The program "RTOffline.lua" will read the saved variables file and presents a grid on your windows desktop of your research projects.
Non-English users may see garbles test. Sorry, can't fix.

To use it you need a copy of IUP for lua which you can download from here.

The site page:

Unzip IUP into a folder. No other installation procedure is required. I.E it's portable.
The only folder required is "Lua52", you can delete everything else, if you wish.

I will assume you are using the folder path  C:\IUP\Lua52

First, some testing

Log in to the game with a character at least once and log out. That will ensure the savedvariable file exists.

In the Lua52 folder. Run the iuplua52.exe, which will give a little graphical dialog.
Use the load button to navigate to the RToffline.lua file. (Do not move it from its location or it won't be able to find its datafile.)
Press "execute" to run it. If there is an error, please cut and paste into a message on the webpage so I can debug.

Create Shortcuts
Now that you know it works, create a shortcut to run it directly from your desktop.

The Target is: C:\iup\Lua52\wlua52.exe RToffline.lua
This does not change for the mega-server or PTS.

The Start in: is:   "D:\data\John\Documents\Elder Scrolls Online\live\AddOns\History"   <=== see the enclosing Quotes!
This is for user 'John'. This user has had his documents folder redirected, which is why we don't use %USERPROFILE%/Documents , Btw.

"Start in" varies for each user.
"Start in" varies for each mega-server.
Note that path has spaces in it, so the path is enclosed in quotes. This can be hard to see as the "Start In:" field doesn't show the right side, although pressing the END key will put the cursor there.
If you use more than one server, install the addon to that server and create a shortcut for that server with the correct "Start in:". You don't have to change IUP.

The easiest way of getting the correct path is to

Delete contents of the Start in: Field on the Shortcut.
Use explorer to Navigate to the ResearchTimer addon folder. See Screenshot.
Click in the address bar to highlight it.
Ctrl-C to copy the path.
Click inside the Start in: Field on the Shortcut.
Ctrl-P to Paste it into the Start in: Field
Put the leading and trailing Quotes in.
Click OK

You may want to rename the shortcut.

Open RTOffline.lua in a text editor.
Review this line.

dateformat = "%d/%m, %H:%M"

This formats the date display. That's for day/month format.

If it worked from the iuplua52 file  but your shortcut doesn't work..
The problem is almost certainly the "Start IN" path and its Quotes.


