforscher-Errungenschaften des Ebenherz-Paktes ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher des Ebenherz-Paktes",
                    [627] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Höhlenforscher-Errungenschaften Tamriels ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher Tamriels",
                    [628] =
                        ["description"] = "Beweist Euch als Abenteurer in ganz Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterabenteurer Tamriels",
                    [678] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Malubeth die Auspeitscherin, Garron den Zurückgekehrten und Varaine und Allene Pellingare in der Kanalisation von Wegesruh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Kanalisation von Wegesruh",
                    [679] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Varaine und Allene Pellingare innerhalb von zwanzig Minuten nach Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, sobald Ihr den ersten Nekromanten und seinen Begleiter angreift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Kanalisation von Wegesruh",
                    [681] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt in der Kanalisation von Wegesruh (Veteranen) während des Kampfes mit Allene Pellingare und Varaine Pellingare 15 Zombies, bevor Ihr Euch den Geschwistern zuwendet.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Pellingare-Ghulschlächter",
                    [682] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Grahtwald",
                    [683] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Grünschatten",
                    [684] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Malabal Tor",
                    [685] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Schnittermarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Schnittermark",
                    [686] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Kalthafen",
                    [687] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Schattenfenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Schattenfenn",
                    [688] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Ostmarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Ostmarsch",
                    [689] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Rift",
                    [691] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 berüchtigte Feinde in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesbezwinger",
                    [692] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 15 Himmelsscherben im vom Ebenherz-Pakt kontrollierten Teil Cyrodiils.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger des nordöstlichen Cyrodiils",
                    [693] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 15 Himmelsscherben im vom Dolchsturz-Bündnis kontrollierten Teil Cyrodiils.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger des nordwestlichen Cyrodiils",
                    [694] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 15 Himmelsscherben im vom Aldmeri-Bund kontrollierten Teil Cyrodiils.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger des südlichen Cyrodiils",
                    [695] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 16 Himmelsscherben in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Auridon",
                    [696] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den verrückten Orkjäger Shagura in Hircines Henge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Shaguras Unheil",
                    [697] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Senchetigerin Nindaeril den Monsun in Nindaerils Zuflucht.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Monsunmarodeur",
                    [698] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Nereïde Fürstin Trostin in deren Fenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Wasserwacht",
                    [699] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Otho Rufinus, den Anführer der Wilderer im Wildererlager.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Wildererwilderer",
                    [700] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet diesen riesigen Fleischatronachen Thugrub den Neugeformten in Thugrubs Höhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Thugrubs Zerteiler",
                    [701] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Lich Valanir bei Valanirs Ruhe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Valanirs Fluch",
                    [702] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt die Questreihe der Magiergilde ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Erzmagier",
                    [703] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt die Questreihe der Kriegergilde ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran der Kriegergilde",
                    [704] =
                        ["description"] = "Ladet Eure Kameraden von den Unerschrockenen bei jedem Treffen zum Trinken ein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Der hier geht auf mich",
                    [705] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Großfeldherren im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Großfeldherr im Allianzkrieg",
                    [706] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt den Rang des Ersten Feldwebels im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erster Feldwebel im Allianzkrieg",
                    [707] =
                        ["description"] = "Löst das Rätsel der Wächter in der Verlorenen Stadt der Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in Na-Totambu",
                    [708] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Fleischatronachen bei Razaks Rad.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis bei Razaks Rad",
                    [709] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 1,000 berüchtigte Feinde in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesherr",
                    [710] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 1,000 Feinde in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesmarodeur",
                    [711] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 10,000 Feinde in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesauslöscher",
                    [713] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Ork „Zilbash der Betrüger“ in der Obsidiannarbe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in der Obsidiannarbe",
                    [714] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Ewigen in den Knochenknacker-Ruinen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis in den Knochenknacker-Ruinen",
                    [716] =
                        ["description"] = "Helft bei der Annäherung der Kulturen und stärkt die Allianz in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Friedensschöpfer",
                    [717] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 10 feindliche Nachtklingen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Nachtklingen|oschlächter",
                    [718] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 rothwardonische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Rothwardonen|oschlächter",
                    [719] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 orkische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Orkschlächter",
                    [720] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 dunmerische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Dunkelelfen|oschlächter",
                    [721] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 nordische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Nordschlächter",
                    [722] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 argonische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Argonierschlächter",
                    [723] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 bosmerische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Waldelfen|oschlächter",
                    [724] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 altmerische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Hochelfen|oschlächter",
                    [725] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 khajiitische Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Khajiitschlächter",
                    [726] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 kaiserliche Feinde im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Kaiserschlächter",
                    [727] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 12 Himmelsscherben im unteren Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherben des unteren Kargstein",
                    [730] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Blutmähnenhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Blutmähnenhöhle",
                    [731] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Genickbruchhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Genickbruchhöhle",
                    [732] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Hainödhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Hainödhöhle",
                    [733] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Nisinhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Nisinhöhle",
                    [734] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Strudellochkavernen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Strudellochkavernen",
                    [735] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Schlangengrubenhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Schlangengrubenhöhle",
                    [736] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Kappsteinhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kappsteinhöhle",
                    [737] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Echohöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Echohöhle",
                    [738] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Lipsand Tarn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Lipsand Tarn",
                    [739] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Rotrubinhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Rotrubinhöhle",
                    [740] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Fliegenpilzgrube.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Fliegenpilzgrube",
                    [741] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Sargtuchhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Sargtuchhöhle",
                    [742] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Berstholzhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Berstholzhöhle",
                    [743] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Königswappenkaverne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Königswappenkaverne",
                    [744] =
                        ["description"] = "Erkundet und säubert die Schlammtalkaverne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Schlammtalkaverne",
                    [745] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Molchhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Molchhöhle",
                    [746] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Schnellwasserhöhle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Schnellwasserhöhle",
                    [747] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Vahtacen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Vahtacen",
                    [748] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet die Himmelsscherbe auf dem Berggipfel in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger der Berge Cyrodiils",
                    [749] =
                        ["description"] = "Fügt 1.000.000 Schaden in Verliesen zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesrüpel",
                    [750] =
                        ["description"] = "Fügt 10.000.000 Schaden in Verliesen zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesschläger",
                    [751] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 1.000.000 Leben in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesheiler",
                    [752] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 10.000.000 Leben in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Guter Verliesheiler",
                    [753] =
                        ["description"] = "Blockt 1.000.000 Schaden in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Verliesblocker",
                    [754] =
                        ["description"] = "Blockt 10.000.000 Schaden in Verliesen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Guter Verliesblocker",
                    [758] =
                        ["description"] = "Vollendet alle Quests in Bruma.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Bruma",
                    [759] =
                        ["description"] = "Vollendet alle Quests in Cheydinhal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Cheydinhal",
                    [760] =
                        ["description"] = "Vollendet alle Quests in Chorrol und der Weynon-Priorei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Chorrol und der Weynon-Priorei",
                    [761] =
                        ["description"] = "Vollendet alle Quests in Erntefurt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Erntefurt",
                    [762] =
                        ["description"] = "Vollendet alle Quests in Vlastarus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Abenteuer in Vlastarus",
                    [766] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert alle 18 Höhlen in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher von Cyrodiil",
                    [767] =
                        ["description"] = "Beweist Euch als Abenteurer in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Champion Cyrodiils",
                    [768] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Khanartis Rast.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Khenarthis Rast",
                    [769] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Auridon",
                    [770] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Ödfels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Ödfels",
                    [771] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Bal Foyen",
                    [772] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Steinfälle",
                    [773] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Stros M'Kai",
                    [774] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Betnikh",
                    [775] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Glenumbra",
                    [1234] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet insgesamt 500 Tiere aus Viehbeständen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Viehfachmörder",
                    [778] =
                        ["description"] = "Löst die Mysterien von Rahni'Za, der Schule der Krieger.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Champion von Rahni'Za",
                    [779] =
                        ["description"] = "Übersetzt alle positiven Machtrunen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Positive Macht",
                    [780] =
                        ["description"] = "Übersetzt alle negativen Machtrunen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Negative Macht",
                    [781] =
                        ["description"] = "Übersetzt alle Essenzrunen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Essenzen",
                    [1233] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet insgesamt 100 Tiere aus Viehbeständen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Schlächter",
                    [1232] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet insgesamt 10 Tiere aus Viehbeständen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Metzger",
                    [1231] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet einen Guar aus einem Viehbestand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Guarschlächter",
                    [1230] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet ein Schwein aus einem Viehbestand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Schweinerei",
                    [1229] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet eine Ziege oder ein Schaf aus einem Viehbestand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Böser Schäfer",
                    [1228] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet ein Huhn oder einen Bantamguar aus einem Viehbestand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Geflügel-Assassine",
                    [788] =
                        ["description"] = "Übersetzt alle Aspektrunen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Aspekte",
                    [1227] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet eine Kuh, einen Bullen oder einen Ochsen aus einem Viehbestand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Rinderhack",
                    [1226] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 Bürger Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Massenmörder",
                    [1225] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 50 Bürger Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Serienmörder",
                    [1224] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet einen Bürger Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Mörder",
                    [1223] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 1,200 Championpunkte im Sternbild der Diebin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Champion des Abendsterns",
                    [1222] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 600 Championpunkte im Sternbild der Diebin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Verschlagenes Schicksal",
                    [1221] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 300 Championpunkte im Sternbild der Diebin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Verstohlenes Dekret",
                    [1220] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 1,200 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Magiers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Champion der Regenhand",
                    [1219] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 600 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Magiers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Mysteriöses Schicksal",
                    [1218] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 300 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Magiers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Arkanes Dekret",
                    [1217] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 1,200 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Kriegers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Champion der Letztsaat",
                    [1216] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 300 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Kriegers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Energisches Dekret",
                    [1215] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert 600 Championpunkte im Sternbild des Kriegers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Robustes Schicksal",
                    [1214] =
                        ["description"] = "Investiert Euren ersten Championpunkt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Erwachen eines Champions",
                    [1213] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt einen Gegenstand epischer Qualität.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Ependieb",
                    [1212] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt einen Gegenstand überlegener Qualität.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Kritischer Langfinger",
                    [1211] =
                        ["description"] = "Stehlt einen Gegenstand erlesener Qualität.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Anspruchsvoller Langfinger",
                    [1210] =
                        ["description"] = "Lasst Euch von einer Wache gleichzeitig alle gestohlenen Kleidungsstücke abnehmen, die Ihr gerade tragt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Unsittlicher Einblick",
                    [1209] =
                        ["description"] = "Lasst Euch von einer Wache ein gestohlenes Kleidungsstück abnehmen, das Ihr gerade tragt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Ganz ohne ein Essen?",
                    [1208] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt erfolgreich 100 verschlossene Türen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Meistereinbrecher",
                    [1205] =
                        ["description"] = "Gebt 10,000 Gold aus, um Gegenstände durch Hehler zu schieben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Berühmter Beuteschieber",
                    [1204] =
                        ["description"] = "Gebt 1,000 Gold aus, um Gegenstände durch Hehler zu schieben.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Beuteschieber",
                    [1202] =
                        ["description"] = "Verdient Euch 1.000.000 Gold durch Verkäufe an Hehler.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Schwarzmarktmogul",
                    [1201] =
                        ["description"] = "Verdient Euch 100,000 Gold durch Verkäufe an Hehler.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Unerlaubtes Unternehmertum",
                    [1200] =
                        ["description"] = "Knackt 100 Wertkassetten und nehmt ihren Inhalt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Recht",
                        ["name"] = "Wertkassettenknacker",
                    [1159] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt alle Errungenschaften der Veteranenversion der Stadt der Asche ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Vertrautheit mit den Totenländern",
                    [1158] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht Stufe 45 und sichert Euch die Aufmerksamkeit der Unerschrockenen Elite.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Ruf der Unerschrockenen",
                    [1146] =
                        ["description"] = "Erfüllt einen Handwerksschrieb.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Erstlingswerk",
                    [1145] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt ein Zertifikat in jedem Handwerk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Zertifizierter Alleskönner",
                    [1144] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Aufzeichnungen und lernt alles über den Stil der Dwemer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meister des Dwemerstils",
                    [1143] =
                        ["description"] = "Beseitigt die Bedrohung durch die Schlange und ihren Schuppenhof in ganz Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Kargstein komplettiert",
                    [1140] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Herausforderer im Veteranenmodus der Drachenstern-Arena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Drachenstern-Arena",
                    [1139] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt die Zitadelle von Hel Ra, das Ätherische Archiv und das Sanctum Ophidia auf der schwierigsten Stufe ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Prüfungen von Kargstein",
                    [1138] =
                        ["description"] = "Bezwingt die Himmlische Schlange, nachdem Ihr die heiligen Banner des Schuppenhofs entweiht habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schwierigkeiten im Sanctum Ophidia",
                    [1137] =
                        ["description"] = "Bezwingt die Himmlische Magierin, nachdem Ihr sie durch das Zerschlagen der Ätherischen Kugeln verspottet habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schwierigkeiten im Ätherischen Archiv",
                    [1136] =
                        ["description"] = "Bezwingt den Himmlischen Krieger, nachdem Ihr ihn durch die Zerstörung seiner Statuenarmee erzürnt habt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schwierigkeiten der Zitadelle von Hel Ra",
                    [1127] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen im oberen Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher des oberen Kargstein",
                    [1126] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle Höhlen und alle markanten Orte im oberen Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder des oberen Kargstein",
                    [1125] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt die nirngeschliffene Eigenschaft für eine Waffe oder ein Rüstungsstück.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Nirnschleifen",
                    [1124] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt das Sanctum Ophidia innerhalb des Zeitlimits von 33 Minuten ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gegen die Uhr: Sanctum Ophidia",
                    [1123] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Himmlische Schlange.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum Ophidia abgeschlossen",
                    [1121] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet Geldrion Schneisenschlags Lager in Belkarth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Weltliche Besitztümer",
                    [1117] =
                        ["description"] = "Blockt 1.000.000 Schaden in Prüfungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Prüfungsblocker",
                    [832] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Grahtwald",
                    [833] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Sturmhafen",
                    [834] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Deshaan",
                    [835] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Schnittermark",
                    [836] =
                        ["description"] = "Sterbt durch einen Schlachterfisch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Abgeschlachtet",
                    [1116] =
                        ["description"] = "Heilt 1.000.000 Leben in Prüfungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Prüfungsheiler",
                    [838] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen Bestien Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Bestiensammler Tamriels",
                    [839] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Grünschatten",
                    [840] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Kluftspitze.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Kluftspitze",
                    [841] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen Untoten Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Untotenhorter",
                    [842] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen gepanzerten Kreaturen Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Chitinanhäufer",
                    [843] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen Naturgeistern und natürlichen Kreaturen in ganz Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Sammler der Natur",
                    [844] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen monströsen Kreaturen Tamriels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Monstersammler",
                    [845] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Schattenfenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Schattenfenn",
                    [846] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von Dwemerkonstrukten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Geheimnissammler der Dwemer",
                    [847] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen Arten an Atronachen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Atronachen|osammler",
                    [848] =
                        ["description"] = "Sammelt Trophäen von allen Arten an erschlagenen Daedra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Scherbensammler des Reichs des Vergessens",
                    [849] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [850] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 200 Spinnen in der Pilzgrotte (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Arachniden|oschlächterveteran",
                    [851] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 425 Obsidiankrieger in der Pilzgrotte (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Obsidianschlächter|oveteran",
                    [852] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 120 Skelette in den Verbannungszellen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Knochenbrecher|oveteran",
                    [853] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 300 Dremora in den Verbannungszellen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Rilis' Dremoraschlächter",
                    [854] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 220 vampirische Schergen in den Spindeltiefen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schergenschlächter|oveteran",
                    [855] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 65 Fleischatronachen in den Spindeltiefen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Fleischatronachen|oeroberer-Veteran",
                    [856] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 200 Kwama in den Dunkelschattenkavernen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Kwamaschlächter|oveteran",
                    [857] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Dwemerkonstrukte in den Dunkelschattenkavernen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Konstruktschlächter|oveteran",
                    [858] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 140 Unheilsbruten im Eldengrund (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Unheilsbrut|oschlächterveteran",
                    [859] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 60 Schlurfer im Eldengrund (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Schlurferschlächter|oveteran",
                    [860] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 330 Zombies in der Kanalisation von Wegesruh (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Zombieschlächter|oveteran",
                    [861] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 40 Knochenkolosse in der Kanalisation von Wegesruh (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Kolossschlächter|oveteran",
                    [862] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Malabal Tor",
                    [863] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Rift",
                    [864] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Kalthafen",
                    [865] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Bangkorai",
                    [866] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in Ostmarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder von Ostmarsch",
                    [867] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte in den Kerngebieten des Aldmeri-Dominions, des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses, des Ebenherz-Paktes und von Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pionier Tamriels",
                    [1115] =
                        ["description"] = "Verursacht 1.000.000 Schaden in Prüfungen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Prüfungsrüpel",
                    [869] =
                        ["description"] = "Erleichtert Händler in ganz Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Verbrechen zahlt sich aus",
                    [870] =
                        ["description"] = "Verwendet das Kriegshorn in der Zitadelle von Hel Ra und besiegt die uralten Krieger, die darauf antworten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Zitadelle von Hel Ra: Das Kriegshorn",
                    [871] =
                        ["description"] = "Teilt Euren Reichtum mit bedürftigen Bettlern aus ganz Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Gaben für die Armen",
                    [872] =
                        ["description"] = "Verfolgt M'aiq den Lügner durch ganz Tamriel und darüber hinaus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Auf M'aiqs Spuren",
                    [873] =
                        ["description"] = "Bringt Licht an dunkle Orte der Welt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Lichtbringer",
                    [874] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Zatalguch im Dorf der Verlorenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gruppenwagnis im Dorf der Verlorenen",
                    [1114] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt einen Pakt mit dem Eisigen Folianten und besiegt dann Valkyn Skoria in der Stadt der Asche (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eine Welt in Brand",
                    [876] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Ruzozuzalpamaz, die Ilambris-Zwillinge, das Ilambris-Amalgam und Nerien'eth in der Krypta der Herzen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Krypta der Herzen",
                    [1113] =
                        ["description"] = "Verwendet den Futterhaufen im Sanctum Ophidia und überlebt den darauf folgenden Kampf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum Ophidia: Futtergrube",
                    [878] =
                        ["description"] = "Komplettiert die Stadt der Asche (Veteranen), indem Ihr Horvantud den Feuerschlund, den Aschtitan und Valkyn Skoria besiegt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran der Stadt der Asche",
                    [1112] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt die Pilgerreise durch den Grauen Durchgang innerhalb der vorgegebenen Zeit ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Pilger in Kargstein",
                    [1105] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 300 Dremora in der Stadt der Asche (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Mehrunes Dremoraschlächter",
                    [1104] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Koboldschemels.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Koboldschemel",
                    [882] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet einen Kaiser Eurer Heimatkampagne im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Kaiserliches Attentat",
                    [1103] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Leuchttäublings",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Leuchttäubling",
                    [884] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Molavar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Molavar",
                    [885] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Rkundzelft.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Rkundzelft",
                    [886] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert das Schlangennest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher des Schlangennests",
                    [887] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Ilthags Unterturm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Ilthags Unterturm",
                    [888] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Ruinen von Kardala.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Ruinen von Kardala",
                    [889] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Kavernen von Loth'Na.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Kavernen von Loth'Na",
                    [890] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Rkhardahrk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Rkhardahrk",
                    [891] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Haddocks Markt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Haddocks Markt",
                    [892] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Meißelkreischmine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Meißelkreischmine",
                    [893] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Vergrabenen Sande.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Vergrabenen Sande",
                    [894] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Mtharnaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Mtharnaz",
                    [895] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Heulenden Grabkammern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Heulenden Grabkammern",
                    [896] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Balamath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Balamath",
                    [897] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Furchtzahnkavernen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Furchtzahnkavernen",
                    [898] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Festung des Exarchen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Festung des Exarchen",
                    [899] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Zalgaz' Versteck.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Zalgaz' Versteck",
                    [900] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert die Grabmäler der Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher der Grabmäler der Na-Totambu",
                    [901] =
                        ["description"] = "Erforscht und säubert Hircines Schlupfwinkel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erkunder von Hircines Schlupfwinkel",
                    [902] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte im unteren Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder des unteren Kargstein",
                    [903] =
                        ["description"] = "Betretet Cyrodiil und schließt Euch dem Allianzkrieg an.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Rekrut in Cyrodiil",
                    [904] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet einen Kaiser einer beliebigen Kampagne im Allianzkrieg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Kaiserschlächter",
                    [905] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Shada und reinigt die Wässer von Shadas Träne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Fluchbrecher von Shadas Träne",
                    [906] =
                        ["description"] = "Lüftet die Geheimnisse, die im Archiv des Suchers verborgen liegen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hartnäckiger Sucher",
                    [907] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhindert eine katastrophale magische Explosion in der Zaubernarbe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Verteidiger der Zaubernarbe",
                    [908] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Yamanu-ko und beendet den Konflikt in Elinhir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Erhabener von Elinhir",
                    [909] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt, warum die Himmlischen in Kargstein erschienen sind.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Himmlischer Forscher",
                    [1102] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Weißkappe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Weißkappe",
                    [1092] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften der Bergblume.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Bergblume",
                    [912] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle 6 Himmelsscherben im oberen Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherben des oberen Kargstein",
                    [1091] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt alle Eigenschaften des Drachendorns.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Drachendorn",
                    [1085] =
                        ["description"] = "Bereitet ein berühmtes Gericht oder Getränk zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Berühmter Versorger",
                    [1084] =
                        ["description"] = "Lasst in der Krypta der Herzen (Veteranen) mindestens vier von Nerien'eths Schülern am Leben, bis er die Ebenerzklinge ergreift und besiegt sie dann alle zusammen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Auf Klinges Schneide",
                    [916] =
                        ["description"] = "Fangt alle 12 seltenen Fische in Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophäen",
                        ["name"] = "Angler von Kargstein",
                    [1082] =
                        ["description"] = "Rettet alle Mitglieder der fehlgeschlagenen Expedition der Unerschrockenen in die Totenländer von Mehrunes Dagon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Unerschrockener Retter",
                    [1081] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt das Ätherische Archive innerhalb des Zeitlimits von 33 Minuten ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gegen die Uhr: Ätherisches Archiv",
                    [1080] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt die Zitadelle von Hel Ra innerhalb des Zeitlimits von 33 Minuten ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gegen die Uhr: Zitadelle von Hel Ra",
                    [1079] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt eine Prüfung der Woche innerhalb von 33 Minuten ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Gegen die Uhr: Prüfung der Woche",
                    [1078] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt eine Prüfung der Woche ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Prüfung der Woche",
                    [1075] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer der Gruppenverliese im Aldmeri-Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Dominions",
                    [1064] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions im Dorf der Verlorenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Dorfs der Verlorenen",
                    [1063] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in Razaks Rad",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Razaks Rad",
                    [1062] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions in den Knochenknacker-Ruinen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Knochenknacker-Ruinen",
                    [1060] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions im Düsteren Herrenhaus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger des Düsteren Herrenhauses",
                    [1059] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions der Blutgrotten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger der Blutgrotten",
                    [1058] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt drei der Champions von Rulanyils Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger von Rulanyils Fall",
                    [1055] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in Razaks Rad.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer von Razaks Rad",
                    [1054] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions in den Knochenknacker-Ruinen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer der Knochenknacker-Ruinen",
                    [1052] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Champions im Düsteren Herrenhaus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Eroberer des Düsteren Herrenhauses",
                    [1046] =
                        ["description"] = "Bereitet berühmte und epische Nahrungsmittel zu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterkoch",
                    [1045] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt jede Eigenschaft alchemistischer Pflanzen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Botaniker",
                    [1042] =
                        ["description"] = "Wendet mit einem Charakter eine von ihm erstellte legendäre Verzauberung auf ein von ihm hergestelltes legendäres Ausrüstungsstück an.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Wahrlich legendär",
                    [935] =
                        ["description"] = "Dominiert das Schlachtfeld des Allianzkriegs und werdet Kaiser von Tamriel.\r\n\r\nMöget Ihr lange herrschen!",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Kaiser!",
                    [936] =
                        ["description"] = "Zerstreut die Truppen der Schlange und vernichtet die Erhabene Viper.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Schlangen und Geheimnisse",
                    [937] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte des oberen Kargsteins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Pfadfinder des oberen Kargsteins",
                    [1041] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt jede verfügbare Eigenschaft mindestens einmal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meister der Eigenschaften",
                    [939] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 250 Spinnenkinder in der Krypta der Herzen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Spinnenkinder|oschlächterveteran",
                    [940] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt 50 Fleischatronachen in der Krypta der Herzen (Veteranen).",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Fleischatronachen|oschlächter-Veteran",
                    [941] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Ibelgast, Ruzozuzalpamaz, den Kammerwächter, das Ilambris-Amalgam, und Mezeluth innerhalb von 30 Minuten nach dem Betreten des Verlieses. Die Zeit beginnt, wenn sich das Eingangstor öffnet.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Assassinenveteran der Krypta der Herzen",
                    [942] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Anführer, einschließlich allen mächtigen Gegnern und anschließend Nerien'eth in der Krypta der Herzen (Veteranen), ohne dass ein Gruppenmitglied getötet wird.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Überlebender der tödlichen Krypta",
                    [943] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt eine verborgene Bedrohung für das Dominion in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zweifellose Herrschaft",
                    [944] =
                        ["description"] = "Ihr habt gefährliche daedrische Pläne in Grahtwald vereitelt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ikonoklast",
                    [945] =
                        ["description"] = "Vertreibt die Verderbnis aus dem Herzen Valenwalds.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Geist der Bosmer",
                    [946] =
                        ["description"] = "Bringt den Silvenar und die Grüne Dame an ihren rechtmäßigen Platz in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ehestifter",
                    [947] =
                        ["description"] = "Beschreitet den Pfad der Zwei Monde in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Geheiligte Monde",
                    [948] =
                        ["description"] = "Sperrt die Brüder des Zwists in Steinfälle ein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Herzen der Dunkelheit",
                    [949] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhindert die Zerstörung von Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Seuchenverschlinger",
                    [950] =
                        ["description"] = "Ihr habt eine große Bedrohung für die Hist in Schattenfenn beseitigt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Eier und Fäulnis",
                    [951] =
                        ["description"] = "Verhindert eine große Bedrohung für den Skaldenkönig.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Blutfehde",
                    [952] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Wurmkult in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zerschlagene Überbleibsel",
                    [953] =
                        ["description"] = "Durchkreuzt die heimtückische Pläne der Kultisten in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zerstörtes Ritual",
                    [954] =
                        ["description"] = "Beendet die Albträume in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ungehobelter Weckruf",
                    [955] =
                        ["description"] = "Merzt den Blutfluch aus und stellt die Ordnung in Kluftspitze wieder her.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Fluchbrecher",
                    [956] =
                        ["description"] = "Bettet die Toten der Alik'r zur Ruhe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Geweihter Grund",
                    [957] =
                        ["description"] = "Trozt dem Willen Molag Bals in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Strahlender Champion",
                    [958] =
                        ["description"] = "Vertreibt die kaiserlichen Truppen aus Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Rand des Kaiserreichs",
                    [959] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 feindliche Nachtklingen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erfolgreicher Nachtklingenschlächter",
                    [960] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 feindliche Zauberer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erfolgreicher Zaubererschlächter",
                    [961] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 feindliche Templer.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erfolgreicher Templerschlächter",
                    [962] =
                        ["description"] = "Tötet 100 feindliche Drachenritter.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Erfolgreicher Drachenritterschlächter",
                    [963] =
                        ["description"] = "Helft in Cyrodiil bei der Einnahme eines Betriebs (Bauernhof, Holzfällerlager oder Mine) und einer Burg.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Allianzkrieg",
                        ["name"] = "Unterstützung im Kampf",
                    [964] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Glenumbra",
                    [965] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Sturmhafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Sturmhafen",
                    [966] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Kluftspitze.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Kluftspitze",
                    [967] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in der Alik'r-Wüste.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder der Alik'r-Wüste",
                    [968] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Bangkorai",
                    [969] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle Höhlen und markanten Orte im Territorium des Aldmeri-Dominions.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder des Dominions",
                    [970] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Steinfälle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Steinfälle",
                    [971] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Deshaan",
                    [972] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Schattenfenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Schattenfenn",
                    [973] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Ostmarsch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Ostmarsch",
                    [974] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Rift",
                    [975] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt alle markanten Orte auf Ödfels und in Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Ödfels und Bal Foyen",
                    [976] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Auridon",
                    [977] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Grahtwald.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Grahtwald",
                    [978] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Grünschatten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Grünschatten",
                    [979] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Malabal Tor",
                    [980] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Schnittermark.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Schnittermark",
                    [981] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle markanten Orte auf Stros M'Kai und Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Erforscher von Stros M'Kai und Betnikh",
                    [982] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle Höhlen und markanten Orte im Territorium des Dolchsturz-Bündnisses.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder des Bündnisses",
                    [983] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle Höhlen und markanten Orte im Territorium des Ebenherz-Pakts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder des Pakts",
                    [984] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen und alle markanten Orte in Kalthafen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder von Kalthafen",
                    [985] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle sechs Höhlen im unteren Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Höhlenforscher des unteren Kargsteins",
                    [986] =
                        ["description"] = "Entdeckt und säubert alle Höhlen und markanten Orte im unteren Kargstein.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Erkunden",
                        ["name"] = "Meistererkunder des unteren Kargstein",
                    [987] =
                        ["description"] = "Übersetzt alle Machtrunen",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Macht",
                    [1040] =
                        ["description"] = "Verbessert Schmiedewaren zu allen verfügbaren Qualitäten.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Legendärer Schmied",
                    [989] =
                        ["description"] = "Findet alle Himmelsscherben in ganz Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Himmels|oscherben",
                        ["name"] = "Himmelsscherbenjäger von Tamriel",
                    [990] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt die Himmlische Magierin und befreit sie so vom Einfluss der Schlange.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Ätherisches Archiv abgeschlossen",
                    [991] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt den Himmlischen Krieger und befreit ihn so vom Einfluss der Schlange.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Verliese",
                        ["name"] = "Zitadelle von Hel Ra abgeschlossen",
                    [992] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt alle Herausforderer und Verdient Euch den Titel des Champions der Arena von Drachenstern!",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Champion der Drachenstern-Arena",
                    [993] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 1 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Seelenberaubt in Kalthafen",
                    [994] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 1,5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Die Zuflucht",
                    [995] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 2 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Tochter der Riesen",
                    [996] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 2,5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Auf Schattenjagd",
                    [997] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 3 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Das Schloss des Wurms",
                    [998] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 3,5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Der Tharn spricht",
                    [999] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 4 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Die Hallen der Qual",
                    [1000] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 4,5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Das Tal der Klingen",
                    [1001] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Der Schatten von Sancre Tor",
                    [1002] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 5,5 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Der Rat der Fünf Gefährten",
                    [1003] =
                        ["description"] = "Schließt Kapitel 6 der Hauptgeschichte ab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Der Gott der Intrigen",
                    [1004] =
                        ["description"] = "Tretet der Magiergilde bei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Student der Magiergilde",
                    [1005] =
                        ["description"] = "Tretet der Kriegergilde bei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Kamerad der Kriegergilde",
                    [1006] =
                        ["description"] = "Tretet den Unerschrockenen bei.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Rekrut der Unerschrockenen",
                    [1007] =
                        ["description"] = "Werdet ein Werwolf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Lykanthropie",
                    [1008] =
                        ["description"] = "Werdet ein Vampir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Vampirismus",
                    [1009] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht den maximalen Rang in der Fertigkeitslinie der Werwölfe.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlykanthrop",
                    [1010] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht den maximalen Rang in der Fertigkeitslinie der Vampire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Meistervampir",
                    [1011] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht den maximalen Rang in der Fertigkeitslinie der Magiergilde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Fertigkeitsmeister der Magiergilde",
                    [1012] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht den maximalen Rang in der Fertigkeitslinie der Kriegergilde.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Fertigkeitsmeister der Kriegergilde",
                    [1013] =
                        ["description"] = "Erreicht den maximalen Rang in der Fertigkeitslinie der Unerschrockenen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Charakter",
                        ["name"] = "Fertigkeitsmeister der Unerschrockenen",
                    [1014] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Exarch Arnoth und vertreibt den Schuppenhof und dessen Verbündete aus der Feste Himmelsgriff.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Zerschmetterer der Schuppen",
                    [1015] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Virmaril den Verräter und seine untoten Legionen in den Katakomben von Himmelsgriff.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sieger über Virmaril",
                    [1016] =
                        ["description"] = "Besiegt Aetherion und stellt die nedischen Schutzzauber im Gipfel von Himmelsgriff wieder her.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wächter des Gipfels",
                    [1035] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlangt Rang 50 in Versorgen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Meisterlicher Versorger",
                    [1018] =
                        ["description"] = "Verwertet 100 Gegenstände.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Verwerterexperte",
                    [1019] =
                        ["description"] = "Verwertet 1,000 Gegenstände.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Verwertermeister",
                    [1020] =
                        ["description"] = "Veredelt 30 Rohmaterialien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Veredelungsgeselle",
                    [1021] =
                        ["description"] = "Veredelt 300 Rohmaterialien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Veredelungsexperte",
                    [1022] =
                        ["description"] = "Veredelt 3,000 Rohmaterialien.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Veredelungsmeister",
                    [1023] =
                        ["description"] = "Erlernt eine beliebige Eigenschaft für eine Waffe oder ein Rüstungsteil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Handwerk",
                        ["name"] = "Übung macht den Meister",
                ["en"] =
                    [1025] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn any Racial Style.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Racial Style Learned",
                    [1028] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn 100 Provisioning Recipes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Recipe Compendium",
                    [1030] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all Alliance Racial Styles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance Style Master",
                    [1031] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain an Alchemy rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Alchemist",
                    [1032] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain a Blacksmith rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Blacksmith",
                    [1033] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain a Clothier rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Clothier",
                    [1034] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain an Enchanting rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Enchanter",
                    [11] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Akash gra-Mal, Chokethorn, and Canonreeve Oraneth in Elden Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Vanquisher",
                    [1036] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain a Woodworking rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Woodworker",
                    [16] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach Level 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Level 50 Hero",
                    [17] =
                        ["description"] = "Loot a Superior quality item.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Superior Ransacker",
                    [18] =
                        ["description"] = "Loot an Epic quality item.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Epic Acquirer",
                    [1043] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all Rare Racial Styles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Rare Style Master",
                    [1044] =
                        ["description"] = "Improve Woodworking items to all available Qualities.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Legendary Woodworker",
                    [21] =
                        ["description"] = "Loot any 100 Treasure Chests.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Treasure Chest Stalker",
                    [22] =
                        ["description"] = "Loot any 1000 Treasure Chests.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Treasure Chest Hunter",
                    [1048] =
                        ["description"] = "Improve Clothier items to all available Qualities.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Legendary Clothier",
                    [1049] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Root Sunder.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Root Sunder Conqueror",
                    [1050] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Champions in Rulanyil's Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Rulanyil's Fall Conqueror",
                    [1051] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Crimson Cove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crimson Cove Conqueror",
                    [28] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Faolchu the Changeling and set the city of Camlorn free.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Faolchu's Bane",
                    [1053] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Conqueror",
                    [30] =
                        ["description"] = "Help the Wyresses remove Angof's corruption from their sacred groves and the Wyrd Tree.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wyrd Friend",
                    [31] =
                        ["description"] = "Stop Angof the Gravesinger's necromantic plan to conquer Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Savior of Glenumbra",
                    [1056] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Conqueror",
                    [1057] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Root Sunder.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Root Sunder Vanquisher",
                    [34] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 53 quests in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Adventurer",
                    [35] =
                        ["description"] = "Wear a full set of Superior, and only Superior, gear.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Superior Attire",
                    [36] =
                        ["description"] = "Wear a full set of Epic, and only Epic, gear.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Epic Attire",
                    [1061] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bad Man's Hallows.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bad Man's Hallows Vanquisher",
                    [38] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill humanoids, Goblin-kin, and giant-kin.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Humanoid Slayer",
                    [39] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Daedric creatures from Oblivion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Daedra Slayer",
                    [40] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Dwarven mechanical constructs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Dwarven Construct Slayer",
                    [41] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a variety of natural creatures in the wilds of Tamriel and beyond.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Nature Slayer",
                    [42] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill skeletons, zombies, ghosts, spirits, and vampires.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Undead Slayer",
                    [1068] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Ebonheart Pact.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Ebonheart Pact Conqueror",
                    [1069] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Aldmeri Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Aldmeri Dominion Conqueror",
                    [1070] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the Public Dungeon champions in the Daggerfall Covenant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Daggerfall Covenant Conqueror",
                    [1071] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete the listed Speed Challenges",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Complete All Speed Challenges",
                    [1072] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete the listed Death Challenges",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Complete All Death Challenges",
                    [1073] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Ebonheart Pact.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Pact",
                    [1074] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Daggerfall Covenant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Covenant",
                    [51] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all of the Slayer Achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Master Monster Slayer",
                    [54] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 500 Quests.\n\nNote: Repeatable quests only count towards this achievement the first time they are completed.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Adventurer",
                    [55] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 1000 Quests.\n\nNote: Repeatable quests only count towards this achievement the first time they are completed.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Master Adventurer",
                    [56] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 1500 Quests.\n\nNote: Repeatable quests only count towards this achievement the first time they are completed.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Indomitable Adventurer",
                    [57] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 60 quests in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Adventurer",
                    [58] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 42 quests in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Adventurer",
                    [59] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 42 quests in Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Adventurer",
                    [60] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 36 quests in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Adventurer",
                    [61] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Daggerfall Covenant achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of the Daggerfall Covenant",
                    [1086] =
                        ["description"] = "Make an Epic Food or Drink.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Epic Provisioner",
                    [1087] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Blessed Thistle Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Blessed Thistle",
                    [1088] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Wormwood Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Wormwood",
                    [1089] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Lady's Smock Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Lady's Smock",
                    [1090] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Bugloss Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Bugloss",
                    [67] =
                        ["description"] = "Harvest any crafting materials 1000 times.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Crafting Harvester",
                    [68] =
                        ["description"] = "Harvest any crafting materials 10000 times.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Master Crafting Harvester",
                    [1093] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Columbine Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Columbine",
                    [1094] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Corn Flower Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Corn Flower",
                    [1095] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Nirnroot Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Nirnroot",
                    [1096] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Water Hyacinth Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Water Hyacinth",
                    [1097] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Stinkhorn Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Stinkhorn",
                    [1098] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Entoloma Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Entoloma",
                    [1099] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Emetic Russula Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Emetic Russula",
                    [1100] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Violet Coprinus Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Violet Coprinus",
                    [1101] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Namira's Rot Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Namira's Rot",
                    [78] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
                    [79] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Investigator Garron, Varain Pellingare and Allene Pellingare.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
                    [80] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Archmaster Siniel, the Bone Leviathan, and the Ilambris Twins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Vanquisher",
                    [81] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Valaran Stormcaller, Stormfist, and Admiral Neidir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Tempest Island Vanquisher",
                    [1106] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 50 Flame Colossi in the Veteran City of Ash dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Flame Colossus Slayer",
                    [1107] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran City of Ash before defeating Valkyn Skoria without suffering a group member death.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Deadly Deadlands Survivor",
                    [1108] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran City of Ash before defeating Valkyn Skoria within thirty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players enter the Inner Grove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran City of Ash Assassin",
                    [1111] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore the culinary traditions of the Dremora.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Easy as Pie",
                    [88] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 10 enemy Dragonknights.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Dragonknight Slayer",
                    [89] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 10 enemy Sorcerers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Sorcerer Slayer",
                    [90] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 10 enemy Templars.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Templar Slayer",
                    [91] =
                        ["description"] = "Help capture a resource (farm, lumbermill, or mine) in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Capture a Resource",
                    [92] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn your first rank in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Volunteer",
                    [93] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Recruit in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Recruit",
                    [94] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Tyro in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Tyro",
                    [95] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Legionary in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Legionary",
                    [96] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Veteran in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Veteran",
                    [97] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Corporal in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Corporal",
                    [98] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Sergeant in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Sergeant",
                    [99] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Lieutenant in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Lieutenant",
                    [100] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Captain in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Captain",
                    [101] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Major in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Major",
                    [102] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Centurion in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Centurion",
                    [103] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Colonel in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Colonel",
                    [104] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Tribune in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Tribune",
                    [105] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Brigadier in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Brigadier",
                    [106] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Prefect in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Prefect",
                    [107] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Praetorian in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Praetorian",
                    [108] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Palatine in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Palatine",
                    [109] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of August Palatine in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War August Palatine",
                    [110] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Legate in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Legate",
                    [111] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of General in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War General",
                    [112] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Warlord in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Warlord",
                    [113] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Grand Warlord in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Grand Warlord",
                    [114] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Overlord in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Overlord",
                    [115] =
                        ["description"] = "Score a Revenge kill in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "First Revenge",
                    [116] =
                        ["description"] = "Score 10 Revenge kills in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Sweet Vengeance",
                    [117] =
                        ["description"] = "Score your first Avenge kill in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "First Avenge",
                    [118] =
                        ["description"] = "Score 10 Avenge kills in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Vindication",
                    [119] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn a kill when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Close Call Kill",
                    [120] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn 5 kills when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Five Under Five",
                    [121] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn 10 kills when below 5 percent health in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Ten Under Five",
                    [122] =
                        ["description"] = "Capture your first keep in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Keep Capture",
                    [1147] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 25 Crafting Writs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "I Must Complete My Contract",
                    [1148] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 150 Crafting Writs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Signed the Manifest",
                    [1149] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 250 Crafting Writs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Writ Upon the Sky",
                    [1150] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete one Undaunted Pledge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Pledge Taker",
                    [1151] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 10 Undaunted Pledges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Returned Undaunted",
                    [1152] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 50 Undaunted Pledges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Undaunted, Daily",
                    [1153] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 100 Undaunted Pledges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Maj's Cohort",
                    [1154] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete one Veteran Undaunted Pledge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Prove Them Wrong",
                    [1155] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 10 Veteran Undaunted Pledges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "You Still Draw Breath",
                    [1156] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 50 Veteran Undaunted Pledges.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Death Has Not Claimed You",
                    [1157] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 100 Veteran Undaunted Pledges",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Glirion's Cohort",
                    [134] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill an enemy with the rank of Grand Overlord in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Kill a Grand Overlord",
                    [135] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Damage Dealer",
                    [136] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 5,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Massive Damage Dealer",
                    [137] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 100,000,000 points of damage to enemies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Tremendous Damage Dealer",
                    [138] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Healer",
                    [139] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 5,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Massive Healer",
                    [140] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 100,000,000 points of damage to allies in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Tremendous Healer",
                    [141] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Breton enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Breton Slayer",
                    [145] =
                        ["description"] = "Stop the Reachmen from attacking Evermore.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Evermore Defender",
                    [146] =
                        ["description"] = "Liberate the Bangkorai Garrison from the invaders.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Garrison Liberator",
                    [147] =
                        ["description"] = "Rescue High King Emeric from the clutches of Septima Tharn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "High King Emeric's Savior",
                    [148] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the spriggan Woodblight at Blighted Isle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Woodblight Killer",
                    [149] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Dayarrus the Xivilai at Arlimahera's Sanctum.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dayarrus' Deathbringer",
                    [150] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the frost atronach monarch Nomeg Hyri at Nilata Falls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Nomeg Hyril's Executioner",
                    [151] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the liches Qumehdi and Zaman at the Telesubi Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lich Butcher",
                    [152] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the summoner Caecilia Attius and her Daedra minions at the Summoner's Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Summoner Slayer",
                    [153] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the ghost Garach Wolf-Father and his werewolf spirits at Lakewatch Tower.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Wolf-Father Exorcist",
                    [154] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Omen of the Watchful Eye and lift the paranoia in Alcaire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Dreamslayer",
                    [155] =
                        ["description"] = "Return the Dream Shard to Pariah Abbey and restore peace to Menevia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Spirit Warden Champion",
                    [156] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Omen of Counting Stars and end the obsessions plaguing Gavaudon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Azura's Ally",
                    [158] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the giant spider, Aesar the Hatespinner, at Aesar's Web.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hatespinner Hunter",
                    [159] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the gargoyle, Menhir Stoneskin, at Valeguard Tower.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Menhir Hunter",
                    [160] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the necromancer, Louna Darkblood, at Old Kalgon's Keep.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Darkblood Hunter",
                    [161] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the hag, Magdelena, at Magdelena's Haunt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hag Hunter",
                    [162] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Orc, Sgugh gra-Dum, at East-Rock Landing.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sgugh's Assassin",
                    [163] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the nereid, Desuuga the Siren, at Siren's Cove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Siren Hunter",
                    [1190] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pickpocket any citizen of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Pocket Picker",
                    [1191] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pickpocket one hundred citizens of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Purse Snatcher",
                    [1192] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pickpocket one thousand citizens of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Sneak Thief Extraordinaire",
                    [1193] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully escape a guard after choosing the \"Flee\" option in the Accost Dialogue Window.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Cut and Run",
                    [1194] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully escape the guards a total of one hundred times after choosing the \"Flee\" option in the Accost Dialogue Window.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Escape Artist",
                    [1195] =
                        ["description"] = "Make a one time transaction of 1,000 gold or greater for crimes committed against the citizens of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Make Amends",
                    [1196] =
                        ["description"] = "Pay a total of 100,000 gold to the Fence OR to the Tamriel Guards to clear your criminal record.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Felonious Recompense",
                    [1197] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn 1,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Ill-Gotten Gains",
                    [1198] =
                        ["description"] = "Break into and loot the contents of a safebox.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Safebox Pilferer",
                    [1199] =
                        ["description"] = "Break into and loot the contents of ten safeboxes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Safebox Looter",
                    [176] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Cave Delver",
                    [177] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Cave Delver",
                    [178] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Cave Delver",
                    [1203] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 100 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Loot Cleaner",
                    [180] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Cave Delver",
                    [181] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Cave Delver",
                    [1206] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pick the lock on a locked door.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Home Trespasser",
                    [1207] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pick the locks on fifty locked doors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Sneaky Housebreaker",
                    [184] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the Dominion's ability to create Skin-Stealers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Skin-Stealer Destroyer",
                    [185] =
                        ["description"] = "Protect the Argonian eggs so a new generation can be born.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Egg Protector",
                    [186] =
                        ["description"] = "Recover the Mnemic Egg from the Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Mnemic Egg Guardian",
                    [187] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the wamasu champion Haynekhtnamet in its lair.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Haynekhtnamet Hunter",
                    [188] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the ogre twins Argalog and Vlaga at Xal Thak.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ogre Twin Tormentor",
                    [189] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Ayleid Mummy Lord Talkynd at Nen Ria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mummy Lord Murderer",
                    [190] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Captain Bones and his undead crew aboard the Captain's ship.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Captain Bones Destroyer",
                    [191] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Daedroth Urrai at Bitterroot Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Urrai's Bane",
                    [192] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Slave Lord Rendrasa at the Slaver's Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Slave Lord's Ruination",
                    [193] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Cave Delver",
                    [194] =
                        ["description"] = "Find Bleakrock's missing villagers and send them home.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of Bleakrock",
                    [195] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the champion of the Strifeswarm kwama hive.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Strifeswarm Eradicator",
                    [196] =
                        ["description"] = "Enter the Cave of Memories and destroy the Ashlander Guardian.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Memory Masher",
                    [197] =
                        ["description"] = "Survive the mudcrabs of Shipwreck Strand and kill Shellcracker, the cannibal crab.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shellcracker",
                    [198] =
                        ["description"] = "Storm the beach at Matron's Clutch, slay the Dreugh Matrons, and end the threat of the Dreugh egg-tenders.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dreugh Destroyer",
                    [199] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the Golden Saint at the Shivering Shrine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Saintly Slaughter",
                    [200] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the bull netch Ozzacha in Brahma's Grove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Netch Wrangler",
                    [201] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Balreth and return the Brother of Strife to slumber.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Balreth's Bane",
                    [202] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Inner Sea Armature.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Inner Sea Armature Explorer",
                    [203] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Emberflint Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Emberflint Mine Explorer",
                    [204] =
                        ["description"] = "Slay General Serien and stop the Covenant invasion of Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "General Serien's Demise",
                    [205] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Mephala's Nest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mephala's Nest Explorer",
                    [206] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Hightide Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hightide Hollow Explorer",
                    [207] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Softloam Cavern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Softloam Cavern Explorer",
                    [208] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Sheogorath's Tongue.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sheogorath's Tongue Explorer",
                    [209] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Sadal and save Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sadal's Overthrower",
                    [210] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the great werewolf, Rageclaw, at Rageclaw's Den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rageclaw Hunter",
                    [211] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Breton necromancer, Vivien Armene, at the Dragon Mound.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Armene's Bane",
                    [212] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the vampire, Olveidi the Ratmaster, at the Ratmaster's Prowl.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ratmaster Crusher",
                    [213] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the wild mammoth, Mannskadi, at Dragon's Hallow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mannskadi's Mauler",
                    [214] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the great sabre cat, Ammabani, at Ammabani's Pride.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ammabani Ambusher",
                    [215] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Ilessan Tower.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ilessan Tower Explorer",
                    [216] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Silumm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Silumm Explorer",
                    [217] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Enduum.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Enduum Explorer",
                    [218] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Mines of Khuras.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mines of Khuras Explorer",
                    [219] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Ebon Crypt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ebon Crypt Explorer",
                    [220] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Cryptwatch Fort.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cryptwatch Fort Explorer",
                    [221] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Portdun Watch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Portdun Watch Explorer",
                    [222] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Koeglin Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Koeglin Mine Explorer",
                    [223] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Pariah Catacombs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Pariah Catacombs Explorer",
                    [224] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Farangel's Delve.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Farangel's Delve Explorer",
                    [225] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Bearclaw Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bearclaw Mine Explorer",
                    [226] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Norvolk Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Norvolk Ruins Explorer",
                    [227] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Crestshade Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Crestshade Mine Explorer",
                    [228] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Flyleaf Catacombs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Flyleaf Catacombs Explorer",
                    [229] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Tribulation Crypt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tribulation Crypt Explorer",
                    [230] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Orc's Finger Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Orc's Finger Ruins Explorer",
                    [231] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Erokii Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Erokii Ruins Explorer",
                    [232] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Hildune's Secret Refuge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hildune's Secret Refuge Explorer",
                    [245] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Atanaz Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Atanaz Ruins Explorer",
                    [246] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Broken Tusk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Broken Tusk Explorer",
                    [247] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Chid-Moska Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chid-Moska Ruins Explorer",
                    [248] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Gandranen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Gandranen Explorer",
                    [249] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Onkobra Kwama Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Onkobra Kwama Mine Explorer",
                    [250] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Shrine of the Black Maw.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Black Maw Shrine Explorer",
                    [251] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear The Chill Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chill Hollow Explorer",
                    [252] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Icehammer's Vault.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Icehammer's Vault Explorer",
                    [253] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Old Sord's Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Old Sord's Cave Explorer",
                    [254] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Frigid Grotto.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Frigid Grotto Explorer",
                    [255] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Stormcrag Crypt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stormcrag Crypt Explorer",
                    [256] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Bastard's Tomb.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bastard's Tomb Explorer",
                    [257] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the great bear, Beralagr, at Swiftblade's Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Beralagr Hunter",
                    [258] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Thjormar and the Drowned Horde at Bitterpoint Strand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Drowned Horde Decimater",
                    [259] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Orc reaver Dugan the Red.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dugan's Demolisher",
                    [260] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the strangler Bone Grappler in its nest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bone Grappler's Bane",
                    [261] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the nereid queen Tallatta the Lustrous in the Jagged Grotto.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tallatta's Annihilator",
                    [262] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Skullbreaker the sea troll at Windshriek Strand.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Skullbreaker",
                    [263] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Commander Faldethil of the Green Hunters at River Edge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Green Vanquisher",
                    [264] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Lady Llarel's Shelter.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lady Llarel's Shelter Explorer",
                    [265] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the ruins of Lower Bthanual.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lower Bthanual Explorer",
                    [266] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Triple Circle Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Triple Circle Mine Explorer",
                    [267] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Taleon's Crag.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Taleon's Crag Explorer",
                    [268] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Knife Ear Grotto.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Knife Ear Grotto Explorer",
                    [269] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Corpse Garden.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Corpse Garden Explorer",
                    [270] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Cave Delver",
                    [272] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Ancient Wamasu, the Lamia Songstress, and the Lamia Queen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Arx Corinium Vanquisher",
                    [274] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Dead Man's Drop.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dead Man's Drop Explorer",
                    [275] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the giant kagouti, Short-Tusk, at Short-Tusk's Hillock.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Short-Tusk Hunter",
                    [276] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the corpse husk, the Abomination, at the Grove of the Abomination.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Abomination Slayer",
                    [277] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the giant troll, Sharpfang, at the Dire Bramblepatch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sharpfang Killer",
                    [278] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the Mabrigash Shade at the Mabrigash Burial Circle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mabrigash Shade Destroyer",
                    [279] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the Dremora ritualist, Druitularg, at Druitularg's Ritual Altar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Druitularg's Bane",
                    [280] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the giant guar, Bittergreen the Wild, at Caravan Crest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bittergreen Obliterator",
                    [281] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Black Vine Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Black Vine Ruins Explorer",
                    [282] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Roots of Silvenar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Roots of Silvenar Explorer",
                    [283] =
                        ["description"] = "Uncover the Hound's Plan to lure the Green Lady to Silvenar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hound Hinderer",
                    [284] =
                        ["description"] = "Save the Silvenar from his captors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Silvenar's Friend",
                    [285] =
                        ["description"] = "Unite the Silvenar with the Green Lady.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of Frond and Leaf",
                    [286] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Shael Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shael Ruins Explorer",
                    [287] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Cave Delver",
                    [288] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Del's Claim.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Del's Claim Explorer",
                    [289] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Ondil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ondil Explorer",
                    [290] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Entila's Folly.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Entila's Folly Explorer",
                    [291] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Wansalen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Wansalen Explorer",
                    [292] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Mehrunes' Spite.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mehrunes' Spite Explorer",
                    [293] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Bewan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bewan Explorer",
                    [294] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Goblin War Chief and the Dreugh King at the Fungal Grotto.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Fungal Grotto Vanquisher",
                    [296] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Cave Delver",
                    [297] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Tomb of the Apostates.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tomb of the Apostates Explorer",
                    [298] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Hoarvor Pit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hoarvor Pit Explorer",
                    [299] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Vanquisher",
                    [300] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all six champions in Sanguine's Demesne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanguine's Demesne Conqueror",
                    [301] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Swarm Mother and the Whisperer in Spindleclutch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
                    [303] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Kathutet, Amkaos, and Ranyu, Molag Bal's torturers, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Torturers' Demise",
                    [304] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Glut, Hogshead, and Stumble, the three Ogrim Brothers, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Ogrim Brother Subjugator",
                    [305] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Velehk Sain, the Dremora pirate, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Dremora Pirate Slayer",
                    [306] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Methats, Vonshala, and Sumeer, the Dremora travelers, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Traveling Dremora Slayer",
                    [307] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Menta Na, Molag Bal's most favored Daedroth, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Favored Daedroth Destroyer",
                    [308] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Yggmanei the Ever-Open Eye, Molag Bal's greatest spy, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Closer of the Ever-Open Eye",
                    [309] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Daedroth Hrelvesuu at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Hrelvesuu's Bane",
                    [310] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Rhagothan, the Devourer of Souls, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Devourer of Souls Subverter",
                    [311] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Nomeg Haga, the giant Frost Atronach of Coldharbour, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Frost Lord Destroyer",
                    [312] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Zymel Hriz, the giant Storm Atronach of Coldharbour, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Storm Lord Destroyer",
                    [313] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Anaxes and Medrike, the Xivilai torturers, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Xivilai Slavemaster Destroyer",
                    [314] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Vika, Dylora, and Jansa, the Dark Seducer sisters, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Seductive Sister Destroyer",
                    [315] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat King Styriche of Verkarth and his companions, Fangaril and Zayzahad, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Verkarth Vampire Destroyer",
                    [316] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Lord Dregas Volar, the holder of the Daedric Crescent, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Crescent Dremora Destroyer",
                    [317] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Gedna Relvel, the Lich of Mournhold, at a Dark Anchor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Mournhold Lich Destroyer",
                    [318] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy all of Molag Bal's generals that appear at the Dark Anchors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "General Executioner",
                    [322] =
                        ["description"] = "Release the Dark Anchor pinions to send the chains back to Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Chainbreaker",
                    [324] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy 10 Dark Anchors from Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Anchor Destroyer",
                    [325] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Shadowrend and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Banished Cells",
                    [328] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "The Rift Cave Delver",
                    [329] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Faldar's Tooth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Faldar's Tooth Explorer",
                    [330] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Broken Helm Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Broken Helm Hollow Explorer",
                    [331] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Avancheznel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Avancheznel Explorer",
                    [332] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Fort Greenwall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fort Greenwall Explorer",
                    [333] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Shroud Hearth Barrow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shroud Hearth Barrow Explorer",
                    [334] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Snapleg Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Snapleg Cave Explorer",
                    [335] =
                        ["description"] = "Crush the Reach's presence in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Reach Crusher",
                    [336] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Thallik Wormfather and scatter the Worm Cult.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Wormsquasher",
                    [337] =
                        ["description"] = "Return Sinmur to his grave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ysgramor's Prodigy",
                    [340] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Fungal Grotto before defeating Vila Theran within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of Spider Cultists.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Fungal Grotto Assassin",
                    [342] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Vila Theran without any member of your party using the protection of the Obsidian Husk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Fearless Assaulter",
                    [343] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Gamyne Bandu, the Spawn of Mephala, and Vila Theran.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Shadow Slayer",
                    [345] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Indur-sa and the Khajiiti Hunters at the Hunter Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Khajiiti Hunters' Bane",
                    [346] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the trolls, Frostdrool and Sleetclaw, at the Troll Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Troll Killer",
                    [347] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Frost Atronach, Nomeg Rine, at the Frozen Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Frost Atronach Destroyer",
                    [348] =
                        ["description"] = "Put Ghoragham the Ghost to rest at the Abandoned Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ghost Banisher",
                    [349] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Longstride the Giant and his Mammoth at the Giant Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Giant Slayer",
                    [350] =
                        ["description"] = "Banish Aereus the Wispmother from Wisplight Glen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Wispmother Vanquisher",
                    [351] =
                        ["description"] = "End the threat of the necromancers at Soulfire Plateau and avenge the First Auridon Marines.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Marines Avenger",
                    [352] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Quenyas, leader of Auridon's bandit gangs, in the camp at Seaside Scarp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bandit Lord Bounty Hunter",
                    [353] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Ghost Captain Blanchete at the Wreck of the Raptor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ghost Captain Crusher",
                    [354] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the clannfear champion, Snapjaw, and end the murder of innocents at Heretic's Summons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Snapjaw's Bane",
                    [355] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the giant snake known as the Nestmother in her den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Nestmother Eradicator",
                    [356] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Anarume at the Heritance Proving Ground and end his treason.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Anarume Bounty Hunter",
                    [357] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Guardian of the Flame, the Empowered Frost Atronach, and Drodda of Icereach at Direfrost Keep.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Direfrost Keep Vanquisher",
                    [360] =
                        ["description"] = "Execute the traitor at Tanzelwil in the name of Queen Ayrenn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sunder the First Veil",
                    [361] =
                        ["description"] = "Infiltrate the Veiled Heritance and discover its secret.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sunder the Second Veil",
                    [362] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Daedric army and their leader at Firsthold.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sunder the Third Veil",
                    [363] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Merdyndril the Alchemist at Obsidian Gorge and put an end to the Llodos plague.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Plague Ender",
                    [364] =
                        ["description"] = "Free the Tribunal Temple from invading Daedric forces.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Temple Knight",
                    [365] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Magistrix Vox at Eidolon's Hollow and restore peace to Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Vox Slayer",
                    [367] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crow's Wood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Vanquisher",
                    [368] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of Crow's Wood's champions.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Conqueror",
                    [369] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Vanquisher",
                    [370] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Forgotten Crypts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Conqueror",
                    [371] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Lonely Giant and his angry mammoths in the Lion's Den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lion's Den Group Event",
                    [372] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Fight-Master Grel and his adepts at Sanguine's Demesne.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanguine's Group Event",
                    [373] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lion's Den Vanquisher",
                    [374] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lion's Den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lion's Den Conqueror",
                    [375] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Vanquisher",
                    [376] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Hall of the Dead.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Conqueror",
                    [377] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Obsidian Scar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Vanquisher",
                    [378] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Obsidian Scar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Conqueror",
                    [379] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the Soul Wraiths to summon and slay Ghyslain in Crow's Wood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crow's Wood Group Event",
                    [380] =
                        ["description"] = "Slay the Giant Snake Mother in Bad Man's Hallows.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bad Man's Group Event",
                    [381] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Reynir the Destroyer and his minions in the Hall of the Dead.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hall of the Dead Group Event",
                    [382] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the giant bear Graufang at Seaview Point.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Graufang Hunter",
                    [383] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the lurcher Limbscather at the Western Overlook.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Limbscather Slayer",
                    [384] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill the werewolf, Salazar the Wolf, at the Wolf's Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Werewolf's Bane",
                    [385] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Bloodthorn zombie, Asard the Putrid, at North Shore Point.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Asard's Assassin",
                    [386] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the giant crocodile, Trapjaw, at Trapjaw's Cove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Trapjaw Stalker",
                    [387] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the necromancer, Grivier Bloodcaller, at Balefire Island.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bloodcaller's Ruin",
                    [388] =
                        ["description"] = "Eradicate the Kwama infestation and kill the Kwama Guardians in the Forgotten Crypts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Forgotten Crypts Group Event",
                    [389] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Toothmaul Gully.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Toothmaul Gully Vanquisher",
                    [390] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Toothmaul Gully.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Toothmaul Gully Conqueror",
                    [391] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Quintus Verres, Tremorscale, and the Guardian's Constructs at Volenfell.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Volenfell Vanquisher",
                    [393] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Pack, the Beast Master, and the Lava Queen at the Blessed Crucible.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Blessed Crucible Vanquisher",
                    [395] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lost City Vanquisher",
                    [396] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lost City Conqueror",
                    [397] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Skyshard Hunter",
                    [398] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 3 Skyshards in Bleakrock.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Bleakrock Skyshard Hunter",
                    [399] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Titanclaw the mudcrab at Mudcrab Beach.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Titanclaw Cracker",
                    [400] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Old Widow Silk and the Bloodweaver spiders at the Spider Nest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spider Slayer",
                    [401] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Dreugh Brood Queen at the Dreugh Waters.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Brood Queen Destroyer",
                    [402] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Daedroth Gar Xuu Gar and his minions at the Abandoned Farm.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Gar Xuu Gar's Bane",
                    [403] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Ogre called Cousin Scrag at Scrag's Larder.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cousin Scrag's Demolisher",
                    [404] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Zymel Kruz the Storm Atronach at the Ancient Altar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Kruz Control",
                    [405] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 3 Skyshards in Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Bal Foyen Skyshard Hunter",
                    [406] =
                        ["description"] = "Jump from the nose of the Weeping Giant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Nose Diver",
                    [407] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 3 Skyshards in Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Stros M'Kai Skyshard Hunter",
                    [408] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 3 Skyshards in Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Betnikh Skyshard Hunter",
                    [409] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Skyshard Hunter",
                    [410] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Atarus, the Roost Mother, and Captain Blackheart in Blackheart Haven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Blackheart Haven Vanquisher",
                    [412] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Santaki Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Santaki Ruins Explorer",
                    [413] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in the Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Cave Delver",
                    [414] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Divad's Chagrin Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Divad's Chagrin Mine Explorer",
                    [415] =
                        ["description"] = "Recruit all three famous privateers on Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Famed Recruiter",
                    [416] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Aldunz Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Aldunz Ruins Explorer",
                    [417] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Longclaw, Foulhide, and Selene in Selene's Web.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Selene's Web Vanquisher",
                    [419] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Coldrock Diggings.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Coldrock Diggings Explorer",
                    [420] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Sandblown Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sandblown Mine Explorer",
                    [421] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Blood Golem, Praxin's Ghost, and Vorenor Winterbourne in Spindleclutch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Spindleclutch Vanquisher",
                    [423] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Yldzuun Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Yldzuun Ruins Explorer",
                    [424] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Cave Delver",
                    [425] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy the tainted plant creatures at Deathsong Cleft in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Deathsong Deforester",
                    [426] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Big Ozur the Ogre in Big Ozur's Valley.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Big Ozur's Bane",
                    [427] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Queen of Three Mercies and her entourage at Waterdancer Falls in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mercy Killer",
                    [428] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Gravecaller Niramo and his dark daughter Varien at the Reaper's Henge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Gravecaller's Doom",
                    [429] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Daedroth, Ysolmarr the Roving Pyre, near the Old S'ren-ja Docks in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ysolmarr's Ruin",
                    [430] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the vampire, Overlord Nur-dro, at Ushmal's Rest in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Nur-dro's Downfall",
                    [431] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 6 Skyshards in Khenarthi's Roost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Khenarthi's Skyshard Hunter",
                    [432] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Aba-Loria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Aba-Loria Explorer",
                    [433] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Grotto of Depravity.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grotto of Depravity Explorer",
                    [434] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Cave of Trophies.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cave of Trophies Explorer",
                    [435] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Vault of Haman Forgefire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Forgefire Vault Explorer",
                    [436] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Mal Sorra's Tomb.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mal Sorra's Tomb Explorer",
                    [437] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Wailing Maw.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Wailing Maw Explorer",
                    [438] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Cave Delver",
                    [439] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the daedroth, Sthorha the Crazed, at Aba-Darre.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sthorha's Doom",
                    [440] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the ice wraith, Duriatundur, at Duriatundur's Killing Field.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ice Wraith Hunter",
                    [441] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the ancient Dwarven Centurian, Zemarek-thul, at Zemarek's Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Centurian's Ruin",
                    [442] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the daedroth trio, Nolagha, Keggagiha and Rsolignah, at the Daedroth Larder.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Daedroth Trio Hunter",
                    [443] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Dremora necromancer, Brolsgerbwd, at the Risen Court.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Brolsgerbwd's Bane",
                    [444] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the harvester, Cynhamoth, at Cynhamoth's Grove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cynhamoth's End",
                    [445] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the undead hordes of Hergor the Fallen at Rulanyil's Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Rulanyil's Fall Group Event",
                    [446] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Spindleclutch before defeating Vorenor Winterbourne within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of Thralled warriors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Spindleclutch Assassin",
                    [448] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Vorenor Winterbourne without killing any of the innocent victims held captive in his lair.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Compassionate Hero",
                    [449] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Banished Cells before defeating High Kinlord Rilis within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of Banished skeletons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Banished Cells Assassin",
                    [451] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat High Kinlord Rilis while three or more Daedroth still live.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Cursed Hero",
                    [452] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Cave Delver",
                    [453] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Kuna's Delve.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Kuna's Delve Explorer",
                    [454] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Thibaut's Cairn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Thibaut's Cairn Explorer",
                    [455] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Weeping Wind Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Weeping Wind Cave Explorer",
                    [456] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Claw's Strike.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Claw's Strike Explorer",
                    [457] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Fardir's Folly.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fardir's Folly Explorer",
                    [458] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Jode's Light.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Jode's Light Explorer",
                    [459] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Dark Root, Murklight, and Bogdan the Nightflame in Elden Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Elden Hollow Conqueror",
                    [460] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Flat Tooth and his minions at Crimson Cove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crimson Cove Group Event",
                    [461] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Elden Hollow before defeating Bogdan the Nightflame within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of Daedra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Elden Hollow Assassin",
                    [463] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Bogdan the Nightflame after reading the Opus of Torment.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Closing the Book",
                    [464] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Transmuted Hive Lord, Grobull the Transmuted, and the Engine Guardian in Darkshade Caverns.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Darkshade Caverns Vanquisher",
                    [465] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Darkshade before defeating the Engine Guardian within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first group of kwama.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Darkshade Assassin",
                    [467] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Engine Guardian without anyone in your group activating an Engine Lever.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Deadly Engineer",
                    [468] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Bloodroot and its guardians at Toothmaul Gully.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Toothmaul Gully Group Event",
                    [469] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the damned creations of Graccus' frost experiments at the Vile Manse.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vile Manse Group Event",
                    [470] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Bonemonger and its captors in Root Sunder Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Root Sunder Group Event",
                    [471] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Angler",
                    [472] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Angler",
                    [473] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Angler",
                    [474] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Angler",
                    [475] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Angler",
                    [476] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Daggerfall Covenant fishing achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Covenant Fisherman",
                    [477] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Angler",
                    [478] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Angler",
                    [479] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Angler",
                    [480] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Angler",
                    [481] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Rift Angler",
                    [482] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Ebonheart Pact fishing achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Pact Fisherman",
                    [483] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Angler",
                    [484] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Angler",
                    [485] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Angler",
                    [486] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Angler",
                    [487] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Angler",
                    [488] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Aldmeri Dominion fishing achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Dominion Fisherman",
                    [489] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Angler",
                    [490] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Angler",
                    [491] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch a rare Eltheric Grouper in Stros M'Kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Stros M'Kai Angler",
                    [492] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch a rare Pyandonean Ray in Khenarthi's Roost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Khenarthi's Roost Angler",
                    [493] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch a rare Inner Sea Scalyfin fish in Bleakrock.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Bleakrock Angler",
                    [494] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all fishing achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Master Fisher",
                    [495] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the duneripper, Mother Sands, at the Lost Caravan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Duneripper's Downfall",
                    [496] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the giant, Lonely Papa, at the Giant Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lonely Papa's Doom",
                    [497] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Hag Sisters, Igazkad, Orochar and Ukha, at the Hag Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hag Upheaval",
                    [498] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Korignah the harvester in the Forsaken Hearts Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Korignah's Bane",
                    [499] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Mummy King at King's Rest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mummy King Murderer",
                    [500] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the golden saint, Staada, at the Lesser Circle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Saint Slayer",
                    [510] =
                        ["description"] = "Protect the Court of the Wilderking.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Court Ranger",
                    [511] =
                        ["description"] = "End the Veiled Heritance threat in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Veil Lifter",
                    [512] =
                        ["description"] = "Cleanse the corruption from Valenwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Valenwood Protector",
                    [515] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Skyshard Hunter",
                    [516] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Uwafa and reclaim the Ansei Ward.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Uwafa's Ruination",
                    [517] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Alasan and restore the Ansei Ward.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Alasan's Devastation",
                    [518] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Withered Hand and reclaim all the Ansei Wards.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ash'abah Hero",
                    [524] =
                        ["description"] = "Gather all of the Lights of Meridia within Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Meridia's Lightbearer",
                    [525] =
                        ["description"] = "Stop the Maormer from summoning a hurricane to destroy Khenarthi's Roost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Maormer's Bane",
                    [526] =
                        ["description"] = "Intervene in all instances of skooma abuse on Khenarthi's Roost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Skooma Watch",
                    [536] =
                        ["description"] = "Restore the Clanmother to power in Arenthia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Clanmother Inaugurator",
                    [537] =
                        ["description"] = "Shackle the Dark Mane to his prison beneath Moonmont.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Dark Mane Incarcerator",
                    [538] =
                        ["description"] = "Walk the Two Moons Path with the next Mane.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Two Moons Pathwalker",
                    [539] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Troll's Toothpick.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Troll's Toothpick Explorer",
                    [540] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Torog's Spite.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Torog's Spite Explorer",
                    [541] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Crypt of the Exiles.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Crypt of the Exiles Explorer",
                    [542] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Viridian Watch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Viridian Watch Explorer",
                    [543] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Rubble Butte.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rubble Butte Explorer",
                    [544] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Klathzgar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Klathzgar Explorer",
                    [545] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Maw of the Infernal, Keeper Imiril, and High Kinlord Rilis in the Banished Cells.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Banished Cells Champion",
                    [547] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Skyshard Hunter",
                    [548] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy Ozzozachar, the favored Titan of Molag Bal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Ozzozachar's Door",
                    [550] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Underroot.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Underroot Explorer",
                    [551] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Infernal Guardian, the Warden of the Shrine, and Razor Master Erthas in the City of Ash.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "City of Ash Vanquisher",
                    [553] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Carac Dena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Carac Dena Explorer",
                    [554] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Skyshard Hunter",
                    [555] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Gurzag's Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Gurzag's Mine Explorer",
                    [556] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Skyshard Hunter",
                    [557] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Skyshard Hunter",
                    [558] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Harridan's Lair.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Harridan's Lair Explorer",
                    [559] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Barrow Trench.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Barrow Trench Explorer",
                    [560] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the giant crocodile, Gathongor the Mauler, at Gathongor's Mire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Gathongor Hunter",
                    [561] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the ogre, Thodundor of the Hill, at Thodundor's View.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "King of the Hill",
                    [562] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Sea Elf, Jahlasri, and her Maormer companions at the Maormer Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Sea Elf's Woe",
                    [563] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the lurcher known as the Heart of Rootwater at Rootwater Spring.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rootwater's Demise",
                    [564] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Argonian Maheelius and his force of spies at the Reconnaissance Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Spy Smasher",
                    [565] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Storm Atronach, Zymel Etitan, at Pelda Tarn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Zymel Chaser",
                    [567] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Naril Nagaia.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Naril Nagaia Explorer",
                    [568] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Cave Delver",
                    [570] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Ulguna Soul-Reaver, Grothdarr, Iskra the Omen, and the Mad Architect in the Vaults of Madness.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vaults of Madness Vanquisher",
                    [572] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Cave Delver",
                    [573] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Ne Salas.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ne Salas Explorer",
                    [574] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Scuttle Pit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Scuttle Pit Explorer",
                    [575] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Vinedeath Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Vinedeath Cave Explorer",
                    [576] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Burroot Kwama Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Burroot Kwama Mine Explorer",
                    [577] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Wormroot Depths.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Wormroot Depths Explorer",
                    [578] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Mobar Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mobar Mine Explorer",
                    [579] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy every Dark Anchor in Aldmeri Dominion territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Dominion Anchor Shatterer",
                    [584] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy every Dark Anchor in Daggerfall Covenant territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Covenant Anchor Shatterer",
                    [585] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy every Dark Anchor in Ebonheart Pact territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Pact Anchor Shatterer",
                    [586] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy every Dark Anchor in the contested lands of Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Imperial Anchor Shatterer",
                    [587] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy every Dark Anchor in Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Anchors Away",
                    [589] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Reezal-Jul at Camp Tamrith and save the Crestshade refugees.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of House Tamrith",
                    [590] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Lady Lleraya Montclair at Northpoint and set Baron Dorell's city free.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of House Dorell",
                    [591] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Baron Wylon Montclair and destroy the Lightless Remnant at the Doomcrag to save Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Sword of Ravenwatch",
                    [593] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 59 quests in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Adventurer",
                    [595] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 55 quests in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Adventurer",
                    [596] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 51 quests in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Adventurer",
                    [597] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill Lob the Cleaver and befriend the Giants at the Cradlecrush Arena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Giant-Friend",
                    [598] =
                        ["description"] = "Save Jorunn the Skald-King at Mistwatch Tower.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Skald-King's Salvation",
                    [599] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Fildgor Orcthane at Skuldafn and earn the title of Arrow of Jorunn the Skald-King.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Skald-King's Arrow",
                    [600] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 43 quests in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Adventurer",
                    [602] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 45 quests in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Adventurer",
                    [603] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 61 quests in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Rift Adventurer",
                    [604] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 37 quests in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Adventurer",
                    [605] =
                        ["description"] = "Free Southpoint from the influence of the Daedric Prince, Sheogorath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Southpoint Savior",
                    [606] =
                        ["description"] = "Retrieve the Heart of Anumaril from the Reliquary of Stars.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Reliquary Retriever",
                    [607] =
                        ["description"] = "Free Nairume from her prison and retrieved Rajhin's Mantle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of Falinesti",
                    [608] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 38 quests in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Adventurer",
                    [610] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 40 quests in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Adventurer",
                    [611] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 40 quests in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Adventurer",
                    [612] =
                        ["description"] = "Rescue the last Ayleid King, Laloriaran Dynar, from the Lightless Oubliette.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Light of the Ayleid King",
                    [613] =
                        ["description"] = "Rescue the Great Mage, Vanus Galerion, and help him destroy Molag Bal's Great Shackle",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Guardian of the Great Mage",
                    [614] =
                        ["description"] = "Stop the Planemeld and defeat Molag Bal's plan of conquest at the Endless Stair.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Planemeld Sunderer",
                    [616] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete 29 quests in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Adventurer",
                    [617] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Ebonheart Pact achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of the Ebonheart Pact",
                    [618] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all Aldmeri Dominion quest achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hero of the Aldmeri Dominion",
                    [619] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy 50 Dark Anchors from Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Anchor Demolisher",
                    [620] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy 100 Dark Anchors from Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Anchor Decimater",
                    [621] =
                        ["description"] = "Destroy 250 Dark Anchors from Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 6,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dark Anchors",
                        ["name"] = "Anchor Devastater",
                    [622] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all of the Aldmeri Dominion cave exploration achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Dominion Cave Delver",
                    [625] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all of the Daggerfall Covenant cave exploration achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Covenant Cave Delver",
                    [626] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all of the Ebonheart Pact cave exploration achievements.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Pact Cave Delver",
                    [627] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete every cave exploration achievement in Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tamriel Master Cave Delver",
                    [628] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all of the quest achievements across Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Tamriel Expert Adventurer",
                    [678] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Malubeth the Scourger, Garron the Returned, and Varaine and Allene Pellingare in the Wayrest Sewers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Wayrest Sewers Vanquisher",
                    [679] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Wayrest Sewers before defeating Allene and Varaine Pellingare within twenty minutes of starting the dungeon. Timer starts when players engage the first necromancer and his minions.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Wayrest Sewers Assassin",
                    [681] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 15 Zombies during the battle with Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare before defeating the twins themselves in Veteran Wayrest Sewers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Pellingare Ghoul Slayer",
                    [682] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Skyshard Hunter",
                    [683] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Skyshard Hunter",
                    [684] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Skyshard Hunter",
                    [685] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Skyshard Hunter",
                    [686] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Skyshard Hunter",
                    [687] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Skyshard Hunter",
                    [688] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Skyshard Hunter",
                    [689] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "The Rift Skyshard Hunter",
                    [691] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 named enemies in dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Ruler",
                    [692] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 15 Skyshards in the Ebonheart Pact territory of Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Pact Skyshard Hunter",
                    [693] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 15 Skyshards in the Daggerfall Covenant territory of Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Covenant Skyshards",
                    [694] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 15 Skyshards in the Aldmeri Dominion territory of Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Aldmeri Skyshard Hunter",
                    [695] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 16 Skyshards in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Skyshard Hunter",
                    [696] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the crazed Orc hunter Shagura at Hircine's Henge.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shagura's Doom",
                    [697] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the senche-tigress Nindaeril the Monsoon atop Nindaeril's Perch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Monsoon Marauder",
                    [698] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the nereid Lady Solace in Lady Solace's Fen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Water Walloper",
                    [699] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Otho Rufinus, the poacher leader, at the Poacher Camp.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Poacher Pounder",
                    [700] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the giant flesh atronach Thugrub the Reformed in Thugrub's Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Thugrub Dissector",
                    [701] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the lich Valanir the Restless at Valanir's Rest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Valanir's Bane",
                    [702] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete the Mages Guild series of quests.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Arch-Mage",
                    [703] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete the Fighters Guild series of quests.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Fighters Guild Veteran",
                    [704] =
                        ["description"] = "Buy drinks for your Undaunted companions at each gathering.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "This One's On Me",
                    [705] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of Grand Overlord in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War Grand Overlord",
                    [706] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn the rank of First Sergeant in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Alliance War First Sergeant",
                    [707] =
                        ["description"] = "Solve the puzzle of the Guardians in the Lost City of the Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Na-Totambu Group Event",
                    [708] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the flesh atronach at Razak's Wheel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Group Event",
                    [709] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 named enemies in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Lord",
                    [710] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 1000 enemies in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Marauder",
                    [711] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 10,000 enemies in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Annihilator",
                    [713] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Orc, Zilbash the Deceiver, at Obsidian Scar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Obsidian Scar Group Event",
                    [714] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Eternal One in the Bonesnap Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Group Event",
                    [716] =
                        ["description"] = "Help ease cultural tensions and reconcile the allies in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Peacemaker",
                    [717] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 10 enemy Nightblades.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Nightblade Slayer",
                    [718] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Redguard enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Redguard Slayer",
                    [719] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Orc enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Orc Slayer",
                    [720] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Dunmer enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Dark Elf Slayer",
                    [721] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Nord enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Nord Slayer",
                    [722] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Argonian enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Argonian Slayer",
                    [723] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Bosmer enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Wood Elf Slayer",
                    [724] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Altmer enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "High Elf Slayer",
                    [725] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Khajiit enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Khajiit Slayer",
                    [726] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 Imperial enemies in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Imperial Slayer",
                    [727] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all 12 Skyshards in Lower Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Lower Craglorn Skyshards",
                    [730] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Bloodmayne Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bloodmayne Cave Explorer",
                    [731] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Breakneck Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Breakneck Cave Explorer",
                    [732] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Haynote Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Haynote Cave Explorer",
                    [733] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Nisin Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Nisin Cave Explorer",
                    [734] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Pothole Caverns.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Pothole Caverns Explorer",
                    [735] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Serpent Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Serpent Hollow Explorer",
                    [736] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Capstone Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Capstone Cave Explorer",
                    [737] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Echo Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Echo Cave Explorer",
                    [738] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Lipsand Tarn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lipsand Tarn Explorer",
                    [739] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Red Ruby Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Red Ruby Cave Explorer",
                    [740] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Toadstool Hollow.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Toadstool Hollow Explorer",
                    [741] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Underpall Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Underpall Cave Explorer",
                    [742] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Cracked Wood Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cracked Wood Cave Explorer",
                    [743] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Kingscrest Cavern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Kingscrest Cavern Explorer",
                    [744] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Muck Valley Cavern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Muck Valley Cavern Explorer",
                    [745] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Newt Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Newt Cave Explorer",
                    [746] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Quickwater Cave.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Quickwater Cave Explorer",
                    [747] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Vahtacen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Vahtacen Explorer",
                    [748] =
                        ["description"] = "Find the Skyshard on top of the mountain in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Mountain Skyshard Hunter",
                    [749] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dealer",
                    [750] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Damage Dispenser",
                    [751] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Healer",
                    [752] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 10,000,000 points of damage to allies in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Greater Dungeon Healer",
                    [753] =
                        ["description"] = "Block 1,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Dungeon Blocker",
                    [754] =
                        ["description"] = "Block 10,000,000 points of damage in Dungeons.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Greater Dungeon Blocker",
                    [758] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quests in Bruma.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Bruma Adventurer",
                    [759] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quests in Cheydinhal.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Cheydinhal Adventurer",
                    [760] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quests in Chorrol and Weynon Priory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Chorrol Weynon Priory Adventurer",
                    [761] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quests in Cropsford.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Cropsford Adventurer",
                    [762] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quests in Vlastarus.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Vlastarus Adventurer",
                    [766] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear all 18 caves in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Cave Delver",
                    [767] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all quest achievements in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Champion",
                    [768] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Khenarthi's Roost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Khenarthi's Roost Pathfinder",
                    [769] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Pathfinder",
                    [770] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Bleakrock Isle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bleakrock Isle Pathfinder",
                    [771] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bal Foyen Pathfinder",
                    [772] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Pathfinder",
                    [773] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Stros M'kai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stros M'kai Pathfinder",
                    [774] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Betnikh Pathfinder",
                    [775] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Pathfinder",
                    [1234] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a total of five hundred livestock animals.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Livestock Mass Murderer",
                    [778] =
                        ["description"] = "Unravel the mysteries of Rahni'Za, School of Warriors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Champion of Rahni'Za",
                    [779] =
                        ["description"] = "Translate all of the Positive Potency runes",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Positive Potency",
                    [780] =
                        ["description"] = "Translate all of the Negative Potency runes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Negative Potency",
                    [781] =
                        ["description"] = "Translate all of the Essence runes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Essence",
                    [1233] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a total of one hundred livestock animals.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Slaughterer",
                    [1232] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a total of ten livestock animals.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Butcher",
                    [1231] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a livestock guar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Guar Slayer",
                    [1230] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a livestock pig.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Hog Killer",
                    [1229] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a livestock goat or sheep.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Wicked Shepherd",
                    [1228] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a livestock chicken, or bantam guar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Poultry Assassin",
                    [788] =
                        ["description"] = "Translate all of the Aspect runes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Aspect",
                    [1227] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a livestock cow, bull, or ox.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Ground Beef",
                    [1226] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill one hundred citizens of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Mass Murderer",
                    [1225] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill fifty citizens of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Serial Killer",
                    [1224] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill a citizen of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Murderer",
                    [1223] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 1,200 Champion Points in the Thief Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Champion of Evening Star",
                    [1222] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 600 Champion Points in the Thief Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Devious Destiny",
                    [1221] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 300 Champion Points in the Thief Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Stealthy Decree",
                    [1220] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 1,200 Champion Points in the Mage Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Champion of Rain's Hand",
                    [1219] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 600 Champion Points in the Mage Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Mysterious Destiny",
                    [1218] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 300 Champion Points in the Mage Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Arcane Decree",
                    [1217] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 1,200 Champion Points in the Warrior Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Champion of Last Seed",
                    [1216] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 300 Champion Points in the Warrior Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Vigorous Decree",
                    [1215] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 600 Champion Points in the Warrior Constellation.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Robust Destiny",
                    [1214] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend your first Champion Point.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Dawn of a Champion",
                    [1213] =
                        ["description"] = "Steal an item of Epic quality.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Larcenist",
                    [1212] =
                        ["description"] = "Steal an item of Superior quality.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Discriminating Plunderer",
                    [1211] =
                        ["description"] = "Steal an item of Fine quality.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Discerning Pilferer",
                    [1210] =
                        ["description"] = "A guard repossess stolen clothing from all your armor slots at the same time.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Indecent Exposure",
                    [1209] =
                        ["description"] = "A guard repossess an article of stolen clothing that you were wearing.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Disrobed Discipline",
                    [1208] =
                        ["description"] = "Successfully pick the locks on one hundred locked doors.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Master Burglar",
                    [1205] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 10,000 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Illustrious Launderer",
                    [1204] =
                        ["description"] = "Spend 1,000 gold to launder stolen items through a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Loot Sanitizer",
                    [1202] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn 1,000,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Black Market Mogul",
                    [1201] =
                        ["description"] = "Earn 100,000 gold by selling stolen goods to a Fence.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Illicit Entrepreneur",
                    [1200] =
                        ["description"] = "Break into and loot the contents of one hundred safeboxes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 3,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Justice",
                        ["name"] = "Safebox Cracker",
                    [1159] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete all the achievements associated with the Veteran City of Ash Dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Deadlands Savvy",
                    [1158] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach level 45, attracting the attention of the Undaunted elite.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Call of the Undaunted",
                    [1146] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete one Crafting Writ.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "First Writ",
                    [1145] =
                        ["description"] = "Become certified in every crafting profession.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Certified Jack-of-All-Trades",
                    [1144] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect and learn from every Dwemer Style book.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Dwemer Style Master",
                    [1143] =
                        ["description"] = "Eliminate the threat of the Serpent and his Scaled Court throughout all of Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Craglorn Completist",
                    [1140] =
                        ["description"] = "Conquer all challengers on the increased difficulty version of Dragonstar Arena.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Dragonstar Arena Conqueror",
                    [1139] =
                        ["description"] = "You have completed Hel Ra Citadel, Aetherian Archive, and Sanctum Ophidia at their highest difficulties.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Craglorn Trials Conqueror",
                    [1138] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Celestial Serpent after desecrating the sacred banners of the Scaled Court",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum Ophidia Difficult Mode",
                    [1137] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Celestial Mage after taunting her by smashing the Aetherial Orbs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Aetherian Archive Difficult Mode",
                    [1136] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Celestial Warrior after enraging him through the destruction of his statue army.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hel Ra Citadel Difficult Mode",
                    [1127] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six explorable caves in Upper Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Upper Craglorn Cave Delver",
                    [1126] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all caves and locales throughout Upper Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Upper Craglorn Master Explorer",
                    [1125] =
                        ["description"] = "Research the Nirnhoned Trait for any weapon or armor type.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Learn the Nirnhoned Trait",
                    [1124] =
                        ["description"] = "Completed the Sanctum Ophidia within a time limit of 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Time Trial: Sanctum Ophidia",
                    [1123] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Serpent Celestial.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum Ophidia Completed",
                    [1121] =
                        ["description"] = "Find Geldrion Treehelm's stash in Belkarth.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Earthly Possessions",
                    [1117] =
                        ["description"] = "Block 1,000,000 points of damage in Trials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Trials Blocker",
                    [832] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Pathfinder",
                    [833] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Pathfinder",
                    [834] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Pathfinder",
                    [835] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Pathfinder",
                    [836] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeated by slaughterfish.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Slaughtered",
                    [1116] =
                        ["description"] = "Heal 1,000,000 points of damage to allies in Trials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Trials Healer",
                    [838] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all the beasts of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Tamriel Beast Collector",
                    [839] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Pathfinder",
                    [840] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Pathfinder",
                    [841] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all the undead of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Undead Hoarder",
                    [842] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all the chitinous creatures of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Chitin Accumulator",
                    [843] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from nature spirits and natural creatures from across Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Nature Collector",
                    [844] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all the monstrous creatures of Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Monstrous Component Collector",
                    [845] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Pathfinder",
                    [846] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from Dwemer constructs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Dwarven Secrets Gatherer",
                    [847] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all types of atronachs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Atronach Element Collector",
                    [848] =
                        ["description"] = "Collect trophies from all types of slain Daedra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Oblivion Shard Gatherer",
                    [849] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Pathfinder",
                    [850] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 200 spiders in Veteran Fungal Grotto dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Arachnid Slayer",
                    [851] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Obsidian Warriors in Veteran Fungal Grotto dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Obsidian Slayer",
                    [852] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill skeletons in Veteran Banished Cells dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Bonebreaker",
                    [853] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Dremora in Veteran Banished Cells dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Rilis Dremora Slayer",
                    [854] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Vampire Thralls in Veteran Spindleclutch dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Thrall Slayer",
                    [855] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat flesh atronachs in Veteran Spindleclutch dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Flesh Atronach Conqueror",
                    [856] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 200 kwama in Veteran Darkshade Caverns dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Kwama Slayer",
                    [857] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Dwarven constructs in Veteran Darkshade Caverns dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Construct Slayer",
                    [858] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat banekin in Veteran Elden Hollow dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Banekin Slayer",
                    [859] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat lurchers in Veteran Elden Hollow dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Lurcher Slayer",
                    [860] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat zombies in Veteran Wayrest Sewers dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Zombie Slayer",
                    [861] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat bone colossuses in Veteran Wayrest Sewers dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Colossus Slayer",
                    [862] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Pathfinder",
                    [863] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "The Rift Pathfinder",
                    [864] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Pathfinder",
                    [865] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Pathfinder",
                    [866] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Pathfinder",
                    [867] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in the core regions of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Daggerfall Covenant, the Ebonheart Pact, and Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tamriel Trailblazer",
                    [1115] =
                        ["description"] = "Deal 1,000,000 points of damage in Trials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Trials Damage Dealer",
                    [869] =
                        ["description"] = "Extort gold from merchants across Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Crime Pays",
                    [870] =
                        ["description"] = "",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hel Ra Citadel: The War Horn",
                    [871] =
                        ["description"] = "Share your wealth with needy beggars across Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Give to the Poor",
                    [872] =
                        ["description"] = "Track the movements of M'aiq the Liar across Tamriel and beyond.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "I Like M'aiq",
                    [873] =
                        ["description"] = "Bring light to the dark places of the world.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lightbringer",
                    [874] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Zatalguch in the Village of the Lost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Lost Village Group Challenge",
                    [1114] =
                        ["description"] = "In Veteran City of Ash, make a pact with the Frigid Tome, then defeat Valkyn Skoria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "A World On Fire",
                    [876] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Ruzozuzalpamaz, the Brothers Ilambris and the Ilambris Amalgam, and Nerien'eth in Veteran Crypt of Hearts.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crypt of Hearts Conqueror",
                    [1113] =
                        ["description"] = "",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Sanctum Ophidia: Feeding Pit",
                    [878] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Veteran City of Ash by defeating Horvantud the Fire Maw, the Ash Titan, and Valkyn Skoria.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran City of Ash",
                    [1112] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete the Gray Passage pilgrimage within the alloted time limit.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Craglorn Pilgrim",
                    [1105] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 300 Dremora in the Veteran City of Ash dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Mehrunes Dremora Slayer",
                    [1104] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Imp Stool Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Imp Stool",
                    [882] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat the Emperor of your Home Campaign in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Emperor Assassin",
                    [1103] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Luminous Russula Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Luminous Russula",
                    [884] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Molavar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Molavar Explorer",
                    [885] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Rkundzelft.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rkundzelft Explorer",
                    [886] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Serpent's Nest.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Serpent's Nest Explorer",
                    [887] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Ilthag's Undertower.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ilthag's Undertower Explorer",
                    [888] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Ruins of Kardala.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ruins of Kardala Explorer",
                    [889] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Loth'Na Caverns.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Loth'Na Caverns Explorer",
                    [890] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Rkhardahrk.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rkhardahrk Explorer",
                    [891] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Haddock's Market.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Haddock's Market Explorer",
                    [892] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Chiselshriek Mine.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Chiselshriek Mine Explorer",
                    [893] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Buried Sands.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Buried Sands Explorer",
                    [894] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Mtharnaz.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Mtharnaz Explorer",
                    [895] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Howling Sepulchers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "The Howling Sepulchers Explorer",
                    [896] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Balamath.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Balamath Explorer",
                    [897] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Fearfangs Cavern.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Fearfangs Cavern Explorer",
                    [898] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Exarch's Stronghold.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Exarch's Stronghold Explorer",
                    [899] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Zalgaz's Den.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Zalgaz's Den Explorer",
                    [900] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear the Tombs of the Na-Totambu.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Tombs of the Na-Totambu Explorer",
                    [901] =
                        ["description"] = "Explore and clear Hircine's Haunt.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Hircine's Haunt Explorer",
                    [902] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Lower Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lower Craglorn Pathfinder",
                    [903] =
                        ["description"] = "Enter Cyrodiil and join the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Cyrodiil Recruit",
                    [904] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat an Emperor from any campaign in the Alliance War.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Emperor Slayer",
                    [905] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Shada and cleanse the waters of Shada's Tear.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Shada's Tear Curse-Breaker",
                    [906] =
                        ["description"] = "Uncover the secrets hidden within the Seeker's Archive.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Tenacious Seeker",
                    [907] =
                        ["description"] = "Prevent a catastrophic explosion of magic from within the Spellscar.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Spellscar Defender",
                    [908] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Yamanu-ko and end the strife in Elinhir.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Exalted of Elinhir",
                    [909] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover why the Celestials have appeared in Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Celestial Investigator",
                    [1102] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the White Cap Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "White Cap",
                    [1092] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Mountain Flower Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Mountain Flower",
                    [912] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all six Skyshards in Upper Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Upper Craglorn Skyshards",
                    [1091] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn all the Traits for the Dragonthorn Alchemy Plant.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Dragonthorn",
                    [1085] =
                        ["description"] = "Make a Renowned Food or Drink.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Renowned Provisioner",
                    [1084] =
                        ["description"] = "In Veteran Crypt of Hearts, allow four of Nerien'eth's Students to survive until he takes the Ebony Blade before defeating them all.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "The Blade's Edge",
                    [916] =
                        ["description"] = "Catch all 12 rare fish in Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 2,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Trophies",
                        ["name"] = "Craglorn Angler",
                    [1082] =
                        ["description"] = "Rescue all of the members of the failed Undaunted expedition to the Deadlands of Mehrunes Dagon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Undaunted Rescuer",
                    [1081] =
                        ["description"] = "Completed the Aetherian Archive within a time limit of 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Time Trial: Aetherian Archive",
                    [1080] =
                        ["description"] = "Completed the Hel Ra Citadel within a time limit of 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Time Trial: Hel Ra Citadel",
                    [1079] =
                        ["description"] = "Completed a Weekly Trial within 33 minutes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Time Trial: Weekly",
                    [1078] =
                        ["description"] = "Completed a Weekly Trial",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Weekly Trial Complete",
                    [1075] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all the bosses throughout the Group Dungeons in the Aldmeri Dominion.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Vanquisher of the Dominion",
                    [1064] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Village of the Lost.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Village of the Lost Vanquisher",
                    [1063] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Vanquisher",
                    [1062] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Vanquisher",
                    [1060] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in The Vile Manse.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "The Vile Manse Vanquisher",
                    [1059] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Crimson Cove.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Crimson Cove Vanquisher",
                    [1058] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat three of the champions in Rulanyil's Fall.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Rulanyil's Fall Vanquisher",
                    [1055] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Razak's Wheel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Razak's Wheel Conqueror",
                    [1054] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in Bonesnap Ruins.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Bonesnap Ruins Conqueror",
                    [1052] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all of the champions in The Vile Manse.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "The Vile Manse Conqueror",
                    [1046] =
                        ["description"] = "Make a Renowned and an Epic Food or Drink.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Chef",
                    [1045] =
                        ["description"] = "Learn every Alchemy plant Trait.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Botanist",
                    [1042] =
                        ["description"] = "Have a character apply a Legendary Enchantment that they created, to a Legendary piece of gear that they created.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Truly Legendary",
                    [935] =
                        ["description"] = "Dominate the Alliance War battlefield and become Emperor of Tamriel. \n\nLong may you reign!",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Emperor!",
                    [936] =
                        ["description"] = "Dismantle the Serpent's forces and vanquish the Exalted Viper.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Serpents and Secrets",
                    [937] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales in Upper Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Upper Craglorn Pathfinder",
                    [1041] =
                        ["description"] = "Research every available Trait at least once.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Trait Master",
                    [939] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 250 Spiderkith in the Veteran Crypt of Hearts dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Spiderkith Slayer",
                    [940] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat 50 Flesh Atronachs in the Veteran Crypt of Hearts dungeon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Flesh Atronach Slayer",
                    [941] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Ibelgast, the Chamber Guardian, Mezeluth, Ruzozuzalpamaz, the Brothers Ilambris and the Ilambris Amalgam, and Nerien'eth within thirty minutes of starting Veteran Crypt of Hearts. The timer starts when the gate opens.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Veteran Crypt of Hearts Assassin",
                    [942] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Crypt of Hearts before defeating Nerien'eth without suffering a group member death.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Deadly Crypt Survivor",
                    [943] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated a hidden threat to the Dominion in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "A Rule Unquestioned",
                    [944] =
                        ["description"] = "You thwarted perilous Daedric schemes in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Iconoclast",
                    [945] =
                        ["description"] = "You drove corruption from the heart of Valenwood in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Spirit of the Bosmer",
                    [946] =
                        ["description"] = "You restored the Silvenar and the Green Lady to their rightful place in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Matchmaker",
                    [947] =
                        ["description"] = "You walked the Two Moons Path in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hallowed Moons",
                    [948] =
                        ["description"] = "You imprisoned the Brothers of Strife in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Hearts of Darkness",
                    [949] =
                        ["description"] = "You averted the destruction of Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Plague Eater",
                    [950] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated a great threat to the Hist in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Egg and Root",
                    [951] =
                        ["description"] = "You prevented a great threat to the Skald-King in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Blood Feud",
                    [952] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Worm Cult in the Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Shattered Remnants",
                    [953] =
                        ["description"] = "You stopped an insidious cultist plot in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Ritual Destruction",
                    [954] =
                        ["description"] = "You ended the nightmares in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Rude Awakening",
                    [955] =
                        ["description"] = "You ended the blood-curse and restored order in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Curse Breaker",
                    [956] =
                        ["description"] = "You put the dead to rest in Alik'r.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Consecrated Ground",
                    [957] =
                        ["description"] = "You defied the will of Molag Bal in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Radiant Champion",
                    [958] =
                        ["description"] = "You drove Imperial forces out of Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "End of Empire",
                    [959] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 enemy Nightblades.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Nightblade Slayer",
                    [960] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 enemy Sorcerers.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Sorcerer Slayer",
                    [961] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 enemy Templars.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Templar Slayer",
                    [962] =
                        ["description"] = "Kill 100 enemy Dragonknights.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Grand Dragonknight Slayer",
                    [963] =
                        ["description"] = "Help capture a Resource (Farm, Lumber Mill, or Mine), and Keep in Cyrodiil.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 4,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Alliance War",
                        ["name"] = "Support the Fight",
                    [964] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Glenumbra.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Glenumbra Master Explorer",
                    [965] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Stormhaven.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stormhaven Master Explorer",
                    [966] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Rivenspire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Rivenspire Master Explorer",
                    [967] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in the Alik'r Desert.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Alik'r Desert Master Explorer",
                    [968] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Bangkorai.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bangkorai Master Explorer",
                    [969] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Aldmeri Dominion Territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Aldmeri Master Explorer",
                    [970] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Stonefalls.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stonefalls Master Explorer",
                    [971] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Deshaan.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Deshaan Master Explorer",
                    [972] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Shadowfen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Shadowfen Master Explorer",
                    [973] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Eastmarch.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Eastmarch Master Explorer",
                    [974] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in The Rift.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "The Rift Master Explorer",
                    [975] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Bleakrock and Bal Foyen.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Bleakrock and Bal Foyen Explorer",
                    [976] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Auridon.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Auridon Master Explorer",
                    [977] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Grahtwood.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Grahtwood Master Explorer",
                    [978] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Greenshade.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Greenshade Master Explorer",
                    [979] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Malabal Tor.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Malabal Tor Master Explorer",
                    [980] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Reaper's March.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Reaper's March Master Explorer",
                    [981] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover all of the striking locales on Stros M'kai and Betnikh.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Stros M'kai and Betnikh Explorer",
                    [982] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Daggerfall Covenant Territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Daggerfall Master Explorer",
                    [983] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all caves and locales throughout the Ebonheart Pact Territory.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Ebonheart Master Explorer",
                    [984] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all six caves and striking locales in Coldharbour.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Coldharbour Master Explorer",
                    [985] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all twelve explorable caves in Lower Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lower Craglorn Cave Delver",
                    [986] =
                        ["description"] = "Discover and clear all caves and locales throughout Lower Craglorn.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 8,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Exploration",
                        ["name"] = "Lower Craglorn Master Explorer",
                    [987] =
                        ["description"] = "Translate all of the Potency runes.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Potency",
                    [1040] =
                        ["description"] = "Improve Blacksmithing items to all available Qualities.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Legendary Blacksmith",
                    [989] =
                        ["description"] = "Find all the Skyshards located throughout Tamriel.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 9,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Skyshards",
                        ["name"] = "Tamriel Skyshard Hunter",
                    [990] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Mage Celestial, freeing her from the Serpent's control.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Aetherian Archive Completed",
                    [991] =
                        ["description"] = "You defeated the Warrior Celestial, freeing him from the Serpent's control.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 7,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Dungeons",
                        ["name"] = "Hel Ra Citadel Completed",
                    [992] =
                        ["description"] = "Conquer all challengers and earn the title of Dragonstar Arena Champion!",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Dragonstar Arena Champion",
                    [993] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 1",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Soul Shriven in Coldharbour",
                    [994] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 1.5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Harborage",
                    [995] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 2",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Daughter of Giants",
                    [996] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 2.5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Chasing Shadows",
                    [997] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 3",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Castle of the Worm",
                    [998] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 3.5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Tharn Speaks",
                    [999] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 4",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Halls of Torment",
                    [1000] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 4.5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Valley of Blades",
                    [1001] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The Shadow of Sancre Tor",
                    [1002] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 5.5",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Council of the Five Companions",
                    [1003] =
                        ["description"] = "Complete Main Quest Chapter 6",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "The God of Schemes",
                    [1004] =
                        ["description"] = "Join the Mages Guild",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Student of the Mages Guild",
                    [1005] =
                        ["description"] = "Join the Fighters Guild",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Associate of the Fighters Guild",
                    [1006] =
                        ["description"] = "Join the Undaunted",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Recruit of the Undaunted",
                    [1007] =
                        ["description"] = "Become a Werewolf.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Lycanthropy",
                    [1008] =
                        ["description"] = "Become a Vampire.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Vampirism",
                    [1009] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach the max level of the Werewolf Skill Line.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Lycanthropy Master",
                    [1010] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach the max level of the Vampire Skill Line.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Vampirism Master",
                    [1011] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach the max level of the Mages Guild Skill Line.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Mages Guild Skill Master",
                    [1012] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach the max level of the Fighters Guild Skill Line.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Fighters Guild Skill Master",
                    [1013] =
                        ["description"] = "Reach the max level of the Undaunted Skill Line.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 1,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Character",
                        ["name"] = "Undaunted Skill Master",
                    [1014] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Exarch Arnoth and clear Skyreach Hold of the Scaled Court and its allies.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Shatterer of Scales",
                    [1015] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Virmaril the Betrayer and his undead legions within Skyreach Catacombs.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Vanquisher of Virmaril",
                    [1016] =
                        ["description"] = "Defeat Aetherion and restore the Nedic wards within Skyreach Pinnacle.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 10,
                        ["points"] = 15,
                        ["Category"] = "Quests",
                        ["name"] = "Warden of the Pinnacle",
                    [1035] =
                        ["description"] = "Attain a Provisioning rank of 50.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 50,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Provisioner",
                    [1018] =
                        ["description"] = "Deconstruct 100 items.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Expert Deconstructor",
                    [1019] =
                        ["description"] = "Deconstruct 1000 items.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master Deconstructor",
                    [1020] =
                        ["description"] = "Refine 30 raw materials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Apprentice of Refinement",
                    [1021] =
                        ["description"] = "Refine 300 raw materials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Expert of Refinement",
                    [1022] =
                        ["description"] = "Refine 3000 raw materials.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 10,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Master of Refinement",
                    [1023] =
                        ["description"] = "Research a Trait for any weapon or armor type.",
                        ["Category_ID"] = 5,
                        ["points"] = 5,
                        ["Category"] = "Crafting",
                        ["name"] = "Learn a Trait",
