-- Group Dungeons
DLC_Grp_Dat = {}

DLC_Grp_Dat.id ={
1236,		-- "Defeat all of Rkindaleft's champions.",
1239, 	-- "Defeat all of the champions in Old Orsinium.",

1304,		-- "Conquer all challengers and earn the title of Maelstrom Arena Champion.",  (NonVet)
1305,		-- "Conquer all challengers in Veteran Maelstrom Arena.",
1345,		-- "Defeat the Overfiend, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, the Gravelight Sentry, the Flesh Abomination, the Lord Warden\'s Council, and Lord Warden Dusk in the Imperial City Prison.",
880,		-- "Defeat the Overfiend, Ibomez the Flesh Sculptor, the Gravelight Sentry, the Flesh Abomination, the Lord Warden\'s Council, and Lord Warden Dusk in Veteran Imperial City Prison.",

1346,	-- "Defeat the Adjudicator, the Elite Guard, the Planar Inhibitor, and Molag Kena in White-Gold Tower.",
1120,	-- "Defeat the Adjudicator, the Elite Guard, the Planar Inhibitor, and Molag Kena in Veteran White-Gold Tower."

1504,	-- "Ruins of Mazzatun Vanquisher", "Defeat Zatzu the Spine-Breaker, The Mighty Chudan, Xal-Nur the Slaver, and Tree-Minder Na-Kesh in the Ruins of Mazzatun.",
1505,	-- "Ruins of Mazzatun Conqueror", "Defeat Zatzu the Spine-Breaker, The Mighty Chudan, Xal-Nur the Slaver, and Tree-Minder Na-Kesh in Veteran Ruins of Mazzatun.",
1522,	-- "Cradle of Shadows Vanquisher", "Defeat Sithera, Khephidaen the Spiderkith, the Votary of Velidreth, Dranos Velador, and Velidreth the Lady of Lace in the Cradle of Shadows.",
1523,	-- "Cradle of Shadows Conqueror", "Defeat Sithera, Khephidaen the Spiderkith, the Votary of Velidreth, Dranos Velador, and Velidreth the Lady of Lace in Veteran Cradle of Shadows.",

1690,	-- "Bloodroot Forge Vanquisher",  "Defeat Mathgamain, Caillaoife, Stoneheart, Galchobhar, Gherig Bullblood and his attendants, and the Earthgore Amalgam in Bloodroot Forge.",
1691, 	-- "Bloodroot Forge Conqueror", "Defeat Mathgamain, Caillaoife, Stoneheart, Galchobhar, Gherig Bullblood and his attendants, and the Earthgore Amalgam in Veteran Bloodroot Forge.",
--1696,	-- "Tempered Tantrum", "Defeat the Earthgore Amalgam in Veteran Bloodroot Forge after invoking the Scroll of Glorious Battle.",

1698,	-- "Falkreath Hold Vanquisher", "Defeat Morrigh Bullblood, the Siege Mammoth, Cernunnon, Deathlord Bjarfrud Skjoralmor, and Domihaus the Bloody-Horned in Falkreath Hold.",
1699,	-- "Falkreath Hold Conqueror","Defeat Morrigh Bullblood, the Siege Mammoth, Cernunnon, Deathlord Bjarfrud Skjoralmor, and Domihaus the Bloody-Horned in Veteran Falkreath Hold.",

1975,	-- "Scalecaller Peak Vanquisher", "Defeat Rinaerus the Rancid and Orzun the Foul-Smelling, Doylemish Ironheart, Matriarch Aldis, Plague Concocter Mortieu, and Zaan the Scalecaller in Scalecaller Peak.",
1976,	-- "Scalecaller Peak Conqueror", "Defeat Rinaerus the Rancid and Orzun the Foul-Smelling, Doylemish Ironheart, Matriarch Aldis, Plague Concocter Mortieu, and Zaan the Scalecaller in Veteran Scalecaller Peak.",
1959,	-- "Fang Lair Vanquisher", "Defeat Lizabet Charnis, the Cadaverous Menagerie, Caluurion, Ulfnor and Sabina Cedus, and Orryn the Black and Thurvokun in Fang Lair.",
1960,	-- "Fang Lair Conqueror", "Defeat Lizabet Charnis, The Cadaverous Menagerie, Caluurion, Ulfnor and Sabina Cedus, and Orryn the Black and Thurvokun in Veteran Fang Lair.",
2152,	-- "Moon Hunter Keep Vanquisher",  "Defeat Jailer Melitus, Hedge Maze Guardian, Mylenne Moon-Caller, Archivist Ernarde, and Vykosa the Ascendant in Moon Hunter Keep.",
2153,	-- "Moon Hunter Keep Conqueror",   "Defeat Jailer Melitus, Hedge Maze Guardian, Mylenne Moon-Caller, Archivist Ernarde, and Vykosa the Ascendant in Veteran Moon Hunter Keep.",

2162,	-- "March of Sacrifices Vanquisher", "Defeat the Wyrd Sisters, Aghaedh of the Solstice, Dagrund the Bulky, Tarcyr, and Balorgh in March of Sacrifices.",
2163,	-- "March of Sacrifices Conqueror",  "Defeat the Wyrd Sisters, Aghaedh of the Solstice, Dagrund the Bulky, Tarcyr, and Balorgh in Veteran March of Sacrifices.",

2270,	-- (General) Depths of Malatar Vanquisher,  Defeat the Scavenging Maw, the Weeping Woman, the Dark Orb, King Narilmor, and the Symphony of Blades in Depths of Malatar.
2271,	-- (Veteran) Depths of Malatar Conqueror,  Defeat the Scavenging Maw, the Weeping Woman, the Dark Orb, King Narilmor, and the Symphony of Blades in Veteran Depths of Malatar.
2260,	-- (General) Frostvault Vanquisher,  Defeat Icestalker, Warlord Tzogvin, the Vault Protector, Rizzuk Bonechill, and the Stonekeeper in Frostvault.
2261,	-- (Veteran) Frostvault Conqueror,  Defeat Icestalker, Warlord Tzogvin, the Vault Protector, Rizzuk Bonechill, and the Stonekeeper in Veteran Frostvault.
2362,	-- (Blackrose Prison) Blackrose Prison Vanquisher,  Defeat Battlemage Ennodius, Tames-the-Beast, Lady Minara, and Drakeeh the Unchained in Blackrose Prison.
2363,	-- (Blackrose Prison) Blackrose Prison Conqueror,  Defeat Battlemage Ennodius, Tames-the-Beast, Lady Minara, and Drakeeh the Unchained in Veteran Blackrose Prison.

2425,	-- (General) Lair of Maarselok Vanquisher,  Defeat Selene, Maarselok in flight, the Azureblight Cancroid, Maarselok on his perch, and Maarselok in his roost in Lair of Maarselok.
2426,	-- (Veteran) Lair of Maarselok Conqueror,  Defeat Selene, Maarselok in flight, the Azureblight Cancroid, Maarselok on his perch, and Maarselok in his roost in Veteran Lair of Maarselok.
2415,	-- (General) Moongrave Fane Vanquisher,  Defeat the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf in Moongrave Fane.
2416,	-- (Veteran) Moongrave Fane Conqueror,  Defeat the Risen Ruins, Dro'zakar, the Kujo Kethba, Nisaazda, and Grundwulf in Veteran Moongrave Fane.

-- No Group Dungeons in Vvardenfell
-- No Group Dungeons in Thieves Guild
-- No Group Dungeons in Summerset
-- No Group Dungeons in Elsweyr (2 public)
2539,	-- (General) Icereach Vanquisher,  Defeat Kjarg the Tuskscraper, Sister Skelga, Vearogh the Shambler, the Stormborn Revenant, and the Icereach Coven in Icereach.
2540,	-- (Veteran) Icereach Conqueror,  Defeat Kjarg the Tuskscraper, Sister Skelga, Vearogh the Shambler, the Stormborn Revenant, and the Icereach Coven in Veteran Icereach.
2549,	-- (General) Unhallowed Grave Vanquisher,  Defeat Hakgrym the Howler, the Keeper of the Kiln, the Eternal Aegis, Ondagore the Mad, and Kjalnar Tombskald in the Unhallowed Grave.
2550,	-- (Veteran) Unhallowed Grave Conqueror,  Defeat Hakgrym the Howler, the Keeper of the Kiln, the Eternal Aegis, Ondagore the Mad, and Kjalnar Tombskald in Veteran Unhallowed Grave.

2694,	-- (General) Stone Garden Vanquisher,  Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Stone Garden.
2695,	-- (Veteran) Stone Garden Conqueror,  Defeat Exarch Kraglen, the Stone Behemoth, and Arkasis the Mad Alchemist in Veteran Stone Garden.

2704,	-- (General) Castle Thorn Vanquisher,  Defeat Dread Tindulra, the Blood Twilight, Vaduroth, Talfyg, and Lady Thorn in Castle Thorn.
2705,	-- (Veteran) Castle Thorn Conqueror,  Defeat Dread Tindulra, the Blood Twilight, Vaduroth, Talfyg, and Lady Thorn in Veteran Castle Thorn
2907,	-- (Vateshran Hollows) Vateshran Hollows Vanquisher,  Defeat all challengers in Vateshran Hollows.
2908,	-- (Vateshran Hollows) Vateshran Hollows Conqueror,  Defeat all challengers in Veteran Vateshran Hollows.

2831,	-- () Black Drake Villa Vanquisher,  Defeat Kinras Ironeye, Captain Geminus, and Pyroturge Encratis in Black Drake Villa.
2832,	-- (Veteran) Black Drake Villa Conqueror,  Defeat Kinras Ironeye, Captain Geminus, and Pyroturge Encratis in Veteran Black Drake Villa.

2841,	-- () The Cauldron Vanquisher,  Defeat Oxblood the Depraved, Taskmaster Viccia, the Molten Guardian; free Lyranth; and defeat Baron Zaudrus in the Cauldron.
2846,	-- (Veteran) The Cauldron Challenger,  Complete the listed achievements for Veteran Cauldron.


--Lost Depths
3375,	-- () Earthen Root Enclave Vanquisher,  Defeat the Corruption of Stone, Corruption of Root, and Archdruid Devyric in Earthen Root Enclave.
3376,	-- (Veteran) Earthen Root Enclave Conqueror,  Defeat the Corruption of Stone, Corruption of Root, and Archdruid Devyric in Veteran Earthen Root Enclave.

3394,	-- () Graven Deep Vanquisher,  Defeat the Euphotic Gatekeeper, Varzunon, and Zelvraak the Unbreathing in Graven Deep.
3395,	-- (Veteran) Graven Deep Conqueror,  Defeat the Euphotic Gatekeeper, Varzunon, and Zelvraak the Unbreathing in Veteran Graven Deep.

--Waking Flame
3016,	-- () Red Petal Bastion Vanquisher,  Defeat Rogerain the Sly, the Artifact Bearers, and Prior Thierric Sarazen in Red Petal Bastion.
3017,	-- (Veteran) Red Petal Bastion Conqueror,  Defeat Rogerain the Sly, the Artifact Bearers, and Prior Thierric Sarazen in Veteran Red Petal Bastion.

3026,	-- () The Dread Cellar Vanquisher,  Defeat the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate in the Dread Cellar.
3027,	-- (Veteran) The Dread Cellar Conqueror,  Defeat the Scorion Broodlord, Cyronin Artellian, and the Magma Incarnate in Veteran Dread Cellar.

---- No Group Dungeons in Deadlands

--Ascending Tide
3104,	-- () Coral Aerie Vanquisher,  Defeat Maligalig, Sarydil, and Varallion in Coral Aerie.
3105,	-- (Veteran) Coral Aerie Conqueror,  Defeat Maligalig, Sarydil, and Varallion in Veteran Coral Aerie.

3114,	-- () Shipwright's Regret Vanquisher,  Defeat Foreman Bradiggan, Nazaray, and Captain Numirril in Shipwright's Regret.
3115,	-- (Veteran) Shipwright's Regret Conqueror,  Defeat Foreman Bradiggan, Nazaray, and Captain Numirril in Veteran Shipwright's Regret.

--Scribes of Fate
3468,	-- () Bal Sunnar Vanquisher,  Defeat Kovan Giryon, Roksa the Warped, and Matriarch Lladi Telvanni in Bal Sunnar.
3469,	-- (Veteran) Bal Sunnar Conqueror,  Defeat Kovan Giryon, Roksa the Warped, and Matriarch Lladi Telvanni in Veteran Bal Sunnar.

3529,	-- () Scrivener's Hall Vanquisher,  Defeat Riftmaster Naqri, Ozezan the Inferno, and Valinna in Scrivener's Hall.
3530,	-- (Veteran) Scrivener's Hall Conqueror,  Defeat Riftmaster Naqri, Ozezan the Inferno, and Valinna in Veteran Scrivener's Hall.

--Scions of Ithelia
3810,	-- (General) Oathsworn Pit Vanquisher,  Defeat Packmaster Rethelros, Anthelmir and Anthelmir's Construct, as well as Aradros the Awakened in Oathsworn Pit.
3811,	-- (Veteran) Oathsworn Pit Conqueror,  Defeat Packmaster Rethelros, Anthelmir and Anthelmir's Construct, as well as Aradros the Awakened in Veteran Oathsworn Pit.

3851,	-- (General) Bedlam Veil Vanquisher,  Defeat the Shattered Champion, Darkshard, and the Blind in Bedlam Veil.
3852,	-- (Veteran) Bedlam Veil Conqueror,  Defeat the Shattered Champion, Darkshard, and the Blind in Veteran Bedlam Veil.
