local DAS = DailyAutoShare local p = DAS.debug DAS.festivals = { [19 ] = "newLife", [41 ] = "newLife", [117] = "newLife", [104] = "newLife", [383] = "newLife", [382] = "newLife", [535] = "newLife", [381] = "newLife", } function DAS.GetZoneId() return GetZoneId(GetUnitZoneIndex(UNITTAG_PLAYER)) or 0 end function PrintZoneId() d(GetZoneId(GetUnitZoneIndex(UNITTAG_PLAYER))) end function DAS.GetZoneQuests(zoneId) zoneId = zoneId or DAS.GetZoneId() zoneId = DAS.subzones[zoneId] or zoneId return DAS.shareables[zoneId] or {} end function DAS.questCompleted(id) local questText, questType = GetCompletedQuestInfo(id) return nil ~= questText and #questText > 0 end function DAS.RefreshFullBingoString() local ret = "" for _, questName in ipairs(DAS.GetActiveQuestNames()) do local bingoString = DAS.GetBingoStringFromQuestName(questName) ret = ret .. bingoString .. " " end if (#ret > 0) then ret = ret .. "+any" end DAS.fullBingoString = ret end function DAS.IsQuestActive(questName) local zoneId = DAS.GetZoneId() local questList = DAS.QuestLists[zoneId] or {} for questListName, questListData in pairs(questList) do if questListData[questName] then return (DAS.GetQuestListItem(zoneId, questListName, "active")) end end return true end function DAS.GetBingoIndexFromQuestName(questName) for questIndex, checkQuestName in pairs(DAS.GetZoneQuests()) do if questName == checkQuestName then return questIndex end end return 99 end function DAS.GetBingoStringFromQuestName(questName) local index = DAS.GetBingoIndexFromQuestName(questName) local ret = "" local zoneId = DAS.GetZoneId() if index == 99 then return ret end local bingoArray = DAS.bingo[zoneId] or {} for bingoString, bingoIndex in pairs(bingoArray) do if bingoIndex == index then ret = bingoString end end local bingoFallback = DAS.bingoFallback[zoneId] or {} ret = bingoFallback[ret] or ret if ret ~= "" then if not(string.find(ret, "%+")) then ret = "+" .. ret end if (string.find(ret, "%+%+")) then ret.gsub("%+%+", "%+") end end return ret, index end function DAS.GetQuestNameFromIndex(bingoIndex) return DAS.GetZoneQuests()[bingoIndex] end function DAS.GetQuestNameFromBingoString(bingoString) local bingoIndex = GetBingoIndexFromMessage(bingoString) if nil == bingoIndex then return end return DAS.GetQuestNameFromIndex(bingoIndex) end function DAS.GetActiveQuestNames() DAS.activeBingoIndices = {} local ret = {} local questLabel for i=1, #DAS.labels do questLabel = DAS.labels[i] if not questLabel:IsHidden() and (questLabel.dataQuestState == DAS_STATUS_ACTIVE) or (questLabel.dataQuestState == DAS_STATUS_TRACKED) then table.insert(ret, questLabel.dataQuestName) DAS.activeBingoIndices[questLabel.dataBingoIndex] = true end end return ret end function DAS.GetOpenQuestNames() local ret = {} local questLabel for i=1, #DAS.labels do questLabel = DAS.labels[i] if (questLabel.dataQuestState == DAS_STATUS_OPEN) then table.insert(ret, questLabel.dataQuestName) end end return ret end