pawksickles now uses LMP and LAM

Pawkette [03-15-14 - 04:05]
pawksickles now uses LMP and LAM
diff --git a/Pawksickles.lua b/Pawksickles.lua
index ffad21c..892b6c6 100644
--- a/Pawksickles.lua
+++ b/Pawksickles.lua
@@ -1,112 +1,29 @@
 local kName         = 'Pawksickles'
 local Pawksickles   = {}
 local EventMgr      = GetEventManager()
+local CBM           = CALLBACK_MANAGER
+local LMP           = LibStub( 'LibMediaProvider-1.0' )
+if ( not LMP ) then return end

-local NORMAL        = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans.ttf]]
-local BOLD          = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-bold.ttf]]
-local BOLDITALIC    = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-boldoblique.ttf]]
-local ITALIC        = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-oblique.ttf]]
-local NUMBER        = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusansmono.ttf]]
-local SERIF         = [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavuserif.ttf]]
-local THIN          = 'soft-shadow-thin'
-local THICK         = 'soft-shadow-thick'
-local SHADOW        = 'shadow'
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Sans', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans.ttf]] )
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Sans Bold', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-bold.ttf]] )
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-boldoblique.ttf]] )
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Sans Oblique', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusans-oblique.ttf]] )
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Sans Mono', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavusansmono.ttf]] )
+LMP:Register( 'font', 'DejaVu Serif', [[Pawksickles/fonts/dejavuserif.ttf]] )

 function Pawksickles:OnLoaded( event, addon )
     if ( addon ~= kName ) then

-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinH1, BOLD, 22, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinH2, BOLD, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinH3, BOLD, 18, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinH4, BOLD, 16, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinH5, BOLD, 14, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWinT1, NORMAL, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGame, NORMAL, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameMedium, NORMAL, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameBold, BOLD, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameOutline, BOLD, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameShadow, BOLD, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameSmall, NORMAL, 9, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameLarge, NORMAL, 14, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameLargeBold, BOLD, 14, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow, BOLD, 14, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontHeader, BOLD, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontHeader2, BOLD, 14, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontHeader3, BOLD, 16, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontHeader4, BOLD, 18, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontCallout, BOLD, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontCallout2, BOLD, 22, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontCallout3, BOLD, 24, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontEdit, NORMAL, 12, SHADOW )
-    self:SetFont( ZoLargeFontEdit, NORMAL, 21, SHADOW )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontChat, NORMAL, 12, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontEditChat, NORMAL, 14, SHADOW )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWindowTitle, BOLDITALIC, 24, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontWindowSubtitle, NORMAL, 14, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontTooltipTitle, BOLDITALIC, 18 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontTooltipSubtitle, NORMAL, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAnnounce, BOLDITALIC, 22, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAnnounceMessage, BOLD, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAnnounceSmall, BOLDITALIC, 12, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAnnounceMedium, BOLDITALIC, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAnnounceLarge, BOLDITALIC, 28, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontCenterScreenAnnounceLarge, BOLDITALIC, 28, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontCenterScreenAnnounceSmall, BOLDITALIC, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontAlert, BOLDITALIC, 18, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontConversationName, BOLDITALIC, 20, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontConversationText, NORMAL, 18, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontConversationOption, ITALIC, 14, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontConversationQuestReward, NORMAL, 14, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontKeybindStripKey, BOLD, 14, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontKeybindStripDescription, BOLD, 14, THICK )
-    --self:SetFont( ZoCraftingInstruction, NORMAL, 30, THICK )
-    self:SetFont( ZoInteractionPrompt, NORMAL, 16, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookPaper, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookSkin, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookRubbing, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookLetter, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookNote, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookScroll, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookTablet, SERIF, 14 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookPaperTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookSkinTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookRubbingTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookLetterTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookNoteTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookScrollTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBookTabletTitle, SERIF, 20 )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBossName, BOLDITALIC, 16, THIN )
-    self:SetFont( ZoFontBoss, BOLD, 12, THIN )
+    CBM:RegisterCallback( 'PAWKSICKLES_FONT_CHANGED', function( ... ) self:SetFont( ... ) end )
+    CBM:FireCallbacks( 'PAWKSICKLES_LOADED' )

-function Pawksickles:SetFont( object, fontFace, size, decoration )
-    local fmt = '%s|%d'
-    if ( decoration ) then
-        fmt = fmt .. '|%s'
-    end
-    object:SetFont( string.format( fmt, fontFace, size, decoration ) )
+function Pawksickles:SetFont( object, font )
+    _G[ object ]:SetFont( font )

 EventMgr:RegisterForEvent( 'Pawksickles', EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED, function( ... ) Pawksickles:OnLoaded( ... ) end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Pawksickles.txt b/Pawksickles.txt
index 1a43d9c..859c737 100644
--- a/Pawksickles.txt
+++ b/Pawksickles.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
 ## Title: Pawksickles
 ## APIVersion: 100000
+## OptionalDependsOn: LibStub LibMediaProvider-1.0 LibAddonMenu-1.0
+## SavedVariables: PAWKSICKLES_DB

diff --git a/PawksicklesConfig.lua b/PawksicklesConfig.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e033a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/PawksicklesConfig.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+local LAM = LibStub( 'LibAddonMenu-1.0' )
+local LMP = LibStub( 'LibMediaProvider-1.0' )
+if ( not LAM ) then return end
+if ( not LMP ) then return end
+local tsort = table.sort
+local tinsert = table.insert
+local PawksicklesConfig =
+    _name = '_pawksickles',
+    _headers = setmetatable( {}, { __mode = 'kv' } )
+local THIN          = 'soft-shadow-thin'
+local THICK         = 'soft-shadow-thick'
+local SHADOW        = 'shadow'
+local NONE          = 'none'
+local defaults =
+    ZoFontWinH1 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 22, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontWinH2 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontWinH3 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 18, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontWinH4 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 16, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontWinH5 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontWinT1 = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGame = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameMedium = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameBold = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameOutline = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameShadow = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameSmall = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 9, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameLarge = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 14, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontGameLargeBold = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontGameLargeBoldShadow = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontHeader  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontHeader2  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontHeader3  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 16, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontHeader4  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 18, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontCallout  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontCallout2  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 22, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontCallout3  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 24, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontEdit  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 12, decoration = SHADOW },
+    ZoLargeFontEdit  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 21, decoration = SHADOW },
+    ZoFontChat  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 12, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontEditChat  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 14, decoration = SHADOW },
+    ZoFontWindowTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 24, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontWindowSubtitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontTooltipTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 18, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontTooltipSubtitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontAnnounce  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 22, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontAnnounceMessage  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontAnnounceSmall  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 12, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontAnnounceMedium  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontAnnounceLarge  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 28, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontCenterScreenAnnounceLarge  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 28, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontCenterScreenAnnounceSmall  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontAlert  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 18, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontConversationName  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 20, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontConversationText  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 18, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontConversationOption  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Oblique', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontConversationQuestReward  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoFontKeybindStripKey  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontKeybindStripDescription  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 14, decoration = THICK },
+    ZoInteractionPrompt  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans', size = 16, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontBookPaper  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookSkin  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookRubbing  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookLetter  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookNote  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookScroll  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookTablet  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 14, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookPaperTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookSkinTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookRubbingTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookLetterTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookNoteTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookScrollTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBookTabletTitle  = { face = 'DejaVu Serif', size = 20, decoration = NONE },
+    ZoFontBossName  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans BoldOblique', size = 16, decoration = THIN },
+    ZoFontBoss  = { face = 'DejaVu Sans Bold', size = 12, decoration = THIN }
+local logical = {}
+local decorations = { 'none', 'soft-shadow-thin', 'soft-shadow-thick', 'shadow' }
+function PawksicklesConfig:FormatFont( fontEntry )
+    local str = '%s|%d'
+    if ( fontEntry.decoration ~= NONE ) then
+        str = str .. '|%s'
+    end
+    return string.format( str, LMP:Fetch( LMP.MediaType.FONT, fontEntry.face ), fontEntry.size or 10, fontEntry.decoration )
+function PawksicklesConfig:OnLoaded()
+    self.db = ZO_SavedVars:NewAccountWide( 'PAWKSICKLES_DB', 1.0, nil, defaults )
+    for k,_ in pairs( defaults ) do
+        tinsert( logical, k )
+    end
+    tsort( logical )
+    self.config_panel = LAM:CreateControlPanel( self._name, 'Pawksickles' )
+    self:BeginAddingOptions()
+function PawksicklesConfig:BeginAddingOptions()
+    for i=1,#logical do
+        local gameFont = tostring( logical[ i ] )
+        if ( self.db[ gameFont ] ) then
+            CBM:FireCallbacks( 'PAWKSICKLES_FONT_CHANGED', gameFont, self:FormatFont( self.db[ gameFont ] ) )
+            local header = LAM:AddHeader( self.config_panel, self._name .. '_header_' .. i, gameFont ):GetNamedChild( 'Label' )
+            header:SetFont( self:FormatFont( self.db[ gameFont ] ) )
+            self._headers[ gameFont ] = header
+            LAM:AddDropdown( self.config_panel, self._name .. '_font_' .. i, 'Font:', '', LMP:List( LMP.MediaType.FONT ),
+                function() return self.db[ gameFont ].face end,
+                function( selection )  self:FontDropdownChanged( gameFont, selection ) end )
+            LAM:AddSlider( self.config_panel, self._name .. '_size_' .. i, 'Size', '', 8, 50, 1,
+                function() return self.db[ gameFont ].size end,
+                function( size ) self:SliderChanged( gameFont, size ) end )
+            LAM:AddDropdown( self.config_panel, self._name .. '_decoration_' .. i, 'Decoration:', '', decorations,
+                function() return self.db[ gameFont ].decoration end,
+                function( selection ) self:DecorationDropdownChanged( gameFont, selection ) end )
+        end
+    end
+function PawksicklesConfig:FontDropdownChanged( gameFont, fontFace )
+    self.db[ gameFont ].face = fontFace
+    local newFont = self:FormatFont( self.db[ gameFont ] )
+    if ( self._headers[ gameFont ] ) then
+        self._headers[ gameFont ]:SetFont( newFont )
+    end
+    CBM:FireCallbacks( 'PAWKSICKLES_FONT_CHANGED', gameFont, newFont )
+function PawksicklesConfig:SliderChanged( gameFont, size )
+    self.db[ gameFont ].size = size
+    local newFont = self:FormatFont( self.db[ gameFont ] )
+    if ( self._headers[ gameFont ] ) then
+        self._headers[ gameFont ]:SetFont( newFont )
+    end
+    CBM:FireCallbacks( 'PAWKSICKLES_FONT_CHANGED', gameFont, newFont )
+function PawksicklesConfig:DecorationDropdownChanged( gameFont, decoration )
+    self.db[ gameFont ].decoration = decoration
+    local newFont = self:FormatFont( self.db[ gameFont ] )
+    if ( self._headers[ gameFont ] ) then
+        self._headers[ gameFont ]:SetFont( newFont )
+    end
+    CBM:FireCallbacks( 'PAWKSICKLES_FONT_CHANGED', gameFont, newFont )
+CBM:RegisterCallback( 'PAWKSICKLES_LOADED', function( ... ) PawksicklesConfig:OnLoaded( ... ) end )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0.lua b/libs/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e0b61d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibAddonMenu-1.0/LibAddonMenu-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibAddonMenu-1.0", 5
+local lam, oldminor = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not lam then return end	--the same or newer version of this lib is already loaded into memory
+lam.lastAddedControl = {}
+local lastAddedControl = lam.lastAddedControl
+local wm = GetWindowManager()
+local strformat = string.format
+local tostring = tostring
+local round = zo_round
+local optionsWindow = ZO_OptionsWindowSettingsScrollChild
+--maybe return the controls from the creation functions?
+function lam:CreateControlPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+	local panelID
+	if _G[controlPanelID] then
+		panelID = _G[controlPanelID]
+		return panelID
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_AddUserPanel(controlPanelID, controlPanelName)
+	--disables Defaults button because we don't need it, but keybind still works :/ ...
+	panelID = _G[controlPanelID]
+	ZO_PreHook("ZO_OptionsWindow_ChangePanels", function(panel)
+			local enable = (panel ~=  panelID)
+			ZO_OptionsWindowResetToDefaultButton:SetEnabled(enable)
+			ZO_OptionsWindowResetToDefaultButton:SetKeybindEnabled(enable)
+		end)
+	return panelID
+function lam:AddHeader(panelID, controlName, text)
+	local header = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName, optionsWindow, lastAddedControl[panelID] and "ZO_Options_SectionTitle_WithDivider" or "ZO_Options_SectionTitle")
+	if lastAddedControl[panelID] then
+		header:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 15)
+	else
+		header:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	end
+	header.controlType = OPTIONS_SECTION_TITLE
+	header.panel = panelID
+	header.text = text
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(header)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = header
+	return header
+--To-Do list:
+--extra sub-options window out to the right?? (or maybe addon list?)
+--find alternatives to handler hooks
+function lam:AddSlider(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, minValue, maxValue, step, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+	local slider = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName, optionsWindow, "ZO_Options_Slider")
+	slider:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
+	slider.controlType = OPTIONS_SLIDER
+	slider.system = SETTING_TYPE_UI
+	slider.panel = panelID
+	slider.text = text
+	slider.tooltipText = tooltip
+	slider.showValue = true
+	slider.showValueMin = minValue
+	slider.showValueMax = maxValue
+	local range = maxValue - minValue
+	local slidercontrol = slider:GetNamedChild("Slider")
+	local slidervalue = slider:GetNamedChild("ValueLabel")
+	slidercontrol:SetValueStep(1/range * step)
+	slider:SetHandler("OnShow", function()
+			local curValue = getFunc()
+			slidercontrol:SetValue((curValue - minValue)/range)
+			slidervalue:SetText(tostring(curValue))
+		end)
+	slidercontrol:SetHandler("OnValueChanged", function (self, value)
+			self:SetValue(value)
+			value = round(value*range + minValue)
+			slidervalue:SetText(strformat("%d", value))
+		end)
+	slidercontrol:SetHandler("OnSliderReleased", function(self, value)
+			value = round(value*range + minValue)
+			setFunc(value)
+		end)
+	if warning then
+		slider.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", slider, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		slider.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, slidercontrol, LEFT, -5, 0)
+		slider.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(slider)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = slider
+	return slider
+function lam:AddDropdown(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, validChoices, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+	local dropdown = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName, optionsWindow, "ZO_Options_Dropdown")
+	dropdown:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
+	dropdown.controlType = OPTIONS_DROPDOWN
+	dropdown.system = SETTING_TYPE_UI
+	dropdown.panel = panelID
+	dropdown.text = text
+	dropdown.tooltipText = tooltip
+	dropdown.valid = validChoices
+	local dropmenu = ZO_ComboBox_ObjectFromContainer(GetControl(dropdown, "Dropdown"))
+	local setText = dropmenu.m_selectedItemText.SetText
+	local selectedName
+	ZO_PreHookHandler(dropmenu.m_selectedItemText, "OnTextChanged", function(self)
+			if dropmenu.m_selectedItemData then
+				selectedName =
+				setText(self, selectedName)
+				setFunc(selectedName)
+			end
+		end)
+	dropdown:SetHandler("OnShow", function()
+			dropmenu:SetSelectedItem(getFunc())
+		end)
+	if warning then
+		dropdown.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", dropdown, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		dropdown.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, dropdown:GetNamedChild("Dropdown"), LEFT, -5, 0)
+		dropdown.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(dropdown)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = dropdown
+	return dropdown
+function lam:AddCheckbox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+	local checkbox = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName, optionsWindow, "ZO_Options_Checkbox")
+	checkbox:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
+	checkbox.controlType = OPTIONS_CHECKBOX
+	checkbox.system = SETTING_TYPE_UI
+	checkbox.settingId = _G[strformat("SETTING_%s", controlName)]
+	checkbox.panel = panelID
+	checkbox.text = text
+	checkbox.tooltipText = tooltip
+	local checkboxButton = checkbox:GetNamedChild("Checkbox")
+	ZO_PreHookHandler(checkbox, "OnShow", function()
+			checkboxButton:SetState(getFunc() and 1 or 0)
+			checkboxButton:toggleFunction(getFunc())
+		end)
+	ZO_PreHookHandler(checkboxButton, "OnClicked", function() setFunc(not getFunc()) end)
+	if warning then
+		checkbox.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", checkbox, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		checkbox.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, checkboxButton, LEFT, -5, 0)
+		checkbox.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(checkbox)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = checkbox
+	return checkbox
+function lam:AddColorPicker(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+	local colorpicker = wm:CreateTopLevelWindow(controlName)
+	colorpicker:SetParent(optionsWindow)
+	colorpicker:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 10)
+	colorpicker:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)
+	colorpicker:SetWidth(510)
+	colorpicker:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+	colorpicker.label = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."Label", colorpicker, CT_LABEL)
+	local label = colorpicker.label
+	label:SetDimensions(300, 26)
+	label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	label:SetFont("ZoFontWinH4")
+	label:SetText(text)
+	colorpicker.color = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."Color", colorpicker, CT_CONTROL)
+	local color = colorpicker.color
+	color:SetDimensions(200,26)
+	color:SetAnchor(RIGHT)
+	color.thumb = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."ColorThumb", color, CT_TEXTURE)
+	local thumb = color.thumb
+	thumb:SetDimensions(36, 18)
+	thumb:SetAnchor(LEFT, color, LEFT, 4, 0)
+	local r, g, b, a = getFunc()
+	thumb:SetColor(r, g, b, a or 1)
+	color.border = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."ColorBorder", color, CT_TEXTURE)
+	local border = color.border
+	border:SetTexture("EsoUI\\Art\\ChatWindow\\")
+	border:SetTextureCoords(0, .625, 0, .8125)
+	border:SetDimensions(40, 22)
+	border:SetAnchor(CENTER, thumb, CENTER, 0, 0)
+	local ColorPickerCallback
+	if not ColorPickerCallback then
+		ColorPickerCallback = function(r, g, b, a)
+			thumb:SetColor(r, g, b, a or 1)
+			setFunc(r, g, b, a)
+		end
+	end
+	colorpicker.controlType = OPTIONS_CUSTOM
+	colorpicker.customSetupFunction = function(colorpicker)
+			colorpicker:SetHandler("OnMouseUp", function(self, btn, upInside)
+					if upInside then
+						local r, g, b, a = getFunc()
+						COLOR_PICKER:Show(ColorPickerCallback, r, g, b, a, text)
+					end
+				end)
+		end
+	colorpicker.panel = panelID
+	colorpicker.tooltipText = tooltip
+	colorpicker:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter)
+	colorpicker:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", ZO_Options_OnMouseExit)
+	if warning then
+		colorpicker.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", colorpicker, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		colorpicker.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, colorpicker:GetNamedChild("Color"), LEFT, -5, 0)
+		colorpicker.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(colorpicker)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = colorpicker
+	return colorpicker
+function lam:AddEditBox(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, isMultiLine, getFunc, setFunc, warning, warningText)
+	local editbox = wm:CreateTopLevelWindow(controlName)
+	editbox:SetParent(optionsWindow)
+	editbox:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 10)
+	editbox:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)
+	editbox:SetWidth(510)
+	editbox:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+	editbox.label = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."Label", editbox, CT_LABEL)
+	local label = editbox.label
+	label:SetDimensions(300, 26)
+	label:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	label:SetFont("ZoFontWinH4")
+	label:SetText(text)
+ = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."BG", editbox, "ZO_EditBackdrop")
+	local bg =
+	bg:SetDimensions(200,isMultiLine and 100 or 24)
+	bg:SetAnchor(RIGHT)
+	editbox.edit = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."Edit", bg, isMultiLine and "ZO_DefaultEditMultiLineForBackdrop" or "ZO_DefaultEditForBackdrop")
+	editbox.edit:SetText(getFunc())
+	editbox.edit:SetHandler("OnFocusLost", function(self) setFunc(self:GetText()) end)
+	editbox.panel = panelID
+	editbox.tooltipText = tooltip
+	editbox:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter)
+	editbox:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", ZO_Options_OnMouseExit)
+	if warning then
+		editbox.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", editbox, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		editbox.warning:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT, editbox:GetNamedChild("BG"), TOPLEFT, -5, 0)
+		editbox.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(editbox)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = editbox
+	return editbox
+function lam:AddButton(panelID, controlName, text, tooltip, onClick, warning, warningText)
+	local button = wm:CreateTopLevelWindow(controlName)
+	button:SetParent(optionsWindow)
+	button:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 6)
+	button:SetDimensions(510, 28)
+	button:SetMouseEnabled(true)
+	button.btn = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."Button", button, "ZO_DefaultButton")
+	local btn = button.btn
+	btn:SetAnchor(TOPRIGHT)
+	btn:SetWidth(200)
+	btn:SetText(text)
+	btn:SetHandler("OnClicked", onClick)
+	button.controlType = OPTIONS_CUSTOM
+	button.customSetupFunction = function() end	--move handlers into this function? (since I created a function...)
+	button.panel = panelID
+	btn.tooltipText = tooltip
+	btn:SetHandler("OnMouseEnter", ZO_Options_OnMouseEnter)
+	btn:SetHandler("OnMouseExit", ZO_Options_OnMouseExit)
+	if warning then
+		button.warning = wm:CreateControlFromVirtual(controlName.."WarningIcon", button, "ZO_Options_WarningIcon")
+		button.warning:SetAnchor(RIGHT, btn, LEFT, -5, 0)
+		button.warning.tooltipText = warningText
+	end
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(button)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = button
+	return button
+function lam:AddDescription(panelID, controlName, text, titleText)
+	local textBox = wm:CreateTopLevelWindow(controlName)
+	textBox:SetParent(optionsWindow)
+	textBox:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, lastAddedControl[panelID], BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 10)
+	textBox:SetResizeToFitDescendents(true)
+	textBox:SetWidth(510)
+	if titleText then
+		textBox.title = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."Title", textBox, CT_LABEL)
+		local title = textBox.title
+		title:SetWidth(510)
+		title:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, textBox, TOPLEFT)
+		title:SetFont("ZoFontWinH4")
+		title:SetText(headerText)
+	end
+	textBox.desc = wm:CreateControl(controlName.."Text", textBox, CT_LABEL)
+	local desc = textBox.desc
+	desc:SetWidth(510)
+	if titleText then
+		desc:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, textBox.title, BOTTOMLEFT)
+	else
+		desc:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT)
+	end
+	desc:SetVerticalAlignment(TEXT_ALIGN_TOP)
+	desc:SetFont("ZoFontGame")
+	desc:SetText(text)
+	textBox.controlType = OPTIONS_CUSTOM
+	textBox.panel = panelID
+	ZO_OptionsWindow_InitializeControl(textBox)
+	lastAddedControl[panelID] = textBox
+	return textBox
+--test controls & examples--
+--[[local controlPanelID = lam:CreateControlPanel("ZAM_ADDON_OPTIONS", "ZAM Addons")
+lam:AddHeader(controlPanelID, "ZAM_Addons_TESTADDON", "TEST ADDON")
+lam:AddDescription(controlPanelID, "ZAM_Addons_TESTDESC", "This is a test description.", "Header")
+lam:AddSlider(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTSLIDER", "Test slider", "Adjust the slider.", 1, 10, 1, function() return 7 end, function(value) end, true, "needs UI reload")
+lam:AddDropdown(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTDROPDOWN", "Test Dropdown", "Pick something!", {"thing 1", "thing 2", "thing 3"}, function() return "thing 2" end, function(self,valueString) print(valueString) end)
+local checkbox1 = true
+lam:AddCheckbox(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTCHECKBOX", "Test Checkbox", "On or off?", function() return checkbox1 end, function(value) checkbox1 = not checkbox1 print(value, checkbox1) end)
+lam:AddColorPicker(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTCOLORPICKER", "Test color picker", "What's your favorite color?", function() return 1, 1, 0 end, function(r,g,b) print(r,g,b) end)
+lam:AddEditBox(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTEDITBOX", "Test Edit Box", "This is a tooltip!", false, function() return "hi" end, function(text) print(text) end)
+lam:AddHeader(controlPanelID, "ZAM_Addons_TESTADDON2", "TEST ADDON 2")
+local checkbox2 = false
+lam:AddCheckbox(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTCHECKBOX2", "Test Checkbox 2", "On or off?", function() return checkbox2 end, function(value) checkbox2 = not checkbox2 print(value, checkbox2) end)
+lam:AddButton(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTBUTTON", "Test Button", "Click me", function() print("hi") end, true, "oh noez!")
+lam:AddEditBox(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTEDITBOX2", "Test Edit Box 2", "This is a tooltip!", true, function() return "hi" end, function(text) print(text) end, true, "warning text")
+lam:AddSlider(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTSLIDER2", "Test slider 2", "Adjust the slider.", 50, 100, 10, function() return 80 end, function(value) end)
+lam:AddDropdown(controlPanelID, "ZAM_TESTDROPDOWN2", "Test Dropdown 2", "Pick something!", {"thing 4", "thing 5", "thing 6"}, function() return "thing 6" end, function(self,valueString) print(valueString) end)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/libs/LibMediaProvider-1.0/LibMediaProvider-1.0.lua b/libs/LibMediaProvider-1.0/LibMediaProvider-1.0.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ad539c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibMediaProvider-1.0/LibMediaProvider-1.0.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+--LibMediaProvider-1.0 is inspired by and borrows from LibSharedMedia-3.0 for World of Warcraft by Elkano
+--LibSharedMedia-3.0 and LibMediaProvider-1.0 are under the LGPL-2.1 license
+local MAJOR, MINOR = "LibMediaProvider-1.0", 1 -- remember to increase manually on changes
+local LMP = LibStub:NewLibrary(MAJOR, MINOR)
+if not LMP then return end
+local tinsert = table.insert
+local tsort = table.sort
+local pairs = pairs
+LMP.DefaultMedia = {}
+LMP.MediaList = {}
+LMP.MediaTable = {}
+LMP.MediaType = {}
+local defaultMedia = LMP.DefaultMedia
+local mediaList = LMP.MediaList
+local mediaTable = LMP.MediaTable
+LMP.MediaType = {
+	BACKGROUND = "background",	-- background textures
+	BORDER = "border",			-- border textures
+	FONT = "font",				-- fonts
+	STATUSBAR = "statusbar",	-- statusbar textures
+	SOUND = "sound",			-- sound files
+LMP.MediaTable.background = {}
+--commented out because it still leaves a white texture behind - addons can use alpha to hide the background
+--LMP.MediaTable.background["None"]				= ""
+LMP.MediaTable.background["ESO Black"]			= "EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/"
+LMP.MediaTable.background["ESO Chat"]			= "EsoUI/Art/chatwindow/"
+LMP.MediaTable.background["ESO Gray"]			= "EsoUI/Art/itemtooltip/"
+LMP.MediaTable.background["Solid"]				= "EsoUI/Art/miscellaneous/"
+LMP.DefaultMedia.background = "None"
+LMP.MediaTable.border = {}
+--commented out because it still leaves a white texture behind - addons can use alpha to hide the border
+--LMP.MediaTable.border["None"]					= ""
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Gold"]				= "EsoUI/Art/Miscellaneous/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Chat"]				= "EsoUI/Art/chatwindow/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Rounded"]			= "EsoUI/Art/miscellaneous/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Blue Highlight"]		= "EsoUI/Art/miscellaneous/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Blue Glow"]			= "EsoUI/Art/crafting/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Red Glow"]			= "EsoUI/Art/crafting/"
+LMP.MediaTable.border["ESO Red Overlay"]		= "EsoUI/Art/uicombatoverlay/"
+LMP.DefaultMedia.border = "None"
+-- FONT
+LMP.MediaTable.font = {}
+LMP.MediaTable.font["ProseAntique"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/ProseAntiquePSMT.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Arial Narrow"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/arialn.ttf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Consolas"]					= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/consola.ttf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["ESO Cartographer"]			= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/esocartographer-bold.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Fontin Bold"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/fontin_sans_b.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Fontin Italic"]			= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/fontin_sans_i.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Fontin Regular"]			= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/fontin_sans_r.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Fontin SmallCaps"]			= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/fontin_sans_sc.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Skyrim Handwritten"]		= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/Handwritten_Bold.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Trajan Pro"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/trajanpro-regular.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Univers 55"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/univers55.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Univers 57"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/univers57.otf"
+LMP.MediaTable.font["Univers 67"]				= "EsoUI/Common/Fonts/univers67.otf"
+LMP.DefaultMedia.font = "Arial Narrow"
+LMP.MediaTable.statusbar = {}
+LMP.MediaTable.statusbar["ESO Basic"]			= "EsoUI/Art/miscellaneous/"
+LMP.DefaultMedia.statusbar = "ESO Basic"
+LMP.MediaTable.sound = {}
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["None"]					= ""
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["AvA Gate Open"]			= SOUNDS.AVA_GATE_OPENED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["AvA Gate Close"]			= SOUNDS.AVA_GATE_CLOSED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Emperor Coronated"]		= SOUNDS.EMPEROR_CORONATED_DAGGERFALL
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Level Up"]				= SOUNDS.LEVEL_UP
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Skill Gained"]			= SOUNDS.SKILL_GAINED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Ability Purchased"]		= SOUNDS.ABILITY_SKILL_PURCHASED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Book Acquired"]			= SOUNDS.BOOK_ACQUIRED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Unlock"]					= SOUNDS.LOCKPICKING_UNLOCKED
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Enchanting Extract"]		= SOUNDS.ENCHANTING_EXTRACT_START_ANIM
+LMP.MediaTable.sound["Enchanting Create"]		= SOUNDS.ENCHANTING_CREATE_TOOLTIP_GLOW
+LMP.DefaultMedia.sound = "None"
+local function rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	if not mtable then return end
+	if not mediaList[mediatype] then mediaList[mediatype] = {} end
+	local mlist = mediaList[mediatype]
+	-- list can only get larger, so simply overwrite it
+	local i = 0
+	for k in pairs(mtable) do
+		i = i + 1
+		mlist[i] = k
+	end
+	tsort(mlist)
+function LMP:Register(mediatype, key, data)
+	if type(mediatype) ~= "string" then
+		error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data) - mediatype must be string, got "..type(mediatype))
+	end
+	if type(key) ~= "string" then
+		error(MAJOR..":Register(mediatype, key, data) - key must be string, got "..type(key))
+	end
+	mediatype = mediatype:lower()
+	if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
+		mediaTable[mediatype] = {}
+	end
+	local mtable = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	if mtable[key] then
+		return false
+	end
+	mtable[key] = data
+	rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	cm:FireCallbacks("LibMediaProvider_Registered", mediatype, key)
+	return true
+function LMP:Fetch(mediatype, key)
+	local mtt = mediaTable[mediatype]
+	local result = mtt and mtt[key]
+	return result ~= "" and result or nil
+function LMP:IsValid(mediatype, key)
+	return mediaTable[mediatype] and (not key or mediaTable[mediatype][key]) and true or false
+function LMP:HashTable(mediatype)
+	return mediaTable[mediatype]
+--Will this work with ESO's dropdowns?
+--Does something else need to be done here?
+function LMP:List(mediatype)
+	if not mediaTable[mediatype] then
+		return nil
+	end
+	if not mediaList[mediatype] then
+		rebuildMediaList(mediatype)
+	end
+	return mediaList[mediatype]
+function LMP:GetDefault(mediatype)
+	return defaultMedia[mediatype]
+function LMP:SetDefault(mediatype, key)
+	if mediaTable[mediatype] and mediaTable[mediatype][key] and not defaultMedia[mediatype] then
+		defaultMedia[mediatype] = key
+		return true
+	else
+		return false
+	end
diff --git a/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua b/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c509a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/LibStub/LibStub.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+-- LibStub is a simple versioning stub meant for use in Libraries. for more info
+-- LibStub is hereby placed in the Public Domain Credits: Kaelten, Cladhaire, ckknight, Mikk, Ammo, Nevcairiel, joshborke
+-- LibStub developed for World of Warcraft by above members of the WowAce community.
+-- Ported to Elder Scrolls Online by Seerah
+local LibStub = _G[LIBSTUB_MAJOR]
+local strformat = string.format
+if not LibStub or LibStub.minor < LIBSTUB_MINOR then
+	LibStub = LibStub or {libs = {}, minors = {} }
+	LibStub.minor = LIBSTUB_MINOR
+	function LibStub:NewLibrary(major, minor)
+		assert(type(major) == "string", "Bad argument #2 to `NewLibrary' (string expected)")
+		minor = assert(tonumber(zo_strmatch(minor, "%d+")), "Minor version must either be a number or contain a number.")
+		local oldminor = self.minors[major]
+		if oldminor and oldminor >= minor then return nil end
+		self.minors[major], self.libs[major] = minor, self.libs[major] or {}
+		return self.libs[major], oldminor
+	end
+	function LibStub:GetLibrary(major, silent)
+		if not self.libs[major] and not silent then
+			error(("Cannot find a library instance of %q."):strformat(tostring(major)), 2)
+		end
+		return self.libs[major], self.minors[major]
+	end
+	function LibStub:IterateLibraries() return pairs(self.libs) end
+	setmetatable(LibStub, { __call = LibStub.GetLibrary })