toxicIRCAddon = {} = 'toxicIRC' toxicIRCAddon.version = "0.9" local LAM = LibStub("LibAddonMenu-2.0") local username = string.sub(GetDisplayName(), 2) local character = GetUnitName("player") local panelData = { type = "panel", name = "ToxicIRC" } local optionsData = { [1] = { type = "colorpicker", name = "Text Color", getFunc = function() return toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.r, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.g, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.b, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.a end, -- setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) print(r,g,b) end, setFunc = function(r,g,b,a) toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.r=r, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.g=g, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.b=b, toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors.a=a end, tooltip = "Set the color of the text.", width = "full", requiresReload = true, -- default = toxicIRCAddon.savedVariables.colors, --(optional) table of default color values (or default = defaultColor, where defaultColor is a table with keys of r, g, b[, a]) or a function that returns the color -- reference = "ToxicIRCColorpicker" -- unique global reference to control (optional) } } function toxicIRCAddon:checkName(msg) local match = nil local patterns = { "("..username..")", "("..string.lower(username)..")", "("..character..")", "("..string.lower(character)..")" } for k, v in pairs(patterns) do if patterns[k] then match = string.match(msg, v) if type(match) == "string" then return match end end end end function toxicIRCAddon:IRCStyle(text) local forward = ZO_ChatSystem_GetEventHandlers()[EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL]; local rawEventUpdate = ZO_ChatSystem_AddEventHandler; rawEventUpdate(EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL, function(arg1, arg2, msg, ...) if not msg then return forward(arg1, arg2, msg, ...); end match = toxicIRCAddon:checkName(msg) if match then msg = string.gsub(msg, match, "|cffff00"..match.."|r") end return forward(arg1, arg2, msg, ...); end); ZO_ChatSystem_AddEventHandler = function(event, func) if event == EVENT_CHAT_MESSAGE_CHANNEL then forward = func; else rawEventUpdate(event, func); end end end function toxicIRCAddon:Initialize() EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent("toxicIRC", EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED, function() EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForEvent("toxicIRC", EVENT_PLAYER_ACTIVATED) EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForUpdate("toxicIRC", 1000, function() EVENT_MANAGER:UnregisterForUpdate"toxicIRC" toxicIRCAddon:IRCStyle() end) end) defaults = { colors = { r = 1, g = 1, b = 0, a = 1 } } self.savedVariables = ZO_SavedVars:New("toxicIRCSavedVariables", 1, nil, defaults) LAM:RegisterAddonPanel("ToxicIRCOptions", panelData) LAM:RegisterOptionControls("ToxicIRCOptions", optionsData) end function toxicIRCAddon.OnAddOnLoaded(event, addonName) if addonName == then toxicIRCAddon:Initialize() end end EVENT_MANAGER:RegisterForEvent(, EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, toxicIRCAddon.OnAddOnLoaded)