local L = {}
-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- SETTINGS ------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------
L.Description                            = 'Displays on-screen notifications on different events during trials'

L.Settings_General_Header                = 'General'
L.Settings_General_Bufffood_Reminder     = 'Bufffood Reminder'
L.Settings_General_Bufffood_Reminder_TT  = 'Reminds you, when you start a Trial without Buffood \nOR\n you\'re running a Trail and your bufffood runs out (5 mins, ~2 mins and 1 min)'

L.Settings_Sanctum_Header                = 'Sanctum Ophidia'
L.Settings_Sanctum_Magicka_Detonation    = 'Magicka Detonation'
L.Settings_Sanctum_Magicka_Detonation_TT = 'Alerts when you got the debuff of the magicka detonation during the serpent fight.'
L.Settings_Sanctum_Poison                = 'Poison'
L.Settings_Sanctum_Poison_TT             = 'Alerts for the poison phase during the Serpent fight.'

-- ---------------------------------------------------
-- Alerts --------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------
L.Alerts_Sanctum_Poison             = '|c39942ePoison|r! Stack together!'
L.Alerts_Sanctum_Magicka_Detonation = '|c234afaMagicka Detonation|r! Burn all your Magicka!'

L.Alerts_General_No_Bufffood        = 'You have taken no bufffood!'
L.Alerts_General_Bufffood_Minutes   = 'Your "<<1>>" bufffood runs out in |cbd0000<<2>>|r minutes!'

for k, v in pairs(L) do
    local string = "RAIDNOTIFIER_" .. string.upper(k)
    ZO_CreateStringId(string, v)