-- Shopkeeper French Localization File
-- Last Updated August 4, 2014
-- Written July 2014 by Dan Stone (@khaibit) - dankitymao@gmail.com
-- Released under terms in license accompanying this file.
-- Distribution without license is prohibited!

Shopkeeper.i18n.localized = {
  saleAlertAnnounceName = "On-Screen Alerts",
  saleAlertAnnounceTip = "Display sales alerts on-screen.",
  multAlertName = "Show Multiple Alerts",
  multAlertTip = "Show one alert per item sold instead of a summary alert if multiple items are sold.",
  openMailName = "Open With Mail",
  openMailTip = "Open the Shopkeeper sales summary along with your mailbox.",
  openStoreName = "Open With Store",
  openStoreTip = "Open the Shopkeeper sales summary along with guild stores.",
  fullSaleName = "Show Full Sale Price",
  fullSaleTip = "Show the price goods sold for before the store cut is taken out.",
  scanFreqName = "Scan Frequency",
  scanFreqTip = "How long to wait (in seconds) between checks of guild store sales.",
  historyDepthName = "Sales History Size",
  historyDepthTip = "How many sales events to store.  Lowering this may reduce the performance impact of this addon.",
  windowFontName = "Window Font",
  windowFontTip = "The font to use for the Shopkeeper window.",
  viewModeAllName = "Show All Sales",
  viewModeYourName = "Show Your Sales",
  allSalesTitle = "All Sales",
  yourSalesTitle = "Your Sales",
  buyerColumnName = "Buyer",
  guildColumnName = "Guild",
  itemColumnName = "Item Sold",
  timeColumnName = "Sale Time",
  priceColumnName = "Price",
  priceEachColumnName = "Price(ea.)",
  searchBoxName = "Search: ",
  itemTooltip = "Double-click on an item to link it in chat.",
  buyerTooltip = "Double-click on a buyer to contact them.",
  sortTimeTip = "Click to sort by sale time.",
  sortPriceTip = "Click to sort by sale price.",
  statsTooltip = "Open statistics window",
  sizeTooltip = "Change window size",
  timeSecondsAgo = "<<1[Just now/%d seconds ago]>>",
  timeMinutesAgo = "<<1[%d minute ago/%d minutes ago]>>",
  timeHoursAgo = "<<1[%d hour ago/%d hours ago]>>",
  timeDaysAgo = "<<1[Yesterday/%d days ago]>>",
  timeSecondsAgoLC = "<<1[just now/%d seconds ago]>>",
  timeMinutesAgoLC = "<<1[%d minute ago/%d minutes ago]>>",
  timeHoursAgoLC = "<<1[%d hour ago/%d hours ago]>>",
  timeDaysAgoLC = "<<1[yesterday/%d days ago]>>",
  refreshLabel = "Refresh",
  refreshStart = "Starting refresh.",
  refreshDone = "Refresh complete.",
  refreshWait = "Please wait a minute or so between refreshes.",
  resetLabel = "Reset",
  resetDone = "Sales history reset.",
  salesAlert = "You have sold %s x%d for %sG from %s %s.",
  salesAlertSingle = "You have sold %s for %sG from %s %s.",
  salesAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %s x%d for |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom %s %s.",
  salesAlertColorSingle = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %s for |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom %s %s.",
  salesGroupAlert = "You have sold %d items totaling %sG from guild stores.",
  salesGroupAlertColor = "|cFFFFFFYou have sold %d items totaling |cD5B526%sG |cFFFFFFfrom guild stores.",
  alertOptionsName = "Sales Alert Options",
  alertOptionsTip = "Options for alert type and sound.",
  alertTypeName = "Alert Sound",
  alertTypeTip = "The sound to play when you sell an item, if any.",
  saleAlertChatName = "Chat Alerts",
  saleAlertChatTip = "Show sales alerts in your chat box.",
  thousandsSep = ".",
  showUnitPrice = "Show Unit Price",
  showTotalPrice = "Show Total Price",
  statsTitle = "Sales Statistics",
  statsTimeAll = "Using all data",
  statsTimeSome = "Going back %d days",
  statsItemsSold = "Items sold: %d (%d%% from guild trader)",
  statsTotalGold = "Total gold: %s |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t (%s |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t per day)",
  statsBiggest = "Biggest sale: %s (%s |t16:16:EsoUI/Art/currency/currency_gold.dds|t)",
  statsDays = "Days: ",

ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_SHOPKEEPER_TOGGLE", "Show/Hide Shopkeeper Window")
ZO_CreateStringId("SI_BINDING_NAME_SHOPKEEPER_STATS_TOGGLE", "Show/Hide Stats Window")