**Author** - Wobin
**Date** - 25/05/2014
**Game** - *Elder Scrolls Online*

This library will retrieve and store guild member information for easy access via account name or character name


1. Place the library in your addon folder
2. Reference `LibStub` in your manifest
3. Reference `LibGuildInfo` in your manifest
4. Reference `LibGuildInfo` in your code:

            local LibGuildInfo = LibStub("LibGuildInfo-1.0")

The following API is defined:



- *name* - being either the account name with the @ symbol or the character name

- *guildInfo* - an object that contains all guild info used in the guild panel



- *name* - as above

- *classNum* - a number representing the class
	- [1] = "Dragon Knight"
	- [2] = "Sorcerer"
	- [3] = "Nightblade"
	- [6] = "Templar"



- *name* - as above

- *className* - The english representation of the class



- *name* - as above

- *level* - Numerical representation of the player character's level. Veteren ranks represented by 'Vx'



- *name* as above

- *allianceNum* - Numerical representation of the alliance the currently logged in player is a member of
    - [1] = "Aldmeri Dominion"
    - [2] = "Ebonhart Pact"
    - [3] = "Daggerfall Convenant"



- *name* as above

- *allianceName* - The english representation of the Alliance



- *name* as above

- *rankIndex* - Numerical representation of the account's guild rank (1 is Guild Leader)



- *name* as above

- *rank* - A more textual representation 'GL' for Guild leader and 'Rx' for subsequent membership