local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
local strings = {

  FURC_AV_RAZ = "Razoufa",
  FURC_AV_MUL = "Mulvise Valyn",

  FURC_AV_NAR = "Narwaawende",
  FURC_AV_ALI = "Alinor, Riverside Market",
  FURC_AV_UNW = "Unwotil",
  FURC_AV_CUR = "Curininwe",
  FURC_AV_NAL = "Nalirsewen",
  FURC_AV_TAR = "Tarmimn",
  FURC_AV_LTS = "Listens-To-Sea",
  FURC_AV_HER = "Heralda Garscroft",
  FURC_AV_FRO = "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
  FURC_AV_LOT = "Lozotusk",
  FURC_AV_ROH = "Rohzika",
  FURC_AV_ATH = "Athragor",
  FURC_AV_MAL = "Maladdiq",
  FURC_AV_KRR = "Krrztrrb",
  FURC_AV_HAR = "Harnwulf",
  FURC_AV_ADO = "Adosa Veralor",
  FURC_AV_ENC = "enchanters",
  FURC_AV_ALC = "alchemists",
  FURC_AV_OUT = "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
  FURC_AV_COO = "cooks",
  FURC_AV_CLO = "clothiers",
  FURC_AV_CAR = "carpenters",
  FURC_AV_BSM = "blacksmiths",
  FURC_AV_ARTAEUM = "Artaeum",
  FURC_AV_CAPITAL = "any capital city",

  -- Furniture Shopping List
  SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST =         "Add 1 to shopping list",
  SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST =        "Add 5 to shopping list",
  SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST =         " Toggle shopping list",

  -- GUI and debug
  SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER =                 "- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
  SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE =                 " Remove Favorite",
  SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE =                     " Add Favorite",
  SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE =             " Post item source",
  SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE =                 " Post recipe",
  SI_FURC_POST_ITEM =                   " Post item",
  SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL =               " Post material",
  SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER =    "Really re-create furniture database?",
  SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY =      "This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
  SI_FURC_TEXTBOX_FILTER_DEFAULT =      "Filter by text search",
  SI_FURC_DEBUG_CHARSCANCOMPLETE =      "|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: Character scan complete...|r",
  SI_FURC_VERBOSE_STARTUP =             "|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: |cffffffIf you miss any recipes, please trigger a scan on your furniture crafter by clicking the refresh button in the UI.|r",
  SI_FURC_VERBOSE_DB_UPTODATE =         "|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: The database is up-to-date.|r",
  SI_FURC_VERBOSE_SCANNING_DATA_FILE =  "|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: Scanning data files...|r",
  SI_FURC_VERBOSE_SCANNING_CHARS =      "Not scanning files, scanning character knowledge now...",
  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_EMPTY =            "Item source unknown.\nTry to re-scan files (refresh button right click).\nIf still unknown after, please send a mail with the item link and -source to @manavortex",
  SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_RECIPE =        "This recipe has been datamined, but not seen in-game",
  SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM =          "This item has been datamined, but not seen in-game",
  SI_FURC_STRING_CRAFTABLE_BY =         "Can be crafted by ",
  SI_FURC_STRING_CANNOT_CRAFT =         "You cannot craft this yet",
  SI_FURC_STRING_VENDOR =               "sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>><<4>>)",
  SI_FURC_STRING_AP =                   " AP",
  SI_FURC_STRING_ASSHOLE =              "Zanil Theran",
  SI_FURC_STRING_HC =                   "Hollow City",
  SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY =            "Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
  SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND =       "(last seen around ~ <<1>>)",
  SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST =              ", requires quest ",
  SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT =        ", requires ",
  SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK =                 "Psijic Order Rank ",
  SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =          "Master Writ Vendor",
  SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =       "Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
  SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis =                "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
  SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA =             "Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
  SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =         "for <<1>> vouchers",
  SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP =               "can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
  SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP =             "Drops in Monster Hunter Keep/March of the Sacrifices",
  SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED =        "Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
  SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR =       "recipes for <<1>>",
  SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =       "Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
  SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                 "Reward for a quest in ",
  SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                      "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
  SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM =                  "Drops from giant clams and geysir reward clams on Summerset",
  SI_FURC_ELF_PIC =                     "Drops extremely rarely from treasure chests on Summerset",
  -- =============================== --
  -- ============ MENU ============= --
  -- =============================== --

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG =               "Enable debug output",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_NAME =       "|cFF0000Reset database|r",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_TT =         "This will reset the furniture database.",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_WARNING =    "All your data will be reset. Only recipe knowledge for this character will be considered.",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESCAN_RUMOUR_NAME =  "Re-scan Rumour recipes",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESCAN_RUMOUR_TT =    "Will update the rumour recipes against the updated list",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_FILES_TT =       "Will run a full scan of the data in Furniture Catalogue's files",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_CHAR_NAME =      "Scan character",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_CHAR_TT =        "Will run a full scan of your known furniture recipes and update the database accordingly",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_NAME =    "delete character",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_TT =      "Deletes all knowledge for this character from the database. \nCharacter will be scanned again the next time they log in with the add-on enabled. \n Character name won't show up in the dropdown if they don't know any recipes!",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_WARNING = "Character knowledge will be wiped immediately",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SKIP_INITIALSCAN_TT = "Check this to not scan your character's recipes on login. \nThanks to votan's awesome LibAsync the lag is gone now in any case..",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_ICONS =        "Inventory and bank icons",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_ADD_ITEMS_NAME =      "Add items to known/unknown recipes?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_ADD_ITEMS_TT =        "You shouldn't notice any lag",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_UNKNOWN_NAME =     "Only mark unknown recipes?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY =        "Only for this character?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT =     "Will be accountwide otherwise.",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY =             "Use tiny interface?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT =          "Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT =         "Start silently?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT =      "Suppress startup message",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT =      "Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =   "Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE =            "Font size",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT =         "adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD =          "Default dropdown values",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_USE =      "Will be set on initial launch",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_USE_TT =   "These will not reset if you open and close the UI",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_RESET =    "Reset filters when closing UI?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_RESET_TT = "If you check this, opening and closing will cause the filters to reset to whatever you set below.",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_SOURCE =   "default source filter",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_CHAR =     "default character filter",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_VERSION =  "default version filter",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTERING =           "Catalogue filtering",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_BOOKS =        "Mages guild books",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_BOOKS_N =      "Hide books?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_BOOKS_TT =     "A real book lover knows where everything is by heart. Hide books from Furniture Catalogue?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY =              "Luxury Furnishings",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_N =            "Treat luxury items as purchaseables?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_TT =           "This will show everything that was sold by Zanil Theran under 'purchaseable' and deactvates the custom filter",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN =         "Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR =              "Rumour recipes",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N =            "Hide rumour recipes?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC =         "The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them by selecting the corresponding source from the dropdown.",

  SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER =      "Don't use divider in context menu?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER_TT =   "Adds a divider to the context manu above the - Furniture entry. Check to disable",

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN =               "Crown store items",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N =             "Hide crown store items?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC =          "Some items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (You can still view them by selecting the corresponding source from the dropdown).",

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_SHOW_UI_BUTTON  = "Show UI button in search box?",

    -- Filter text search
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",

  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",

    -- Hide menu entries
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU =               "Hide menu entries?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT =            "Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR =        "Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_CROWN =         "Hide \"Crown Store\" drop down entry?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT =            "Requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP =                 "Enable tooltips?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_COLOR =           "Colorize tooltips for clarity?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_COLOR_TT =        "Will colour 'can' and 'cannot'",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_KNOWN =      "Hide if item is known",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_KNOWN_TT =   "Hides 'can be crafted by...' from tooltip",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_UNKNOWN =    "Hide if item is unknown",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_UNKNOWN_TT = "Hides 'you cannot craft this yet'",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_SOURCE =     "Hide item source?",
  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =    "Hide crafting station?",

  -- =============================== --
  -- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
  -- =============================== --

  SI_FURC_NONE =                "Source filter: off",
  SI_FURC_FAVE =                "Favorites",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING =            "Craftable: All",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN =      "Craftable: Known",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN =    "Craftable: Unknown",
  SI_FURC_VENDOR =              "Purchaseable (gold)",
  SI_FURC_PVP =                 "Purchaseable (AP)",
  SI_FURC_CROWN =               "Crown Store",
  SI_FURC_RUMOUR =              "Rumour items",
  SI_FURC_LUXURY =              "Luxury items",
  SI_FURC_RUMOUR =              "Rumour items",
  SI_FURC_OTHER =               "Other",

  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF =      "Version filter: off",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS =       "Homestead",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M =        "Morrowind",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R =        "Horns of the Reach",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC =       "Clockwork City",

  -- =============================== --
  -- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
  -- =============================== --

  SI_FURC_NONE_TT =             "disables this filter",
  SI_FURC_FAVE_TT =             "Shows your favorites",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT =         "Shows all craftable items",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT =   "Shows only known craftable items",
  SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT = "Shows only unknown craftable items",
  SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT =           "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
  SI_FURC_PVP_TT =              "Items that are sold for alliance points",
  SI_FURC_CROWN_TT =            "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
  SI_FURC_RUMOUR_TT =           "Items and recipes that have been datamined, but haven't been confirmed existing",
  SI_FURC_LUXURY_TT =           "Items that at some point were sold by Zanil Theran, Cicero's General Goods, Coldharbour",
  SI_FURC_OTHER_TT =            "Shows items that can be farmed/stolen/found",

  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF_TT =       filterDisabled,
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS_TT =        "Items released in Homestead update",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R_TT =         "Because all we needed were more Reachmen",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC_TT =        "Where the flywheels churn and the brass is pretty",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_DRAGON_TT =    "If you got this from Narsis Dren, well...",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT =    "Still think the Dunmer are bad?",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_WEREWOLF_TT =  "In Soviet Hunting Ground, werewolf hunt you",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_SLAVES_TT =    "ToDo: Think of horrible pun about Argonians",

  SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF =     "Character filter: off",
  SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF_TT =  filterDisabled,

  -- =============================== --
  -- ========= GUI: Heading ======== --
  -- =============================== --

  SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES =       " entries -",

    -- =============================== --
  -- ========= Item Sources ======== --
  -- =============================== --
  SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED =           "can be pickpocketed",
  SI_FURC_CANBESTOLEN =           "can be stolen",
  SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE =      "Crown Store ",
  SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED =           "can be fished",
  SI_FURC_HARVEST =               "from harvesting nodes",
  SI_FURC_WW =                    "occasionally found in wood nodes",
  SI_FURC_PLANTS =                "from harvesting plants",
  SI_FURC_SCAMBOX =               "Crown Crates",
  SI_FURC_HOUSE =                 "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
  SI_FURC_AUTOMATON =             "from automatons",
  SI_FURC_TOMBS =                 "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
  SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE =         "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
  SI_FURC_DB =                    "The Dark Brotherhood supplies vendor hands these out ",
  SI_FURC_DB_POISON =             "with poison",
  SI_FURC_DB_STEALTH =            "as a way to be less obtrusive",
  SI_FURC_DAILY_ASH =             "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
  SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL =          "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
  SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING =           "Extremely rarely from chests or lockboxes on Vvardenfell",
  SI_FURC_DROP =                  "This item is a drop ",
  SI_FURC_DROP_ALTMER =           "This item is a drop on Summerset",
  SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH =        "Flame Atronach",
  SI_FURC_DWEMER =                "Dwemer",
  SI_FURC_CHESTS =                "from treasure chests",
  SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING =  "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
  SI_FURC_CHEST_VV =              "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
  SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
  SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
  SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

  SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",

for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
  ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
  SafeAddVersion(stringId, 1)