-- German (de) - Translations provided by Tonyleila + silentgecko
local Srendarr = _G['Srendarr'] -- grab addon table from global
local L = {}

L.Srendarr			= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r (BETA)'
L.Srendarr_Basic	= 'S\'rendarr (BETA)'
L.Usage				= '|c67b1e9S|c4779ce\'rendarr|r - Usage: /srendarr lock|unlock to toggle display window movement.'

L.Prominent_AuraAddSuccess	= 'wurde zur Prominenten Whitelist hinzugefügt.'
L.Prominent_AuraAddFail = 'wurde nicht gefunden und konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
L.Prominent_AuraRemoved	= 'wurde von der Prominenten Whitelist entfernt.'

L.Blacklist_AuraAddSuccess	= 'wurde zur Blacklist hinzugefügt und wird nicht länger dargestellt.'
L.Blacklist_AuraAddFail = 'wurde nicht gefunden und konnte nicht hinzugefügt werden.'
L.Blacklist_AuraRemoved	= 'wurde von der Blacklist entfernt.'

L.Time_Tenths		= '%.1fs'
L.Time_Seconds		= '%ds'
L.Time_Minutes		= '%dm'
L.Time_Hours		= '%dh'
L.Time_Days			= '%dd'
L.Time_Toggle		= 'U'
L.Time_Passive		= 'P'
L.Time_Cast			= 'Cast'

L.Group_Displayed_Here	= 'Angezeigte Leisten'
L.Group_Displayed_None	= 'keine'

L.Group_Player_Short	= 'Deine kurzen Buffs'
L.Group_Player_Long		= 'Deine langen Buffs'
L.Group_Player_Toggled	= 'Deine umschaltb. Buffs'
L.Group_Player_Passive	= 'Deine Passiven Effekte'
L.Group_Player_Debuff	= 'Deine Debuffs'
L.Group_Player_Ground	= 'Deine Bodeneffekte'
L.Group_Player_Major	= 'Deine größeren Buffs'
L.Group_Player_Minor	= 'Deine kleineren Buffs'
L.Group_Target_Buff		= 'Ziel Buffs'
L.Group_Target_Debuff	= 'Ziel Debuffs'
L.Group_Prominent		= 'Prominente Buffs'

L.TabButton1			= 'Allgemein'
L.TabButton2			= 'Filter'
L.TabButton3			= 'Leisten'
L.TabButton4			= 'Profile'

L.TabHeader1			= 'Allgemein Einstellungen'
L.TabHeader2			= 'Filter Einstellungen'
L.TabHeader4			= 'Profil Einstellungen'
L.TabHeaderDisplay		= 'Leisten Einstellungen'

L.DropGroup_1				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1001|r]'
L.DropGroup_2				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1002|r]'
L.DropGroup_3				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1003|r]'
L.DropGroup_4				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1004|r]'
L.DropGroup_5				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1005|r]'
L.DropGroup_6				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1006|r]'
L.DropGroup_7				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1007|r]'
L.DropGroup_8				= 'In Leiste [|cffd1008|r]'
L.DropGroup_None			= 'Nicht anzeigen'

L.DropStyle_Full			= 'Komplett anzeigen'
L.DropStyle_Icon			= 'Nur Icon'
L.DropStyle_Mini			= 'Nur Text & Timer'

L.DropGrowth_Up				= 'Hoch'
L.DropGrowth_Down			= 'Runter'
L.DropGrowth_Left			= 'Links'
L.DropGrowth_Right			= 'Rechts'
L.DropGrowth_CenterLeft		= 'Zentriert (Links)'
L.DropGrowth_CenterRight	= 'Zentriert (Rechts)'

L.DropSort_Name				= 'Fähigkeits Name'
L.DropSort_Time				= 'Verbleibende Zeit'
L.DropSort_Cast				= 'Ausgehend'

L.DropTimer_Above			= 'Über Icon'
L.DropTimer_Below			= 'Unter Icon'
L.DropTimer_Over			= 'Auf Icon'
L.DropTimer_Hidden			= 'Versteckt'

L.Add_Sample_Auras			= 'Beispiel Buffs anzeigen'

L.SampleAura_PlayerTimed	= 'Spieler Zeitlich'
L.SampleAura_PlayerToggled	= 'Spieler Umgeschaltbar'
L.SampleAura_PlayerPassive	= 'Spieler Passive'
L.SampleAura_PlayerDebuff	= 'Spieler Debuff'
L.SampleAura_PlayerGround	= 'Boden Effect'
L.SampleAura_PlayerMajor	= 'Größere Buffs'
L.SampleAura_PlayerMinor	= 'Kleinere Buffs'
L.SampleAura_TargetBuff		= 'Ziel Buff'
L.SampleAura_TargetDebuff	= 'Ziel Debuff'

L.General_ClickToViewAuras	= 'Klick = Auren anzeigen'

-- settings: general (unlock)
L.General_UnlockDesc			= 'Entsperren, um das verschieben von den verschiedenen Leisten mit der Maus zu aktivieren. Der Zurücksetzen-Knopf wird alle Fenster wieder auf die Standartposition zurücksetzen.'
L.General_UnlockLock			= 'Sperren'
L.General_UnlockUnlock			= 'Entsperren'
L.General_UnlockReset			= 'Zurücksetzen'
L.General_UnlockResetAgain		= 'Nochmal klicken zum Zurücksetzen'
-- settings: general (aura display control)
L.General_ControlHeader			= 'Buff/Debuff Anzeige Einstellungen'
L.General_ControlCombat			= 'Nur im Kampf anzeigen'
L.General_ControlCombatTip		= 'Auf "Ein" stellen wenn die Leisten nur im Kampf angezeigt werden sollen.'
L.General_ControlThreshold		= 'Kurzer Buff Grenzwert'
L.General_ControlThresholdTip	= 'Set the minimum duration of player buffs (in seconds) that will be considered part of the \'Long Buffs\' group. Any buffs below this threshold will be part of the \'Short Buffs\' group instead.'
L.General_ControlThresholdWarn	= 'Display changes from altering this setting will only show after closing options or Adding Sample Auras.'
L.General_ControlAuraFade		= 'Buff/Debuff Ausblendezeit'
L.General_ControlAuraFadeTip	= 'Set how long an expired aura should take to fade out of view. With a setting of 0, Auras will disappear as soon as they expire without any fadeout.\n\nThe fadeout timer is in milliseconds.'
L.General_ControlBaseTip		= 'Set which display window to show this Aura Group in, or hide it from display entirely.'
L.General_ControlShortTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration below the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
L.General_ControlLongTip 		= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself with an original duration above the \'Short Buff Threshold\'.'
L.General_ControlToggledTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all toggled buffs that are active on yourself.'
L.General_ControlPassiveTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all passive effects that are active on yourself unless specially filtered.'
L.General_ControlDebuffTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all hostile debuffs active on yourself cast by other mobs, players or the enviroment.'
L.General_ControlGroundTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all ground areas of effect that are cast by yourself.'
L.General_ControlMajorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Major Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Major Sorcery), detrimental Major Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
L.General_ControlMinorTip		= 'This Aura Group contains all beneficial Minor Effects that are active on yourself (eg. Minor Sorcery), detrimental Minor Effects are part of the Debuffs group.'
L.General_ControlTargetBuffTip	= 'This Aura Group contains all buffs on your target, whether they are timed, passive or toggled, unless specially filtered.'
L.General_ControlTargetDebuffTip = 'This Aura Group contains all debuffs applied to your target. Due to game limitations, only your debuffs will be displayed other than rare exceptions.'
L.General_ControlProminentTip	= 'This special Aura Group contains all buffs on yourself, and ground areas of effect, whitelisted to display here instead of their original group.'
-- settings: general (prominent auras)
L.General_ProminentHeader		= 'Prominente Buffs'

L.General_ProminentDesc			= 'Buffs auf dir und auf Bodenzielen können auf eine Whitelist gesetzt werden um als Prominent zu erscheinen. Dies erlaubt es besondere Effekte einzeln in einem extra Fenster zu beobachten.'
L.General_ProminentAdd			= 'Promintenten Buff hinzufügen'
L.General_ProminentAddTip		= 'The buff or ground target effect you want to make prominent must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame, Press enter to add the aura to the prominence whitelist and please note only auras with a duration can be set, passives and toggled abilities will be ignored.'
L.General_ProminentAddWarn		= 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'
L.General_ProminentList			= 'Aktuelle prominente Buffs'
L.General_ProminentListTip		= 'List of all auras set to appear as prominent. To remove existing auras, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
L.General_ProminentRemove		= 'Entferne prominenten Buff'
-- settings: filters
L.Filter_Desc             = 'Einstellung der Anzeige von bestimmten Buffs/Debuffs basierend auf einer Blacklist (mit Namen) oder durch das Filtern bestimmter Buff/Debuff Kategorien. Das Aktivieren eines Filters verhindert die Anzeige dieser Kategorie.'
L.Filter_BlacklistHeader  = 'Buff/Debuff Blacklist'
L.Filter_BlacklistAdd     = 'Buff/Debuff zur Blacklist hinzufügen'
L.Filter_BlacklistAddTip  = 'The aura you want to blacklist must have its name entered exactly as it appears ingame. Press enter to add the aura to the blacklist.'
L.Filter_BlacklistAddWarn = 'Adding an aura requires scanning all auras in the game to find the ability\'s internal ID number. This can cause the game to hang for a moment while searching.'

L.Filter_BlacklistList    = 'Aktuell Blacklist Buffs/Debuffs'
L.Filter_BlacklistListTip = 'List of all auras currently blacklisted. To remove auras from the blacklist, select from the list and use the Remove button below.'
L.Filter_BlacklistRemove  = 'Entferne von Blacklist'

L.Filter_PlayerHeader      = 'Buff/Debuff Filter für Spieler'
L.Filter_TargetHeader      = 'Buff/Debuff Filter für Ziel'
L.Filter_Block             = 'Filter: Blocken'
L.Filter_BlockPlayerTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle while you are blocking.'
L.Filter_BlockTargetTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the \'Brace\' toggle when your opponent is blocking.'
L.Filter_Cyrodiil		   = 'Filter: Cyrodiil Boni'
L.Filter_CyrodiilPlayerTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on yourself.'
L.Filter_CyrodiilTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the dispolay of buffs provided during Cyrodiil AvA on your target.'
L.Filter_Disguise          = 'Filter: Verkleidungen'
L.Filter_DisguisePlayerTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on yourself.'
L.Filter_DisguiseTargeTtip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of active disguises on your target.'
L.Filter_MajorEffects      = 'Filter: Größere Buffs'
L.Filter_MajorEffectsTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Major Effects (eg. Major Maim, Major Sorcery) on your target.'
L.Filter_MinorEffects          = 'Filter: Kleinere Buffs'
L.Filter_MinorEffectsTargetTip = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Minor Effects (eg. Minor Maim, Minor Sorcery) on your target.'
L.Filter_MundusBoon            = 'Filter: Mundussteine'
L.Filter_MundusBoonPlayerTip   = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on youself.'
L.Filter_MundusBoonTargetTip   = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Mundus Stone boons on your target.'
L.Filter_SoulSummons           = 'Filter: Abklingzeit Seelenbeschwörung'
L.Filter_SoulSummonsPlayerTip  = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on yourself.'
L.Filter_SoulSummonsTargetTip  = 'Set whether to prevent the display of the cooldown \'aura\' for Soul Summons on your target.'
L.Filter_VampLycan             = 'Filter: Vampir & Werwolf Effekte'
L.Filter_VampLycanPlayerTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on yourself.'
L.Filter_VampLycanTargetTip    = 'Set whether to prevent the display of Vampirism and Lycanthropy buffs on your target.'
-- settings: display frames (base)
L.DisplayFrame_Alpha			= 'Fenster Transparenz'
L.DisplayFrame_AlphaTip			= 'Set how opaque this aura window is when visible. A setting of 100 makes the window fully opaque.'
L.DisplayFrame_Scale			= 'Fenster Skalierung'
L.DisplayFrame_ScaleTip			= 'Set the size of this aura window as a percentage. A setting of 100 is the default size.'
-- settings: display frames (aura)
L.DisplayFrame_AuraHeader		= 'Buff/Debuff Anzeige'
L.DisplayFrame_Style			= 'Buff/Debuff Aussehen'
L.DisplayFrame_StyleTip			= 'Set the style which this aura window\'s auras will display as.\n\n|cffd100Full Display|r - Show abiltiy name and icon, timer bar and text.\n\n|cffd100Icon Only|r - Show ability icon and timer text only, this style provides more options for Aura Growth Direction than the others.\n\n|cffd100Minimal Display|r - Show ability name, and a smaller timer bar only.'
L.DisplayFrame_Growth			= 'Buff/Debuff Errweiterungsrichtung'
L.DisplayFrame_GrowthTip		= 'Set which direction new auras will grow from the anchor point. For the centered settings, auras will grow either side of the anchor with ordering determined by the left|right prefix.\n\nAuras can only grow up or down when displaying in the |cffd100Full|r or |cffd100Mini|r styles.'
L.DisplayFrame_Padding			= 'Buff/Debuff Abstand'
L.DisplayFrame_PaddingTip		= 'Set the spacing between each displayed aura.'
L.DisplayFrame_Sort				= 'Buff/Debuff Reihenfolge'
L.DisplayFrame_SortTip			= 'Set how auras are sorted. Either by alphabetical name, remaining duration or by the order in which they were cast. When sorting by duration, passive and toggled abilities will always show first followed by timed abilities with those that will fade first furthest away from the anchor.'
L.DisplayFrame_Highlight		= 'Umschaltbare Buffs/Debuffs hervorheben'
L.DisplayFrame_HighlightTip		= 'Set whether toggled auras have their icon highlighted to help distinguish from passive auras.\n\nNot available in the |cffd100Mini|r style as no icon is shown.'
-- settings: display frames (name)
L.DisplayFrame_NameHeader		= 'Fähigkeitenanzeige'
L.DisplayFrame_NameFont			= 'Text Schrift'
L.DisplayFrame_NameStyle		= 'Text Farbe & Aussehen'
L.DisplayFrame_NameSize			= 'Text Größe'
-- settings: display frames (timer)
L.DisplayFrame_TimerHeader		= 'Zeitanzeige'
L.DisplayFrame_TimerFont		= 'Zeit Schriftart'
L.DisplayFrame_TimerStyle		= 'Zeit Schrift Farbe & Aussehen'
L.DisplayFrame_TimerSize		= 'Zeit Größe'
L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocation	= 'Zeit Position'
L.DisplayFrame_TimerLocationTip	= 'Set the timer\'s position for each aura with regards to that aura\'s icon. A setting of hidden will stop the timer label showing for all auras displayer here.\n\nOnly certain placement options are available depending on the current style.'
-- settings: display frames (bar)
L.DisplayFrame_BarHeader		= 'Zeit Leiste'
L.DisplayFrame_BarReverse		= 'Countdown Richtung umkehren'
L.DisplayFrame_BarReverseTip	= 'Set whether to reverse the countdown direction of the timer bar making the timer decrease towards the right. In the |cffd100Full|r style this will also position the Aura icon to the right of the bar instead of the left.'
L.DisplayFrame_BarGloss			= 'Glänzende Leisten'
L.DisplayFrame_BarGlossTip		= 'Set whether the timer bar\'s should be glossy when displayed.'
L.DisplayFrame_BarWidth			= 'Leisten Breite'
L.DisplayFrame_BarWidthTip		= 'Set how wide the timer bar\'s should be when displayed.'
L.DisplayFrame_BarTimed			= 'Farbe: Zeitliche Buffs/Debuffs'
L.DisplayFrame_BarTimedTip		= 'Set the timer bar colours for auras with a set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (when it begins counting down) and the second the finish of the bar (when it has almost expired).'
L.DisplayFrame_BarToggled		= 'Farbe: Umschaltbare Buffs/Debuffs'
L.DisplayFrame_BarToggledTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for toggled auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
L.DisplayFrame_BarPassive		= 'Farbe: Passive Buffs/Debuffs'
L.DisplayFrame_BarPassiveTip	= 'Set the timer bar colours for passive auras with no set duration. The left colour choice determines the start of the bar (the furthest side from the icon) and the second the finish of the bar (nearest the icon).'
-- settings: profiles
L.Profile_Desc				= 'Setting profiles can be managed here including the option to enable an account wide profile that will apply the same settings to ALL character\'s on this account. Due to the permanency of these options, management must first be enabled using the checkbox at the bottom of the panel.'
L.Profile_UseGlobal			= 'Accountweites Profil benutzen'
L.Profile_UseGlobalWarn		= 'Switching between local and global profiles will reload the interface.'
L.Profile_Copy				= 'Profil zum Kopieren auswählen'
L.Profile_CopyTip			= 'Select a profile to copy its settings to the currently actrive profile. The active profile will be for either the logged in character or the account wide profile if enabled. The existing profile settings will be permanently overwritten.\n\nThis cannot be undone!'
L.Profile_CopyButton		= 'Profil kopieren'
L.Profile_CopyButtonWarn	= 'Kopieren eines Profiles wird das Interface neu laden.'
L.Profile_CopyCannotCopy	= 'Unable to copy selected profile. Please try again or select another profile.'
L.Profile_Delete			= 'Profil zum Löschen auswählen'
L.Profile_DeleteTip			= 'Select a profile to delete its settings from the database. If that character is logged in later, and you are not using the account wide profile, new default settings will be created.\n\nDeleting a profile is permanent!'
L.Profile_DeleteButton		= 'Profil Löschen'
L.Profile_Guard				= 'Profilverwaltung aktivieren'

if (GetCVar('language.2') == 'de') then -- overwrite GetLocale for new language
    for k, v in pairs(Srendarr:GetLocale()) do
        if (not L[k]) then -- no translation for this string, use default
        L[k] = v

    function Srendarr:GetLocale() -- set new locale return
        return L