The program "RTOffline.lua" will read the saved variables file and presents a grid on your windows desktop.
To use it you need a copy of IUP for lua which you can download from here.

The site page:

This is a zip archive which contains 2 versions of Lua with the IUP Dlls.
It also contains some exe programs that we don't need.
Unzip it and move stuff around if you want.
The necessary files are in  \IUP\Lua52  All else can be discarded.

Lua52 contains a command line exe (lua52.exe) that has a console--good for debugging and a windows exe, wlua52.exe

Open RTOffline.lua in a text editor.
Review this line.

dateformat = "%d/%m, %H:%M"

This formats the date display. That's for day/month format.

Create a shortcut on your desktop for the lua52.exe.
Edit its properties, change the "Start in" to the Addons/ResearchTimer Folder. You will probably need quotes around it.

Run it and you will get a lua console
Type dofile "RTOffline.lua"

It should work fine. Otherwise it should give  something helpful as an error.

When it works ok, you can edit the shortcut to use wlua52.exe and put RTOffline.lua in the "target" field after wlua52.exe

Feel free to edit. It's not rocket science.
