added a button to dynamically filter crowns

git [06-02-19 - 15:38]
added a button to dynamically filter crowns
diff --git a/FurCControlBridge.lua b/FurCControlBridge.lua
index da59386..e9bedee 100644
--- a/FurCControlBridge.lua
+++ b/FurCControlBridge.lua
@@ -100,6 +100,9 @@ end
 function FurC.GetRumourTooltip()
   return GetString((FurC.GetShowRumours() and SI_FURC_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT) or SI_FURC_SHOW_RUMOUR_TT)
+function FurC.GetCrownTooltip()
+  return GetString((FurC.GetShowCrownstore() and SI_FURC_HIDE_CROWN_TT) or SI_FURC_SHOW_CROWN_TT)

 function FurC.GuiOnSearchBoxClick(control, mouseButton, doubleClick)
diff --git a/FurCDataParser.lua b/FurCDataParser.lua
index 6a248c5..3ff720c 100644
--- a/FurCDataParser.lua
+++ b/FurCDataParser.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 local db    = FurnitureCatalogue.settings["data"]

-local p     = FurC.DebugOut -- debug function calling zo_strformat with up to 10 args
+local p     = FurC.DebugOut

 function FurC.PrintCraftingStation(itemId, recipeArray)
diff --git a/FurCDatabaseQuery.lua b/FurCDatabaseQuery.lua
index 7c9bd26..d4a838c 100644
--- a/FurCDatabaseQuery.lua
+++ b/FurCDatabaseQuery.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 local FurC = FurC

 local vendorColor   = "d68957"
-local goldColor   = "e5da40"
-local apColor     = "25C31E"
-local tvColor    = "5EA4FF"
+local goldColor     = "e5da40"
+local apColor       = "25C31E"
+local tvColor       = "5EA4FF"
 local voucherColor  = "82BCFF"
-local p       = FurC.DebugOut -- debug function calling zo_strformat with up to 10 args
+local p       = FurC.DebugOut

 local function colorise(str, col, ret)
   str = tostring(str)
diff --git a/FurCFilter.lua b/FurCFilter.lua
index d30e5f9..1556dbc 100644
--- a/FurCFilter.lua
+++ b/FurCFilter.lua
@@ -1,20 +1,22 @@
 local p             = FurC.DebugOut -- debug function calling zo_strformat with up to 10 args

-local searchString         = ""
-local dropdownChoiceVersion    = 1
-local dropdownTextVersion    = "All"
-local ddSource    = 1
-local dropdownTextSource    = "All"
-local dropdownChoiceCharacter  = 1
-local ddTextCharacter      = "Accountwide"
-local qualityFilter       = {}
-local craftingTypeFilter     = {}
-local hideBooks         = false
-local hideRumours        = false
-local hideCrownStore      = false
-local mergeLuxuryAndSales    = false
-local filterAllOnTextSearch    = false
+local searchString                = ""
+local dropdownChoiceVersion       = 1
+local dropdownTextVersion         = "All"
+local ddSource                    = 1
+local dropdownTextSource          = "All"
+local dropdownChoiceCharacter     = 1
+local ddTextCharacter             = "Accountwide"
+local qualityFilter               = {}
+local craftingTypeFilter          = {}
+local hideBooks                   = false
+local hideRumours                 = false
+local hideCrownStore              = false
+local mergeLuxuryAndSales         = false
+local showAllOnTextSearch         = false
+local showAllCrownOnTextSearch    = false
+local showAllRumourOnTextSearch   = false

 local sourceIndices

@@ -22,39 +24,43 @@ local recipeArray, itemId, itemLink, itemType, sItemType, itemName, recipeIndex,

 function FurC.SetFilter(useDefaults, skipRefresh)

-    ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
+  ClearTooltip(InformationTooltip)
   sourceIndices           = FurC.SourceIndices
-  searchString           = FurC.GetSearchFilter()
+  searchString            = FurC.GetSearchFilter()
   if useDefaults then
-    dropdownChoiceVersion    = tonumber(FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Version"))
-    ddSource          = FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Source")
-    dropdownChoiceCharacter   = FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Character")
-  else
-    dropdownChoiceVersion    = tonumber(FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Version"))
-    ddSource          = FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Source")
-    dropdownChoiceCharacter   = FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Character")
+      dropdownChoiceVersion     = tonumber(FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Version"))
+      ddSource                  = FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Source")
+      dropdownChoiceCharacter   = FurC.GetDefaultDropdownChoice("Character")
+    else
+      dropdownChoiceVersion     = tonumber(FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Version"))
+      ddSource                  = FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Source")
+      dropdownChoiceCharacter   = FurC.GetDropdownChoice("Character")
   -- we need to hold the text here, in case it's not "All"
   ddTextCharacter        = FurC.GetDropdownChoiceTextual("Character")
   qualityFilter           = FurC.GetFilterQuality()
   craftingTypeFilter      = FurC.GetFilterCraftingType()
   hideBooks               = FurC.GetHideBooks()
-  hideRumours             = FurC.GetHideRumourRecipes() or (not FurC.GetShowRumours())
+  hideRumours             = ddSource ~= FURC_RUMOUR and (FurC.GetHideRumourRecipes() or (not FurC.GetShowRumours()))
+  hideCrownStore          = ddSource ~= FURC_CROWN  and (FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems() or (not FurC.GetShowCrownstore()))
   mergeLuxuryAndSales     = FurC.GetMergeLuxuryAndSales()
-  hideCrownStore          = FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems()
-    -- ignore filtered items when no dropdown filter is set and there's a text search?
-    filterAllOnTextSearch       = FurC.GetFilterAllOnText() and #searchString > 0 and
-                                    FURC_NONE == ddSource and
-                                    FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceVersion and
-                                    FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceCharacter
-  if not skipRefresh then
-    zo_callLater(FurC.UpdateLineVisibility, 200)
-  end
+  -- ignore filtered items when no dropdown filter is set and there's a text search?
+  showAllOnTextSearch   = FurC.GetFilterAllOnText() and #searchString > 0 and
+                           FURC_NONE == ddSource and
+                           FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceVersion and
+                           FURC_NONE == dropdownChoiceCharacter
+  showAllRumourOnTextSearch = showAllOnTextSearch and not FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown()
+  showAllCrownOnTextSearch = showAllOnTextSearch and not FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown()
+  if skipRefresh then return end
+  zo_callLater(FurC.UpdateLineVisibility, 200)

 function FurC.InitFilters()
@@ -66,13 +72,13 @@ function FurC.InitFilters()

 local function isRecipeArrayKnown()
   if nil == recipeArray or nil == recipeArray.characters then return end
-   if dropdownChoiceCharacter == 1 then
+  if dropdownChoiceCharacter == 1 then
     for name, value in pairs(recipeArray.characters) do
       if (value) then return true end
-   else
+    else
     return recipeArray.characters[ddTextCharacter]
@@ -82,22 +88,17 @@ local function matchVersionDropdown()
   return dropdownChoiceVersion == 1 or recipeArray.version == dropdownChoiceVersion

-local function shouldBeHidden()
-  return (ddSource ~= FURC_RUMOUR and recipeArray.origin == FURC_RUMOUR and hideRumours) or
-  (ddSource ~= FURC_CROWN and recipeArray.origin == FURC_CROWN and hideCrownStore)
 local validSourcesForOther = {
-    [FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP]    = true,
-    [FURC_DROP]             = true,
-    [FURC_FISHING]          = true,
-    [FURC_JUSTICE]          = true,
-    [FURC_GUILDSTORE]       = true,
+  [FURC_FESTIVAL_DROP]    = true,
+  [FURC_DROP]             = true,
+  [FURC_FISHING]          = true,
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]          = true,
+  [FURC_GUILDSTORE]       = true,

 -- Source: All, All (craftable), Craftable (known), craftable (unknown), purchaseable
 local function matchSourceDropdown()
   -- "All", don't care
   if FURC_NONE              == ddSource then
     return true
@@ -106,23 +107,23 @@ local function matchSourceDropdown()
     return recipeArray.favorite
   if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CRAFTING then
-      if ddSource == FURC_CRAFTING then return true end
-      local matchingDropdownSource = (isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray) and FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN) or FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN
-      return matchingDropdownSource == ddSource
+    if ddSource == FURC_CRAFTING then return true end
+    local matchingDropdownSource = (isRecipeArrayKnown(recipeArray) and FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN) or FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN
+    return matchingDropdownSource == ddSource
   if FURC_VENDOR               == ddSource then
     return (recipeArray.origin     == FURC_VENDOR or (mergeLuxuryAndSales and recipeArray.origin == FURC_LUXURY))
-    end
+  end
   if FURC_WRIT_VENDOR           == ddSource then
     return recipeArray.origin     == FURC_ROLIS
-    end
+  end
   if FURC_OTHER              == ddSource then
     return validSourcesForOther[recipeArray.origin]
-    end
+  end
   -- we're checking character knowledge
   return recipeArray.origin  == ddSource

 local function matchDropdownFilter()
@@ -131,10 +132,10 @@ end

 local function matchSearchString()
   if #searchString == 0 then return true end
-    local caseSensitive = nil ~= string.match(searchString, "%u")
-    local itemName = GetItemLinkName(itemLink)
-    local matchme = (caseSensitive and itemName) or string.lower(itemName)
-    return string.match(matchme, searchString)
+  local caseSensitive = nil ~= string.match(searchString, "%u")
+  local itemName = GetItemLinkName(itemLink)
+  local matchme = (caseSensitive and itemName) or string.lower(itemName)
+  return string.match(matchme, searchString)

 local function matchCraftingTypeFilter()
@@ -147,43 +148,40 @@ local function matchQualityFilter()

 local function filterBooks(itemId, recipeArray)
-  if not (hideBooks or filterAllOnTextSearch and FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoBooks()) then return false end
+  if not (hideBooks or showAllOnTextSearch and FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoBooks()) then return false end
   local versionData = FurC.Books[recipeArray.version]
   if nil == versionData then return end
   return nil ~= versionData[itemId]

 function FurC.MatchFilter(currentItemId, currentRecipeArray)
   itemId = currentItemId
   itemLink = FurC.GetItemLink(itemId)
   recipeArray = currentRecipeArray or FurC.Find(itemLink)
   itemType, sItemType = GetItemLinkItemType(itemLink)
-    if 0 == itemType and 0 == sItemType then
-        p("invalid item type for <<1>>", currentItemId)
-        return false
-    end
-    if  filterBooks(itemId, recipeArray)                              then return false end
-    if recipeArray.origin == FURC_RUMOUR then
-      if filterAllOnTextSearch and not FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour() then
-          return false
-      end
-      if (not filterAllOnTextSearch) and hideRumours then return false end
-    end
-    if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CROWN then
-        if filterAllOnTextSearch and FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown() then return false end
-        if hideCrownStore and ddSource ~= FURC_CROWN then return false end
-    end
-    if not (filterAllOnTextSearch  or  (matchVersionDropdown() and matchSourceDropdown())) then return false end
-    if not matchSearchString()                             then return false end
+  if 0 == itemType and 0 == sItemType then
+    p("invalid item type for <<1>>", currentItemId)
+    return false
+  end
+  if  filterBooks(itemId, recipeArray)                              then return false end
+  if recipeArray.origin == FURC_RUMOUR and hideRumours then
+    if not showAllRumourOnTextSearch then return false end
+    return true
+  end
+  if recipeArray.origin == FURC_CROWN and hideCrownStore then
+    if not showAllCrownOnTextSearch then return false end
+    return true
+  end
+  if not (showAllOnTextSearch  or  (matchVersionDropdown() and matchSourceDropdown())) then return false end
+  if not matchSearchString()                             then return false end
   if not (FurC.settings.filterCraftingTypeAll or matchCraftingTypeFilter())  then return false end
   if not (FurC.settings.filterQualityAll     or matchQualityFilter())    then return false end
   return true
diff --git a/FurCGui.lua b/FurCGui.lua
index ef303f1..4a47e75 100644
--- a/FurCGui.lua
+++ b/FurCGui.lua
@@ -450,12 +450,35 @@ local function createGui()
-  FurC.InitFilters()
+  FurC.InitFilters()
+  FurC.UpdateDropdowns()
+  FurC.UpdateHeader()

-  FurC_ShowRumoursGlow:SetHidden(not FurC.GetShowRumours())

+function FurC.UpdateHeader()
+  local hideRumourButton = FurC.GetHideUIButton(FURC_RUMOUR)
+  local showRumours = FurC.GetShowRumours()
+  FurC_ShowRumours:SetHidden(hideRumourButton)
+  FurC_ShowRumoursGlow:SetHidden(not showRumours or hideRumourButton)
+  if not hideRumourButton then
+    FurC_ShowRumours:SetState((showRumours and BSTATE_PRESSED) or BSTATE_NORMAL)
+  end
+  local hideCrownButton = FurC.GetHideUIButton(FURC_CROWN)
+  FurC_ShowCrowns:SetHidden(hideCrownButton)
+  if hideCrownButton then return end
+  FurC_ShowCrowns:SetState((FurC.GetShowCrownstore() and BSTATE_PRESSED) or BSTATE_NORMAL)

 function FurnitureCatalogue_Toggle()
   if FurCGui:IsHidden() then return end
diff --git a/FurCMenu.lua b/FurCMenu.lua
index 5d20737..1bb49b4 100644
--- a/FurCMenu.lua
+++ b/FurCMenu.lua
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
     -- header: Inventory and bank
     -- =======================================================================================
     {  -- header: Inventory and bank
-      type = "submenu",
+      type = "submenu", -- Inventory and bank icons
       name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_ICONS),
       controls = {
         { -- checkbox: Add items to known/unknown recipes?
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
       setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetSkipDivider(value) end,
       requiresReload = true
-    {  type = "submenu",
-      name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD),
+    {  type = "submenu", -- Default dropdown values
+      name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_DEFAULT_DD),
       controls = {
         { -- description: Default dropdown
           type = "description",
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
     -- =======================================================================================
     -- submenu: Catalogue filtering
     -- =======================================================================================
-    {  type = "submenu",
-      name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTERING),
+    {  type = "submenu", -- Catalogue filtering
+      name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FILTERING),
       controls = {
                  {  type = "submenu",
                     name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT),
@@ -256,6 +256,13 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
                         { -- checkbox: Exclude crown store items from these
                             type   = "checkbox",
+                            name   = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_CROWN_BUTTON),
+                            getFunc = function() return FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown() end,
+                            setFunc = function(value) FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoCrown(value) end,
+                            disabled = not FurC.GetFilterAllOnText()
+                        },
+                        { -- checkbox: Exclude crown store items from these
+                            type   = "checkbox",
                             name   = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR),
                             tooltip = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT),
                             getFunc = function() return FurC.GetFilterAllOnTextNoRumour() end,
@@ -313,21 +320,35 @@ function FurC.CreateSettings(savedVars, defaults)
           getFunc = function() return FurC.GetHideRumourRecipes() end,
           setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetHideRumourRecipes(value) end
-        {  -- header: rumour recipes
+        { -- checkbox: Show UI button in search box?
+          type   = "checkbox",
+          name   = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_UI_BUTTON),
+          getFunc = function() return FurC.GetHideUIButton(FURC_RUMOUR) end,
+          setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetHideUIButton(FURC_RUMOUR, value) end
+        },
+        {  -- Crown store items
           type = "header",
           name = "Crown store",
-        { -- checkbox: Hide doubtful recipes
+        { -- The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have...
           type = "description",
           name = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN),
           text = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC),
-        { -- checkbox: Hide doubtful recipes
+        { -- checkbox: Hide crown stuff
           type   = "checkbox",
           name   = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N),
           getFunc = function() return FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems() end,
           setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetHideCrownStoreItems(value) end
+        { -- checkbox: Show UI button in search box?
+          type   = "checkbox",
+          name   = GetString(SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_UI_BUTTON),
+          getFunc = function() return FurC.GetHideUIButton(FURC_CROWN) end,
+          setFunc = function(value) FurC.SetHideUIButton(FURC_CROWN, value) end
+        },

diff --git a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
index 00165a1..468d524 100644
--- a/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
+++ b/FurCSettingsAdapter.lua
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function FurC.GetHideRumourRecipes()
 function FurC.SetHideRumourRecipes(value)
   FurC.settings["hideDoubtfuls"] = value
-  FurC.updateDropdownData()
+  FurC.UpdateDropdowns()
 function FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems()
@@ -20,10 +20,30 @@ function FurC.GetHideCrownStoreItems()
 function FurC.SetHideCrownStoreItems(value)
   FurC.settings["hideCrownstore"] = value
-  FurC.updateDropdownData()
+  FurC.UpdateDropdowns()

+function FurC.GetHideUIButton(buttonIdentifier)
+  return FurC.settings.hideUiButtons[buttonIdentifier]
+function FurC.SetHideUIButton(buttonIdentifier, value)
+  FurC.settings.hideUiButtons[buttonIdentifier] = value
+  FurC.UpdateHeader()
+  if not buttonIdentifier == FURC_RUMOUR then return end
+  -- reanchor crownstore button
+  FurC_ShowCrowns:ClearAnchors()
+  if value then
+    FurC_ShowCrowns:SetAnchor(RIGHT, FurC_Search, RIGHT, 0)
+  else
+    FurC_ShowCrowns:SetAnchor(RIGHT, FurC_ShowRumours, LEFT, 8, 3)
+  end
 function FurC.GetFilterAllOnText()
   return FurC.settings["filterAllOnText"]
@@ -296,6 +316,15 @@ function FurC.SetShowRumours(value)

+function FurC.GetShowCrownstore()
+  return FurC.settings["showCrowns"]
+function FurC.SetShowCrownstore(value)
+  FurC.settings["showCrowns"] = value
+  FurC_ShowCrowns:SetState((value and BSTATE_PRESSED) or BSTATE_DISABLED)
+  FurC.UpdateGui()
 --------- Dropdown --------
diff --git a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
index 54f77c3..0b7ea7c 100644
--- a/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
+++ b/FurnitureCatalogue.txt
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
 ## Title: FurnitureCatalogue
 ## Author: manavortex
-## Version: 3.33
+## Version: 3.4
 ## APIVersion: 100027
 ## SavedVariables: FurnitureCatalogue_Settings
 ## DependsOn: LibStub LibCustomMenu LibAddonMenu-2.0 LibAsync
-## OptionalDependsOn: pChat LibDebugLogger
+## OptionalDependsOn: pChat LibDebugLogger LibDebugViewer



diff --git a/_Constants.lua b/_Constants.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9337e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_Constants.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+-- constants for filtering
+FURC_NONE               = 1
+FURC_FAVE               = FURC_NONE +1
+FURC_PVP                = FURC_VENDOR +1
+FURC_CROWN              = FURC_PVP +1
+FURC_RUMOUR             = FURC_CROWN +1
+FURC_LUXURY             = FURC_RUMOUR +1
+FURC_OTHER              = FURC_LUXURY +1
+FURC_ROLIS              = FURC_OTHER +1
+FURC_DROP               = FURC_ROLIS +1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua b/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65ddb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/06_2018/MiscItemSources.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,1481 @@
+FurC.MiscItemSources        = FurC.MiscItemSources or {}
+-- constants save performance on string handling
+local questRewardString     = GetString(SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD)
+local pickpocket_ww         = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED) .. " from woodworkers"
+local pickpocket_ass        = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED) .. " from outlaws and assassins"
+local pickpocket_guard      = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEPICKED) .. " from guards"
+local stealable             = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBESTOLEN)
+local stealable_cc          = stealable ..          " in Clockwork City"
+local stealable_scholars    = stealable ..          " from scholars"
+local stealable_nerds       = stealable_scholars .. " and mages"
+local stealable_priests     = stealable ..          " from priests and pilgrims"
+local stealable_thief       = stealable ..          " from thieves"
+local stealable_woodworkers = stealable ..          " from woodworkers"
+local stealable_drunkards   = stealable ..          " from drunkards"
+local automaton_loot_cc     = GetString(SI_FURC_AUTOMATON) .. " in Clockwork City"
+local automaton_loot_vv     = GetString(SI_FURC_AUTOMATON) .. " on Vvardenfell"
+local harvest_coldharbour   = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST) .. " in Coldharbour"
+local scambox_string        = GetString(SI_FURC_SCAMBOX)
+local scambox_fireatro      = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_FLAME_ATRONACH))
+local scambox_dwemer        = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_DWEMER))
+local scambox_reaper        = zo_strformat("<<1>> (<<2>>)", scambox_string, GetString(SI_FURC_REAPER))
+local db_poison             = zo_strformat("<<1>> <<2>>", GetString(SI_FURC_DB), GetString(SI_FURC_DB_POISON))
+local db_sneaky             = zo_strformat("<<1>> <<2>>", GetString(SI_FURC_DB), GetString(SI_FURC_DB_STEALTH))
+local sinister_hollowjack   = "Sinister Hollowjack Items"
+local itemPackNewLife2018   = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "New Life Festival 2018")
+local itemPackDeepmire      = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Deepmire Expedition")
+local itemPackDwemer        = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Dwemer")
+local itemPackDwemer        = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Lord Vivec")
+local onSummerset           = " on Summerset"
+local backwaterSwamp        = " in Murkmire"
+local gloriousHome          = " on Vvardenfell"
+local inWrothgar            = " in Vvardenfell"
+local plants_vvardenfell    = GetString(SI_FURC_PLANTS)      .. gloriousHome
+local fishing_summerset     = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED) .. onSummerset
+local fishing_swamp         = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED) .. backwaterSwamp
+local drop_altmer           = GetString(SI_FURC_DROP) .. onSummerset
+local drop_swamp            = GetString(SI_FURC_DROP) .. backwaterSwamp
+local stealable_wrothgar    = stealable .. inWrothgar
+local stealable_swamp       = stealable .. backwaterSwamp
+local rumourSource          = GetString(SI_FURC_RUMOUR_SOURCE_ITEM)
+local dataminedUnclear      = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR)
+local crownstoresource = GetString(SI_FURC_CROWNSTORESOURCE)
+local function getCrownPrice(price)
+  return string.format("%s (%u)", crownstoresource, price)
+local housesource = GetString(SI_FURC_HOUSE)
+local function getHouseString(houseId1, houseId2)
+  local houseName = GetCollectibleName(houseId1)
+  if houseId2 then houseName = houseName .. ", " .. GetCollectibleName(houseId2) end
+  return zo_strformat(housesource, houseName)
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_WOTL]  = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+		[134272] = rumourSource,     -- Cave Deposit, Stalagmite Cluster,
+    [147585] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Spokes,
+    [147586] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Hub, Sentry Wheel,
+    [147587] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gear, Large Open,
+    [147588] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Conduit, Rounded,
+    [147589] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Brazier, Open,
+    [147590] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Bust, Forge-Lord,
+    [147591] = rumourSource,     -- Namira, Mistress of Decay,
+    [147592] = rumourSource,     -- Silver Kettle, Masterworked,
+    [140297] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Throne of Alinor,
+    [147594] = rumourSource,     -- Pottery Wheel, Ever-Turning,
+    [147595] = rumourSource,     -- Alchemical Apparatus, Condenser,
+    [147596] = rumourSource,     -- Hlaalu Salt Lamp, Enchanted,
+    [130189] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Sheogorath,
+    [130190] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Sheogorath,
+    [134287] = rumourSource,     -- Projector TBD,
+    [147600] = rumourSource,     -- Tapestry of Namira,
+    [130193] = rumourSource,     -- Robust Target Minotaur Handler,
+    [130194] = rumourSource,     -- Target Stone Atronach,
+    [130195] = rumourSource,     -- Target Iron Atronach,
+    [120852] = rumourSource,     -- Holding Cell,
+    [146069] = rumourSource,     -- Target Voriplasm,
+    [120856] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus,
+    [146073] = rumourSource,     -- Plant Cluster, Marsh Nigella,
+    [120858] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Tapestry,
+    [120860] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Throne,
+    [120861] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sitting Griffin Statue,
+    [130080] = rumourSource,     -- Soul Gems, Scattered,
+    [130081] = rumourSource,     -- Soul-Shriven, Armored,
+    [130083] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Block, Seat,
+    [130084] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Tapestry, Molag Bal,
+    [130085] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Banner, Molag Bal,
+    [130086] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pennant, Molag Bal,
+    [130087] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Shards, Coldharbour,
+    [120872] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Pike, Daedroth Head,
+    [130089] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Brazier, Molag Bal,
+    [120874] = rumourSource,     -- Daedric Coffin, Lid,
+    [130091] = rumourSource,     -- Statue of Molag Bal, God of Schemes,
+    [120876] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Imp Engraving,
+    [120877] = rumourSource,     -- Gravestone, Cracked,
+    [120880] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Decorative,
+    [120881] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Engraved, Order of the Hour,
+    [120882] = rumourSource,     -- Tombstone, Small,
+    [147507] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Hinterlands\",
+    [147636] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Hermaeus Mora,
+    [147638] = rumourSource,     -- Replica Cursed Orb of Meridia,
+    [147639] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode,
+    [147640] = rumourSource,     -- Magna-Geode, Large,
+    [147641] = rumourSource,     -- Garlas Alpinia, Tall,
+    [147642] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Balance,
+    [147643] = rumourSource,     -- Boar Totem, Solitary,
+    [147644] = rumourSource,     -- Palisade, Crude,
+    [147645] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Tonal Arc,
+    [147646] = rumourSource,     -- Meridia, Lady of Infinite Energies,
+    [147647] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Centurion Blade, Detached,
+    [147648] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Press Bed, Forge-Sized,
+    [132166] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Robed,
+    [134474] = rumourSource,     -- Banner, Malacath,
+    [147664] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Dais, Conduit,
+    [147599] = rumourSource,     -- Banner of Namira,
+    [147584] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Rack, Spider Legs,
+    [120857] = rumourSource,     -- Yokudan Sarcophagus Lid,
+    [147505] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Y'ffre in Every Leaf\",
+    [147506] = rumourSource,     -- Music Box, \"Sands of the Alik'r\",
+    [120853] = rumourSource,     -- Stockade,
+    [147574] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Wrathstone,
+    [147573] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Hurdle,
+    [132197] = rumourSource,     -- Death Skeleton, Shrouded,
+    [134246] = rumourSource,     -- The Law of Gears,
+    [147572] = rumourSource,     -- Barricade, Bladed Fence,
+    [132200] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Well, Akatosh,
+    [132201] = rumourSource,     -- Tree, Kvatch Nut,
+    [132202] = rumourSource,     -- Rock, Anvil Limestone,
+    [132203] = rumourSource,     -- Stone, Anvil Limestone,
+    [132204] = rumourSource,     -- Imperial Statue, Truth,
+    [134253] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Wide,
+    [134254] = rumourSource,     -- Seal of Molag Bal,
+    [134255] = rumourSource,     -- Transliminal Rupture,
+    [134256] = rumourSource,     -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Pillar,
+    [134257] = rumourSource,     -- Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach,
+    [134258] = rumourSource,     -- Prayer to the Furious One,
+    [134259] = rumourSource,     -- Malacath, God of Oaths and Curses,
+    [134260] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Axe,
+    [134261] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Sword,
+    [134262] = rumourSource,     -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Spear,
+    [147575] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Power in Twain,
+    [147576] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Frieze, Colossal Power,
+    [147577] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Platform, Fan,
+    [147578] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Throne, Conduit,
+    [147579] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Gearwork, Perpetual,
+    [147580] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Lamps, Heavy,
+    [147581] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Table, Heavy Workbench,
+    [147582] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Part, Sentry Head,
+    [147583] = rumourSource,     -- Dwarven Valve, Sealed,
+  },
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+  },
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_SLAVES]  = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+    [145923] = rumourSource,                        -- Lies of the Dread-Father
+    [145926] = rumourSource,                        -- That of Void
+    [145927] = rumourSource,                        -- Acts of Honoring
+    [145928] = rumourSource,                        -- Speakers of Nothing
+    [145461] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant Cluster, Cardinal Flower Small
+    [145429] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant Cluster, Cardinal Flower Large
+    [145436] = rumourSource,                        -- Canopied Felucca, Double Hulled
+    [145443] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Shrine, Sithis Looming
+    [145444] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Totem, Hist Guardian
+    [145445] = rumourSource,                        -- The Sharper Tongue: A Jel Primer
+    [145446] = rumourSource,                        -- Sithis, the Hungering Dark
+    [145447] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Dais, Engraved
+    [145448] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Throne, Engraved
+    [145449] = rumourSource,                        -- Stele, Hist Guardians
+    [145450] = rumourSource,                        -- Stele, Hist Cultivation
+    [145451] = rumourSource,                        -- Shrine, Sithis Figure Anointed
+    [145452] = rumourSource,                        -- Shrine, Sithis Looming Anointed
+    [145453] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Marsh Aloe
+    [145454] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Marsh Aloe Pod
+    [145455] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Dendritic Hist Bulb
+    [145456] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Hist Bulb
+    [145457] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Banyan
+    [145458] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Ancient Banyan
+    [141875] = rumourSource,                        -- Witches Festival Scarecrow
+    [145467] = rumourSource,                        -- The Way of Shadow
+    [145470] = rumourSource,                        -- Redguard Vase, Golden
+    [145471] = rumourSource,                        -- Redguard Raincatcher, Golden
+    [145472] = rumourSource,                        -- Antler Coral, Crimson
+    [145473] = rumourSource,                        -- Antler Coral, Stout Crimson
+    [145474] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Flytrap
+    [145475] = rumourSource,                        -- Plant, Soulsplinter Weed
+    [145476] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Shrine, Trinimac
+    [145477] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Pedestal, Shrine
+    [145478] = rumourSource,                        -- Alinor Shrine, Y'ffre
+    [145479] = rumourSource,                        -- Iron Maiden, Occupied
+    [145480] = rumourSource,                        -- Corpse, Burned Seated
+    [145481] = rumourSource,                        -- Corpse, Burned Sprawled
+    [145482] = rumourSource,                        -- Wheelbarrow, Bones
+    [145483] = rumourSource,                        -- Column, Ossuary
+    [145484] = rumourSource,                        -- Dark Elf Statue, Ordinator
+    [145485] = rumourSource,                        -- Dark Elf Statue, Knight
+    [145486] = rumourSource,                        -- Door, Sweet Mother
+    [145487] = rumourSource,                        -- Banner, Order of the Hour
+    [145488] = rumourSource,                        -- Banner, Jewelry Crafting
+    [145491] = rumourSource,                        -- Static Pitcher
+    [145492] = rumourSource,                        -- Gas Blossom
+    [145493] = rumourSource,                        -- Lantern Mantis
+    [145554] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Towering Snowy Fir
+    [145555] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Snowy Fir
+    [145597] = rumourSource,                        -- Scales of Shadow
+    [145595] = rumourSource,                        -- Scuttlebloom
+    [145322] = rumourSource,                        -- Music Box, Blood and Glory
+    [145576] = rumourSource,                        -- Timid Vine-Tongue
+    [145318] = rumourSource,                        -- Gravestone, Small Broken
+    [145317] = rumourSource,                        -- Gravestone, Broken
+    [145550] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Hunting Lure, Grisly
+    [145549] = rumourSource,                        -- Murkmire Totem, Stone Head
+    [141870] = rumourSource,                        -- Raven-Perch Cemetery Wreath
+    [142235] = rumourSource,                        -- Music Box, Flickering Shadows
+    [145556] = rumourSource,                        -- Tree, Tall Snowy Fir
+    [145403] = rumourSource,                        -- Jel Parchment
+  },
+    [145399] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Crawling Serpents Worn
+    [145400] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Lurking Lizard Worn
+    [145398] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Supine Turtle Worn
+    [145397] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Rug, Hist Gathering Worn
+    [145396] = stealable_swamp,                     -- Murkmire Tapestry, Hist Gathering Worn
+    [145401] = GetString(stealable_swamp),          -- Murkmire Tapestry, Xanmeer Worn
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+    [141856] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Daedra-Skull
+    [141855] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Wraith-Lantern
+    [141854] = sinister_hollowjack,                 -- Decorative Hollowjack Flame-Skull
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+    [146048] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Festive Fir
+    [146049] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Winter Festival Hearth
+    [146050] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Winter Festival Hearthfire
+    [146052] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Vvardvark Ice Sculpture
+    [146053] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Guar Ice Sculpture
+    [146059] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Snowmortal, Khajiit
+    [146057] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Snowmortal, Human
+    [146058] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Snowmortal, Argonian
+    [146060] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Ladle
+    [146062] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Winter Ouroboros Wreath
+    [146061] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Triptych Banner
+    [146055] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Garland Wreath
+    [146056] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Cookies and Ale
+    [146047] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- From Old Life To New
+    [146051] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- Mudcrab Ice Sculpture
+    [146054] = itemPackNewLife2018,                 -- New Life Garland
+    [145427] = itemPackDeepmire,                    -- Serpent Skull, Colossal
+    [145428] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Murkmire Lantern Post, Covered
+    [145437] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Reed Felucca, Double Hulled
+    [145431] = getCrownPrice(35),                   -- Plant, Marsh Nigella
+    [145432] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Plant, Canna Lily
+    [145434] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Plant, Large Lantern Flower
+    [145438] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Grave Stake, Large Glyphed
+    [145439] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Grave Stake, Large Fearsome
+    [145440] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Grave Stake, Large Skull
+    [145441] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Grave Stake, Large Serpent
+    [145442] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Grave Stake, Large Twinned
+    [145433] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Plant, Rafflesia
+    [145459] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Murkmire Kiln, Ancient Stone
+    [145460] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Plant, Canna Leaves
+    [145411] = getCrownPrice(1),                    -- Plant, Lantern Flower
+    [145462] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Cardinal Flower
+    [145463] = getCrownPrice(35),                   -- Plant Cluster, Red Sister Ti
+    [145464] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Red Sister Ti
+    [145465] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Plant Cluster, Wilted Hist Bulb
+    [145466] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Wilted Hist Bulb
+    [141939] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Grave, Grasping
+    [141965] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Soaring Dragon
+    [141966] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Toothy Grin
+    [141967] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros
+    [142004] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Spare Brain
+    [142005] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Monstrous Remains
+    [142003] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Specimen Jar, Eyes
+    [141869] = getCrownPrice(150),                  -- Alinor Potted Plant, Cypress
+    [141976] = getCrownPrice(60),                   -- Pumpkin Patch, Display
+    [141853] = getCrownPrice(2500),                 -- Statue of Hircine's Bitter Mercy
+    [145426] = getCrownPrice(410),                  -- Murkmire Felucca, Canopied
+    [145435] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Plant, Marsh Mani Flower
+    [145430] = getCrownPrice(55),                   -- Plant, Star Blossom
+    [145322] = getCrownPrice(800),                  -- Music Box, Blood and Glory
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+    -- fishing
+    [145402] = fishing_swamp,                       -- Fish, Black Marsh
+  },
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_WEREWOLF] = {
+  [FURC_RUMOUR] = {
+    [141832] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Robust Fig
+    [141833] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Ancient Fig
+    [141834] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Towering Fig
+    [141835] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Whorled Fig
+    [141836] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Monolith, Lord Hircine Ritual
+    [141841] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree Ferns, Cluster
+    [141842] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree Ferns, Juvenile Cluster
+    [141843] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Plants, Yellow Frond Cluster
+    [141844] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Plants, Amber Spadeleaf Cluster
+    [141845] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushrooms, Climbing Ambershine
+    [141846] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushrooms, Ambershine Cluster
+    [141853] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Hircine's Bitter Mercy
+    [141854] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Decorative Hollowjack Flame-Skull
+    [141855] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Decorative Hollowjack Wraith-Lantern
+    [141856] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Decorative Hollowjack Daedra-Skull
+    [141869] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Alinor Potted Plant, Cypress
+    [141870] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Raven-Perch Cemetery Wreath
+    [141875] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Witches Festival Scarecrow
+    [142004] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Specimen Jar, Spare Brain
+    [142005] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Specimen Jar, Monstrous Remains
+    [141752] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Plant, Cerulean Spadeleaf
+    [141753] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Plants, Cerulean Spadeleaf Cluster
+    [141754] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Skull Totem, Hircine Worship
+    [141755] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushrooms, Aether Cup Ring
+    [141756] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushrooms, Aether Cup Cluster
+    [141757] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushrooms, Climbing Aether Cup
+    [141760] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Witch's Tree, Charred
+    [141761] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Reach Sapling, Contorted Briarheart
+    [141778] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Target Wraith-of-Crows
+    [141924] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Murkmire Vase, Scale Pattern
+    [142003] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Specimen Jar, Eyes
+    [141939] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Grave, Grasping
+    [141967] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hollowjack Lantern, Ouroboros
+    [141966] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hollowjack Lantern, Toothy Grin
+    [141965] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hollowjack Lantern, Soaring Dragon
+    [141816] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Ginkgo
+    [141817] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Ancient Ginkgo
+    [141818] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Shrubs, Dormant Sunbird Cluster
+    [141819] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Shrub, Blooming Sunbird
+    [134251] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled
+    [134252] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Black Laboratory
+    [120873] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Coffin
+    [120871] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Deadric Vase, Spiked
+    [120867] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Pike, Clannfear Head
+    [120866] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Brazier, Tabletop
+    [120865] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Table
+    [120863] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Light Pillar
+    [120984] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Plant, Goldenrod Cluster
+    [120985] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dark Elf Lightpost, Single
+    [120987] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dark Elf Lightpost, Capped
+    [126114] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Azura, Queen of Dawn and Dusk
+    [126115] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Azura's Moon
+    [126116] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Azura's Sun
+    [120997] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner, Tattered Blue
+    [126118] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner of Azura
+    [130215] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Witches' Cauldron, Provisioning
+    [126128] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- The Five Points of the Star
+    [126132] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Resplendent Sweetroll
+    [121015] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Shrub, Sparse Green
+    [120000] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Broken Chain
+    [126136] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dwarven Lantern, Powered
+    [121046] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Cheeses of Tamriel
+    [121049] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Parcels, Wrapped
+    [134475] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Malacath, Orc-Father
+    [131424] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Fogs of the Hag Fen
+    [134686] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Sithis, The Dread Father
+    [125480] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner, Clavicus Vile
+    [125489] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Brazier, Flaming
+    [134853] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Peryite, The Taskmaster
+    [134854] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tapestry of Peryite
+    [134855] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner of Peryite
+    [134856] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Skeleton, Mid-Flight
+    [134861] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- The History of Zaan The Scalecaller
+    [134857] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Priest Frieze: Triumph
+    [134858] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Priest Frieze: Exodus
+    [134859] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Priest Frieze: Restoration
+    [134860] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Priest Frieze: Ascension
+    [134864] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dragon Cranium, Ancient
+    [134865] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Unidentified Bones, Gargantuan
+    [134866] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Lamia Cranium, Ancient
+    [134867] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Argonian Skull, Complete
+    [134868] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Khajiit Skull, Complete
+    [134869] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Orc Skull, Complete
+    [125654] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tapestry, Clavicus Vile
+    [134871] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Urn, Dragon Crest
+    [134873] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Bookshelf, Wide
+    [134874] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Bookshelf, Narrow
+    [134875] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Funerary Jar, Linked Rings
+    [134876] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Funerary Jar, Crimson Sash
+    [134877] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Funerary Jar, Dragon Figure
+    [134862] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Runestone, Memorial
+    [134870] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Chest, Dragon Crest
+    [134878] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Nord Funerary Jar, Dragon Crest
+    [134879] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hubalajad's Reflection
+    [134881] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- In Defense of Prince Hubalajad
+    [134882] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gold Drakes, Pristine
+    [134880] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Reliquary, Miniature Palace
+    [134883] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Stone Cat
+    [134884] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Cat
+    [134885] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Ibis
+    [134886] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Funerary Statue, Gilded Servant
+    [134887] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Guardian Statue, Lion Ibis
+    [134888] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Guardian Statue, Winged Bull
+    [134889] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ra Gada Guardian Statue, Riding Camel
+    [125680] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Vines, Ashen Moss
+    [125681] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Vines, Volcanic Roses
+    [134898] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flowers, Midnight Sage
+    [134899] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flower Spray, Crimson Daisies
+    [134900] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flowers, Red Poppy
+    [134901] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flower Spray, Starlight Daisies
+    [134902] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flowers, Violet Bellflower
+    [134903] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flowers, Midnight Glory
+    [134961] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dibella's Mysteries and Revelations
+    [126771] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Velothi Podium of Illumination
+    [126776] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Indoril Tapestry, House
+    [126107] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Display Wild Hunt Crown Crate
+    [126117] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tapestry of Azura
+    [125592] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Lavaburster
+    [130212] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedra Worship: The Ayleids
+    [130228] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- The Witches of Hag Fen
+    [130088] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Fragment, Coldharbour
+    [134248] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Grand Mnemograph
+    [134249] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Sotha Sil, The Clockwork God
+    [134464] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Riekling Bonfire, Ceremonial
+    [130090] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Sconce, Molag Bal
+    [121023] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Strong Olive
+    [121022] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Bush, Green Forest
+    [121016] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Bush, Red Berry
+    [121013] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Saplings, Fragile Autumn Birch
+    [121010] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Young Green Birch
+    [121008] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Autumn Maple
+    [121007] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Strong Maple
+    [121004] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hedge, Solid Arc
+    [121000] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Shrub, Trimmed Green
+    [120485] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Cactus, Columnar
+    [126109] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Display Death Crown Crate
+    [126108] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Display Atronach Crown Crate
+    [120986] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dark Elf Lightpost, Full
+    [132198] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Death Skeleton, Wrapped
+    [134823] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Target Mournful Aegis
+    [125537] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dwarven Piston Cylinder
+    [125532] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dwarven Pipeline, Fan
+    [130092] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Molag Bal, Grand
+    [120878] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gravestone, Ornamented
+    [120875] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gravestone, Clover Engraving
+    [120862] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Ancient Patriarch Banner
+    [120859] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Wall Embellishment
+    [120855] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Collected Wanted Poster
+    [120854] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Guard Lamppost
+    [130093] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Coldharbour Compact
+    [134890] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Dibella, Lady of Love
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP] = {
+    [141851] = GetString(SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP), -- Bear Skull, Fresh
+    [141850] = GetString(SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP), -- Bear Skeleton, Picked Clean
+    [141847] = GetString(SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP), -- Animal Bones, Gnawed
+    [141848] = GetString(SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP), -- Animal Bones, Jumbled
+    [141849] = GetString(SI_FURC_WW_DUNGEON_DROP), -- Animal Bones, Fresh
+    [141921] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Bowl, Geometric Pattern
+    [141923] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Amphora, Seed Pattern
+    [141922] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Dish, Geometric Pattern
+    [141924] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Vase, Scale Pattern
+    [141925] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Relief
+    [141926] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Hearth Shrine, Sithis Figure
+    [141920] = GetString(SI_FURC_SLAVES_DAILY), -- Murkmire Brazier, Ceremonial
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN] = {
+    [134904] = getCrownPrice(260),                  -- Seal of Dibella
+    [134905] = getCrownPrice(260),                  -- Ritual Stone, Dibella
+    [134906] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Ritual Brazier, Gilded
+    [134921] = getCrownPrice(520),                  -- Redguard Lamppost, Stone
+    [134922] = getCrownPrice(250),                  -- Redguard Pillar, Tiered
+    [134923] = getCrownPrice(2000),                 -- Redguard Trellis, Peaked
+    [134924] = getCrownPrice(380),                  -- Redguard Fence, Brass Capped
+    [134925] = getCrownPrice(2200),                 -- Redguard Fountain, Pillar
+    [134926] = getCrownPrice(1200),                 -- Redguard Awning, Wall
+    [134927] = getCrownPrice(1200),                 -- Wedding Pergola, Double
+    [134928] = getCrownPrice(1200),                 -- Wedding Pergola, Triple
+    [134929] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Trees, Savanna Cluster
+    [134930] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Bushes, Swordgrass Cluster
+    [134931] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Weathered Desert
+    [134932] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Tiered Desert
+    [134933] = getCrownPrice(90),                   -- Cranium, Jawless
+    [134934] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Rocks, Basalt Chunks
+    [134936] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Cave Deposit, Tall Stalagmite Cluster
+    [134938] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Cave Deposit, Stalagmite Group
+    [134945] = getCrownPrice(200),                  -- Cave Deposit, Extended Spire
+    [134973] = getCrownPrice(200),                  -- Cave Deposit, Stalactite Cone Cluster
+    [134939] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Cave Deposit, Stalactite Cone
+    [134941] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Cave Deposit, Spire
+    [120603] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Boulder, Flat Mossy
+    [120604] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Rock, Slanted Mossy
+    [120605] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Rocks, Deep Mossy
+    [120606] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Stones, Mossy Cluster
+    [134943] = getCrownPrice(1000),                  -- Brotherhood Banner, Long
+    [134944] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Brotherhood Column, Tall Ornate
+    [134946] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Brotherhood Column, Ornate
+    [120612] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Tall Mammoth Ear
+    [120613] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Towering Mammoth Ear
+    [120614] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant Cluster, Jungle Leaf
+    [134951] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Mushrooms, Assorted Cluster
+    [134952] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Mushrooms, Sporous Browncap
+    [134953] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Brotherhood Carpet, Large Worn
+    [139061] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Giant Clam, Sealed
+    [126774] = getCrownPrice(510),                  -- Dres Tapestry, House
+    [126775] = getCrownPrice(510),                  -- Hlaalu Tapestry, House
+    [126777] = getCrownPrice(510),                  -- Redoran Tapestry, House
+    [126778] = getCrownPrice(510),                  -- Telvanni Tapestry, House
+    [134974] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Brotherhood Carpet, Worn
+    [130069] = getCrownPrice(2000),                 -- Daedric Spout, Block
+    [130070] = getCrownPrice(2000),                 -- Daedric Spout, Arched
+    [130201] = getCrownPrice(170),                  -- Ayleid Grate, Small
+    [130213] = getCrownPrice(430),                  -- Ayleid Cage, Hanging
+    [130224] = getCrownPrice(180),                  -- Reachmen Rug, Smooth Skin
+    [126830] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Mushrooms, Volcanic Cluster
+    [120631] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Pebble, Stacked Mossy
+    [134326] = getCrownPrice(260),                  -- Clockwork Pump, Horizontal
+    [134330] = getCrownPrice(490),                  -- Clockwork Control Panel, Double
+    [134337] = getCrownPrice(1800),                 -- Clockwork Somnolostation, Octet
+    [134250] = getCrownPrice(750),                  -- Fabrication Sphere, Inactive
+    [121036] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Shrub, Sparse Violet
+    [121035] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Paired Verdant Hosta
+    [121034] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Shrub, Delicate Forest
+    [121032] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Saplings, Young Laurel
+    [121031] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Topiary, Paired Cypress
+    [121030] = getCrownPrice(54),                   -- Topiary, Young Cypress
+    [121029] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Topiary, Strong Cypress
+    [120709] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Sturdy Young Birch
+    [121026] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Hedge, Dense High Wall
+    [121025] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Trees, Sprawling Juniper Cluster
+    [121024] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Trees, Paired Leaning Juniper
+    [121021] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plants, Dry Underbrush
+    [121020] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plants, Sparse Underbrush
+    [121018] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Forest Sprig
+    [121014] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Topiary, Sparse
+    [121012] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Trees, Fragile Autumn Birch
+    [121009] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Young Healthy Birch
+    [120726] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Rock, Jagged Algae Coated
+    [120727] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Stone, Angled Mossy
+    [120728] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Rock, Jagged Lichen
+    [121006] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Flower Patch, Violets
+    [120730] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Topiary, Lush Evergreen
+    [120731] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Tree, Mossy Summer
+    [120732] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Mossy Forest
+    [120733] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Gnarled Forest
+    [120734] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Saplings, Squat Desert
+    [120735] = getCrownPrice(52),                   -- Saplings, Young Desert
+    [120736] = getCrownPrice(290),                  -- Tree, Gentle Weeping Willow
+    [120737] = getCrownPrice(150),                  -- Tree, Weeping Willow
+    [120738] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Towering Willow
+    [120743] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Strong Cypress
+    [120996] = getCrownPrice(120),                  -- Banner, Tattered Red
+    [120745] = getCrownPrice(60),                   -- Tree, Water Palm
+    [120483] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Cactus, Lemon Bulbs
+    [120748] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Tree, Leaning Swamp
+    [120749] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Grass, Tall Bamboo Shoots
+    [120750] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Grass, Drying Bamboo Shoots
+    [120751] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Grass, Twin Bamboo Shoots
+    [120752] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Grass, Young Bamboo Shoots
+    [120471] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Tree, Wilted Palm
+    [120756] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Palm Fronds
+    [120463] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Boulder, Weathered Flat
+    [120456] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Stone, Smooth Desert
+    [134579] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Rubble Pile, Worked Stone
+    [120760] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Flower, Red Honeysuckle
+    [125544] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Fern, Strong Dusky
+    [125547] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flower, Healthy Purple Bat Bloom
+    [125546] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flower Patch, Lava Blooms
+    [120765] = getCrownPrice(15),                   -- Breton Cup, Empty
+    [120766] = getCrownPrice(15),                   -- Breton Cup, Full
+    [134891] = getCrownPrice(2500),                 -- Pergola, Festive Flowers
+    [134892] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Tree, Pale Gold
+    [134893] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Tree, Argent Blue
+    [134894] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Wildflowers, Yellow and Orange
+    [134895] = getCrownPrice(1800),                 -- Redguard Fountain, Mosaic
+    [134896] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Flower, Lover's Lily
+    [134897] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Vine Curtain, Festive Flowers
+    [134942] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Bushes, Withered Cluster
+    [134950] = getCrownPrice(31),                   -- Mushrooms, Flapjack Stack
+    [139238] = getCrownPrice(190),                  -- Alinor Wall Mirror, Ornate
+    [139239] = getCrownPrice(190),                  -- Alinor Wall Mirror, Verdant
+    [139389] = getCrownPrice(200),                  -- Crystal, Crimson Cluster
+    [139184] = getCrownPrice(200),                  -- Alinor Plinth, Sarcophagus
+    [126138] = itemPackDwemer,                      -- A Guide to Dwemer Mega-Structures
+    [125516] = itemPackDwemer,                    -- Dwarven Gear Assembly, Grinding
+    [126140] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Vivec's Grand Bed
+    [126141] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Vivec's Grand Throne
+    [126142] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Vivec's Divination Pool
+    [126143] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Statue, Vivec's Triumph
+    [126144] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Seal of Vivec
+    [126145] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Sigil of Vivec
+    [126146] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Banner, Vivec
+    [126149] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Tapestry, Vivec
+    [126150] = itemPackVivec,                       -- Tribunal Tablet of Sotha Sil
+    [126152] = itemPackVivec,                       -- The Cliff-Strider Song
+  }
+local questRewardLilandril = questRewardString .. "Lilandril"
+local mephalaItemSet = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Trappings of Mephala Worship")
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_ALTMER] = {
+  [FURC_CROWN] = {
+    [130206] = getCrownPrice(370),               -- Ayleid Apparatus, Welkynd
+    [139064] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Flowers, Hummingbird Mint
+    [139065] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Flowers, Lizard Tail
+    [139066] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Plant, Redtop Grass
+    [139067] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Flower, Yellow Oleander
+    [139068] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Plants, Springwheeze
+    [139069] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of Griffin Nest, Refined
+    [139070] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of College of the Sapiarchs, Refined
+    [139071] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of High Elf Tower, Refined
+    [139073] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of Summerset Coast, Refined
+    [139074] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of Aldmeri Ruins, Refined
+    [139075] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of Sinkhole, Refined
+    [139076] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Painting of Ancient Road, Refined
+    [139078] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Coral Formation, Tree Antler
+    [139083] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Plants, Grasswort Patch
+    [139088] = getCrownPrice(50),               -- Alinor Table Runner, Verdant
+    [139089] = getCrownPrice(50),               -- Alinor Table Runner, Coiled
+    [139090] = getCrownPrice(100),              -- Alinor Table Runner, Cloth of Silver
+    [139097] = mephalaItemSet,                  -- Spiral Skein Glowstalks, Sprouts
+    [139126] = getCrownPrice(50),               -- Sapling, Ginkgo
+    [139140] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Crystals, Crimson Spray
+    [139141] = getCrownPrice(310),              -- Crystals, Crimson Bed
+    [139142] = getCrownPrice(380),              -- Crystals, Crimson Spikes
+    [139143] = getCrownPrice(310),              -- Crystals, Midnight Cluster
+    [139144] = getCrownPrice(400),              -- Crystals, Midnight Spire
+    [139145] = getCrownPrice(430),              -- Crystals, Midnight Tower
+    [139146] = getCrownPrice(490),              -- Crystals, Midnight Bloom
+    [139147] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Plants, Scarlet Sawleaf
+    [139148] = getCrownPrice(70),               -- Mushroom, Nettlecap
+    [139150] = getCrownPrice(70),               -- Mushrooms, Midnight Cluster
+    [139151] = getCrownPrice(140),              -- Mushrooms, Shadowpalm Cluster
+    [139152] = getCrownPrice(360),              -- Cocoon, Enormous Empty
+    [139153] = getCrownPrice(40),               -- Cocoon, Dormant
+    [139154] = getCrownPrice(40),               -- Cocoons, Dormant Cluster
+    [139155] = getCrownPrice(80),               -- Cocoon, Food Storage
+    [139156] = getCrownPrice(360),              -- Cocoon, Skeleton
+    [139157] = getCrownPrice(90),               -- Webs, Thick Sheet
+    [139158] = getCrownPrice(150),              -- Daedric Candelabra, Tall
+    [139159] = getCrownPrice(920),              -- Daedric Chandelier, Gruesome
+    [139160] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Daedric Armchair, Severe
+    [139161] = getCrownPrice(1500),             -- Daedric Table, Grand Necropolis
+    [139162] = getCrownPrice(140),              -- Webs, Cone
+    [139198] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Alinor Lantern, Hanging
+    [139199] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Alinor Lantern, Stationary
+    [139201] = getCrownPrice(220),              -- Alinor Sconce, Arched Glass
+    [139202] = getCrownPrice(220),              -- Alinor Sconce, Lantern
+    [139203] = getCrownPrice(140),              -- Alinor Brazier, Standing Coals
+    [139204] = getCrownPrice(260),              -- Alinor Brazier, Noble
+    [139205] = getCrownPrice(110),              -- Alinor Candelabra, Wrought Iron
+    [139206] = getCrownPrice(25),               -- Alinor Sconce, Candles
+    [139207] = getCrownPrice(25),               -- Alinor Sconce, Candles Tall
+    [139208] = getCrownPrice(60),               -- Alinor Candles, Tall Stand
+    [139209] = getCrownPrice(60),               -- Alinor Candles, Tall
+    [139210] = getCrownPrice(140),              -- Alinor Brazier, Hanging Coals
+    [139212] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Alinor Streetlight, Wrought Iron
+    [139163] = mephalaItemSet,                  -- Mephala, The Webspinner (statue)
+    [139293] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Alinor Chalice, Silver Ornate
+    [139237] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Alinor Wall Mirror, Noble
+    [139329] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Formation, Heart
+    [139330] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Formation, Waving Hands
+    [139331] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Formation, Tree Antler
+    [139332] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Formation, Tree Shelf
+    [139333] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Formation, Trees Capped
+    [139334] = getCrownPrice(20),               -- Coral Formation, Tree Capped (green)
+    [139335] = getCrownPrice(310),              -- Tree, Shade Ancient
+    [139336] = getCrownPrice(90),               -- Trees, Shade Interwoven
+    [139337] = getCrownPrice(580),              -- Tree, Ancient Blooming Ginkgo
+    [139338] = getCrownPrice(25),               -- Vines, Sun-Bronzed Ivy Swath
+    [139339] = getCrownPrice(25),               -- Vines, Sun-Bronzed Ivy Climber
+    [139340] = getCrownPrice(310),              -- Tree, Ancient Summerset Spruce
+    [139341] = getCrownPrice(310),              -- Tree, Towering Poplar
+    [139342] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Tree, Vibrant Pink
+    [139343] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Tree, Cloud White
+    [139344] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Flowers, Hummingbird Mint Cluster
+    [139345] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Flowers, Lizard Tail Cluster
+    [139346] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Flowers, Lizard Tail Patch
+    [139347] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Flowers, Yellow Oleander Cluster
+    [139348] = getCrownPrice(940),              -- Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria
+    [139349] = getCrownPrice(940),              -- Alinor Pergola, Blue Wisteria Peaked
+    [139350] = getCrownPrice(940),              -- Alinor Pergola, Purple Wisteria Overhang
+    [139351] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Alinor Monument, Marble
+    [139352] = getCrownPrice(1000),             -- Alinor Tomb, Ornate
+    [139353] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Spire, Branched
+    [139354] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Spire, Bulbous
+    [139355] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Formation, Heart
+    [139356] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Formation, Waving Hands
+    [139357] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Formation, Tree Antler
+    [139358] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Formation, Tree Capped
+    [139359] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Mind Trap Coral Formation, Trees Capped
+    [139360] = getCrownPrice(510),              -- Mind Trap Kelp, Cluster
+    [139361] = getCrownPrice(270),              -- Mind Trap Kelp, Young
+    [139362] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Sload Astral Nodule, Small
+    [139363] = getCrownPrice(340),              -- Sload Astral Nodule, Large
+    [139364] = getCrownPrice(1500),             -- Sload Neural Tree, Active
+    [139365] = getCrownPrice(370),              -- Psijic Lighting Globe, Framed
+    [139366] = getCrownPrice(2000),             -- Alinor Fountain, Regal
+    [139368] = getCrownPrice(100),              -- Alinor Bathing Robes, Decorative
+    [139376] = getCrownPrice(260),              -- Alinor Banner, Hanging
+    [139481] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Alinor Column, Jagged Timeworn
+    [139482] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Alinor Column, Huge Timeworn
+    [139483] = getCrownPrice(90),               -- Alinor Column, Tumbled Timeworn
+    [139480] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Plants, Redtop Grass Tuft
+    [139650] = getCrownPrice(30),               -- Bushes, Ivy Cluster
+    [140220] = mephalaItemSet,                  -- Rumours of the Spiral Skein
+    [130071] = getCrownPrice(300),              -- Daedric Torch, Coldharbour",
+    [130075] = getCrownPrice(380),              -- Daedric Altar, Molag Bal
+    [130078] = getCrownPrice(380),              -- Soul Gem, Single
+    [130079] = getCrownPrice(380),              -- Soul Gems, Pile
+    [130082] = getCrownPrice(640),              -- Soul-Shriven, Robed
+    [130094] = getCrownPrice(170),              -- Daedric Chains, Hanging
+    [130095] = getCrownPrice(640),              -- Daedric Torture Device, Chained
+    [139327] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Spire, Sturdy
+    [139328] = getCrownPrice(45),               -- Coral Spire, Branched
+    [132165] = getCrownPrice(750),              -- Hlaalu Bath Tub, Empty Basin
+    [126034] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Lord
+    [125451] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Apprentice
+    [125452] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Lady
+    [125453] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Warrior
+    [125454] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Tower
+    [125455] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Thief
+    [125456] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Steed
+    [125457] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Shadow
+    [125458] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Serpent
+    [125459] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Ritual
+    [125460] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Mage
+    [125461] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Lover
+    [119556] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- The Atronach
+    [126037] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- Target Centurion, Lambent
+    [126038] = getCrownPrice(4000),             -- Target Centurion, Robust Lambent
+    [134247] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Soul Gem Module, Experimental
+    [134263] = getCrownPrice(410),              -- Orcish Throne, Ancient
+    [134264] = getCrownPrice(190),              -- Daedric Brazier, Cold-Flame
+    [134267] = getCrownPrice(380),              -- Orcish Table, Grand Furs
+    [134268] = getCrownPrice(570),              -- Orcish Brazier, Column
+    [134269] = getCrownPrice(220),              -- Orcish Dais, Raised
+    [134270] = getCrownPrice(85),               -- Cave Deposit, Large Double-Sided
+    [134271] = getCrownPrice(85),               -- Cave Deposit, Tall Stalagmite
+    [134273] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Daedric Plinth, Sacrificial
+    [134274] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Coldharbour Crate, Black Soul Gem
+    [134275] = getCrownPrice(200),              -- Coldharbour Bin, Black Soul Gem
+    [130197] = getCrownPrice(170),              -- Ayleid Bookcase, Filled
+    [130199] = getCrownPrice(170),              -- Ayleid Bookshelf, Bare
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP] = {
+    [139059] = GetString(SI_FURC_DROP),         -- Ivory, Polished - drops from Echatere, and probably alot else
+    [139066] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),      -- Plant, Redtop Grass
+    [139060] = GetString(SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM),   -- Giant Clam, Ancient
+    [139062] = GetString(SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM),   -- Pearl, Large
+    [139063] = GetString(SI_FURC_GIANT_CLAM),   -- Pearl, Enormous
+    [139073] = questRewardLilandril,            -- Painting of Summerset Coast, Refined
+    [139072] = GetString(SI_FURC_ELF_PIC),      -- Painting of Monastery of Serene Harmony, Refined
+    [87709] = GetString(SI_FURC_LEVELUP),       -- Imperial Brazier, Spiked
+    [94098] = GetString(SI_FURC_LEVELUP),       -- Imperial Bed, Single
+    [130192] = scambox_reaper,                  -- Statuette of Sheogorath, the Mad God
+  },
+    [139080] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Coral Formation, Ancient Pillar Polyps
+    [139079] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Coral Formation, Fan Cluster
+    [139081] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plant, Sea Grapes
+    [139084] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plants, Pearlwort Cluster
+    [139085] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plants, Pearlwort Cluster
+    [139068] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plants, Springwheeze
+    [139077] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Coral Formation, Bulwark
+    [139078] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Coral Formation, Pillar Polyps
+    [139067] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Flower, Yellow Oleander
+    [139082] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plants, Ruby Glasswort Patch
+    [139068] = fishing_summerset,                 -- Plants, Springwheeze
+  },
+  [FURC_RUMOUR] = {
+    [130193] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Robust Target Minotaur Handler
+    [130194] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Target Stone Atronach
+    [130195] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Target Iron Atronach
+    [130189] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tapestry of Sheogorath
+    [130190] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner of Sheogorath
+    [134287] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Projector TBD
+    [130192] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Sheogorath, the Madgod
+    -- [130187] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statuette of Hircine, the Huntsman
+    -- [130188] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statuette of Molag Bal, Lord of Brutality
+    [134272] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Cave Deposit, Stalagmite Cluster
+    [134257] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach
+    [134258] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Prayer to the Furious One
+    [134259] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Malacath, God of Oaths and Curses
+    [134260] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Axe
+    [134261] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Sword
+    [134262] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Orcish Bas-Relief, Spear
+    [134255] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Transliminal Rupture
+    [134256] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Pillar
+    [134253] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Coldharbour Bookshelf, Filled Wide
+    [134254] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Molag Bal
+    [132200] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Imperial Well, Akatosh
+    [132201] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tree, Kvatch Nut
+    [132202] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Rock, Anvil Limestone
+    [132203] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Stone, Anvil Limestone
+    [132204] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Imperial Statue, Truth
+    [132197] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Death Skeleton, Shrouded
+    [134246] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- The Law of Gears
+    [140297] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Replica Throne of Alinor,
+    [120851] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gallows,
+    [120852] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Holding Cell,
+    [120853] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Stockade,
+    [130070] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Spout, Arched,
+    [120856] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Sarcophagus
+    [120857] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Sarcophagus Lid
+    [120858] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Tapestry
+    [120860] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Throne
+    [120861] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Yokudan Sitting Griffin Statue
+    [130080] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Soul Gems, Scattered
+    [130081] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Soul-Shriven, Armored
+    [130083] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Block, Seat
+    [130084] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Tapestry, Molag Bal
+    [130085] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Banner, Molag Bal
+    [130086] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Pennant, Molag Bal
+    [130089] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Brazier, Molag Bal
+    [130087] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Shards, Coldharbour
+    [120872] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Pike, Daedroth Head
+    [120874] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Coffin, Lid
+    [130091] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Statue of Molag Bal, God of Schemes
+    [120876] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gravestone, Imp Engraving
+    [120877] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Gravestone, Cracked
+    [120880] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tombstone, Engraved, Decorative
+    [120881] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tombstone, Engraved, Order of the Hour
+    [120882] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Tombstone, Small
+    [132156] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Briarheart Tree, Replica
+    [132166] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Death Skeleton, Robed
+    [134447] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Bagrakh, Metal
+    [134448] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Fharun, Metal
+    [134454] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Morkul, Metal
+    [134455] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Shatul, Metal
+    [134456] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Tumnosh, Metal
+    [134449] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Seal of Clan Igrun, Metal
+    [134474] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Banner, Malacath
+    [139137] = dataminedUnclear, -- Tapestry, Nocturnal
+    [139138] = dataminedUnclear, -- Banner, Nocturnal
+    [139139] = dataminedUnclear, -- Nocturnal, Mistress of Shadows
+    [139147] = dataminedUnclear, -- Plants, Scarlet Sawleaf
+    [139149] = dataminedUnclear, -- Plant, Scarlet Fleshfrond
+    [139351] = dataminedUnclear, -- Alinor Monument, Marble
+    [139366] = dataminedUnclear, -- Alinor Fountain, Regal
+    [139367] = dataminedUnclear, -- Regal Sauna Pool, Two Person
+    [139369] = dataminedUnclear, -- Abyssal Pearl, Sealed
+  }
+-- Reach
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_DRAGONS] = { -- Reach
+  [FURC_DROP] = {
+    [134909] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushrooms, Puspocket Group
+    [134910] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushrooms, Puspocket Cluster
+    [134911] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushroom, Puspocket Sporecap
+    [134912] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushroom, Large Puspocket
+    [134913] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushroom, Tall Puspocket
+    [134914] = GetString(SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP),   -- Mushrooms, Large Puspocket Cluster
+  },
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]   = {},
+  [FURC_CROWN]   = {
+    [134970] = getCrownPrice(100),   -- Mushrooms, Glowing Sprawl
+    [134947] = getCrownPrice(100),   -- Mushrooms, Glowing Field
+    [134948] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Mushrooms, Glowing Cluster
+    [134971] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Candles, Votive Group
+    [134872] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Ancient Nord Brazier, Dragon Crest
+    [134863] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Ancient Nord Sconce, Dragon Crest
+    [134972] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Brotherhood Brazier, Wrought Iron
+    [134849] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Monarch Butterfly Flock
+    [134848] = getCrownPrice(400),   -- Blue Butterfly Flock
+    [94100]  = getCrownPrice(50),    -- Imperial BookCase, Swirled
+    [130211] = getCrownPrice(50),    -- Books, Ordered Row
+    [130210] = getCrownPrice(50),    -- Books, Scattered Row
+  }
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_CLOCKWORK] = { -- Reach
+  [FURC_DROP] = {
+    [134407] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Torso, Obsolete
+    [134404] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Knee, Obsolete
+    [134408] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Elbow, Obsolete
+    [134405] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Arm, Obsolete
+    [134409] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Head, Obsolete
+    [134406] = automaton_loot_cc,      -- Factotum Body, Obsolete
+    [132348] = questRewardString .. "the Brass Citadel", -- The Precursor
+  },
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]   = {
+    [134410] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Crank, Miniature
+    [134411] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Gear Shaft, Miniature
+    [134412] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Piston, Miniature
+    [134413] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Magnifier, Handheld
+    [134414] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Micrometer, Handheld
+    [134415] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Dial Calipers, Handheld
+    [134416] = stealable_cc,          -- Clockwork Slide Calipers, Handheld
+    [134402] = stealable,             -- Spool, Empty
+    [134400] = stealable,             -- Soft Leather, Stacked
+    [134401] = stealable,             -- Soft Leather, Folded
+    [134417] = stealable,             -- Calipers, Handheld
+    [134399] = stealable,             -- Quality Fabric, Folded
+    [117939] = stealable_woodworkers, -- Rough Axe, Practical
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]   = {
+    [134266] = getCrownPrice(80),   -- Daedric Books, Stacked
+    [134265] = getCrownPrice(80),   -- Daedric Books, Piled
+    [134373] = getCrownPrice(410),      -- Clockwork Wall Machinery, Rectangular
+    [134374] = getCrownPrice(410),      -- Clockwork Wall Machinery, Circular
+    [134382] = getCrownPrice(7),        -- Fabricant Tree, Beryl Cypress
+    [134383] = getCrownPrice(870),      -- Fabricant Tree, Towering Maple
+    [134385] = getCrownPrice(870),      -- Fabricant Tree, Brass Swamp
+    [134387] = getCrownPrice(870),      -- Fabricant Tree, Tall Cobalt Spruce
+    [134388] = getCrownPrice(870),      -- Fabricant Tree, Cobalt Oak
+    [134390] = getCrownPrice(140),      -- Clockwork Junk Heap, Large
+    [134391] = getCrownPrice(510),      -- Clockwork Sequence Spool, Column
+    [134392] = getCrownPrice(260),      -- Clockwork Recharging Column, Octet
+    [134393] = getCrownPrice(270),      -- Clockwork Workbench, Spacious
+    [134394] = getCrownPrice(460),      -- Clockwork Illuminator, Capsule Chandelier
+    [134395] = getCrownPrice(150),      -- Clockwork Illuminator, Wall Capsule
+    [134396] = getCrownPrice(410),      -- Clockwork Wall Machinery, Tall
+    [134397] = getCrownPrice(410),      -- Clockwork Wall Machinery, Ovoid
+    [134398] = getCrownPrice(1300),     -- Clockwork Gazebo, Copper and Basalt
+  },
+  [FURC_RUMOUR] = {
+    [134422] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Clockwork Sextant, Surveyor's
+    [134403] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Spool, Red Thread
+    [134437] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Clockwork Spinning Wheel, Sturdy
+    [134441] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Animo Core, Full
+    [134384] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Fabricant Tree, Decorative Electrum
+    [134386] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Fabricant Tree, Forked Cherry Blossom
+    [134389] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Fabricant Tree, Decorative Brass
+    [134437] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Clockwork Spinning Wheel, Sturdy
+    [134441] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Animo Core, Full
+    [125509] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Replica Dwarven Crown Crate
+  }
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_REACH] = { -- Reach
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]   = {
+    [130191] = stealable,       -- Shivering Cheese
+    [118206] = stealable_thief,                 -- Gaming dice
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]   = {
+    [131423] = getCrownPrice(750),
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]   = {
+    -- Coldharbour items
+    [130284] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Glowstalk, Seedlings
+    [131422] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Flower Patch, Glowstalks
+    [130283] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Glowstalk, Sprout
+    [130285] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Glowstalk, Young
+    [131420] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Shrub, Glowing Thistle
+    [130281] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Glowstalk, Towering
+    [130282] = GetString(SI_FURC_HARVEST),          -- Glowstalk, Strong
+    [130067] = GetString(SI_FURC_DAEDRA_SOURCE),   -- Daedric Chain Segment
+  },
+local questRewardSuran = GetString(SI_FURC_QUESTREWARD) .. " Suran"
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_MORROWIND]  = {             -- Morrowind
+  [FURC_DROP]   = {
+    -- Dwemer parts
+    [126660] = automaton_loot_vv,               -- Dwemer Gear, Tiered
+    [126659] = automaton_loot_vv,               -- Dwemer Gear, Flat
+    -- lootable in tombs
+    [126754] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Seeker
+    [126705] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Wisdom
+    [126704] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Majesty
+    [126706] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Knowledge
+    [126701] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Nerevar
+    [126764] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Prowess
+    [126702] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Reverance
+    [126700] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Honor
+    [126703] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Mysteries
+    [126752] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Discovery
+    [126755] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Change
+    [126756] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Shroud, Mercy
+    [126773] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Caisson, Crypt
+    [126753] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Cerecloth, Austere
+    [126758] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),       -- Velothi Mat, Prayer
+    [126757] = GetString(SI_FURC_TOMBS),
+    [126462] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Oversized Volcanic
+    [126463] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Oversized Forest
+    [126464] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Oversized Valley
+    [126465] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Modest Volcanic
+    [126466] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Modest Forest
+    [126467] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Modest Valley
+    [126468] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Classic Volcanic
+    [126469] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Classic Forest
+    [126470] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHEST_VV),         -- Telvanni Painting, Classic Valley
+    [126592] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Panels, Volcano
+    [126593] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tryptich, Volcano
+    [126594] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Classic Volcano
+    [126595] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Modest Volcano
+    [126596] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tapestry, Volcano
+    [126597] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Oversized Volcano
+    [126605] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tryptich, Waterfall
+    [126606] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tapestry, Waterfall
+    [126607] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Oversized Waterfall
+    [126608] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Classic Waterfall
+    [126609] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Modest Waterfall
+    [126598] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Panels, Waterfall
+    [126599] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tryptich, Geyser
+    [126600] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Tapestry, Geyser
+    [126601] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Oversized Geyser
+    [126602] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Classic Geyser
+    [126603] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Painting, Modest Geyser
+    [126604] = GetString(SI_FURC_VV_PAINTING),      -- Velothi Panels, Geyser
+    -- Ashlander dailies
+    [126119] = GetString(SI_FURC_DAILY_ASH),       -- Crimson Shard of Moonshadow
+    [126393] = GetString(SI_FURC_DAILY_ASH),     -- Crimson Shard of Moonshadow
+    -- drops from plants
+    [125631] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Ash Frond
+    [125647] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Ash Frond
+    [131420] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Ash Frond
+    [125553] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage Stalks
+    [125551] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage
+    [125552] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage Patch
+    [125543] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Fern, Ashen
+    [125633] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Hanging Pitcher Pair
+    [125680] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Vines, Ashen Moss
+    [125551] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage
+    [125552] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage Patch
+    [125553] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Flowers, Netch Cabbage Stalks
+    [125562] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Grass, Foxtail Cluster
+    [125595] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushroom, Poison Pax Shelf
+    [125596] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushroom, Poison Pax Stool
+    [125600] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushroom, Spongecap Patch
+    [125606] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushroom, Young Milkcap
+    [125608] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushrooms, Buttercake Cluster
+    [125609] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushrooms, Buttercake Stack
+    [125613] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushrooms, Lavaburst Sprouts
+    [125590] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Mushrooms, Lavaburst Cluster
+    [125617] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Bitter Stalk
+    [125618] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Golden Lichen
+    [125619] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Hanging Pitcher
+    [125620] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Hefty Elkhorn
+    [125621] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Lava Brier
+    [125622] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Lava Leaf
+    [125630] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plant, Young Elkhorn
+    [125631] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Ash Frond
+    [125632] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Hanging Pitcher Cluster
+    [125633] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Hanging Pitcher Pair
+    [125634] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Lava Pitcher Cluster
+    [125635] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Lava Pitcher Shoots
+    [125636] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Swamp Pitcher Cluster
+    [125637] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Plants, Swamp Pitcher Shoots
+    [125647] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Shrub, Bitter Brush
+    [125648] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Shrub, Bitter Cluster
+    [125649] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Shrub, Flowering Dusk
+    [125650] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Shrub, Golden Lichen
+    [125670] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Toadstool, Bloodtooth
+    [125671] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Toadstool, Bloodtooth Cap
+    [125672] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Toadstool, Bloodtooth Cluster
+    [125649] = plants_vvardenfell,         -- Shrub, Flowering Dusk
+    [126759] = questRewardSuran,           -- Sir Sock's Ball of Yarn
+    [126592] = GetString(SI_FURC_PLANTS),  -- Plants, Hanging Pitcher Pair
+    [126039] = scambox_dwemer,            -- Statue of masked Clavicus Vile with Barbas
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]   = {
+    [125566] = getHouseString(1243),                -- Hlaalu Shed, Enclosed
+    [125568] = getHouseString(1243),                -- Hlaalu Sidewalk, Sillar Stone
+    [125577] = getHouseString(1243),                -- Hlaalu Wall Post, Sillar Stone
+    [125579] = getHouseString(1243),                -- Hlaalu Well, Braced Sillar Stone
+    [125573] = getHouseString(1243, 1244),          -- Hlaalu Streetlamp, Paper
+    [125565] = getHouseString(1244),                -- Hlaalu Lantern, Hanging Paper
+    [125567] = getHouseString(1244),                -- Hlaalu Shed, Open
+    [125580] = getHouseString(1244),                -- Hlaalu Well, Covered Sillar Stone
+    [118663] = getHouseString(1078, 1079),          -- Dark Elf Bed of Coals
+    [126475] = getCrownPrice(260),                  -- Telvanni Lantern, Organic Amber
+    [126476] = getCrownPrice(200),                  -- Telvanni Lamp, Organic Amber
+    [126477] = getCrownPrice(560),                  -- Telvanni Streetlight, Organic Amber
+    [126478] = getCrownPrice(560),                  -- Telvanni Arched Light, Organic Amber
+    [126479] = getCrownPrice(310),                  -- Telvanni Sconce, Organic Amber
+    [130202] = getCrownPrice(170),                  -- Ayleid Grate, Tall
+    [130204] = getCrownPrice(410),                  -- Welkynd Stones, Glowing
+    [130205] = getCrownPrice(680),                  -- Ayleid Statue, Pious Priest
+    [130207] = getCrownPrice(270),                  -- Ayleid Plinth, Engraved
+    [130216] = getCrownPrice(510),                  -- Witches' Basin, Scrying
+    [130219] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Witches' Brazier, Beast Skull
+    [121001] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Flowers, Golden Prairie
+    [121002] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Flowers, Violet Prairie
+    [130220] = getCrownPrice(3300),                 -- Hagraven Altar, Alchemical
+    [130221] = getCrownPrice(430),                  -- Reachmen Cage, Sturdy
+    [130222] = getCrownPrice(260),                  -- Hagraven Totem, Skull
+    [130223] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Reachmen Rug, Mottled Skin
+    [130225] = getCrownPrice(340),                  -- Skulls, Heap
+    [130226] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Carcass, Hanging Deer
+    [130227] = getCrownPrice(850),                  -- Witches' Tent, Lean-To
+    [130229] = getCrownPrice(290),                  -- Tree, Wretched Cypress
+    [130230] = getCrownPrice(90),                   -- Stump, Wretched Cypress
+    [121017] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Bush, Dense Forest
+    [121019] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plants, Dense Underbrush
+    [121027] = getCrownPrice(45),                   -- Hedge, Dense Low Arc
+    [130247] = getCrownPrice(290),                  -- Tree, Fetid Cypress
+    [121033] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Sapling, Sparse Laurel
+    [121037] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Shrub, Sparse Pink
+    [121038] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Paired White Hosta
+    [121039] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Blooming White Hosta
+    [121040] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Verdant Hosta
+    [121041] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Young Verdant Hosta
+    [121042] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Plant, Young Summer Hosta
+    [121043] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Summer Hosta
+    [121044] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Plant, Healthy White Hosta
+    [121045] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Book Row, Decorative
+    [121047] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Book Row, Long
+    [121052] = getCrownPrice(100),                  -- Vase, Gilded Offering
+    [121053] = getCrownPrice(170),                  -- Jar, Gilded Canopic
+    [121054] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Breton Mug, Empty
+    [121056] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Book Stack, Decorative
+    [134379] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Large Metallic Shard
+    [134380] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Rocks, Sintered Arch
+    [134381] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Rocks, Sintered Outcropping
+    [130316] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Pumpkin, Frail
+    [130317] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Pumpkin, Sickly
+    [130318] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Crop, Wheat Pile
+    [130319] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Crop, Wheat Stack
+    [130322] = getCrownPrice(90),                   -- Tool, Harvest Scythe
+    [130329] = getCrownPrice(240),                  -- Primal Brazier, Rock Slab
+    [131425] = getCrownPrice(360),                  -- Orcish Tent, Soldier's
+    [131426] = getCrownPrice(680),                  -- Orcish Tent, Officer's
+    [131427] = getCrownPrice(1700),                 -- Orcish Tent, General's
+    [134565] = getCrownPrice(130),                  -- Fabrication Tank, Reinforced
+    [134566] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Shrub Cluster, Snowswept
+    [134567] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Bush Cluster, Snowswept
+    [134568] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Tree, Snowswept Evergreen
+    [134569] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Trees, Snowswept Pair
+    [134570] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Snow Pile
+    [134571] = getCrownPrice(120),                  -- Snow Pile, Large
+    [134572] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Stones, Snowswept Cluster
+    [134573] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Stone, Snowswept Shard
+    [134574] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Snowswept Peak
+    [134575] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Snowswept Crag
+    [134576] = getCrownPrice(190),                  -- Orcish Brazier, Snowswept Column
+    [134577] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Ice Floe, Thin
+    [134578] = getCrownPrice(110),                  -- Ice Floe, Thick
+    [125482] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Boulder, Volcanic Crag
+    [125484] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Bush, Lush Laurel
+    [121399] = getCrownPrice(2000),                 -- Target Skeleton, Robust Khajiit
+    [121400] = getCrownPrice(2000),                 -- Target Skeleton, Robust Argonian
+    [120408] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Argonian Fish in a Basket
+    [120409] = getCrownPrice(100),                  -- Argonian Rack, Woven
+    [120412] = getCrownPrice(50),                   -- Noble's Chalice
+    [120413] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Breton Pitcher, Clay
+    [120414] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Breton Tankard, Empty
+    [120415] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Breton Tankard, Full
+    [120416] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Common Cloak on a Hook
+    [120420] = getCrownPrice(140),                  -- Plaque, Bolted Deer Antlers
+    [125545] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Fern, Young Dusky
+    [120426] = getCrownPrice(1500),                 -- Target Skeleton, Khajiit
+    [120427] = getCrownPrice(1500),                 -- Target Skeleton, Argonian
+    [125548] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flower, Towering Purple Bat Bloom
+    [125549] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flowers, Double Purple Bat Blooms
+    [125554] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flowers, Opposing Purple Bat Blooms
+    [125555] = getCrownPrice(85),                   -- Flowers, Sullen Purple Bat Blooms
+    [120464] = getCrownPrice(20),                   -- Rocks, Stacked Cracked
+    [120465] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Stone, Tapered Rough
+    [120466] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Pebble, Stacked Desert
+    [120470] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Tree, Leaning Palm
+    [120472] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Tree, Young Palm
+    [120473] = getCrownPrice(60),                   -- Sapling, Thin Palm
+    [120475] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Trees, Paired Wax Palms4
+    [120482] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Cactus, Golden Bulbs
+    [125603] = getCrownPrice(40),                   -- Mushroom, Stinkhorn Spore
+    [120484] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Cactus, Golden Barrel
+    [125605] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Mushroom, Young Erupted Stinkcap
+    [120486] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Cactus, Stocky Columnar
+    [125607] = getCrownPrice(10),                   -- Mushroom, Young Netch Shield
+    [125610] = getCrownPrice(25),                   -- Mushrooms, Cave Bracket Cluster
+    [120491] = getCrownPrice(30),                   -- Fern, Hearty Autumn
+    [125616] = getCrownPrice(5),                    -- Pebble, Volcanic Chunk
+    [125628] = getCrownPrice(70),                   -- Plant, Rosetted Sundew
+    [126686] = getCrownPrice(400),                  -- Dwarven Chest, Relic
+    [120481] = getCrownPrice(150),                  -- Tree, Ancient Juniper
+  },
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]   = {
+    [126481] = stealable_priests .. " on Vvardenfell", -- Indoril Incense, Burning
+    [126772] = stealable_thief             -- Khajiiti Ponder sphere
+  },
+  [FURC_RUMOUR] = {
+    [132531] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hlaalu Planter, Tall
+    [120411] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Noble's Chalice of Wine
+    [120417] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Redguard Barrel, Corded
+    [126568] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Daedric Urn, Ritual
+    [125550] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Flowers, Lava Blooms
+    [126588] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Vvardenfell Pitcher Plants, Hanging Bunch
+    [126589] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Vvardenfell Mushrooms, Bloodtooth
+    [126590] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Vvardenfell Mushrooms, Lavaburst
+    [125569] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hlaalu Sidewalk, Sillar Stone Corner
+    [125570] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hlaalu Stairs, Sillar Stone
+    [125576] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Hlaalu Wall Pillar, Sillar Stone
+    [125581] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Buttercake
+    [125583] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Cave Bracket
+    [125589] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Lavaburst Bud
+    [125591] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Lavaburst Patch
+    [125597] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Polyp Stinkhorn
+    [125598] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Mushroom, Emerging Stinkhorn
+    [127149] = dataminedUnclear,                    -- Morrowind Banner of the 6th House
+  }
+FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_HOMESTEAD]  = {
+  [FURC_JUSTICE]   = {
+    -- stealing
+    [118489] = stealable_scholars,          -- Papers, Stack
+    [118528] = stealable,     -- Signed Contract
+    [118890] = stealable,     -- Skull, Human
+    [118487] = stealable_scholars,          -- Letter, Personal
+    [120008] = stealable_nerds,             -- Lesser Soul Gem, Empty
+    [120005] = stealable_nerds,             -- Papers, Stack
+    -- Bounty Sheets
+    [118711] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Argonian Male
+    [118709] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Breton Male
+    [118712] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Breton Woman
+    [118715] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Colovian Man
+    [118710] = pickpocket_guard,         -- High Elf Male
+    [118714] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Imperial Man
+    [118713] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Khajiiti Male
+    [118716] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Orc Female
+    [118717] = pickpocket_guard,         -- Orc Male
+    [121055] = stealable_drunkards,           -- Breton Mug, Full
+    [116512] = stealable_wrothgar,        -- Orcish Carpet Blood
+  },
+  [FURC_FISHING]   = {
+    -- fishing
+    [118902] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Coral, Sun
+    [118903] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Coral, Crown
+    [118896] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Seashell, Sandcake
+    [118901] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Sea sponge
+    [118338] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Fish, Bass
+    [118339] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Fish, Salmon
+    [118337] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Fish, Trout
+    [120753] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Kelp, Green Pile
+    [120755] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Kelp, Lush Pile
+    [120754] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Kelp, Small Pile
+    [118897] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Seashell, Pink Scallop
+    [118898] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Seashell, White Scallop
+    [118899] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Seashell, Starfish
+    [118900] = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBEFISHED),     -- Seashell, Noble Starfish
+  },
+  [FURC_DROP]    = {
+    [121058] = db_sneaky,             -- Candles of Silence
+    [119936] = db_poison,             -- Poisoned Blood
+    [119938] = db_poison,             -- Light and Shadow
+    [119952] = db_poison,             -- Sacrificial Heart
+    -- Paintings
+    [118216] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Spring, Sturdy
+    [118217] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Pasture, Sturdy
+    [118218] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Creek, Sturdy
+    [118219] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Lakes, Sturdy
+    [118220] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Crags, Sturdy
+    [118221] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Summer, Sturdy
+    [118222] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Jungle, Sturdy
+    [118223] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Palms, Sturdy
+    [118265] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Winter, Bolted
+    [118266] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Bridge, Bolted
+    [118267] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Autumn, Bolted
+    [118268] = GetString(SI_FURC_CHESTS),         -- Painting of Great Ruins, Bolted
+  },
+  [FURC_CROWN]  = {
+    [118096] = getCrownPrice(10),                 -- Bread, Plain
+    [118098] = getCrownPrice(10),                 -- Common Bowl, Serving
+    [118061] = getCrownPrice(15),                 -- Chicken Dinner, Display
+    [118062] = getCrownPrice(15),                 -- Chicken Meal, Display
+    [118056] = getCrownPrice(15),                 -- Common Stewpot, Hanging
+    [118121] = getCrownPrice(15),                 -- Knife, Carving
+    [118066] = getCrownPrice(15),                 -- Steak Dinner
+    [118057] = getCrownPrice(20),                 -- Sack of Beans
+    [118060] = getCrownPrice(20),                 -- Sack of Grain
+    [118059] = getCrownPrice(20),                 -- Sack of Millet,
+    [118058] = getCrownPrice(20),                 -- Sack of Rice
+    [118351] = getCrownPrice(25),                 -- Box of Peaches
+    [134473] = scambox_fireatro,               -- Tapestry,  Malacath
+    [118064] = getCrownPrice(45),                 -- Common Barrel, Dry
+    [118065] = getCrownPrice(45),                 -- Common Cargo Crate, Dry
+    [118064] = getCrownPrice(45),                 -- Common Barrel, Dry
+    [118054] = getCrownPrice(80),                 -- Common Firepit, Outdoor
+    [118055] = getCrownPrice(80),                 -- Common Firepit, Piled
+    [118126] = getCrownPrice(95),                 -- Plaque, Standard
+    [118068] = getCrownPrice(120),                -- Simple Brown Banner
+    [118069] = getCrownPrice(120),                -- Simple Gray Banner
+    [118071] = getCrownPrice(120),                -- Simple Red Banner
+    [118070] = getCrownPrice(120),                -- Simple Purple Banner
+    [117952] = getCrownPrice(35),                 -- Rough Torch, Wall
+    [94098] = getCrownPrice(95),                  -- Imperial Bed, Single
+    [120607] = getCrownPrice(50),                 -- Sapling, Lanky Ash
+    [115698] = getCrownPrice(1100),               -- Khajiit Statue, Guardian
+    [120413] = getCrownPrice(30),                 -- Breton Pitcher, Clay
+  },
+  [FURC_RUMOUR]   = {
+    [118290] = rumourSource,           -- Antlers, Wall Mount
+    [118299] = rumourSource,           -- Bottle, Beaker
+    [118300] = rumourSource,           -- Bottle, Poison
+    [118291] = rumourSource,           -- Durzog Head, Wall Mount
+    [118293] = rumourSource,           -- Echatere, Wall Mount
+    [118295] = rumourSource,           -- Haj Mota Head, Wall Mount
+    [118289] = rumourSource,           -- Haj Mota Shell, Wall Mount
+    [118284] = rumourSource,           -- Horn, Display, Cracked
+    [118283] = rumourSource,           -- Horn, Display, Huge
+    [118296] = rumourSource,           -- Mantikora Head, Wall Mount
+    [118297] = rumourSource,           -- Mantikora Horns, Wall Mount
+    [118242] = rumourSource,           -- Rug, Bearskin
+    [116473] = rumourSource,           -- Orcish Effigy, Mammoth
+    [116474] = rumourSource,           -- Orcish Effigy, Bear
+    [116433] = rumourSource,           -- Orcish Desk with Furs
+    [118065] = rumourSource,           -- Common Cargo Crate, Dry
+    [118054] = rumourSource,           -- Common Firepit, Outdoor
+    [118055] = rumourSource,           -- Common Firepit, Piled
+    [118000] = rumourSource,           -- Garlic String, Display
+    [118119] = rumourSource,           -- Minecart, Empty
+    [118120] = rumourSource,           -- Minecart, Push
+    [117991] = rumourSource,           -- Stool, Carved
+    [118278] = rumourSource,           -- Plaque, Bordered Deer Antlers
+    [118304] = rumourSource,           -- Shelf, Poison
+    [118118] = rumourSource,           -- Candles, Lasting
+    [115395] = rumourSource,           -- Nord Drinking Horn, Display
+    [118127] = rumourSource,           -- Plaque, Small
+    [118288] = rumourSource,           -- Deer Carcass, Hanging
+  }
diff --git a/data/MiscItemSources.lua b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
index 068bd14..be8e311 100644
--- a/data/MiscItemSources.lua
+++ b/data/MiscItemSources.lua
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ local db_sneaky             = zo_strformat("<<1>> <<2>>", GetString(SI_FURC_DB),

 local sinister_hollowjack   = "Sinister Hollowjack Items"

-local itemPackNewLife2018   = GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK) .. " New Life Festival 2018"
-local itemPackDeepmire      = GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK) .. " Deepmire Expedition"
+local itemPackNewLife2018   = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "New Life Festival 2018")
+local itemPackDeepmire      = zo_strformat(GetString(SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK), "Deepmire Expedition")

 local stealable             = GetString(SI_FURC_CANBESTOLEN)
@@ -145,8 +145,9 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {

-    [151889] = stealable_elsewhere,                     -- Elsweyr Comb, Grooming
-    [151893] = stealable_elsewhere,                     -- Elsweyr Fragrance Bottle, Moonlit Tryst
+    [151889] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Comb, Grooming
+    [151893] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Fragrance Bottle, Moonlit Tryst
+    [151899] = stealable_elsewhere, -- Elsweyr Pillow, Night Blues Wide,

   [FURC_DROP]    = {
@@ -182,7 +183,6 @@ FurC.MiscItemSources[FURC_KITTY]  = {
     [151895] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Cloth, Rolled,
     [151897] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Fabric, Display,
     [151898] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Roll,
-    [151899] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Pillow, Night Blues Wide,
     [151900] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Pillow, Gold-Ruby Throw,
     [151901] = getCrownPrice(20), -- Elsweyr Bowl, Moon-Sugar,
     [151902] = getCrownPrice(200), -- Elsweyr Sarcophagus, Ancient,
diff --git a/data/RumourRecipes.lua b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..534c8c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/RumourRecipes.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+FurC.RumourRecipes = {
+  121198, -- Formula: Shelf, Poison
+  119441, -- Design: Steak, Display
+  119442, -- Diagram: Teapot, Common
+  121208, -- Praxis: Orcish Table with Furs
+  121210, -- Praxis: Orcish Throne, Skull
+  121212, -- Praxis: Orcish Effigy, Bear
+  121213, -- Diagram: Orcish Skull Goblet, Empty
+  119454, -- Blueprint: Plaque, Large
+  119455, -- Blueprint: Plaque, Standard
+  119466, -- Blueprint: Podium, Engraved
+  119437, -- Design: Pie, Display
+  121161, -- Design: Ram Horns, Mounted
+  121216, -- Blueprint: Redguard Divider, Gilded
+  121203, -- Praxis: Khajiit Brazier, Enchanted
+  121217, -- Formula: Redguard Lamp, Oil
+  121215, -- Pattern: Redguard Canopy, Dusk
+  119426, -- Design: Bread, Plain
+  121102, -- Design: Chicken Dinner, Display
+  121103, -- Design: Chicken Meal, Display
+  119426, -- Bread, Plain
+  119448, -- Minecart, Empty
+  119449, -- Minecart, Push
+  119450, -- Knife, Carving
+  121100, -- Common Stewpot, Hanging
+  119428, -- Common Bowl, Serving
+  121201, -- Sack of Beans
+  121101, -- Sack of Millet
+  121111, -- Simple Red Banner
+  121110, -- Simple Purple Banner
+  121109, -- Simple Gray Banner
+  121108, -- Simple Brown Banner
+  119355, -- Garlic String, Display
+  121203, -- Khajiit Brazier, Enchanted
+  121091, -- Stool, Carved
+  119447, -- Candles, Lasting
+-- Removed with Murkmire Live Release, RIP
+-- [126154] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Azura with Moon and Star
+-- [126155] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Lord Vivec, Warrior-Poet
+-- [126156] = GetString(SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR),  -- Statuette of Clavicus Vile, Unmasked
diff --git a/locale/de.lua b/locale/de.lua
index 0b9d2b9..8ab1d7b 100644
--- a/locale/de.lua
+++ b/locale/de.lua
@@ -130,17 +130,22 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_N =            "Treat luxury items as purchaseables?",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_TT =           "This will show everything that was sold by Zanil Theran under 'purchaseable' and deactvates the custom filter",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_LUXURY_WARN =         "Hiding the dropdown entry requires UI reload (won't happen automatically for your convenience)",
-  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR =              "Rumour recipes",
-  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC =         "The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them with their own filter, which you can disable below.",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR =              "Rumour recipes",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N =            "Hide rumour recipes?",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_DESC =         "The furniture database contains a list of recipes that I have datamined.\nHowever, not all of those have been seen in-game.\nEnable this option to exclude them from the default filters.\nYou can still view them by selecting the corresponding source from the dropdown.",
   SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER =      "Don't use divider in context menu?",
   SI_FURC_STRING_CONTEXTMENU_DIVIDER_TT =   "Adds a divider to the context manu above the - Furniture entry. Check to disable",

-  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N =            "Hide rumour recipes?",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN =               "Crown store items",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N =             "Hide crown store items?",
-  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC =          "The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC =          "Some items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (You can still view them by selecting the corresponding source from the dropdown).",

+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_SHOW_UI_BUTTON  = "Show UI button in search box?",
     -- Filter text search
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =         "Configure this filter",
@@ -266,7 +271,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
-  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

   SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",
diff --git a/locale/en.lua b/locale/en.lua
index 1bb1efc..32ace9f 100644
--- a/locale/en.lua
+++ b/locale/en.lua
@@ -142,11 +142,16 @@ local strings = {

   SI_FURC_SHOW_RUMOUR_TT =                  "Confirmed items only. Click to show rumour items.",
   SI_FURC_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =                  "Showing rumour (unconfirmed) items. Click to hide.",
+  SI_FURC_SHOW_CROWN_TT =                   "Hiding crown store. Click to show.",
+  SI_FURC_HIDE_CROWN_TT =                   "Showing crown store. Click to hide.",

   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_RUMOUR_N =            "Hide rumour recipes?",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN =               "Crown store items",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_N =             "Hide crown store items?",
-  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC =          "The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (disable crown store filter below).",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_CROWN_DESC =          "The furniture database will update whenever the tooltip shows a furniture item. \nSome items can only be acquired via crown store. \nCheck this box to exclude them from the default filters (you can still see them by selecting 'Crown Store' from source dropdown).",
+  SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_UI_BUTTON = "Hide UI button in search box?",

     -- Filter text search
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HEADER_F_ALL_ON_TEXT =  "Filter settings for text search",
@@ -162,6 +167,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR =      "Hide rumour items anyway",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_FALL_HIDE_RUMOUR_TT =   "Even when filtering all items, still hide rumour items?",

     -- Hide menu entries
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU =               "Hide menu entries?",
   SI_FURC_STRING_MENU_HIDE_MENU_TT =            "Hides \"Crown store\" and \"Rumour recipes\" from the dropdown \nactivated for crown store by default, as there aren't any items yet",
@@ -278,7 +284,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
-  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

   SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",
diff --git a/locale/fr.lua b/locale/fr.lua
index c26a46f..6ab9bc4 100644
--- a/locale/fr.lua
+++ b/locale/fr.lua
@@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
-  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

   SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",
diff --git a/locale/jp.lua b/locale/jp.lua
index 65a17cd..43b8662 100644
--- a/locale/jp.lua
+++ b/locale/jp.lua
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
-  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

   SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",
diff --git a/locale/ru.lua b/locale/ru.lua
index 65a17cd..43b8662 100644
--- a/locale/ru.lua
+++ b/locale/ru.lua
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ local strings = {
   SI_FURC_DRAGON_DUNGEON_DROP =   "Fang Lair/Scalecaller Peak",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been found in the sources/recipes for Summerset! \nIts origin isn't known yet.",
   SI_FURC_DATAMINED_UNCLEAR =     "This item has been confirmed existing, but its origin isn't known yet.",
-  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "This item is part of the Crown Store item pack ",
+  SI_FURC_ITEMSOURCE_ITEMPACK =   "Part of the Crown Store item pack [<<1>>] ",

   SI_FURC_SEEN_IN_GUILDSTORE =    "Seen in Guild Store",
diff --git a/startup.lua b/startup.lua
index 15626a0..259c4c8 100644
--- a/startup.lua
+++ b/startup.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 FurnitureCatalogue                = {}           = "FurnitureCatalogue"         = "manavortex"
-FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.33
+FurnitureCatalogue.version        = 3.4
 FurnitureCatalogue.CharacterName  = nil
 FurnitureCatalogue.settings       = {}

@@ -84,42 +84,28 @@ local defaults             = {
   hideCrownStoreEntry  = false,
   wipeDatabase         = false,
   startupSilently      = true,
+  hideUiButtons = {
+      FURC_RUMOUR = false,
+      FURC_CROWN  = false,
+  }


-FURC_NONE        = 1
-FURC_FAVE         = FURC_NONE +1
-FURC_PVP         = FURC_VENDOR +1
-FURC_CROWN         = FURC_PVP +1
-FURC_ROLIS           = FURC_OTHER +1
-FURC_DROP         = FURC_ROLIS +1

 local sourceIndicesKeys = {}
 local function getSourceIndicesKeys()
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_NONE]             = "off"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_FAVE]             = "favorites"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING]           = "craft_all"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN]         = "craft_known"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN]       = "craft_unknown"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_VENDOR]             = "purch_gold"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_PVP]             = "purch_ap"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_NONE]                = "off"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_FAVE]                = "favorites"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING]            = "craft_all"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING_KNOWN]      = "craft_known"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CRAFTING_UNKNOWN]    = "craft_unknown"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_VENDOR]              = "purch_gold"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_PVP]                 = "purch_ap"
   sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_CROWN]               = "crownstore"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_RUMOUR]               = "rumour"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_LUXURY]               = "luxury"
-  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_OTHER]             = "other"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_RUMOUR]              = "rumour"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_LUXURY]              = "luxury"
+  sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_OTHER]               = "other"
   sourceIndicesKeys[FURC_WRIT_VENDOR]         = "writ_vendor"
   return sourceIndicesKeys
@@ -161,6 +147,7 @@ local function getTooltipsSource()

   return tooltipsSource
+FurC.GetTooltipsSource = getTooltipsSource

 FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData = {
   ChoicesVersion  = {
@@ -201,14 +188,14 @@ FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData = {
   TooltipsSource   = {},

-local function updateDropdownData()
-  FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.ChoicesSource  = getChoicesSource()
-  FurnitureCatalogue.DropdownData.TooltipsSource = getTooltipsSource()
+function FurC.UpdateDropdowns()
+  FurC.DropdownData.ChoicesSource  = FurC.GetChoicesSource()
+  FurC.DropdownData.TooltipsSource = FurC.GetTooltipsSource()
-FurnitureCatalogue.updateDropdownData = updateDropdownData

-local function setupSourceDropdown()
-  updateDropdownData()
+local function setupSourceDropdown()
+  FurC.UpdateDropdowns()
   sourceIndices = {}

   for idx, key in ipairs(getSourceIndicesKeys()) do
@@ -217,33 +204,9 @@ local function setupSourceDropdown()
   FurC.SourceIndices = sourceIndices

-function FurnitureCatalogue.DebugOut(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10)
-  if not FurC.GetEnableDebug() then return end
-  if a10 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10))
-  elseif a9 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9))
-  elseif a8 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8))
-  elseif a7 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7))
-  elseif a6 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6))
-  elseif a5 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5))
-  elseif a4 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3, a4))
-  elseif a3 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2, a3))
-  elseif a2 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1, a2))
-  elseif a1 then
-    d(zo_strformat(output, a1))
-  elseif output then
-    d(zo_strformat(output))
-  else
-    d("\n")
-  end
+local logger = LibDebugLogger("MyAddon")
+function FurC.DebugOut(...)
+  if logger then logger:Debug(...) end

 local function p(...)
diff --git a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml
index 63f1c94..737b6ff 100644
--- a/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml
+++ b/xml/FurnitureCatalogue.xml
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
                     <Label name="$(parent)_2" font="$(STONE_TABLET_FONT)|26|soft-shadow-thick" text=" entries -" >
                       <Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="FurC_RecipeCount" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="-1"  />
-                    </Label>
+                      </Label>
                 <Button name="$(parent)_Hide">
@@ -206,23 +206,36 @@

                 <Button name="FurC_ShowRumours"><Dimensions x="30" y="35" />
-                  <Anchor point="RIGHT"   relativeTo="FurC_Search" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="5" offsetY="3"/>
+                  <Anchor point="RIGHT"   relativeTo="FurC_Search" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetY="3"/>
                     normal    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/"
                     pressed    ="esoui/art/chatwindow/"
                     mouseOver  ="esoui/art/chatwindow/"
                   <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, FurC.GetRumourTooltip())  </OnMouseEnter>
                   <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)  </OnMouseExit>
                   <OnMouseUp>    FurC.SetShowRumours(not FurC.GetShowRumours())  </OnMouseUp>

+                <Button name="FurC_ShowCrowns"><Dimensions x="30" y="25" />
+                  <Anchor point="RIGHT" relativeTo="FurC_ShowRumours" relativePoint="LEFT" offsetX="8" />
+                  <Textures
+                    normal    ="esoui/art/bank/"
+                    pressed    ="esoui/art/bank/"
+                    mouseOver  ="esoui/art/bank/"
+                  />
+                  <OnMouseEnter>  FurC.GuiShowTooltip(self, FurC.GetCrownTooltip())  </OnMouseEnter>
+                  <OnMouseExit>  FurC.GuiHideTooltip(self)  </OnMouseExit>
+                  <OnMouseUp>    FurC.SetShowCrownstore(not FurC.GetShowCrownstore())  </OnMouseUp>
+                </Button>

-                <Texture name="FurC_ShowRumoursGlow" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/" alpha="0.4">
+                <Texture name="FurC_ShowRumoursGlow" textureFile="esoui/art/chatwindow/">
                   <Anchor point="CENTER"   relativeTo="FurC_ShowRumours" relativePoint="CENTER"   />
-                  <Dimensions x="55" y="60" />
-                </Texture>
+                  <Dimensions x="60" y="60" />
+                </Texture>
