Author: Jarth
Filename: CBs_Constants.lua
]] --
CollectionBars = {
    WM = GetWindowManager(),
    Addon = {Name = "CollectionBars", DisplayName = "Collection Bars", Abbreviation = "CBs", Version = 1.0, MinorVersion = 0.8, SettingsSlash = "/cb", Author = "Jarth"},
    Buttons = {},
    Default = {
        BarDepth = 5,
        BarWidth = 0,
        UseAccountSettings = true,
        ShowBarOnHud = true,
        ShowBarOnHudUI = true,
        ShowBarInMenu = true,
        ShowBarInInventory = false,
        ShowBarInInteract = false,
        ShowBarInBank = false,
        ShowBarInFence = false,
        ShowBarInStore = false,
        SnapSize = 5,
        ShowBinding = true,
        Bindings = {
            [1] = 0,
            [2] = 0,
            [3] = 0,
            [4] = 0,
            [5] = 0,
            [6] = 0,
            [7] = 0,
            [8] = 0,
            [9] = 0,
            [10] = 0,
            [11] = 0,
            [12] = 0,
            [13] = 0,
            [14] = 0,
            [15] = 0,
            [16] = 0,
            [17] = 0,
            [18] = 0,
            [19] = 0,
            [20] = 0
        IsAudioEnabled = true,
        IsActiveActivationEnabled = true,
        Combine = {BarDepth = 0, BarWidth = 0, X = CENTER, Y = CENTER, Display = "CombineBar", Label = {OffsetX = 0, OffsetY = 0, Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT}}
    Global = {
        EnableSettings = false,
        IsMoveEnabled = false,
        ReverseBindings = {},
        SettingsFrame = nil,
        SettingsList = nil,
        SettingsFilters = {["Categories"] = "Categories", ["Selection"] = "Collectibles", ["Category"] = "Category", ["General"] = "General", ["Combined"] = "Combined bar"},
        Combine = {Name = "Combine", EventTS = nil, MoveFrame = nil, Frame = nil, _type = nil, HideAll = nil, Fragment = nil, IsEmpty = false},
        ChoiceLocations = {"top", "topright", "right", "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "center"},
        AvailableFonts = {"ZoFontGameSmall", "ZoFontGameLarge", "ZoFontGameLargeBold", "ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow", "ZoFontHeader", "ZoFontHeader2", "ZoFontHeader3", "ZoFontHeader4"},
        ScenePairs = {
            ShowBarOnHud = HUD_SCENE,
            ShowBarOnHudUI = HUD_UI_SCENE,
            ShowBarInMenu = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("gameMenuInGame"),
            ShowBarInInventory = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("inventory"),
            ShowBarInInteract = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("interact"),
            ShowBarInBank = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("bank"),
            ShowBarInFence = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("fence_keyboard"),
            ShowBarInStore = SCENE_MANAGER:GetScene("store")
        HighestUnlocked = 0
    Types = {},
    TypesOrdered = {},
    Texts = {
        Action = {
            UpdateColor = "UpdateColor",
            UpdateText = "UpdateText",
            OnClicked = "OnClicked",
            OnTextChanged = "OnTextChanged",
            OnValueChanged = "OnValueChanged",
            OnMouseEnter = "OnMouseEnter",
            OnMouseExit = "OnMouseExit",
            OnMouseDown = "OnMouseDown",
            OnMouseUp = "OnMouseUp",
            OnUpdate = "OnUpdate",
        Font = {ZoFontWinT1 = "ZoFontWinT1", ZoFontWinH4 = "ZoFontWinH4"},
        Format = {Number = "%.2f", Decimal = "%d", Comma = "%s,%s"},
        Components = {
            Label = "Label",
            Global = "Global",
            Checkbox = "Checkbox",
            Dropdown = "Dropdown",
            Slider = "Slider",
            EditBox = "EditBox",
            Title = "Title",
            Divider = "Divider",
            Icon = "Icon",
            Name = "Name",
            Button = "Button",
            Close = "Close",
            Status = "Status",
            Move = "Move",
            Refresh = "Refresh",
            Cooldown = "Cooldown",
            Time = "Time",
            Settings = "Settings",
            Complete = "Complete",
            Animation = "Animation",
            Text = "Text",
            Toggle = "Toggle",
            BG = "BG",
            Combine = "Combine",
            Top = "Top",
            Left = "Left",
            Center = "Center",
            Value = "Value",
            Frame = "Frame",
            HideAll = "HideAll",
            Parent = "$(parent)",
            Default = "Default",
            Marker = "Marker",
            Selection = "Selection",
            Category = "Category",
            Categories = "Categories",
            List = "List",
            Row = "Row",
            General = "General",
            Combined = "Combined",
            Account = "Account",
            Character = "Character",
            ZOOptions = "ZO_Options_",
            SIBindingName = "SI_BINDING_NAME_"
        Location = {Bottom = "bottom", Center = "center", Left = "left", Right = "right", Top = "top"},
        Tooltip = {Main = "Description: %s \nHint: %s"},
        EmptyString = "",
        Helpers = {Lowdash = "_", Minus = "-", Plus = "+", Space = " ", Dot = ".", Comma = ","},
        Settings = {ToggleMoveFrameText = "Toggle move frame", ReloadText = "Reload list of 'Collectibles'\nHint: Usefull after gaining a new collectible)"},
        Type = {Number = "number", Empty = "empty", BarDepth = "BarDepth", BarWidth = "BarWidth"}


function CollectionBars.GenerateCategories()
    CollectionBars.Types = {}

    for _, categoryData in ZO_COLLECTIBLE_DATA_MANAGER:CategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
        if categoryData ~= nil and categoryData:IsStandardCategory() then
            local categoryType = CollectionBars.GetCategoryType(categoryData)
            if categoryType ~= nil and CollectionBars.CategoryHasUsableCollectible(categoryData) then
                CollectionBars.AddCategory(categoryType, categoryData)
                if categoryData:IsTopLevelCategory() and CollectionBars.SubCategoryHasUsableCollectible(categoryData) then
                    local parentIcons = {categoryData:GetKeyboardIcons()}
                    CollectionBars.AddCategory(nil, categoryData, parentIcons, true)
                    for _, subcategoryData in categoryData:SubcategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
                        categoryType = CollectionBars.GetCategoryType(subcategoryData)
                        if categoryType ~= nil and subcategoryData ~= nil and subcategoryData:HasShownCollectiblesInCollection() then
                            CollectionBars.AddCategory(categoryType, subcategoryData, parentIcons, false, categoryData:GetFormattedName())

function CollectionBars.GetCategoryType(categoryData)
    local categoryType = nil
    local collectibles = categoryData:GetCollectibleDataBySpecializedSort()
    if collectibles ~= nil and collectibles[1] ~= nil then categoryType = collectibles[1]:GetCategoryType() end

    return categoryType

function CollectionBars.AddCategory(categoryType, categoryData, parentIcons, hasChildren, parentKey)
    local categoryName = categoryData:GetFormattedName()
    local icon = parentIcons or {categoryData:GetKeyboardIcons()}
    if icon ~= nil and icon[1] == ZO_NO_TEXTURE_FILE then icon = nil end
    CollectionBars.Types[categoryName] = {
        Category = {},
        CategoryOrdered = {},
        CategoryType = categoryType,
        Icon = icon,
        HasChildren = hasChildren,
        ParentKey = parentKey,
        Unlocked = 0,
        Name = categoryName,
        Total = 0,
        IsUsable = 0,
        FrameLabel = nil,
        FrameLabelButton = nil,
        FrameToggleSettings = nil,
        MoveFrame = nil,
        Frame = nil,
        Count = nil,
        BarDepth = 0,
        BarWidth = nil,
        Cooldown = {Event = "Cooldown" .. categoryName, CollectibleId = nil, StartTime = nil, Tick = 100},
        Fragment = nil
    table.insert(CollectionBars.TypesOrdered, CollectionBars.Types[categoryName])
    CollectionBars.Default[categoryName] = {
        Selected = {},
        Enabled = false,
        HideAll = true,
        HideAllEnabled = true,
        MenuShowDisabled = false,
        Tooltip = {Show = true, Position = TOP},
        Horizontal = true,
        BarDepth = 0,
        BarWidth = 0,
        X = CENTER,
        Y = CENTER,
        Display = categoryName,
        LabelShow = true,
        Label = {OffsetX = 0, OffsetY = 0, Height = 19, Width = 75, Font = "ZoFontGameSmall", Position = BOTTOMLEFT, PositionTarget = TOPLEFT},
        IsCombined = true,
        ShowChildren = true

function CollectionBars.CategoryHasUnlockedValidAndUsableCollectible(categoryData)
    if GetTotalCollectiblesByCategoryType(categoryData:GetId()) > 0 then
        for _, collectibleData in ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.CollectibleIterator(categoryData, {ZO_CollectibleData.IsShownInCollection}) do
            if collectibleData:IsUnlocked() and collectibleData:IsValidForPlayer() and collectibleData:IsUsable() then return true end
    return false

function CollectionBars.CategoryHasUsableCollectible(categoryData)
    if categoryData ~= nil and CollectionBars.CategoryHasUnlockedValidAndUsableCollectible(categoryData) then return true end
    return false

function CollectionBars.SubCategoryHasUsableCollectible(categoryData)
    for _, subcategoryData in categoryData:SubcategoryIterator({ZO_CollectibleCategoryData.HasShownCollectiblesInCollection}) do
        local categoryType = CollectionBars.GetCategoryType(subcategoryData)
        if categoryType ~= nil and subcategoryData ~= nil and CollectionBars.CategoryHasUnlockedValidAndUsableCollectible(subcategoryData) then return true end
    return false