local filterDisabled = "disables this filter"
local strings = {

	FURC_AV_RAZ									= "Razoufa",
	FURC_AV_MUL									= "Mulvise Valyn",

	FURC_AV_NAR									= "Narwaawende",
	FURC_AV_ALI									= "Alinor, Riverside Market",
	FURC_AV_UNW									= "Unwotil",
	FURC_AV_CUR									= "Curininwe",
	FURC_AV_NAL									= "Nalirsewen",
	FURC_AV_TAR									= "Tarmimn",
	FURC_AV_LTS									= "Listens-To-Sea",
	FURC_AV_HER									= "Heralda Garscroft",
	FURC_AV_FRO									= "Frohilde Snow-Hair",
	FURC_AV_LOT									= "Lozotusk",
	FURC_AV_ROH									= "Rohzika",
	FURC_AV_ATH									= "Athragor",
	FURC_AV_MAL									= "Maladdiq",
	FURC_AV_KRR									= "Krrztrrb",
	FURC_AV_ENC									= "enchanters",
	FURC_AV_ALC									= "alchemists",
	FURC_AV_OUT									= "Outlaw Refuge, Merchant",
	FURC_AV_COO									= "cooks",
	FURC_AV_CLO									= "clothiers",
	FURC_AV_CAR									= "carpenters",
	FURC_AV_BSM									= "blacksmiths",
	FURC_AV_ARTAEUM								= "Artaeum",

	-- Furniture Shopping List
	SI_FURC_ONE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 1 to shopping list",
	SI_FURC_FIVE_TO_SHOPPINGLIST = 				"Add 5 to shopping list",
	SI_FURC_TOGGLE_SHOPPINGLIST = 				" Toggle shopping list",

	-- GUI and debug
	SI_FURC_MENU_HEADER = 						"- |cD3B830Furniture|r:",
	SI_FURC_REMOVE_FAVE = 						" Remove Favorite",
	SI_FURC_ADD_FAVE = 							" Add Favorite",
	SI_FURC_POST_ITEMSOURCE = 					" Post item source",
	SI_FURC_POST_RECIPE = 						" Post recipe",
	SI_FURC_POST_ITEM = 						" Post item",
	SI_FURC_POST_MATERIAL = 					" Post material",
	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_HEADER = 			"Really re-create furniture database?",
	SI_FURC_DIALOGUE_RESET_DB_BODY = 			"This will re-create the FurnitureCatalogue database from scratch",
	SI_FURC_TEXTBOX_FILTER_DEFAULT = 			"Filter by text search",
	SI_FURC_DEBUG_CHARSCANCOMPLETE = 			"|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: Character scan complete...|r",
	SI_FURC_VERBOSE_STARTUP = 					"|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: |cffffffIf you miss any recipes, please trigger a scan on your furniture crafter by clicking the refresh button in the UI.|r",
	SI_FURC_VERBOSE_DB_UPTODATE = 				"|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: The database is up-to-date.|r",
	SI_FURC_VERBOSE_SCANNING_DATA_FILE =		"|c2266ffFurniture Catalogue|r|cffffff: Scanning data files...|r",
	SI_FURC_VERBOSE_SCANNING_CHARS =			"Not scanning files, scanning character knowledge now...",
	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_EMPTY =					"Item source unknown.\nTry to re-scan files (refresh button right click).\nIf still unknown after, please send a mail with the item link and -source to @manavortex",
	SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_RECIPE =				"This recipe has been datamined, but not seen in-game",
	SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM =				"This item has been datamined, but not seen in-game",
	SI_FURC_STRING_CRAFTABLE_BY =				"Can be crafted by ",
	SI_FURC_STRING_CANNOT_CRAFT =				"You cannot craft this yet",
	SI_FURC_STRING_VENDOR = 					"sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>><<4>>)",
	SI_FURC_STRING_AP =							" AP",
	SI_FURC_STRING_ASSHOLE = 					"Zanil Theran",
	SI_FURC_STRING_HC = 						"Hollow City",
	SI_FURC_STRING_WASSOLDBY = 					"Was sold by <<1>> in <<2>> (<<3>>) <<4>>",
	SI_FURC_STRING_WEEKEND_AROUND = 			"(around <<1>>)",
	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_QUEST                      = ", requires quest ",
	SI_FURC_REQUIRES_ACHIEVEMENT                = ", requires ",
	SI_FURC_PSIJIC_RANK                         = "Psijic Order Rank ",
	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR =				"Master Writ Vendor",
	SI_FURC_STRING_WRIT_VENDOR_TT =				"Obtainable for Master Writs in your alliance's capital",
	SI_FURC_STRING_Rolis = 					    "Sold by |cd68957Rolis Hlaalu|r <<1>>",
	SI_FURC_STRING_FAUSTINA = 					"Sold by |cd68957Faustina Curio|r <<1>>",
	SI_FURC_STRING_FOR_VOUCHERS =				"for <<1>> vouchers",
	SI_FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP = 					"can be acquired during <<1>> (<<2>>)",
	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPELEARNED = 				"Recipe learned: <<1>> <<2>> <<3>>",
	SI_FURC_STRING_RECIPESFORCHAR = 			"recipes for <<1>>",
	SI_FURC_STRING_VOUCHER_VENDOR =				"Sold by either Rolis Hlaalu or Faustina Curio",
    SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD =                       "Reward for a quest in ",
    SI_FURC_GEYSIR =                            "Drops from geysir reward clams on Summerset",
	-- =============================== --
	-- ============ MENU ============= --
	-- =============================== --

	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEBUG = 				"Enable debug output",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_NAME = 		"|cFF0000Reset database|r",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_TT = 			"This will reset the furniture database.",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESET_DB_WARNING =		"All your data will be reset. Only recipe knowledge for this character will be considered.",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESCAN_RUMOUR_NAME =  	"Re-scan Rumour recipes",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RESCAN_RUMOUR_TT = 		"Will update the rumour recipes against the updated list",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_FILES_TT = 		"Will run a full scan of the data in Furniture Catalogue's files",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SCAN_CHAR_TT = 			"Will run a full scan of your known furniture recipes and update the database accordingly",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_NAME =		"delete character",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_TT =		"Deletes all knowledge for this character from the database. \nCharacter will be scanned again the next time they log in with the add-on enabled. \n Character name won't show up in the dropdown if they don't know any recipes!",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DELETE_CHAR_WARNING =	"Character knowledge will be wiped immediately",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SKIP_INITIALSCAN_TT =	"Check this to not scan your character's recipes on login. \nThanks to votan's awesome LibAsync the lag is gone now in any case..",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_ICONS =			"Inventory and bank icons",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_ADD_ITEMS_NAME = 		"Add items to known/unknown recipes?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_ADD_ITEMS_TT = 			"You shouldn't notice any lag",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_UNKNOWN_NAME = 		"Only mark unknown recipes?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY = 			"Only for this character?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_IT_THIS_ONLY_TT = 		"Will be accountwide otherwise.",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY = 	 			"Use tiny interface?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_USETINY_TT = 	 		"Use a smaller interface (Craft Store like). \nYou can toggle this from the UI by clicking the +/- button.",

	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT = 	 		"Start silently?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_STARTSILENT_TT = 	 	"Suppress startup message",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT = 		"Show Known/Unknown icon on left?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_SHOWICONONLEFT_TT =		"Show Green Check/Red X icon on left or right of the inventory item (requires reloadui)",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FONTSIZE_TT = 	 		"adjust font size for FurnitureCatalogue here",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD = 	 		"Default dropdown values",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_USE = 	 	"Will be set on initial launch",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_USE_TT = 	"These will not reset if you open and close the UI",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_RESET = 		"Reset filters when closing UI?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_RESET_TT = 	"If you check this, opening and closing will cause the filters to reset to whatever you set below.",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_SOURCE = 	"default source filter",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_CHAR = 		"default character filter",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD_VERSION = 	"default version filter",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTERING = 			"Catalogue filtering",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_BOOKS = 			"Mages guild books",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_BOOKS_TT = 		"A real book lover knows where everything is by heart. Hide books from Furniture Catalogue?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY = 				"Luxury Furnishings",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_N = 				"Treat luxury items as purchaseables?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_TT = 			"This will show everything that was sold by Zanil Theran under 'purchaseable' and deactvates the custom filter",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN = 			"Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR = 				"Rumour recipes",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC = 		 	"The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them with their own filter, which you can disable below.",

	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N = 				"Hide rumour recipes?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN = 				"Crown store items",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N = 				"Hide crown store items?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC = 			"The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",

    -- Filter text search
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_DESC =     "Configure filter settings for text search with disabled dropdowns. \nThese settings will only take effect when you have not set a source, character or version filter.",

    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT =    "Search filtered items when doing a text search with no dropdown filters set?",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTER_ALL_ON_TEXT_TT = "When doing a text search without any dropdown ",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS =       "Hide books anyway",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_BOOKS_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide books?",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN =       "Hide crown store items anyway",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_TT =    "Even when filtering all items, still hide crown store items?",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
    SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",

    -- Hide menu entries
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU = 				"Hide menu entries?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT = 				"Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_RUMOUR = 			"Hide \"Rumour recipes\" drop down entry?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_CROWN = 			"Hide \"Crown Store\" drop down entry?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT =				"Requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP =					"Enable tooltips?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_COLOR =	 			"Colorize tooltips for clarity?",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_COLOR_TT = 			"Will colour 'can' and 'cannot'",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_KNOWN =  		"Hide if item is known",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_KNOWN_TT = 	"Hides 'can be crafted by...' from tooltip",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_UNKNOWN =  	"Hide if item is unknown",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_UNKNOWN_TT =	"Hides 'you cannot craft this yet'",
	SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_TOOLTIP_HIDE_STATION =  	"Hide crafting station?",

	-- =============================== --
	-- ==== GUI: Dropdown entries ==== --
	-- =============================== --

	SI_FURC_NONE 									= "Source filter: off",
	SI_FURC_FAVE 									= "Favorites",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING								= "Craftable: All",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN							= "Craftable: Known",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN						= "Craftable: Unknown",
	SI_FURC_VENDOR									= "Purchaseable (gold)",
	SI_FURC_PVP										= "Purchaseable (AP)",
	SI_FURC_CROWN									= "Crown Store",
	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
	SI_FURC_LUXURY									= "Luxury items",
	SI_FURC_RUMOUR									= "Rumour items",
	SI_FURC_OTHER									= "Other",

	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF						= "Version filter: off",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS						= "Homestead",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_M						= "Morrowind",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R						= "Horns of the Reach",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC						= "Clockwork City",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_ALTMER_TT                = "",

	-- =============================== --
	-- = GUI: Dropdown entry tooltip = --
	-- =============================== --

	SI_FURC_NONE_TT 								= "disables this filter",
	SI_FURC_FAVE_TT 								= "Shows your favorites",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_TT								= "Shows all craftable items",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN_TT						= "Shows only known craftable items",
	SI_FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN_TT						= "Shows only unknown craftable items",
	SI_FURC_VENDOR_TT								= "Shows only items that cannot be crafted",
	SI_FURC_PVP_TT									= "Items that are sold for alliance points",
	SI_FURC_CROWN_TT								= "Shows items that can only be acquired from crown store",
	SI_FURC_RUMOUR_TT								= "Items and recipes that have been datamined, but haven't been confirmed existing",
	SI_FURC_LUXURY_TT								= "Items that at some point were sold by Zanil Theran, Cicero's General Goods, Coldharbour",
	SI_FURC_OTHER_TT								= "Shows items that can be farmed/stolen/found",

	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_OFF_TT					= filterDisabled,
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_HS_TT					= "Items released in Homestead update",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_R_TT						= "Because all we needed were more Reachmen",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_CC_TT					= "Where the flywheels churn and the brass is pretty",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_VERSION_DRAGON_TT				= "If you got this from Narsis Dren, well...",

	SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF							= "Character filter: off",
	SI_FURC_FILTER_CHAR_OFF_TT						= filterDisabled,

	-- =============================== --
	-- ========= GUI: Heading ======== --
	-- =============================== --

	SI_FURC_LABEL_ENTRIES							= " entries -",

    -- =============================== --
	-- ========= Item Sources ======== --
	-- =============================== --
	SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED 					        = "can be pickpocketed",
	SI_FURC_CANBESTOLEN 					        = "can be stolen",
    SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE				        = "Crown Store ",
    SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED				                = "can be fished",
    SI_FURC_HARVEST				                    = "from harvesting nodes",
    SI_FURC_WW				                        = "occasionally found in wood nodes",
    SI_FURC_PLANTS						            = "from harvesting plants",
    SI_FURC_SCAMBOX						            = "Crown Crates",
    SI_FURC_HOUSE						            = "From a furnished purchase of <<1>>",
    SI_FURC_AUTOMATON						        = "from automatons",
    SI_FURC_TOMBS 						            = "Ancestor tombs and ruins on Vvardenfell",
    SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE 						    = "from Daedra and Dolmen chests",
    SI_FURC_DB					                    = "The Dark Brotherhood supplies vendor hands these out ",
    SI_FURC_DB_POISON					            = "with poison",
    SI_FURC_DB_STEALTH					            = "as a way to be less obtrusive",
    SI_FURC_DAILY_ASHLANDERS			            = "Ashlander daily quest rewards",
    SI_FURC_PLUNDERSKULL			                = "Drops from Plunder Skulls during Witches' Festival",
    SI_FURC_DROP_CHEST_VVARDENFELL	                = "Extremely rarely from chests on Vvardenfell",
    SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH	                        = "Flame Atronach",
	SI_FURC_CHESTS                                  = "from treasure chests",
	SI_FURC_VVARDENFELL_PAINTING                    = "extremely rarely from safeboxes",
	SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP                     = "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET                  = "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
	SI_FURC_EXISITING_ITEMSOURCE_UNKNOWN_YET        = "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
	SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK                     = "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",

	SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE                      = "Seen in Guild Store",

for stringId, stringValue in pairs(strings) do
	ZO_CreateStringId(stringId, stringValue)
	SafeAddVersion(stringId, 1)