updated README again and got rid of ESOAPI.lua since the end user can generate it themselves with the provided scripts

Author Solvaring <brandon.wall0711@gmail.com>
Author date 2017-07-30 21:59:55
Author local date 2017-07-30 14:59:55 -0700
Committer Solvaring <brandon.wall0711@gmail.com>
Committer date 2017-07-30 21:59:55
Committer local date 2017-07-30 14:59:55 -0700
Commit 1221c1eba3e83b8722f185298d9a8f6ca0d8f69c
Tree b526a1c121276a72ccd244e51876403e586f0adc
Parent 7c1ce66d58d48278a1bb21ba9a0c6b3096abb1ff
updated README again and got rid of ESOAPI.lua since the end user can generate it themselves with the provided scripts