local DAS = DailyAutoShare DAS.QuestIndexTable = {} DAS.QuestNameTable = {} local p = DAS.DebugOut local en = "en" local function getEnglishQuestNames(activeQuestNames) activeQuestNames = activeQuestNames or DAS.GetZoneQuests() if DAS.locale == en or not DAS_STRINGS_LOCALE or not DAS.locale then return activeQuestNames end local ret = {} for _, questName in ipairs(activeQuestNames) do for key, value in pairs(DAS_STRINGS_LOCALE[DAS.locale]) do if value == questName then table.insert(ret, DAS_STRINGS_LOCALE.en[key]) end end end if ret == {} then return activeQuestNames end return ret end DAS.getEnglishQuestNames = getEnglishQuestNames local function askForQuest(questNames) local ret = "" for _, questName in ipairs(questNames) do if "" ~= questName then ret = ret .. questName .. ", " end end if ret == "" then return ret end return ret:sub(1, -3) end local function generateQuestSpam(questNames) local ret = "" for _, questName in ipairs(questNames) do bingoString = DAS.GetBingoStringFromQuestName(questName) if not ret:find(bingoString) then ret = ret .. ((("" == bingoString) and "") or bingoString .. " ") end end return ret end local empty = "" local comma = ", " local space = " " local any = "+any" local eitherof = "either of " local function getQuestNames(activeQuestNames) activeQuestNames = activeQuestNames or (questName and {[1] = questName,}) or DAS.GetActiveQuestNames() local questNames = empty for _, questName in pairs(activeQuestNames) do questNames = questNames .. questName .. comma end return questNames end local varargOne, varargTwo, varargAny = "<<1>>", "<<2>>", "%+any" local function whisperify(qsString) local beginIndex, endIndex = string.find(qsString, varargOne) if endIndex then qsString = qsString:sub(0, endIndex+2) end return qsString .. space .. varargTwo end local function GenerateBingoString(activeQuestNames) activeQuestNames = activeQuestNames or (questName and {[1] = questName,}) or DAS.GetActiveQuestNames() activeQuestNames = DAS.getEnglishQuestNames(activeQuestNames) local qsString = DAS.GetSettings().questShareString local bingoCodes = {} local bingo, questNames = empty, empty local bingoString = (DAS.fullBingoString or empty):gsub(varargAny, empty) if DAS.GetAutoInvite() then local questNames = getQuestNames(activeQuestNames) -- if we're listening for whisper only, adjust spam accordingly if DAS.GetWhisperOnly() then qsString = whisperify(qsString) bingoString = DAS.GetSettings().whisperString else -- if we have more than one, insert either of if #bingoString > 0 then bingo = ((#activeQuestNames > 1 and eitherof) or empty) .. bingoString end end return zo_strformat(qsString, questNames, bingoString) end if #bingoString > 0 then return bingoString end if NonContiguousCount(DAS.GetShareableLog()) == 0 and #activeQuestNames == 0 then return any end activeQuestNames = DAS.GetOpenQuestNames() return generateQuestSpam(activeQuestNames) end DAS.GenerateBingoString = GenerateBingoString local function SpamChat(questName) if CHAT_SYSTEM.textEntry.editControl:HasFocus() then CHAT_SYSTEM.textEntry.editControl:Clear() end local activeQuestNames = (questName and {[1] = questName,}) or DAS.GetActiveQuestNames() if nil == questName then activeQuestNames = DAS.GetActiveQuestNames() else table.insert(activeQuestNames, questName) end if #activeQuestNames == 0 then DAS.SetAutoInvite(false) end StartChatInput(DAS.GenerateBingoString(activeQuestNames), CHAT_CHANNEL_ZONE) end DAS.SpamChat = SpamChat function DAS.SpamForSingle(questName, bingoString) if nil == questName and nil == bingoString then return end questName = questName or DAS.GetQuestNameFromBingoString(bingoString) bingoString = bingoString or GetBingoStringFromQuestName(questName) local lftext = bingoString end -- called from XML function DAS.SettingsButton(control, mouseButton) local name = control:GetName():gsub("DasButton", "") if name == "Spam" then return SpamChat() end if name == "Invite" then return DAS.SetAutoInvite(not DAS.GetAutoInvite()) end if name == "Accept" then return DAS.SetAutoAcceptShared(not DAS.GetAutoAcceptShared()) end if name == "Share" then if mouseButton == 2 then return DAS.TryShareActiveDaily() end DAS.SetAutoShare(not DAS.GetAutoShare()) end end function DAS.ToggleQuest(control) local questName = control["dataQuestName"] or control:GetText() local completed = DAS.GetCompleted(questName) local newQuestState = (completed and DAS_STATUS_OPEN) or DAS_STATUS_COMPLETE if not completed then control.dataIsTracked = false end control.dataQuestState = newQuestState DAS.LogQuest(questName, newQuestState) end