local messageQueue = {} local unittagplayer = UNITTAG_PLAYER local share = "share" local stopsharing = "stop sharing" local inviteQueue = {} local alreadyInviting = false local function popInviteQueue() -- d("popInviteQueue called with " .. tostring(#inviteQueue) .. " entries") if #inviteQueue == 0 then alreadyInviting = false return end local playerName = table.remove(inviteQueue, 1) -- d("inviting " .. playerName) GroupInviteByName(playerName) zo_callLater(popInviteQueue, 500) end function table.contains(tbl, element) for _, value in pairs(tbl) do if value == element then return true end end return false end local channelTypes = DAS.channelTypes local stringPlus = "+" local stringAny = "+any" local function HandleChatMessage(messageText, fromDisplayName, calledRecursively) if not DAS.autoInviting then return end local found = stringAny == messageText -- it's +any -- lower case regex local _, bingoCode = pcall(string.match, messageText, "[%+/]+%s*(%w+)%s?[%+/]?") if not found and not bingoCode then return end local bingoIndex = DAS.bingo[DAS.GetZoneId()][bingoCode] found = found or (nil ~= bingoIndex and DAS.activeZoneQuests[bingoIndex]) if not found then return HandleChatMessage(messageText:gsub(bingoCode, ""), fromDisplayName, true) end if found and not table.contains(inviteQueue, fromDisplayName) then -- d("found bingo " .. tostring(bingoCode) .. " (" .. tostring(bingoIndex) .. "), inviting " .. tostring(fromDisplayName)) table.insert(inviteQueue, fromDisplayName) if not alreadyInviting then popInviteQueue() end end end local stringShare = "share" local stringQuest = "quest" local stringPlusRegex = "%+" function DAS.OnChatMessage(eventCode, channelType, fromName, messageText, _, fromDisplayName) -- ignore all chat channels that aren't set if nil == channelTypes[channelType] then return end local isPlayerName = fromDisplayName:find(DAS.pdn) -- if we aren't listening, or if we are listening and the message's from us, ignore it if not (channelTypes[channelType] or isPlayerName) then return end -- if it's a group message, react to the group message if (channelType == CHAT_CHANNEL_PARTY) and (messageText:find(stringShare) or messageText:find(stringQuest)) then return DAS.TryShareActiveDaily() end -- d(zo_strformat("[OnChatMessage] <<1>>: <<2>>, isPlayerName: <<3>>", fromDisplayName, messageText, tostring(isPlayerName))) local _, result = pcall(string.find, messageText, stringPlusRegex) if not (result or #messageText <= 3) then return end if result and isPlayerName then local groupStatus = IsUnitGrouped(unittagplayer) -- needs to be == false, ignore channels that aren't on the list if groupStatus and (channelTypes[channelType] == false) then -- NO DON'T REFACTOR MANA if not DAS.GetAutoLeave() then return end GroupLeave() zo_callLater(DAS.TryTriggerAutoAcceptInvite, 5000) elseif not groupStatus then DAS.TryTriggerAutoAcceptInvite() end return end -- we're not auto inviting, nothing to do if not DAS.autoInviting then return end if #messageText == 1 and messageText == stringPlus then table.insert(inviteQueue, fromDisplayName) if not alreadyInviting then popInviteQueue() end return end HandleChatMessage(messageText:lower(), fromDisplayName) end