-- This file is part of CyrHUD -- -- (C) 2015 Scott Yeskie (Sasky) -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. CyrHUD = CyrHUD or {} ---------------------------------------------- -- Utility ---------------------------------------------- local function bl(val) if val == nil then return "NIL" elseif val then return "T" else return "F" end end local function nn(val) if val == nil then return "NIL" end return val end function CyrHUD.formatTime(delta, inclueSec) local sec = delta % 60 delta = (delta - sec) / 60 local min = delta % 60 local out = min .. "m" if inclueSec then out = out .. " " .. sec .. "s" end return out end CyrHUD.errors = {} function CyrHUD:error(val) if not self.errors[val] then self.errors[val] = 1 d("|cFF0000ERROR (CyrHUD): " .. val .. "\n|CCCCCCCPlease file this bug info at |CEEEEFFesoui.com") end end ---------------------------------------------- -- Events ---------------------------------------------- function CyrHUD.eventAttackChange(_, keepID, battlegroundContext, underAttack) local self = CyrHUD if underAttack then self:add(keepID) elseif self.battles[keepID] ~= nil then self.battles[keepID]:update() end self.battleContext = battlegroundContext end function CyrHUD.saveWindowPosition( window ) local _, _, _, aP, x, y = window:GetAnchor() CyrHUD.cfg.anchPoint = aP CyrHUD.cfg.xoff = x CyrHUD.cfg.yoff = y end function CyrHUD.actionLayerChange(_, _, activeLayerIndex) CyrHUD_UI:SetHidden(activeLayerIndex > 2) end ---------------------------------------------- -- Notification UI pool ---------------------------------------------- CyrHUD.entryCount = 0 CyrHUD.entries = {} function CyrHUD:reconfigureLabels() for _,entry in pairs(self.entries) do --Forces reconfigure on next update entry.type = nil end end function CyrHUD:hideRow(index) if self.entries[index] then self.entries[index].main:SetHidden(true) end end function CyrHUD:getUIRow(index) if #self.entries < index then table.insert(self.entries, self.Label()) index = #self.entries end self.entries[index].main:SetHidden(false) return self.entries[index] end function CyrHUD:printAll() local i = 1 for _,status in ipairs(self.statusBars) do self:getUIRow(i):update(status) i = i + 1 end for _,battle in pairs(self.battles) do self:getUIRow(i):update(battle) i = i + 1 end for j=i,#self.entries do self:hideRow(j) end end ---------------------------------------------- -- Battle management ---------------------------------------------- CyrHUD.battles = {} function CyrHUD:add(keepID) if self.battles[keepID] == nil then self.battles[keepID] = self.Battle(keepID) else self.battles[keepID]:restart() end end function CyrHUD:checkAdd(keepID) if self.battles[keepID] == nil then local battle = self.Battle(keepID) if battle:isBattle() then d("Battle at " .. keepID) self.battles[keepID] = battle end elseif self.battles[keepID]:isBattle() then self.battles[keepID]:restart() end end function CyrHUD:updateAll() for i,_ in pairs(self.battles) do --Update in-place self.battles[i]:update() end for _,status in pairs(self.statusBars) do status:update() end end function CyrHUD:scanKeeps() for i=3,20 do self:checkAdd(i) end for i=132,134 do self:checkAdd(i) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Initialization ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CyrHUD.visible = false function CyrHUD:init() local _, pt, relTo, relPt = CyrHUD_UI:GetAnchor() self.ui:ClearAnchors() self.ui:SetAnchor(pt, relTo, CyrHUD.cfg.anchPoint or relPt, CyrHUD.cfg.xoff, CyrHUD.cfg.yoff) --Init UI self:disableQuestTrackers() self.ui:SetHidden(false) --Get initial scan self.battles = {} self.battleContext = BGQUERY_LOCAL self.campaign = GetCurrentCampaignId() self.statusBars = {} table.insert(self.statusBars, self.ScoringBar()) self:scanKeeps() --Add events EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("CyrHUDKeepCheck", 5000, function() self:scanKeeps() self:updateAll() end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("CyrHUDUIUpdate", 1000, function() self:printAll() end) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("CyrHUDAttackChange", EVENT_KEEP_UNDER_ATTACK_CHANGED, self.eventAttackChange) self.visible = true EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent('CyrHUD', EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_POPPED, self.actionLayerChange) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent('CyrHUD', EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED, self.actionLayerChange) end function CyrHUD:disableQuestTrackers() self.trackers = {} if self.cfg.trackerDisable then if WYK_QuestTracker_MQT then self.trackers.WYK_QuestTracker_MQT = WYK_QuestTracker_MQT:GetAlpha() WYK_QuestTracker_MQT:SetAlpha(0) end end end function CyrHUD:reEnableQuestTrackers() if self.trackers then for k,v in pairs(self.trackers) do if _G[k] then _G[k]:SetAlpha(v) end end end end function CyrHUD:deinit() self:reEnableQuestTrackers() EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("CyrHUDKeepCheck") EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("CyrHUDUIUpdate") EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate("CyrHUDUpdateAPCount") EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("CyrHUD", EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_POPPED) EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("CyrHUD", EVENT_ACTION_LAYER_PUSHED) CyrHUD_UI:SetHidden(true) self.visible = false end function CyrHUD.toggle() local self = CyrHUD if self.visible then self:deinit() else self:init() end end --TODO: Properly setup on Addon init or playerLoad --TODO: only show while in Cyrodiil? SLASH_COMMANDS["/cyrhud"] = CyrHUD.toggle function CyrHUD.playerInit() local self = CyrHUD if not self.initLAM then --Create UI self.ui = WINDOW_MANAGER:CreateTopLevelWindow("CyrHUD_UI") self.ui:SetWidth(280) self.ui:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true) self.ui:SetMouseEnabled(true) self.ui:SetMovable(true) self.ui:SetClampedToScreen(true) self.ui:SetHandler("OnMoveStop", self.saveWindowPosition) --Create settings menu local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("CyrHUD-LAM", self.menuPanel) LAM:RegisterOptionControls("CyrHUD-LAM", self.menuOptions) self.initLAM = true --Init saved variables local def = { xoff = -10, yoff = 60, trackerDisable = false, showPopBars = false, } self.cfg = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide("CyrHUD_SavedVars", 1.0, "config", def) end if IsPlayerInAvAWorld() then if not self.visible then self:init() end elseif self.visible then self:deinit() end end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("CyrHUD-init", EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, CyrHUD.playerInit)