Update corrected strings, and make some superficial changes so strings are readable

katkat42 [10-12-14 - 21:03]
Update corrected strings, and make some superficial changes so strings are readable
diff --git a/Provisioning.lua b/Provisioning.lua
index 67e0840..386cef0 100644
--- a/Provisioning.lua
+++ b/Provisioning.lua
@@ -18,8 +18,19 @@ function SousChef:UpdateProvisioningTable()
     ZO_CheckButton_SetCheckState(self.qualityCheckBox, self.settings.qualityChecked)

     -- make room for the checkbox
-    ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills:ClearAnchors()
-    ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills:SetAnchor( LEFT, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredients, RIGHT, 180 )
+	if SousChef.lang == "fr" then
+		-- the french strings are really long and need extra room
+		--ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredients:ClearAnchors()
+		--ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredients:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelMenuBarDivider, TOPLEFT, -20, 16)
+		--ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills:SetAnchor(LEFT, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredientsLabel, RIGHT, 20)
+		ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelNavigationDivider:ClearAnchors()
+		ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelNavigationDivider:SetAnchor(TOPLEFT, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelMenuBarDivider, BOTTOMLEFT, 0, 62)
+		self.qualityCheckBox:ClearAnchors()
+		self.qualityCheckBox:SetAnchor(TOP, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredientsLabel, BOTTOM, 0, 5)
+	else
+		ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills:ClearAnchors()
+		ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills:SetAnchor( LEFT, ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveIngredientsLabel, RIGHT, 20 )
+	end

 	-- incorporate new checkbox into the filter
     SousChef.filter = PROVISIONER.DoesRecipePassFilter
diff --git a/SousChef.lua b/SousChef.lua
index fcba617..4c83b06 100644
--- a/SousChef.lua
+++ b/SousChef.lua
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 --Author: Wobin

 inspired by ingeniousclown's Research Assistant
+Thanks to Ayantir for the French translations, and sirinsidiator for the German


@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ local function SousChefCreateSettings()
 		name = "Sous Chef",
 		displayName = "Sous Chef",
 		author = "Wobin & KatKat42 & CrazyDutchGuy",
-		version = "1.18",
+		version = "2.7",
 		registerForRefresh = true,
 		slashCommand = "/souschef",
@@ -323,8 +324,6 @@ local function SousChefCreateSettings()

 	LAM:RegisterOptionControls("SousChefSettings", optionsMenu)

 -- SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName) runs when the EVENT_ADD_ON_LOADED event fires.
@@ -387,9 +386,11 @@ local function SousChef_Loaded(eventCode, addOnName)

 	if SousChef.settings.sortKnownIngredients then SousChef.SetupSort() end
 	-- Now we register for some events, and hook into the function that sets the details on the inventory slot
 	zo_callLater(SousChef.HookEvents, 3000)
diff --git a/SousChef.xml b/SousChef.xml
index 6f6b1b6..6b07afa 100644
--- a/SousChef.xml
+++ b/SousChef.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
         <TopLevelControl name="SousChef_Controller">
 				<Button name="$(parent)OnlyQuality" inherits="ZO_CheckButton">
-					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkills" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="150" />
+					<Anchor point="LEFT" relativeTo="ZO_ProvisionerTopLevelHaveSkillsLabel" relativePoint="RIGHT" offsetX="20" />
diff --git a/Strings.lua b/Strings.lua
index e40c423..d896308 100644
--- a/Strings.lua
+++ b/Strings.lua
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ SousChef.Strings = {
 		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS = "Show Recipe Result Counts",
 		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS_TOOLTIP = "Show how many of each recipe can be made in the Ingredient tooltip",
 		MENU_ALT_USE = "Alternate Character Ingredient Usage",
-		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Indicte if an alt uses an ingredient",
+		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Indicate if an alt uses an ingredient",
 		MENU_INDICATOR_HEADER = "Indicator Options",
 		MENU_ICON_SET = "Use bolder icons",
 		MENU_ICON_SET_TOOLTIP = "Swap out rank icons to a more flat display",
@@ -61,128 +61,132 @@ SousChef.Strings = {
 		TOOLTIP_KNOWN_BY = "Known by ",
 		TOOLTIP_USED_IN = "Used in:",
+	-- Thanks to sirinsidiator for the German translations here!
 	de = {
 		-- for slash commands
-		SC_NUM_RECIPES_KNOWN = "Wieviele Rezepte bekannt: ",
-		SC_NUM_INGREDIENTS_TRACKED = "Wieviele Zutaten nachspuert: ",
-		SC_NOT_FOUND = ": nicht in Ausklammersliste gefunden",
+		SC_NUM_RECIPES_KNOWN = "Anzahl bekannter Rezepte: ",
+		SC_NUM_INGREDIENTS_TRACKED = "Anzahl beobachteter Zutaten: ",
+		SC_NOT_FOUND = " wird nicht ignoriert",
 		SC_ADDING1 = "",
-		SC_ADDING2 = " zu Ausklammersliste",
+		SC_ADDING2 = " wird jetzt ignoriert",
 		SC_REMOVING1 = "",
-		SC_REMOVING2 = "wurde aus Ausklammersliste entfernt",
-		SC_IGNORED = "Ausgeklammert:",
+		SC_REMOVING2 = " wird nicht mehr ignoriert",
+		SC_IGNORED = "Ignoriert:",

 		-- Menu items
-		MENU_RECIPE_HEADER = "Rezeptswaehle",
-		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES = "Rezeptsinfos zeigen",
-		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES_TOOLTIP = "Wenn experimentell Rezeptspasser nicht genug ist, dieses Quadrat unwaehlen",
+		MENU_RECIPE_HEADER = "Rezept Einstellungen",
+		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES = "Rezeptsinfos anzeigen",
+		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES_TOOLTIP = "Diese Option abw\195\164hlen, wenn der experimentelle Rezeptnamensvergleich nicht ausreicht",
 		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN = "Rezept markieren wenn?",
 		MENU_KNOWN = "bekannt",
 		MENU_UNKNOWN = "unbekannt",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN_TOOLTIP = "Wenn soll Sous Chef ein Ikon beim Rezept anzeigen?",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Alternate Character Indicator",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Fade the indicator for unknown recipes if an alt knows the recipe.",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "List Character Recipe Knowledge in Tooltips",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Show in tooltips which characters know a recipe",
-		MENU_MATCHER = "Experimentell Rezeptspasser benuetzen",
-		MENU_MATCHER_TOOLTIP = "Currently Sous Chef cannot match reliably in other languages. This will attempt to match as best it can by stripping out common prepositions so that the recipe and result match better. (NOTE: please file a typo bug report with Zenimax if you find recipe names that don't match their results exactly)",
-		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING = "Provisioning Table sortieren",
-		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING_TOOLTIP = "Will sort the provisioning table by Level, Quality, then Name",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_HEADER = "Zutats-tooltip Waehle",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK = "Require Mouse Click to Show Sous Chef Data",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TOOLTIP = "Only show Sous Chef information in ingredient tooltips after a mouse click, to save space",
-		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS = "Show Recipe Result Counts",
-		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS_TOOLTIP = "Show how many of each recipe can be made in the Ingredient tooltip",
-		MENU_ALT_USE = "Alternate Character Ingredient Usage",
-		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Indicte if an alt uses an ingredient",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_HEADER = "Indicator Options",
-		MENU_ICON_SET = "Staerker Ikons benuetzen",
-		MENU_ICON_SET_TOOLTIP = "Swap out rank icons to a more flat display",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS = "Spezielicons fuer Spezielzutaten",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS_TOOLTIP = "If an ingredient is considered a Spice/Flavour, indicate that rather than the tier of the highest tier recipe that uses it",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES = "Spezielzutaten Typen zeigen",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES_TOOLTIP = "Use the icon for the type of food it's a special ingredient for, eg Grilled",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR = "Ikonsfarbe",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Allows you to set the colour of the recipe indicator",
-		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR = "Einkaufzettel Ikonsfarbe",
-		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Allows you to set the colour of hte indicator for ingredients in your Shopping List",
-		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING = "Nur Zutaten auf dem Einkaufzettel markieren",
-		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING_TOOLTIP = "Only mark ingredients on your Shopping List",
-		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS = "Zutaten in Inventory sortieren",
-		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS_TOOLTIP = "Will sort known ingredients by rank",
-		MENU_RELOAD = "Requires UI Reload",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN_TOOLTIP = "Wann soll Sous Chef ein Symbol beim Rezept anzeigen?",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Alternative Charakter Markierung",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Markierung f\195\188r unbekannte Rezepte ausblenden, wenn ein anderer Charakter dieses Rezept bereits kennt.",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Charakter Rezeptsammlung in Kurzinfos auflisten",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Zeige in den Kurzinfos welche Spielfiguren ein Rezept kennen",
+		MENU_MATCHER = "Experimentellen Rezeptnamensvergleich nutzen",
+		MENU_MATCHER_TOOLTIP = "Derzeit kann Sous Chef in Deutsch nicht eindeutig zuordnen welches Rezept welches Gericht herstellt (z.B. stellt das Rezept Geißelw\195\188rzenconfit das Gericht Geißelw\195\188rzeconfit her - mit einem n weniger bei w\195\188rzen). Es wird daher versucht Teile des Rezeptnamens wegzulassen, um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. (HINWEIS: Bitte melde einen Fehler an Zenimax wenn ein Rezeptname nicht exakt mit dem Gericht \195\188bereinstimmt.)",
+		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING = "Rezeptliste sortieren",
+		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING_TOOLTIP = "Sortiert die Rezepte im Versorgungsmen\195\188 nach Level, Qualit\195\164t und Namen",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_HEADER = "Zutatenkurzinfo Einstellungen",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK = "Sous Chef Daten nur durch Mausklick anzeigen",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TOOLTIP = "Zeige Sous Chef Informationen in Zutatenkurzinfos erst nach einem Mausklick, um Platz zu sparen",
+		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS = "Zeige Anzahl produzierbarer Gerichte",
+		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS_TOOLTIP = "Zeige in den Zutatenkurzinfos, wieviele Gerichte mit einem Rezept gekocht werden k\195\182nnen",
+		MENU_ALT_USE = "Zutatenverbrauch anderer Spielfiguren",
+		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Anzeigen wenn ein anderer Charakter eine Zutat verwendet",
+		MENU_INDICATOR_HEADER = "Markierungs Einstellungen",
+		MENU_ICON_SET = "Fettere Symbole verwenden",
+		MENU_ICON_SET_TOOLTIP = "Ersetzt die Rangsymbole mit besser sichtbaren Versionen",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS = "Spezielle Symbole f\195\188r spezielle Zutaten",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS_TOOLTIP = "Wenn eine Zutat ein Gew\195\188rz (S) oder Geschmackstr\195\164ger (F) ist, zeige ein entsprechendes Symbol, anstelle des h\195\182chsten Rezeptranges welches sie verwendet.",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES = "Spezialzutaten Typen anzeigen",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES_TOOLTIP = "Verwende Symbole f\195\188r den Rezepttyp f\195\188r den es eine Spezialzutat ist (z.B. Gegrilltes)",
+		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR = "Symbolfarbe",
+		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Erm\195\182glicht es die Farbe der Markierungen zu setzen",
+		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR = "Einkauflisten Symbolfarbe",
+		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Erm\195\182glicht es die Farbe f\195\188ür Markierungen von Zutaten auf der Einkaufsliste zu setzen",
+		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING = "Nur Zutaten auf der Einkaufsliste markieren",
+		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING_TOOLTIP = "Es werden nur Zutaten von Rezepten auf der Einkaufsliste markiert",
+		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS = "Zutaten im Inventar sortieren",
+		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS_TOOLTIP = "Zutaten im Inventar werden nach Rang sortiert",
+		MENU_RELOAD = "Ben\195\182tigt das Neuladen der Benutzeroberfl\195\164che (/reloadui)",

 		-- keybinding label
 		KEY_MARK = "Rezept markieren",

 		-- provisioning window
-		PROVISIONING_QUALITY = "Gruene Rezepte verstecken",
+		PROVISIONING_QUALITY = "Gr\195\188ne Rezepte verstecken",
 		PROVISIONING_MARKED = "Markiert von: ",

 		-- tooltip
-		TOOLTIP_KNOWN_BY = "Bekannt von ",
-		TOOLTIP_USED_IN = "Benuezt beim:",
+		TOOLTIP_KNOWN_BY = "Gelernt von ",
+		TOOLTIP_USED_IN = "Verwendet in:",
+	--Thanks to Ayantir for the French translations here!
 	fr = {
 		-- for slash commands
-		SC_NUM_RECIPES_KNOWN = "Number of recipes known: ",
-		SC_NUM_INGREDIENTS_TRACKED = "Number of ingredients tracked: ",
-		SC_NOT_FOUND = " not found in ignore list",
-		SC_ADDING1 = "Adding ",
-		SC_ADDING2 = " to ignored recipes",
-		SC_REMOVING1 = "Removed ",
-		SC_REMOVING2 = " from ignored recipes",
-		SC_IGNORED = "Ignoring:",
+		SC_NUM_RECIPES_KNOWN = "Nombre de recettes connues: ",
+		SC_NUM_INGREDIENTS_TRACKED = "Nombre d'ingrédients suivis: ",
+		SC_NOT_FOUND = " n'a pas été trouvée dans les éléments ignorés",
+		SC_ADDING1 = "Ajout de ",
+		SC_ADDING2 = " aux recettes ignorées",
+		SC_REMOVING1 = "Suppression de ",
+		SC_REMOVING2 = " des recettes ignorées",
+		SC_IGNORED = "Recettes ignorées:",

 		-- Menu items
-		MENU_RECIPE_HEADER = "Recipe Options",
-		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES = "Have Sous Chef display info for recipes",
-		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES_TOOLTIP = "Non English clients may want to untick this if the experimental matching isn't sufficient",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN = "Mark recipe if it is ",
-		MENU_KNOWN = "known",
-		MENU_UNKNOWN = "unknown",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN_TOOLTIP = "When do you want Sous Chef to display an indicator by a recipe?",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Alternate Character Indicator",
-		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Fade the indicator for unknown recipes if an alt knows the recipe.",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "List Character Recipe Knowledge in Tooltips",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Show in tooltips which characters know a recipe",
-		MENU_MATCHER = "Use the Experimental Recipe Matcher",
-		MENU_MATCHER_TOOLTIP = "Currently Sous Chef cannot match reliably in other languages. This will attempt to match as best it can by stripping out common prepositions so that the recipe and result match better. (NOTE: please file a typo bug report with Zenimax if you find recipe names that don't match their results exactly)",
-		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING = "Sort the Provisioning Table",
-		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING_TOOLTIP = "Will sort the provisioning table by Level, Quality, then Name",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_HEADER = "Ingredient Tooltip Options",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK = "Require Mouse Click to Show Sous Chef Data",
-		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TOOLTIP = "Only show Sous Chef information in ingredient tooltips after a mouse click, to save space",
-		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS = "Show Recipe Result Counts",
-		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS_TOOLTIP = "Show how many of each recipe can be made in the Ingredient tooltip",
-		MENU_ALT_USE = "Alternate Character Ingredient Usage",
-		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Indicte if an alt uses an ingredient",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_HEADER = "Indicator Options",
-		MENU_ICON_SET = "Use bolder icons",
-		MENU_ICON_SET_TOOLTIP = "Swap out rank icons to a more flat display",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS = "Special Icons for Special Ingredients",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS_TOOLTIP = "If an ingredient is considered a Spice/Flavour, indicate that rather than the tier of the highest tier recipe that uses it",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES = "Show Special Ingredient Types",
-		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES_TOOLTIP = "Use the icon for the type of food it's a special ingredient for, eg Grilled",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR = "Indicator Colour",
-		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Allows you to set the colour of the recipe indicator",
-		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR = "Shopping List Indicator Colour",
-		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Allows you to set the colour of hte indicator for ingredients in your Shopping List",
-		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING = "Only Mark Shopping List Ingredients",
-		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING_TOOLTIP = "Only mark ingredients on your Shopping List",
-		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS = "Sort Ingredients in Inventory",
-		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS_TOOLTIP = "Will sort known ingredients by rank",
-		MENU_RELOAD = "Requires UI Reload",
+		MENU_RECIPE_HEADER = "Recettes",
+		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES = "Afficher des infos complémentaires aux recettes",
+		MENU_PROCESS_RECIPES_TOOLTIP = "Si votre jeu n'est pas en anglais, il faudra peut-être désactiver cette option si la reconnaissance des recettes ne fonctionne pas correctement",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN = "Indiquer si la recette est ",
+		MENU_KNOWN = "connue",
+		MENU_UNKNOWN = "inconnue",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_KNOWN_TOOLTIP = "Quand voulez-vous que Sous Chef affiche une coche sur une recette?",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Vérification des autres personnages",
+		MENU_MARK_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Masque la coche indiquant qu'une recette est inconnue si un de vos autres personnages la connait déjà",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS = "Recettes connues dans les info-bulles",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_IF_ALT_KNOWS_TOOLTIP = "Affiche dans les info-bulles quel personnage connait quelle recette",
+		MENU_MATCHER = "Détection expérimentale des recettes",
+		MENU_MATCHER_TOOLTIP = "Pour l'instant, Sous Chef ne peut savoir exactement si vous connaisse une recette. Cette option permettra à Sous Chef de détecter au mieux celles-ci en supprimant les éléments de grammaire superflus. (NOTE: Merci de signaler un ticket à Zenimax si vous trouvez des recettes dont leur nom ne correspond pas au résultat fabriqué)",
+		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING = "Trier la liste des recettes",
+		MENU_SORT_PROVISIONING_TOOLTIP = "La liste des recettes sera triée par niveau puis qualité et enfin par nom",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_HEADER = "Options pour les ingrédients",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK = "Cliquer pour afficher les infos de Sous Chef",
+		MENU_TOOLTIP_CLICK_TOOLTIP = "N'affichera seulement les informations additionnelles de Sous Chef sur les info-bulles des ingrédients qu'après avoir cliqué dessus pour économiser de l'espace",
+		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS = "Nombre de fabrications possibles",
+		MENU_RESULT_COUNTS_TOOLTIP = "Affiche combien de fois chaque recette peut être cuisinée dans l'info-bulle des ingrédients",
+		MENU_ALT_USE = "Vérification des autres personnages",
+		MENU_ALT_USE_TOOLTIP = "Indique si un autre personnage sait utiliser l'ingrédient",
+		MENU_ICON_SET = "Utiliser des icônes plus foncées",
+		MENU_ICON_SET_TOOLTIP = "Utiliser des icônes plus lissées que par défaut",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS = "Icônes pour les ingrédients spéciaux",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_ICONS_TOOLTIP = "Si un ingrédient est considéré comme une Epice (S) ou un assaisonnement (F), afficher une icône particulière plutôt que le tiers le plus élevé de la recette qui l'utilise",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES = "Afficher les types d'ingrédients spéciaux",
+		MENU_SPECIAL_TYPES_TOOLTIP = "Utiliser l'icône du type de recette dans laquelle entre en composition les ingrédients spéciaux (ex: Bière)",
+		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR = "Couleur des marques",
+		MENU_INDICATOR_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Vous permet de modifier la couleur des marques indiquant le rang des recettes utilisant l'ingrédient",
+		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR = "Couleur des ingrédients marqués",
+		MENU_SHOPPING_COLOR_TOOLTIP = "Vous permet de modifier la couleur des marques indiquant le rang des recettes marquées utilisant l'ingrédient",
+		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING = "N'afficher que les ingrédients marqués",
+		MENU_ONLY_MARK_SHOPPING_TOOLTIP = "N'afficher que les ingrédients marqués",
+		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS = "Trier les ingrédients dans les sacs",
+		MENU_SORT_INGREDIENTS_TOOLTIP = "Cette option activée, les ingrédients seront triés par rang dans les sacs",
+		MENU_RELOAD = "Nécessite de recharger l'interface (ReloadUI)",

 		-- keybinding label
-		KEY_MARK = "Mark Recipe",
+		KEY_MARK = "Marquer la recette",

 		-- provisioning window
-		PROVISIONING_QUALITY = "Hide Green Recipes",
-		PROVISIONING_MARKED = "Marked by: ",
+		PROVISIONING_QUALITY = "Masquer les recettes Vertes",
+		PROVISIONING_MARKED = "Marqué par : ",

 		-- tooltip
-		TOOLTIP_KNOWN_BY = "Known by ",
-		TOOLTIP_USED_IN = "Used in:",
+		TOOLTIP_KNOWN_BY = "Connue par ",
+		TOOLTIP_USED_IN = "Utilisé par :",
\ No newline at end of file