-- If I suddenly drop dead and you want to maintain this AddOn

-- specify the zone ID as local variable
local zoneId	= 666

-- have two local tables. The first is for quest names, the second is for the corresponding bingo codes.
local tbl   = {}
local tbl2  = {}


  set up the tables. Order of quests in the UI depends on the order you add them here.

  Important: You have to use GetString(YOUR_QUEST_NAME_CONSTANT) here, or localization won't work.
  Localization strings are defined in ../locale/<lang>.lua


table.insert(tbl, GetString(YOUR_QUEST_NAME_CONSTANT))
table.insert(tbl2, {[1] = "bingo", [2] = "das", [3] = "DailyAutoshare", [4] = "example", [5] = "inviteme", [6] = "test"})

-- rinse and repeat, until all your corresponding quest names / bingo strings are in your tables
table.insert(tbl, GetString(YOUR_QUEST_NAME_CONSTANT2))
table.insert(tbl2, "bingo")

-- ...

-- now set the table with the quest names for the zone
DAS.shareables[zoneId]      = tbl

-- call the func to make the bingo table.
DAS.makeBingoTable(zoneId, tbl2)

--[[ you now have two maps:
--        {questName -> questId}
--        {bingoCode -> questId}

-- to save performance, the quest ID is stored in the control, on top of that there's a table somewhere in the DAS table that holds
-- the active quest IDs. There's a lot of redundancy in this AddOn, since I've dropped dead, feel free to optimize.
-- ]]

  -- If there are subzones, you register them like this:

  DAS.subzones[zoneId+1] = zoneId
  DAS.subzones[zoneId+2] = zoneId
  DAS.subzones[zoneId+3] = zoneId

-- Quest lookup happens via

  local zoneId = DAS.GetZoneId()
  local quests = DAS.shareables[zoneId] or DAS.shareables[DAS.subzones[zoneId]] or {}
  That way, if you're in a zone's subzone, it will show the zone's parent quests, unless
  you feel like setting up extra tables for those that only show the current (delve) quest.
  See Morrowind.lua for examples of that.
-- ]]

-- set up auto quest accept:
DAS.questStarter[zoneId] = {
    [GetString(DAS_QUEST_YOUR_NPC1)]    = true,  -- Questgiver 1
    [GetString(DAS_QUEST_YOUR_NPC2)]    = true,  -- Questgiver 2
    [GetString(DAS_QUEST_YOUR_NPC3)]    = true,  -- Questgiver 3

-- set up auto quest turnin:
DAS.questFinisher[zoneId] = {
    [GetString(DAS_QUEST_YOUR_NPC1)]  = true,
    [GetString(DAS_QUEST_YOUR_NPC2)]  = true,
    -- fictional NPC3 just hands out, doesn't accept

  I'm matching against the quest IDs for auto accepting quest shares.
  Reason: Comparing numbers is a tonne cheaper than comparing strings.
  Make sure you register the quest IDs. Unfortunately, you can only see them
  when you get a quest shared OR via iteration after yu have completed those.
  -- ]]

  -- Set up like below (Morrowind example):
DAS.questIds[zoneId] = {
  [5924]  = true, -- "Relics of Yasammidan",
	[5925]  = true, -- "Relics of Assarnatamat",

-- or by loop (Summerset example)
DAS.questIds[zoneId] = {}

for i=6082, 6087 do
    DAS.questIds[zoneId][i] = true
    DAS_QUEST_IDS[i] = true

  Don't forget to register the zone ID in the options. If the AddOn isn't detecting active in the settings
  for its zone ID, it won't show.

 You also need to register a menu setting so users can toggle it on and off