Attempting to end the Nil pointer errors

Zig Zichterman [03-25-16 - 02:46]
Attempting to end the Nil pointer errors

Still not sure why the history just resets now and then.
diff --git a/GuildGoldDeposits.lua b/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
index 7f59459..11cd7db 100644
--- a/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
+++ b/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
@@ -207,23 +207,36 @@ function GuildGoldDeposits.OnPanelControlsCreated(panel)
     self = GuildGoldDeposits
     guild_ct = GetNumGuilds()
     for guild_index = 1,self.max_guild_ct do
-        cb = _G[self.ref_cb(guild_index)]
-        if guild_index <= guild_ct then
-            guildId   = GetGuildId(guild_index)
-            guildName = GetGuildName(guildId)
-            cb.label:SetText(guildName)
-            cb:SetHidden(false)
-            self.guild_name[guild_index] = guildName
-        else
-                        -- If no guild #N, hide and disable it.
-            cb:SetHidden(true)
-            self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index] = false
-        end
+        exists = guild_index <= guild_ct
+        self:InitGuildSettings(guild_index, exists)
+        self:InitGuildControls(guild_index, exists)
+    end
+-- Data portion of init UI
+function GuildGoldDeposits:InitGuildSettings(guild_index, exists)
+    if exists then
+        guildId   = GetGuildId(guild_index)
+        guildName = GetGuildName(guildId)
+        self.guild_name[guild_index] = guildName
+    else
+        self.savedVariables.enable_guild[guild_index] = false
+    end

-        desc = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)]
-        self.ConvertCheckboxToText(desc)
-        self:SetStatusNewest(guild_index)
+-- UI portion of init UI
+function GuildGoldDeposits:InitGuildControls(guild_index, exists)
+    cb = _G[self.ref_cb(guild_index)]
+    if exists and cb and cb.label then
+        cb.label:SetText(self.guild_name[guild_index])
+    end
+    if cb then
+        cb:SetHidden(not exists)
+    desc = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)]
+    self.ConvertCheckboxToText(desc)
+    self:SetStatusNewest(guild_index)

 -- Coerce a checkbox to act like a text label.
@@ -231,7 +244,8 @@ end
 -- I cannot get LibAddonMenu-2.0 "description" items to dynamically update
 -- their text. SetText() has no effect. But SetText() works on "checkbox"
 -- items, so beat those into a text-like UI element.
-function GuildGoldDeposits.ConvertCheckboxToText(cb)
+function GuildGoldDeposits.ConvertCheckboxToText(desc)
+    if not desc then return end
     desc:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", nil)
     desc:SetHandler("OnMouseExit",  nil)
     desc:SetHandler("OnMouseUp",    nil)
@@ -244,9 +258,11 @@ end

 -- Update the per-guild text label with what's going on with that guild data.
 function GuildGoldDeposits:SetStatus(guild_index, msg)
-    desc = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)].label
-    desc:SetText("  " .. msg)
     d("status " .. tostring(guild_index) .. ":" .. tostring(msg))
+    x = _G[self.ref_desc(guild_index)]
+    if not x then return end
+    desc = x.label
+    desc:SetText("  " .. msg)

 -- Set status to "Newest: @user 100,000g  11 hours ago"
diff --git a/GuildGoldDeposits.txt b/GuildGoldDeposits.txt
index bedb2f2..f6fbba3 100644
--- a/GuildGoldDeposits.txt
+++ b/GuildGoldDeposits.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 ## Title: Guild Gold Deposits
 ## Description: Guild Gold Deposits version
+## Author: ziggr
 ## APIVersion: 100014
 ## SavedVariables: GuildGoldDepositsVars
 ## OptionalDependsOn: LibAddonMenu-2.0
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03e54f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+.PHONY: send get csv
+	git commit -am auto
+	cp -f ./GuildGoldDeposits.lua /Volumes/Elder\ Scrolls\ Online/live/AddOns/GuildGoldDeposits/
+	cp -f /Volumes/Elder\ Scrolls\ Online/live/SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.lua ../../SavedVariables/
+csv: ../../SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.csv
+../../SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.csv: ../../SavedVariables/GuildGoldDeposits.lua
+	lua GuildGoldDeposits_to_csv.lua