-- Console - a debug log
-- @author Pawkette ( pawkette.heals@gmail.com )
-- @copyright MIT

-- @table LogLevels
LogLevels =
    NONE = 1, -- Log Nothing
    INFO = 2, -- Log Info ( print )
    WARNING = 3, -- Log Warnings
    ERROR = 4, -- Log Errors
    DEBUG = 5 -- Log Everything

-- @local
local LogStrings =

-- @local
local HumanStrings =
    'None', 'Info', 'Warnings', 'Errors', 'Debug'

--- Convert Log Level to string
-- @local
local function LevelToString( level )
    if ( level > #HumanStrings or level < 1 ) then
        return ''
        return HumanStrings[ level ]

--- Log level color codes
-- @local
local LogLevelColors =
    { r = 0,    g = 0,      b = 0   },
    { r = 255,  g = 255,    b = 255 },
    { r = 255,  g = 255,    b = 0   },
    { r = 255,  g = 0,      b = 0   },
    { r = 0,    g = 255,    b = 0   }

_G['d']       = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogDebug( ... )   end
_G['print']   = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogInfo( ... )    end
_G['info']    = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogInfo( ... )    end
_G['warn']    = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogWarning( ... ) end
_G['error']   = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogError( ... )   end
_G['debug']   = function( ... ) CONSOLE:LogDebug( ... )   end

--- Console is a child of ZO_Object
Console = ZO_Object:Subclass()
Console.log_level = LogLevels.DEBUG

function Console:New( ... )
    local result = ZO_Object.New( self )
    result:Initialize( ... )

    return result

--- initialize UI
-- @tparam table control the GuiXml frame
function Console:Initialize( control )
    self.control = control
    self.textBuffer = control:GetNamedChild( '_Buffer' )
    self.dropDown = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer( control:GetNamedChild( '_ComboBox' ) )
    self.closeBtn = control:GetNamedChild( '_Close' )
    self.clearBtn = control:GetNamedChild( '_Clear' )
    self.dropDown:SetSelectedItemFont( 'ZoFontWinH2' )
    self.dropDown:SetDropdownFont( 'ZoFontHeader2' )
    self.dropDown:SetSpacing( 8 )

    self.dropDown:AddItem( self.dropDown:CreateItemEntry( LevelToString( LogLevels.NONE ), function( ... ) self:SetLogLevel( LogLevels.NONE ) end ) )
    self.dropDown:AddItem( self.dropDown:CreateItemEntry( LevelToString( LogLevels.INFO ), function( ... ) self:SetLogLevel( LogLevels.INFO ) end ) )
    self.dropDown:AddItem( self.dropDown:CreateItemEntry( LevelToString( LogLevels.WARNING ), function( ... ) self:SetLogLevel( LogLevels.WARNING ) end ) )
    self.dropDown:AddItem( self.dropDown:CreateItemEntry( LevelToString( LogLevels.ERROR ), function( ... ) self:SetLogLevel( LogLevels.ERROR ) end ) )
    self.dropDown:AddItem( self.dropDown:CreateItemEntry( LevelToString( LogLevels.DEBUG ), function( ... ) self:SetLogLevel( LogLevels.DEBUG ) end ) )

    self.dropDown:SetSelectedItem( LevelToString( self.log_level ) )

    self.closeBtn:SetHandler( 'OnClicked', function() self:Hide() end )
    self.clearBtn:SetHandler( 'OnClicked', function() self.textBuffer:Clear() end )
    self.textBuffer:SetHandler( 'OnMouseWheel', function( ... ) self:OnScroll( ... ) end )

--- Show this
function Console:Show()
    self.control:SetHidden( false )

--- Hide this
function Console:Hide()
    self.control:SetHidden( true )

--- Scroll text buffer
-- @tparam table _ ignored self param
-- @tparam number delta mouse wheel delta
-- @tparam boolean ctrl control key state
-- @tparam boolean alt alt key state
-- @tparam boolean shift shift key state
function Console:OnScroll( _, delta, ctrl, alt, shift )
    if ( shift ) then
        delta = delta * self.textBuffer:GetNumVisibleLines()
    elseif ( ctrl ) then
        delta = delta * self.textBuffer:GetNumHistoryLines()

    self.textBuffer:SetScrollPosition( self.textBuffer:GetScrollPosition() + delta )

--- Log something to the window
-- @tparam LogLevels logLevel
-- @tparam string fmt will convert to string if not a string
-- @param ...
function Console:Log( logLevel, fmt, ... )
    if ( self.log_level < logLevel or self.log_level == LogLevels.NONE ) then

    if ( type( fmt ) ~= 'string' ) then
        fmt = tostring( fmt )

    local logLine = '[' .. GetTimeString() .. '][' .. LogStrings[ logLevel ] .. ']: ' .. fmt:format( ... )

    local color = LogLevelColors[ logLevel ]

    self.textBuffer:AddMessage( logLine, color.r, color.g, color.b, nil )

--- Log something under info channel
-- @tparam string fmt
-- @param ...
function Console:LogInfo( fmt, ... )
    self:Log( LogLevels.INFO, fmt, ... )

--- Log something under warning channel
-- @tparam string fmt
-- @param ...
function Console:LogWarning( fmt, ... )
    self:Log( LogLevels.WARNING, fmt, ... )

--- Log something under error channel
-- @tparam string fmt
-- @param ...
function Console:LogError( fmt, ... )
    self:Log( LogLevels.ERROR, fmt, ... )

--- Log something under debug channel
-- @tparam string fmt
-- @param ...
function Console:LogDebug( fmt, ... )
    self:Log( LogLevels.DEBUG, fmt, ... )

--- Set maximum log level severity
-- @tparam LogLevels level
function Console:SetLogLevel( level )
    self.log_level = level

--- Initialize the console in global space
-- @tparam table self
function Pky_Console_Initialized( self )
    CONSOLE = Console:New( self )